Example #1
void VMPI_ReceiveDetailPropWU( int iWorkUnit, MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iWorker )
	CUtlVector<DetailPropLightstylesLump_t> *pDetailPropLump = s_pDetailPropLightStyleLump;

	DetailObjectLump_t& prop = g_pMPIDetailProps[iWorkUnit];

	pBuf->read( &prop.m_Lighting, sizeof( prop.m_Lighting ) );
	pBuf->read( &prop.m_LightStyleCount, sizeof( prop.m_LightStyleCount ) );
	pBuf->read( &prop.m_LightStyles, sizeof( prop.m_LightStyles ) );
	pDetailPropLump->EnsureCount( prop.m_LightStyles + prop.m_LightStyleCount );
	for ( int i=0; i < prop.m_LightStyleCount; i++ )
		DetailPropLightstylesLump_t *l = &pDetailPropLump->Element( i + prop.m_LightStyles );
		pBuf->read( &l->m_Lighting, sizeof( l->m_Lighting ) );
		pBuf->read( &l->m_Style, sizeof( l->m_Style ) );
Example #2
void Disp_BuildVirtualMesh( int contentsMask )
	CUtlVector<CPhysCollide *> virtualMeshes;
	virtualMeshes.EnsureCount( g_CoreDispInfos.Count() );
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_CoreDispInfos.Count(); i++ )	
		CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo = g_CoreDispInfos[ i ];
		mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp = &mapdispinfo[ i ];

		virtualMeshes[i] = NULL;
		// not solid for this pass
		if ( !(pMapDisp->contents & contentsMask) )

		// Build a triangle list. This shares the tesselation code with the engine.
		CUtlVector<unsigned short> indices;
		CVBSPTesselateHelper helper;
		helper.m_pIndices = &indices;
		helper.m_pActiveVerts = pDispInfo->GetAllowedVerts().Base();
		helper.m_pPowerInfo = pDispInfo->GetPowerInfo();

		::TesselateDisplacement( &helper );

		// validate the collision data
		if ( 1 )
			int triCount = indices.Count() / 3;
			for ( int j = 0; j < triCount; j++ )
				int index = j * 3;
				Vector v0 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+0] );
				Vector v1 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+1] );
				Vector v2 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+2] );
				if ( v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0 )
					Warning( "Displacement %d has bad geometry near %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, v0.x, v0.y, v0.z );
					texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pMapDisp->face.texinfo];
					dtexdata_t *pTexData = GetTexData( pTexInfo->texdata );
					const char *pMatName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( pTexData->nameStringTableID );

					Error( "Can't compile displacement physics, exiting.  Texture is %s\n", pMatName );

		CDispMeshEvent meshHandler( indices.Base(), indices.Count(), pDispInfo );
		virtualmeshparams_t params;
		params.buildOuterHull = true;
		params.pMeshEventHandler = &meshHandler;
		params.userData = &meshHandler;
		virtualMeshes[i] = physcollision->CreateVirtualMesh( params );
	unsigned int totalSize = 0;
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	dphysdisp_t header;
	header.numDisplacements = g_CoreDispInfos.Count();
	buf.PutObjects( &header );

	CUtlVector<char> dispBuf;
	for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
		if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
			unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );
			totalSize += testSize;
			buf.PutShort( testSize );
			buf.PutShort( -1 );
	for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
		if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
			unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );

			unsigned int outSize = physcollision->CollideWrite( dispBuf.Base(), virtualMeshes[i], false );
			Assert( outSize == testSize );
			buf.Put( dispBuf.Base(), outSize );
	g_PhysDispSize = totalSize + sizeof(dphysdisp_t) + (sizeof(unsigned short) * header.numDisplacements);
	Assert( buf.TellMaxPut() == g_PhysDispSize );
	g_PhysDispSize = buf.TellMaxPut();
	g_pPhysDisp = new byte[g_PhysDispSize];
	Q_memcpy( g_pPhysDisp, buf.Base(), g_PhysDispSize );
Example #3
// Purpose: Copy a string into a CUtlVector of characters
void UtlStrcpy( CUtlVector<char> &dest, const char *pSrc )
	dest.EnsureCount( (int) (strlen( pSrc ) + 1) );
	Q_strncpy( dest.Base(), pSrc, dest.Count() );
Example #4
// Trace rays from each unique vertex, accumulating direct and indirect
// sources at each ray termination. Use the winding data to distribute the unique vertexes
// into the rendering layout.
void CVradStaticPropMgr::ComputeLighting( CStaticProp &prop, int iThread, int prop_index )
	Vector						samplePosition;
	Vector						sampleNormal;
	CUtlVector<colorVertex_t>	colorVerts; 
	CUtlVector<badVertex_t>		badVerts;

	StaticPropDict_t &dict = m_StaticPropDict[prop.m_ModelIdx];
	studiohdr_t	*pStudioHdr = dict.m_pStudioHdr;
	OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *pVtxHdr = (OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t *)dict.m_VtxBuf.Base();
	if ( !pStudioHdr || !pVtxHdr )
		// must have model and its verts for lighting computation
		// game will fallback to fullbright

	// for access to this model's vertexes
	SetCurrentModel( pStudioHdr );

	for ( int bodyID = 0; bodyID < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; ++bodyID )
		OptimizedModel::BodyPartHeader_t* pVtxBodyPart = pVtxHdr->pBodyPart( bodyID );
		mstudiobodyparts_t *pBodyPart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( bodyID );

		for ( int modelID = 0; modelID < pBodyPart->nummodels; ++modelID )
			OptimizedModel::ModelHeader_t* pVtxModel = pVtxBodyPart->pModel( modelID );
			mstudiomodel_t *pStudioModel = pBodyPart->pModel( modelID );

			// light all unique vertexes
			colorVerts.EnsureCount( pStudioModel->numvertices );
			memset( colorVerts.Base(), 0, colorVerts.Count() * sizeof(colorVertex_t) );

			int numVertexes = 0;
			for ( int meshID = 0; meshID < pStudioModel->nummeshes; ++meshID )
				mstudiomesh_t *pStudioMesh = pStudioModel->pMesh( meshID );
				const mstudio_meshvertexdata_t *vertData = pStudioMesh->GetVertexData();
				for ( int vertexID = 0; vertexID < pStudioMesh->numvertices; ++vertexID )
					// transform position and normal into world coordinate system
					matrix3x4_t	matrix;
					AngleMatrix( prop.m_Angles, prop.m_Origin, matrix );
					VectorTransform( *vertData->Position( vertexID ), matrix, samplePosition );
					AngleMatrix( prop.m_Angles, matrix );
					VectorTransform( *vertData->Normal( vertexID ), matrix, sampleNormal );

					if ( (! (prop.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING ) ) &&
						 PositionInSolid( samplePosition ) )
						// vertex is in solid, add to the bad list, and recover later
						badVertex_t badVertex;
						badVertex.m_ColorVertex = numVertexes;
						badVertex.m_Position = samplePosition;
						badVertex.m_Normal = sampleNormal;
						badVerts.AddToTail( badVertex );			
						Vector direct_pos=samplePosition;
						int skip_prop=-1;

						Vector directColor(0,0,0);
						if (prop.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_NO_PER_VERTEX_LIGHTING )
							if (prop.m_bLightingOriginValid)
								VectorCopy( prop.m_LightingOrigin, direct_pos );
								VectorCopy( prop.m_Origin, direct_pos );
							skip_prop = prop_index;
						if ( prop.m_Flags & STATIC_PROP_NO_SELF_SHADOWING )
							skip_prop = prop_index;

						ComputeDirectLightingAtPoint( direct_pos,
													  sampleNormal, directColor, iThread,
													  skip_prop );
						Vector indirectColor(0,0,0);

						if (g_bShowStaticPropNormals)
							directColor= sampleNormal;
							directColor += Vector(1.0,1.0,1.0);
							directColor *= 50.0;
							if (numbounce >= 1)
								ComputeIndirectLightingAtPoint( samplePosition, sampleNormal, 
																indirectColor, iThread, true );

						colorVerts[numVertexes].m_bValid = true;
						colorVerts[numVertexes].m_Position = samplePosition;
						VectorAdd( directColor, indirectColor, colorVerts[numVertexes].m_Color );


			// color in the bad vertexes
			// when entire model has no lighting origin and no valid neighbors
			// must punt, leave black coloring
			if ( badVerts.Count() && ( prop.m_bLightingOriginValid || badVerts.Count() != numVertexes ) )
				for ( int nBadVertex = 0; nBadVertex < badVerts.Count(); nBadVertex++ )
					Vector bestPosition;
					if ( prop.m_bLightingOriginValid )
						// use the specified lighting origin
						VectorCopy( prop.m_LightingOrigin, bestPosition );
						// find the closest valid neighbor
						int best = 0;
						float closest = FLT_MAX;
						for ( int nColorVertex = 0; nColorVertex < numVertexes; nColorVertex++ )
							if ( !colorVerts[nColorVertex].m_bValid )
								// skip invalid neighbors
							Vector delta;
							VectorSubtract( colorVerts[nColorVertex].m_Position, badVerts[nBadVertex].m_Position, delta );
							float distance = VectorLength( delta );
							if ( distance < closest )
								closest = distance;
								best    = nColorVertex;

						// use the best neighbor as the direction to crawl
						VectorCopy( colorVerts[best].m_Position, bestPosition );

					// crawl toward best position
					// sudivide to determine a closer valid point to the bad vertex, and re-light
					Vector midPosition;
					int numIterations = 20;
					while ( --numIterations > 0 )
						VectorAdd( bestPosition, badVerts[nBadVertex].m_Position, midPosition );
						VectorScale( midPosition, 0.5f, midPosition );
						if ( PositionInSolid( midPosition ) )
						bestPosition = midPosition;

					// re-light from better position
					Vector directColor;
					ComputeDirectLightingAtPoint( bestPosition, badVerts[nBadVertex].m_Normal, directColor, iThread );

					Vector indirectColor;
					ComputeIndirectLightingAtPoint( bestPosition, badVerts[nBadVertex].m_Normal,
													indirectColor, iThread, true );

					// save results, not changing valid status
					// to ensure this offset position is not considered as a viable candidate
					colorVerts[badVerts[nBadVertex].m_ColorVertex].m_Position = bestPosition;
					VectorAdd( directColor, indirectColor, colorVerts[badVerts[nBadVertex].m_ColorVertex].m_Color );
			// discard bad verts

			// distribute the lighting results
			for ( int nLod = 0; nLod < pVtxHdr->numLODs; nLod++ )
				OptimizedModel::ModelLODHeader_t *pVtxLOD = pVtxModel->pLOD( nLod );

				for ( int nMesh = 0; nMesh < pStudioModel->nummeshes; ++nMesh )
					mstudiomesh_t* pMesh = pStudioModel->pMesh( nMesh );
					OptimizedModel::MeshHeader_t* pVtxMesh = pVtxLOD->pMesh( nMesh );

					for ( int nGroup = 0; nGroup < pVtxMesh->numStripGroups; ++nGroup )
						OptimizedModel::StripGroupHeader_t* pStripGroup = pVtxMesh->pStripGroup( nGroup );
						int nMeshIdx = prop.m_MeshData.AddToTail();
						prop.m_MeshData[nMeshIdx].m_Verts.AddMultipleToTail( pStripGroup->numVerts );
						prop.m_MeshData[nMeshIdx].m_nLod = nLod;

						for ( int nVertex = 0; nVertex < pStripGroup->numVerts; ++nVertex )
							int nIndex = pMesh->vertexoffset + pStripGroup->pVertex( nVertex )->origMeshVertID;

							Assert( nIndex < pStudioModel->numvertices );
							prop.m_MeshData[nMeshIdx].m_Verts[nVertex] = colorVerts[nIndex].m_Color;