// Purpose: 
// Input  : sequence - 
void CBaseViewModel::SendViewModelMatchingSequence( int sequence )
	// since all we do is send a sequence number down to the client, 
	// set this here so other weapons code knows which sequence is playing.
	SetSequence( sequence );

	m_nAnimationParity = ( m_nAnimationParity + 1 ) & ( (1<<VIEWMODEL_ANIMATION_PARITY_BITS) - 1 );

#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	m_nOldAnimationParity = m_nAnimationParity;

	// Force frame interpolation to start at exactly frame zero
	m_flAnimTime			= gpGlobals->curtime;
	CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon = m_hWeapon.Get();
	bool showControlPanels = weapon && weapon->ShouldShowControlPanels();
	SetControlPanelsActive( showControlPanels );

	// Restart animation at frame 0
	SetCycle( 0 );