MatrixXd MinEnFilter::DAk(const MatrixXd& Gk, const MatrixXd& Disps_inhom, int direction) { MatrixXd Ones = MatrixXd::Ones(1,4); MatrixXd Eaux = MatrixXd::Identity(6,6); Matrix4d eta = MEFcommon::matSE(Eaux.col(direction-1)); MatrixXd iEg = (; VectorXd kappa = iEg.col(2); MatrixXd h = iEg.leftCols(2).cwiseQuotient(kappa*MatrixXd::Ones(1,2)); MatrixXd z = Disps_inhom.leftCols(2) - h; VectorXd kappaM1 = kappa.cwiseInverse(); VectorXd kappaM2 = (kappa.cwiseProduct(kappa)).cwiseInverse(); VectorXd kappaM3 = (kappa.cwiseProduct(kappa.cwiseProduct(kappa))).cwiseInverse(); MatrixXd lambda = ((*(iEg.transpose())).transpose(); VectorXd xi = (lambda.col(2)).cwiseProduct(kappaM2); // first part of Hessian VectorXd zeta1 = -2* kappaM3.cwiseProduct((lambda.col(2)).cwiseProduct(iEg.col(0))); VectorXd zeta2 = -2 * kappaM3.cwiseProduct((lambda.col(2)).cwiseProduct(iEg.col(1))); VectorXd eta1 = kappaM2.cwiseProduct(lambda.col(0)); VectorXd eta2 = kappaM2.cwiseProduct(lambda.col(1)); VectorXd a31 = zeta1 + eta1; VectorXd a32 = zeta2 + eta2; MatrixXd b1row = q1/nPoints * ((z.col(0))*Ones).cwiseProduct(iEg); MatrixXd b2row = q2/nPoints * ((z.col(1))*Ones).cwiseProduct(iEg); MatrixXd c1row = ((xi * Ones).cwiseProduct(b1row)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd c2row = ((xi * Ones).cwiseProduct(b2row)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd aux1(nPoints,4); aux1 << (a31.cwiseProduct(b1row.col(0)) + a32.cwiseProduct(b2row.col(0))) , (a31.cwiseProduct(b1row.col(1)) + a32.cwiseProduct(b2row.col(1))), (a31.cwiseProduct(b1row.col(2)) + a32.cwiseProduct(b2row.col(2))), (a31.cwiseProduct(b1row.col(3)) + a32.cwiseProduct(b2row.col(3))); MatrixXd c3row = aux1.colwise().sum(); MatrixXd C(4,4); C << c1row, c2row, c3row, MatrixXd::Zero(1,4); // % second part of Hessian VectorXd rho1 = -q1/nPoints * kappaM2.cwiseProduct(iEg.col(0)); VectorXd rho2 = -q2/nPoints * kappaM2.cwiseProduct(iEg.col(1)); MatrixXd Frow1 = kappaM1.cwiseProduct(lambda.col(0)) - kappaM2.cwiseProduct((lambda.col(2)).cwiseProduct(iEg.col(0))); MatrixXd Frow2 = kappaM1.cwiseProduct(lambda.col(1)) - kappaM2.cwiseProduct((lambda.col(2)).cwiseProduct(iEg.col(1))); MatrixXd G1row1 = (Frow1*Ones).cwiseProduct(iEg); MatrixXd G1row2 = (Frow2*Ones).cwiseProduct(iEg); MatrixXd G2row1 = ((z.col(0))*Ones).cwiseProduct(lambda); MatrixXd G2row2 = ((z.col(1))*Ones).cwiseProduct(lambda); MatrixXd Grow1 = G1row1 - G2row1; MatrixXd Grow2 = G1row2 - G2row2; MatrixXd h1row = (q1/nPoints * (kappaM1*Ones).cwiseProduct(Grow1)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd h2row = (q2/nPoints * (kappaM1*Ones).cwiseProduct(Grow2)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd aux2(nPoints,4); aux2 << rho1.cwiseProduct(Grow1.col(0)) + rho2.cwiseProduct(Grow2.col(0)), rho1.cwiseProduct(Grow1.col(1)) + rho2.cwiseProduct(Grow2.col(1)), rho1.cwiseProduct(Grow1.col(2)) + rho2.cwiseProduct(Grow2.col(2)), rho1.cwiseProduct(Grow1.col(3)) + rho2.cwiseProduct(Grow2.col(3)); MatrixXd h3row = aux2.colwise().sum(); MatrixXd H(4,4); H << h1row, h2row, h3row, MatrixXd::Zero(1,4); return C+H; }
inline double EvaluateLogMvn_Cholesky(VectorXd& Z_vec, VectorXd& C_vec, VectorXd& Lam_vec, MatrixXd& upper_chol){ VectorXd elm_wise = C_vec.cwiseProduct(Lam_vec); VectorXd mu = upper_chol*elm_wise; VectorXd Z_mu = Z_vec-mu; double prob = (-.5)*(; return(prob); }
// Obtains standard Chebyshev polynomials evaluated at given set of Points; void H2_2D_Tree::get_Standard_Chebyshev_Polynomials(const unsigned short nChebPoly, const unsigned long N, const VectorXd& x, MatrixXd& T){ T = MatrixXd::Zero(N,nChebPoly); T.col(0)= VectorXd::Ones(N); if(nChebPoly>1){ T.col(1) = x; for(unsigned short k=2; k<nChebPoly; ++k){ T.col(k)= 2.0*x.cwiseProduct(T.col(k-1))-T.col(k-2); } } }
inline double EvaluateLogMvn(VectorXd& Z_vec, VectorXd C_vec, VectorXd& Lam_vec, MatrixXd& Inv_Sig, MatrixXd& Sig){ VectorXd elm_wise = C_vec.cwiseProduct(Lam_vec); VectorXd mu = Sig*elm_wise; VectorXd Z_mu = Z_vec-mu; VectorXd RHSeval = Inv_Sig*Z_mu; double prob = (-.5)*(; return(prob); }
LieAlgebra MinEnFilter::computeGradient(const LieGroup& S, const MatrixXd& Gk, const MatrixXd& Disps_inhom) { /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS FUNCTION */ LieAlgebra L; MatrixXd iEg = ((S.E).lu().solve(Gk.transpose())).transpose(); VectorXd kappa = iEg.col(2); MatrixXd h = iEg.leftCols(2).cwiseQuotient(kappa*MatrixXd::Ones(1,2)); MatrixXd z = Disps_inhom.leftCols(2) - h; MatrixXd Qvec(1,2); Qvec << q1/nPoints,q2/nPoints; MatrixXd qvec = MatrixXd::Ones(nPoints,1) * Qvec; MatrixXd b12 = (kappa.cwiseInverse()*MatrixXd::Ones(1,2)).cwiseProduct(qvec.cwiseProduct(z)); MatrixXd kappa2 = kappa.cwiseProduct(kappa); MatrixXd aux1 = (iEg.leftCols(2)).cwiseProduct(z.cwiseProduct(qvec)); MatrixXd b3 = -((kappa2.cwiseInverse()*MatrixXd::Ones(1,2)).cwiseProduct(aux1)).rowwise().sum(); MatrixXd B(nPoints,4); B << b12, b3, MatrixXd::Zero(nPoints,1); MatrixXd Ones = MatrixXd::Ones(1,4); MatrixXd A1 = iEg.col(0) * Ones; MatrixXd A2 = iEg.col(1) * Ones; MatrixXd A3 = iEg.col(2) * Ones; MatrixXd A4 = iEg.col(3) * Ones; MatrixXd G1 = (B.cwiseProduct(A1)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd G2 = (B.cwiseProduct(A2)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd G3 = (B.cwiseProduct(A3)).colwise().sum(); MatrixXd G4 = (B.cwiseProduct(A4)).colwise().sum(); Matrix4d G; G << G1, G2, G3, G4; G = MEFcommon::prSE(G.transpose()); if (order == 1) { L = LieAlgebra(G); } else if (order >=2) { L = LieAlgebra(G, VectorXd::Zero((order-1)*6),order); } else { cerr << "Parameter order must be greater than zero." << endl; exit(1); } return L; }
double CGppe::maximum_expected_improvement(const VectorXd & theta_t, const VectorXd& theta_x, const double& sigma, const MatrixXd& t, const MatrixXd & x, const VectorXd& idx_global, const VectorXd& ind_t, const VectorXd& ind_x, MatrixXd tstar, int N, double fbest) { VectorXd idx_xstar=Nfirst(N); int Kt_ss = 1; double mei; MatrixXd Kx_star, Kx_star_star, kstar, Kss, Css; MatrixXd Kt_star = covfunc_t->Compute(t, tstar); //dsp(GetKinv(),"Kinv"); Kx_star = GetMatRow(Kx, idx_xstar.transpose()); //maybe need some transpose? Kx_star_star = GetMat(Kx, idx_xstar.transpose(), idx_xstar.transpose()); // test to test kstar = Kron(Kt_star, Kx_star); kstar = GetMatRow(kstar, idx_global); Kss = Kt_ss * Kx_star_star; mustar = kstar.transpose() * Kinv * GetVec(f, idx_global); Css = Kss - kstar.transpose() * W * llt.solve(Kinv * kstar); varstar = Css.diagonal(); VectorXd sigmastar = sqrt(varstar.array()); VectorXd z = (fbest - mustar.array()) / sigmastar.array(); VectorXd pdfval = normpdf(z); VectorXd cdfval = normcdf(z); VectorXd inter = z.array() * (1 - cdfval.array()); VectorXd el = sigmastar.cwiseProduct(inter - pdfval); el=-1*el; mei = el.maxCoeff(); //dsp(mei,"mei"); return mei; }
/*@Input: - cableScanner, the Pointers of CableScanner - mps, the Pointers of MPS - Map, the [ynum]x[znum] map data will be return through the memory of this pointer. should be pre-malloc memory. - yPtr zPtr, will be returned including the estimated y, z distance. should be pre-malloc memory. - freq, the memory for returning frequency domain data. - current, the value of current - [ymin, ymax]x[zmin, zmax], define the area to be scanned. - ynum znum, the sample num of area */ bool fnCableScan( CableScanner *cableScanner, MPS *mps, double *Map, double *yPtr, double *zPtr, double *freq, double *measuedVolt, double *params) //double current, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax, int ynum, int znum) { double current = params[0]; double ymin = params[1]; double ymax = params[2]; double zmin = params[3]; double zmax = params[4]; int ynum = (int)params[5]; int znum = (int)params[6]; //cout << ymin << ymax << zmin << zmax << "ynum " << ynum << ", znum " << znum << endl; if (!Map || !yPtr || !zPtr || !freq || !mps->data) { cout << "NULL pointers" << endl; #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ if (!Map) cout << "Map is NULL" << endl; if (!yPtr) cout << "yPtr is NULL" << endl; if (!zPtr) cout << "zPtr is NULL" << endl; if (!freq) cout << "freq is NULL" << endl; if (!mps->data) cout << "mps->data is NULL" << endl; #endif exit(-1); } VectorXd e0 = VectorXd::Zero(cableScanner->n); /* ------ data getter and digital filter ------*/ #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ cout << "getdata..." << endl; #endif double *signals = mps->data;//mps->GetData(false); // FIXME:内存不应该这么分配 #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ cout << "getdata...ok" << endl; #endif int N = mps->samples*mps->bulks; double *sig = signals; //double *freq; if (freq == NULL) //freq = new double[N*cableScanner->n]; // FIXME { cout << "the freq pointer has not been initialized, you may call 'fnFreqPtrMalloc' firstly. exit..." << endl; return false; } #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ cout << "init filter..." << endl; #endif FFTWFilter filter(N); #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ cout << "init filter...ok" << endl; #endif int minFreq = 30; int maxFreq = 70; double time = N / (double)mps->sampleRate; double maxvalue; int win_min = (int)(0.1*N); int win_max = (int)(0.9*N); // Here, we use the cableScanner->n but not the mps->channels, since the // former may be smaller than the latter for (int i = 0; i < cableScanner->n; i++) { #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ cout << "BandpassFilt..." << i << endl; #endif filter.BandpassFilt(sig, freq, minFreq, maxFreq, time); maxvalue = 0; for (int j = win_min; j < win_max; j++) { if (sig[j] > maxvalue) maxvalue = sig[j]; } e0(i) = maxvalue>0.09?maxvalue:0; measuedVolt[i] = e0(i)/AMP_SCALE; sig += N; freq += N; } cout << "measured volt" << (int)measuedVolt << endl; e0 /= AMP_SCALE; cout << "measured voltages: " << e0.adjoint() << endl; #ifdef _WRITE_DATA_TO_FILE ofstream outfile;"data/CableScnnerDLL.txt", ios::app); outfile << e0.adjoint() << " "; #endif /* ------ data getter and digital filter end ------*/ /* ------- scan probmap --------- */ Vector3d pos(0, 0, -0.2); Vector3d cur(current, 0, 0); VectorXd cK = VectorXd::Zero(cableScanner->n); cK << 0.7783, 41.6144, 36.5788, 28.0842, 43.4910, 36.4128, 38.9824, 1.0000; // this should be updated by new train result. clock_t t1 = clock(); MatrixXd MXd = cableScanner->scan(pos, cur, cK.cwiseProduct(e0), ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, ynum, znum); cout << "cable scan used time: " << (clock() - t1) << " ms" << endl; cout << "cable scan area : " << "[" << ymin << ", " << ymax << "]x[" << zmin << ", " << zmax << "]" << endl; double *mapPtr = Map; int i, j; for (/*int */i = 0; i < ynum; i++) { for (/*int */j = 0; j < znum; j++) { mapPtr[j] = MXd(i,j); //cout << "mapPtr " << mapPtr[j] << endl; // TEST } mapPtr += znum; } *yPtr = cableScanner->maxy; *zPtr = cableScanner->maxz; cout << "cable position: (" << *yPtr << ", " << *zPtr << ")" << "@" << cableScanner->maxprob << endl; #ifdef _WRITE_DATA_TO_FILE outfile << *yPtr << " " << *zPtr << endl; outfile.close(); #endif #ifdef _TEST_MSG_ //cout << "i: " << i << endl; //cout << "j: " << j << endl; //cout << "*yPtr = " << *yPtr << endl; //cout << "*zPtr = " << *zPtr << endl; cout << "return from cable scanner dll" << endl; #endif // _TEST_MSG_ if (e0(0) > 1e-4) { cout << "WARNING: the car may not in correct direction, for coil 1 get value at " << e0(0) << endl; } // Check if the signals is large enough for finding an cable for (i = 0; i < cableScanner->n; i++) { if (e0(i) > 2e-4) { cout << "** Found Cable!! **" << endl; break; } } if (i == cableScanner->n) { cout << "** not found cable **" << endl; return false; } return true; }
bool CableScanner::test() { Vector3d pos(0, 0, -0.2); Vector3d cur(100, 0, 0); VectorXd e0 = VectorXd::Zero(n); e0 << 0.000107550000000000, 0.000894042000000000 , 0.000414297000000000 , 0.000376473000000000 , 0.000840930000000000 , 0.00105442000000000 , 0.00103013000000000 , 0;//-1m //0, //0.000473595000000000 , //0.000915808000000000 , //0.00158678000000000 , //0.000510788000000000 , //0.000413732000000000 , //0.000841858000000000 , //0; // 0.5m //0, //0.000485222000000000, //0.000469724000000000, //0.000602988000000000, //0.000218011000000000, //0.000144855000000000, //0.000447740000000000, //0;// 1m VectorXd cK = VectorXd::Zero(n); //cK << 0.7578, // 378.6616, // 124.7508, // 75.3842, // 216.4860, // 249.0531, // 2.5615, // 1.0000; /* cK << 0.9985, 1.0385, 1.0069, 0.9691, 1.0242, 1.0061, 1.0273, 1.0000; this->k = k*(-0.024384);/*/ cK << 0.7783, 41.6144, 36.5788, 28.0842, 43.4910, 36.4128, 38.9824, 1.0000;/*/ /*0.3269, 36.3118, 29.1515, 15.4095, 47.2785, 37.4407, 0.0026, 1.0000;*/ //ofstream file("D:\\Docs\\code\\gitlab\\pmf\\MPS_Acquire_matlab_package\\errmap.txt"); ofstream file("errmap.txt"); clock_t t1 = clock(); MatrixXd MXd = scan(pos, cur, cK.cwiseProduct(e0), -2, 2, -2, 0.2, 100, 100); cout << (clock() - t1) << " ms" << endl; if (file.is_open()) { file << MXd << endl; } else cout << MXd << endl; cout << "(" << maxy << "," << maxz << ")" << endl; return true; }
CFeatures* CJade::apply(CFeatures* features) { ASSERT(features); SG_REF(features); SGMatrix<float64_t> X = ((CDenseFeatures<float64_t>*)features)->get_feature_matrix(); int n = X.num_rows; int T = X.num_cols; int m = n; Map<MatrixXd> EX(X.matrix,n,T); // Mean center X VectorXd mean = (EX.rowwise().sum() / (float64_t)T); MatrixXd SPX = EX.colwise() - mean; MatrixXd cov = (SPX * SPX.transpose()) / (float64_t)T; #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "cov" << std::endl; std::cout << cov << std::endl; #endif // Whitening & Projection onto signal subspace SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixXd> eig; eig.compute(cov); #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "eigenvectors" << std::endl; std::cout << eig.eigenvectors() << std::endl; std::cout << "eigenvalues" << std::endl; std::cout << eig.eigenvalues().asDiagonal() << std::endl; #endif // Scaling VectorXd scales = eig.eigenvalues().cwiseSqrt(); MatrixXd B = scales.cwiseInverse().asDiagonal() * eig.eigenvectors().transpose(); #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "whitener" << std::endl; std::cout << B << std::endl; #endif // Sphering SPX = B * SPX; // Estimation of the cumulant matrices int dimsymm = (m * ( m + 1)) / 2; // Dim. of the space of real symm matrices int nbcm = dimsymm; // number of cumulant matrices m_cumulant_matrix = SGMatrix<float64_t>(m,m*nbcm); // Storage for cumulant matrices Map<MatrixXd> CM(m_cumulant_matrix.matrix,m,m*nbcm); MatrixXd R(m,m); R.setIdentity(); MatrixXd Qij = MatrixXd::Zero(m,m); // Temp for a cum. matrix VectorXd Xim = VectorXd::Zero(m); // Temp VectorXd Xjm = VectorXd::Zero(m); // Temp VectorXd Xijm = VectorXd::Zero(m); // Temp int Range = 0; for (int im = 0; im < m; im++) { Xim = SPX.row(im); Xijm = Xim.cwiseProduct(Xim); Qij = SPX.cwiseProduct(Xijm.replicate(1,m).transpose()) * SPX.transpose() / (float)T - R - 2*R.col(im)*R.col(im).transpose(); CM.block(0,Range,m,m) = Qij; Range = Range + m; for (int jm = 0; jm < im; jm++) { Xjm = SPX.row(jm); Xijm = Xim.cwiseProduct(Xjm); Qij = SPX.cwiseProduct(Xijm.replicate(1,m).transpose()) * SPX.transpose() / (float)T - R.col(im)*R.col(jm).transpose() - R.col(jm)*R.col(im).transpose(); CM.block(0,Range,m,m) = sqrt(2)*Qij; Range = Range + m; } } #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "cumulatant matrices" << std::endl; std::cout << CM << std::endl; #endif // Stack cumulant matrix into ND Array index_t * M_dims = SG_MALLOC(index_t, 3); M_dims[0] = m; M_dims[1] = m; M_dims[2] = nbcm; SGNDArray< float64_t > M(M_dims, 3); for (int i = 0; i < nbcm; i++) { Map<MatrixXd> EM(M.get_matrix(i),m,m); EM = CM.block(0,i*m,m,m); } // Diagonalize SGMatrix<float64_t> Q = CJADiagOrth::diagonalize(M, m_mixing_matrix, tol, max_iter); Map<MatrixXd> EQ(Q.matrix,m,m); EQ = -1 * EQ.inverse(); #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "diagonalizer" << std::endl; std::cout << EQ << std::endl; #endif // Separating matrix SGMatrix<float64_t> sep_matrix = SGMatrix<float64_t>(m,m); Map<MatrixXd> C(sep_matrix.matrix,m,m); C = EQ.transpose() * B; // Sort VectorXd A = (B.inverse()*EQ).cwiseAbs2().colwise().sum(); bool swap = false; do { swap = false; for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) { if ( A(j) < A(j-1) ) { std::swap(A(j),A(j-1)); C.col(j).swap(C.col(j-1)); swap = true; } } } while(swap); for (int j = 0; j < m/2; j++) C.row(j).swap( C.row(m-1-j) ); // Fix Signs VectorXd signs = VectorXd::Zero(m); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if( C(i,0) < 0 ) signs(i) = -1; else signs(i) = 1; } C = signs.asDiagonal() * C; #ifdef DEBUG_JADE std::cout << "un mixing matrix" << std::endl; std::cout << C << std::endl; #endif // Unmix EX = C * EX; m_mixing_matrix = SGMatrix<float64_t>(m,m); Map<MatrixXd> Emixing_matrix(m_mixing_matrix.matrix,m,m); Emixing_matrix = C.inverse(); return features; }
size_t UPGMpp::messagesLBP(CGraph &graph, TInferenceOptions &options, vector<vector<VectorXd> > &messages , bool maximize, const vector<size_t> &tree) { const vector<CNodePtr> nodes = graph.getNodes(); const vector<CEdgePtr> edges = graph.getEdges(); multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr> edges_f = graph.getEdgesF(); size_t N_nodes = nodes.size(); size_t N_edges = edges.size(); bool is_tree = (tree.size()>0) ? true : false; //graph.computePotentials(); // // Build the messages structure // double totalSumOfMsgs = 0; if ( !messages.size() ) messages.resize( N_edges); for ( size_t i = 0; i < N_edges; i++ ) { if ( !messages[i].size() ) { messages[i].resize(2); size_t ID1, ID2; edges[i]->getNodesID(ID1,ID2); // Messages from first node of the edge to the second one, so the size of // the message has to be the same as the number of classes of the second node. double N_classes = graph.getNodeWithID( ID2 )->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues ).rows(); messages[i][0].resize( N_classes ); messages[i][0].fill(1.0/N_classes); // Just the opposite as before. N_classes = graph.getNodeWithID( ID1 )->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues ).rows(); messages[i][1].resize( N_classes ); messages[i][1].fill(1.0/N_classes); } totalSumOfMsgs += messages[i][0].rows() + messages[i][1].rows(); } // cout << "Initial Messages:" << endl; // for ( size_t i=0; i < messages.size(); i++) // for ( size_t j=0; j < messages[i].size(); j++) // for ( size_t k=0; k < messages[i][j].size(); k++ ) // cout << messages[i][j][k] << " "; vector<vector<VectorXd> > previousMessages; if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" ) { previousMessages = messages; for ( size_t i = 0; i < previousMessages.size(); i++ ) { previousMessages[i][0].fill(0); previousMessages[i][1].fill(0); } } // // Iterate until convergence or a certain maximum number of iterations is reached // size_t iteration; // cout << endl; for ( iteration = 0; iteration < options.maxIterations; iteration++ ) { // cout << "Messages " << iteration << ":" << endl; // for ( size_t i=0; i < messages.size(); i++) // for ( size_t j=0; j < messages[i].size(); j++) // for ( size_t k=0; k < messages[i][j].size(); k++ ) // cout << messages[i][j][k] << " "; // cout << endl; // Variables used by Residual Belief Propagation int edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = -1; VectorXd associatedMessage; bool from1to2; double maxDifference = -1; // // Iterate over all the nodes // for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < N_nodes; nodeIndex++ ) { const CNodePtr nodePtr = graph.getNode( nodeIndex ); size_t nodeID = nodePtr->getID(); // Check if we are calibrating a tree, and so if the node is not member of the tree, // so we dont have to update its messages if ( is_tree && ( std::find(tree.begin(), tree.end(), nodeID ) == tree.end() ) ) continue; NEIGHBORS_IT neighbors; neighbors = edges_f.equal_range(nodeID); //cout << " Sending messages ... " << endl; // // Send a message to each neighbor // for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor = neighbors.first; itNeigbhor != neighbors.second; itNeigbhor++ ) { // cout << "sending msg to neighbor..." << endl; VectorXd nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePtr->getPotentials( options.considerNodeFixedValues ); // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Orig: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl; size_t neighborID; size_t ID1, ID2; CEdgePtr edgePtr( (*itNeigbhor).second ); edgePtr->getNodesID(ID1,ID2); ( ID1 == nodeID ) ? neighborID = ID2 : neighborID = ID1; // cout << "all ready" << endl; // Check if we are calibrating a tree, and so if the neighbor node // is not member of the tree, so we dont have to update its messages if ( is_tree && ( std::find(tree.begin(), tree.end(), neighborID ) == tree.end() )) continue; // // Compute the message from current node as a product of all the // incoming messages less the one from the current neighbor // plus the node potential of the current node. // for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor2 = neighbors.first; itNeigbhor2 != neighbors.second; itNeigbhor2++ ) { size_t ID11, ID12; CEdgePtr edgePtr2( (*itNeigbhor2).second ); edgePtr2->getNodesID(ID11,ID12); size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr2->getID() ); // cout << "Edge index: " << edgeIndex << endl << "node pot" << nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl; // cout << "Node ID: " << nodeID << " node11 " << ID11 << " node12 " << ID12 << endl; CNodePtr n1,n2; edgePtr2->getNodes(n1,n2); // cout << "Node 1 type: " << n1->getType()->getID() << " label " << n1->getType()->getLabel() << endl; // cout << "Node 2 type: " << n2->getType()->getID() << " label " << n2->getType()->getLabel() << endl; // Check if the current neighbor appears in the edge if ( ( neighborID != ID11 ) && ( neighborID != ID12 ) ) { if ( nodeID == ID11 ) { // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod: " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ].transpose() << endl; // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Bis : " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ].transpose() << endl; nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ]); // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod2: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl; } else // nodeID == ID2 { // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod: " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ].transpose() << endl; // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Bis : " << messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ].transpose() << endl; nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ]); // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg Prod2: " << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl; } } } // cout << "Node pot" << endl; //cout << "Node pot" << nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl; // // Take also the potential between the two nodes // MatrixXd edgePotentials; if ( nodeID != ID1 ) edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials(); else edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials().transpose(); VectorXd newMessage; size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr->getID() ); // cout << "get new message" << endl; if ( !maximize ) { // Multiply both, and update the potential // cout << "Edge potentials:" << edgePotentials.transpose() << endl; // cout << "nodePotPlusIncMsg:" << nodePotPlusIncMsg.transpose() << endl; newMessage = edgePotentials * nodePotPlusIncMsg; // Normalize new message if (newMessage.sum()) newMessage = newMessage / newMessage.sum(); //cout << "New message 3:" << newMessage.transpose() << endl; } else { if ( nodeID == ID1 ) newMessage.resize(messages[ edgeIndex ][0].rows()); else newMessage.resize(messages[ edgeIndex ][1].rows()); for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ ) { double maxRowValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::min(); for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ ) { double value = edgePotentials(row,col)*nodePotPlusIncMsg(col); if ( value > maxRowValue ) maxRowValue = value; } newMessage(row) = maxRowValue; } // Normalize new message if (newMessage.sum()) newMessage = newMessage / newMessage.sum(); //cout << "New message: " << endl << newMessage << endl; } // // Set the message! // VectorXd smoothedOldMessage(newMessage.rows()); smoothedOldMessage.setZero(); double smoothing = options.particularD["smoothing"]; if ( smoothing != 0 ) if ( nodeID == ID1 ) newMessage = newMessage + (1-smoothing) * messages[ edgeIndex ][0]; else newMessage = newMessage + (1-smoothing) * messages[ edgeIndex ][1]; //cout << "New message:" << endl << newMessage << endl << "Smoothed" << endl << smoothedOldMessage << endl; // If residual belief propagation is activated, just check if the // newMessage is the one with the higest residual till the // moment. Otherwise, set the new message as the current one if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" ) { if ( nodeID == ID1 ) { VectorXd differences = messages[edgeIndex][0] - newMessage; double difference = differences.cwiseAbs().sum(); if ( difference > maxDifference ) { from1to2 = true; edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = edgeIndex; maxDifference = difference; associatedMessage = newMessage; } } else { VectorXd differences = messages[edgeIndex][1] - newMessage; double difference = differences.cwiseAbs().sum(); if ( difference > maxDifference ) { from1to2 = false; edgeWithMaxDiffIndex = edgeIndex; maxDifference = difference; associatedMessage = newMessage; } } } else { // cout << newMessage.cols() << " " << newMessage.rows() << endl; // cout << "edgeIndex" << edgeIndex << endl; if ( nodeID == ID1 ) { // cout << messages[ edgeIndex ][0].cols() << " " << messages[ edgeIndex ][0].rows() << endl; messages[ edgeIndex ][0] = newMessage; } else { // cout << messages[ edgeIndex ][1].cols() << " " << messages[ edgeIndex ][1].rows() << endl; messages[ edgeIndex ][1] = newMessage; } // cout << "Wop " << endl; } } } // Nodes if ( options.particularS["order"] == "RBP" && ( edgeWithMaxDiffIndex =! -1 )) { if ( from1to2 ) messages[ edgeWithMaxDiffIndex ][0] = associatedMessage; else messages[ edgeWithMaxDiffIndex ][1] = associatedMessage; } // // Check convergency!! // double newTotalSumOfMsgs = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < N_edges; i++ ) { newTotalSumOfMsgs += messages[i][0].sum() + messages[i][1].sum(); } //printf("%4.10f\n",std::abs( totalSumOfMsgs - newTotalSumOfMsgs )); if ( std::abs( totalSumOfMsgs - newTotalSumOfMsgs ) < options.convergency ) break; totalSumOfMsgs = newTotalSumOfMsgs; // Show messages /*cout << "Iteration:" << iteration << endl; for ( size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++ ) { cout << messages[i][0] << " " << messages[i][1] << endl; }*/ } // Iterations return 1; }
CMap<TParameter*, SGVector<float64_t> > CLaplacianInferenceMethod:: get_marginal_likelihood_derivatives(CMap<TParameter*, CSGObject*>& para_dict) { check_members(); if(update_parameter_hash()) update_all(); MatrixXd Z(m_L.num_rows, m_L.num_cols); Map<VectorXd> eigen_dlp(dlp.vector, dlp.vlen); for (index_t i = 0; i < m_L.num_rows; i++) { for (index_t j = 0; j < m_L.num_cols; j++) Z(i,j) = m_L(i,j); } MatrixXd sW_temp(sW.vlen, m_ktrtr.num_cols); VectorXd sum(1); sum[0] = 0; for (index_t i = 0; i < sW.vlen; i++) { for (index_t j = 0; j < m_ktrtr.num_cols; j++) sW_temp(i,j) = sW[i]; } VectorXd g; Map<VectorXd> eigen_W(W.vector, W.vlen); Map<MatrixXd> eigen_temp_kernel(temp_kernel.matrix, temp_kernel.num_rows, temp_kernel.num_cols); if (eigen_W.minCoeff() < 0) { Z = -Z; MatrixXd A = MatrixXd::Identity(m_ktrtr.num_rows, m_ktrtr.num_cols); MatrixXd temp_diagonal(sW.vlen, sW.vlen); temp_diagonal.setZero(sW.vlen, sW.vlen); for (index_t s = 0; s < temp_diagonal.rows(); s++) { for (index_t r = 0; r < temp_diagonal.cols(); r++) temp_diagonal(r,s) = W[s]; } A = A + eigen_temp_kernel*m_scale*m_scale*temp_diagonal; FullPivLU<MatrixXd> lu(A); MatrixXd temp_matrix = lu.inverse().cwiseProduct(eigen_temp_kernel*m_scale*m_scale); VectorXd temp_sum(temp_matrix.rows()); for (index_t i = 0; i < temp_matrix.rows(); i++) { for (index_t j = 0; j < temp_matrix.cols(); j++) temp_sum[i] += temp_matrix(j,i); } g = temp_sum/2.0; } else { MatrixXd C = Z.transpose().colPivHouseholderQr().solve( sW_temp.cwiseProduct(eigen_temp_kernel*m_scale*m_scale)); MatrixXd temp_diagonal(sW.vlen, sW.vlen); temp_diagonal.setZero(sW.vlen, sW.vlen); for (index_t s = 0; s < sW.vlen; s++) temp_diagonal(s,s) = sW[s]; MatrixXd temp = Z.transpose(); Z = Z.transpose().colPivHouseholderQr().solve(temp_diagonal); Z = temp.transpose().colPivHouseholderQr().solve(Z); for (index_t s = 0; s < Z.rows(); s++) { for (index_t r = 0; r < Z.cols(); r++) Z(s,r) *= sW[s]; } VectorXd temp_sum(C.rows()); temp_sum.setZero(C.rows()); for (index_t i = 0; i < C.rows(); i++) { for (index_t j = 0; j < C.cols(); j++) temp_sum[i] += C(j,i)*C(j,i); } g = (eigen_temp_kernel.diagonal()*m_scale*m_scale-temp_sum)/2.0; } Map<VectorXd> eigen_d3lp(d3lp.vector, d3lp.vlen); VectorXd dfhat = g.cwiseProduct(eigen_d3lp); m_kernel->build_parameter_dictionary(para_dict); m_mean->build_parameter_dictionary(para_dict); m_model->build_parameter_dictionary(para_dict); CMap<TParameter*, SGVector<float64_t> > gradient( 3+para_dict.get_num_elements(), 3+para_dict.get_num_elements()); for (index_t i = 0; i < para_dict.get_num_elements(); i++) { shogun::CMapNode<TParameter*, CSGObject*>* node = para_dict.get_node_ptr(i); TParameter* param = node->key; CSGObject* obj = node->data; index_t length = 1; if ((param->m_datatype.m_ctype== CT_VECTOR || param->m_datatype.m_ctype == CT_SGVECTOR) && param->m_datatype.m_length_y != NULL) length = *(param->m_datatype.m_length_y); SGVector<float64_t> variables(length); bool deriv_found = false; Map<VectorXd> eigen_temp_alpha(temp_alpha.vector, temp_alpha.vlen); for (index_t h = 0; h < length; h++) { SGMatrix<float64_t> deriv; SGVector<float64_t> mean_derivatives; VectorXd mean_dev_temp; SGVector<float64_t> lik_first_deriv; SGVector<float64_t> lik_second_deriv; if (param->m_datatype.m_ctype == CT_VECTOR || param->m_datatype.m_ctype == CT_SGVECTOR) { deriv = m_kernel->get_parameter_gradient(param, obj); lik_first_deriv = m_model->get_first_derivative( (CRegressionLabels*)m_labels, param, obj, function); lik_second_deriv = m_model->get_second_derivative( (CRegressionLabels*)m_labels, param, obj, function); mean_derivatives = m_mean->get_parameter_derivative( param, obj, m_feature_matrix, h); for (index_t d = 0; d < mean_derivatives.vlen; d++) mean_dev_temp[d] = mean_derivatives[d]; } else { mean_derivatives = m_mean->get_parameter_derivative( param, obj, m_feature_matrix); for (index_t d = 0; d < mean_derivatives.vlen; d++) mean_dev_temp[d] = mean_derivatives[d]; deriv = m_kernel->get_parameter_gradient(param, obj); lik_first_deriv = m_model->get_first_derivative( (CRegressionLabels*)m_labels, param, obj, function); lik_second_deriv = m_model->get_second_derivative( (CRegressionLabels*)m_labels, param, obj, function); } if (deriv.num_cols*deriv.num_rows > 0) { MatrixXd dK(deriv.num_cols, deriv.num_rows); for (index_t d = 0; d < deriv.num_rows; d++) { for (index_t s = 0; s < deriv.num_cols; s++) dK(d,s) = deriv(d,s); } sum[0] = (Z.cwiseProduct(dK)).sum()/2.0; sum = sum - eigen_temp_alpha.transpose()*dK*eigen_temp_alpha/2.0; VectorXd b = dK*eigen_dlp; sum = sum - dfhat.transpose()*(b-eigen_temp_kernel*(Z*b)*m_scale*m_scale); variables[h] = sum[0]; deriv_found = true; } else if (mean_derivatives.vlen > 0) { sum = -eigen_temp_alpha.transpose()*mean_dev_temp; sum = sum - dfhat.transpose()*(mean_dev_temp-eigen_temp_kernel* (Z*mean_dev_temp)*m_scale*m_scale); variables[h] = sum[0]; deriv_found = true; } else if (lik_first_deriv[0]+lik_second_deriv[0] != CMath::INFTY) { Map<VectorXd> eigen_fd(lik_first_deriv.vector, lik_first_deriv.vlen); Map<VectorXd> eigen_sd(lik_second_deriv.vector, lik_second_deriv.vlen); sum[0] =; sum[0] = sum[0] - eigen_fd.sum(); variables[h] = sum[0]; deriv_found = true; } } if (deriv_found) gradient.add(param, variables); } TParameter* param; index_t index = get_modsel_param_index("scale"); param = m_model_selection_parameters->get_parameter(index); MatrixXd dK(m_ktrtr.num_cols, m_ktrtr.num_rows); for (index_t d = 0; d < m_ktrtr.num_rows; d++) { for (index_t s = 0; s < m_ktrtr.num_cols; s++) dK(d,s) = m_ktrtr(d,s)*m_scale*2.0;; } Map<VectorXd> eigen_temp_alpha(temp_alpha.vector, temp_alpha.vlen); sum[0] = (Z.cwiseProduct(dK)).sum()/2.0; sum = sum - eigen_temp_alpha.transpose()*dK*eigen_temp_alpha/2.0; VectorXd b = dK*eigen_dlp; sum = sum - dfhat.transpose()*(b-eigen_temp_kernel*(Z*b)*m_scale*m_scale); SGVector<float64_t> scale(1); scale[0] = sum[0]; gradient.add(param, scale); para_dict.add(param, this); return gradient; }
void CLBPInference::infer(CGraph &graph, map<size_t,VectorXd> &nodeBeliefs, map<size_t,MatrixXd> &edgeBeliefs, double &logZ) { // // Algorithm workflow: // 1. Compute the messages passed // 2. Compute node beliefs // 3. Compute edge beliefs // 4. Compute logZ // nodeBeliefs.clear(); edgeBeliefs.clear(); const vector<CNodePtr> nodes = graph.getNodes(); const vector<CEdgePtr> edges = graph.getEdges(); multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr> edges_f = graph.getEdgesF(); size_t N_nodes = nodes.size(); size_t N_edges = edges.size(); // // 1. Compute the messages passed // vector<vector<VectorXd> > messages; bool maximize = false; messagesLBP( graph, m_options, messages, maximize ); // // 2. Compute node beliefs // for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < N_nodes; nodeIndex++ ) { const CNodePtr nodePtr = graph.getNode( nodeIndex ); size_t nodeID = nodePtr->getID(); VectorXd nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePtr->getPotentials( m_options.considerNodeFixedValues ); NEIGHBORS_IT neighbors = edges_f.equal_range(nodeID); // // Get the messages for all the neighbors, and multiply them with the node potential // for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor = neighbors.first; itNeigbhor != neighbors.second; itNeigbhor++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr( (*itNeigbhor).second ); size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr->getID() ); if ( !edgePtr->getNodePosition( nodeID ) ) // nodeID is the first node in the edge nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ]); else // nodeID is the second node in the dege nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ]); } // Normalize nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg / nodePotPlusIncMsg.sum(); nodeBeliefs[ nodeID ] = nodePotPlusIncMsg; //cout << "Beliefs of node " << nodeIndex << endl << nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl; } // // 3. Compute edge beliefs // for ( size_t edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < N_edges; edgeIndex++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr = edges[edgeIndex]; size_t edgeID = edgePtr->getID(); size_t ID1, ID2; edgePtr->getNodesID( ID1, ID2 ); MatrixXd edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials(); MatrixXd edgeBelief = edgePotentials; VectorXd &message1To2 = messages[edgeIndex][0]; VectorXd &message2To1 = messages[edgeIndex][1]; //cout << "----------------------" << endl; //cout << nodeBeliefs[ ID1 ] << endl; //cout << "----------------------" << endl; //cout << message2To1 << endl; VectorXd node1Belief = nodeBeliefs[ ID1 ].cwiseQuotient( message2To1 ); VectorXd node2Belief = nodeBeliefs[ ID2 ].cwiseQuotient( message1To2 ); //cout << "----------------------" << endl; MatrixXd node1BeliefMatrix ( edgePotentials.rows(), edgePotentials.cols() ); for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ ) for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ ) node1BeliefMatrix(row,col) = node1Belief(row); //cout << "Node 1 belief matrix: " << endl << node1BeliefMatrix << endl; edgeBelief = edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( node1BeliefMatrix ); MatrixXd node2BeliefMatrix ( edgePotentials.rows(), edgePotentials.cols() ); for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ ) for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ ) node2BeliefMatrix(row,col) = node2Belief(col); //cout << "Node 2 belief matrix: " << endl << node2BeliefMatrix << endl; edgeBelief = edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( node2BeliefMatrix ); //cout << "Edge potentials" << endl << edgePotentials << endl; //cout << "Edge beliefs" << endl << edgeBelief << endl; // Normalize edgeBelief = edgeBelief / edgeBelief.sum(); edgeBeliefs[ edgeID ] = edgeBelief; } // // 4. Compute logZ // double energyNodes = 0; double energyEdges = 0; double entropyNodes = 0; double entropyEdges = 0; // Compute energy and entropy from nodes for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodes.size(); nodeIndex++ ) { CNodePtr nodePtr = nodes[ nodeIndex ]; size_t nodeID = nodePtr->getID(); size_t N_Neighbors = graph.getNumberOfNodeNeighbors( nodeID ); // Useful computations and shorcuts VectorXd &nodeBelief = nodeBeliefs[nodeID]; VectorXd logNodeBelief = nodeBeliefs[nodeID].array().log(); VectorXd nodePotentials = nodePtr->getPotentials( m_options.considerNodeFixedValues ); VectorXd logNodePotentials = nodePotentials.array().log(); // Entropy from the node energyNodes += N_Neighbors*( nodeBelief.cwiseProduct( logNodeBelief ).sum() ); // Energy from the node entropyNodes += N_Neighbors*( nodeBelief.cwiseProduct( logNodePotentials ).sum() ); } // Compute energy and entropy from nodes for ( size_t edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < N_edges; edgeIndex++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr = edges[ edgeIndex ]; size_t edgeID = edgePtr->getID(); // Useful computations and shorcuts MatrixXd &edgeBelief = edgeBeliefs[ edgeID ]; MatrixXd logEdgeBelief = edgeBelief.array().log(); MatrixXd &edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials(); MatrixXd logEdgePotentials = edgePotentials.array().log(); // Entropy from the edge energyEdges += edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( logEdgeBelief ).sum(); // Energy from the edge entropyEdges += edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( logEdgePotentials ).sum(); } // Final Bethe free energy double BethefreeEnergy = ( energyNodes - energyEdges ) - ( entropyNodes - entropyEdges ); // Compute logZ logZ = - BethefreeEnergy; }
void CTRPBPInference::infer(CGraph &graph, map<size_t,VectorXd> &nodeBeliefs, map<size_t,MatrixXd> &edgeBeliefs, double &logZ) { // // Algorithm workflow: // 1. Compute the messages passed // 2. Compute node beliefs // 3. Compute edge beliefs // 4. Compute logZ // nodeBeliefs.clear(); edgeBeliefs.clear(); const vector<CNodePtr> nodes = graph.getNodes(); const vector<CEdgePtr> edges = graph.getEdges(); multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr> edges_f = graph.getEdgesF(); size_t N_nodes = nodes.size(); size_t N_edges = edges.size(); // // 1. Create spanning trees // bool allNodesAdded = false; vector<vector<size_t > > v_trees; vector<bool> v_addedNodes(N_nodes,false); map<size_t,size_t> addedNodesMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < N_nodes; i++) addedNodesMap[ nodes[i]->getID() ] = i; while (!allNodesAdded) { allNodesAdded = true; vector<size_t> tree; getSpanningTree( graph, tree ); // Check that the tree is not empty if ( tree.size() ) v_trees.push_back( tree ); cout << "Tree: "; for ( size_t i_node = 0; i_node < tree.size(); i_node++ ) { v_addedNodes[ addedNodesMap[tree[i_node]] ] = true; cout << tree[i_node] << " "; } cout << endl; for ( size_t i_node = 0; i_node < N_nodes; i_node++ ) if ( !v_addedNodes[i_node] ) { allNodesAdded = false; break; } } // // 1. Compute messages passed in each tree until convergence // vector<vector<VectorXd> > messages; bool maximize = false; double totalSumOfMsgs = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); size_t iteration; for ( iteration = 0; iteration < m_options.maxIterations; iteration++ ) { for ( size_t i_tree=0; i_tree < v_trees.size(); i_tree++ ) messagesLBP( graph, m_options, messages, maximize, v_trees[i_tree] ); double newTotalSumOfMsgs = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < N_edges; i++ ) { newTotalSumOfMsgs += messages[i][0].sum() + messages[i][1].sum(); } if ( std::abs( totalSumOfMsgs - newTotalSumOfMsgs ) < m_options.convergency ) break; totalSumOfMsgs = newTotalSumOfMsgs; } // // 2. Compute node beliefs // for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < N_nodes; nodeIndex++ ) { const CNodePtr nodePtr = graph.getNode( nodeIndex ); size_t nodeID = nodePtr->getID(); VectorXd nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePtr->getPotentials( m_options.considerNodeFixedValues ); NEIGHBORS_IT neighbors = edges_f.equal_range(nodeID); // // Get the messages for all the neighbors, and multiply them with the node potential // for ( multimap<size_t,CEdgePtr>::iterator itNeigbhor = neighbors.first; itNeigbhor != neighbors.second; itNeigbhor++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr( (*itNeigbhor).second ); size_t edgeIndex = graph.getEdgeIndex( edgePtr->getID() ); if ( !edgePtr->getNodePosition( nodeID ) ) // nodeID is the first node in the edge nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 1 ]); else // nodeID is the second node in the dege nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg.cwiseProduct(messages[ edgeIndex ][ 0 ]); } // Normalize nodePotPlusIncMsg = nodePotPlusIncMsg / nodePotPlusIncMsg.sum(); nodeBeliefs[ nodeID ] = nodePotPlusIncMsg; //cout << "Beliefs of node " << nodeIndex << endl << nodePotPlusIncMsg << endl; } // // 3. Compute edge beliefs // for ( size_t edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < N_edges; edgeIndex++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr = edges[edgeIndex]; size_t edgeID = edgePtr->getID(); size_t ID1, ID2; edgePtr->getNodesID( ID1, ID2 ); MatrixXd edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials(); MatrixXd edgeBelief = edgePotentials; VectorXd &message1To2 = messages[edgeIndex][0]; VectorXd &message2To1 = messages[edgeIndex][1]; //cout << "----------------------" << endl; //cout << nodeBeliefs[ ID1 ] << endl; //cout << "----------------------" << endl; //cout << message2To1 << endl; VectorXd node1Belief = nodeBeliefs[ ID1 ].cwiseQuotient( message2To1 ); VectorXd node2Belief = nodeBeliefs[ ID2 ].cwiseQuotient( message1To2 ); //cout << "----------------------" << endl; MatrixXd node1BeliefMatrix ( edgePotentials.rows(), edgePotentials.cols() ); for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ ) for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ ) node1BeliefMatrix(row,col) = node1Belief(row); //cout << "Node 1 belief matrix: " << endl << node1BeliefMatrix << endl; edgeBelief = edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( node1BeliefMatrix ); MatrixXd node2BeliefMatrix ( edgePotentials.rows(), edgePotentials.cols() ); for ( size_t row = 0; row < edgePotentials.rows(); row++ ) for ( size_t col = 0; col < edgePotentials.cols(); col++ ) node2BeliefMatrix(row,col) = node2Belief(col); //cout << "Node 2 belief matrix: " << endl << node2BeliefMatrix << endl; edgeBelief = edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( node2BeliefMatrix ); //cout << "Edge potentials" << endl << edgePotentials << endl; //cout << "Edge beliefs" << endl << edgeBelief << endl; // Normalize edgeBelief = edgeBelief / edgeBelief.sum(); edgeBeliefs[ edgeID ] = edgeBelief; } // // 4. Compute logZ // double energyNodes = 0; double energyEdges = 0; double entropyNodes = 0; double entropyEdges = 0; // Compute energy and entropy from nodes for ( size_t nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodes.size(); nodeIndex++ ) { CNodePtr nodePtr = nodes[ nodeIndex ]; size_t nodeID = nodePtr->getID(); size_t N_Neighbors = graph.getNumberOfNodeNeighbors( nodeID ); // Useful computations and shorcuts VectorXd &nodeBelief = nodeBeliefs[nodeID]; VectorXd logNodeBelief = nodeBeliefs[nodeID].array().log(); VectorXd nodePotentials = nodePtr->getPotentials( m_options.considerNodeFixedValues ); VectorXd logNodePotentials = nodePotentials.array().log(); // Entropy from the node energyNodes += N_Neighbors*( nodeBelief.cwiseProduct( logNodeBelief ).sum() ); // Energy from the node entropyNodes += N_Neighbors*( nodeBelief.cwiseProduct( logNodePotentials ).sum() ); } // Compute energy and entropy from nodes for ( size_t edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < N_edges; edgeIndex++ ) { CEdgePtr edgePtr = edges[ edgeIndex ]; size_t edgeID = edgePtr->getID(); // Useful computations and shorcuts MatrixXd &edgeBelief = edgeBeliefs[ edgeID ]; MatrixXd logEdgeBelief = edgeBelief.array().log(); MatrixXd &edgePotentials = edgePtr->getPotentials(); MatrixXd logEdgePotentials = edgePotentials.array().log(); // Entropy from the edge energyEdges += edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( logEdgeBelief ).sum(); // Energy from the edge entropyEdges += edgeBelief.cwiseProduct( logEdgePotentials ).sum(); } // Final Bethe free energy double BethefreeEnergy = ( energyNodes - energyEdges ) - ( entropyNodes - entropyEdges ); // Compute logZ logZ = - BethefreeEnergy; }