Example #1
Trajectory Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectoryThroughViapoint(const VectorXd& ts, const VectorXd& y_from, const VectorXd& y_yd_ydd_viapoint, double viapoint_time, const VectorXd& y_to)

    int n_dims = y_from.size();
    assert(3*n_dims==y_yd_ydd_viapoint.size()); // Contains y, yd and ydd, so *3

    int n_time_steps = ts.size();

    int viapoint_time_step = 0;
    while (viapoint_time_step<n_time_steps && ts[viapoint_time_step]<viapoint_time)

    if (viapoint_time_step>=n_time_steps)
        cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":";
        cerr << "ERROR: the time vector does not contain any time smaller than " << viapoint_time << ". Returning min-jerk trajectory WITHOUT viapoint." <<  endl;
        return Trajectory();

    VectorXd yd_from        = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_from       = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);

    VectorXd y_viapoint     = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(0*n_dims,n_dims);
    VectorXd yd_viapoint    = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(1*n_dims,n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_viapoint   = y_yd_ydd_viapoint.segment(2*n_dims,n_dims);

    VectorXd yd_to          = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);
    VectorXd ydd_to         = VectorXd::Zero(n_dims);

    Trajectory traj = Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectory(ts.segment(0, viapoint_time_step + 1), y_from, yd_from, ydd_from, y_viapoint, yd_viapoint, ydd_viapoint);
    traj.append(Trajectory::generatePolynomialTrajectory(ts.segment(viapoint_time_step, n_time_steps - viapoint_time_step), y_viapoint, yd_viapoint, ydd_viapoint, y_to, yd_to, ydd_to));

    return traj;
Example #2
void XTCReader::read(Trajectory &trajectory) {
  while (true) {
    SmartPointer<Positions> positions = new Positions;
    if (!read(*positions, trajectory.getTopology().get())) break;
void CalibrateAction::visualize_trajectory(Trajectory &traj)
    // publishing to rviz
    geometry_msgs::PoseArray poses;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<traj.getPointsSize();i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose temp_pose;
        double x_, y_,th_;
        traj.getPoint(i, x_, y_, th_);
        temp_pose.position.x = x_;
        temp_pose.position.y = y_;
        //ROS_INFO("Pose: x: %f y: %f th: %f", x_, y_, th_);
    geometry_msgs::Pose temp_pose, temp_pose2;
    double x_, y_,th_;
    traj.getPoint(0, x_, y_, th_);
    temp_pose.position.x = x_;
    temp_pose.position.y = y_;
    traj.getEndpoint(x_, y_, th_);
    temp_pose2.position.x = x_;
    temp_pose2.position.y = y_;
    //ROS_INFO("Visualize trajectory with %i points. First Point (%2.1f,%2.1f), last Point (%2.1f,%2.1f)", traj.getPointsSize(),temp_pose.position.x,temp_pose.position.y,temp_pose2.position.x,temp_pose2.position.y);
    poses.header.frame_id = cost_map->getGlobalFrameID();;
Example #4
File: Dmp.cpp Project: humm/dovecot
void Dmp::train(const Trajectory& trajectory, string save_directory, bool overwrite)
  // Set tau, initial_state and attractor_state from the trajectory 
  VectorXd fa_input_phase;
  MatrixXd f_target;
  computeFunctionApproximatorInputsAndTargets(trajectory, fa_input_phase, f_target);
  // Some checks before training function approximators
  for (unsigned int dd=0; dd<function_approximators_.size(); dd++)
    // This is just boring stuff to figure out if and where to store the results of training
    string save_directory_dim;
    if (!save_directory.empty())
      if (function_approximators_.size()==1)
        save_directory_dim = save_directory;
        save_directory_dim = save_directory + "/dim" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(dd);
    // Actual training is happening here.
    VectorXd fa_target = f_target.col(dd);
    if (function_approximators_[dd]->isTrained())
Example #5
void TrajectoryAnalyzer::analyze(Trajectory & trajectory,
                                 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ProteinSegment>> & protein_segments,
                                 const double & temperature,
                                 const int ensemble_size) {

    std::vector<ProteinSegmentEnsemble> protein_segment_ensembles;

    LOGD << "Fitting protein segments with trajectory frames and computing force constants.";
    while (trajectory.has_next()) {
        for (std::shared_ptr<ProteinSegment> const & protein_segment : protein_segments) {

        LOGD << "adding frames to protein segment ensembles";
        int frame_nr = 0;
        while (trajectory.has_next() && ++frame_nr <= ensemble_size) {
            Frame frame = trajectory.get_next_frame();

            #pragma omp parallel for
            for (size_t i = 0; i < protein_segment_ensembles.size(); i++) {

            LOGV_IF(frame_nr % 100 == 0) << "read " << frame_nr << " frames";
        LOGD << "read total number of " << frame_nr << " frames";

        LOGD << "computing force constants for protein segment ensembles.";
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < protein_segment_ensembles.size(); i++) {
    LOGD << "Finished analyzing trajectory";
Trajectory::Trajectory(const Trajectory& source_traj, const std::string& planning_group):
	ROS_INFO("Pezzotto safe at ChomTrajectory constructor");
  num_joints_ = source_traj.getNumJoints();

  num_points_ = source_traj.num_points_;
  start_index_ = source_traj.getStartIndex();
  end_index_ = (num_points_ - 1);
  duration_ = (num_points_ - 1)*discretization_;

  // allocate the memory:


  // now copy the trajectories over:
  for (int i=0; i<num_points_; i++)
    full_trajectory_index_[i] = i;
    for (int j=0; j<num_joints_; j++)
      (*this)(i,j) = source_traj(i, j);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// commence le movement qui va vers l'entree d'un pont juste un peu decalle en y (~15cm)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool StrategyAttackCL::gotoBridgeEntryNear(Millimeter y)
    Trajectory t;
    LOG_COMMAND("gotoBridgeEntry Hard Near:%d\n", (int)y);
    // on ne va pas loin en y donc on fait un joli mouvement en S
    // met les servos en position
    Millimeter y2 = RobotPos->y();
    if (y>1800) { // pont du bord
      Move->go2Target(Point(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, y2), 3, 30);
    } else if (y<1500) { //  pont du bord ou pont contre le milieu
      Move->go2Target(Point(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, y2), 3, 30);
    } else { // ponts au milieu
      t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_DETECT_BUMP_X-100, y2));
      t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, (2*y+y2)/3)); 
      Move->followTrajectory(t, TRAJECTORY_RECTILINEAR, 3, 30);
    if (checkEndEvents()) return false; 
    if(!Events->isInWaitResult(EVENTS_MOVE_END)) {
      // collision
      return false;
    // va en face du pont
    Move->go2Target(BRIDGE_DETECT_BUMP_X, y, 2, 30);
    // dont need to wait, it is done by the upper function
    return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// commence le movement qui va vers l'entree d'un pont tres decalle en y (>20cm)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool StrategyAttackCL::gotoBridgeEntryFar(Millimeter y)
    Millimeter y2 = RobotPos->y();
    LOG_COMMAND("gotoBridgeEntry Hard Far:%d\n", (int)y);
    // on va loin: on recule bettement puit on prend un point cible
    // on s'eloigne un peu du bord, pour aller en x qui nous permet
    //de nous promener tranquillement le long de la riviere
    Move->go2Target(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, y2, 2, 40); // norotation
    if (checkEndEvents() || 
        !Events->isInWaitResult(EVENTS_MOVE_END)) {
        return false;
    // va en face du pont
    Trajectory t;
    // Pour eviter les rotations finales on 
    if (y2 < y)
      t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, y-75));
      t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_ENTRY_NAVIGATE_X, y+75));
    t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_DETECT_BUMP_X, y));
    Move->followTrajectory(t, TRAJECTORY_RECTILINEAR, 2, 30, true); // norotation
    // dont wait events, it is done by the upper function
    return true;
double ObstacleCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {
  double cost = 0;
  double scale = getScalingFactor(traj, scaling_speed_, max_trans_vel_, max_scaling_factor_);
  double px, py, pth;
  if (footprint_spec_.size() == 0) {
    // Bug, should never happen
    ROS_ERROR("Footprint spec is empty, maybe missing call to setFootprint?");
    return -9;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
    traj.getPoint(i, px, py, pth);
    double f_cost = footprintCost(px, py, pth,
        scale, footprint_spec_,
        costmap_, world_model_);

    if(f_cost < 0){
        return f_cost;

        cost +=  f_cost;
        cost = f_cost;
  return cost;
   * return a score for trajectory traj
  virtual double scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj)
        return 0.0;

      double px, py, pth;
      traj.getPoint(0, px, py, pth);
      double dist_to_goal = hypot(px-goal_x_, py-goal_y_);
      if(dist_to_goal < .2){
        return 0.0;

      double start_diff;
        return -4.0;

      if(fabs(start_diff) < max_trans_angle_){
	return 0.0;

      if(fabs(traj.xv_) > 0.0 || fabs(traj.yv_) > 0.0)
        return -3.0;
      else if( sign(start_diff) != sign(traj.thetav_) )
        return -2.0;
      traj.getPoint(traj.getPointsSize()-1, px, py, pth);
      double end_diff;
        return -1.0;
      return fabs(end_diff);
Example #11
void Scene::AddTrajectoryAsSpaceObject(const SpaceObject& obj, Frame frame, Date startingDate, const SpaceObject& relativeTo)
	Trajectory tj = Trajectory(obj, frame, Units::Metric::kilometers, distanceScale);
	standaloneTrajectories.push_back(/*Trajectory(obj, frame, Units::Metric::kilometers)*/tj);
	Time time(10000, Units::Common::days);
	standaloneTrajectories.at(standaloneTrajectories.size() - 1).SetIncrementalParams(startingDate, time, 10000);
QPainterPath getTrajectoryPath(const Trajectory& traj, double timespanMs, double timeLCMs) {
    QPainterPath p;
    p.moveTo(traj.x(0)*fieldXConvert, traj.y(0)*fieldXConvert);
    for (int i = 1; i*timeLCMs < timespanMs; i++) {
        p.lineTo(traj.x(i*timeLCMs*0.001)*fieldXConvert, traj.y(i*timeLCMs*0.001)*fieldXConvert);
    return p;
Example #13
bool HasMajorAirports(Trajectory &trajectory, 
 std::vector<std::string> &airports)
  return std::binary_search(airports.begin(),airports.end(),
   trajectory.front().string_property("arr")) &&
 void traj_cb(const occgrid_planner::TrajectoryConstPtr & msg) {
     frame_id_ = msg->header.frame_id;
     delay_ = 0.0;
     for (unsigned int i=0;i<msg->Ts.size();i++) {
         traj_.insert(Trajectory::value_type(msg->Ts[i].header.stamp.toSec(), msg->Ts[i]));
     ROS_INFO("Trajectory received");
Example #15
void Trajectory::copyFrom(Trajectory &other)
    for(int i=0; i<other.length(); i++) {
//        other.getStation(i).getPosition().print(std::cout);
        Station st = other.getStation(i);
    this->cost = other.cost;
bool TrajectoryTest::equal(const Trajectory<CvPoint>& t1, const Trajectory<CvPoint>& t2) const
	if (t1.getId() != t2.getId())
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT (t1.getId() == t2.getId());
		return false;

	if (t1.size() != t2.size())
		return false;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < t1.size(); ++i)
		const TrajectoryElement<CvPoint> e1 = t1.getTrajectoryElement(i);
		const TrajectoryElement<CvPoint> e2 = t2.getTrajectoryElement(i);
		if (e1 != e2)
			return false;

	return true;
double FutureObstacleCost::cost(const Trajectory& trajectory)
    const int num_milestones = trajectory.getNumMilestones();
    const int num_interpolation_samples = trajectory.getNumInterpolationSamples();
    for (int i=0; i<num_milestones; i++)
        for (int j = -1; j < num_interpolation_samples; j++)
Example #18
void DmpWithGainSchedules::train(const Trajectory& trajectory, std::string save_directory, bool overwrite)
  // First, train the DMP
  // Get phase from trajectory
  // Integrate analytically to get phase states
  MatrixXd xs_ana;
  MatrixXd xds_ana;
  MatrixXd xs_phase  = xs_ana.PHASEM(trajectory.length());

  // Get targets from trajectory
  MatrixXd targets = trajectory.misc();
  // The dimensionality of the extra variables in the trajectory must be the same as the number of
  // function approximators.
  // Train each fa_gains, see below
  // Some checks before training function approximators
  for (unsigned int dd=0; dd<function_approximators_gains_.size(); dd++)
    // This is just boring stuff to figure out if and where to store the results of training
    string save_directory_dim;
    if (!save_directory.empty())
      if (function_approximators_gains_.size()==1)
        save_directory_dim = save_directory;
        save_directory_dim = save_directory + "/gains" + to_string(dd);
    // Actual training is happening here.
    VectorXd cur_target = targets.col(dd);
    if (function_approximators_gains_[dd]==NULL)
      cerr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":";
      cerr << "WARNING: function approximator cannot be trained because it is NULL." << endl;
      if (function_approximators_gains_[dd]->isTrained())

Example #19
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
  namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
  bpo::options_description opts_desc("Allowed options");
  bpo::positional_options_description p;

  string sseq_path;
  string traj_path;
  string map_path;
  double resolution;
  double max_range;
    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("sseq", bpo::value(&sseq_path)->required(), "StreamSequence, i.e. asus data.")
    ("traj", bpo::value(&traj_path)->required(), "Trajectory from slam in CLAMS format.")
    ("map", bpo::value(&map_path)->required(), "Where to save the output map.")
    ("resolution", bpo::value(&resolution)->default_value(0.01), "Resolution of the voxel grid used for filtering.")
    ("max-range", bpo::value(&max_range)->default_value(MAX_RANGE_MAP), "Maximum range to use when building the map from the given trajectory, in meters.")

  p.add("sseq", 1);
  p.add("traj", 1);
  p.add("map", 1);
  bpo::variables_map opts;
  bool badargs = false;
  try {
    bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(opts_desc).positional(p).run(), opts);
  catch(...) { badargs = true; }
  if(opts.count("help") || badargs) {
    cout << "Usage: " << bfs::basename(argv[0]) << " [OPTS] SSEQ TRAJ MAP" << endl;
    cout << "  A map will be generated from SSEQ and TRAJ.  It will be saved to MAP." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << opts_desc << endl;
    return 1;

  Trajectory traj;
  StreamSequenceBase::ConstPtr sseq = StreamSequenceBase::initializeFromDirectory(sseq_path);
  cout << "Building map from " << endl;
  cout << "  " << sseq_path << endl;
  cout << "  " << traj_path << endl;
  cout << "Saving to " << map_path << endl;
  Cloud::Ptr map = SlamCalibrator::buildMap(sseq, traj, max_range, resolution);
  pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(map_path, *map);
  return 0;
Example #20
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// va a l'endroit ou on detecte les pont par capteurs sharps 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool StrategyAttackCL::gotoBridgeDetection(bool gotoSiouxFirst)
  while(true) {
               gotoSiouxFirst?"Passe par le milieu":"Passe par un pont normal");
      Trajectory t;
      t.push_back(Point(RobotPos->x(), RobotPos->y()));
      // if looping (while(true)..) be careful not to go too close.
      if (RobotPos->x() < BRIDGE_DETECT_SHARP_X - 500)
	  t.push_back(Point(RobotPos->x()+250, RobotPos->y()));
      if (gotoSiouxFirst) {
          // va vers le pont du milieu
          t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_DETECT_SHARP_X-250, BRIDGE_ENTRY_SIOUX_Y));
          t.push_back(Point(BRIDGE_DETECT_SHARP_X,     BRIDGE_ENTRY_SIOUX_Y));
      } else {
          // va vers la gauche du terrain pour detecter la position du pont d'un coup
      Move->followTrajectory(t, TRAJECTORY_RECTILINEAR, -1, 40); // gain, vitesse max
      if (checkEndEvents()) return false;
      if (Events->isInWaitResult(EVENTS_MOVE_END)) {

	 if (checkEndEvents()) return false;
	 if (Events->isInWaitResult(EVENTS_MOVE_END)) {
	   return true;
	 return true;
      if (RobotPos->x()>600 || Timer->time() > 6000) {
	// collision: on recule et on essaye de repartir par un autre endroit...
	gotoSiouxFirst = !gotoSiouxFirst;
      if (isZeroAngle(RobotPos->thetaAbsolute() - M_PI, M_PI_2) &&
	  RobotPos->x() < 600)
	gotoSiouxFirst = !gotoSiouxFirst;
  return false;
Example #21
int fitter::GetQ(const Trajectory& traj){
  if (_model.compare("particle/helix")!=0) return 0;
  double q;
  q = traj.state(traj.last_fitted_node()).vector()[dim-1];
  if (q<0) q=-1; else q=1;
  return (int) q;
void TrajectoryTest::testSizeInc(void)
	Trajectory<CvPoint> *t = new Trajectory<CvPoint> ();

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < sampleTrajectory->size(); ++i)
		CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(t->size(), (unsigned int)i);

		CvPoint point = (*sampleTrajectory)[i];

	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(t->size(), sampleTrajectory->size());
MapView2D<SLAM>::pollSlam() {
	if( !this->m_slam )

	Trajectory 						traj;
	TrajectoryVector				allTraj;
	std::vector<Eigen::Matrix3d>	covs;
	std::vector<size_t>				timePoints;

	size_t	idx 				= this->m_slam->bestParticleIdx( false );
	const	MapType	map			= this->m_slam->map( idx, false );
	this->m_bestParticlePos		= this->m_slam->pose( idx ).pos();

	if( m_showBestPath ) {
		traj = this->m_slam->trajectory( idx, false );

		if( m_showCovariances && traj.size() > 9 ) {
			timePoints.reserve( traj.size() / 3 - 2 );
			for( size_t i = 1; i < traj.size() - 1; i += 3 )
				timePoints.push_back( i );

			covs = this->m_slam->covariances( timePoints, false );

	if( m_showPaths )
		allTraj = this->m_slam->trajectories( false );

	std::vector<Point2w> posVec;
	posVec.reserve( this->m_slam->numParticles() );
	for( size_t i = 0; i < this->m_slam->numParticles(); i++ )
		posVec.push_back( this->m_slam->pose( i ).pos() );

	// The order of drawing is important in order not to overdraw something
	drawMap( map );
	if( m_showPaths )
		for( const auto &t : allTraj )
			drawTrajectory( t, Qt::darkYellow );
	if( m_showBestPath ) {
		if( m_showCovariances )
			drawCovariances( traj, covs, timePoints, Qt::darkYellow );
		drawTrajectory( traj );
	drawPosVector( posVec );
// estimates if, at current position, all space for speed up and continuing calibration run is free up to threshold, given the values in the parameters
bool CalibrateAction::estimateFullPathIsClear(double vx_samp, double vy_samp, double vtheta_samp, double  sim_time_,
                                     double acc_x, double acc_y, double acc_theta)
    bool pathClear = false;
    Trajectory tempTraj;
    double x_, y_, theta_;

    pathClear = checkPath(0, 0, 0, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, acc_x, acc_y, acc_theta, &tempTraj);

    tempTraj.getEndpoint(x_, y_, theta_);

    pathClear = checkPath(x_, y_, theta_, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, sim_time_, vx_samp, vy_samp, vtheta_samp, 0, 0, 0);

    return pathClear;
Example #25
double ArduinoComparer::computeError(
                const Trajectory &aT
                , const Trajectory &dT
                , double offsetSeconds
  ) const
  double sum = 0;

  // Check each reading in the device trajectory.  Find its time and
  // shift it.  Then read the value from the Arduino trace at the
  // shifted time and run its value through the mapping to find the
  // expected device value at that time.  Compute the sum of squared
  // errors.
  //  Because we want a positive offset to correspond to the device
  // measurements being behind the Arduino, we need to offset the
  // Arduino measurements by the negative of the offset.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dT.m_entries.size(); i++) {
    double deviceValue = dT.m_entries[i].m_value;
    double timeShifted = dT.m_entries[i].m_time - offsetSeconds;
    size_t arduinoValue = static_cast<size_t>(aT.lookup(timeShifted));
    double expectedDeviceValue = m_mappingMean[arduinoValue];
    sum += (expectedDeviceValue - deviceValue) * 
           (expectedDeviceValue - deviceValue);    

  return sum;
Example #26
bool PlanningProblem::checkPlanValidity(Trajectory &plan, float tolerance_coeff)
    if(plan.length() == 0)
        return false;
    if(Station::euclideanDistance(plan.getStation(0), initialState) > tolerance_coeff* agent->radius())
        return false;    
    if(goal.minDistTo(plan.getLastStation()) > tolerance_coeff * agent->radius())
        return false;
    if(Station::euclideanDistance(plan.getLastStation(), goal.goal_point) > tolerance_coeff * agent->radius() )
        return false;
//    for(int i=0; i<plan.length(); i++) {
//        if(!CheckValidity(plan.getStation(i)))
//            return false;
//    }
    return true;
Example #27
File: Dmp.cpp Project: humm/dovecot
void Dmp::computeFunctionApproximatorInputsAndTargets(const Trajectory& trajectory, VectorXd& fa_inputs_phase, MatrixXd& f_target) const
  int n_time_steps = trajectory.length();
  double dim_data = trajectory.dim();
  if (dim_orig()!=dim_data)
    cout << "WARNING: Cannot train " << dim_orig() << "-D DMP with " << dim_data << "-D data. Doing nothing." << endl;
  // Integrate analytically to get goal, gating and phase states
  MatrixXd xs_ana;
  MatrixXd xds_ana;
  // Before, we would make clone of the dmp, and integrate it with the tau, and initial/attractor
  // state of the trajectory. However, Thibaut needed to call this from outside the Dmp as well,
  // with the tau/states of the this object. Therefore, we no longer clone. 
  // Dmp* dmp_clone = static_cast<Dmp*>(this->clone());
  // dmp_clone->set_tau(trajectory.duration());
  // dmp_clone->set_initial_state(trajectory.initial_y());
  // dmp_clone->set_attractor_state(trajectory.final_y());
  // dmp_clone->analyticalSolution(trajectory.ts(),xs_ana,xds_ana);
  MatrixXd xs_goal   = xs_ana.GOALM(n_time_steps);
  MatrixXd xs_gating = xs_ana.GATINGM(n_time_steps);
  MatrixXd xs_phase  = xs_ana.PHASEM(n_time_steps);
  fa_inputs_phase = xs_phase;
  // Get parameters from the spring-dampers system to compute inverse
  double damping_coefficient = spring_system_->damping_coefficient();
  double spring_constant     = spring_system_->spring_constant();
  double mass                = spring_system_->mass();
  if (mass!=1.0)
    cout << "WARNING: Usually, spring-damper system of the DMP should have mass==1, but it is " << mass << endl;

  // Compute inverse
  f_target = tau()*tau()*trajectory.ydds() + (spring_constant*(trajectory.ys()-xs_goal) + damping_coefficient*tau()*trajectory.yds())/mass;
  //Factor out gating term
  for (unsigned int dd=0; dd<function_approximators_.size(); dd++)
    f_target.col(dd) = f_target.col(dd).array()/xs_gating.array();
Example #28
double Atomtype::CalcPE(int frame_i, const Trajectory &trj, const coordinates &rand_xyz, const cubicbox_m256 &box, double vol) const
    float pe = 0.0;
    int atom_i = 0;

    // This performs the exact same calculation after the SIMD section
    // but doing it on 8 atoms at a time using SIMD instructions.

    coordinates8 rand_xyz8(rand_xyz), atom_xyz;
    __m256 r2_8, mask, r6, ri6, pe_tmp;
    __m256 pe_sum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
    float result[n] __attribute__((aligned (16)));

    for (; atom_i < this->n-8; atom_i+=8)
        atom_xyz = trj.GetXYZ8(frame_i, this->name, atom_i);
        r2_8 = distance2(atom_xyz, rand_xyz8, box);
        mask = _mm256_cmp_ps(r2_8, rcut2_8, _CMP_LT_OS);
        r6 = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_mul_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(r2_8, r2_8), r2_8));
        ri6 = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_rcp_ps(r6));
        pe_tmp = _mm256_and_ps(mask, _mm256_mul_ps(ri6, _mm256_sub_ps(_mm256_mul_ps(c12_8, ri6), c6_8)));
        pe_sum = _mm256_add_ps(pe_tmp, pe_sum);
    _mm256_store_ps(result, pe_sum);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        pe += result[i];


    for (; atom_i < this->n; atom_i++)
        coordinates atom_xyz = trj.GetXYZ(frame_i, this->name, atom_i);
        float r2 = distance2(atom_xyz, rand_xyz, cubicbox(box));
        if (r2 < this->rcut2)
            float ri6 = 1.0/(pow(r2,3));
            pe += ri6*(this->c12*ri6 - this->c6);

    pe += this->n/vol * this->tail_factor;;

    return pe;
bool CalibrateAction::checkTrajectory(Trajectory& traj)
    unsigned int size = traj.getPointsSize();
    float smallest_dist = INFINITY;
    bool isValid;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< size;i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose tempPose;
        tf::Pose tfPose;
        traj.getPoint(i,tempPose.position.x, tempPose.position.y, tempPose.orientation.z);
        tf::poseMsgToTF(tempPose, tfPose);
        float dist = getDistanceAtPose(tfPose, &isValid);
        // to be able to inform about closest distance
        if (dist < smallest_dist)
            smallest_dist = dist;
        if ((dist < traj_dist_threshold) && (dist != -INFINITY) && (dist != INFINITY)) // prevent negative infinity value from crashing us
            ROS_INFO("Critical distance was %f at point %i, point valid: %i", dist, i, isValid);
            return false;
    //ROS_INFO("Trajectory check successful, smallest distance was: %f", smallest_dist);
    return true;

    unsigned int size = traj.getPointsSize();
   float smallest_dist = INFINITY;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< size;i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose testPose;
        traj.getPoint(i,testPose.position.x, testPose.position.y, testPose.orientation.z);
        float dist = voronoi_.getDistance(testPose.position.x, testPose.position.y); // get closest distance from trajectory point to an obstacle
        dist *= costmap_.getResolution(); // distance now in meters
        if (dist < smallest_dist)
            smallest_dist = dist;
        if ((dist < traj_dist_threshold) && (dist != -INFINITY) && (dist != INFINITY)) // prevent negative infinity value from crashing us
            ROS_INFO("Critical distance was %f at point %i", dist, i);
            return false;
Example #30
bool IsTailNumber(Trajectory &trajectory)
  std::string s = trajectory.object_id();
  if ((s[0] != 'N') || (s[1] < '0') || (s[1] > '9'))
    return false;

  return true;