void UChildActorComponent::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)

	if (Ar.HasAllPortFlags(PPF_DuplicateForPIE))
		// PIE duplication should just work normally
		Ar << ChildActorTemplate;
	else if (Ar.HasAllPortFlags(PPF_Duplicate))
		if (GIsEditor && Ar.IsLoading() && !IsTemplate())
			// If we're not a template then we do not want the duplicate so serialize manually and destroy the template that was created for us
			Ar.Serialize(&ChildActorTemplate, sizeof(UObject*));

			if (AActor* UnwantedDuplicate = static_cast<AActor*>(FindObjectWithOuter(this, AActor::StaticClass())))
		else if (!GIsEditor && !Ar.IsLoading() && !GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing)
			// Avoid the archiver in the duplicate writer case because we want to avoid the duplicate being created
			Ar.Serialize(&ChildActorTemplate, sizeof(UObject*));
			// When we're loading outside of the editor we won't have created the duplicate, so its fine to just use the normal path
			// When we're loading a template then we want the duplicate, so it is fine to use normal archiver
			// When we're saving in the editor we'll create the duplicate, but on loading decide whether to take it or not
			Ar << ChildActorTemplate;

	// Since we sometimes serialize properties in instead of using duplication if we are a template
	// and are not pointing at a component we own we'll need to fix that
	if (ChildActorTemplate && ChildActorTemplate->GetOuter() != this && IsTemplate())
		const FString TemplateName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%s_CAT"), *GetName(), *ChildActorClass->GetName());
		ChildActorTemplate = CastChecked<AActor>(StaticDuplicateObject(ChildActorTemplate, this, *TemplateName));