Exemple #1
    // For prototype chain to install cross-site thunk.
    // When we change prototype using __proto__, those prototypes might not have cross-site thunks
    // installed even though the CEO is accessed from a different context. During ChangePrototype time
    // we don't really know where the requestContext is.
    // Force installing cross-site thunk for all prototype changes. It's a relatively less frequently used
    // scenario.
    void CrossSite::ForceCrossSiteThunkOnPrototypeChain(RecyclableObject* object)
        if (TaggedNumber::Is(object))
        while (DynamicType::Is(object->GetTypeId()) && !JavascriptProxy::Is(object))
            DynamicObject* dynamicObject = DynamicObject::UnsafeFromVar(object);
            if (!dynamicObject->IsCrossSiteObject() && !dynamicObject->IsExternal())
                // force to install cross-site thunk on prototype objects.
            object = object->GetPrototype();

Exemple #2
    Var CrossSite::MarshalVarInner(ScriptContext* scriptContext, __in Js::RecyclableObject* object, bool fRequestWrapper)
        if (scriptContext == object->GetScriptContext())
            if (DoRequestWrapper(object, fRequestWrapper))
                // If we get here then we need to either wrap in the caller's type system or we need to return undefined.
                // VBScript will pass in the scriptContext (requestContext) from the JavascriptDispatch and this will be the
                // same as the object's script context and so we have to safely pretend this value doesn't exist.
                return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetUndefined();
            return object;

        AssertMsg(scriptContext->GetThreadContext() == object->GetScriptContext()->GetThreadContext(), "ScriptContexts should belong to same threadcontext for marshalling.");
        // In heapenum, we are traversing through the object graph to dump out the content of recyclable objects. The content
        // of the objects are duplicated to the heapenum result, and we are not storing/changing the object graph during heap enum.
        // We don't actually need to do cross site thunk here.
        if (scriptContext->GetRecycler()->IsHeapEnumInProgress())
            return object;

        if (scriptContext->IsTTDSnapshotOrInflateInProgress())
            return object;

        // Marshaling should not cause any re-entrancy.
        JS_REENTRANCY_LOCK(jsReentLock, scriptContext->GetThreadContext());

        TypeId typeId = object->GetTypeId();
        AssertMsg(typeId != TypeIds_Enumerator, "enumerator shouldn't be marshalled here");

        // At the moment the mental model for WithScopeObject Marshaling is this:
        // Are we trying to marshal a WithScopeObject in the Frame Display? - then 1) unwrap in MarshalFrameDisplay,
        // 2) marshal the wrapped object, 3) Create a new WithScopeObject in the current scriptContext and re-wrap.
        // We can avoid copying the WithScopeObject because it has no properties and never should.
        // Thus creating a new WithScopeObject per context in MarshalFrameDisplay should be kosher.
        // If it is not a FrameDisplay then we should not marshal. We can wrap cross context objects with a
        // withscopeObject in a different context. When we unwrap for property lookups and the wrapped object
        // is cross context, then we marshal the wrapped object into the current scriptContext, thus avoiding
        // the need to copy the WithScopeObject itself. Thus We don't have to handle marshaling the WithScopeObject
        // in non-FrameDisplay cases.
        AssertMsg(typeId != TypeIds_WithScopeObject, "WithScopeObject shouldn't be marshalled here");

        if (StaticType::Is(typeId))
            TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "CloneToScriptContext", object);

            return object->CloneToScriptContext(scriptContext);

        if (typeId == TypeIds_ModuleRoot)
            RootObjectBase *moduleRoot = static_cast<RootObjectBase*>(object);
            HostObjectBase * hostObject = moduleRoot->GetHostObject();

            // When marshaling module root, all we need is the host object.
            // So, if the module root which is being marshaled has host object, marshal it.
            if (hostObject)
                TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "hostObject", hostObject);

                Var hostDispatch = hostObject->GetHostDispatchVar();
                return CrossSite::MarshalVar(scriptContext, hostDispatch);

        if (typeId == TypeIds_Function)
            if (object == object->GetScriptContext()->GetLibrary()->GetDefaultAccessorFunction() )
                TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "DefaultAccessorFunction", object);

                return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->GetDefaultAccessorFunction();

            if (DoRequestWrapper(object, fRequestWrapper))
                TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "CreateWrappedExternalFunction", object);

                // Marshal as a cross-site thunk if necessary before re-wrapping in an external function thunk.
                MarshalVarInner(scriptContext, object, false);
                return scriptContext->GetLibrary()->CreateWrappedExternalFunction(static_cast<JavascriptExternalFunction*>(object));

        // We have an object marshaled, we need to keep track of the related script context
        // so optimization overrides can be updated as a group

        DynamicObject * dynamicObject = DynamicObject::FromVar(object);
        if (!dynamicObject->IsExternal())
            if (!dynamicObject->IsCrossSiteObject())
                if (JavascriptProxy::Is(dynamicObject))
                    // We don't need to marshal the prototype chain in the case of Proxy. Otherwise we will go to the user code.
                    TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "MarshalDynamicObject", object);
                    MarshalDynamicObject(scriptContext, dynamicObject);
                    TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "MarshalDynamicObjectAndPrototype", object);

                    MarshalDynamicObjectAndPrototype(scriptContext, dynamicObject);
            MarshalPrototypeChain(scriptContext, dynamicObject);
            if (Js::JavascriptConversion::IsCallable(dynamicObject))
                TTD_XSITE_LOG(object->GetScriptContext(), "MarshalToScriptContext", object);


        return dynamicObject;