Example #1
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
  namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
  bpo::options_description opts_desc("Allowed options");
  bpo::positional_options_description p;

  string sseq_path;
  string traj_path;
  string map_path;
  double resolution;
  double max_range;
    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("sseq", bpo::value(&sseq_path)->required(), "StreamSequence, i.e. asus data.")
    ("traj", bpo::value(&traj_path)->required(), "Trajectory from slam in CLAMS format.")
    ("map", bpo::value(&map_path)->required(), "Where to save the output map.")
    ("resolution", bpo::value(&resolution)->default_value(0.01), "Resolution of the voxel grid used for filtering.")
    ("max-range", bpo::value(&max_range)->default_value(MAX_RANGE_MAP), "Maximum range to use when building the map from the given trajectory, in meters.")

  p.add("sseq", 1);
  p.add("traj", 1);
  p.add("map", 1);
  bpo::variables_map opts;
  bool badargs = false;
  try {
    bpo::store(bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(opts_desc).positional(p).run(), opts);
  catch(...) { badargs = true; }
  if(opts.count("help") || badargs) {
    cout << "Usage: " << bfs::basename(argv[0]) << " [OPTS] SSEQ TRAJ MAP" << endl;
    cout << "  A map will be generated from SSEQ and TRAJ.  It will be saved to MAP." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << opts_desc << endl;
    return 1;

  Trajectory traj;
  StreamSequenceBase::ConstPtr sseq = StreamSequenceBase::initializeFromDirectory(sseq_path);
  cout << "Building map from " << endl;
  cout << "  " << sseq_path << endl;
  cout << "  " << traj_path << endl;
  cout << "Saving to " << map_path << endl;
  Cloud::Ptr map = SlamCalibrator::buildMap(sseq, traj, max_range, resolution);
  pcl::io::savePCDFileBinary(map_path, *map);
  return 0;