Example #1
double ArduinoComparer::computeError(
                const Trajectory &aT
                , const Trajectory &dT
                , double offsetSeconds
  ) const
  double sum = 0;

  // Check each reading in the device trajectory.  Find its time and
  // shift it.  Then read the value from the Arduino trace at the
  // shifted time and run its value through the mapping to find the
  // expected device value at that time.  Compute the sum of squared
  // errors.
  //  Because we want a positive offset to correspond to the device
  // measurements being behind the Arduino, we need to offset the
  // Arduino measurements by the negative of the offset.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dT.m_entries.size(); i++) {
    double deviceValue = dT.m_entries[i].m_value;
    double timeShifted = dT.m_entries[i].m_time - offsetSeconds;
    size_t arduinoValue = static_cast<size_t>(aT.lookup(timeShifted));
    double expectedDeviceValue = m_mappingMean[arduinoValue];
    sum += (expectedDeviceValue - deviceValue) * 
           (expectedDeviceValue - deviceValue);    

  return sum;