FileWatcher::FailedToWatchFileException::FailedToWatchFileException(const boost::filesystem::path& path, const std::string& why) : std::runtime_error("FailedToWatchFile: " + path.string() + " Why: " + why) {}
Bundle2::Bundle2(const boost::filesystem::path& fileName, bool loadGeometry): version_(BUNDLE_VERSION), poiFirstFrame_(0) { // Opening file H5::H5File bundleFile; bundleFile.openFile(fileName.string(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY); loadParameters(bundleFile); // Loading POI H5::Group poiGroup = bundleFile.openGroup("/POI"); hsize_t count; H5::Attribute attr = poiGroup.openAttribute("count");, &count); attr.close(); for(size_t frame = 0; frame < count; ++frame) { cout.flush(); const std::string frameGroupName = boost::str(boost::format("Frame %1$04d") % frame); H5::Group frameGroup = poiGroup.openGroup(frameGroupName); addPOIFrame(); for(size_t camera = 0; camera < numCameras_; ++camera) poi_[poi_.size() - 1][camera].load(frameGroup, camera); frameGroup.close(); } poiGroup.close(); // Loading frames H5::Group bundleGroup = bundleFile.openGroup("/Bundle"); H5::Group framesGroup = bundleGroup.openGroup("Frames"); attr = framesGroup.openAttribute("count");, &count); attr.close(); for(size_t frame = 0; frame < count; ++frame) { Frame* f = new Frame(framesGroup, frame, numCameras_); frames_.push_back(f); } framesGroup.close(); // Loading tracks H5::DataSet tracksDataset = bundleGroup.openDataSet("Tracks"); hsize_t tracksDim[2]; H5::DataSpace tracksDS = tracksDataset.getSpace(); tracksDS.getSimpleExtentDims(tracksDim); tracksDS.close(); for(size_t i = 0; i < tracksDim[0]; ++i) { size_t j = addTrack(); tracks_[j]->load(tracksDataset, frames_, i); } tracksDataset.close(); bundleGroup.close(); if(loadGeometry && checkGeometry_(bundleFile)) loadGeometry_(bundleFile); bundleFile.close(); }
static evaluation parse(const boost::filesystem::path& p) { evaluation e = parse_filename(p.filename().string()); parse_file(e, p.string()); return e; }
void OMW::Engine::addZipResource (const boost::filesystem::path& path) { mOgre->getRoot()->addResourceLocation (path.string(), "Zip", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, false); }
QString boostPathToQString(const boost::filesystem::path &path) { return QString::fromStdString(path.string()); }
void SaveOpticalFlowMap( boost::filesystem::path opticalFlowMapPath, cv::Mat opticalFlowMap ) { std::ofstream file( opticalFlowMapPath.native_file_string().c_str(), std::ios::binary ); file.write( (char*), opticalFlowMap.rows * opticalFlowMap.cols * sizeof( cv::Vec2f ) ); file.close(); }
inline const std::string as_string(const boost::filesystem::path & path) { return path.string(); }
BufferBuilder::BufferBuilder(boost::filesystem::path& file, size_t fileSize, unsigned int bufferCount, size_t cacheSize) : STR_FILE(file.string()), FILE_SIZE(fileSize), BUFFER_COUNT(bufferCount), CACHE_SIZE(cacheSize) { }
void archive_t::deploy(const fs::path& prefix) { archive * target = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_entry * entry = NULL; int rv = ARCHIVE_OK; int flags = ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_PERM | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ACL | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_FFLAGS | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NODOTDOT; archive_write_disk_set_options(target, flags); archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup(target); while(true) { rv = archive_read_next_header(m_archive, &entry); if(rv == ARCHIVE_EOF) { break; } else if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(m_archive); } fs::path path = archive_entry_pathname(entry); // NOTE: Prepend the target path to the stored file path // in order to unpack it into the right place. archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, (prefix / path).string().c_str()); rv = archive_write_header(target, entry); if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(target); } else if(archive_entry_size(entry) > 0) { extract(m_archive, target); } } rv = archive_write_finish_entry(target); if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(target); } // NOTE: The reported count is off by one for some reason. size_t count = archive_file_count(m_archive) - 1; COCAINE_LOG_INFO( m_log, "archive type: %s, extracted %d %s to '%s'", type(), count, count == 1 ? "file" : "files", prefix.string() ); archive_write_close(target); archive_write_finish(target); }
NotADirException(const boost::filesystem::path& p) : std::runtime_error(p.string() + " Is not a directory") {}
void make_cpp_file(const std::string & content, const fs::path & path) { std::ofstream f { path.string() }; f << content; }
std::string get_filename() const { return module_.filename().string(); }
LPVOID load_proc(std::string name) { if (handle_ == NULL) throw dll_exception("Failed to load process since module is not loaded: " + module_.filename().string()); LPVOID ep = GetProcAddress(handle_, name.c_str()); return ep; }
DataFileIndexer::DataFileIndexer(const boost::filesystem::path &data_file, const unsigned int _events_per_block, const unsigned int multiplication_factor_per_level, const int number_of_indexing_threads) : events_per_block(_events_per_block) { uri = "ldobinary:file://" + data_file.string(); // I hate myself for this char *uri_temp = new char[uri.length() + 1]; strncpy(uri_temp, uri.c_str(), uri.length() + 1); session = scarab_session_connect(uri_temp); delete [] uri_temp; { std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> > event_blocks; { number_of_events = 0; std::vector<unsigned int> event_codes_in_block; MonkeyWorksTime max_time = MIN_MONKEY_WORKS_TIME(); MonkeyWorksTime min_time = MAX_MONKEY_WORKS_TIME(); long int previous_datum_location = scarab_tell(session); ScarabDatum *datum = NULL; while(datum = scarab_read(session)) { event_codes_in_block.push_back(DataFileUtilities::getScarabEventCode(datum)); const MonkeyWorksTime event_time = DataFileUtilities::getScarabEventTime(datum); max_time = max_time > event_time ? max_time : event_time; min_time = min_time < event_time ? min_time : event_time; number_of_events++; //std::cout << number_of_events << " "; if(number_of_events % events_per_block == 0) { std::sort(event_codes_in_block.begin(), event_codes_in_block.end()); event_codes_in_block.erase(std::unique(event_codes_in_block.begin(), event_codes_in_block.end()), event_codes_in_block.end()); std::cout << "indexing block " << event_blocks.size() << " .. time : " << min_time << "LL - " << max_time << "LL" << std::endl; // cerr << "new event block : num events : " << event_codes_in_block.size() << endl; boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> new_event_block = boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock>(new EventBlock(previous_datum_location, min_time, max_time, event_codes_in_block)); event_blocks.push_back(new_event_block); event_codes_in_block.clear(); max_time = MIN_MONKEY_WORKS_TIME(); min_time = MAX_MONKEY_WORKS_TIME(); previous_datum_location = scarab_tell(session); } scarab_free_datum(datum); } // add in the remainder blocks boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> new_event_block = boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock>(new EventBlock(previous_datum_location, min_time, max_time, event_codes_in_block)); event_blocks.push_back(new_event_block); //std::cout << "size " << event_blocks.size(); } { // build the tree int events_per_node = events_per_block; int number_of_levels = 1; while(events_per_node < number_of_events) { number_of_levels++; events_per_node *= multiplication_factor_per_level; } std::vector <boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> > blocks_at_next_level = event_blocks; for(int i = 1; i < number_of_levels; ++i) { std::vector <boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> > blocks_at_current_level; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> >::const_iterator j = blocks_at_next_level.begin(); while(j != blocks_at_next_level.end()) { std::vector <boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> > children; for(int k = 0; k < multiplication_factor_per_level && j != blocks_at_next_level.end(); ++k) { children.push_back(*j); ++j; } boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock> new_block = boost::shared_ptr<EventBlock>(new EventBlock(children)); blocks_at_current_level.push_back(new_block); } blocks_at_next_level = blocks_at_current_level; } if(blocks_at_next_level.size() != 1) { //badness std::cerr << "something went wrong...please abort and try again" << std::endl; throw new std::exception; } root =; } } }
flowcell::Layout FastqFlowcell::createFilteredFlowcell( const std::string &tilesFilter, const boost::filesystem::path &baseCallsDirectory, const bool compressed, const unsigned laneNumberMax, const unsigned readNameLength, std::string useBasesMask, const bool allowVariableFastqLength, const std::string &seedDescriptor, const unsigned seedLength, const reference::ReferenceMetadataList &referenceMetadataList, unsigned &firstPassSeeds) { FastqPathPairList flowcellFilePaths = findFastqPathPairs(compressed, laneNumberMax, baseCallsDirectory); if (flowcellFilePaths.empty()) { const boost::format message = boost::format("\n *** Could not find any fastq lanes in: %s ***\n") % baseCallsDirectory; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(common::InvalidOptionException(message.str())); } FastqFlowcellInfo flowcellInfo = parseFastqFlowcellInfo(flowcellFilePaths, allowVariableFastqLength, readNameLength); std::vector<unsigned int> readLengths; if (flowcellInfo.readLengths_.first) { readLengths.push_back(flowcellInfo.readLengths_.first); } if (flowcellInfo.readLengths_.second) { readLengths.push_back(flowcellInfo.readLengths_.second); } if ("default" == useBasesMask) { if (readLengths.size() == 1) { useBasesMask = "y*n"; } else if (readLengths.size() == 2) { useBasesMask = "y*n,y*n"; } else { const boost::format message = boost::format("\n *** Could not guess the use-bases-mask for '%s', please supply the explicit value ***\n") % baseCallsDirectory.string(); BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(common::InvalidOptionException(message.str())); } } std::vector<unsigned int> readFirstCycles; ParsedUseBasesMask parsedUseBasesMask; alignment::SeedMetadataList seedMetadataList; if (!readLengths.empty()) { parsedUseBasesMask = parseUseBasesMask(readFirstCycles, readLengths, seedLength, useBasesMask, baseCallsDirectory); seedMetadataList = parseSeedDescriptor(parsedUseBasesMask.dataReads_, seedDescriptor, seedLength, firstPassSeeds); } flowcell::Layout fc(baseCallsDirectory, flowcell::Layout::Fastq, flowcell::FastqFlowcellData(compressed), laneNumberMax, flowcellInfo.readNameLength_, std::vector<unsigned>(), parsedUseBasesMask.dataReads_, seedMetadataList, flowcellInfo.flowcellId_); std::string regexString(tilesFilter); std::replace(regexString.begin(), regexString.end(), ',', '|'); boost::regex re(regexString); BOOST_FOREACH(const unsigned int lane, flowcellInfo.getLanes()) { std::string laneString((boost::format("s_%d") % lane).str()); if (boost::regex_search(laneString, re)) { fc.addTile(lane, 1); } } return fc; }
void geoprojectEditMadrid(boost::filesystem::path & geoproj_path, const std::vector<double> & dvs, int seed) { pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(geoproj_path.c_str()); //// Parameters - Self-Influence Neighbourhood Rules // Arable land (Function Class 1) // From ARAble land to ARAble land double araara1 = dvs[0]; double araara2 = dvs[1]; double araara3 = dvs[2]; // Permanent crops (Function Class 2) // From PERmanent crops to PERmanent crops double perper1 = dvs[3]; double perper2 = dvs[4]; double perper3 = dvs[5]; // Pastures (Function Class 3) // From PAStures to PAStures double paspas1 = dvs[6]; double paspas2 = dvs[7]; double paspas3 = dvs[8]; // Agricultural areas (Function Class 4) // From AGRicultural areas to AGRicultural areas double agragr1 = dvs[9]; double agragr2 = dvs[10]; double agragr3 = dvs[11]; // Residential (Function Class 5) // From RESidential to RESidential double resres1 = dvs[12]; double resres2 = dvs[13]; double resres3 = dvs[14]; // Industry & commerce (Function class 6) // From INDustry & commerce to INDustry & commerce double indind1 = dvs[15]; double indind2 = dvs[16]; double indind3 = dvs[17]; // Recreation areas (Function class 7) // From RECreation areas to RECreation areas double recrec1 = dvs[18]; double recrec2 = dvs[19]; double recrec3 = dvs[20]; // Forest (Function class 8) // From FORest to FORest double forfor1 = dvs[21]; double forfor2 = dvs[22]; double forfor3 = dvs[23]; //// Parameters - Interaction Neighbourhood Rules // Arable land (Function Class 1) // From NATural areas to ARAble land double natara1 = dvs[24]; double natara2 = dvs[25]; double natara3 = dvs[26]; // From From PERmanent crops to ARAble land double perara1 = dvs[27]; double perara2 = dvs[28]; double perara3 = dvs[29]; // From PAStures to ARAble land double pasara1 = dvs[30]; double pasara2 = dvs[31]; double pasara3 = dvs[32]; // From AGRicultural areas to ARAble land double agrara1 = dvs[33]; double agrara2 = dvs[34]; double agrara3 = dvs[35]; // From RESidential to ARAble land double resara1 = dvs[36]; double resara2 = dvs[37]; double resara3 = dvs[38]; // From INDustry & commerce to ARAble land double indara1 = dvs[39]; double indara2 = dvs[40]; double indara3 = dvs[41]; // From RECreation areas to ARAble land double recara1 = dvs[42]; double recara2 = dvs[43]; double recara3 = dvs[44]; // From FORest to ARAble land double forara1 = dvs[45]; double forara2 = dvs[46]; double forara3 = dvs[47]; // From ROAd & rail to ARAble land double roaara1 = dvs[48]; double roaara2 = dvs[49]; double roaara3 = dvs[50]; // From PORt area to ARAble land double porara1 = dvs[51]; double porara2 = dvs[52]; double porara3 = dvs[53]; // From AIRports to ARAble land double airara1 = dvs[54]; double airara2 = dvs[55]; double airara3 = dvs[56]; // From MINe and dump sites to ARAble land double minara1 = dvs[57]; double minara2 = dvs[58]; double minara3 = dvs[59]; // From FREsh water to ARAble land double freara1 = dvs[60]; double freara2 = dvs[61]; double freara3 = dvs[62]; // From MARine water to ARAble land double marara1 = dvs[63]; double marara2 = dvs[64]; double marara3 = dvs[65]; // Permanent crops (Function Class 2) // From NATural areas to PERmanent crops double natper1 = dvs[66]; double natper2 = dvs[67]; double natper3 = dvs[68]; // From ARAble land to PERmanent crops double araper1 = dvs[69]; double araper2 = dvs[70]; double araper3 = dvs[71]; // From PAStures to PERmanent crops double pasper1 = dvs[72]; double pasper2 = dvs[73]; double pasper3 = dvs[74]; // From AGRicultural areas to PERmanent crops double agrper1 = dvs[75]; double agrper2 = dvs[76]; double agrper3 = dvs[77]; // From RESidential to PERmanent crops double resper1 = dvs[78]; double resper2 = dvs[79]; double resper3 = dvs[80]; // From INDustry & commerce to PERmanent crops double indper1 = dvs[81]; double indper2 = dvs[82]; double indper3 = dvs[83]; // From RECreation areas to PERmanent crops double recper1 = dvs[84]; double recper2 = dvs[85]; double recper3 = dvs[86]; // From FORest to PERmanent crops double forper1 = dvs[87]; double forper2 = dvs[88]; double forper3 = dvs[89]; // From ROAd & rail to PERmanent crops double roaper1 = dvs[90]; double roaper2 = dvs[91]; double roaper3 = dvs[92]; // From PORt area to PERmanent crops double porper1 = dvs[93]; double porper2 = dvs[94]; double porper3 = dvs[95]; // From AIRports to PERmanent crops double airper1 = dvs[96]; double airper2 = dvs[97]; double airper3 = dvs[98]; // From MINe & dump sites to PERmanent crops double minper1 = dvs[99]; double minper2 = dvs[100]; double minper3 = dvs[101]; // From FREsh water to PERmanent crops double freper1 = dvs[102]; double freper2 = dvs[103]; double freper3 = dvs[104]; // From MARine water to PERmanent crops double marper1 = dvs[105]; double marper2 = dvs[106]; double marper3 = dvs[107]; // Pastures (Function Class 3) // From NATural areas to PAStures double natpas1 = dvs[108]; double natpas2 = dvs[109]; double natpas3 = dvs[110]; // From ARAble land to PAStures double arapas1 = dvs[111]; double arapas2 = dvs[112]; double arapas3 = dvs[113]; // From PERmanent crops to PAStures double perpas1 = dvs[114]; double perpas2 = dvs[115]; double perpas3 = dvs[116]; // From AGRicultural areas to PAStures double agrpas1 = dvs[117]; double agrpas2 = dvs[118]; double agrpas3 = dvs[119]; // From RESidential to PAStures double respas1 = dvs[120]; double respas2 = dvs[121]; double respas3 = dvs[122]; // From INDustry & commerce to PAStures double indpas1 = dvs[123]; double indpas2 = dvs[124]; double indpas3 = dvs[125]; // From RECreation areas to PAStures double recpas1 = dvs[126]; double recpas2 = dvs[127]; double recpas3 = dvs[128]; // From FORest to PAStures double forpas1 = dvs[129]; double forpas2 = dvs[130]; double forpas3 = dvs[131]; // From ROAd & rail to PAStures double roapas1 = dvs[132]; double roapas2 = dvs[133]; double roapas3 = dvs[134]; // From PORt area to PAStures double porpas1 = dvs[135]; double porpas2 = dvs[136]; double porpas3 = dvs[137]; // From AIRports to PAStures double airpas1 = dvs[138]; double airpas2 = dvs[139]; double airpas3 = dvs[140]; // From MINe & dump sites to PAStures double minpas1 = dvs[141]; double minpas2 = dvs[142]; double minpas3 = dvs[143]; // From FREsh water to PAStures double frepas1 = dvs[144]; double frepas2 = dvs[145]; double frepas3 = dvs[146]; // From MARine water to PAStures double marpas1 = dvs[147]; double marpas2 = dvs[148]; double marpas3 = dvs[149]; // Agricultural areas (Function Class 4) // From NATural areas to AGRicultural areas double natagr1 = dvs[150]; double natagr2 = dvs[151]; double natagr3 = dvs[152]; // From ARAble land to AGRicultural areas double araagr1 = dvs[153]; double araagr2 = dvs[154]; double araagr3 = dvs[155]; // From PERmanent crops to AGRicultural areas double peragr1 = dvs[156]; double peragr2 = dvs[157]; double peragr3 = dvs[158]; // From PAStures to AGRicultural areas double pasagr1 = dvs[159]; double pasagr2 = dvs[160]; double pasagr3 = dvs[161]; // From RESidential to AGRicultural areas double resagr1 = dvs[162]; double resagr2 = dvs[163]; double resagr3 = dvs[164]; // From INDustry & commerce to AGRicultural areas double indagr1 = dvs[165]; double indagr2 = dvs[166]; double indagr3 = dvs[167]; // From RECreation areas to AGRicultural areas double recagr1 = dvs[168]; double recagr2 = dvs[169]; double recagr3 = dvs[170]; // From FORest to AGRicultural areas double foragr1 = dvs[171]; double foragr2 = dvs[172]; double foragr3 = dvs[173]; // From ROAd & rail to AGRicultural areas double roaagr1 = dvs[174]; double roaagr2 = dvs[175]; double roaagr3 = dvs[176]; // From PORt area to AGRicultural areas double poragr1 = dvs[177]; double poragr2 = dvs[178]; double poragr3 = dvs[179]; // From AIRports to AGRicultural areas double airagr1 = dvs[180]; double airagr2 = dvs[181]; double airagr3 = dvs[182]; // From MINe & dump sites to AGRicultural areas double minagr1 = dvs[183]; double minagr2 = dvs[184]; double minagr3 = dvs[185]; // From FREsh water to AGRicultural areas double freagr1 = dvs[186]; double freagr2 = dvs[187]; double freagr3 = dvs[188]; // From MARine water to AGRicultural areas double maragr1 = dvs[189]; double maragr2 = dvs[190]; double maragr3 = dvs[191]; // Residential (Function Class 5) // From NATural areas to RESidential double natres1 = dvs[192]; double natres2 = dvs[193]; double natres3 = dvs[194]; // From ARAble land to RESidential double arares1 = dvs[195]; double arares2 = dvs[196]; double arares3 = dvs[197]; // From PERmanent crops to RESidential double perres1 = dvs[198]; double perres2 = dvs[199]; double perres3 = dvs[200]; // From PAStures to RESidential double pasres1 = dvs[201]; double pasres2 = dvs[202]; double pasres3 = dvs[203]; // From AGRicultural areas to RESidential double agrres1 = dvs[204]; double agrres2 = dvs[205]; double agrres3 = dvs[206]; // From INDustry & commerce to RESidential double indres1 = dvs[207]; double indres2 = dvs[208]; double indres3 = dvs[209]; // From RECreation areas to RESidential double recres1 = dvs[210]; double recres2 = dvs[211]; double recres3 = dvs[212]; // From FORest to RESidential double forres1 = dvs[213]; double forres2 = dvs[214]; double forres3 = dvs[215]; // From ROAd & rail to RESidential double roares1 = dvs[216]; double roares2 = dvs[217]; double roares3 = dvs[218]; // From PORt area to RESidential double porres1 = dvs[219]; double porres2 = dvs[220]; double porres3 = dvs[221]; // From AIRports to RESidential double airres1 = dvs[222]; double airres2 = dvs[223]; double airres3 = dvs[224]; // From MINe & dump sites to RESidential double minres1 = dvs[225]; double minres2 = dvs[226]; double minres3 = dvs[227]; // From FREsh water to RESidential double freres1 = dvs[228]; double freres2 = dvs[229]; double freres3 = dvs[230]; // From MARine water to RESidential double marres1 = dvs[231]; double marres2 = dvs[232]; double marres3 = dvs[233]; // Industry & commerce (Function class 6) // From NATural areas to INDustry & commerce double natind1 = dvs[234]; double natind2 = dvs[235]; double natind3 = dvs[236]; // From ARAble land to INDustry & commerce double araind1 = dvs[237]; double araind2 = dvs[238]; double araind3 = dvs[239]; // From PERmanent crops to INDustry & commerce double perind1 = dvs[240]; double perind2 = dvs[241]; double perind3 = dvs[242]; // From PAStures to INDustry & commerce double pasind1 = dvs[243]; double pasind2 = dvs[244]; double pasind3 = dvs[245]; // From AGRicultural areas to INDustry & commerce double agrind1 = dvs[246]; double agrind2 = dvs[247]; double agrind3 = dvs[248]; // From RESidential to INDustry & commerce double resind1 = dvs[249]; double resind2 = dvs[250]; double resind3 = dvs[251]; // From RECreation areas to INDustry & commerce double recind1 = dvs[252]; double recind2 = dvs[253]; double recind3 = dvs[254]; // From FORest to INDustry & commerce double forind1 = dvs[255]; double forind2 = dvs[256]; double forind3 = dvs[257]; // From ROAd & rail to INDustry & commerce double roaind1 = dvs[258]; double roaind2 = dvs[259]; double roaind3 = dvs[260]; // From PORt area to INDustry & commerce double porind1 = dvs[261]; double porind2 = dvs[262]; double porind3 = dvs[263]; // From AIRports to INDustry & commerce double airind1 = dvs[264]; double airind2 = dvs[265]; double airind3 = dvs[266]; // From MINe & dump sites to INDustry & commerce double minind1 = dvs[267]; double minind2 = dvs[268]; double minind3 = dvs[269]; // From FREsh water to INDustry & commerce double freind1 = dvs[270]; double freind2 = dvs[271]; double freind3 = dvs[272]; // From MARine water to INDustry & commerce double marind1 = dvs[273]; double marind2 = dvs[274]; double marind3 = dvs[275]; // Recreation areas (Function class 7) // From NATural areas to RECreation areas double natrec1 = dvs[276]; double natrec2 = dvs[277]; double natrec3 = dvs[278]; // From ARAble land to RECreation areas double ararec1 = dvs[279]; double ararec2 = dvs[280]; double ararec3 = dvs[281]; // From PERmanent crops to RECreation areas double perrec1 = dvs[282]; double perrec2 = dvs[283]; double perrec3 = dvs[284]; // From PAStures to RECreation areas double pasrec1 = dvs[285]; double pasrec2 = dvs[286]; double pasrec3 = dvs[287]; // From AGRicultural areas to RECreation areas double agrrec1 = dvs[288]; double agrrec2 = dvs[289]; double agrrec3 = dvs[290]; // From RESidential to RECreation areas double resrec1 = dvs[291]; double resrec2 = dvs[292]; double resrec3 = dvs[293]; // From INDusty & commerce to RECreation areas double indrec1 = dvs[294]; double indrec2 = dvs[295]; double indrec3 = dvs[296]; // From FORest to RECreation areas double forrec1 = dvs[297]; double forrec2 = dvs[298]; double forrec3 = dvs[299]; // From ROAd & rail to RECreation areas double roarec1 = dvs[300]; double roarec2 = dvs[301]; double roarec3 = dvs[302]; // From PORt area to RECreation areas double porrec1 = dvs[303]; double porrec2 = dvs[304]; double porrec3 = dvs[305]; // From AIRports to RECreation areas double airrec1 = dvs[306]; double airrec2 = dvs[307]; double airrec3 = dvs[308]; // From MINe & dump sites to RECreation areas double minrec1 = dvs[309]; double minrec2 = dvs[310]; double minrec3 = dvs[311]; // From FREsh water to RECreation areas double frerec1 = dvs[312]; double frerec2 = dvs[313]; double frerec3 = dvs[314]; // From MARine water to RECreation areas double marrec1 = dvs[315]; double marrec2 = dvs[316]; double marrec3 = dvs[317]; // Forest (class 8) // From NATural areas to FORest double natfor1 = dvs[318]; double natfor2 = dvs[319]; double natfor3 = dvs[320]; // From ARAble land to FORest double arafor1 = dvs[321]; double arafor2 = dvs[322]; double arafor3 = dvs[323]; // From PERmanent crops to FORest double perfor1 = dvs[324]; double perfor2 = dvs[325]; double perfor3 = dvs[326]; // From PAStures to FORest double pasfor1 = dvs[327]; double pasfor2 = dvs[328]; double pasfor3 = dvs[329]; // From AGRicultural areas to FORest double agrfor1 = dvs[330]; double agrfor2 = dvs[331]; double agrfor3 = dvs[332]; // From RESidential to FORest double resfor1 = dvs[333]; double resfor2 = dvs[334]; double resfor3 = dvs[335]; // From INDusty & commerce to FORest double indfor1 = dvs[336]; double indfor2 = dvs[337]; double indfor3 = dvs[338]; // From RECreation areas to FORest double recfor1 = dvs[339]; double recfor2 = dvs[340]; double recfor3 = dvs[341]; // From ROAd & rail to FORest double roafor1 = dvs[342]; double roafor2 = dvs[343]; double roafor3 = dvs[344]; // From PORt area to FORest double porfor1 = dvs[345]; double porfor2 = dvs[346]; double porfor3 = dvs[347]; // From AIRports to FORest double airfor1 = dvs[348]; double airfor2 = dvs[349]; double airfor3 = dvs[350]; // From MINe & dump sites to FORest double minfor1 = dvs[351]; double minfor2 = dvs[352]; double minfor3 = dvs[353]; // From FREsh water to FORest double frefor1 = dvs[354]; double frefor2 = dvs[355]; double frefor3 = dvs[356]; // From MARine water to EXTensive grasslands double marfor1 = dvs[357]; double marfor2 = dvs[358]; double marfor3 = dvs[359]; //// Parameters - Accessibility distance decay // ARAble land double aramdd = dvs[360]; // PERmanent crops double permdd = dvs[361]; // PAStures double pasmdd = dvs[362]; // AGRicultural areas double agrmdd = dvs[363]; // RESidential double resmdd = dvs[364]; // INDustry & commerce double indmdd = dvs[365]; // RECreation areas double recmdd = dvs[366]; // FORest double formdd = dvs[367]; //// Parameters - Accessibility Weights // ARAble land double aramwe = dvs[368]; // PERmanent crops double permwe = dvs[369]; // PAStures double pasmwe = dvs[370]; // AGRicultural areas double agrmwe = dvs[371]; // RESidential double resmwe = dvs[372]; // INDustry & commerce double indmwe = dvs[373]; // RECreation areas double recmwe = dvs[374]; // FORest double formwe = dvs[375]; // %Amend Self-influence Neighbourhood Rules // Arable land setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 1, araara1, araara2, araara3); // Permanent crops setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 2, perper1, perper2, perper3); // Pastures setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 3, paspas1, paspas2, paspas3); // Agricultural areas setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 4, agragr1, agragr2, agragr3); // Residential setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 5, resres1, resres2, resres3); // Industry & commerce setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 6, indind1, indind2, indind3); // Recreation areas setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 7, recrec1, recrec2, recrec3); // Forest setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 8, forfor1, forfor2, forfor3); // %Amend Iteraction Neighbourhood Rules // Arable land setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 1, natara1, natara2, natara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 1, perara1, perara2, perara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 1, pasara1, pasara1, pasara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 1, agrara1, agrara2, agrara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 1, resara1, resara2, resara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 1, indara1, indara2, indara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 1, recara1, recara2, recara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 1, forara1, forara2, forara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 1, roaara1, roaara2, roaara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 1, porara1, porara2, porara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 1, airara1, airara2, airara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 1, minara1, minara2, minara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 1, freara1, freara2, freara3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 1, marara1, marara2, marara3); // Permanent crops setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 2, natper1, natper2, natper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 2, araper1, araper2, araper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 2, pasper1, pasper1, pasper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 2, agrper1, agrper2, agrper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 2, resper1, resper2, resper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 2, indper1, indper2, indper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 2, recper1, recper2, recper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 2, forper1, forper2, forper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 2, roaper1, roaper2, roaper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 2, porper1, porper2, porper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 2, airper1, airper2, airper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 2, minper1, minper2, minper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 2, freper1, freper2, freper3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 2, marper1, marper2, marper3); // Pastures setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 3, natpas1, natpas2, natpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 3, arapas1, arapas2, arapas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 3, perpas1, perpas2, perpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 3, agrpas1, agrpas2, agrpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 3, respas1, respas2, respas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 3, indpas1, indpas2, indpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 3, recpas1, recpas2, recpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 3, forpas1, forpas2, forpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 3, roapas1, roapas2, roapas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 3, porpas1, porpas2, porpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 3, airpas1, airpas2, airpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 3, minpas1, minpas2, minpas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 3, frepas1, frepas2, frepas3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 3, marpas1, marpas2, marpas3); // Agricultural areas setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 4, natagr1, natagr2, natagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 4, araagr1, araagr2, araagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 4, peragr1, peragr2, peragr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 4, pasagr1, pasagr2, pasagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 4, resagr1, resagr2, resagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 4, indagr1, indagr2, indagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 4, recagr1, recagr2, recagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 4, foragr1, foragr2, foragr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 4, roaagr1, roaagr2, roaagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 4, poragr1, poragr2, poragr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 4, airagr1, airagr2, airagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 4, minagr1, minagr2, minagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 4, freagr1, freagr2, freagr3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 4, maragr1, maragr2, maragr3); // Residential setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 5, natres1, natres2, natres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 5, arares1, arares2, arares3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 5, perres1, perres2, perres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 5, pasres1, pasres2, pasres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 5, agrres1, agrres2, agrres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 5, indres1, indres2, indres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 5, recres1, recres2, recres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 5, forres1, forres2, forres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 5, roares1, roares2, roares3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 5, porres1, porres2, porres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 5, airres1, airres2, airres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 5, minres1, minres2, minres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 5, freres1, freres2, freres3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 5, marres1, marres2, marres3); // Industry & commerce setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 6, natind1, natind2, natind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 6, araind1, araind2, araind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 6, perind1, perind2, perind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 6, pasind1, pasind2, pasind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 6, agrind1, agrind2, agrind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 6, resind1, resind2, resind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 6, recind1, recind2, recind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 6, forind1, forind2, forind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 6, roaind1, roaind2, roaind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 6, porind1, porind2, porind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 6, airind1, airind2, airind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 6, minind1, minind2, minind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 6, freind1, freind2, freind3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 6, marind1, marind2, marind3); // Recreation areas setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 7, natrec1, natrec2, natrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 7, ararec1, ararec2, ararec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 7, perrec1, perrec2, perrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 7, pasrec1, pasrec2, pasrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 7, agrrec1, agrrec2, agrrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 7, resrec1, resrec2, resrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 7, indrec1, indrec2, indrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 9, 7, forrec1, forrec2, forrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 7, roarec1, roarec2, roarec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 7, porrec1, porrec2, porrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 7, airrec1, airrec2, airrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 7, minrec1, minrec2, minrec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 7, frerec1, frerec2, frerec3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 7, marrec1, marrec2, marrec3); // Forest setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 1, 8, natfor1, natfor2, natfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 2, 8, arafor1, arafor2, arafor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 3, 8, perfor1, perfor2, perfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 4, 8, pasfor1, pasfor2, pasfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 5, 8, agrfor1, agrfor2, agrfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 6, 8, resfor1, resfor2, resfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 7, 8, indfor1, indfor2, indfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 8, 8, recfor1, recfor2, recfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 10, 8, roafor1, roafor2, roafor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 11, 8, porfor1, porfor2, porfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 12, 8, airfor1, airfor2, airfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 13, 8, minfor1, minfor2, minfor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 14, 8, frefor1, frefor2, frefor3); setExpRuleMadrid(doc, 15, 8, marfor1, marfor2, marfor3); // % Amend Accessibility // % Main roads distance decay setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[1]", aramdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[2]", permdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[3]", pasmdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[4]", agrmdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[5]", resmdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[6]", indmdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[7]", recmdd); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/DistanceDecay/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[8]", formdd); // % Main roads weights setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[1]", aramwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[2]", permwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[3]", pasmwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[4]", agrmwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[5]", resmwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[6]", indmwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[7]", recmwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Accessibility\"]/AccessibilityWithZABlock/Weight/value[@time=\"1990-Jan-01 00:00:00\"]/vector/elem[1]/vector/elem[8]", formwe); setAllValuesXMLNodeMadrid(doc, "/GeonamicaSimulation/model/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"\" and @name=\"MB_Land_use_model\"]/CompositeModelBlock/modelBlocks/modelBlock[@library=\"CAModel.dll\" and @name=\"MB_Total_potential\"]/TotalPotentialBlock/Seed", seed); doc.save_file(geoproj_path.c_str()); }
bool SpriteSet::load(fs::path const& filename) { //cerr << "Loading sprite set: " << filename.native_file_string() << endl; BITMAP *tempBitmap = gfx.loadBitmap(filename.native_file_string().c_str(), 0, true); if (!tempBitmap) return false; LocalSetColorConversion cc(COLORCONV_NONE); LocalSetColorDepth cd(bitmap_color_depth(tempBitmap)); if ( (tempBitmap->w > 1) && (tempBitmap->h > 1) ) { int lastY = 1; int pivotY = -1; angleCount = 0; for (int y = 1; y < tempBitmap->h; ++y) { if( gfx.compareRGB(getpixel(tempBitmap,0,y),makecol(255,0,0)) ) // Red pixel marks the pivot of the sprite { pivotY = y-lastY; } else if( gfx.compareRGB(getpixel(tempBitmap,0,y), 0) || y == tempBitmap->h - 1 ) { ++angleCount; int lastX = 1; int pivotX = -1; frameCount = 0; for (int x = 1; x < tempBitmap->w; ++x) { // Pivot again but for X axis if( gfx.compareRGB(getpixel(tempBitmap,x,0), makecol(255,0,0)) ) { pivotX = x-lastX; } else if(gfx.compareRGB(getpixel(tempBitmap,x,0), 0) || x == tempBitmap->w - 1 ) { BITMAP* spriteFrame = create_bitmap(x-lastX+1, y-lastY+1); blit(tempBitmap, spriteFrame, lastX, lastY, 0, 0, spriteFrame->w, spriteFrame->h); //m_frames.back().push_back(new Sprite( spriteFrame, pivotX, pivotY ) ); m_frames.push_back(new Sprite( spriteFrame, pivotX, pivotY ) ); ++frameCount; pivotX = -1; lastX = x + 1; } } pivotY = -1; lastY = y + 1; } } // Fill the other 180º with the sprites but mirrored. } destroy_bitmap(tempBitmap); m_angleFactor = (angleCount - 1) * 2; m_halfAngleDivisonSize = (1 << 15) / angleCount / 2; return true; }
void writeAbundances(ExpLib& alnLib, boost::filesystem::path& fname, std::string headerComments) { using sailfish::math::LOG_0; using sailfish::math::LOG_1; std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, int (*)(std::FILE *)> output(std::fopen(fname.c_str(), "w"), std::fclose); fmt::print(output.get(), "{}", headerComments); fmt::print(output.get(), "# Name\tLength\tTPM\tFPKM\tNumReads\n"); auto& refs = alnLib.transcripts(); auto numMappedReads = alnLib.numMappedReads(); const double logBillion = std::log(1000000000.0); const double million = 1000000.0; const double logNumFragments = std::log(static_cast<double>(numMappedReads)); auto clusters = alnLib.clusterForest().getClusters(); size_t clusterID = 0; for(auto cptr : clusters) { double logClusterMass = cptr->logMass(); double logClusterCount = std::log(static_cast<double>(cptr->numHits())); if (logClusterMass == LOG_0) { std::cerr << "Warning: cluster " << clusterID << " has 0 mass!\n"; } bool requiresProjection{false}; auto& members = cptr->members(); size_t clusterSize{0}; for (auto transcriptID : members) { Transcript& t = refs[transcriptID]; t.uniqueCounts = t.uniqueCount(); t.totalCounts = t.totalCount(); //clusterCount += t.totalCounts; } for (auto transcriptID : members) { Transcript& t = refs[transcriptID]; double logTranscriptMass = t.mass(false); if (logTranscriptMass == LOG_0) { t.projectedCounts = 0; } else { double logClusterFraction = logTranscriptMass - logClusterMass; t.projectedCounts = std::exp(logClusterFraction + logClusterCount); requiresProjection |= t.projectedCounts > static_cast<double>(t.totalCounts) or t.projectedCounts < static_cast<double>(t.uniqueCounts); } ++clusterSize; } if (clusterSize > 1 and requiresProjection) { cptr->projectToPolytope(refs); } ++clusterID; } auto& transcripts_ = refs; double tfracDenom{0.0}; for (auto& transcript : transcripts_) { tfracDenom += (transcript.projectedCounts / numMappedReads) / transcript.RefLength; } // Now posterior has the transcript fraction for (auto& transcript : transcripts_) { double logLength = std::log(transcript.RefLength); double fpkmFactor = std::exp(logBillion - logLength - logNumFragments); double count = transcript.projectedCounts; //double countTotal = transcripts_[transcriptID].totalCounts; //double countUnique = transcripts_[transcriptID].uniqueCounts; double fpkm = count > 0 ? fpkmFactor * count : 0.0; double npm = (transcript.projectedCounts / numMappedReads); double tfrac = (npm / transcript.RefLength) / tfracDenom; double tpm = tfrac * million; fmt::print(output.get(), "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n", transcript.RefName, transcript.RefLength, tpm, fpkm, count); } }
void SaveImage( boost::filesystem::path path, cv::Mat image ) { cv::imwrite( path.native_file_string(), image ); }
void tc_simple_wchar() { using dotconf::Document ; using dotconf::Item ; utf8_to_oem conv( locale , console_cp_name ); std::auto_ptr< const Document > doc_ptr ; try { const wchar_t * fname = L"Простой документ.conf" ; const fs::path test_path ( testdir_path / fname ); const std::wstring testfile_str ( test_path.wstring() ); BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( i18n("Test file path") << ": " << conv(testfile_str) ); doc_ptr.reset( new Document( testfile_str ) ); } catch( const dotconf::SyntaxError & error ) { BOOST_FAIL( error.what() << " in position " << error.textpos ); } catch( const std::exception & error ) { BOOST_FAIL( error.what() ); } catch(...) { BOOST_FAIL( i18n("Unknown exception") ); } BOOST_REQUIRE( 0 != doc_ptr.get() ); const Document::Items_t & items = *doc_ptr; BOOST_REQUIRE( !items.empty() ); Document::const_iterator it = items.begin(); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_comment("# Simple config file") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("simpleParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("simpleValue") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("strParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("string value") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("textParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value ("Line 1 of big text param value...\n" "Line 2 of text parameter value...\n" "Line 3 (last) of text parameter value.") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("vectorParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("value1") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value2") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value3") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value4") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_node("Node1") ); BOOST_CHECK( !items.has_child( it ) ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); } // tc_simple_wchar
void OMW::Engine::addResourcesDirectory (const boost::filesystem::path& path) { mOgre->getRoot()->addResourceLocation (path.string(), "FileSystem", Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, true); }
bool start(const boost::filesystem::path &root) override { if (running_) { if (root_ == root) { return true; } else { return false; } } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = {}; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; cancel_event_ = ::CreateEventW(&sa, TRUE, FALSE, nullptr); if (cancel_event_ == nullptr) { return false; } HANDLE hstdout_read = nullptr; HANDLE hstdout_write = nullptr; HANDLE hstderr_write = nullptr; if (::CreatePipe(&hstdout_read, &hstdout_write, &sa, 0) == FALSE) { return false; } if (::DuplicateHandle( ::GetCurrentProcess(), hstdout_write, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &hstderr_write, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); return false; } if (::DuplicateHandle( ::GetCurrentProcess(), hstdout_read, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &hstdout_, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); ::CloseHandle(hstderr_write); return false; } STARTUPINFOW si = {}; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.hStdOutput = hstdout_write; si.hStdError = hstderr_write; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {}; std::wstring command = L'\"' + (get_exe_path().remove_filename() / L"console-helper.exe").wstring(); command += L"\" "; command += std::to_wstring(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(cancel_event_)); command += L' '; command += L"jupyter notebook --no-browser "; command += L"--notebook-dir=\""; command += root.wstring(); command += L'\"'; auto result = ::CreateProcessW( nullptr, const_cast<LPWSTR>(command.c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); ::CloseHandle(hstderr_write); if (result == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_); return false; } running_ = true; helper_process_ = pi.hProcess; char buf_array[256]; DWORD read; std::string buf; const char *text = "The Jupyter Notebook is running at: "; auto text_len = ::strlen(text); for (;;) { if (::ReadFile(hstdout_, (LPVOID)buf_array, 255, &read, nullptr) == FALSE) { return false; } buf_array[read] = '\0'; buf += buf_array; auto pos = buf.find(text); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += text_len; auto pos_end = buf.find_first_of("\r\n", pos); if (pos_end != std::string::npos) { auto s = buf.substr(pos + 7, pos_end - pos - 7); pos = s.find(':'); pos_end = s.find('/', pos); auto aa = s.substr(pos + 1, pos_end - pos - 1); if (pos != std::string::npos && pos_end != std::string::npos) { try { port_ = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::stoul(s.substr(pos + 1, pos_end - pos - 1))); } catch (std::exception &e) { stop(); throw e; } } break; } } } return port_ != 0; }
virtual void load(const boost::filesystem::path& filepath, int& index) { std::cout << "Loading content file " << filepath.string() << std::endl; mListener.setLabel(MyGUI::TextIterator::toTagsString(filepath.string())); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { po::options_description opt("option"); opt.add_options() ("data_dir", po::value<string>()->default_value("HG")) ("max_box_size", po::value<int>()->default_value(31)) ; po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opt), vm); po::notify(vm); const fs::path data_dir(vm["data_dir"].as<string>()); fs::directory_iterator dir_iter(data_dir); const int n_classes = 5; const int n_mr_channels = 4; const int n_components = 5; const int n_trees = 8; const int n_features = 100; const int n_thres = 10; const int max_depth = 10; std::vector<double> prior(n_classes); std::vector<GMM<double>> gmms(n_classes, GMM<double>(n_components)); RandomForest<SpatialFeature> forest(n_classes, n_trees, n_features, n_thres, max_depth); { std::vector<VolumeVector<short>> mr_data; VolumeVector<short> gts; VolumeVector<unsigned char> masks; std::vector<std::vector<double>> gmm_data(n_classes); std::vector<int> counts(n_classes, 0); int total_voxel = 0; int c = 0; const int n_training_instances = 5; for (; dir_iter != fs::directory_iterator(); ++dir_iter, ++c) { if (c == n_training_instances) break; const fs::path instance(dir_iter->path()); std::cout << instance.string() << std::endl; total_voxel += addInstance(instance, mr_data, masks, gts, gmm_data, counts); } for (int i = 0; i < n_classes; ++i) { prior[i] = static_cast<double>(counts[i]) / total_voxel; } const int n_threads = 8; omp_set_num_threads(n_threads); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < n_classes; ++i) { const int rows = gmm_data[i].size() / n_mr_channels; const Matrix<double> X = ConstMatrixMapper<double>(&gmm_data[i][0], n_mr_channels, rows).transpose(); gmms[i].train(X); } DataSet data(mr_data.size()); #pragma omp parallel for for (int i = 0; i < mr_data.size(); ++i) { int width, height, depth; std::tie(width, height, depth) = getVolumeDimension<short>(mr_data[i][0]); std::vector<double> prob(n_classes); const auto spacing = gts[i]->GetSpacing(); const auto origin = gts[i]->GetOrigin(); std::vector<VolumePtr<double>> gmm_volumes(n_classes); for (int j = 0; j < n_classes; ++j) { gmm_volumes[j] = createVolume<double>(width, height, depth, spacing, origin); gmm_volumes[j]->FillBuffer(0); } VolumeVector<int> integral_mr_volumes(n_mr_channels); for (int j = 0; j < n_mr_channels; ++j) { integral_mr_volumes[j] = createVolume<int>(width, height, depth, spacing, origin); integral_mr_volumes[j]->FillBuffer(0); } VolumeVector<double> integral_gmm_volumes(n_classes); for (int j = 0; j < n_classes; ++j) { integral_gmm_volumes[j] = createVolume<double>(width, height, depth, spacing, origin); integral_gmm_volumes[j]->FillBuffer(0); } VolumePtr<unsigned int> integral_n_voxels = createVolume<unsigned int>(width, height, depth, spacing, origin); integral_n_voxels->FillBuffer(0); for (int z = 0; z < depth; ++z) { for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { itk::Index<3> index; index[0] = x; index[1] = y; index[2] = z; bool inside = true; if (masks[i]->GetPixel(index) == 0) inside = false; unsigned int cum_sum_n_voxels = (inside ? 1: 0); std::vector<int> cum_sum_mr(n_mr_channels, 0); std::vector<double> cum_sum_gmm(n_classes, 0); if(inside) { Vector<double> X(n_mr_channels); for (int c = 0; c < n_mr_channels; ++c) { const short v = mr_data[i][c]->GetPixel(index); X(c) = static_cast<double>(v); cum_sum_mr[c] = v; } double normalizer = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n_classes; ++j) { const double p = gmms[j].evaluate(X) * prior[j]; prob[j] = p; normalizer += p; } for (int j = 0; j < n_classes; ++j) { const double v = prob[j] / normalizer; gmm_volumes[j]->SetPixel(index, v); cum_sum_gmm[j] = v; } } #define ACCUMULATE(ox, oy, oz, op) \ itk::Offset<3> offset; \ offset[0] = ox; \ offset[1] = oy; \ offset[2] = oz; \ cum_sum_n_voxels op##= integral_n_voxels->GetPixel(index + offset); \ for (int c = 0; c < n_mr_channels; ++c)\ {\ cum_sum_mr[c] op##= integral_mr_volumes[c]->GetPixel(index + offset); \ }\ for (int c = 0; c < n_classes; ++c)\ {\ cum_sum_gmm[c] op##= integral_gmm_volumes[c]->GetPixel(index + offset); \ } if (x > 0) { ACCUMULATE(-1, 0, 0, +) } if (y > 0) { ACCUMULATE(0, -1, 0, +) } if (z > 0) { ACCUMULATE(0, 0, -1, +) } if (x > 0 && y > 0) { ACCUMULATE(-1, -1, 0, -) } if (y > 0 && z > 0) { ACCUMULATE(0, -1, -1, -) } if (x > 0 && z > 0) { ACCUMULATE(-1, 0, -1, -) }
void Bundle2::saveGeometry(const boost::filesystem::path& fileName) const { H5::H5File bundleFile; bundleFile.openFile(fileName.string(), H5F_ACC_RDWR); H5::Group rootGroup = bundleFile.openGroup("/"); // If the group "Geometry" exists, delete it! if(checkGeometry_(bundleFile)) { rootGroup.unlink("Geometry"); } // Creating group Geometry H5::Group geometryGroup = rootGroup.createGroup("Geometry"); // Saving poses const hsize_t posesChunkDim[] = { 3, 12 }; H5::DSetCreatPropList posesPropList; posesPropList.setLayout(H5D_CHUNKED); posesPropList.setChunk(2, posesChunkDim); posesPropList.setDeflate(9); const hsize_t posesMaxDim[] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, 12 }; const hsize_t posesCurDim[] = { frames_.size(), 12 }; H5::DataSpace posesDS(2, posesCurDim, posesMaxDim); H5::DataSet posesDataSet = geometryGroup.createDataSet("Poses", H5::PredType::IEEE_F64LE, posesDS, posesPropList); double* posesData = (double*)malloc(frames_.size()*12*sizeof(double)); size_t i = 0; for(deque<Frame*>::const_iterator it = frames_.begin(); it != frames_.end(); it++) { posesData[i*12] = (*it)->pose()->t().x(); posesData[i*12 + 1] = (*it)->pose()->t().y(); posesData[i*12 + 2] = (*it)->pose()->t().z(); core::Matrix<double> R = (*it)->pose()->R(); posesData[i*12 + 3] = R[0][0]; posesData[i*12 + 4] = R[1][0]; posesData[i*12 + 5] = R[2][0]; posesData[i*12 + 6] = R[0][1]; posesData[i*12 + 7] = R[1][1]; posesData[i*12 + 8] = R[2][1]; posesData[i*12 + 9] = R[0][2]; posesData[i*12 + 10] = R[1][2]; posesData[i*12 + 11] = R[2][2]; ++i; } posesDataSet.write((const void*)posesData, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5::DataSpace::ALL, H5::DataSpace::ALL); free((void*)posesData); posesDataSet.close(); posesDS.close(); // Saving points const hsize_t pointsChunkDim[] = {10, 3}; H5::DSetCreatPropList pointsPropList; pointsPropList.setLayout(H5D_CHUNKED); pointsPropList.setChunk(2, pointsChunkDim); pointsPropList.setDeflate(9); const hsize_t pointsMaxDim[] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, 3 }; const hsize_t pointsCurDim[] = { tracks_.size(), 3 }; H5::DataSpace pointsDS(2, pointsCurDim, pointsMaxDim); H5::DataSet pointsDataSet = geometryGroup.createDataSet("Points", H5::PredType::IEEE_F64LE, pointsDS, pointsPropList); double* pointsData = (double*)malloc(tracks_.size()*3*sizeof(double)); i = 0; for(deque<Track*>::const_iterator it = tracks_.begin(); it != tracks_.end(); it++) { pointsData[i*3] = (*it)->point()->coords().x(); pointsData[i*3 + 1] = (*it)->point()->coords().y(); pointsData[i*3 + 2] = (*it)->point()->coords().z(); ++i; } pointsDataSet.write((const void*)pointsData, H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5::DataSpace::ALL, H5::DataSpace::ALL); free((void*)pointsData); pointsDataSet.close(); pointsDS.close(); // Saving inlier information const hsize_t inliersChunkDim[] = { 3 }; H5::DSetCreatPropList inliersPropList; inliersPropList.setLayout(H5D_CHUNKED); inliersPropList.setChunk(1, inliersChunkDim); inliersPropList.setDeflate(9); const hsize_t inliersMaxDim[] = { H5S_UNLIMITED }; const hsize_t inliersCurDim[] = { frames_.size() }; H5::DataSpace inliersDS(1, inliersCurDim, inliersMaxDim); H5::VarLenType inliersType(&H5::PredType::STD_U8LE); H5::DataSet inliersDataSet = geometryGroup.createDataSet("Inliers", inliersType, inliersDS, inliersPropList); i = 0; for(deque<Frame*>::const_iterator it = frames_.begin(); it != frames_.end(); it++) { hvl_t inliersLine; size_t inliersLineSize = 0; for(size_t j = 0; j < (*it)->size(); ++j) { View& v = (**it)[j]; for(unsigned int cam = 0; cam < v.numCameras(); ++cam) { if(v.inCamera(cam)) ++inliersLineSize; } } inliersLine.len = inliersLineSize; inliersLine.p = malloc(inliersLineSize*sizeof(unsigned char)); size_t k = 0; for(size_t j = 0; j < (*it)->size(); ++j) { View& v = (**it)[j]; for(unsigned int cam = 0; cam < v.numCameras(); ++cam) { if(v.inCamera(cam)) { ((unsigned char*)(inliersLine.p))[k] = v.ray(cam).inlier()?1:0; ++k; } } } const hsize_t dsOffset[] = { i }; const hsize_t dsCount[] = { 1 }; H5::DataSpace inliersCurDS = inliersDataSet.getSpace(); inliersCurDS.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, dsCount, dsOffset); const hsize_t memDim[] = { 1 }; H5::DataSpace memDS(1, memDim, memDim); H5::VarLenType memType(&H5::PredType::NATIVE_UCHAR); inliersDataSet.write((const void*)&inliersLine, memType, memDS, inliersCurDS); memType.close(); memDS.close(); inliersCurDS.close(); free(inliersLine.p); ++i; } inliersDataSet.close(); inliersType.close(); inliersDS.close(); // Saving curves if(!curves_.empty()) { const hsize_t chunkDim[] = { 5 }; H5::DSetCreatPropList propList; propList.setLayout(H5D_CHUNKED); propList.setChunk(1, chunkDim); propList.setDeflate(9); H5::VarLenType curveDatasetType(&H5::PredType::STD_U64LE); hsize_t curvesDim[] = { curves_.size() }; hsize_t curvesMaxDim[] = { H5S_UNLIMITED }; H5::DataSpace curvesDataspace(1, curvesDim, curvesMaxDim); H5::DataSet curvesDataset = geometryGroup.createDataSet("Curves", curveDatasetType, curvesDataspace, propList); for(size_t i = 0; i < curves_.size(); ++i) { hvl_t curveLine; curveLine.len = curves_[i].size(); curveLine.p = malloc(curves_[i].size()*sizeof(size_t)); for(size_t j = 0; j < curves_[i].size(); ++j) ((size_t*)(curveLine.p))[j] = curves_[i].track(j); const hsize_t dsOffset[] = { i }; const hsize_t dsCount[] = { 1 }; H5::DataSpace curDS = curvesDataset.getSpace(); curDS.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, dsCount, dsOffset); const hsize_t memDim[] = { 1 }; H5::DataSpace memDS(1, memDim, memDim); H5::VarLenType memType(&H5::PredType::NATIVE_HSIZE); curvesDataset.write((const void*)&curveLine, memType, memDS, curDS); memType.close(); memDS.close(); curDS.close(); free(curveLine.p); } curvesDataset.close(); curvesDataspace.close(); curveDatasetType.close(); propList.close(); } geometryGroup.close(); rootGroup.close(); bundleFile.close(); }
uri::string_type operator () (const boost::filesystem::path &path) const { return path.string(); }
// Bundle management void Bundle2::save(const boost::filesystem::path& fileName) const { // Creating HDF5 file H5::H5File bundleFile(fileName.string(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC); storeParameters(bundleFile); H5::DataSpace scalar; // Saving POI H5::Group poiGroup = bundleFile.createGroup("/POI"); H5::Attribute attr = poiGroup.createAttribute("count", H5::PredType::STD_U64LE, scalar); hsize_t count = poi_.size(); attr.write(H5::PredType::NATIVE_HSIZE, &count); attr.close(); for(size_t frame = 0; frame < poi_.size(); ++frame) { const std::string frameGroupName = boost::str(boost::format("Frame %1$04d") % frame); H5::Group frameGroup = poiGroup.createGroup(frameGroupName); count = poi_[frame].size(); attr = frameGroup.createAttribute("count", H5::PredType::STD_U64LE, scalar); attr.write(H5::PredType::NATIVE_HSIZE, &count); attr.close(); for(size_t camera = 0; camera < poi_[frame].size(); ++camera) poi_[frame][camera].save(frameGroup, camera); frameGroup.close(); } poiGroup.close(); // Saving key frames H5::Group bundleGroup = bundleFile.createGroup("/Bundle"); H5::Group framesGroup = bundleGroup.createGroup("Frames"); count = frames_.size(); attr = framesGroup.createAttribute("count", H5::PredType::STD_U64LE, scalar); attr.write(H5::PredType::NATIVE_HSIZE, &count); attr.close(); for(deque<Frame*>::const_iterator it = frames_.begin(); it != frames_.end(); it++) { (*it)->save(framesGroup); } framesGroup.close(); // Saving tracks const hsize_t chunkDim[] = { 2, 1 }; H5::DSetCreatPropList propList; propList.setLayout(H5D_CHUNKED); propList.setChunk(2, chunkDim); propList.setDeflate(9); H5::VarLenType tracksDatasetType(&H5::PredType::STD_U64LE); hsize_t tracksDim[] = { tracks_.size(), 2 }; hsize_t tracksMaxDim[] = { H5S_UNLIMITED, 2 }; H5::DataSpace tracksDataspace(2, tracksDim, tracksMaxDim); H5::DataSet tracksDataset = bundleGroup.createDataSet("Tracks", tracksDatasetType, tracksDataspace, propList); for(size_t i = 0; i < tracks_.size(); ++i) tracks_[i]->save(tracksDataset, i); tracksDataset.close(); tracksDataspace.close(); tracksDatasetType.close(); propList.close(); bundleGroup.close(); scalar.close(); bundleFile.close(); }
virtual void load(const boost::filesystem::path& filepath, int& index) { std::cout << "Loading content file " << filepath.string() << std::endl; mListener.setLabel(filepath.string()); }
void archive_t::deploy(const std::string& prefix_) { const fs::path prefix = prefix_; archive* target = archive_write_disk_new(); archive_entry* entry = nullptr; int rv = ARCHIVE_OK; int flags = ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_TIME | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_SYMLINKS | ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_SECURE_NODOTDOT; archive_write_disk_set_options(target, flags); archive_write_disk_set_standard_lookup(target); while(true) { rv = archive_read_next_header(m_archive, &entry); if(rv == ARCHIVE_EOF) { break; } else if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(m_archive); } const fs::path pathname = prefix / archive_entry_pathname(entry); // NOTE: Prepend the target path to the stored file path // in order to unpack it into the right place. archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, pathname.string().c_str()); if(archive_entry_hardlink(entry)) { const fs::path hardlink = prefix / archive_entry_hardlink(entry); // NOTE: This entry might be a hardlink to some other file, for example // due to tar file deduplication mechanics. We need to update this path as well. archive_entry_set_hardlink(entry, hardlink.string().c_str()); } COCAINE_LOG_DEBUG(m_log, "extracting %s", pathname); rv = archive_write_header(target, entry); if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(target); } else if(archive_entry_size(entry) > 0) { extract(m_archive, target); } rv = archive_write_finish_entry(target); if(rv != ARCHIVE_OK) { throw archive_error_t(target); } } archive_write_close(target); #if ARCHIVE_VERSION_NUMBER < 3000000 archive_write_finish(target); #else archive_write_free(target); #endif const size_t count = archive_file_count(m_archive); COCAINE_LOG_INFO(m_log, "extracted %d %s", count, count == 1 ? "file" : "files"); }
Status readFile( const fs::path& path, size_t size, size_t block_size, bool dry_run, bool preserve_time, std::function<void(std::string& buffer, size_t size)> predicate) { auto handle = OpenReadableFile(path); if (handle.fd < 0) { return Status(1, "Cannot open file for reading: " + path.string()); } struct stat file; if (fstat(handle.fd, &file) < 0) { return Status(1, "Cannot access path: " + path.string()); } off_t file_size = file.st_size; if (file_size == 0 && size > 0) { file_size = static_cast<off_t>(size); } // Apply the max byte-read based on file/link target ownership. off_t read_max = (file.st_uid == 0) ? FLAGS_read_max : std::min(FLAGS_read_max, FLAGS_read_user_max); if (file_size > read_max) { VLOG(1) << "Cannot read " << path << " size exceeds limit: " << file_size << " > " << read_max; return Status(1, "File exceeds read limits"); } if (dry_run) { // The caller is only interested in performing file read checks. boost::system::error_code ec; return Status(0, fs::canonical(path, ec).string()); } struct timeval times[2]; #if defined(__linux__) TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(×[0], &file.st_atim); TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(×[1], &file.st_mtim); #else TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(×[0], &file.st_atimespec); TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(×[1], &file.st_mtimespec); #endif if (file_size == 0) { off_t total_bytes = 0; ssize_t part_bytes = 0; do { auto part = std::string(4096, '\0'); part_bytes = read(handle.fd, &part[0], block_size); if (part_bytes > 0) { total_bytes += part_bytes; if (total_bytes >= read_max) { return Status(1, "File exceeds read limits"); } // content += part.substr(0, part_bytes); predicate(part, part_bytes); } } while (part_bytes > 0); } else { auto content = std::string(file_size, '\0'); read(handle.fd, &content[0], file_size); predicate(content, file_size); } // Attempt to restore the atime and mtime before the file read. if (preserve_time && !FLAGS_disable_forensic) { futimes(handle.fd, times); } return Status(0, "OK"); }