void CalibrateAction::visualize_trajectory(Trajectory &traj)
    // publishing to rviz
    geometry_msgs::PoseArray poses;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<traj.getPointsSize();i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose temp_pose;
        double x_, y_,th_;
        traj.getPoint(i, x_, y_, th_);
        temp_pose.position.x = x_;
        temp_pose.position.y = y_;
        //ROS_INFO("Pose: x: %f y: %f th: %f", x_, y_, th_);
    geometry_msgs::Pose temp_pose, temp_pose2;
    double x_, y_,th_;
    traj.getPoint(0, x_, y_, th_);
    temp_pose.position.x = x_;
    temp_pose.position.y = y_;
    traj.getEndpoint(x_, y_, th_);
    temp_pose2.position.x = x_;
    temp_pose2.position.y = y_;
    //ROS_INFO("Visualize trajectory with %i points. First Point (%2.1f,%2.1f), last Point (%2.1f,%2.1f)", traj.getPointsSize(),temp_pose.position.x,temp_pose.position.y,temp_pose2.position.x,temp_pose2.position.y);
    poses.header.frame_id = cost_map->getGlobalFrameID();;
   * return a score for trajectory traj
  virtual double scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj)
        return 0.0;

      double px, py, pth;
      traj.getPoint(0, px, py, pth);
      double dist_to_goal = hypot(px-goal_x_, py-goal_y_);
      if(dist_to_goal < .2){
        return 0.0;

      double start_diff;
        return -4.0;

      if(fabs(start_diff) < max_trans_angle_){
	return 0.0;

      if(fabs(traj.xv_) > 0.0 || fabs(traj.yv_) > 0.0)
        return -3.0;
      else if( sign(start_diff) != sign(traj.thetav_) )
        return -2.0;
      traj.getPoint(traj.getPointsSize()-1, px, py, pth);
      double end_diff;
        return -1.0;
      return fabs(end_diff);
double ObstacleCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {
  double cost = 0;
  double scale = getScalingFactor(traj, scaling_speed_, max_trans_vel_, max_scaling_factor_);
  double px, py, pth;
  if (footprint_spec_.size() == 0) {
    // Bug, should never happen
    ROS_ERROR("Footprint spec is empty, maybe missing call to setFootprint?");
    return -9;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
    traj.getPoint(i, px, py, pth);
    double f_cost = footprintCost(px, py, pth,
        scale, footprint_spec_,
        costmap_, world_model_);

    if(f_cost < 0){
        return f_cost;

        cost +=  f_cost;
        cost = f_cost;
  return cost;
bool CalibrateAction::checkTrajectory(Trajectory& traj)
    unsigned int size = traj.getPointsSize();
    float smallest_dist = INFINITY;
    bool isValid;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< size;i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose tempPose;
        tf::Pose tfPose;
        traj.getPoint(i,tempPose.position.x, tempPose.position.y, tempPose.orientation.z);
        tf::poseMsgToTF(tempPose, tfPose);
        float dist = getDistanceAtPose(tfPose, &isValid);
        // to be able to inform about closest distance
        if (dist < smallest_dist)
            smallest_dist = dist;
        if ((dist < traj_dist_threshold) && (dist != -INFINITY) && (dist != INFINITY)) // prevent negative infinity value from crashing us
            ROS_INFO("Critical distance was %f at point %i, point valid: %i", dist, i, isValid);
            return false;
    //ROS_INFO("Trajectory check successful, smallest distance was: %f", smallest_dist);
    return true;

    unsigned int size = traj.getPointsSize();
   float smallest_dist = INFINITY;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i< size;i++)
        geometry_msgs::Pose testPose;
        traj.getPoint(i,testPose.position.x, testPose.position.y, testPose.orientation.z);
        float dist = voronoi_.getDistance(testPose.position.x, testPose.position.y); // get closest distance from trajectory point to an obstacle
        dist *= costmap_.getResolution(); // distance now in meters
        if (dist < smallest_dist)
            smallest_dist = dist;
        if ((dist < traj_dist_threshold) && (dist != -INFINITY) && (dist != INFINITY)) // prevent negative infinity value from crashing us
            ROS_INFO("Critical distance was %f at point %i", dist, i);
            return false;
double MapGridCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {
  double cost = 0.0;
  if (aggregationType_ == Product) {
    cost = 1.0;
  double px, py, pth;
  double grid_dist;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.getPointsSize(); ++i) {
    traj.getPoint(i, px, py, pth);
    grid_dist = scoreCell(px, py, pth);
      if (grid_dist == map_.obstacleCosts()) {
        return -3.0;
      } else if (grid_dist == map_.unreachableCellCosts()) {
        return -2.0;

    switch( aggregationType_ ) {
    case Last:
      cost = grid_dist;
    case Sum:
      cost += grid_dist;
    case Product:
      if (cost > 0) {
        cost *= grid_dist;

  double factor = costmap_->getResolution() * 0.5;
  return cost * factor;
double PathOrientationCostFunction::scoreTrajectory(Trajectory &traj) {
    return 0.0;

  double px, py, pth;
  traj.getPoint(traj.getPointsSize()-1, px, py, pth);

  unsigned int cell_x, cell_y;
  //we won't allow trajectories that go off the map... shouldn't happen that often anyways
  if ( ! costmap_->worldToMap(px, py, cell_x, cell_y)) {
      //we're off the map
      ROS_WARN("Off Map %f, %f", px, py);
      return -4.0;

  unsigned int path_index = map_(cell_x, cell_y).index;
   return 0.0;
  double diff = fabs(angles::shortest_angular_distance(pth, yaws_[path_index]));
  if(diff > max_trans_angle_ && (traj.xv_ > 0.0 || traj.yv_ > 0.0))
    return -1.0;
    return diff;
Example #7
void GovernorNode::processPlan(){
  libTF::TFPose2D robot_pose, global_pose;
  robot_pose.x = 0.0;
  robot_pose.y = 0.0;
  robot_pose.yaw = 0.0;
  robot_pose.frame = "base";
  robot_pose.time = 0;

    global_pose = tf_.transformPose2D("map", robot_pose);
  catch(libTF::TransformReference::LookupException& ex)
    puts("no global->local Tx yet");
    printf("%s\n", ex.what());
  catch(libTF::TransformReference::ConnectivityException& ex)
    puts("no global->local Tx yet");
    printf("%s\n", ex.what());
  catch(libTF::TransformReference::ExtrapolateException& ex)
    //      puts("extrapolation required");
    //      printf("%s\n", ex.what());

  libTF::TFPose2D robot_vel;
  //we need robot_vel_ to compute global_vel so we'll lock
  robot_vel = robot_vel_;
  //give robot_vel_ back

  libTF::TFPose2D drive_cmds;
  struct timeval start;
  struct timeval end;
  double start_t, end_t, t_diff;
  //we need to lock the map while we process it
  ma_.updateOrigin(map_.origin_x, map_.origin_y);
  ma_.updateSize(map_.size_x_, map_.size_y_);
  Trajectory path = tc_.findBestPath(global_pose, robot_vel, drive_cmds);
  start_t = start.tv_sec + double(start.tv_usec) / 1e6;
  end_t = end.tv_sec + double(end.tv_usec) / 1e6;
  t_diff = end_t - start_t;
  fprintf(stderr, "Cycle Time: %.3f\n", t_diff);
  //give map_ back

  printf("Robot Vel - vx: %.2f, vy: %.2f, vth: %.2f\n", robot_vel.x, robot_vel.y, robot_vel.yaw);

  if(path.cost_ >= 0){
    //let's print debug output to the screen
    path_msg.color.r = 0;
    path_msg.color.g = 0;
    path_msg.color.b = 1.0;
    path_msg.color.a = 0;
    double x = 0.0;
    double y = 0.0;
    double th = 0.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < tc_.num_steps_; ++i){
      double pt_x, pt_y, pt_th;
      path.getPoint(i, pt_x, pt_y, pt_th);
      path_msg.points[i].x = pt_x; 
      path_msg.points[i].y = pt_y;

      //so we can draw the footprint on the map
      if(i == 0){
        x = pt_x; 
        y = pt_y;
        th = pt_th;
    publish("local_path", path_msg);
    printf("path msg\n");

    vector<std_msgs::Point2DFloat32> footprint = tc_.drawFootprint(x, y, th);
    //let's also draw the footprint of the robot for the last point on the selected trajectory
    footprint_msg.color.r = 1.0;
    footprint_msg.color.g = 0;
    footprint_msg.color.b = 0;
    footprint_msg.color.a = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < footprint.size(); ++i){
      footprint_msg.points[i].x = footprint[i].x;
      footprint_msg.points[i].y = footprint[i].y;
      //printf("(%.2f, %.2f)\n", footprint_msg.points[i].x, footprint_msg.points[i].y);
    publish("robot_footprint", footprint_msg);

  //drive the robot!
  cmd_vel_msg_.vx = drive_cmds.x;
  cmd_vel_msg_.vy = drive_cmds.y;
  cmd_vel_msg_.vw = drive_cmds.yaw;

  if(path.cost_ < 0)
    printf("Local Plan Failed :(\n");
  printf("Vel CMD - vx: %.2f, vy: %.2f, vt: %.2f\n", cmd_vel_msg_.vx, cmd_vel_msg_.vy, cmd_vel_msg_.vw);
  publish("cmd_vel", cmd_vel_msg_);