static bool AreIdentical(UObject* ObjectA, UObject* ObjectB)
		if (!ObjectA || !ObjectB || (ObjectA->GetClass() != ObjectB->GetClass()))
			return false;

		bool Result = true;
		for (UProperty* Prop = ObjectA->GetClass()->PropertyLink; Prop && Result; Prop = Prop->PropertyLinkNext)
			bool bConsiderProperty = Prop->ShouldDuplicateValue(); //Should the property be compared at all?
			if (bConsiderProperty)
				for (int32 Idx = 0; (Idx < Prop->ArrayDim) && Result; Idx++)
					if (!Prop->Identical_InContainer(ObjectA, ObjectB, Idx, PPF_DeepComparison))
						Result = false;
		if (Result)
			// Allow the component to compare its native/ intrinsic properties.
			Result = ObjectA->AreNativePropertiesIdenticalTo(ObjectB);
		return Result;