Example #1
void STGGeneric::makeChildren(SphereTree *st, int node, int level, const SurfaceRep &surRep) const{
  //  get the error of the parent
  Sphere parS = st->nodes.index(node);
  double parErr = eval->evalSphere(parS);

  //  get minimum bounding sphere for points to give to reducer
  Sphere boundingSphere;
  SFWhite::makeSphere(&boundingSphere, *surRep.getSurPts());

  //  generate the set of child spheres
  Array<Sphere> initChildren, children;
  reducer->getSpheres(&initChildren, st->degree, surRep, &boundingSphere, parErr);

  //  do sphere refit - local optimisation
  if (useRefit){
    SOPerSphere perSphere;
    perSphere.numIter = 3;
    perSphere.eval = eval;
    perSphere.optimise(&initChildren, surRep);

  //  apply optimiser if required
  if (optimiser && (maxOptLevel < 0 || level <= maxOptLevel))
    optimiser->optimise(&initChildren, surRep, -1, &parS, level-1);

  //  remove redundent spheres
  RELargest reLargest;
  if (!reLargest.reduceSpheres(&children, initChildren, surRep))

  int numChildren = children.getSize();
  if (numChildren == 0)

  //  get the points that this node covers
  const Array<Surface::Point> *surPts = surRep.getSurPts();
  int numPts = surPts->getSize();

  //  info for areas to be covered by each sphere
  Array<Array<Surface::Point> > subPts(numChildren);
  Array<bool> covered(numPts);

  //  make the divisions between the children
  SurfaceDivision surDiv;
  surDiv.setup(children, surPts);

  //  do the children
  int firstChild = st->getFirstChild(node);
  for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++){
    //  get sphere
    Sphere s = children.index(i);

    //  list the points in the sphere
    Array<int> listPoints;
    surRep.listContainedPoints(&listPoints, NULL, s, NULL);
    int numList = listPoints.getSize();

    //  filter points
    Array<Surface::Point> *filterPts = &subPts.index(i);
    for (int j = 0; j < numList; j++){
      //  get point
      int pI = listPoints.index(j);
      Surface::Point p = surPts->index(pI);

      //  check if it's in the region
      if (surDiv.pointInRegion(p.p, i)){
        covered.index(j) = true;
        filterPts->addItem() = p;

  //  count/cover uncovered points
  for (int i = 0; i < numPts; i++){
    if (!covered.index(i)){
      //  get the point
      Point3D p = surPts->index(i).p;

      //  find the closest sphere
      int closestJ = -1;
      float closestD = 0;
      for (int j = 0; j < numChildren;  j++){
        Sphere s = children.index(j);
        float d = p.distance(s.c) - s.r;
        if (d < closestD){
          closestJ = j;
          closestD = d;

      subPts.index(closestJ).addItem() = surPts->index(i);

  //  store spheres & recurse to children 
  int childNum = firstChild;
  for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++){
    if (subPts.index(i).getSize() > 1){
      //  recreate the sphere
      Sphere s = children.index(i);

      //  add sphere to tree
      st->nodes.index(childNum).c = s.c;
      st->nodes.index(childNum).r = s.r;

      if (level < st->levels-1 && numChildren > 1){
        const Array<Surface::Point> *pts = &subPts.index(i);

        //  make cells to have 10 pts each, most will have alot more
        int numCells = pts->getSize() / PTS_PER_CELL;
        int gridDim = ceil(pow(numCells, 1.0 / 3.0));
        OUTPUTINFO("numCells = %d, gridDim = %d\n", numCells, gridDim);

        //  make children by recursion
        SurfaceRep subRep;
        subRep.setup(*pts, gridDim);

        makeChildren(st, childNum, level+1, subRep);


  //  NULL out the rest of the spheres
  for (int i = childNum; i < st->degree; i++)
    st->initNode(firstChild+i, level+1);
Example #2
//  generate breadth first
void STGGeneric::constructTree(SphereTree *st) const{
  CHECK_DEBUG0(st != NULL && st->degree > 1 && st->levels >= 1);
  CHECK_DEBUG0(reducer != NULL);
  CHECK_DEBUG0(eval != NULL);
  CHECK_DEBUG0(surfacePoints != NULL);

  //  NULL out the entire tree

  //  make cells to have 10 pts each, most will have alot more
  int numCells = surfacePoints->getSize() / PTS_PER_CELL;
  int gridDim = ceil(pow(numCells, 1.0 / 3.0));
  OUTPUTINFO("numCells = %d, gridDim = %d\n", numCells, gridDim);

  SurfaceRep surRep;
  surRep.setup(*surfacePoints, gridDim);

  //  bounding sphere for root - should use vertices
  SFWhite::makeSphere(&st->nodes.index(0), *surfacePoints);

  //  list of points to be covered by each node
  unsigned long start, num;
  st->getRow(&start, &num, st->levels-1);
  Array<Array<int>/**/> pointsInSpheres;
  pointsInSpheres.resize(st->nodes.getSize() - num);

  //  initialise the list for the first node
  int numPts = surfacePoints->getSize();
  Array<int> *list0 = &pointsInSpheres.index(0);
  for (int i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
    list0->index(i) = i;

  //  process the remaining levels
  int numLeaves = 0;
  for (int level = 0; level < st->levels-1; level++){
    //  get the positions of the nodes
    unsigned long start, num;
    st->getRow(&start, &num, level);

    //  update samples etc. for this level
    reducer->setupForLevel(level, st->degree, &surRep);

    //  get the errors for all the spheres in that level
    int numActualSpheres = 0;
    double averageError = 0;
    Array<double> sphereErrors(num);
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){
      Sphere s = st->nodes.index(start+i);
      if (s.r >= 0){
        double err = eval->evalSphere(s);
        sphereErrors.index(i) = err;
        averageError += err;
        sphereErrors.index(i) = -1;
    averageError /= numActualSpheres;
    if (level != 0 && numActualSpheres <= 1){
      continue;     //  there is only one sphere here - will never improve

    //  process each node's to make children
    int maxNode = -1;
    double maxR = -1;
    int levelChildren = 0;
    for (int nodeI = 0; nodeI < num; nodeI++){
      //OUTPUTINFO("Level = %d, node = %d\n", level, nodeI);
      printf("Level = %d, node = %d\n", level, nodeI);

      int node = nodeI + start;
      if (st->nodes.index(node).r <= 0){
          OUTPUTINFO("R = %f\n", st->nodes.index(node).r);

      //  hack to do largest sphere at each run - gives guide to good params
      double r = st->nodes.index(node).r;
      if (r > maxR){
        maxR = r;
        maxNode = node;

      nodeI = maxNode - start;
      int node = maxNode;{
      //  end hack

      //  make the set of surface poitns to be covered by this sphere
      Array<int> *selPtsI = &pointsInSpheres.index(node);
      int numSelPts = selPtsI->getSize();

      if (numSelPts <= 0)

      Array<Surface::Point> selPts(numSelPts);
      for (int i = 0; i < numSelPts; i++)
        selPts.index(i) = surfacePoints->index(selPtsI->index(i));

      //  get filter sphere
      Sphere s;
      SFWhite::makeSphere(&s, selPts);

      //  make cells to have 10 pts each, most will have alot more
      int numCells = numSelPts / PTS_PER_CELL;
      int gridDim = ceil(pow(numCells, 1.0 / 3.0));
      OUTPUTINFO("%d Points\n", numSelPts);
      OUTPUTINFO("numCells = %d, gridDim = %d\n", numCells, gridDim);

      //  make new SurfaceRepresentation
      SurfaceRep subRep;
      subRep.setup(selPts, gridDim);

      //  compute error for this sphere
      double err = sphereErrors.index(nodeI);
      if (err > averageError)
        err = averageError;  //  improve the bad ones a bit more

      //  generate the children nodes
      Array<Sphere> initChildren, children;
      reducer->getSpheres(&initChildren, st->degree, subRep, &s, err);

      //  apply optimiser if required
      if (optimiser && (maxOptLevel < 0 || level <= maxOptLevel)){
printf("RUNNING OPTIMISER...\n");
        optimiser->optimise(&initChildren, subRep, -1, &s, level);
printf("DONE OPTIMISING...\n");

      //  do sphere refit - local optimisation
      if (useRefit){
        SOPerSphere perSphere;
        perSphere.numIter = 3;
        perSphere.eval = eval;
        perSphere.optimise(&initChildren, subRep);

      //  remove redundent spheres
      RELargest reLargest;
      if (!reLargest.reduceSpheres(&children, initChildren, subRep))

      //  setup the node's sub-division (make the regions to be covered by children)
      //subDivs.index(node).setup(children, &selPts);
      SurfaceDivision surDiv;
      surDiv.setup(children, &selPts);

      //  list of points that are covered
      Array<bool> covered(numSelPts);

      //  create the new nodes and their the points to cover
      int numChildren = children.getSize();
      int firstChild = st->getFirstChild(node);
      levelChildren += numChildren;
      for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++){
        int childNum = firstChild + i;

        //  get sphere
        const Sphere& s = children.index(i);

        //  add sphere to tree
        st->nodes.index(childNum).c = s.c;
        st->nodes.index(childNum).r = s.r;

        if (level < st->levels-2){
          //  get the points in this sphere
          Array<int> pointsInS;
          subRep.listContainedPoints(&pointsInS, NULL, s);
          int numInS = pointsInS.getSize();

          //  populate list of points in sphere
          Array<int> *pointsToCover = &pointsInSpheres.index(childNum);
          pointsToCover->resize(0);   //  just in case
          for (int j = 0; j < numInS; j++){
            int pI = pointsInS.index(j);
            if (surDiv.pointInRegion(selPts.index(pI).p, i)){
              pointsToCover->addItem() = selPtsI->index(pI);
              covered.index(pI) = true;

      //  assign uncovered points
      if (numChildren > 0 && level < st->levels-2){
        for (int i = 0; i < numSelPts; i++){
          if (!covered.index(i)){
            //  get point
            const Point3D& pt = selPts.index(i).p;

            //  find the sphere
            int minJ = -1;
            float minD = FLT_MAX;
            for (int j = 0; j < numChildren; j++){
              const Sphere& s = children.index(j);
              float d = pt.distance(s.c);// - s.r;
              if (d < minD){
                minD = d;
                minJ = j;

            //  add the point to the sphere's list
            pointsInSpheres.index(firstChild+minJ).addItem() = selPtsI->index(i);

      //  save after each child set

    //  save after each level

    //  see if we need to add another level
    if (level == st->levels - 2 && minLeaves > 0 && numLeaves + levelChildren < minLeaves){
      //  grow the tree
      OUTPUTINFO("Growing the tree : %d-->%d\n", st->levels, st->levels+1);
      OUTPUTINFO("New Nodes : %d-->", st->nodes.getSize());
      OUTPUTINFO("%d\n", st->nodes.getSize());
Example #3
double getClosestPoint(ClosestPointInfo *inf, const Point3D &pTest, const Surface &s, const SpacialHash &faceHash, float stopBelow){
  //  get the dimensions and size of the grid
  int nX = faceHash.getDimX();
  int nY = faceHash.getDimY();
  int nZ = faceHash.getDimZ();
  float cellSize = faceHash.getSize();

  //  work out the MAX ring number  (doesn't really need to be small)
  int maxRing = nX;
  if (nY > maxRing)
    maxRing = nY;
  if (nZ > maxRing)
    maxRing = nZ;

  //  get the cell 
  int Cx, Cy, Cz;
  faceHash.getBoundedIndices(&Cx, &Cy, &Cz, pTest);

  //  flags for used triangles
  Array<bool> flags(s.triangles.getSize());

  //  flags for whether point has been tested
  Array<bool> vertexFlags(s.vertices.getSize());

  //  initialise the closest point algorithm
  inf->num = 0;
  inf->triangle = 0;
  inf->type = DIST_TYPE_INVALID;
  double minD = REAL_MAX;
  double stopBelowSqr = -1;
  if (stopBelow > 0)
    stopBelowSqr = stopBelow*stopBelow;

  //  process the first cell
  Array<int> *cell = faceHash.getCell(Cx, Cy, Cz);
  if (cell->getSize())
    getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, cell, &flags, &vertexFlags);

#define DOCELL() {   \
          Array<int> *cell = faceHash.getCell(x, y, z);  \
          if (cell->getSize() && faceHash.getDistanceSQR(x, y, z, pTest) < minD){ \
            getClosestPointINTERNAL(inf, &minD, pTest, s, stopBelowSqr, cell, &flags, &vertexFlags); \
            if (minD < stopBelowSqr) \
              return sqrt(minD); \
            } } \

  //  process rings
  int x, y, z;
  for (int ring = 1; ring <= maxRing; ring++){
    //  check for terminate of ring
    double d = (ring-1)*cellSize;
    if (d*d > minD)
      return sqrt(minD);  //  done

    //  get clamped bounds for the ring
    int minX = Cx - ring;
    if (minX < 0)
      minX = 0;

    int minY = Cy - ring;
    if (minY < 0)
      minY = 0;

    int minZ = Cz - ring;
    if (minZ < 0)
      minZ = 0;

    int maxX = Cx + ring;
    if (maxX >= nX)
      maxX = nX-1;

    int maxY = Cy + ring;
    if (maxY >= nY)
      maxY = nY-1;

    int maxZ = Cz + ring;
    if (maxZ >= nZ)
      maxZ = nZ-1;

    //  top
    y = Cy - ring;
    if (y >= 0){
      for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
        for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)

    //  bottom
    y = Cy + ring;
    if (y < nY){
      for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
        for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)

    //  work out the starting points
    int localMinY = Cy - ring + 1;    //  top and bottom already done
    if (localMinY < minY)
      localMinY = minY;

    int localMaxY = Cy + ring - 1;
    if (localMaxY > maxY)
      localMaxY = maxY;

    int localMinZ = Cz - ring;
    if (localMinZ < minZ)
      localMinZ = minZ;

    int localMaxZ = Cz + ring;
    if (localMaxZ > maxZ)
      localMaxZ = maxZ;

    //  left
    x = Cx - ring;
    if (x >= 0){
      for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)
        for (z = localMinZ; z <= localMaxZ; z++)

    //  right
    x = Cx + ring;
    if (x < nX){
      for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)
        for (z = localMinZ; z <= localMaxZ; z++)

    //  work out the starting points
    int localMinX = Cx - ring + 1;    //  left and right already done
    if (localMinX < minX)
      localMinX = minX;

    int localMaxX = Cx + ring - 1;
    if (localMaxX > maxX)
      localMaxX = maxX;

    //  front
    z = Cz - ring;
    if (z > 0){
      for (x = localMinX; x <= localMaxX; x++)
        for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)

    //  back
    z = Cz + ring;
    if (z < nZ){
      for (x = localMinX; x <= localMaxX; x++)
        for (y = localMinY; y <= localMaxY; y++)

  return sqrt(minD);
Example #4
 * Remove points in a signal based on the angle between adjacent segments in
 * the signal.  The end points of the signal are always retained.
 * @param aAngle If the angle between two adjacent segments is less than
 * aAngle the point in common between the two segments is removed.  This
 * is evaluate for each point in the signal.
 * @param rTime Array of time values.  This array is altered.
 * @param rSignal Array of signal values.  This array is altered.
 * @return Number of points removed.
int Signal::
ReduceNumberOfPoints(double aDistance,
                            Array<double> &rTime,Array<double> &rSignal)
    int size = rTime.getSize();
    int sizeSignal = rSignal.getSize();
    if(size!=sizeSignal) {
        cout<<"\n\nSignal.ReduceNumberOfPoints:: quitting.  The time and signal ";
        cout<<"arrays have different numbers of points.\n\n";

    if(aDistance<SimTK::Zero) aDistance = SimTK::Zero;

    Array<double> t(0.0,0,size),s(0.0,0,size);
    int iLast=0;

    int i,imid;
    SimTK::Vec3 p1(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    SimTK::Vec3 p2(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    SimTK::Vec3 p3(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    SimTK::Vec3 v1(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    SimTK::Vec3 v2(0.0,0.0,0.0);

    double tmid,mv1,mv2,cos,dsq;
    for(i=1;i<(size-1);i++) {

        // FIRST POINT
        p1[0] = t.getLast();
        p1[1] = s.getLast();

        // THIRD POINT
        p3[0] = rTime[i+1];
        p3[1] = rSignal[i+1];

        // SECOND POINT
        // MIDPOINT
        tmid = 0.5*(p3[0]-p1[0]) + p1[0];
        imid = rTime.searchBinary(tmid,false,iLast,i+1);
        if(imid<=iLast) imid++;
        p2[0] = rTime[imid];
        p2[1] = rSignal[imid];

        v1 = p2 - p1; //Mtx::Subtract(1,3,p2,p1,v1);
        v2 = p3 - p1; //Mtx::Subtract(1,3,p3,p1,v2);

        mv1 = v1.norm(); //Mtx::Magnitude(3,v1);
        mv2 = v2.norm(); //Mtx::Magnitude(3,v2);
        cos = (~v1*v2)/(mv1*mv2); //Mtx::DotProduct(3,v1,v2) / (mv1*mv2); 

        dsq = mv1 * mv1 * (1.0 - cos*cos);

        if(dsq < (aDistance*aDistance)) continue;

        iLast = i;


    int numberRemoved = rTime.getSize() - t.getSize();

    rTime = t;
    rSignal = s;

/* Solve for the induced accelerations (udot_f) for a Force in the model 
   identified by its name. */
const SimTK::Vector& InducedAccelerationsSolver::solve(const SimTK::State& s,
                const string& forceName,
                bool computeActuatorPotentialOnly,
                SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec>* constraintReactions)
    int nu = _modelCopy.getNumSpeeds();
    double aT = s.getTime();

    SimTK::State& s_solver = _modelCopy.updWorkingState();

    // Just need to set current time and kinematics to determine state of constraints

    // Check the external forces and determine if contact constraints should be applied at this time
    // and turn constraint on if it should be.
    Array<bool> constraintOn = applyContactConstraintAccordingToExternalForces(s_solver);

    // Hang on to a state that has the right flags for contact constraints turned on/off
    // Use this state for the remainder of this step (record)
    s_solver = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realizeTopology();
    // DO NOT recreate the system, will lose location of constraint

    //cout << "Solving for contributor: " << _contributors[c] << endl;
    // Need to be at the dynamics stage to disable a force
    _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
    if(forceName == "total"){
        // Set gravity ON

        //Use same conditions on constraints
        s_solver.updU() = s.getU();
        s_solver.updU() = s.getZ();

        //Make sure all the actuators are on!
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, false);

        // Get to  the point where we can evaluate unilateral constraint conditions
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

        /* *********************************** ERROR CHECKING *******************************
        SimTK::Vec3 pcom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterLocationInGround(s_solver);
        SimTK::Vec3 vcom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterVelocityInGround(s_solver);
        SimTK::Vec3 acom =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMassCenterAccelerationInGround(s_solver);

        SimTK::Matrix M;
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcM(s_solver, M);
        cout << "mass matrix: " << M << endl;

        SimTK::Inertia sysInertia = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemCentralInertiaInGround(s_solver);
        cout << "system inertia: " << sysInertia << endl;

        SimTK::SpatialVec sysMomentum =_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcSystemMomentumAboutGroundOrigin(s_solver);
        cout << "system momentum: " << sysMomentum << endl;

        const SimTK::Vector &appliedMobilityForces = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMobilityForces(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
        appliedMobilityForces.dump("All Applied Mobility Forces");
        // Get all applied body forces like those from contact
        const SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec>& appliedBodyForces = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getRigidBodyForces(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
        appliedBodyForces.dump("All Applied Body Forces");

        SimTK::Vector ucUdot;
        SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> ucA_GB;
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().calcAccelerationIgnoringConstraints(s_solver, appliedMobilityForces, appliedBodyForces, ucUdot, ucA_GB) ;
        ucUdot.dump("Udots Ignoring Constraints");
        ucA_GB.dump("Body Accelerations");

        SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> constraintBodyForces(_constraintSet.getSize(), SimTK::SpatialVec(SimTK::Vec3(0)));
        SimTK::Vector constraintMobilityForces(0);

        int nc = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().getNumConstraints();
        for (SimTK::ConstraintIndex cx(0); cx < nc; ++cx) {
            if (!_modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().isConstraintDisabled(s_solver, cx)){
                cout << "Constraint " << cx << " enabled!" << endl;
        //int nMults = _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().getMatterSubsystem().getTotalMultAlloc();

        for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
                _constraintSet[i].calcConstraintForces(s_solver, constraintBodyForces, constraintMobilityForces);
        constraintBodyForces.dump("Constraint Body Forces");
        constraintMobilityForces.dump("Constraint Mobility Forces");
        // ******************************* end ERROR CHECKING *******************************/
        for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
            _replacementConstraints[i].setDisabled(s_solver, !constraintOn[i]);
            // Make sure we stay at Dynamics so each constraint can evaluate its conditions
            _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

        // This should also push changes to defaults for unilateral conditions

    else if(forceName == "gravity"){
        // Set gravity ON
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), false);

        // zero velocity

        // disable other forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getForceSet().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updForceSet()[f].setDisabled(s_solver, true);
    else if(forceName == "velocity"){       
        // Set gravity off
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), true);

        // non-zero velocity
        s_solver.updU() = s.getU();
        // zero actuator forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, true);
        // Set the configuration (gen. coords and speeds) of the model.
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);
    else{ //The rest are actuators      
        // Set gravity OFF
        _modelCopy.updForceSubsystem().setForceIsDisabled(s_solver, _modelCopy.getGravityForce().getForceIndex(), true);

        // zero actuator forces
        for(int f=0; f<_modelCopy.getActuators().getSize(); f++){
            _modelCopy.updActuators().get(f).setDisabled(s_solver, true);

        // zero velocity
        SimTK::Vector U(nu,0.0);
        s_solver.updZ() = s.getZ();
        // light up the one Force who's contribution we are looking for
        int ai = _modelCopy.getForceSet().getIndex(forceName);
            cout << "Force '"<< forceName << "' not found in model '" <<
                _modelCopy.getName() << "'." << endl;
        Force &force = _modelCopy.getForceSet().get(ai);
        force.setDisabled(s_solver, false);

        ScalarActuator *actuator = dynamic_cast<ScalarActuator*>(&force);
                actuator->overrideActuation(s_solver, true);
                actuator->setOverrideActuation(s_solver, 1.0);

        // Set the configuration (gen. coords and speeds) of the model.
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Model);
        _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Velocity);

    }// End of if to select contributor 

    // cout << "Constraint 0 is of "<< _constraintSet[0].getConcreteClassName() << " and should be " << constraintOn[0] << " and is actually " <<  (_constraintSet[0].isDisabled(s_solver) ? "off" : "on") << endl;
    // cout << "Constraint 1 is of "<< _constraintSet[1].getConcreteClassName() << " and should be " << constraintOn[1] << " and is actually " <<  (_constraintSet[1].isDisabled(s_solver) ? "off" : "on") << endl;

    // After setting the state of the model and applying forces
    // Compute the derivative of the multibody system (speeds and accelerations)
    _modelCopy.getMultibodySystem().realize(s_solver, SimTK::Stage::Acceleration);

    // Sanity check that constraints hasn't totally changed the configuration of the model
    // double error = (s.getQ()-s_solver.getQ()).norm();

    // Report reaction forces for debugging
    SimTK::Vector_<SimTK::SpatialVec> constraintBodyForces(_constraintSet.getSize());
    SimTK::Vector mobilityForces(0);

    for(int i=0; i<constraintOn.getSize(); i++) {
            _constraintSet.get(i).calcConstraintForces(s_solver, constraintBodyForces, mobilityForces);

    return s_solver.getUDot();