Ejemplo n.º 1
bool FBuildPatchAppManifest::SaveToFile(const FString& Filename, bool bUseBinary)
	bool bSuccess = false;
	FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Filename);
	if (FileOut)
		if (bUseBinary)
			Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestVersion();
			FManifestWriter ManifestData;
			if (!ManifestData.IsError())
				int32 DataSize = ManifestData.TotalSize();
				TArray<uint8> TempCompressed;
				int32 CompressedSize = DataSize;
				bool bDataIsCompressed = FCompression::CompressMemory(
					static_cast<ECompressionFlags>(COMPRESS_ZLIB | COMPRESS_BiasMemory),

				TArray<uint8>& FileData = bDataIsCompressed ? TempCompressed : ManifestData.GetBytes();

				FManifestFileHeader Header;
				*FileOut << Header;
				Header.HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell();
				Header.StoredAs = bDataIsCompressed ? EManifestFileHeader::STORED_COMPRESSED : EManifestFileHeader::STORED_RAW;
				Header.DataSize = DataSize;
				Header.CompressedSize = bDataIsCompressed ? CompressedSize : 0;
				FSHA1::HashBuffer(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num(), Header.SHAHash.Hash);

				*FileOut << Header;

				FileOut->Serialize(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num());
				bSuccess = !FileOut->IsError();
			Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestJsonVersion();
			FString JSONOutput;
			FTCHARToUTF8 JsonUTF8(*JSONOutput);
			FileOut->Serialize((UTF8CHAR*)JsonUTF8.Get(), JsonUTF8.Length() * sizeof(UTF8CHAR));
		delete FileOut;
		FileOut = nullptr;

	return bSuccess;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void WriteRiffHeader(FArchive &Ar, int FileLength)

	static const char *RIFF = "RIFF";
	Ar.Serialize((char*)RIFF, 4);

	Ar << FileLength;

	static const char *WAVE = "WAVE";
	Ar.Serialize((char*)WAVE, 4);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void SaveSound(const UObject *Obj, void *Data, int DataSize, const char *DefExt)
	// check for enough place for header
	if (DataSize < 16)
		appPrintf("... empty sound %s ?\n", Obj->Name);

	const char *ext = DefExt;

	if (!memcmp(Data, "OggS", 4))
		ext = "ogg";
	else if (!memcmp(Data, "RIFF", 4))
		ext = "wav";
	else if (!memcmp(Data, "FSB4", 4))
		ext = "fsb";		// FMOD sound bank
	else if (!memcmp(Data, "MSFC", 4))
		ext = "mp3";		// PS3 MP3 codec

	FArchive *Ar = CreateExportArchive(Obj, "%s.%s", Obj->Name, ext);
	if (Ar)
		Ar->Serialize(Data, DataSize);
		delete Ar;
void FNetworkFileServerClientConnection::ProcessWriteFile( FArchive& In, FArchive& Out )
	// Get Handle ID
	uint64 HandleId = 0;
	In << HandleId;

	int64 BytesWritten = 0;
	IFileHandle* File = FindOpenFile(HandleId);

	if (File)
		int64 BytesToWrite = 0;
		In << BytesToWrite;

		uint8* Source = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(BytesToWrite);
		In.Serialize(Source, BytesToWrite);

		if (File->Write(Source, BytesToWrite))
			BytesWritten = BytesToWrite;

	Out << BytesWritten;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Load a text file to an FString.
 * Supports all combination of ANSI/Unicode files and platforms.
 * @param Result string representation of the loaded file
 * @param Filename name of the file to load
 * @param VerifyFlags flags controlling the hash verification behavior ( see EHashOptions )
bool FFileHelper::LoadFileToString( FString& Result, const TCHAR* Filename, uint32 VerifyFlags )
	FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( Filename );
	if( !Reader )
		return 0;
	int32 Size = Reader->TotalSize();
	uint8* Ch = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(Size);
	Reader->Serialize( Ch, Size );
	bool Success = Reader->Close();
	delete Reader;
	BufferToString( Result, Ch, Size );

	// handle SHA verify of the file
	if( (VerifyFlags & EHashOptions::EnableVerify) && ( (VerifyFlags & EHashOptions::ErrorMissingHash) || FSHA1::GetFileSHAHash(Filename, NULL) ) )
		// kick off SHA verify task. this frees the buffer on close
		FBufferReaderWithSHA Ar( Ch, Size, true, Filename, false, true );
		// free manually since not running SHA task

	return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 6
byte *FindXprData(const char *Name, int *DataSize)
	// scan xprs
	static bool ready = false;
	if (!ready)
		ready = true;
		appEnumGameFiles(ReadXprFile, "xpr");
	// find a file
	for (int i = 0; i < xprFiles.Num(); i++)
		XprInfo *Info = &xprFiles[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < Info->Items.Num(); j++)
			XprEntry *File = &Info->Items[j];
			if (strcmp(File->Name, Name) == 0)
				// found
				appPrintf("Loading stream %s from %s (%d bytes)\n", Name, Info->File->RelativeName, File->DataSize);
				FArchive *Reader = appCreateFileReader(Info->File);
				byte *buf = (byte*)appMalloc(File->DataSize);
				Reader->Serialize(buf, File->DataSize);
				delete Reader;
				if (DataSize) *DataSize = File->DataSize;
				return buf;
	appPrintf("WARNING: external stream %s was not found\n", Name);
	if (DataSize) *DataSize = 0;
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool GenerateHashForFile( FString Filename, uint8 FileHash[16])
	FArchive* File = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*Filename);

	if ( File == NULL )
		return false;

	uint64 TotalSize = File->TotalSize();

	uint8* ByteBuffer = new uint8[TotalSize];

	File->Serialize(ByteBuffer, TotalSize);

	delete File;
	File = NULL;

	FMD5 FileHasher;
	FileHasher.Update(ByteBuffer, TotalSize);

	delete[] ByteBuffer;


	return true;

	// uint8 DestFileHash[20];

void FNetworkFileServerClientConnection::ProcessReadFile( FArchive& In, FArchive& Out )
	// Get Handle ID
	uint64 HandleId = 0;
	In << HandleId;

	int64 BytesToRead = 0;
	In << BytesToRead;

	int64 BytesRead = 0;
	IFileHandle* File = FindOpenFile(HandleId);

	if (File)
		uint8* Dest = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(BytesToRead);		

		if (File->Read(Dest, BytesToRead))
			BytesRead = BytesToRead;
			Out << BytesRead;
			Out.Serialize(Dest, BytesRead);
			Out << BytesRead;

		Out << BytesRead;
void UChildActorComponent::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)

	if (Ar.HasAllPortFlags(PPF_DuplicateForPIE))
		// PIE duplication should just work normally
		Ar << ChildActorTemplate;
	else if (Ar.HasAllPortFlags(PPF_Duplicate))
		if (GIsEditor && Ar.IsLoading() && !IsTemplate())
			// If we're not a template then we do not want the duplicate so serialize manually and destroy the template that was created for us
			Ar.Serialize(&ChildActorTemplate, sizeof(UObject*));

			if (AActor* UnwantedDuplicate = static_cast<AActor*>(FindObjectWithOuter(this, AActor::StaticClass())))
		else if (!GIsEditor && !Ar.IsLoading() && !GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing)
			// Avoid the archiver in the duplicate writer case because we want to avoid the duplicate being created
			Ar.Serialize(&ChildActorTemplate, sizeof(UObject*));
			// When we're loading outside of the editor we won't have created the duplicate, so its fine to just use the normal path
			// When we're loading a template then we want the duplicate, so it is fine to use normal archiver
			// When we're saving in the editor we'll create the duplicate, but on loading decide whether to take it or not
			Ar << ChildActorTemplate;

	// Since we sometimes serialize properties in instead of using duplication if we are a template
	// and are not pointing at a component we own we'll need to fix that
	if (ChildActorTemplate && ChildActorTemplate->GetOuter() != this && IsTemplate())
		const FString TemplateName = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%s_CAT"), *GetName(), *ChildActorClass->GetName());
		ChildActorTemplate = CastChecked<AActor>(StaticDuplicateObject(ChildActorTemplate, this, *TemplateName));
Ejemplo n.º 10
static byte *FindBioTexture(const UTexture *Tex)
	int needSize = Tex->CachedBulkDataSize & 0xFFFFFFFF;
	appPrintf("Search for ... %s (size=%X)\n", Tex->Name, needSize);
	for (int i = 0; i < bioCatalog.Num(); i++)
		BioBulkCatalog &Cat = bioCatalog[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < Cat.Files.Num(); j++)
			const BioBulkCatalogFile &File = Cat.Files[j];
			for (int k = 0; k < File.Items.Num(); k++)
				const BioBulkCatalogItem &Item = File.Items[k];
				if (!strcmp(Tex->Name, Item.ObjectName))
					if (abs(needSize - Item.DataSize) > 0x4000)		// differs in 16k
						appPrintf("... Found %s in %s with wrong BulkDataSize %X (need %X)\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename, Item.DataSize, needSize);
					appPrintf("... Found %s in %s at %X size %X (%dx%d fmt=%d bpp=%g strip:%d mips:%d)\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename, Item.DataOffset, Item.DataSize,
						Tex->USize, Tex->VSize, Tex->Format, (float)Item.DataSize / (Tex->USize * Tex->VSize),
						Tex->HasBeenStripped, Tex->StrippedNumMips);
					// found
					const CGameFileInfo *bulkFile = appFindGameFile(File.Filename);
					if (!bulkFile)
						// no bulk file
						appPrintf("Decompressing %s: %s is missing\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename);
						return NULL;

					appPrintf("Reading %s mip level %d (%dx%d) from %s\n", Tex->Name, 0, Tex->USize, Tex->VSize, bulkFile->RelativeName);
					FArchive *Reader = appCreateFileReader(bulkFile);
					byte *buf = (byte*)appMalloc(max(Item.DataSize, needSize));
					Reader->Serialize(buf, Item.DataSize);
					delete Reader;
					return buf;
	appPrintf("... Bulk for %s was not found\n", Tex->Name);
	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Save a binary array to a file.
bool FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile( const TArray<uint8>& Array, const TCHAR* Filename, IFileManager* FileManager /*= &IFileManager::Get()*/ )
	FArchive* Ar = FileManager->CreateFileWriter( Filename, 0 );
	if( !Ar )
		return 0;
	Ar->Serialize(const_cast<uint8*>(Array.GetData()), Array.Num());
	delete Ar;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool AHeatmapDataCollector::SaveArrayToFile(const TArray<int16>& Array, const TCHAR * Filename, IFileManager * FileManager, uint32 WriteFlags) const
	FArchive* Ar = FileManager->CreateFileWriter(Filename, WriteFlags);
	if (!Ar)
		return 0;
	Ar->Serialize(const_cast<int16*>(Array.GetData()), Array.Num());
	delete Ar;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
bool UJavascriptLibrary::WriteFile(UObject* Object, FString Filename)
	FArchive* Writer = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Filename);
	if (!Writer)
		return false;
	Writer->Serialize(FArrayBufferAccessor::GetData(), FArrayBufferAccessor::GetSize());
	return Writer->Close();
Ejemplo n.º 14
bool BufferedCopyFile(FArchive& Dest, FArchive& Source, const FPakEntry& Entry, void* Buffer, int64 BufferSize)
	// Align down
	BufferSize = BufferSize & ~(FAES::AESBlockSize-1);
	int64 RemainingSizeToCopy = Entry.Size;
	while (RemainingSizeToCopy > 0)
		const int64 SizeToCopy = FMath::Min(BufferSize, RemainingSizeToCopy);
		// If file is encrypted so we need to account for padding
		int64 SizeToRead = Entry.bEncrypted ? Align(SizeToCopy,FAES::AESBlockSize) : SizeToCopy;

		if (Entry.bEncrypted)
		Dest.Serialize(Buffer, SizeToCopy);
		RemainingSizeToCopy -= SizeToRead;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
bool UncompressCopyFile(FArchive& Dest, FArchive& Source, const FPakEntry& Entry, uint8*& PersistentBuffer, int64& BufferSize)
	if (Entry.UncompressedSize == 0)
		return false;

	int64 WorkingSize = Entry.CompressionBlockSize;
	int32 MaxCompressionBlockSize = FCompression::CompressMemoryBound((ECompressionFlags)Entry.CompressionMethod, WorkingSize);
	WorkingSize += MaxCompressionBlockSize;
	if (BufferSize < WorkingSize)
		PersistentBuffer = (uint8*)FMemory::Realloc(PersistentBuffer, WorkingSize);
		BufferSize = WorkingSize;

	uint8* UncompressedBuffer = PersistentBuffer+MaxCompressionBlockSize;

	for (uint32 BlockIndex=0, BlockIndexNum=Entry.CompressionBlocks.Num(); BlockIndex < BlockIndexNum; ++BlockIndex)
		uint32 CompressedBlockSize = Entry.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedEnd - Entry.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedStart;
		uint32 UncompressedBlockSize = (uint32)FMath::Min<int64>(Entry.UncompressedSize - Entry.CompressionBlockSize*BlockIndex, Entry.CompressionBlockSize);
		uint32 SizeToRead = Entry.bEncrypted ? Align(CompressedBlockSize, FAES::AESBlockSize) : CompressedBlockSize;
		Source.Serialize(PersistentBuffer, SizeToRead);

		if (Entry.bEncrypted)
			FAES::DecryptData(PersistentBuffer, SizeToRead);

			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
uint8 FBuildPatchUtils::VerifyFile(const FString& FileToVerify, const FSHAHashData& Hash1, const FSHAHashData& Hash2, FBuildPatchFloatDelegate ProgressDelegate, FBuildPatchBoolRetDelegate ShouldPauseDelegate, double& TimeSpentPaused)
	uint8 ReturnValue = 0;
	FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*FileToVerify);
	if (FileReader != NULL)
		FSHA1 HashState;
		FSHAHashData HashValue;
		const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize();
		uint8* FileReadBuffer = new uint8[FileBufferSize];
		while (!FileReader->AtEnd() && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError())
			// Pause if necessary
			const double PrePauseTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
			double PostPauseTime = PrePauseTime;
			bool bShouldPause = ShouldPauseDelegate.IsBound() && ShouldPauseDelegate.Execute();
			while (bShouldPause && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError())
				bShouldPause = ShouldPauseDelegate.Execute();
				PostPauseTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
			// Count up pause time
			TimeSpentPaused += PostPauseTime - PrePauseTime;
			// Read file and update hash state
			const int64 SizeLeft = FileSize - FileReader->Tell();
			const uint32 ReadLen = FMath::Min< int64 >(FileBufferSize, SizeLeft);
			FileReader->Serialize(FileReadBuffer, ReadLen);
			HashState.Update(FileReadBuffer, ReadLen);
			const double FileSizeTemp = FileSize;
			const float Progress = 1.0f - ((SizeLeft - ReadLen) / FileSizeTemp);
		delete[] FileReadBuffer;
		ReturnValue = (HashValue == Hash1) ? 1 : (HashValue == Hash2) ? 2 : 0;
		if (ReturnValue == 0)
			GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildDataGenerator: Verify failed on %s"), *FPaths::GetCleanFilename(FileToVerify));
		delete FileReader;
		GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildDataGenerator: ERROR VerifyFile cannot open %s"), *FileToVerify);
	return ReturnValue;
 * Creates (fake so far) minidump
void GenerateMinidump(const FString & Path)
	FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Path);
	if (ReportFile != NULL)
		// write BOM
		static uint32 Garbage = 0xDEADBEEF;
		ReportFile->Serialize(&Garbage, sizeof(Garbage));

		delete ReportFile;
Ejemplo n.º 18
bool CopyFileToPak(FArchive& InPak, const FString& InMountPoint, const FPakInputPair& InFile, uint8*& InOutPersistentBuffer, int64& InOutBufferSize, FPakEntryPair& OutNewEntry)
	TAutoPtr<FArchive> FileHandle(IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*InFile.Source));
	bool bFileExists = FileHandle.IsValid();
	if (bFileExists)
		const int64 FileSize = FileHandle->TotalSize();
		const int64 PaddedEncryptedFileSize = Align(FileSize, FAES::AESBlockSize); 
		OutNewEntry.Filename = InFile.Dest.Mid(InMountPoint.Len());
		OutNewEntry.Info.Offset = 0; // Don't serialize offsets here.
		OutNewEntry.Info.Size = FileSize;
		OutNewEntry.Info.UncompressedSize = FileSize;
		OutNewEntry.Info.CompressionMethod = COMPRESS_None;
		OutNewEntry.Info.bEncrypted = InFile.bNeedEncryption;

		if (InOutBufferSize < PaddedEncryptedFileSize)
			InOutPersistentBuffer = (uint8*)FMemory::Realloc(InOutPersistentBuffer, PaddedEncryptedFileSize);
			InOutBufferSize = FileSize;

		// Load to buffer
		FileHandle->Serialize(InOutPersistentBuffer, FileSize);

			int64 SizeToWrite = FileSize;
			if (InFile.bNeedEncryption)
				for(int64 FillIndex=FileSize; FillIndex < PaddedEncryptedFileSize && InFile.bNeedEncryption; ++FillIndex)
					// Fill the trailing buffer with random bytes from file
					InOutPersistentBuffer[FillIndex] = InOutPersistentBuffer[rand()%FileSize];

				//Encrypt the buffer before writing it to disk
				FAES::EncryptData(InOutPersistentBuffer, PaddedEncryptedFileSize);
				// Update the size to be written
				SizeToWrite = PaddedEncryptedFileSize;
				OutNewEntry.Info.bEncrypted = true;

			// Calculate the buffer hash value

			// Write to file
	return bFileExists;
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool FRuntimeAssetCacheBackend::PutCachedData(const FName Bucket, const TCHAR* CacheKey, TArray<uint8>& InData, FCacheEntryMetadata* Metadata)
	bool bResult = false;
	FArchive* Ar = CreateWriteArchive(Bucket, CacheKey);
	if (!Ar)
		return bResult;

	*Ar << *Metadata;
	Ar->Serialize(InData.GetData(), InData.Num());
	bResult = Ar->Close();
	delete Ar;
	return bResult;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool UJavascriptLibrary::ReadFile(UObject* Object, FString Filename)
	FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*Filename);
	if (!Reader)
		return false;

	int32 Size = Reader->TotalSize();
	if (Size != FArrayBufferAccessor::GetSize())
		return false;

	Reader->Serialize(FArrayBufferAccessor::GetData(), Size);
	return Reader->Close();	
bool FBuildPatchFileConstructor::InsertChunkData(const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart, FArchive& DestinationFile, FSHA1& HashState)
	uint8* Data;
	uint8* DataStart;
	FChunkFile* ChunkFile = FBuildPatchChunkCache::Get().GetChunkFile( ChunkPart.Guid );
	if( ChunkFile != NULL && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() )
		ChunkFile->GetDataLock( &Data, NULL );
		DataStart = &Data[ ChunkPart.Offset ];
		HashState.Update( DataStart, ChunkPart.Size );
		DestinationFile.Serialize( DataStart, ChunkPart.Size );
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * Load a binary file to a dynamic array.
bool FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray( TArray<uint8>& Result, const TCHAR* Filename, uint32 Flags )
	FArchive* Reader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( Filename, Flags );
	if( !Reader )
		if (!(Flags & FILEREAD_Silent))
			UE_LOG(LogStreaming,Warning,TEXT("Failed to read file '%s' error."),Filename);
		return 0;
	Result.AddUninitialized( Reader->TotalSize() );
	Reader->Serialize(Result.GetData(), Result.Num());
	bool Success = Reader->Close();
	delete Reader;
	return Success;
Ejemplo n.º 23
bool CopyCompressedFileToPak(FArchive& InPak, const FString& InMountPoint, const FPakInputPair& InFile, const FCompressedFileBuffer& CompressedFile, FPakEntryPair& OutNewEntry)
	if (CompressedFile.TotalCompressedSize == 0)
		return false;

	int64 HeaderTell = InPak.Tell();
	OutNewEntry.Info.CompressionMethod = CompressedFile.FileCompressionMethod;

	int64 TellPos = InPak.Tell() + OutNewEntry.Info.GetSerializedSize(FPakInfo::PakFile_Version_Latest);
	const TArray<FPakCompressedBlock>& Blocks = CompressedFile.CompressedBlocks;
	for (int32 BlockIndex = 0, BlockCount = CompressedFile.CompressedBlocks.Num(); BlockIndex < BlockCount; ++BlockIndex)
		OutNewEntry.Info.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedStart = Blocks[BlockIndex].CompressedStart + TellPos;
		OutNewEntry.Info.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedEnd = Blocks[BlockIndex].CompressedEnd + TellPos;

	if (InFile.bNeedEncryption)
		FAES::EncryptData(CompressedFile.CompressedBuffer.Get(), CompressedFile.TotalCompressedSize);

	//Hash the final buffer thats written
	FSHA1 Hash;
	Hash.Update(CompressedFile.CompressedBuffer.Get(), CompressedFile.TotalCompressedSize);

	// Update file size & Hash
	OutNewEntry.Info.CompressionBlockSize = CompressedFile.FileCompressionBlockSize;
	OutNewEntry.Info.UncompressedSize = CompressedFile.OriginalSize;
	OutNewEntry.Info.Size = CompressedFile.TotalCompressedSize;

	//	Write the header, then the data
	OutNewEntry.Filename = InFile.Dest.Mid(InMountPoint.Len());
	OutNewEntry.Info.Offset = 0; // Don't serialize offsets here.
	OutNewEntry.Info.bEncrypted = InFile.bNeedEncryption;
	InPak.Serialize(CompressedFile.CompressedBuffer.Get(), CompressedFile.TotalCompressedSize);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool FPerfCounters::ReportUnplayableCondition(const FString& ConditionDescription)
	FString UnplayableConditionFile(FPaths::Combine(*FPaths::GameSavedDir(), *FString::Printf(TEXT("UnplayableConditionForPid_%d.txt"), FPlatformProcess::GetCurrentProcessId())));

	FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*UnplayableConditionFile);
	if (UNLIKELY(ReportFile == nullptr))
		return false;

	// include description for debugging
	FTCHARToUTF8 Converter(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Unplayable condition encountered: %s\n"), *ConditionDescription));
	ReportFile->Serialize(reinterpret_cast<void *>(const_cast<char *>(Converter.Get())), Converter.Length());

	delete ReportFile;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool FHighResScreenshotConfig::SaveImage(const FString& File, const TArray<TPixelType>& Bitmap, const FIntPoint& BitmapSize, FString* OutFilename) const
	typedef FPixelTypeTraits<TPixelType> Traits;

	static_assert(ARE_TYPES_EQUAL(TPixelType, FFloat16Color) || ARE_TYPES_EQUAL(TPixelType, FColor), "Source format must be either FColor or FFloat16Color");
	const int32 x = BitmapSize.X;
	const int32 y = BitmapSize.Y;
	check(Bitmap.Num() == x * y);

	const bool bIsWritingHDRImage = Traits::IsWritingHDRImage(bCaptureHDR);

	IFileManager* FileManager = &IFileManager::Get();
	const size_t BitsPerPixel = (sizeof(TPixelType) / 4) * 8;

	TSharedPtr<class IImageWrapper> ImageCompressor = bIsWritingHDRImage ? ImageCompressorHDR : ImageCompressorLDR;

	// here we require the input file name to have an extension
	FString NewExtension = bIsWritingHDRImage ? TEXT(".exr") : TEXT(".png");
	FString Filename = FPaths::GetBaseFilename(File, false) + NewExtension;

	if (OutFilename != nullptr)
		*OutFilename = Filename;

	if (ImageCompressor.IsValid() && ImageCompressor->SetRaw((void*)&Bitmap[0], sizeof(TPixelType)* x * y, x, y, Traits::SourceChannelLayout, BitsPerPixel))
		FArchive* Ar = FileManager->CreateFileWriter(Filename.GetCharArray().GetData());
		if (Ar != nullptr)
			const TArray<uint8>& CompressedData = ImageCompressor->GetCompressed();
			int32 CompressedSize = CompressedData.Num();
			Ar->Serialize((void*)CompressedData.GetData(), CompressedSize);
			delete Ar;
			return false;

	return true;
void FNetworkFileServerClientConnection::PackageFile( FString& Filename, FArchive& Out )
	// get file timestamp and send it to client
	FDateTime ServerTimeStamp = Sandbox->GetTimeStamp(*Filename);

	TArray<uint8> Contents;
	// open file
	IFileHandle* File = Sandbox->OpenRead(*Filename);

	if (!File)
		ServerTimeStamp = FDateTime::MinValue(); // if this was a directory, this will make sure it is not confused with a zero byte file

		UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Warning, TEXT("Request for missing file %s."), *Filename );
		if (!File->Size())
			UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Warning, TEXT("Sending empty file %s...."), *Filename);
			// read it
			File->Read(Contents.GetData(), Contents.Num());

		// close it
		delete File;

		UE_LOG(LogFileServer, Display, TEXT("Read %s, %d bytes"), *Filename, Contents.Num());

	Out << Filename;
	Out << ServerTimeStamp;
	uint64 FileSize = Contents.Num();
	Out << FileSize;
	Out.Serialize(Contents.GetData(), FileSize);
Ejemplo n.º 27
FCacheEntryMetadata* FRuntimeAssetCacheBackend::GetCachedData(const FName Bucket, const TCHAR* CacheKey, TArray<uint8>& OutData)
	FCacheEntryMetadata* Result = nullptr;
	FArchive* Ar = CreateReadArchive(Bucket, CacheKey);
	if (!Ar)
		return Result;

	Result = PreloadMetadata(Ar);

	int64 TotalSize = Ar->TotalSize();
	int64 CurrentPosition = Ar->Tell();
	int64 NumberOfBytesToSerialize = TotalSize - CurrentPosition;

	Ar->Serialize(OutData.GetData(), NumberOfBytesToSerialize);
	delete Ar;
	return Result;
	virtual void UpdateADBPath() override
		FScopeLock PathUpdateLock(&ADBPathCheckLock);
		TCHAR AndroidDirectory[32768] = { 0 };
		FPlatformMisc::GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("ANDROID_HOME"), AndroidDirectory, 32768);

		FString ADBPath;
		if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0)
			// didn't find ANDROID_HOME, so parse the .bash_profile file on MAC
			FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*FString([@"~/.bash_profile" stringByExpandingTildeInPath]));
			if (FileReader)
				const int64 FileSize = FileReader->TotalSize();
				ANSICHAR* AnsiContents = (ANSICHAR*)FMemory::Malloc(FileSize);
				FileReader->Serialize(AnsiContents, FileSize);
				delete FileReader;

				TArray<FString> Lines;

				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Lines.Num(); Index++)
					if (AndroidDirectory[0] == 0 && Lines[Index].StartsWith(TEXT("export ANDROID_HOME=")))
						FString Directory;
						Lines[Index].Split(TEXT("="), NULL, &Directory);
						Directory = Directory.Replace(TEXT("\""), TEXT(""));
						FCString::Strcpy(AndroidDirectory, *Directory);
						setenv("ANDROID_HOME", TCHAR_TO_ANSI(AndroidDirectory), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool FBuildPatchUtils::VerifyChunkFile( FArchive& ChunkFileData, bool bQuickCheck )
	const int64 FileSize = ChunkFileData.TotalSize();
	bool bSuccess = ChunkFileData.IsLoading();
	if ( !bSuccess )
		GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: ERROR: VerifyChunkFile expected readonly archive" ) );
		// Read the header
		FChunkHeader Header;
		ChunkFileData << Header;
		// Check header magic
		if ( !Header.IsValidMagic() )
			bSuccess = false;
			GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: ERROR: VerifyChunkFile corrupt header" ) );
		// Check Header and data size
		if ( bSuccess && ( Header.HeaderSize + Header.DataSize ) != FileSize )
			bSuccess = false;
			GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: ERROR: VerifyChunkFile header info does not match file size" ) );
		if( bSuccess && !bQuickCheck )
			// Hashes for checking data
			FSHA1 SHAHasher;
			FSHAHashData SHAHash;
			uint64 CycPoly64Hash = 0;
			// Load the data to check
			uint8* FileReadBuffer = new uint8[ FileBufferSize ];
			int64 DataOffset = 0;
			switch ( Header.StoredAs )
			case FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW:
				while( !ChunkFileData.AtEnd() )
					const int64 SizeLeft = FileSize - ChunkFileData.Tell();
					const uint32 ReadLen = FMath::Min< int64 >( FileBufferSize, SizeLeft );
					ChunkFileData.Serialize( FileReadBuffer, ReadLen );
					switch ( Header.HashType )
					case FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING:
						CycPoly64Hash = FCycPoly64Hash::GetHashForDataSet(FileReadBuffer, ReadLen, CycPoly64Hash);
					case  FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1:
						SHAHasher.Update( FileReadBuffer, ReadLen );
						check( false ); // @TODO LSwift: Implement other storage methods!
						bSuccess = false;
					DataOffset += ReadLen;
				if( bSuccess )
					switch ( Header.HashType )
					case FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING:
						bSuccess = Header.RollingHash == CycPoly64Hash;
					case  FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1:
						SHAHasher.GetHash( SHAHash.Hash );
						bSuccess = SHAHash == Header.SHAHash;
					if (!bSuccess)
						GLog->Logf(TEXT("BuildPatchServices: ERROR: VerifyChunkFile file hashcheck failed"));
				GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: ERROR: VerifyChunkFile failed, unknown storage type" ) );
				bSuccess = false;
			delete[] FileReadBuffer;

	return bSuccess;
 * Mimics Windows WER format
void GenerateWindowsErrorReport(const FString & WERPath, bool bReportingNonCrash)
	FArchive* ReportFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*WERPath);
	if (ReportFile != NULL)
		// write BOM
		static uint16 ByteOrderMarker = 0xFEFF;
		ReportFile->Serialize(&ByteOrderMarker, sizeof(ByteOrderMarker));

		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("<WERReportMetadata>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<OSVersionInformation>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<WindowsNTVersion>0.0</WindowsNTVersion>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Build>No Build</Build>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Product>Linux</Product>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Edition>No Edition</Edition>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BuildString>No BuildString</BuildString>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Revision>0</Revision>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Flavor>No Flavor</Flavor>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Architecture>Unknown Architecture</Architecture>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<LCID>0</LCID>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</OSVersionInformation>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ParentProcessInformation>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessId>%d</ParentProcessId>"), getppid()));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessPath>C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe</ParentProcessPath>"));			// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<ParentProcessCmdLine>C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE</ParentProcessCmdLine>"));	// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ParentProcessInformation>"));

		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<ProblemSignatures>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<EventType>APPCRASH</EventType>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter0>UE4-%s</Parameter0>"), FApp::GetGameName()));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>%d.%d.%d</Parameter1>"), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMajor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetMinor(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetPatch()));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>0</Parameter2>"));													// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter3>Unknown Fault Module</Parameter3>"));										// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter4></Parameter4>"));													// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter5>00000000</Parameter5>"));													// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter6>00000000</Parameter6>"));													// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter7>0000000000000000</Parameter7>"));											// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter8>!%s!</Parameter8>"), FCommandLine::Get()));				// FIXME: supply valid? Only partially valid
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<Parameter9>%s!%s!%s!%d</Parameter9>"), *FApp::GetBranchName(), FPlatformProcess::BaseDir(), FPlatformMisc::GetEngineMode(), FEngineVersion::Current().GetChangelist()));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</ProblemSignatures>"));

		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<DynamicSignatures>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter1>6.1.7601.</Parameter1>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<Parameter2>1033</Parameter2>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<DeploymentName>%s</DeploymentName>"), FApp::GetDeploymentName()));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, *FString::Printf(TEXT("\t\t<IsEnsure>%s</IsEnsure>"), bReportingNonCrash ? TEXT("1") : TEXT("0")));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</DynamicSignatures>"));

		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t<SystemInformation>"));
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<MID>11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555</MID>"));							// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemManufacturer>Unknown.</SystemManufacturer>"));						// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<SystemProductName>Linux machine</SystemProductName>"));					// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t\t<BIOSVersion>A02</BIOSVersion>"));											// FIXME: supply valid?
		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("\t</SystemInformation>"));

		WriteLine(ReportFile, TEXT("</WERReportMetadata>"));

		delete ReportFile;