Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Serialize just the bulk data portion to/ from the passed in memory.
 * @param	Ar					Archive to serialize with
 * @param	Data				Memory to serialize either to or from
void FUntypedBulkData::SerializeBulkData( FArchive& Ar, void* Data )
	// skip serializing of unused data
	if( BulkDataFlags & BULKDATA_Unused )

	// Skip serialization for bulk data of zero length
	const int32 BulkDataSize = GetBulkDataSize();
	if(BulkDataSize == 0)

	// Allow backward compatible serialization by forcing bulk serialization off if required. Saving also always uses single
	// element serialization so errors or oversight when changing serialization code is recoverable.
	bool bSerializeInBulk = true;
	if( RequiresSingleElementSerialization( Ar ) 
	// Set when serialized like a lazy array.
	|| (BulkDataFlags & BULKDATA_ForceSingleElementSerialization) 
	// We use bulk serialization even when saving 1 byte types (texture & sound bulk data) as an optimization for those.
	|| (Ar.IsSaving() && (GetElementSize() > 1) ) )
		bSerializeInBulk = false;

	// Raw serialize the bulk data without any possiblity for potential endian conversion.
	if( bSerializeInBulk )
		// Serialize data compressed.
		if( BulkDataFlags & BULKDATA_SerializeCompressed )
			Ar.SerializeCompressed( Data, GetBulkDataSize(), GetDecompressionFlags());
		// Uncompressed/ regular serialization.
			Ar.Serialize( Data, GetBulkDataSize() );
	// Serialize an element at a time via the virtual SerializeElement function potentialy allowing and dealing with 
	// endian conversion. Dealing with compression makes this a bit more complex as SerializeCompressed expects the 
	// full data to be compresed en block and not piecewise.
		// Serialize data compressed.
		if( BulkDataFlags & BULKDATA_SerializeCompressed )
			// Placeholder for to be serialized data.
			TArray<uint8> SerializedData;
			// Loading, data is compressed in archive and needs to be decompressed.
			if( Ar.IsLoading() )
				// Create space for uncompressed data.
				SerializedData.Empty( GetBulkDataSize() );
				SerializedData.AddUninitialized( GetBulkDataSize() );

				// Serialize data with passed in archive and compress.
				Ar.SerializeCompressed( SerializedData.GetData(), SerializedData.Num(), GetDecompressionFlags());
				// Initialize memory reader with uncompressed data array and propagate forced byte swapping
				FMemoryReader MemoryReader( SerializedData, true );
				MemoryReader.SetByteSwapping( Ar.ForceByteSwapping() );

				// Serialize each element individually via memory reader.				
				for( int32 ElementIndex=0; ElementIndex<ElementCount; ElementIndex++ )
					SerializeElement( MemoryReader, Data, ElementIndex );
			// Saving, data is uncompressed in memory and needs to be compressed.
			else if( Ar.IsSaving() )
				// Initialize memory writer with blank data array and propagate forced byte swapping
				FMemoryWriter MemoryWriter( SerializedData, true );
				MemoryWriter.SetByteSwapping( Ar.ForceByteSwapping() );

				// Serialize each element individually via memory writer.				
				for( int32 ElementIndex=0; ElementIndex<ElementCount; ElementIndex++ )
					SerializeElement( MemoryWriter, Data, ElementIndex );

				// Serialize data with passed in archive and compress.
				Ar.SerializeCompressed( SerializedData.GetData(), SerializedData.Num(), GetDecompressionFlags() );
		// Uncompressed/ regular serialization.
			// We can use the passed in archive if we're not compressing the data.
			for( int32 ElementIndex=0; ElementIndex<ElementCount; ElementIndex++ )
				SerializeElement( Ar, Data, ElementIndex );