Example #1
Vector Pickup_PhysGunLaunchVelocity( CBaseEntity *pObject, const Vector &vecForward, PhysGunForce_t reason )
	// The object must be valid
	if ( pObject == NULL )
		Assert( 0 );
		return vec3_origin;

	// Shouldn't ever get here with a non-vphysics object.
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pObject->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject == NULL )
		Assert( 0 );
		return vec3_origin;

	// Call the pickup entity's callback
	IPlayerPickupVPhysics *pPickup = dynamic_cast<IPlayerPickupVPhysics *>(pObject);
	if ( pPickup != NULL && pPickup->ShouldPuntUseLaunchForces( reason ) )
		return pPickup->PhysGunLaunchVelocity( vecForward, pPhysicsObject->GetMass() );

	// Do our default behavior
	return Pickup_DefaultPhysGunLaunchVelocity(	vecForward, pPhysicsObject->GetMass() );
// Purpose: Adds the entity's mass to the aggregate mass consumed
void CGravityVortexController::ConsumeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEnt )
	// Get our base physics object
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject = pEnt->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysObject == NULL )

	// Ragdolls need to report the sum of all their parts
	CRagdollProp *pRagdoll = dynamic_cast< CRagdollProp* >( pEnt );
	if ( pRagdoll != NULL )
		// Find the aggregate mass of the whole ragdoll
		ragdoll_t *pRagdollPhys = pRagdoll->GetRagdoll();
		for ( int j = 0; j < pRagdollPhys->listCount; ++j )
			m_flMass += pRagdollPhys->list[j].pObject->GetMass();
		// Otherwise we just take the normal mass
		m_flMass += pPhysObject->GetMass();

	// Destroy the entity
	UTIL_Remove( pEnt );
Example #3
// Purpose: 
int CPhysBox::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	// note: if motion is disabled, OnTakeDamage can't apply physics force
	int ret = BaseClass::OnTakeDamage( info );

	// Check our health against the threshold:
	if( m_damageToEnableMotion > 0 && GetHealth() < m_damageToEnableMotion )
		// only do this once
		m_damageToEnableMotion = 0;

		IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
			pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( true );
			VPhysicsTakeDamage( info );

	if ( info.GetInflictor() )
		m_OnDamaged.FireOutput( info.GetAttacker(), this );

	return ret;
Example #4
void CPhysicsSpring::GetSpringObjectConnections( string_t nameStart, string_t nameEnd, IPhysicsObject **pStart, IPhysicsObject **pEnd )
	IPhysicsObject *pStartObject = FindPhysicsObject( STRING(nameStart) );
	IPhysicsObject *pEndObject = FindPhysicsObject( STRING(nameEnd) );

	// Assume the world for missing objects
	if ( !pStartObject )
		pStartObject = g_PhysWorldObject;
	else if ( !pEndObject )
		// try to sort so that the world is always the start object
		pEndObject = pStartObject;
		pStartObject = g_PhysWorldObject;
		CBaseEntity *pEntity0 = (CBaseEntity *) (pStartObject->GetGameData());
		g_pNotify->AddEntity( this, pEntity0 );

		CBaseEntity *pEntity1 = (CBaseEntity *) pEndObject->GetGameData();
		g_pNotify->AddEntity( this, pEntity1 );

	*pStart = pStartObject;
	*pEnd = pEndObject;
void C_HL2MPRagdoll::ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, const char *pCustomImpactName )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();

	if( !pPhysicsObject )

	Vector dir = pTrace->endpos - pTrace->startpos;

	if ( iDamageType == DMG_BLAST )
		dir *= 4000;  // adjust impact strenght
		// apply force at object mass center
		pPhysicsObject->ApplyForceCenter( dir );
		Vector hitpos;  
		VectorMA( pTrace->startpos, pTrace->fraction, dir, hitpos );
		VectorNormalize( dir );

		dir *= 4000;  // adjust impact strenght

		// apply force where we hit it
		pPhysicsObject->ApplyForceOffset( dir, hitpos );	

		// Blood spray!
//		FX_CS_BloodSpray( hitpos, dir, 10 );

Example #6
// as CItem, but we don't install the touch function
void CASW_Pickup::Spawn( void )
	SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
	SetBlocksLOS( false );
	// This will make them not collide with the player, but will collide
	// against other items + weapons
	CollisionProp()->UseTriggerBounds( true, ITEM_PICKUP_BOX_BLOAT );

	if ( CreateItemVPhysicsObject() == false )
	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY;

#ifdef HL2MP
	SetThink( &CItem::FallThink );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
	if ( m_bFreezePickup )
		IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
			pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( false );
void CEnvHeadcrabCanister::TestForCollisionsAgainstWorld( const Vector &vecEndPosition )
	// Splash damage!
	// Iterate on all entities in the vicinity.
	float flDamageRadius = m_flDamageRadius;
	float flDamage = m_flDamage;

	CEntity *pEntity;
	for ( CEntitySphereQuery sphere( vecEndPosition, flDamageRadius ); ( pEntity = sphere.GetCurrentEntity() ) != NULL; sphere.NextEntity() )
		if ( pEntity == this )

		if ( !pEntity->IsSolid() )

		// Get distance to object and use it as a scale value.
		Vector vecSegment;
		VectorSubtract( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(), vecEndPosition, vecSegment ); 
		float flDistance = VectorNormalize( vecSegment );

		float flFactor = 1.0f / ( flDamageRadius * (INNER_RADIUS_FRACTION - 1) );
		flFactor *= flFactor;
		float flScale = flDistance - flDamageRadius;
		flScale *= flScale * flFactor;
		if ( flScale > 1.0f ) 
			flScale = 1.0f; 
		// Check for a physics object and apply force!
		Vector vecForceDir = vecSegment;
		IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhysObject )
			// Send it flying!!!
			float flMass = PhysGetEntityMass( pEntity );
			vecForceDir *= flMass * 750 * flScale;
			pPhysObject->ApplyForceCenter( vecForceDir );

		if ( pEntity->m_takedamage && ( m_flDamage != 0.0f ) )
			CTakeDamageInfo info( BaseEntity(), BaseEntity(), flDamage * flScale, DMG_BLAST );
			CalculateExplosiveDamageForce( &info, vecSegment, pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() );
			pEntity->TakeDamage( info );

		if ( pEntity->IsPlayer() && !(static_cast<CPlayer*>(pEntity)->IsInAVehicle()) )
			if (vecSegment.z < 0.1f)
				vecSegment.z = 0.1f;
				VectorNormalize( vecSegment );					
			float flAmount = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flScale, 0.0f, 1.0f, 250.0f, 1000.0f );
			pEntity->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecSegment * flAmount );
// Purpose:
// Input  :
// Output :
int CTDP_NPC_CombineS::TakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
	if( info.GetInflictor() && info.GetInflictor()->VPhysicsGetObject() )
		// Hit by a physics object! Was I blocking?
		if( m_fIsBlocking )
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysObject;

			pPhysObject = info.GetInflictor()->VPhysicsGetObject();

			if( pPhysObject )
				// Only deflect objects of relatively low mass
				//DevMsg( "MASS: %f\n", pPhysObject->GetMass() );

				if( pPhysObject->GetMass() <= 30.0 )
					// No damage from light objects (tuned for melons)
					return 0;

	BaseClass::TakeDamage( info );
	return 0;
// Step iteratively toward a destination position
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_Motor::MoveGroundStep( const Vector &newPos, CBaseEntity *pMoveTarget, float yaw, bool bAsFarAsCan, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	// By definition, this will produce different results than GroundMoveLimit() 
	// because there's no guarantee that it will step exactly one step 

	// See how far toward the new position we can step...
	// But don't actually test for ground geometric validity;
	// if it isn't valid, there's not much we can do about it
	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	GetMoveProbe()->TestGroundMove( GetLocalOrigin(), newPos, MASK_NPCSOLID, AITGM_IGNORE_FLOOR, &moveTrace );
	if ( pTraceResult )
		*pTraceResult = moveTrace;

	bool bHitTarget = (moveTrace.pObstruction && (pMoveTarget == moveTrace.pObstruction ));

	// Move forward either if there was no obstruction or if we're told to
	// move as far as we can, regardless
	bool bIsBlocked = IsMoveBlocked(moveTrace.fStatus);
	if ( !bIsBlocked || bAsFarAsCan || bHitTarget )
		// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
		// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
		UTIL_SetOrigin(GetOuter(), moveTrace.vEndPosition, true);
		// skip tiny steps, but notify the shadow object of any large steps
		if ( moveTrace.flStepUpDistance > 0.1f )
			float height = clamp( moveTrace.flStepUpDistance, 0, StepHeight() );
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = GetOuter()->VPhysicsGetObject();
			if ( pPhysicsObject )
				IPhysicsShadowController *pShadow = pPhysicsObject->GetShadowController();
				if ( pShadow )
					pShadow->StepUp( height );
		if ( yaw != -1 )
			QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
			angles.y = yaw;
			SetLocalAngles( angles );
		if ( bHitTarget )
		if ( !bIsBlocked )
			return AIM_SUCCESS;
		if ( moveTrace.fStatus == AIMR_BLOCKED_NPC )

	return AIM_FAILED;
Example #10
// Purpose: 
bool CPropJeep::CheckWater( void )
	bool bInWater = false;

	// Check all four wheels.
	for ( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < JEEP_WHEEL_COUNT; ++iWheel )
		// Get the current wheel and get its contact point.
		IPhysicsObject *pWheel = m_VehiclePhysics.GetWheel( iWheel );
		if ( !pWheel )

		// Check to see if we hit water.
		if ( pWheel->GetContactPoint( &m_WaterData.m_vecWheelContactPoints[iWheel], NULL ) )
			m_WaterData.m_bWheelInWater[iWheel] = ( UTIL_PointContents( m_WaterData.m_vecWheelContactPoints[iWheel] ) & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;
			if ( m_WaterData.m_bWheelInWater[iWheel] )
				bInWater = true;

	// Check the body and the BONNET.
	int iEngine = LookupAttachment( "vehicle_engine" );
	Vector vecEnginePoint;
	QAngle vecEngineAngles;
	GetAttachment( iEngine, vecEnginePoint, vecEngineAngles );

	m_WaterData.m_bBodyInWater = ( UTIL_PointContents( vecEnginePoint ) & MASK_WATER ) ? true : false;
	if ( m_WaterData.m_bBodyInWater )
		if ( m_bHasPoop )
			m_bHasPoop = false;

		if ( !m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
			m_VehiclePhysics.SetDisableEngine( true );
		if ( m_VehiclePhysics.IsEngineDisabled() )
			m_VehiclePhysics.SetDisableEngine( false );

	if ( bInWater )
		// Check the player's water level.

	return bInWater;
Example #11
// Purpose: Disable any physics motion or collision response
void CPhysBox::InputDisableMotion( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
		pPhysicsObject->EnableMotion( false );
// Purpose: Input handler for waking up the cannister if it is sleeping.
void CPhysicsCannister::InputWake( inputdata_t &data )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys != NULL )
void CTripwireHook::SetVelocity( const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject )
		pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &angVelocity );
void CGETKnife::SetVelocity( const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject )
		pPhysicsObject->SetVelocityInstantaneous( &velocity, &angVelocity );
	void CBaseGrenadeProjectile::SetVelocity( const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity )
		IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhysicsObject )
			pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &angVelocity );
void CRagdollPropAttached::InitRagdollAttached( IPhysicsObject *pAttached, const Vector &forceVector, int forceBone, matrix3x4_t *pPrevBones, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, float dt, int collisionGroup, CBaseAnimating *pFollow, int boneIndexRoot, const Vector &boneLocalOrigin, int parentBoneAttach, const Vector &worldAttachOrigin )
	int ragdollAttachedIndex = 0;
	if ( parentBoneAttach > 0 )
		studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr();
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( parentBoneAttach );
		ragdollAttachedIndex = pBone->physicsbone;

	InitRagdoll( forceVector, forceBone, vec3_origin, pPrevBones, pBoneToWorld, dt, collisionGroup, false );
	IPhysicsObject *pRefObject = m_ragdoll.list[ragdollAttachedIndex].pObject;

	Vector attachmentPointRagdollSpace;
	pRefObject->WorldToLocal( attachmentPointRagdollSpace, worldAttachOrigin );

	constraint_ragdollparams_t constraint;
	matrix3x4_t tmp, worldToAttached, worldToReference, constraintToWorld;

	Vector offsetWS;
	pAttached->LocalToWorld( offsetWS, boneLocalOrigin );

	AngleMatrix( QAngle(0, pFollow->GetAbsAngles().y, 0 ), offsetWS, constraintToWorld );

	constraint.axes[0].SetAxisFriction( -2, 2, 20 );
	constraint.axes[1].SetAxisFriction( 0, 0, 0 );
	constraint.axes[2].SetAxisFriction( -15, 15, 20 );
	pAttached->GetPositionMatrix( tmp );
	MatrixInvert( tmp, worldToAttached );

	pRefObject->GetPositionMatrix( tmp );
	MatrixInvert( tmp, worldToReference );

	ConcatTransforms( worldToReference, constraintToWorld, constraint.constraintToReference );
	ConcatTransforms( worldToAttached, constraintToWorld, constraint.constraintToAttached );

	// for now, just slam this to be the passed in value
	MatrixSetColumn( attachmentPointRagdollSpace, 3, constraint.constraintToReference );

	DisableCollisions( pAttached );
	m_pAttachConstraint = physenv->CreateRagdollConstraint( pRefObject, pAttached, m_ragdoll.pGroup, constraint );

	FollowEntity( pFollow );
	SetOwnerEntity( pFollow );
	RagdollActivate( m_ragdoll );

	m_boneIndexAttached = boneIndexRoot;
	m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = ragdollAttachedIndex;
	m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = boneLocalOrigin;
	Vector vTemp;
	MatrixGetColumn( constraint.constraintToReference, 3, vTemp );
	m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = vTemp;
Example #17
//DHL - Skillet - Fix ammo exploits
void CWeaponFrag::Drop( const Vector &vecVelocity )
    if ( !HasPrimaryAmmo() )
        //BaseClass::Drop( vecVelocity );

    if ( !GetOwner() )

    DecrementAmmo( GetOwner() );
    Reload(); //Do draw animation and stuff

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
    CBasePlayer *owner = ToBasePlayer(GetOwner());

    Vector vThrowPos = owner->Weapon_ShootPosition() - Vector(0,0,12);
    //Create a grenade
    CBaseCombatWeapon* pGrenade;
    pGrenade = (CBaseCombatWeapon *)CBaseEntity::Create( "weapon_frag", vThrowPos, vec3_angle, NULL );
    if ( !pGrenade )

    pGrenade->SetRemoveable( true );

    //If it was dropped then there's no need to respawn it.
    pGrenade->AddSpawnFlags( SF_NORESPAWN );

    pGrenade->StopFollowingEntity( );
    pGrenade->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY );
    // clear follow stuff, setup for collision
    pGrenade->m_iState = WEAPON_NOT_CARRIED;
    pGrenade->RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );
    pGrenade->SetGroundEntity( NULL );

    pGrenade->SetOwnerEntity( NULL );
    pGrenade->SetOwner( NULL );

    //Toss it in the direction of the player's view
    Vector vecNewVelocity;
    Vector vecDir;
    owner->EyeVectors( &vecDir );
    vecNewVelocity = ( vecDir * 500.0f );

    IPhysicsObject *pObj = pGrenade->VPhysicsGetObject();
    if ( pObj != NULL )
        AngularImpulse angImp( 200, 200, 200 );
        pObj->AddVelocity( &vecNewVelocity, &angImp );
Example #18
// Purpose: 
void CGrenadeHopwire::SetVelocity( const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysicsObject != NULL )
		pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &angVelocity );
void CPlayerPickupController::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value )
	if ( ToBasePlayer(pActivator) == m_pPlayer )
		CBaseEntity *pAttached = m_grabController.GetAttached();

		// UNDONE: Use vphysics stress to decide to drop objects
		// UNDONE: Must fix case of forcing objects into the ground you're standing on (causes stress) before that will work
		if ( !pAttached || useType == USE_OFF || (m_pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2) || m_grabController.ComputeError() > 12 )
		//Adrian: Oops, our object became motion disabled, let go!
		IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pAttached->VPhysicsGetObject();
		if ( pPhys && pPhys->IsMoveable() == false )

		vphysics_objectstress_t stress;
		CalculateObjectStress( pPhys, pAttached, &stress );
		if ( stress.exertedStress > 250 )

		// +ATTACK will throw phys objects
		if ( m_pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK )
			Shutdown( true );
			Vector vecLaunch;
			m_pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecLaunch );
			// JAY: Scale this with mass because some small objects really go flying
			float massFactor = clamp( pPhys->GetMass(), 0.5, 15 );
			massFactor = RemapVal( massFactor, 0.5, 15, 0.5, 4 );
			vecLaunch *= player_throwforce.GetFloat() * massFactor;

			pPhys->ApplyForceCenter( vecLaunch );
			AngularImpulse aVel = RandomAngularImpulse( -10, 10 ) * massFactor;
			pPhys->ApplyTorqueCenter( aVel );
		if ( useType == USE_SET )
			// update position
			m_grabController.UpdateObject( m_pPlayer, 12 );
Example #20
void CFuncVehicleClip::InputDisable( inputdata_t &data )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys )
		pPhys->EnableCollisions( false );
	AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
Example #21
void CFuncVehicleClip::InputEnable( inputdata_t &data )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys )
		pPhys->EnableCollisions( true );
	RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
	void QueueSave( CBaseEntity *pOwner, typedescription_t *pTypeDesc, void **ppPhysObj, PhysInterfaceId_t type )
		if ( !pOwner )

		bool fOnlyNotingExistence = !pOwner->ShouldSavePhysics();
		QueuedItem_t item;
		item.ppPhysObj		= ppPhysObj;
		item.header.hEntity = pOwner;
		item.header.type	= type;
		item.header.nObjects = ( !fOnlyNotingExistence ) ? pTypeDesc->fieldSize : 0;
		item.header.fieldName = AllocPooledString( pTypeDesc->fieldName ); 	
																	// A pooled string is used here because there is no way
																	// right now to save a non-string_t string and have it 
																	// compressed in the save symbol tables. Furthermore,
																	// the field name would normally be in the string
																	// pool anyway. (toml 12-10-02)
		item.header.modelName = NULL_STRING;
		memset( &item.header.bbox, 0, sizeof( item.header.bbox ) );
		item.header.sphere.radius = 0;
		if ( !fOnlyNotingExistence && type == PIID_IPHYSICSOBJECT )
			// Don't doing the box thing for things like wheels on cars
			IPhysicsObject *pPhysObj = (IPhysicsObject *)(*ppPhysObj);

			if ( pPhysObj )
				item.header.modelName = GetModelName( pPhysObj );
				item.header.iCollide = physcollision->CollideIndex( pPhysObj->GetCollide() );
				if ( item.header.modelName == NULL_STRING )
					BBox_t *pBBox = GetBBox( pPhysObj );
					if ( pBBox != NULL )
						item.header.bbox = *pBBox;
						if ( pPhysObj && pPhysObj->GetSphereRadius() != 0 )
							item.header.sphere.radius = pPhysObj->GetSphereRadius();
							DevMsg( "Don't know how to save model for physics object (class \"%s\")\n", pOwner->GetClassname() );

		m_QueuedSaves.Insert( item );
Example #23
// Purpose : Initialize a gibs position and velocity
// Input   :
// Output  :
void CGib::InitGib( CBaseEntity *pVictim, float fMinVelocity, float fMaxVelocity )
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// If have a pVictim spawn the gib somewhere in the pVictim's bounding volume
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if ( pVictim )
		// Find a random position within the bounding box (add 1 to Z to get it out of the ground)
		Vector vecOrigin;
		pVictim->CollisionProp()->RandomPointInBounds( vec3_origin, Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), &vecOrigin );
		vecOrigin.z += 1.0f;
		SetAbsOrigin( vecOrigin );	

		// make the gib fly away from the attack vector
		Vector vecNewVelocity =	 g_vecAttackDir * -1;

		// mix in some noise
		vecNewVelocity.x += random->RandomFloat ( -0.25, 0.25 );
		vecNewVelocity.y += random->RandomFloat ( -0.25, 0.25 );
		vecNewVelocity.z += random->RandomFloat ( -0.25, 0.25 );

		vecNewVelocity *= random->RandomFloat ( fMaxVelocity, fMinVelocity );

		QAngle vecNewAngularVelocity = GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		vecNewAngularVelocity.x = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 200 );
		vecNewAngularVelocity.y = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 300 );
		SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecNewAngularVelocity );
		// copy owner's blood color
		SetBloodColor( pVictim->BloodColor() );
		AdjustVelocityBasedOnHealth( pVictim->m_iHealth, vecNewVelocity );

		// Attempt to be physical if we can
		if ( VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_BBOX, 0, false ) )
			IPhysicsObject *pObj = VPhysicsGetObject();

			if ( pObj != NULL )
				AngularImpulse angImpulse = RandomAngularImpulse( -500, 500 );
				pObj->AddVelocity( &vecNewVelocity, &angImpulse );
			SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
			SetCollisionBounds( vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
			SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
		SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS );

static void SyncAnimatingWithPhysics( CBaseAnimating *pAnimating )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pAnimating->VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhysics )
		Vector pos;
		pPhysics->GetShadowPosition( &pos, NULL );
		pAnimating->SetAbsOrigin( pos );
Example #25
void CFuncWallToggle::TurnOn( void )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys )
		pPhys->EnableCollisions( true );
	RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
	RemoveEffects( EF_NODRAW );
Example #26
void CFuncWallToggle::TurnOff( void )
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	if ( pPhys )
		pPhys->EnableCollisions( false );
	AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
void CWeaponGravityGun::SoundUpdate( void )
	int newState;
	if ( m_hObject )
		newState = SS_LOCKEDON;
		newState = SS_SCANNING;

	if ( newState != m_soundState )
		m_soundState = newState;

	switch( m_soundState )
			CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );

			float height = m_hObject->GetAbsOrigin().z - m_originalObjectPosition.z;

			// go from pitch 90 to 150 over a height of 500
			int pitch = 90 + (int)UTIL_LineFraction( height, 0, 500, 60 );

			if ( m_sndLockedOn != NULL )
				(CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController()).SoundChangePitch( m_sndLockedOn, pitch, 0.0f );

			// attenutate the movement sounds over 200 units of movement
			float distance = UTIL_LineFraction( m_movementLength, 0, 200, 1.0 );

			// blend the "mass" sounds between 50 and 500 kg
			IPhysicsObject *pPhys = GetPhysObjFromPhysicsBone( m_hObject, m_physicsBone );
			if ( pPhys == NULL )
				// we no longer exist!
			float fade = UTIL_LineFraction( pPhys->GetMass(), 50, 500, 1.0 );

			(CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController()).SoundChangeVolume( m_sndLightObject, fade * distance, 0.0f );

			(CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController()).SoundChangeVolume( m_sndHeavyObject, (1.0 - fade) * distance, 0.0f );
// Purpose: 
void CPhysicsCannister::CannisterActivate( CBaseEntity *pActivator, const Vector &thrustOffset )
	// already active or spent
	if ( m_active || !m_thrustTime )

	m_hLauncher = pActivator;

	Vector thrustDirection = CalcLocalThrust( thrustOffset );
	m_onActivate.FireOutput( pActivator, this, 0 );
	m_thruster.CalcThrust( m_thrustOrigin, thrustDirection, VPhysicsGetObject() );
	m_pController = physenv->CreateMotionController( &m_thruster );
	IPhysicsObject *pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject();
	m_pController->AttachObject( pPhys, true );
	// Make sure the object is simulated

	m_active = true;
	m_activateTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_thrustTime );
	SetThink( &CPhysicsCannister::BeginShutdownThink );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( -thrustDirection, angles );
	m_pJet = dynamic_cast<CSteamJet *>( CBaseEntity::Create( "env_steam", m_thrustOrigin, angles, this ) );
	m_pJet->SetParent( this );

	float extra = m_thruster.m_thrust * (1/5000.f);
	extra = clamp( extra, 0, 1 );

	m_pJet->m_SpreadSpeed = 15 * m_thruster.m_thrust * 0.001;
	m_pJet->m_Speed = 128 + 100 * extra;
	m_pJet->m_StartSize = 10;
	m_pJet->m_EndSize = 25;

	m_pJet->m_Rate = 52 + (int)extra*20;
	m_pJet->m_JetLength = 64;
	m_pJet->m_clrRender = m_clrRender;

	m_pJet->Use( this, this, USE_ON, 1 );
	if ( m_gasSound != NULL_STRING )
		CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );

		EmitSound_t ep;
		ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_ITEM;
		ep.m_pSoundName =  STRING(m_gasSound);
		ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f;
		ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;

		EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep );
// Purpose: Returns the magnitude of the entity's angular velocity.
float CPointAngularVelocitySensor::SampleAngularVelocity(CBaseEntity *pEntity)
	if (pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS)
		IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();
		if (pPhys != NULL)
			Vector vecVelocity;
			AngularImpulse vecAngVelocity;
			pPhys->GetVelocity(&vecVelocity, &vecAngVelocity);

			QAngle angles;
			pPhys->GetPosition( NULL, &angles );

			float dt = gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink();
			if ( dt == 0 )
				dt = 0.1;

			// HACKHACK: We don't expect a real 'delta' orientation here, just enough of an error estimate to tell if this thing
			// is trying to move, but failing.
			QAngle delta = angles - m_lastOrientation;

			if ( ( delta.Length() / dt )  < ( vecAngVelocity.Length() * 0.01 ) )
				return 0.0f;
			m_lastOrientation = angles;

			if ( m_bUseHelper == false )
				return vecAngVelocity.Length();
				Vector vLine = m_vecAxis - GetAbsOrigin();
				VectorNormalize( vLine );

				Vector vecWorldAngVelocity;
				pPhys->LocalToWorldVector( &vecWorldAngVelocity, vecAngVelocity );
				float flDot = DotProduct( vecWorldAngVelocity, vLine );

				return flDot;
		QAngle vecAngVel = pEntity->GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		float flMax = MAX(fabs(vecAngVel[PITCH]), fabs(vecAngVel[YAW]));

		return MAX(flMax, fabs(vecAngVel[ROLL]));

	return 0;
void C_PhysPropClientside::Clone( Vector &velocity )
	C_PhysPropClientside *pEntity = C_PhysPropClientside::CreateNew();

	if ( !pEntity )

	pEntity->m_spawnflags = m_spawnflags;

	// We never want to be motion disabled
	pEntity->m_spawnflags &= ~SF_PHYSPROP_MOTIONDISABLED;
	pEntity->SetDmgModBullet( GetDmgModBullet() );
	pEntity->SetDmgModClub( GetDmgModClub() );
	pEntity->SetDmgModExplosive( GetDmgModExplosive() );
	pEntity->SetModelName( GetModelName() );
	pEntity->SetLocalOrigin( GetLocalOrigin() );
	pEntity->SetLocalAngles( GetLocalAngles() );
	pEntity->SetOwnerEntity( this );

	if ( !pEntity->Initialize() )

	pEntity->m_nSkin = m_nSkin;
	pEntity->m_iHealth = m_iHealth;

	if ( pEntity->m_iHealth == 0 )
		// if  no health, don't collide with player anymore, don't take damage
		pEntity->m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
		pEntity->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
	IPhysicsObject *pPhysicsObject = pEntity->VPhysicsGetObject();

	if( pPhysicsObject )
		// randomize velocity by 5%
		float rndf = RandomFloat( -0.025, 0.025 );
		Vector rndVel = velocity + rndf*velocity;

		pPhysicsObject->AddVelocity( &rndVel, NULL );
		// failed to create a physics object