Exemple #1
Matrix<double,7,1> Sim3
::log(const Sim3& sim3)
  Vector7d res;
  double scale = sim3.scale();

  Vector3d t = sim3.translation_;

  double theta;

  Vector4d omega_sigma = ScSO3::logAndTheta(sim3.scso3_, &theta);
  Vector3d omega = omega_sigma.head<3>();
  double sigma = omega_sigma[3];
  Matrix3d Omega = SO3::hat(omega);

  Matrix3d W = calcW(theta, sigma, scale, Omega);

  //Vector3d upsilon = W.jacobiSvd(ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV).solve(t);
  Vector3d upsilon = W.partialPivLu().solve(t);

  res.segment(0,3) = upsilon;
  res.segment(3,3) = omega;
  res[6] = sigma;
  return res;
geometry_msgs::Pose MoveitPlanningInterface::convToPose(Vector3f plane_normal, Vector3f major_axis, Vector3f centroid) {
	geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
	Affine3d Affine_des_gripper;
	Vector3d xvec_des,yvec_des,zvec_des,origin_des;
	float temp;
	temp = major_axis[0];
	major_axis[0] = major_axis[1];
	major_axis[1] = temp;

	Vector3f rotation = major_axis;
	major_axis[0] = (sqrt(3)/2)*rotation[0] - rotation[1]/2;
	major_axis[1] = (sqrt(3)/2)*rotation[1] + rotation[0]/2;

	Matrix3d Rmat;
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
		origin_des[i] = centroid[i]; // convert to double precision
		zvec_des[i] = -plane_normal[i]; //want tool z pointing OPPOSITE surface normal
		xvec_des[i] = major_axis[i];
//	origin_des[2]+=0.02; //raise up 2cm
	yvec_des = zvec_des.cross(xvec_des); //construct consistent right-hand triad
	Rmat.col(0)= xvec_des;
	Rmat.col(1)= yvec_des;
	Rmat.col(2)= zvec_des;
	//convert des pose from Affine to geometry_msgs::PoseStamped
	pose = transformEigenAffine3dToPose(Affine_des_gripper);
	return pose;
TEST(Rotation, TestEulerAnglesAndMatrices) {
  // Randomly generate euler angles, convert to a matrix, then convert back.
  // Check that (1) the rotation matrix has det(R)==1, and (2), that we get the
  // same angles back.
  math::RandomGenerator rng(0);
  for (int ii = 0; ii < 1000; ++ii) {
    Vector3d e1;

    // Converting from rotation matrices to euler angles is only valid when phi,
    // theta, and psi are all < 0.5*PI. Otherwise the problem has multiple
    // solutions, and we can only return one of them with our function.
    e1 *= 0.5 * M_PI;

    Matrix3d R = EulerAnglesToMatrix(e1);
    EXPECT_NEAR(1.0, R.determinant(), 1e-8);

    Vector3d e2 = MatrixToEulerAngles(R);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, S1Distance(e1(0), e2(0)), 1e-8);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, S1Distance(e1(1), e2(1)), 1e-8);
    EXPECT_NEAR(0.0, S1Distance(e1(2), e2(2)), 1e-8);

    EXPECT_TRUE(R.isApprox(EulerAnglesToMatrix(e2), 1e-4));
Exemple #4
Vector6d logmap_se3(Matrix4d T){
    Matrix3d R, Id3 = Matrix3d::Identity();
    Vector3d Vt, t, w;
    Matrix3d V = Matrix3d::Identity(), w_hat = Matrix3d::Zero();
    Vector6d x;
    Vt << T(0,3), T(1,3), T(2,3);
    w  << 0.f, 0.f, 0.f;
    R = T.block(0,0,3,3);
    double cosine = (R.trace() - 1.f)/2.f;
    if(cosine > 1.f)
        cosine = 1.f;
    else if (cosine < -1.f)
        cosine = -1.f;
    double sine = sqrt(1.0-cosine*cosine);
    if(sine > 1.f)
        sine = 1.f;
    else if (sine < -1.f)
        sine = -1.f;
    double theta  = acos(cosine);
    if( theta > 0.000001 ){
        w_hat = theta*(R-R.transpose())/(2.f*sine);
        w = skewcoords(w_hat);
        Matrix3d s;
        s = skew(w) / theta;
        V = Id3 + s * (1.f-cosine) / theta + s * s * (theta - sine) / theta;
    t = V.inverse() * Vt;
    x.head(3) = t;
    x.tail(3) = w;
    return x;
void IK_SetTransform(IK_Segment *seg, float start[3], float rest[][3], float basis[][3], float length)
	IK_QSegment *qseg = (IK_QSegment *)seg;

	Vector3d mstart(start[0], start[1], start[2]);
	// convert from blender column major
	Matrix3d mbasis = CreateMatrix(basis[0][0], basis[1][0], basis[2][0],
	                               basis[0][1], basis[1][1], basis[2][1],
	                               basis[0][2], basis[1][2], basis[2][2]);
	Matrix3d mrest = CreateMatrix(rest[0][0], rest[1][0], rest[2][0],
	                              rest[0][1], rest[1][1], rest[2][1],
	                              rest[0][2], rest[1][2], rest[2][2]);
	double mlength(length);

	if (qseg->Composite()) {
		Vector3d cstart(0, 0, 0);
		Matrix3d cbasis;
		qseg->SetTransform(mstart, mrest, mbasis, 0.0);
		qseg->Composite()->SetTransform(cstart, cbasis, cbasis, mlength);
		qseg->SetTransform(mstart, mrest, mbasis, mlength);
Exemple #6
Needle::Needle(const Vector3d& pos, const Matrix3d& rot, double degrees, double r, float c0, float c1, float c2, World* w, ThreadConstrained* t, int constrained_vertex_num)
	: EnvObject(c0, c1, c2, NEEDLE)
	, angle(degrees)
	, radius(r)
	, thread(t)
	, constraint(constrained_vertex_num)
	, world(w)
	, position_offset(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	, rotation_offset(Matrix3d::Identity())
	assert(((thread == NULL) && (constrained_vertex_num == -1)) || ((thread != NULL) && (constrained_vertex_num != -1)));
	assert(degrees > MIN_ANGLE);
	assert(r > MIN_RADIUS);

	double arc_length = radius * angle * M_PI/180.0;
	int pieces = ceil(arc_length/2.0);
  for (int piece=0; piece<pieces; piece++) {
 		Intersection_Object* obj = new Intersection_Object();
 		obj->_radius = radius/8.0;

	if (thread != NULL) {
		Matrix3d new_rot = AngleAxisd(-M_PI/2.0, rot.col(0)) * (AngleAxisd((angle) * M_PI/180.0, rot.col(1)) * rot);
		setTransform(pos - radius * rot.col(1), new_rot);
	} else {
		setTransform(pos, rot);
Exemple #7
/// Constructs a vector-valued attribute with the given name
XMLAttrib::XMLAttrib(const std::string& name, const Matrix3d& matrix_value)
  this->processed = false;
  this->name = name;
  std::ostringstream oss;

  // set the first value of the matrix
  oss << str(matrix_value(0,0));

  // for each row of the matrix
  for (unsigned j=0; j< matrix_value.rows(); j++)
    // determine column iteration
    unsigned i = (j == 0) ? 1 : 0;

    // for each column of the matrix
    for (; i< matrix_value.columns(); i++)
      oss << " " << str(matrix_value(j,i));

    // separate rows with a semicolon
    oss << ";";

  // get the string value
  this->value = oss.str();
Exemple #8
double Distance( const Conic& c1, const Conic& c2, double circle_radius )
  const Matrix3d Q = c1.Dual * c2.C;
  //  const double dsq = 3 - trace(Q)* pow(determinant(Q),-1.0/3.0);
  const double dsq = 3 - Q.trace()* 1.0 / cbrt(Q.determinant());
  return sqrt(dsq) * circle_radius;
MatrixXd Utils::calculateHomographyMatrix(vector<Vector3i> selectedPoints, vector<Vector3d> realWorldPoints)
    MatrixXd A(8, 8);
    MatrixXd B(8,1);

    for (uint i = 0; i < realWorldPoints.size(); i++)
        double realWorldX = realWorldPoints.at(i).x();
        double realWorldY = realWorldPoints.at(i).y();
        int selectedPointX = selectedPoints.at(i).x();
        int selectedPointY = selectedPoints.at(i).y();

        A.row(i*2) << realWorldX, realWorldY, 1, 0, 0, 0, -realWorldX*selectedPointX, -realWorldY*selectedPointX;
        A.row(i*2 + 1) << 0, 0, 0, realWorldX, realWorldY, 1, -realWorldX*selectedPointY, -realWorldY*selectedPointY;

        B.row(i*2) << selectedPointX;
        B.row(i*2 +1) << selectedPointY;
    //A  = A.inverse().eval();

    MatrixXd x = A.fullPivLu().solve(B);
    Matrix3d H;

    H << x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5), x(6), x(7), 1;

    return H.inverse();
Exemple #10
Vector6d gc_asd_to_av(Vector4d asd) {
  Vector6d av;

  Vector3d aa = asd.head(3);

  // double d_inv = asd(3);

  // double sig_d_inv = (1.0 - exp(-asd(3))) / (2.0 * (1.0 + exp(-asd(3))));

  // double sig_d_inv = -log(1.0/asd(3) - 1.0);
  // double sig_d_inv = log( (2.0 * asd(3) + 1.0) / (1.0 - 2.0*asd(3)) );
  // double sig_d_inv = atan(asd(3)) / 2.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0) / 2.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0);

  // double sig_d_inv = atan2(asd(3), 1.0) * 1.0;
  // double sig_d_inv = tan(4.0 * asd(3));
  double sig_d_inv = log(asd(3));
  // cout << "sig_d_inv = " << sig_d_inv << endl;

  // double sig_d_inv = cos(asd(3)) / sin(asd(3));

  // double sig_d_inv = sin(asd(3)) / cos(asd(3));
  // double sig_d_inv = sin(asd(3)) / cos(asd(3));

  Matrix3d R = gc_Rodriguez(aa);

  // av.head(3) = R.col(2) / sig_d_inv;
  av.head(3) = R.col(2) * sig_d_inv;
  av.tail(3) = R.col(0);

  return av;
Exemple #11
void SimObject::rotateAroundAxisDnD(double angle, Vector3d axis)
  Matrix3d m;
  m.setRotationAroundAxis(axis, angle);
  rotateDnD(m, position);
Exemple #12
Vector6d gc_aid_to_av(Vector4d aid) {

  Vector6d av;
  Vector3d aa = aid.head(3);
  double d = 1.0 / aid(3);
  Matrix3d R = gc_Rodriguez(aa);
  av.head(3) = R.col(2) * d;
  av.tail(3) = R.col(0);

//  Vector6d av;
//  double a = aid[0];
//  double b = aid[1];
//  double g = aid[2];
//  double t = aid[3];
//  double s1 = sin(a);
//  double c1 = cos(a);
//  double s2 = sin(b);
//  double c2 = cos(b);
//  double s3 = sin(g);
//  double c3 = cos(g);
//  Matrix3d R;
//  R <<
//      c2 * c3,   s1 * s2 * c3 - c1 * s3,   c1 * s2 * c3 + s1 * s3,
//      c2 * s3,   s1 * s2 * s3 + c1 * c3,   c1 * s2 * s3 - s1 * c3,
//      -s2,                  s1 * c2,                  c1 * c2;
//  double d = 1.0 / t;
//  av.head(3) = -R.col(2) * d;
//  av.tail(3) = R.col(1);

  return av;
Exemple #13
void Angle::fromMatrix(const Matrix3d& matrix)
	assert(matrix.x() == 3 && matrix.y() == 3);
	double forward[3];
	double left[3];
	double up[3];

	forward[0] = matrix[0][0];
	forward[1] = matrix[1][0];
	forward[2] = matrix[2][0];
	left[0] = matrix[0][1];
	left[1] = matrix[1][1];
	left[2] = matrix[2][1];
	up[2] = matrix[2][2];

	double xyDist = sqrt(forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1]);

	if (xyDist > 0.0001)
		(*this)[PITCH] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -forward[2], xyDist ) );
		(*this)[YAW] = RAD2DEG( atan2( forward[1], forward[0] ) );
		(*this)[ROLL] = RAD2DEG( atan2( left[2], up[2] ) );
	{ // gimbal lock
		(*this)[PITCH] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -forward[2], xyDist ) );
		(*this)[YAW] = RAD2DEG( atan2( -left[0], left[1] ) );
		(*this)[ROLL] = 0;
double distPtTri(Vector3d p, Matrix4d m){
    /// compute distance between a triangle and a point
    double s[4];
    Vector3d a,b,c,n;
    a << m(0,0), m(0,1), m(0,2);
    b << m(1,0), m(1,1), m(1,2);
    c << m(2,0), m(2,1), m(2,2);
    n << m(3,0), m(3,1), m(3,2);
    double k=(n-a).dot(a-p);
    if(k<0) return HUGE_VALF;
    Matrix3d A;
    A << b(0)-a(0), c(0)-a(0), n(0)-a(0),
    b(1)-a(1), c(1)-a(1), n(1)-a(1),
    b(2)-a(2), c(2)-a(2), n(2)-a(2);
    Vector3d v = A.inverse()*(p-a);
    if(v(0)>0 && v(1)>0 && v(0)+v(1)<1){
        s[3] = HUGE_VALF;
    return min(min(min(s[0],s[1]),s[2]),s[3]);
Exemple #15
 * @brief CameraDirectLinearTransformation::rq3
 * Perform 3 RQ decomposition of matrix A and save them in matrix R and matrix Q
 * http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/research/matlabfns/Projective/rq3.m
 * @param A
 * @param R
 * @param Q
void CameraDirectLinearTransformation::rq3(const Matrix3d &A, Matrix3d &R, Matrix3d& Q)
    // Find rotation Qx to set A(2,1) to 0
    double c = -A(2,2)/sqrt(A(2,2)*A(2,2)+A(2,1)*A(2,1));
    double s = A(2,1)/sqrt(A(2,2)*A(2,2)+A(2,1)*A(2,1));
    Matrix3d Qx,Qy,Qz;
    Qx << 1 ,0,0, 0,c,-s, 0,s,c;
    R = A*Qx;
    // Find rotation Qy to set A(2,0) to 0
    c = R(2,2)/sqrt(R(2,2)*R(2,2)+R(2,0)*R(2,0) );
    s = R(2,0)/sqrt(R(2,2)*R(2,2)+R(2,0)*R(2,0) );
    Qy << c, 0, s, 0, 1, 0,-s, 0, c;

    // Find rotation Qz to set A(1,0) to 0
    c = -R(1,1)/sqrt(R(1,1)*R(1,1)+R(1,0)*R(1,0));
    s =  R(1,0)/sqrt(R(1,1)*R(1,1)+R(1,0)*R(1,0));
    Qz << c ,-s, 0, s ,c ,0, 0, 0 ,1;

    Q = Qz.transpose()*Qy.transpose()*Qx.transpose();
    // Adjust R and Q so that the diagonal elements of R are +ve
    for (int n=0; n<3; n++)
        if (R(n,n)<0)
            R.col(n) = - R.col(n);
            Q.row(n) = - Q.row(n);
bool ContainerUtility::checkRange(Matrix3d & mm, double minVal, double maxVal)
  assert(minVal < maxVal);

  // Go through each element in the matrix and ensure they are not
  // NaN and fall within the specified min and max values.
  for (int ii = 0; ii < mm.rows(); ii++)
    for (int jj = 0; jj < mm.cols(); jj++)
      if (isnan(mm(ii, jj)))
        CONTROLIT_WARN << "(Matrix): NaN detected at index (" << ii << ", " << jj << "), returning false!";
        return false;
      if (mm(ii, jj) > maxVal || mm(ii, jj) < minVal)
        CONTROLIT_WARN << "(Matrix): Value of out range at index (" << ii << ", " << jj << "), returning false.\n"
             " - value = " << mm(ii, jj) << "\n"
             " - minVal = " << minVal << "\n"
             " - maxVal = " << maxVal;
        return false;

  return true;
    Matrix4d TrfmRotateExpMap::getSecondDeriv(const Dof *q1, const Dof *q2){
        Vector3d q(mDofs[0]->getValue(), mDofs[1]->getValue(), mDofs[2]->getValue());

        // derivative wrt which mDofs
        int j=-1, k=-1;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<mDofs.size(); i++) {
            if(q1==mDofs[i]) j=i;
            if(q2==mDofs[i]) k=i;
        assert(j>=0 && j<=2);
        assert(k>=0 && k<=2);

        Matrix3d R = utils::rotation::expMapRot(q);
        Matrix3d J = utils::rotation::expMapJac(q);
        Matrix3d Jjss = utils::makeSkewSymmetric(J.col(j));
        Matrix3d Jkss = utils::makeSkewSymmetric(J.col(k));
        Matrix3d dJjdkss = utils::makeSkewSymmetric(utils::rotation::expMapJacDeriv(q, k).col(j));

        Matrix3d d2Rdidj = (Jjss*Jkss + dJjdkss)*R;

        Matrix4d d2Rdidj4 = Matrix4d::Zero();
        d2Rdidj4.topLeftCorner(3,3) = d2Rdidj;

        return d2Rdidj4;
Exemple #18
    Matrix3d rotateXYZ(const double &alpha, const double &beta, const double &gamma)
        Matrix3d mat;

        const double cosa = cos(alpha);
        const double sina = sin(alpha);

        const double cosb = cos(beta);
        const double sinb = sin(beta);

        const double cosg = cos(gamma);
        const double sing = sin(gamma);

        mat(0, 0) = cosb * cosg;
        mat(0, 1) = -sing * cosb;
        mat(0, 2) = sinb;

        mat(1, 0) =   sina * sinb * cosg + cosa * sing;
        mat(1, 1) = - sina * sinb *sing + cosa * cosg;
        mat(1, 2) = - sina * cosb;

        mat(2, 0) = - cosa * sinb * cosg + sina * sing;
        mat(2, 1) = sina * sinb * sing + sina  *cosg;
        mat(2, 2) = cosa * cosb;

//        std::cout.precision(5);
//        std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
//        std::cout << "matrix is:\n\n" << mat << "\n" << std::endl;

        return mat;
Exemple #19
void Point::optimize(const size_t n_iter)
  Vector3d old_point = pos_;
  double chi2 = 0.0;
  Matrix3d A;
  Vector3d b;

  for(size_t i=0; i<n_iter; i++)
    double new_chi2 = 0.0;

    // compute residuals
    for(auto it=obs_.begin(); it!=obs_.end(); ++it)
      Matrix23d J;
      const Vector3d p_in_f((*it)->frame->T_f_w_ * pos_);
      Point::jacobian_xyz2uv(p_in_f, (*it)->frame->T_f_w_.rotationMatrix(), J);
      const Vector2d e(vk::project2d((*it)->f) - vk::project2d(p_in_f));
      new_chi2 += e.squaredNorm();
      A.noalias() += J.transpose() * J;
      b.noalias() -= J.transpose() * e;

    // solve linear system
    const Vector3d dp(A.ldlt().solve(b));

    // check if error increased
    if((i > 0 && new_chi2 > chi2) || (bool) std::isnan((double)dp[0]))
      cout << "it " << i
           << "\t FAILURE \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2 << endl;
      pos_ = old_point; // roll-back

    // update the model
    Vector3d new_point = pos_ + dp;
    old_point = pos_;
    pos_ = new_point;
    chi2 = new_chi2;
    cout << "it " << i
         << "\t Success \t new_chi2 = " << new_chi2
         << "\t norm(b) = " << vk::norm_max(b)
         << endl;

    // stop when converged
    if(vk::norm_max(dp) <= EPS)
  cout << endl;
int main(int, char**)
  Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Its inverse is:" << endl << m.inverse() << endl;

  return 0;
Exemple #21
 Vector6d Line3D::toCartesian() const{
   Vector6d cartesian;
   cartesian.tail<3>() = d()/d().norm();
   Matrix3d W=-_skew(d());
   double damping = 1e-9;
   Matrix3d A = W.transpose()*W+(Matrix3d::Identity()*damping);
   cartesian.head<3>() = A.ldlt().solve(W.transpose()*w());
   return cartesian;
Exemple #22
Vector4d gc_av_to_asd(Vector6d av) {
  Vector4d asd;

  Vector3d a = av.head(3);
  Vector3d x = av.tail(3);  // v
  Vector3d y = a.cross(x);  // n

//  Vector2d w(y.norm(), x.norm());
//  w /= w.norm();
//  asd(3) = asin(w(1));
  double depth = x.norm() / y.norm();
  // double sig_d = log( (2.0*depth + 1.0) / (1.0 - 2.0*depth));

//  double quotient = depth / 0.5;
//  int integer_quotient = (int)quotient;
//  double floating_quotient = quotient - (double)integer_quotient;
//  depth = depth * floating_quotient;
//  double sig_d = log(2.0*depth + 1.0) - log(1.0 - 2.0*depth);

// double sig_d = atan(1.0 / (1.0*depth) );
// double sig_d = atan(depth);
// double sig_d = atan2(1.0, depth);
// double sig_d = atan(depth);

// double sig_d = atan2(1.0, depth) / 4.0;
  double sig_d = 1.0 / exp(-depth);
  asd(3) = sig_d;
  // cout << "sig_d = " << sig_d << endl;

  // asd(3) = depth;

  // double sig_d = tan(1.0/depth);
  // double sig_d = tan(2.0/depth);
  // double sig_d = tan(2.0*depth);
  // double sig_d = (1.0 - exp(-1.0/depth)) / (2.0*(1.0 + exp(-1.0/depth)));
  // double sig_d = (1.0 - exp(-depth)) / (2.0*(1.0 + exp(-depth)));
  // double sig_d = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.0/depth));
  // double sig_d = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-depth));

  x /= x.norm();
  y /= y.norm();
  Vector3d z = x.cross(y);

  Matrix3d R;
  R.col(0) = x;
  R.col(1) = y;
  R.col(2) = z;

  Vector3d aa = gc_Rodriguez(R);

  asd(0) = aa(0);
  asd(1) = aa(1);
  asd(2) = aa(2);

  return asd;
int main(int, char**)
  Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the sum of each row:" << endl << m.rowwise().sum() << endl;

  return 0;
static bool isNumericallySound(const Matrix3d& E)
    double Emax = E.cwiseAbs().sum();
    double Esum = E.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();

	if (Esum < 1E-10) return false;
	Esum = Esum / Emax; // Eigen: Ecand.cwiseAbs().sum() / Ecand.lpNorm<Infinity>()
	return !std::isnan(Esum) && !std::isinf(Esum);
int main(int, char**)
  Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Identity();
m.col(1) = Vector3d(4,5,6);
cout << m << endl;

  return 0;
int main(int, char**)
  Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the minimum of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().minCoeff() << endl;

  return 0;
Exemple #27
Vector3d Compound::PointOfReference::vectorFromPointAndNearVector(Compound::PointPtr point, Vector3d vector, int i) {
	if(i > 10 | vector.squaredNorm() > 10000 | vector != vector) {
		//std::cout << "Compound.cpp vector:\n" << vector << std::endl;
		//return vector;
		return Vector3d(0,0,0);
	Vector3d v1 = point->getPosition()->getVector();
	//Vector3d v0 = point->getPosition()->getVector();
	//assert(v0 == v0);
	double epsilon = 0.00001;
	Manifold* space = point->getPosition()->getSpace();
	//std::cout << "Compound.cpp i:\t" << i << std::endl;
	Vector3d v0 = this->pointFromVector(vector)->getVector(space);
	Vector3d vx = this->pointFromVector(vector + Vector3d(epsilon,0,0))->getVector(space);
	Vector3d vy = this->pointFromVector(vector + Vector3d(0,epsilon,0))->getVector(space);
	Vector3d vz = this->pointFromVector(vector + Vector3d(0,0,epsilon))->getVector(space);
	assert(vz == vz);
	Matrix3d jacobean;
	jacobean << vx-v0,vy-v0,vz-v0;
	jacobean /= epsilon;
	/*std::cout << "getPosition()->getVector():\n" << getPosition()->getVector() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "vector:\n" << vector << std::endl;
	std::cout << "v0:\n" << v0 << std::endl;
	std::cout << "vx:\n" << vx << std::endl;
	std::cout << "vy:\n" << vy << std::endl;
	std::cout << "vz:\n" << vz << std::endl;*/
	//std::cout << "jacobean:\n" << jacobean << std::endl;
	Vector3d delta = jacobean.inverse()*(v1-v0);
	//std::cout << "v1-v0:\n" << v1-v0 << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "delta:\n" << delta << std::endl;
	if(delta != delta) {
		return Vector3d(0,0,0);
	//std::cout << "delta.norm():\t" << delta.norm() << std::endl;
	double squaredNorm = delta.squaredNorm();
	double max = 5;
	if(squaredNorm > max*max) {
		delta = max*delta/sqrt(squaredNorm);
	if(squaredNorm < EPSILON*EPSILON) {
		/*std::cout << "v1-v0:\n" << v1-v0 << std::endl;
		std::cout << "delta:\n" << delta << std::endl;
		std::cout << "vector:\n" << vector << std::endl;
		std::cout << "delta+vector:\n" << delta+vector << std::endl;
		std::cout << "pointOfReference->vectorFromPoint(point):\n" << pointOfReference->getGeodesic(point->getPosition())->getVector() << std::endl;*/
		assert(pointFromVector(delta+vector)->getPosition()->getSpace() == point->getPosition()->getSpace());
		assert((pointFromVector(delta+vector)->getPosition()->getVector() - point->getPosition()->getVector()).squaredNorm() < EPSILON);
		/*assert((pointOfReference->getSpace()->pointFromVector(pointOfReference, vector)->getVector() - point->getPosition()->getVector()).squaredNorm() < EPSILON);
		assert((this->pointFromVector(delta+vector)->getPosition()->getVector() - pointOfReference->getSpace()->pointFromVector(pointOfReference, vector)->getVector()).squaredNorm() < EPSILON);
		assert((delta+vector - pointOfReference->getSpace()->vectorFromPoint(pointOfReference, point->getPosition())).squaredNorm() < EPSILON);*/	//Only for portals that connect to themselves.
		//std::cout << "i:\t" << i << std::endl;
		return delta+vector;
	} else {
		return vectorFromPointAndNearVector(point, delta+vector, i+1);
Exemple #28
  void EdgeProjectXYZ2UVQ::linearizeOplus()

    VertexSE3Expmap * vj = static_cast<VertexSE3Expmap *>(_vertices[1]);
    SE3Quat T(vj->estimate());

    VertexSBAPointXYZ* vi = static_cast<VertexSBAPointXYZ*>(_vertices[0]);
    Vector3d xyz = vi->estimate();
    Vector3d xyz_trans = T.map(xyz);

    const double & x = xyz_trans[0];
    const double & y = xyz_trans[1];
    const double & z = xyz_trans[2];
    double z_sq = z*z;
    const double & Fx = vj->_focal_length(0);
    const double & Fy = vj->_focal_length(1);
    double dq_dz = -Fx/z_sq;
    double x_Fx_by_zsq = x*Fx/z_sq;
    double y_Fy_by_zsq = y*Fy/z_sq;

     Matrix3d R = T.rotation().toRotationMatrix();
    _jacobianOplusXi.row(0) = -Fx/z*R.row(0) + x_Fx_by_zsq*R.row(2);
    _jacobianOplusXi.row(1) = -Fy/z*R.row(1) + y_Fy_by_zsq*R.row(2);
    _jacobianOplusXi.row(2) =  -dq_dz*R.row(2);

    _jacobianOplusXj(0,0) =  x*y/z_sq *Fx;
    _jacobianOplusXj(0,1) = -(1+(x*x/z_sq)) *Fx;
    _jacobianOplusXj(0,2) = y/z *Fx;
    _jacobianOplusXj(0,3) = -1./z *Fx;
    _jacobianOplusXj(0,4) = 0;
    _jacobianOplusXj(0,5) = x/z_sq *Fx;

    _jacobianOplusXj(1,0) = (1+y*y/z_sq) *Fy;
    _jacobianOplusXj(1,1) = -x*y/z_sq *Fy;
    _jacobianOplusXj(1,2) = -x/z *Fy;
    _jacobianOplusXj(1,3) = 0;
    _jacobianOplusXj(1,4) = -1./z *Fy;
    _jacobianOplusXj(1,5) = y/z_sq *Fy;

    _jacobianOplusXj(2,0) = -y*dq_dz ;
    _jacobianOplusXj(2,1) = x*dq_dz;
    _jacobianOplusXj(2,2) = 0;
    _jacobianOplusXj(2,3) = 0;
    _jacobianOplusXj(2,4) = 0;
    _jacobianOplusXj(2,5) = -dq_dz ;

//    std::cerr << _jacobianOplusXi << std::endl;
//    std::cerr << _jacobianOplusXj << std::endl;

//    BaseBinaryEdge<3, Vector3d, VertexPointXYZ, VertexSE3Expmap, false>::linearizeOplus();
//    std::cerr << _jacobianOplusXi << std::endl;
//    std::cerr << _jacobianOplusXj << std::endl;
Exemple #29
    void BodyNode::updateTransform() {
        mT = mJointParent->getLocalTransform();
        if (mNodeParent) mW = mNodeParent->mW * mT;
        else mW = mT;

        // update the inertia matrix 
        Matrix3d R = mW.topLeftCorner(3,3);
            mIc = R*mI*R.transpose();
 RigidBodyInertia operator*(const Rotation& M,const RigidBodyInertia& I){
     //Ib = R(Ia)R' with r=0
     Matrix3d R = Map<Matrix3d>(M.data);
     RotationalInertia Ib;
     Map<Matrix3d>(Ib.data) = R.transpose()*(Map<Matrix3d>(I.I.data)*R);
     return RigidBodyInertia(I.m,M*I.h,Ib,mhi);