/** * Scans for changes to the value * * @param bRecacheNewValues If true, recaches new values found * @return true if any changes were found */ bool ScanForChanges( bool bRecacheNewValues ) { FPropertyNode& PropertyNodeRef = *PropertyNode.Pin(); UProperty* Property = PropertyNodeRef.GetProperty(); bool bPropertyValid = true; bool bChanged = false; UArrayProperty* OuterArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>( Property->GetOuter() ); if ( OuterArrayProperty != NULL ) { // make sure we're not trying to compare against an element that doesn't exist if ( PropertyNodeRef.GetArrayIndex() >= FScriptArrayHelper::Num( PropertyValueBaseAddress ) ) { bPropertyValid = false; } } if( bPropertyValid ) { bChanged = !Property->Identical( PropertyValueAddress, Data.GetData() ); if( bRecacheNewValues ) { CacheValue(); } } return bChanged; }
void UActorComponent::DetermineUCSModifiedProperties() { UCSModifiedProperties.Empty(); if (CreationMethod == EComponentCreationMethod::SimpleConstructionScript) { class FComponentPropertySkipper : public FArchive { public: FComponentPropertySkipper() : FArchive() { ArIsSaving = true; } virtual bool ShouldSkipProperty(const UProperty* InProperty) const override { return ( InProperty->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Transient | CPF_ContainsInstancedReference | CPF_InstancedReference) || !InProperty->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_Edit | CPF_Interp)); } } PropertySkipper; UClass* ComponentClass = GetClass(); UObject* ComponentArchetype = GetArchetype(); for (TFieldIterator<UProperty> It(ComponentClass); It; ++It) { UProperty* Property = *It; if( Property->ShouldSerializeValue(PropertySkipper) ) { for( int32 Idx=0; Idx<Property->ArrayDim; Idx++ ) { uint8* DataPtr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr <uint8>((uint8*)this, Idx); uint8* DefaultValue = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtrForDefaults<uint8>(ComponentClass, (uint8*)ComponentArchetype, Idx); if (!Property->Identical( DataPtr, DefaultValue)) { UCSModifiedProperties.Add(FSimpleMemberReference()); FMemberReference::FillSimpleMemberReference<UProperty>(Property, UCSModifiedProperties.Last()); break; } } } } } }
int32 UKismetArrayLibrary::GenericArray_Find(const void* TargetArray, const UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty, const void* ItemToFind) { int32 ResultIndex = INDEX_NONE; if( TargetArray ) { FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, TargetArray); UProperty* InnerProp = ArrayProperty->Inner; // compare against each element in the array for (int32 Idx = 0; Idx < ArrayHelper.Num() && ResultIndex == INDEX_NONE; Idx++) { if (InnerProp->Identical(ItemToFind,ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(Idx))) { ResultIndex = Idx; } } } // assign the resulting index return ResultIndex; }
/** * Exports the property values for the specified object as text to the output device. * * @param Context Context from which the set of 'inner' objects is extracted. If NULL, an object iterator will be used. * @param Out the output device to send the exported text to * @param ObjectClass the class of the object to dump properties for * @param Object the address of the object to dump properties for * @param Indent number of spaces to prepend to each line of output * @param DiffClass the class to use for comparing property values when delta export is desired. * @param Diff the address of the object to use for determining whether a property value should be exported. If the value in Object matches the corresponding * value in Diff, it is not exported. Specify NULL to export all properties. * @param Parent the UObject corresponding to Object * @param PortFlags flags used for modifying the output and/or behavior of the export */ void ExportProperties ( const FExportObjectInnerContext* Context, FOutputDevice& Out, UClass* ObjectClass, uint8* Object, int32 Indent, UClass* DiffClass, uint8* Diff, UObject* Parent, uint32 PortFlags, UObject* ExportRootScope ) { FString ThisName = TEXT("(none)"); check(ObjectClass != NULL); for( UProperty* Property = ObjectClass->PropertyLink; Property; Property = Property->PropertyLinkNext ) { if (!Property->ShouldPort(PortFlags)) continue; ThisName = Property->GetName(); UArrayProperty* ArrayProperty = Cast<UArrayProperty>(Property); UObjectPropertyBase* ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(Property) : NULL; const uint32 ExportFlags = PortFlags | PPF_Delimited; if ( ArrayProperty != NULL ) { // Export dynamic array. UProperty* InnerProp = ArrayProperty->Inner; ExportObjectProp = (Property->PropertyFlags & CPF_ExportObject) != 0 ? Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InnerProp) : NULL; // This is used as the default value in the case of an array property that has // fewer elements than the exported object. uint8* StructDefaults = NULL; UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<UStructProperty>(InnerProp); if ( StructProperty != NULL ) { checkSlow(StructProperty->Struct); StructDefaults = (uint8*)FMemory::Malloc(StructProperty->Struct->GetStructureSize()); StructProperty->InitializeValue(StructDefaults); } for( int32 PropertyArrayIndex=0; PropertyArrayIndex<Property->ArrayDim; PropertyArrayIndex++ ) { void* Arr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Object, PropertyArrayIndex); FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, Arr); void* DiffArr = NULL; if( DiffClass ) { DiffArr = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtrForDefaults<void>(DiffClass, Diff, PropertyArrayIndex); } // we won't use this if DiffArr is NULL, but we have to set it up to something FScriptArrayHelper DiffArrayHelper(ArrayProperty, DiffArr); bool bAnyElementDiffered = false; for( int32 DynamicArrayIndex=0; DynamicArrayIndex<ArrayHelper.Num(); DynamicArrayIndex++ ) { FString Value; // compare each element's value manually so that elements which match the NULL value for the array's inner property type // but aren't in the diff array are still exported uint8* SourceData = ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex); uint8* DiffData = DiffArr && DynamicArrayIndex < DiffArrayHelper.Num() ? DiffArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex) : StructDefaults; bool bExportItem = DiffData == NULL || (DiffData != SourceData && !InnerProp->Identical(SourceData, DiffData, ExportFlags)); if ( bExportItem ) { bAnyElementDiffered = true; InnerProp->ExportTextItem(Value, SourceData, DiffData, Parent, ExportFlags, ExportRootScope); if(ExportObjectProp) { UObject* Obj = ExportObjectProp->GetObjectPropertyValue(ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(DynamicArrayIndex)); check(!Obj || Obj->IsValidLowLevel()); if( Obj && !Obj->HasAnyMarks(OBJECTMARK_TagImp) ) { // only export the BEGIN OBJECT block for a component if Parent is the component's Outer....when importing subobject definitions, // (i.e. BEGIN OBJECT), whichever BEGIN OBJECT block a component's BEGIN OBJECT block is located within is the object that will be // used as the Outer to create the component // Is this an array of components? if ( InnerProp->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference) ) { if ( Obj->GetOuter() == Parent ) { // Don't export more than once. Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagImp); UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags ); } else { // set the OBJECTMARK_TagExp flag so that the calling code knows we wanted to export this object Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagExp); } } else { // Don't export more than once. Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagImp); UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags ); } } } Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), DynamicArrayIndex, *Value ); } // if some other element has already been determined to differ from the defaults, then export this item with no data so that // the different array's size is maintained on import (this item will get the default values for that index, if any) // however, if no elements of the array have changed, we still don't want to export anything // so that the array size will also be taken from the defaults, which won't be the case if any element is exported else if (bAnyElementDiffered) { Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=()\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), DynamicArrayIndex ); } } } if (StructDefaults) { StructProperty->DestroyValue(StructDefaults); FMemory::Free(StructDefaults); } } else { for( int32 PropertyArrayIndex=0; PropertyArrayIndex<Property->ArrayDim; PropertyArrayIndex++ ) { FString Value; // Export single element. uint8* DiffData = (DiffClass && Property->IsInContainer(DiffClass->GetPropertiesSize())) ? Diff : NULL; if( Property->ExportText_InContainer( PropertyArrayIndex, Value, Object, DiffData, Parent, ExportFlags, ExportRootScope ) ) { if ( ExportObjectProp ) { UObject* Obj = ExportObjectProp->GetObjectPropertyValue(Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Object, PropertyArrayIndex)); if( Obj && !Obj->HasAnyMarks(OBJECTMARK_TagImp) ) { // only export the BEGIN OBJECT block for a component if Parent is the component's Outer....when importing subobject definitions, // (i.e. BEGIN OBJECT), whichever BEGIN OBJECT block a component's BEGIN OBJECT block is located within is the object that will be // used as the Outer to create the component if ( Property->HasAnyPropertyFlags(CPF_InstancedReference) ) { if ( Obj->GetOuter() == Parent ) { // Don't export more than once. Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagImp); UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags ); } else { // set the OBJECTMARK_TagExp flag so that the calling code knows we wanted to export this object Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagExp); } } else { // Don't export more than once. Obj->Mark(OBJECTMARK_TagImp); UExporter::ExportToOutputDevice( Context, Obj, NULL, Out, TEXT("T3D"), Indent, PortFlags ); } } } if( Property->ArrayDim == 1 ) { Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), *Value ); } else { Out.Logf( TEXT("%s%s(%i)=%s\r\n"), FCString::Spc(Indent), *Property->GetName(), PropertyArrayIndex, *Value ); } } } } } // Allows to import/export C++ properties in case the automatic unreal script mesh wouldn't work. Parent->ExportCustomProperties(Out, Indent); }
bool FObjectReplicator::ReceivedBunch( FInBunch &Bunch, const FReplicationFlags & RepFlags ) { UObject * Object = GetObject(); UPackageMap * PackageMap = OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap; if ( Object == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Object == NULL" ) ); return false; } const bool bIsServer = ( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->ServerConnection == NULL ); FClassNetCache * ClassCache = PackageMap->GetClassNetCache( ObjectClass ); if ( ClassCache == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: ClassCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } bool bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = false; // First RepIndex. int32 RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 ); if ( Bunch.IsError() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 1: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { // There are no actual replicated properties or functions in this bunch. That is ok - we may have gotten this // actor/subobject because we want the client to spawn one (but we arent actually replicating properties on it) return true; } if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { // We shouldn't be receiving this bunch of this object has no properties or RPC functions to process UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } FFieldNetCache * FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex ); if ( FieldCache == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } while ( FieldCache ) { // Receive properties from the net. UProperty * ReplicatedProp = NULL; int32 LastIndex = 0; while ( FieldCache && ( ReplicatedProp = Cast< UProperty >( FieldCache->Field ) ) != NULL ) { NET_CHECKSUM( Bunch ); // Server shouldn't receive properties. if ( bIsServer ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Server received unwanted property value %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } bThisBunchReplicatedProperties = true; if ( !bHasReplicatedProperties ) { bHasReplicatedProperties = true; // Persistent, not reset until PostNetReceive is called PreNetReceive(); } bool DebugProperty = false; #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) { static IConsoleVariable* CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindConsoleVariable(TEXT("net.Replication.DebugProperty")); if (CVar && !CVar->GetString().IsEmpty() && ReplicatedProp->GetName().Contains(CVar->GetString()) ) { UE_LOG(LogNet, Log, TEXT("Replicating Property[%d] %s on %s"), RepIndex, *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetName()); DebugProperty = true; } } #endif if ( !Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex ].CustomDelta ) { // We hijack a non custom delta property to signify we are using FRepLayout to read the entire property block FPropertyRetirement & Retire = Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex ]; bool bDiscardLayout = false; if ( Bunch.PacketId >= Retire.InPacketId ) //!! problem with reliable pkts containing dynamic references, being retransmitted, and overriding newer versions. Want "OriginalPacketId" for retransmissions? { // Receive this new property. Retire.InPacketId = Bunch.PacketId; } else { bDiscardLayout = true; } if ( !RepLayout->ReceiveProperties( ObjectClass, RepState, (void*)Object, Bunch, bDiscardLayout ) ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceiveProperties FAILED %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } } else { // Receive array index. int32 Element = 0; if ( ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim != 1 ) { // Serialize index as delta from previous index to increase chance we'll only use 1 byte uint32 idx; Bunch.SerializeIntPacked( idx ); Element = static_cast< int32 >( idx ) + LastIndex; LastIndex = Element; if ( Element >= ReplicatedProp->ArrayDim ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Element index too large %s in %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } } // Pointer to destination. uint8 * DestObj = (uint8*)Object; uint8 * DestRecent = RepState->StaticBuffer.Num() ? RepState->StaticBuffer.GetTypedData() : NULL; // Check property ordering. FPropertyRetirement & Retire = Retirement[ ReplicatedProp->RepIndex + Element ]; if ( Bunch.PacketId >= Retire.InPacketId ) //!! problem with reliable pkts containing dynamic references, being retransmitted, and overriding newer versions. Want "OriginalPacketId" for retransmissions? { // Receive this new property. Retire.InPacketId = Bunch.PacketId; } else { // Skip this property, because it's out-of-date. UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( "Received out-of-date %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() ); DestObj = NULL; DestRecent = NULL; } FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get()); uint8 * Data = DestObj ? ReplicatedProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DestObj, Element) : NewZeroed<uint8>(FMemStack::Get(),ReplicatedProp->ElementSize); TArray<uint8> MetaData; PTRINT Offset = 0; // Copy current value over to Recent for comparison if ( DestRecent ) { Offset = ReplicatedProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<uint8>(DestRecent, Element) - DestRecent; check( Offset >= 0 && Offset < RepState->StaticBuffer.Num() ); //@todo if we move properties outside of the memory block, then this will not work anyway ReplicatedProp->CopySingleValue( DestRecent + Offset, Data ); } // Receive custom delta property. UStructProperty * StructProperty = Cast< UStructProperty >( ReplicatedProp ); if ( StructProperty == NULL ) { // This property isn't custom delta UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Error, TEXT( "Property isn't custom delta %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() ); return false; } UScriptStruct * InnerStruct = StructProperty->Struct; if ( !( InnerStruct->StructFlags & STRUCT_NetDeltaSerializeNative ) ) { // This property isn't custom delta UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Error, TEXT( "Property isn't custom delta %s" ), *ReplicatedProp->GetName() ); return false; } UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps * CppStructOps = InnerStruct->GetCppStructOps(); check( CppStructOps ); check( !InnerStruct->InheritedCppStructOps() ); FNetDeltaSerializeInfo Parms; FNetSerializeCB NetSerializeCB( OwningChannel->Connection->Driver ); Parms.DebugName = StructProperty->GetName(); Parms.Struct = InnerStruct; Parms.Map = PackageMap; Parms.InArchive = &Bunch; Parms.NetSerializeCB = &NetSerializeCB; // Call the custom delta serialize function to handle it CppStructOps->NetDeltaSerialize( Parms, Data ); if ( Bunch.IsError() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: NetDeltaSerialize - Bunch.IsError() == true: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } // See if it changed from our local value bool PropertyChanged = true; if ( DestRecent ) { // POD types can do a memcmp with a call to Identical if ( ReplicatedProp->Identical( DestRecent + Offset, Data ) ) { PropertyChanged = false; } } Mark.Pop(); // Successfully received it. UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( " %s - %s - Change: %d" ), *Object->GetName(), *ReplicatedProp->GetName(), PropertyChanged ); // Notify the Object if this var is RepNotify if ( PropertyChanged ) { QueuePropertyRepNotify( Object, ReplicatedProp, Element, MetaData ); } } // Next. RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 ); if ( Bunch.IsError() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 2: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { // We're done FieldCache = NULL; } else { FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex ); if ( FieldCache == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } } } // Handle function calls. if ( FieldCache && Cast< UFunction >( FieldCache->Field ) ) { FName Message = FieldCache->Field->GetFName(); UFunction * Function = Object->FindFunction( Message ); if ( Function == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Function == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & FUNC_Net ) == 0 ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Rejected non RPC function %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( ( Function->FunctionFlags & ( bIsServer ? FUNC_NetServer : ( FUNC_NetClient | FUNC_NetMulticast ) ) ) == 0 ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "Rejected RPC function due to access rights %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } UE_LOG( LogNetTraffic, Log, TEXT( " Received RPC: %s" ), *Message.ToString() ); // Get the parameters. FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get()); uint8* Parms = new(FMemStack::Get(),MEM_Zeroed,Function->ParmsSize)uint8; // Use the replication layout to receive the rpc parameter values TSharedPtr<FRepLayout> FuncRepLayout = OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->GetFunctionRepLayout( Function ); FuncRepLayout->ReceivePropertiesForRPC( Object, Function, OwningChannel, Bunch, Parms ); if ( Bunch.IsError() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: ReceivePropertiesForRPC - Bunch.IsError() == true: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } // validate that the function is callable here const bool bCanExecute = ( ( !bIsServer || RepFlags.bNetOwner ) ); // we are client or net owner if ( bCanExecute ) { // Call the function. RPC_ResetLastFailedReason(); Object->ProcessEvent( Function, Parms ); if ( RPC_GetLastFailedReason() != NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RPC_GetLastFailedReason: %s" ), RPC_GetLastFailedReason() ); return false; } } else { UE_LOG( LogNet, Warning, TEXT( "Rejected unwanted function %s in %s" ), *Message.ToString(), *Object->GetFullName() ); if ( !OwningChannel->Connection->TrackLogsPerSecond() ) // This will disconnect the client if we get her too often { return false; } } // Destroy the parameters. //warning: highly dependent on UObject::ProcessEvent freeing of parms! for ( UProperty * Destruct=Function->DestructorLink; Destruct; Destruct=Destruct->DestructorLinkNext ) { if( Destruct->IsInContainer(Function->ParmsSize) ) { Destruct->DestroyValue_InContainer(Parms); } } Mark.Pop(); if ( Object == NULL || Object->IsPendingKill() ) { // replicated function destroyed Object return true; // FIXME: Should this return false to kick connection? Seems we'll cause a read misalignment here if we don't } // Next. RepIndex = Bunch.ReadInt( ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() + 1 ); if ( Bunch.IsError() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Error reading bunch 2: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( RepIndex > ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: RepIndex too large: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } if ( RepIndex == ClassCache->GetMaxIndex() ) { // We're done FieldCache = NULL; } else { FieldCache = ClassCache->GetFromIndex( RepIndex ); if ( FieldCache == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: FieldCache == NULL: %s" ), *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } } } else if ( FieldCache ) { UE_LOG( LogNet, Error, TEXT( "ReceivedBunch: Invalid replicated field %i in %s" ), RepIndex, *Object->GetFullName() ); return false; } } return true; }
bool FObjectPropertyNode::GetReadAddressUncached(FPropertyNode& InNode, bool InRequiresSingleSelection, FReadAddressListData& OutAddresses, bool bComparePropertyContents, bool bObjectForceCompare, bool bArrayPropertiesCanDifferInSize) const { // Are any objects selected for property editing? if( !GetNumObjects()) { return false; } UProperty* InItemProperty = InNode.GetProperty(); // Is there a InItemProperty bound to the InItemProperty window? if( !InItemProperty ) { return false; } // Requesting a single selection? if( InRequiresSingleSelection && GetNumObjects() > 1) { // Fail: we're editing properties for multiple objects. return false; } //assume all properties are the same unless proven otherwise bool bAllTheSame = true; ////////////////////////////////////////// // If this item is the child of an array, return NULL if there is a different number // of items in the array in different objects, when multi-selecting. if( Cast<UArrayProperty>(InItemProperty->GetOuter()) ) { FPropertyNode* ParentNode = InNode.GetParentNode(); check(ParentNode); const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(0); if( TempObject ) { uint8* BaseAddr = ParentNode->GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject ); if( BaseAddr ) { const int32 Num = FScriptArrayHelper::Num(BaseAddr); for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects(); ObjIndex++ ) { TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex); BaseAddr = ParentNode->GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject ); if( BaseAddr && Num != FScriptArrayHelper::Num( BaseAddr ) ) { bAllTheSame = false; } } } } } uint8* Base = GetUObject(0) ? InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)(GetUObject(0)) ) : NULL; if (Base) { // If the item is an array itself, return NULL if there are a different number of // items in the array in different objects, when multi-selecting. if( Cast<UArrayProperty>(InItemProperty) ) { // This flag is an override for array properties which want to display e.g. the "Clear" and "Empty" // buttons, even though the array properties may differ in the number of elements. if ( !bArrayPropertiesCanDifferInSize ) { const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(0); int32 const Num = FScriptArrayHelper::Num(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject)); for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ ) { TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex); if( TempObject && Num != FScriptArrayHelper::Num(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress((uint8*)TempObject)) ) { bAllTheSame = false; } } } } else { if ( bComparePropertyContents || !Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty) || bObjectForceCompare ) { // Make sure the value of this InItemProperty is the same in all selected objects. for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ ) { const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex); if( !InItemProperty->Identical( Base, InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject ) ) ) { bAllTheSame = false; } } } else { if ( Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty) ) { // We don't want to exactly compare component properties. However, we // need to be sure that all references are either valid or invalid. // If BaseObj is NON-NULL, all other objects' properties should also be non-NULL. // If BaseObj is NULL, all other objects' properties should also be NULL. UObject* BaseObj = Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty)->GetObjectPropertyValue(Base); for( int32 ObjIndex = 1 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects() ; ObjIndex++ ) { const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex); UObject* CurObj = Cast<UObjectPropertyBase>(InItemProperty)->GetObjectPropertyValue(InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)TempObject )); if ( ( !BaseObj && CurObj ) // BaseObj is NULL, but this InItemProperty is non-NULL! || ( BaseObj && !CurObj ) ) // BaseObj is non-NULL, but this InItemProperty is NULL! { bAllTheSame = false; } } } } } } // Write addresses to the output. for ( int32 ObjIndex = 0 ; ObjIndex < GetNumObjects(); ++ObjIndex ) { const UObject* TempObject = GetUObject(ObjIndex); if( TempObject ) { OutAddresses.Add( TempObject, InNode.GetValueBaseAddress( (uint8*)(TempObject) ) ); } } // Everything checked out and we have usable addresses. return bAllTheSame; }