int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string str; int ret; int dist; ArTime start; ArPose startPose; bool vel2 = false; // connection to the robot ArSerialConnection con; // the robot ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); // init area with a dedicated signal handling thread Aria::init(Aria::SIGHANDLE_THREAD); if (argc != 2 || (dist = atoi(argv[1])) == 0) { printf("Usage: %s <distInMM>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } if (dist < 1000) { printf("You must go at least a meter\n"); exit(0); } // open the connection with the defaults, exit if failed if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // set the robots connection robot.setDeviceConnection(&con); // try to connect, if we fail, the connection handler should bail if (!robot.blockingConnect()) { // this should have been taken care of by the connection handler // but just in case printf( "asyncConnect failed because robot is not running in its own thread.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } // run the robot in its own thread, so it gets and processes packets and such robot.runAsync(false); // just a big long set of printfs, direct motion commands and sleeps, // it should be self-explanatory robot.lock(); /* robot.setAbsoluteMaxTransVel(2000); robot.setTransVelMax(2000); robot.setTransAccel(1000); robot.setTransDecel(1000); robot.comInt(82, 30); // rotkp robot.comInt(83, 200); // rotkv robot.comInt(84, 0); // rotki robot.comInt(85, 30); // transkp robot.comInt(86, 450); // transkv robot.comInt(87, 4); // transki */ printf("Driving %d mm (going full speed for that far minus a meter then stopping)\n", dist); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(2200, 2200); else robot.setVel(2200); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); startPose = robot.getPose(); while (1) { robot.lock(); printf("\r vel: %.0f x: %.0f y: %.0f: dist: %.0f heading: %.2f", robot.getVel(), robot.getX(), robot.getY(), startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()), robot.getTh()); if (startPose.findDistanceTo(robot.getPose()) > abs(dist) - 1000) { printf("\nFinished distance\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { printf("\nDistance timed out\n"); robot.setVel(0); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (vel2) robot.setVel2(0, 0); else robot.setVel(0); if (fabs(robot.getVel()) < 20) { printf("Stopped\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 2000) { printf("\nStop timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } robot.lock(); robot.disconnect(); robot.unlock(); // shutdown and ge tout Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArArgumentParser argParser(&argc, argv); ArSimpleConnector con(&argParser); ArRobot robot; // the connection handler from above ConnHandler ch(&robot); if(!Aria::parseArgs()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } if(!con.connectRobot(&robot)) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "directMotionExample: Could not connect to the robot. Exiting."); return 1; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "directMotionExample: Connected."); // Run the robot processing cycle in its own thread. Note that after starting this // thread, we must lock and unlock the ArRobot object before and after // accessing it. robot.runAsync(false); // Send the robot a series of motion commands directly, sleeping for a // few seconds afterwards to give the robot time to execute them. printf("directMotionExample: Setting rot velocity to 100 deg/sec then sleeping 3 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(100); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3*1000); printf("Stopping\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(0); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(200); printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to go 300 mm on left wheel and 100 mm on right wheel for 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel2(300, 100); robot.unlock(); ArTime start; start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to move forwards one meter, then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.move(1000); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (robot.isMoveDone()) { printf("directMotionExample: Finished distance\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { printf("directMotionExample: Distance timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to move backwards one meter, then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.move(-1000); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (robot.isMoveDone()) { printf("directMotionExample: Finished distance\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 10000) { printf("directMotionExample: Distance timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(50); } printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to turn to 180, then sleeping 4 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(180); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (robot.isHeadingDone(5)) { printf("directMotionExample: Finished turn\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { printf("directMotionExample: Turn timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to turn to 90, then sleeping 2 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setHeading(90); robot.unlock(); start.setToNow(); while (1) { robot.lock(); if (robot.isHeadingDone(5)) { printf("directMotionExample: Finished turn\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } if (start.mSecSince() > 5000) { printf("directMotionExample: turn timed out\n"); robot.unlock(); break; } robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(100); } printf("directMotionExample: Setting vel2 to 200 mm/sec on both wheels, then sleeping 3 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel2(200, 200); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); printf("directMotionExample: Stopping the robot, then sleeping for 2 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.stop(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); printf("directMotionExample: Setting velocity to 200 mm/sec then sleeping 3 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel(200); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); printf("directMotionExample: Stopping the robot, then sleeping for 2 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.stop(); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(2000); printf("directMotionExample: Setting vel2 with 0 on left wheel, 200 mm/sec on right, then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel2(0, 200); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to rotate at 50 deg/sec then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(50); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); printf("directMotionExample: Telling the robot to rotate at -50 deg/sec then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setRotVel(-50); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); printf("directMotionExample: Setting vel2 with 0 on both wheels, then sleeping 3 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel2(0, 0); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(3000); printf("directMotionExample: Now having the robot change heading by -125 degrees, then sleeping for 6 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setDeltaHeading(-125); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(6000); printf("directMotionExample: Now having the robot change heading by 45 degrees, then sleeping for 6 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setDeltaHeading(45); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(6000); printf("directMotionExample: Setting vel2 with 200 on left wheel, 0 on right wheel, then sleeping 5 seconds\n"); robot.lock(); robot.setVel2(200, 0); robot.unlock(); ArUtil::sleep(5000); printf("directMotionExample: Done, shutting down Aria and exiting.\n"); Aria::shutdown(); return 0; }