/// Gets a list of space-delimited and/or comma-delimited strings from the underlying string value void XMLAttrib::get_matrix_value(Matrix3d& m) { // indicate this attribute has been processed processed = true; MatrixNd n; get_matrix_value(n); if (n.rows() != m.rows() || n.columns() != m.rows()) throw MissizeException(); m = Matrix3d(n.data()); }
bool ContainerUtility::checkRange(Matrix3d & mm, double minVal, double maxVal) { assert(minVal < maxVal); // Go through each element in the matrix and ensure they are not // NaN and fall within the specified min and max values. for (int ii = 0; ii < mm.rows(); ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < mm.cols(); jj++) { if (isnan(mm(ii, jj))) { CONTROLIT_WARN << "(Matrix): NaN detected at index (" << ii << ", " << jj << "), returning false!"; return false; } if (mm(ii, jj) > maxVal || mm(ii, jj) < minVal) { CONTROLIT_WARN << "(Matrix): Value of out range at index (" << ii << ", " << jj << "), returning false.\n" " - value = " << mm(ii, jj) << "\n" " - minVal = " << minVal << "\n" " - maxVal = " << maxVal; return false; } } } return true; }
/// Constructs a vector-valued attribute with the given name XMLAttrib::XMLAttrib(const std::string& name, const Matrix3d& matrix_value) { this->processed = false; this->name = name; std::ostringstream oss; // set the first value of the matrix oss << str(matrix_value(0,0)); // for each row of the matrix for (unsigned j=0; j< matrix_value.rows(); j++) { // determine column iteration unsigned i = (j == 0) ? 1 : 0; // for each column of the matrix for (; i< matrix_value.columns(); i++) oss << " " << str(matrix_value(j,i)); // separate rows with a semicolon oss << ";"; } // get the string value this->value = oss.str(); }
void QuaternionFloatingJoint::qdot2v(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& qdot_to_v, Eigen::MatrixXd* dqdot_to_v) const { qdot_to_v.resize(getNumVelocities(), getNumPositions()); auto quat = q.middleRows<QUAT_SIZE>(SPACE_DIMENSION); Matrix3d R = quat2rotmat(quat); Vector4d quattilde; Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE> M; Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE> RTransposeM; Gradient<Vector4d, QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type dquattildedquat; if (dqdot_to_v) { Gradient<Vector4d, QUAT_SIZE, 2>::type ddquattildedquat; normalizeVec(quat, quattilde, &dquattildedquat, &ddquattildedquat); auto dR = dquat2rotmat(quat); Gradient<Matrix<double, SPACE_DIMENSION, QUAT_SIZE>, QUAT_SIZE, 1>::type dM; quatdot2angularvelMatrix(quat, M, &dM); RTransposeM.noalias() = R.transpose() * M; auto dRTranspose = transposeGrad(dR, R.rows()); auto dRTransposeM = matGradMultMat(R.transpose(), M, dRTranspose, dM); auto dRTransposeMdquattildedquat = matGradMultMat(RTransposeM, dquattildedquat, dRTransposeM, ddquattildedquat); dqdot_to_v->setZero(qdot_to_v.size(), getNumPositions()); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dqdot_to_v, dRTranspose, intRange<3>(3), intRange<3>(0), qdot_to_v.rows(), 3); setSubMatrixGradient<4>(*dqdot_to_v, dRTransposeMdquattildedquat, intRange<3>(0), intRange<4>(3), qdot_to_v.rows(), 3); } else { normalizeVec(quat, quattilde, &dquattildedquat); quatdot2angularvelMatrix(quat, M); RTransposeM.noalias() = R.transpose() * M; } qdot_to_v.block<3, 3>(0, 0).setZero(); qdot_to_v.block<3, 4>(0, 3).noalias() = RTransposeM * dquattildedquat; qdot_to_v.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = R.transpose(); qdot_to_v.block<3, 4>(3, 3).setZero(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { MatrixXf m(3,3); m << 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; Vector3f v = m.col(0); Vector3f v2 = m.col(1); Vector3f v3 = m.col(2); cout<<"Mat = "<<m<<endl; cout<<"vector = " << v<<endl; MatrixXf n = (m.rowwise() -= v); cout<<"Mat2 = "<<n<<endl; Matrix3f r; r.col(0) = v; r.col(1) = v2; r.col(2) = v3; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<r<<endl; r *= 2; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<r<<endl; cout<<"Mat3 = "<<m<<endl; float arr[] = {1,2,3}; vector<float> w(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) / sizeof(float)); for(int i = 0; i < w.size(); i+=1) cout<<w[i]<<"\t"; cout<<endl<<"---------------"<<endl; /** Inverting a singular matrix. **/ m << 1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0; cout<<" Should segfault/ get garbage: "<<m.determinant()<<endl; /** Affine matrix in Eigen. */ MatrixXf ml(4,4); ml << 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16; Affine3f t; Vector3f d(10,20,30); t.linear() = ml.transpose().block(0,0,3,3); t.translation() = ml.block(0,3,3,1); cout<<"Affine: "<<endl<<t.affine()<<endl; Vector3f tt(1,2,3); t.translation() += tt; cout<<"Affine after translation: "<<endl<<t.affine()<<endl; /** Blocks. */ MatrixXf matr(3,2); matr << 1,2,3,4,5,6; MatrixXf combo(4,2); combo <<matr, MatrixXf::Ones(1,matr.cols()); cout<<"Matr = "<<matr<<endl; cout<<"Comb = "<<combo<<endl; MatrixXf rrr = combo.block(0,0,3,2); cout<<"rrr = "<<rrr<<endl; /** Filling up a matrix*/ std::cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<std::endl; MatrixXf matF(5,3); Vector3f vF(1,.3,3); Vector3f vF1(.123,.2,.3); Vector3f vF2(33.4,23.3,12.07); Vector3f vF3(0.54,8.96,14.3); Vector3f vF4(8.9,0.34,32.2); matF.row(0) = vF; matF.row(1) = vF1; matF.row(2) = vF2; matF.row(3) = vF3; matF.row(4) = vF4; RowVector3f means = matF.colwise().sum()/5; MatrixXf centered = (matF.rowwise() - means); cout<<"Matrix Fill = \n"<<matF<<std::endl; cout<<"Means = \n"<<means<<std::endl; cout<<"Centered = \n"<<centered<<std::endl; Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXf> svd(centered / sqrt(5), ComputeFullV); cout << "Its singular values are:" << endl << svd.singularValues() << endl; cout << "Its right singular vectors are the columns of the thin V matrix:" << endl << svd.matrixV() << endl; MatrixXf V = svd.matrixV(); Vector3f f1 = V.col(0); Vector3f f2 = V.col(1); Vector3f f3 = V.col(2); cout << "f1(0)" << f1(0) << endl; VectorXf faa(V.rows()); faa.setZero(); //for (int i= 0; i < V.rows(); i++) V.col(2) = faa; cout << "V " << V<< endl; cout << "<v1,v2>" << f1.dot(f2) << endl; cout << "<v1,v3>" << f1.dot(f3) << endl; cout << "<v3,v2>" << f3.dot(f2) << endl; std::cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<std::endl; Vector3f o3(1,2,3), o2(4,5,6); cout << "outer? : "<< o3.cwiseProduct(o2) <<endl; MatrixXd mxx(3,3); mxx << 1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,3; cout << "mxx : "<< endl<<mxx <<endl; vector<double> v31(3); VectorXd::Map(&v31[0], 3) = mxx.row(0); cout << "v: "<<endl; for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) cout<< v31[i]<< " " <<endl; cout<<endl; v31[1] = 100; cout << "v: "<<endl; for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) cout << v31[i]<< " " <<endl; cout<<endl; cout << " mxx : "<<endl <<mxx<<endl; Matrix3d tmat = Matrix3d::Identity(); tmat(0,0) = 0; tmat(1,1) = 10; tmat(1,2) = 20; cout << "tmat: " << tmat<<endl; cout << "------------\n"; for (unsigned i=0; i < tmat.rows(); i++) { double sum = tmat.row(i).sum() + numeric_limits<double>::min(); tmat.row(i) /= sum; } cout << tmat << endl; MatrixXd src(4,3); src<< 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3; MatrixXd target(1,3); target<< 1,1,1; cout <<"cloud err: "<< (src.rowwise() -target.row(0)).rowwise().squaredNorm().transpose()<<endl; return 0; }