bool planning_environment::KinematicModelStateMonitor::allJointsUpdated(ros::Duration allowed_dur) const { current_joint_values_lock_.lock(); bool ret = true; for(std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator it = current_joint_state_map_.begin(); it != current_joint_state_map_.end(); it++) { if(last_joint_update_.find(it->first) == last_joint_update_.end()) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << it->first << " not yet updated"); ret = false; continue; } if(allowed_dur != ros::Duration()) { ros::Duration dur = ros::Time::now()-last_joint_update_.find(it->first)->second; if(dur > allowed_dur) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Joint " << it->first << " last updated " << dur.toSec() << " where allowed duration is " << allowed_dur.toSec()); ret = false; continue; } } } current_joint_values_lock_.unlock(); return ret; }
void read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period) { for(int j=0; j < n_joints_; ++j) { joint_position_prev_[j] = joint_position_[j]; joint_position_[j] += angles::shortest_angular_distance(joint_position_[j], sim_joints_[j]->GetAngle(0).Radian()); joint_position_kdl_(j) = joint_position_[j]; // derivate velocity as in the real hardware instead of reading it from simulation joint_velocity_[j] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[j] - joint_position_prev_[j])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[j], 0.2); joint_effort_[j] = sim_joints_[j]->GetForce((int)(0)); joint_stiffness_[j] = joint_stiffness_command_[j]; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const double radius = 0.5; // 0.5 const double pitch_step = 0.2; const int circle_points = 6; // 6 const int circle_rings = 3; // 3 const double plan_time = 5; const int plan_retry = 1; //const int pose_id_max = circle_points * 3; const ros::Duration wait_settle(1.0); const ros::Duration wait_camera(0.5); const ros::Duration wait_notreached(3.0); const ros::Duration wait_reset(30.0); const std::string planning_group = "bumblebee"; //robot, bumblebee const std::string end_effector = "tool_flange"; // bumblebee_cam1, tool_flange const std::string plannerId = "PRMkConfigDefault"; const std::string frame_id = "base_link"; ros::init (argc, argv, "simple_pose_mission"); ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); spinner.start(); ros::NodeHandle node_handle; ros::Publisher cameratate_pub = node_handle.advertise<group4_msgs::PointCloudPose>("/robot_rx60b/camerapose", 5); ros::Publisher markerPublisher = node_handle.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("/simple_pose_mission/poses", 10); tf::TransformListener listener; // Marker MarkerPose marker("object_center"); addObjectCenterMarker(marker); // Robot and scene moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroup group(planning_group); group.setPlannerId(plannerId); group.setPoseReferenceFrame(frame_id); //group.setWorkspace(-1.5,-1.5,1.5,1.5,0,1); group.setGoalTolerance(0.01f); group.setPlanningTime(plan_time); group4_msgs::PointCloudPose msg; msg.header.frame_id = frame_id; tf::Pose object_center = marker.getPose("object_center"); NumberedPoses poses = generatePoses(object_center, circle_points, circle_rings, pitch_step, radius); NumberedPoses::iterator poses_itt; bool poses_updated = true; while (ros::ok()) { bool success; if (poses_updated || poses_itt == poses.end()) { poses_itt = poses.begin(); poses_updated = false; } NumberedPose numbered_pose = *poses_itt; visualizePoses(poses, frame_id,markerPublisher, numbered_pose.pose_id); ROS_INFO("Moving to pose %i of %i", numbered_pose.pose_id, numbered_pose.pose_id_max); tf::StampedTransform transform; try{ listener.lookupTransform("/bumblebee_cam1", "/tool_flange", ros::Time(0), transform); } catch (tf::TransformException ex){ ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); } tf::Pose p = numbered_pose.pose_tf * transform; geometry_msgs::Pose desired_pose = tfPoseToGeometryPose(p); group.setPoseTarget(desired_pose, end_effector); success = false; for (int itry = 0; itry < plan_retry; itry++) { group.setStartStateToCurrentState(); wait_notreached.sleep(); success = group.move(); if (success) break; else ROS_INFO("Plan unsuccessfull.. Retrying! (%i)", itry); } if (true) { wait_settle.sleep(); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped carmine_pose = group.getCurrentPose("camera_link"); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped bumblebee_pose_left = group.getCurrentPose("bumblebee_cam1"); geometry_msgs::PoseStamped bumblebee_pose_right = group.getCurrentPose("bumblebee_cam2"); msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); = numbered_pose.pose_id; = numbered_pose.pose_id_max; msg.spin_center_pose = tfPoseToGeometryPose(object_center); msg.carmine_pose = carmine_pose.pose; msg.bumblebee_pose_left = bumblebee_pose_left.pose; msg.bumblebee_pose_right = bumblebee_pose_right.pose; cameratate_pub.publish(msg); ROS_INFO("Waiting %f seconds for camera.", wait_camera.toSec()); wait_camera.sleep(); } if (poses_itt == poses.end()) { ROS_INFO("Last pose reached. Waiting %f seconds before resetting", wait_reset.toSec()); poses_itt = poses.begin(); wait_reset.sleep(); } else poses_itt++; } group.stop(); return 0; }
void JointPositionController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { command_struct_ = *(command_.readFromRT()); double command_position = command_struct_.position_; double command_velocity = command_struct_.velocity_; bool has_velocity_ = command_struct_.has_velocity_; double error, vel_error; double commanded_effort; double current_position = joint_.getPosition(); // Make sure joint is within limits if applicable enforceJointLimits(command_position); // Compute position error if (joint_urdf_->type == urdf::Joint::REVOLUTE) { angles::shortest_angular_distance_with_limits( current_position, command_position, joint_urdf_->limits->lower, joint_urdf_->limits->upper, error); } else if (joint_urdf_->type == urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS) { error = angles::shortest_angular_distance(current_position, command_position); } else //prismatic { error = command_position - current_position; } // Decide which of the two PID computeCommand() methods to call if (has_velocity_) { // Compute velocity error if a non-zero velocity command was given vel_error = command_velocity - joint_.getVelocity(); // Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform // time step size. This also allows the user to pass in a precomputed derivative error. commanded_effort = pid_controller_.computeCommand(error, vel_error, period); } else { // Set the PID error and compute the PID command with nonuniform // time step size. commanded_effort = pid_controller_.computeCommand(error, period); } joint_.setCommand(commanded_effort); // publish state if (loop_count_ % 10 == 0) { if(controller_state_publisher_ && controller_state_publisher_->trylock()) { controller_state_publisher_->msg_.header.stamp = time; controller_state_publisher_->msg_.set_point = command_position; controller_state_publisher_->msg_.process_value = current_position; controller_state_publisher_->msg_.process_value_dot = joint_.getVelocity(); controller_state_publisher_->msg_.error = error; controller_state_publisher_->msg_.time_step = period.toSec(); controller_state_publisher_->msg_.command = commanded_effort; double dummy; bool antiwindup; getGains(controller_state_publisher_->msg_.p, controller_state_publisher_->msg_.i, controller_state_publisher_->msg_.d, controller_state_publisher_->msg_.i_clamp, dummy, antiwindup); controller_state_publisher_->msg_.antiwindup = static_cast<char>(antiwindup); controller_state_publisher_->unlockAndPublish(); } } loop_count_++; }
bool LWRHWreal::read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period) { // update the robot positions for (int j = 0; j < LBR_MNJ; j++) { joint_position_prev_[j] = joint_position_[j]; joint_position_[j] = device_->getMsrMsrJntPosition()[j]; joint_effort_[j] = device_->getMsrJntTrq()[j]; joint_velocity_[j] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[j]-joint_position_prev_[j])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[j], 0.2); joint_stiffness_[j] = joint_stiffness_command_[j]; } //this->device_->interface->doDataExchange(); return true; }
// read 'measurement' joint values void PanTiltHW::read(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period) { client_->Receive(); for(int i=0; i<n_joints_;i++) { joint_position_[i] = client_->drives[i].state.position; joint_position_prev_[i] = joint_position_[i]; joint_velocity_[i] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((joint_position_[i] - joint_position_prev_[i])/period.toSec(), joint_velocity_[i], 0.2); } }
void AmclNode::reconfigureCB(AMCLConfig &config, uint32_t level) { boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock cfl(configuration_mutex_); //we don't want to do anything on the first call //which corresponds to startup if(first_reconfigure_call_) { first_reconfigure_call_ = false; default_config_ = config; return; } if(config.restore_defaults) { config = default_config_; //avoid looping config.restore_defaults = false; } d_thresh_ = config.update_min_d; a_thresh_ = config.update_min_a; resample_interval_ = config.resample_interval; laser_min_range_ = config.laser_min_range; laser_max_range_ = config.laser_max_range; gui_publish_period = ros::Duration(1.0/config.gui_publish_rate); save_pose_period = ros::Duration(1.0/config.save_pose_rate); transform_tolerance_.fromSec(config.transform_tolerance); max_beams_ = config.laser_max_beams; alpha1_ = config.odom_alpha1; alpha2_ = config.odom_alpha2; alpha3_ = config.odom_alpha3; alpha4_ = config.odom_alpha4; alpha5_ = config.odom_alpha5; z_hit_ = config.laser_z_hit; z_short_ = config.laser_z_short; z_max_ = config.laser_z_max; z_rand_ = config.laser_z_rand; sigma_hit_ = config.laser_sigma_hit; lambda_short_ = config.laser_lambda_short; laser_likelihood_max_dist_ = config.laser_likelihood_max_dist; if(config.laser_model_type == "beam") laser_model_type_ = LASER_MODEL_BEAM; else if(config.laser_model_type == "likelihood_field") laser_model_type_ = LASER_MODEL_LIKELIHOOD_FIELD; if(config.odom_model_type == "diff") odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_DIFF; else if(config.odom_model_type == "omni") odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_OMNI; else if(config.odom_model_type == "diff-corrected") odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_DIFF_CORRECTED; else if(config.odom_model_type == "omni-corrected") odom_model_type_ = ODOM_MODEL_OMNI_CORRECTED; if(config.min_particles > config.max_particles) { ROS_WARN("You've set min_particles to be less than max particles, this isn't allowed so they'll be set to be equal."); config.max_particles = config.min_particles; } min_particles_ = config.min_particles; max_particles_ = config.max_particles; alpha_slow_ = config.recovery_alpha_slow; alpha_fast_ = config.recovery_alpha_fast; tf_broadcast_ = config.tf_broadcast; pf_ = pf_alloc(min_particles_, max_particles_, alpha_slow_, alpha_fast_, (pf_init_model_fn_t)AmclNode::uniformPoseGenerator, (void *)map_); pf_err_ = config.kld_err; pf_z_ = config.kld_z; pf_->pop_err = pf_err_; pf_->pop_z = pf_z_; // Initialize the filter pf_vector_t pf_init_pose_mean = pf_vector_zero(); pf_init_pose_mean.v[0] = last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.x; pf_init_pose_mean.v[1] = last_published_pose.pose.pose.position.y; pf_init_pose_mean.v[2] = tf::getYaw(last_published_pose.pose.pose.orientation); pf_matrix_t pf_init_pose_cov = pf_matrix_zero(); pf_init_pose_cov.m[0][0] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*0+0]; pf_init_pose_cov.m[1][1] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*1+1]; pf_init_pose_cov.m[2][2] = last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*5+5]; pf_init(pf_, pf_init_pose_mean, pf_init_pose_cov); pf_init_ = false; // Instantiate the sensor objects // Odometry delete odom_; odom_ = new AMCLOdom(); ROS_ASSERT(odom_); odom_->SetModel( odom_model_type_, alpha1_, alpha2_, alpha3_, alpha4_, alpha5_ ); // Laser delete laser_; laser_ = new AMCLLaser(max_beams_, map_); ROS_ASSERT(laser_); if(laser_model_type_ == LASER_MODEL_BEAM) laser_->SetModelBeam(z_hit_, z_short_, z_max_, z_rand_, sigma_hit_, lambda_short_, 0.0); else { ROS_INFO("Initializing likelihood field model; this can take some time on large maps..."); laser_->SetModelLikelihoodField(z_hit_, z_rand_, sigma_hit_, laser_likelihood_max_dist_); ROS_INFO("Done initializing likelihood field model."); } odom_frame_id_ = config.odom_frame_id; base_frame_id_ = config.base_frame_id; global_frame_id_ = config.global_frame_id; delete laser_scan_filter_; laser_scan_filter_ = new tf::MessageFilter<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>(*laser_scan_sub_, *tf_, odom_frame_id_, 100); laser_scan_filter_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&AmclNode::laserReceived, this, _1)); initial_pose_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("initialpose", 2, &AmclNode::initialPoseReceived, this); }
static void scan_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& input) { if (map_loaded == 1 && init_pos_set == 1) { matching_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; tf::Quaternion predict_q, ndt_q, current_q, control_q, localizer_q; pcl::PointXYZ p; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> scan; current_scan_time = input->header.stamp; pcl::fromROSMsg(*input, scan); if(_localizer == "velodyne"){ pcl::PointCloud<velodyne_pointcloud::PointXYZIR> tmp; pcl::fromROSMsg(*input, tmp); scan.points.clear(); for (pcl::PointCloud<velodyne_pointcloud::PointXYZIR>::const_iterator item = tmp.begin(); item != tmp.end(); item++) { p.x = (double) item->x; p.y = (double) item->y; p.z = (double) item->z; if(item->ring >= min && item->ring <= max && item->ring % layer == 0 ){ scan.points.push_back(p); } } } pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr scan_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(scan)); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr filtered_scan_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()); Eigen::Matrix4f t(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); // base_link Eigen::Matrix4f t2(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); // localizer // Downsampling the velodyne scan using VoxelGrid filter pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ> voxel_grid_filter; voxel_grid_filter.setLeafSize(voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size); voxel_grid_filter.setInputCloud(scan_ptr); voxel_grid_filter.filter(*filtered_scan_ptr); // Setting point cloud to be aligned. ndt.setInputSource(filtered_scan_ptr); // Guess the initial gross estimation of the transformation predict_pose.x = previous_pose.x + offset_x; predict_pose.y = previous_pose.y + offset_y; predict_pose.z = previous_pose.z + offset_z; predict_pose.roll = previous_pose.roll; predict_pose.pitch = previous_pose.pitch; predict_pose.yaw = previous_pose.yaw + offset_yaw; Eigen::Translation3f init_translation(predict_pose.x, predict_pose.y, predict_pose.z); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_x(predict_pose.roll, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_y(predict_pose.pitch, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_z(predict_pose.yaw, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()); Eigen::Matrix4f init_guess = (init_translation * init_rotation_z * init_rotation_y * init_rotation_x) * tf_btol; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr output_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); ndt.align(*output_cloud, init_guess); t = ndt.getFinalTransformation(); // localizer t2 = t * tf_ltob; // base_link iteration = ndt.getFinalNumIteration(); score = ndt.getFitnessScore(); trans_probability = ndt.getTransformationProbability(); tf::Matrix3x3 mat_l; // localizer mat_l.setValue(static_cast<double>(t(0, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 2))); // Update ndt_pose localizer_pose.x = t(0, 3); localizer_pose.y = t(1, 3); localizer_pose.z = t(2, 3); mat_l.getRPY(localizer_pose.roll, localizer_pose.pitch, localizer_pose.yaw, 1); tf::Matrix3x3 mat_b; // base_link mat_b.setValue(static_cast<double>(t2(0, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(0, 2)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 2)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 2))); // Update ndt_pose ndt_pose.x = t2(0, 3); ndt_pose.y = t2(1, 3); ndt_pose.z = t2(2, 3); mat_b.getRPY(ndt_pose.roll, ndt_pose.pitch, ndt_pose.yaw, 1); // Compute the velocity scan_duration = current_scan_time - previous_scan_time; double secs = scan_duration.toSec(); double distance = sqrt((ndt_pose.x - previous_pose.x) * (ndt_pose.x - previous_pose.x) + (ndt_pose.y - previous_pose.y) * (ndt_pose.y - previous_pose.y) + (ndt_pose.z - previous_pose.z) * (ndt_pose.z - previous_pose.z)); predict_pose_error = sqrt((ndt_pose.x - predict_pose.x) * (ndt_pose.x - predict_pose.x) + (ndt_pose.y - predict_pose.y) * (ndt_pose.y - predict_pose.y) + (ndt_pose.z - predict_pose.z) * (ndt_pose.z - predict_pose.z)); current_velocity = distance / secs; current_velocity_smooth = (current_velocity + previous_velocity + second_previous_velocity) / 3.0; if(current_velocity_smooth < 0.2){ current_velocity_smooth = 0.0; } current_acceleration = (current_velocity - previous_velocity) / secs; = current_velocity; = current_velocity * 3.6; estimated_vel_mps_pub.publish(estimated_vel_mps); estimated_vel_kmph_pub.publish(estimated_vel_kmph); if(predict_pose_error <= PREDICT_POSE_THRESHOLD){ use_predict_pose = 0; }else{ use_predict_pose = 1; } use_predict_pose = 0; if(use_predict_pose == 0){ current_pose.x = ndt_pose.x; current_pose.y = ndt_pose.y; current_pose.z = ndt_pose.z; current_pose.roll = ndt_pose.roll; current_pose.pitch = ndt_pose.pitch; current_pose.yaw = ndt_pose.yaw; }else{ current_pose.x = predict_pose.x; current_pose.y = predict_pose.y; current_pose.z = predict_pose.z; current_pose.roll = predict_pose.roll; current_pose.pitch = predict_pose.pitch; current_pose.yaw = predict_pose.yaw; } control_pose.roll = current_pose.roll; control_pose.pitch = current_pose.pitch; control_pose.yaw = current_pose.yaw - angle / 180.0 * M_PI; double theta = control_pose.yaw; control_pose.x = cos(theta) * (-control_shift_x) + sin(theta) * (-control_shift_y) + current_pose.x; control_pose.y = -sin(theta) * (-control_shift_x) + cos(theta) * (-control_shift_y) + current_pose.y; control_pose.z = current_pose.z - control_shift_z; // Set values for publishing pose predict_q.setRPY(predict_pose.roll, predict_pose.pitch, predict_pose.yaw); predict_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; predict_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.x = predict_pose.x; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.y = predict_pose.y; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.z = predict_pose.z; predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = predict_q.x(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = predict_q.y(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = predict_q.z(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = predict_q.w(); ndt_q.setRPY(ndt_pose.roll, ndt_pose.pitch, ndt_pose.yaw); ndt_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; ndt_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.x = ndt_pose.x; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.y = ndt_pose.y; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.z = ndt_pose.z; ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = ndt_q.x(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = ndt_q.y(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = ndt_q.z(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = ndt_q.w(); current_q.setRPY(current_pose.roll, current_pose.pitch, current_pose.yaw); current_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; current_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; current_pose_msg.pose.position.x = current_pose.x; current_pose_msg.pose.position.y = current_pose.y; current_pose_msg.pose.position.z = current_pose.z; current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = current_q.x(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = current_q.y(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = current_q.z(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = current_q.w(); control_q.setRPY(control_pose.roll, control_pose.pitch, control_pose.yaw); control_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; control_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; control_pose_msg.pose.position.x = control_pose.x; control_pose_msg.pose.position.y = control_pose.y; control_pose_msg.pose.position.z = control_pose.z; control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = control_q.x(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = control_q.y(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = control_q.z(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = control_q.w(); localizer_q.setRPY(localizer_pose.roll, localizer_pose.pitch, localizer_pose.yaw); localizer_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; localizer_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.x = localizer_pose.x; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.y = localizer_pose.y; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.z = localizer_pose.z; localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = localizer_q.x(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = localizer_q.y(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = localizer_q.z(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = localizer_q.w(); predict_pose_pub.publish(predict_pose_msg); ndt_pose_pub.publish(ndt_pose_msg); current_pose_pub.publish(current_pose_msg); control_pose_pub.publish(control_pose_msg); localizer_pose_pub.publish(localizer_pose_msg); // Send TF "/base_link" to "/map" transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(current_pose.x, current_pose.y, current_pose.z)); transform.setRotation(current_q); br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, current_scan_time, "/map", "/base_link")); matching_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); exe_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(matching_end-matching_start).count()/1000.0; = exe_time; time_ndt_matching_pub.publish(time_ndt_matching); // Set values for /estimate_twist angular_velocity = (current_pose.yaw - previous_pose.yaw) / secs; estimate_twist_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.x = current_velocity; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.y = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.z = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.x = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.y = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.z = angular_velocity; estimate_twist_pub.publish(estimate_twist_msg); geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped estimate_vel_msg; estimate_vel_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; estimate_vel_msg.vector.x = current_velocity; estimated_vel_pub.publish(estimate_vel_msg); // Set values for /ndt_stat ndt_stat_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; ndt_stat_msg.exe_time =; ndt_stat_msg.iteration = iteration; ndt_stat_msg.score = score; ndt_stat_msg.velocity = current_velocity; ndt_stat_msg.acceleration = current_acceleration; ndt_stat_msg.use_predict_pose = 0; ndt_stat_pub.publish(ndt_stat_msg); /* Compute NDT_Reliability */ = Wa * (exe_time/100.0) * 100.0 + Wb * (iteration/10.0) * 100.0 + Wc * ((2.0-trans_probability)/2.0) * 100.0; ndt_reliability_pub.publish(ndt_reliability); #ifdef OUTPUT // Output log.csv std::ofstream ofs_log("log.csv", std::ios::app); if (ofs_log == NULL) { std::cerr << "Could not open 'log.csv'." << std::endl; exit(1); } ofs_log << input->header.seq << "," << step_size << "," << trans_eps << "," << voxel_leaf_size << "," << current_pose.x << "," << current_pose.y << "," << current_pose.z << "," << current_pose.roll << "," << current_pose.pitch << "," << current_pose.yaw << "," << predict_pose.x << "," << predict_pose.y << "," << predict_pose.z << "," << predict_pose.roll << "," << predict_pose.pitch << "," << predict_pose.yaw << "," << current_pose.x - predict_pose.x << "," << current_pose.y - predict_pose.y << "," << current_pose.z - predict_pose.z << "," << current_pose.roll - predict_pose.roll << "," << current_pose.pitch - predict_pose.pitch << "," << current_pose.yaw - predict_pose.yaw << "," << predict_pose_error << "," << iteration << "," << score << "," << trans_probability << "," << << "," << current_velocity << "," << current_velocity_smooth << "," << current_acceleration << "," << angular_velocity << "," << << "," << std::endl; #endif std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "Sequence: " << input->header.seq << std::endl; std::cout << "Timestamp: " << input->header.stamp << std::endl; std::cout << "Frame ID: " << input->header.frame_id << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Scan Points: " << scan_ptr->size() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Filtered Scan Points: " << filtered_scan_ptr->size() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "Leaf Size: " << voxel_leaf_size << std::endl; std::cout << "NDT has converged: " << ndt.hasConverged() << std::endl; std::cout << "Fitness Score: " << ndt.getFitnessScore() << std::endl; std::cout << "Transformation Probability: " << ndt.getTransformationProbability() << std::endl; std::cout << "Execution Time: " << exe_time << " ms." << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Iterations: " << ndt.getFinalNumIteration() << std::endl; std::cout << "NDT Reliability: " << << std::endl; std::cout << "(x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw): " << std::endl; std::cout << "(" << current_pose.x << ", " << current_pose.y << ", " << current_pose.z << ", " << current_pose.roll << ", " << current_pose.pitch << ", " << current_pose.yaw << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Transformation Matrix: " << std::endl; std::cout << t << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; // Update previous_*** offset_x = current_pose.x - previous_pose.x; offset_y = current_pose.y - previous_pose.y; offset_z = current_pose.z - previous_pose.z; offset_yaw = current_pose.yaw - previous_pose.yaw; previous_pose.x = current_pose.x; previous_pose.y = current_pose.y; previous_pose.z = current_pose.z; previous_pose.roll = current_pose.roll; previous_pose.pitch = current_pose.pitch; previous_pose.yaw = current_pose.yaw; previous_scan_time.sec = current_scan_time.sec; previous_scan_time.nsec = current_scan_time.nsec; second_previous_velocity = previous_velocity; previous_velocity = current_velocity; previous_acceleration = current_acceleration; =; } }
void OmniDriveController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { //get the wheel velocity from the handle double wheel1_vel = wheel1_joint.getVelocity(); double wheel2_vel = wheel2_joint.getVelocity(); double wheel3_vel = wheel3_joint.getVelocity(); // Estimate linear and angular velocity using joint information odometry_.update(wheel1_vel, wheel2_vel, wheel3_vel, time); // Publish odometry message if(last_state_publish_time_ + publish_period_ < time) { last_state_publish_time_ += publish_period_; // Compute and store orientation info const geometry_msgs::Quaternion orientation( tf::createQuaternionMsgFromYaw(odometry_.getHeading())); // Populate odom message and publish if(odom_pub_->trylock()) { odom_pub_->msg_.header.stamp = time; odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.x = odometry_.getX(); odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.position.y = odometry_.getY(); odom_pub_->msg_.pose.pose.orientation = orientation; odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.x = odometry_.getLinearX(); odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.linear.y = odometry_.getLinearY(); odom_pub_->msg_.twist.twist.angular.z = odometry_.getAngular(); odom_pub_->unlockAndPublish(); } // Publish tf /odom frame if (enable_odom_tf_ && tf_odom_pub_->trylock()) { geometry_msgs::TransformStamped& odom_frame = tf_odom_pub_->msg_.transforms[0]; odom_frame.header.stamp = time; odom_frame.transform.translation.x = odometry_.getX(); odom_frame.transform.translation.y = odometry_.getY(); odom_frame.transform.rotation = orientation; tf_odom_pub_->unlockAndPublish(); } } // MOVE ROBOT // Retreive current velocity command and time step: Commands curr_cmd = *(command_.readFromRT()); const double dt = (time - curr_cmd.stamp).toSec(); // Brake if cmd_vel has timeout: if (dt > cmd_vel_timeout_) { //ROS_INFO("wocao nima"); curr_cmd.linear_x = 0.0; curr_cmd.linear_y = 0.0; curr_cmd.angular = 0.0; } // Limit velocities and accelerations: const double cmd_dt(period.toSec()); limiter_linear_x_.limit(curr_cmd.linear_x, last_cmd_.linear_x, cmd_dt); limiter_linear_y_.limit(curr_cmd.linear_y, last_cmd_.linear_y, cmd_dt); limiter_angular_. limit(curr_cmd.angular, last_cmd_.angular, cmd_dt); last_cmd_ = curr_cmd; // Compute wheels velocities: const double vth = curr_cmd.angular, vx = - curr_cmd.linear_x, vy = curr_cmd.linear_y; const double psi = 2 * 3.14159265 / 3; const double L = wheel_center_; const double wheel1_cmd = (L*vth - vy) / wheel_radius_; const double wheel2_cmd = (L*vth + vy*cos(psi/2) - vx*sin(psi/2)) / wheel_radius_; const double wheel3_cmd = (L*vth + vy*cos(psi/2) + vx*sin(psi/2)) / wheel_radius_; ROS_INFO("send velocity is %f %f %f", wheel1_cmd,wheel2_cmd,wheel3_cmd); wheel1_joint.setCommand(wheel1_cmd); wheel2_joint.setCommand(wheel2_cmd); wheel3_joint.setCommand(wheel3_cmd); }
void JointPositionController::update(const ros::Time &time, const ros::Duration &period) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("updating"); // compute velocities and accelerations by hand just to be sure for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) { double current_position = joints_[i].getPosition(); current_velocities_[i] = (current_position - previous_positions_[i]) / period.toSec(); current_accelerations_[i] = (current_velocities_[i] - previous_velocities_[i]) / period.toSec(); previous_positions_[i] = current_position; previous_velocities_[i] = current_velocities_[i]; } if (new_reference_) { // Read the latest commanded trajectory message commanded_trajectory_ = *trajectory_command_buffer_.readFromRT(); new_reference_ = false; for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i ++) { if (std::abs(commanded_trajectory_.positions[i] - last_commanded_trajectory_.positions[i]) > command_update_tolerance_) { must_recompute_trajectory_ = true; reached_reference_ = false; last_commanded_trajectory_ = commanded_trajectory_; } } } // Initialize RML result int rml_result = 0; ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("checking for having to recompute"); // Compute RML traj after the start time and if there are still points in the queue if (must_recompute_trajectory_) { // Compute the trajectory ROS_WARN_STREAM("RML Recomputing trajectory..."); // Update RML input parameters for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) { rml_in_->CurrentPositionVector->VecData[i] = joints_[i].getPosition(); rml_in_->CurrentVelocityVector->VecData[i] = current_velocities_[i]; rml_in_->CurrentAccelerationVector->VecData[i] = current_accelerations_[i]; rml_in_->TargetPositionVector->VecData[i] = commanded_trajectory_.positions[i]; rml_in_->TargetVelocityVector->VecData[i] = commanded_trajectory_.velocities[i]; rml_in_->SelectionVector->VecData[i] = true; } ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Current position: " << std::endl << *(rml_in_->CurrentPositionVector)); ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Target position: " << std::endl << *(rml_in_->TargetPositionVector)); // Store the traj start time traj_start_time_ = time; // Set desired execution time for this trajectory (definitely > 0) rml_in_->SetMinimumSynchronizationTime(minimum_synchronization_time_); // ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("RML IN: time: " << rml_in_->GetMinimumSynchronizationTime()); // Specify behavior after reaching point rml_flags_.BehaviorAfterFinalStateOfMotionIsReached = recompute_trajectory_ ? RMLPositionFlags::RECOMPUTE_TRAJECTORY : RMLPositionFlags::KEEP_TARGET_VELOCITY; rml_flags_.SynchronizationBehavior = RMLPositionFlags::ONLY_TIME_SYNCHRONIZATION; rml_flags_.KeepCurrentVelocityInCaseOfFallbackStrategy = true; // Compute trajectory rml_result = rml_->RMLPosition(*rml_in_.get(), rml_out_.get(), rml_flags_); // Disable recompute flag must_recompute_trajectory_ = false; } // Sample the already computed trajectory rml_result = rml_->RMLPositionAtAGivenSampleTime( (time - traj_start_time_ + period).toSec(), rml_out_.get()); // Determine if any of the joint tolerances have been violated for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) { double tracking_error = std::abs(rml_out_->NewPositionVector->VecData[i] - joints_[i].getPosition()); if (tracking_error > position_tolerances_[i]) { must_recompute_trajectory_ = true; ROS_WARN_STREAM("Tracking for joint " << i << " outside of tolerance! (" << tracking_error << " > " << position_tolerances_[i] << ")"); } } // Compute command for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) { commanded_positions_[i] = rml_out_->NewPositionVector->VecData[i]; } // Only set a different position command if the switch (rml_result) { case ReflexxesAPI::RML_WORKING: // S'all good. break; case ReflexxesAPI::RML_FINAL_STATE_REACHED: ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("final state reached"); must_recompute_trajectory_ = recompute_trajectory_; reached_reference_ = true; break; default: if (loop_count_ % decimation_ == 0) { ROS_ERROR("Reflexxes error code: %d. Setting position commands to measured position.", rml_result); } for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) commanded_positions_[i] = joints_[i].getPosition(); break; }; // Set the lower-level commands if (!reached_reference_) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("setting command"); for (int i = 0; i < n_joints_; i++) { joints_[i].setCommand(commanded_positions_[i]); } } // Publish state if (loop_count_ % decimation_ == 0) { /* * boost::scoped_ptr<realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<controllers_msgs::JointControllerState> > * &state_pub = controller_state_publisher_; * * for(int i=0; i<n_joints_; i++) { * if(state_pub && state_pub->trylock()) { * state_pub->msg_.header.stamp = time; * state_pub->msg_.set_point = pos_target; * state_pub->msg_.process_value = pos_actual; * state_pub->msg_.process_value_dot = vel_actual; * state_pub->msg_.error = pos_error; * state_pub->msg_.time_step = period.toSec(); * state_pub->msg_.command = commanded_effort; * * double dummy; * pids_[i]->getGains( * state_pub->msg_.p, * state_pub->msg_.i, * state_pub->msg_.d, * state_pub->msg_.i_clamp, * dummy); * state_pub->unlockAndPublish(); } } */ } // Increment the loop count loop_count_++; }
void YouBotUniversalController::updateJointVelocity(double setPoint, pr2_mechanism_model::JointState* joint_state_, control_toolbox::Pid* pid_controller_, const ros::Duration& dt, const int& jointIndex) { double error(0); assert(joint_state_->joint_); double command_ = setPoint; double velocity_ = joint_state_->velocity_; const double T = 1; filteredVelocity[jointIndex] = filteredVelocity[jointIndex] + (velocity_ - filteredVelocity[jointIndex]) * dt.toSec() / (dt.toSec() + T); error = filteredVelocity[jointIndex] - command_; ROS_DEBUG("Current velocity: %f, filtered velocity: %f, Error: %f\n", velocity_, filteredVelocity[jointIndex], error); double commanded_effort = pid_controller_ -> updatePid(error, dt); joint_state_->commanded_effort_ = commanded_effort; }
void QuadrotorHardwareSim::readSim(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period) { // call all available subscriber callbacks now callback_queue_.callAvailable(); // read state from Gazebo const double acceleration_time_constant = 0.1; gz_pose_ = link_->GetWorldPose(); gz_acceleration_ = ((link_->GetWorldLinearVel() - gz_velocity_) + acceleration_time_constant * gz_acceleration_) / (period.toSec() + acceleration_time_constant); gz_velocity_ = link_->GetWorldLinearVel(); gz_angular_velocity_ = link_->GetWorldAngularVel(); if (!subscriber_state_) { header_.frame_id = "/world"; header_.stamp = time; pose_.position.x = gz_pose_.pos.x; pose_.position.y = gz_pose_.pos.y; pose_.position.z = gz_pose_.pos.z; pose_.orientation.w = gz_pose_.rot.w; pose_.orientation.x = gz_pose_.rot.x; pose_.orientation.y = gz_pose_.rot.y; pose_.orientation.z = gz_pose_.rot.z; twist_.linear.x = gz_velocity_.x; twist_.linear.y = gz_velocity_.y; twist_.linear.z = gz_velocity_.z; twist_.angular.x = gz_angular_velocity_.x; twist_.angular.y = gz_angular_velocity_.y; twist_.angular.z = gz_angular_velocity_.z; acceleration_.x = gz_acceleration_.x; acceleration_.y = gz_acceleration_.y; acceleration_.z = gz_acceleration_.z; } if (!subscriber_imu_) { imu_.orientation.w = gz_pose_.rot.w; imu_.orientation.x = gz_pose_.rot.x; imu_.orientation.y = gz_pose_.rot.y; imu_.orientation.z = gz_pose_.rot.z; gazebo::math::Vector3 gz_angular_velocity_body = gz_pose_.rot.RotateVectorReverse(gz_angular_velocity_); imu_.angular_velocity.x = gz_angular_velocity_body.x; imu_.angular_velocity.y = gz_angular_velocity_body.y; imu_.angular_velocity.z = gz_angular_velocity_body.z; gazebo::math::Vector3 gz_linear_acceleration_body = gz_pose_.rot.RotateVectorReverse(gz_acceleration_ - physics_->GetGravity()); imu_.linear_acceleration.x = gz_linear_acceleration_body.x; imu_.linear_acceleration.y = gz_linear_acceleration_body.y; imu_.linear_acceleration.z = gz_linear_acceleration_body.z; } }
void ITRCartesianImpedanceController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get current values //std::cout << "Update current values" << std::endl; KDL::Rotation cur_R(,,,,,,,,; KDL::Vector cur_p(,,; KDL::Frame cur_T( cur_R, cur_p ); x_cur_ = cur_T; std::vector<double> cur_T_FRI; // Cartesian speed limit for new positions: // create quaternions for current and desired orientation, normalize them to get correct angular distance later! x_cur_quat_ = Eigen::Matrix3d(; x_cur_quat_.normalize(); x_des_quat_ = Eigen::Matrix3d(; x_des_quat_.normalize(); x_set_quat_ = x_des_quat_; // get linear desired velocity x_dot_.vel = (x_des_.p-x_set_.p) / period.toSec(); // limit linear velocity to desired position double x_dot_vel_norm; x_dot_vel_norm = x_dot_.vel.Norm(); if (x_dot_vel_norm > max_trans_speed_) { x_dot_.vel = x_dot_.vel / x_dot_vel_norm * max_trans_speed_; } if (cmd_flag_) { // Interpolate position x_set_.p = x_prev_.p + (x_dot_.vel * period.toSec()); // Interpolate orientation with SLERP double slerp_ratio = max_rot_speed_ / (x_des_quat_.angularDistance(x_prev_quat_)) * period.toSec(); slerp_ratio = std::min(slerp_ratio, 1.0); x_set_quat_ = x_prev_quat_.slerp(slerp_ratio, x_des_quat_); // convert quaternion to rot matrix x_set_quat_.normalize(); // need to be normalized to get right rotation matrix x_set_.M = KDL::Rotation::Quaternion(x_set_quat_.x(), x_set_quat_.y(), x_set_quat_.z(), x_set_quat_.w()); } fromKDLtoFRI(x_set_, cur_T_FRI); // forward commands to hwi for(int c = 0; c < 30; ++c) { if(c < 12); if(c > 11 && c < 18)[c-12]); if(c > 17 && c < 24)[c-18]); if(c > 23 && c < 30)[c-24]); } x_prev_ = x_set_; x_prev_quat_ = x_set_quat_; }
void CassiopeiaHW::readEncoders(ros::Duration dt) { // read robots joint state // right card if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(1, &encoder_1_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(1) FAILED"); if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(2, &encoder_2_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(2) FAILED"); if (! dm6814_right.ReadEncoder6814(3, &encoder_3_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(3) FAILED"); //left card if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(1, &encoder_4_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(1) FAILED"); if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(2, &encoder_5_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(2) FAILED"); if (! dm6814_left.ReadEncoder6814(3, &encoder_6_val)) ROS_ERROR("ERROR: ReadEncoder6814(3) FAILED"); // Handling of encoder value overflow if ((int)encoder_1_val - (int)encoder_1_old < -62000) encoder_1_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_1_val - (int)encoder_1_old > 62000) encoder_1_ovf--; encoder_1_old = encoder_1_val; encoder_1 = (int)encoder_1_val + 65535*encoder_1_ovf; if ((int)encoder_2_val - (int)encoder_2_old < -62000) encoder_2_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_2_val - (int)encoder_2_old > 62000) encoder_2_ovf--; encoder_2_old = encoder_2_val; encoder_2 = (int)encoder_2_val + 65535*encoder_2_ovf; if ((int)encoder_3_val - (int)encoder_3_old < -62000) encoder_3_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_3_val - (int)encoder_3_old > 62000) encoder_3_ovf--; encoder_3_old = encoder_3_val; encoder_3 = (int)encoder_3_val + 65535*encoder_3_ovf; if ((int)encoder_4_val - (int)encoder_4_old < -62000) encoder_4_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_4_val - (int)encoder_4_old > 62000) encoder_4_ovf--; encoder_4_old = encoder_4_val; encoder_4 = (int)encoder_4_val + 65535*encoder_4_ovf; if ((int)encoder_5_val - (int)encoder_5_old < -62000) encoder_5_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_5_val - (int)encoder_5_old > 62000) encoder_5_ovf--; encoder_5_old = encoder_5_val; encoder_5 = (int)encoder_5_val + 65535*encoder_5_ovf; if ((int)encoder_6_val - (int)encoder_6_old < -62000) encoder_6_ovf++; else if ((int)encoder_6_val - (int)encoder_6_old > 62000) encoder_6_ovf--; encoder_6_old = encoder_6_val; encoder_6 = (int)encoder_6_val + 65535*encoder_6_ovf; ROS_DEBUG("1: %d, 2: %d, 3: %d, 4: %d, 5: %d, 6: %d", encoder_1, encoder_2, encoder_3, encoder_4, encoder_5, encoder_6); // Position Calculation pos[0]= (double)encoder_1*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[0]; pos[1]= -(double)encoder_2*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[1]; pos[2]= (double)encoder_3*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[2];//disconnected pos[3]= (double)encoder_4*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[3]; pos[4]= (double)encoder_5*2*M_PI/(4096*190) - offset_pos[4]; pos[5]= (double)encoder_6*2*M_PI/ 4096 - offset_pos[5]; ROS_DEBUG("encoder6: %d, pos (10^3): %d", encoder_6, (int)(pos[5]*1000)); ROS_DEBUG("POS: 1: %f, 2: %f, 3: %f, 4: %f, 5: %f, 6: %f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], pos[4], pos[5]); // Speed Calculation for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { vel[i]=(pos[i] - prev_pos[i])/dt.toSec(); prev_pos[i] = pos[i]; } }
int executeCB(ros::Duration dt) { std::cout << "**GoToWaypoint -%- Executing Main Task, elapsed_time: " << dt.toSec() << std::endl; std::cout << "**GoToWaypoint -%- execute_time: " << execute_time_.toSec() << std::endl; execute_time_ += dt; std::cout << "**Counter value:" << counter << std::endl; if (counter > 1) std::cout << "********************************************************************************" << std::endl; if (!init_) { initialize(); init_ = true; } if ( (ros::Time::now() - time_at_pos_).toSec() < 0.2 ) { if( message_.type == "goto") { // Goal position of ball relative to ROBOT_FRAME float goal_x = 0.00; float goal_y = 0.00; float error_x = message_.x - goal_x; float error_y = message_.y - goal_y; if (fabs(error_x) < 0.12 && fabs(error_y) < 0.12) { std::cout << "Closeness count " << closeness_count << std::endl; closeness_count++; //If the NAO has been close for enough iterations, we consider to goal reached if (closeness_count > 0) { motion_proxy_ptr->stopMove(); set_feedback(SUCCESS); // std::cout << "sleeeping for 2 second before destroying thread" << std::endl; // sleep(2.0); finalize(); return 1; } } else { closeness_count = 0; } //Limit the "error" in order to limit the walk speed error_x = error_x > 0.6 ? 0.6 : error_x; error_x = error_x < -0.6 ? -0.6 : error_x; error_y = error_y > 0.6 ? 0.6 : error_y; error_y = error_y < -0.6 ? -0.6 : error_y; // float speed_x = error_x * 1.0/(2+5*closeness_count); // float speed_y = error_y * 1.0/(2+5*closeness_count); // float frequency = 0.1/(5*closeness_count+(1.0/(fabs(error_x)+fabs(error_y)))); //Frequency of foot steps // motion_proxy_ptr->setWalkTargetVelocity(speed_x, speed_y, 0.0, frequency); // ALMotionProxy::setWalkTargetVelocity(const float& x, const float& y, const float& theta, const float& frequency) AL::ALValue walk_config; //walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("MaxStepFrequency", frequency)); //Lower value of step height gives smoother walking // std::cout << "y " << message_.y << std::endl; if (fabs(message_.y) < 0.10) { // walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("StepHeight", 0.01)); // motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(message_.x, 0.0, 0.0, walk_config); motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(message_.x, 0.0, 0.0); sleep(2.0); //motion_proxy_ptr->post.stopMove(); } else { // walk_config.arrayPush(AL::ALValue::array("StepHeight", 0.005)); // motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(0.0, 0.0, message_.y/fabs(message_.y)*0.1, walk_config); motion_proxy_ptr->post.moveTo(0.0, 0.0, message_.y/fabs(message_.y)*0.1); //sleep(3.0); //motion_proxy_ptr->post.stopMove(); } } } set_feedback(RUNNING); return 0; }
void OneTaskInverseDynamicsJL::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get joint positions for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition(); joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) = joint_handles_[i].getVelocity(); } // clearing msgs before publishing;; if (cmd_flag_) { // resetting N and tau(t=0) for the highest priority task N_trans_ = I_; SetToZero(tau_); // computing Inertia, Coriolis and Gravity matrices id_solver_->JntToMass(joint_msr_states_.q, M_); id_solver_->JntToCoriolis(joint_msr_states_.q, joint_msr_states_.qdot, C_); id_solver_->JntToGravity(joint_msr_states_.q, G_);; // computing the inverse of M_ now, since it will be used often pseudo_inverse(,M_inv_,false); //M_inv_ =; // computing Jacobian J(q) jnt_to_jac_solver_->JntToJac(joint_msr_states_.q,J_); // computing the distance from the mid points of the joint ranges as objective function to be minimized phi_ = task_objective_function(joint_msr_states_.q); // using the first step to compute jacobian of the tasks if (first_step_) { J_last_ = J_; phi_last_ = phi_; first_step_ = 0; return; } // computing the derivative of Jacobian J_dot(q) through numerical differentiation = ( -; // computing forward kinematics fk_pos_solver_->JntToCart(joint_msr_states_.q,x_); if (Equal(x_,x_des_,0.05)) { ROS_INFO("On target"); cmd_flag_ = 0; return; } // pushing x to the pose msg for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++); // setting marker parameters set_marker(x_,msg_id_); // computing end-effector position/orientation error w.r.t. desired frame x_err_ = diff(x_,x_des_); x_dot_ =*; // setting error reference for(int i = 0; i < e_ref_.size(); i++) { // e = x_des_dotdot + Kd*(x_des_dot - x_dot) + Kp*(x_des - x) e_ref_(i) = -Kd_(i)*(x_dot_(i)) + Kp_(i)*x_err_(i);; } // computing b = J*M^-1*(c+g) - J_dot*q_dot b_ =*M_inv_*( + -*; // computing omega = J*M^-1*N^T*J omega_ =*M_inv_*N_trans_*; // computing lambda = omega^-1 pseudo_inverse(omega_,lambda_); //lambda_ = omega_.inverse(); // computing nullspace N_trans_ = N_trans_ -*lambda_**M_inv_; // finally, computing the torque tau =*lambda_*(e_ref_ + b_) + N_trans_*(Eigen::Matrix<double,7,1>::Identity(7,1)*(phi_ - phi_last_)/(period.toSec())); // saving J_ and phi of the last iteration J_last_ = J_; phi_last_ = phi_; } // set controls for joints for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { if(cmd_flag_) joint_handles_[i].setCommand(tau_(i)); else joint_handles_[i].setCommand(PIDs_[i].computeCommand(joint_des_states_.q(i) - joint_msr_states_.q(i),period)); } // publishing markers for visualization in rviz pub_marker_.publish(msg_marker_); msg_id_++; // publishing error pub_error_.publish(msg_err_); // publishing pose pub_pose_.publish(msg_pose_); ros::spinOnce(); }
//static void velodyne_callback(const pcl::PointCloud<velodyne_pointcloud::PointXYZIR>::ConstPtr& input) static void map_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& input) { if (map_loaded == 0) { std::cout << "Loading map data... "; map.header.frame_id = "/pointcloud_map_frame"; // Convert the data type(from sensor_msgs to pcl). pcl::fromROSMsg(*input, map); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr map_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>(map)); // Setting point cloud to be aligned to. ndt.setInputTarget(map_ptr); // Setting NDT parameters to default values ndt.setMaximumIterations(iter); ndt.setResolution(ndt_res); ndt.setStepSize(step_size); ndt.setTransformationEpsilon(trans_eps); map_loaded = 1; std::cout << "Map Loaded." << std::endl; } if (map_loaded == 1 && init_pos_set == 1) { callback_start = ros::Time::now(); static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; tf::Quaternion q; tf::Quaternion q_control; // 1 scan /* pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI> scan; pcl::PointXYZI p; scan.header = input->header; scan.header.frame_id = "velodyne_scan_frame"; */ ros::Time scan_time; scan_time.sec = additional_map.header.stamp / 1000000.0; scan_time.nsec = (additional_map.header.stamp - scan_time.sec * 1000000.0) * 1000.0; /* std::cout << "scan.header.stamp: " << scan.header.stamp << std::endl; std::cout << "scan_time: " << scan_time << std::endl; std::cout << "scan_time.sec: " << scan_time.sec << std::endl; std::cout << "scan_time.nsec: " << scan_time.nsec << std::endl; */ t1_start = ros::Time::now(); /* for (pcl::PointCloud<velodyne_pointcloud::PointXYZIR>::const_iterator item = input->begin(); item != input->end(); item++) { p.x = (double) item->x; p.y = (double) item->y; p.z = (double) item->z; scan.points.push_back(p); } */ // pcl::fromROSMsg(*input, scan); t1_end = ros::Time::now(); d1 = t1_end - t1_start; Eigen::Matrix4f t(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); // pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr scan_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>(scan)); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr filtered_additional_map_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); // Downsampling the velodyne scan using VoxelGrid filter t2_start = ros::Time::now(); pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZI> voxel_grid_filter; voxel_grid_filter.setLeafSize(voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size, voxel_leaf_size); voxel_grid_filter.setInputCloud(additional_map_ptr); voxel_grid_filter.filter(*filtered_additional_map_ptr); t2_end = ros::Time::now(); d2 = t2_end - t2_start; // Setting point cloud to be aligned. ndt.setInputSource(filtered_additional_map_ptr); // Guess the initial gross estimation of the transformation t3_start = ros::Time::now(); tf::Matrix3x3 init_rotation; guess_pos.x = previous_pos.x + offset_x; guess_pos.y = previous_pos.y + offset_y; guess_pos.z = previous_pos.z + offset_z; guess_pos.roll = previous_pos.roll; guess_pos.pitch = previous_pos.pitch; guess_pos.yaw = previous_pos.yaw + offset_yaw; Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_x(guess_pos.roll, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_y(guess_pos.pitch, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_z(guess_pos.yaw, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()); Eigen::Translation3f init_translation(guess_pos.x, guess_pos.y, guess_pos.z); Eigen::Matrix4f init_guess = (init_translation * init_rotation_z * init_rotation_y * init_rotation_x).matrix(); t3_end = ros::Time::now(); d3 = t3_end - t3_start; t4_start = ros::Time::now(); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr output_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>); ndt.align(*output_cloud, init_guess); t = ndt.getFinalTransformation(); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr transformed_additional_map_ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>()); transformed_additional_map_ptr->header.frame_id = "/map"; pcl::transformPointCloud(*additional_map_ptr, *transformed_additional_map_ptr, t); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr msg_ptr(new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2); pcl::toROSMsg(*transformed_additional_map_ptr, *msg_ptr); msg_ptr->header.frame_id = "/map"; ndt_map_pub.publish(*msg_ptr); // Writing Point Cloud data to PCD file pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("global_map.pcd", *transformed_additional_map_ptr); std::cout << "Saved " << transformed_additional_map_ptr->points.size() << " data points to global_map.pcd." << std::endl; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> output; output.width = transformed_additional_map_ptr->width; output.height = transformed_additional_map_ptr->height; output.points.resize(output.width * output.height); for(size_t i = 0; i < output.points.size(); i++){ output.points[i].x = transformed_additional_map_ptr->points[i].x; output.points[i].y = transformed_additional_map_ptr->points[i].y; output.points[i].z = transformed_additional_map_ptr->points[i].z; output.points[i].rgb = 255 << 8; } pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII("global_map_rgb.pcd", output); std::cout << "Saved " << output.points.size() << " data points to global_map_rgb.pcd." << std::endl; t4_end = ros::Time::now(); d4 = t4_end - t4_start; t5_start = ros::Time::now(); /* tf::Vector3 origin; origin.setValue(static_cast<double>(t(0,3)), static_cast<double>(t(1,3)), static_cast<double>(t(2,3))); */ tf::Matrix3x3 tf3d; tf3d.setValue(static_cast<double>(t(0, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 2))); // Update current_pos. current_pos.x = t(0, 3); current_pos.y = t(1, 3); current_pos.z = t(2, 3); tf3d.getRPY(current_pos.roll, current_pos.pitch, current_pos.yaw, 1); // control_pose current_pos_control.roll = current_pos.roll; current_pos_control.pitch = current_pos.pitch; current_pos_control.yaw = current_pos.yaw - angle / 180.0 * M_PI; double theta = current_pos_control.yaw; current_pos_control.x = cos(theta) * (-control_shift_x) + sin(theta) * (-control_shift_y) + current_pos.x; current_pos_control.y = -sin(theta) * (-control_shift_x) + cos(theta) * (-control_shift_y) + current_pos.y; current_pos_control.z = current_pos.z - control_shift_z; // transform "/velodyne" to "/map" #if 0 transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(current_pos.x, current_pos.y, current_pos.z)); q.setRPY(current_pos.roll, current_pos.pitch, current_pos.yaw); transform.setRotation(q); #else // // FIXME: // We corrected the angle of "/velodyne" so that pure_pursuit // can read this frame for the control. // However, this is not what we want because the scan of Velodyne // looks unmatched for the 3-D map on Rviz. // What we really want is to make another TF transforming "/velodyne" // to a new "/ndt_points" frame and modify pure_pursuit to // read this frame instead of "/velodyne". // Otherwise, can pure_pursuit just use "/ndt_frame"? // transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(current_pos_control.x, current_pos_control.y, current_pos_control.z)); q.setRPY(current_pos_control.roll, current_pos_control.pitch, current_pos_control.yaw); transform.setRotation(q); #endif q_control.setRPY(current_pos_control.roll, current_pos_control.pitch, current_pos_control.yaw); /* std::cout << "ros::Time::now(): " << ros::Time::now() << std::endl; std::cout << "ros::Time::now().sec: " << ros::Time::now().sec << std::endl; std::cout << "ros::Time::now().nsec: " << ros::Time::now().nsec << std::endl; */ // br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, scan_time, "map", "velodyne")); static tf::TransformBroadcaster pose_broadcaster; tf::Transform pose_transform; tf::Quaternion pose_q; /* pose_transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); pose_q.setRPY(0, 0, 0); pose_transform.setRotation(pose_q); pose_broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(pose_transform, scan_time, "map", "ndt_frame")); */ // publish the position // ndt_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/ndt_frame"; ndt_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; ndt_pose_msg.header.stamp = scan_time; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.x = current_pos.x; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.y = current_pos.y; ndt_pose_msg.pose.position.z = current_pos.z; ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = q.x(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = q.y(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = q.z(); ndt_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = q.w(); static tf::TransformBroadcaster pose_broadcaster_control; tf::Transform pose_transform_control; tf::Quaternion pose_q_control; /* pose_transform_control.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); pose_q_control.setRPY(0, 0, 0); pose_transform_control.setRotation(pose_q_control); pose_broadcaster_control.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(pose_transform_control, scan_time, "map", "ndt_frame")); */ // publish the position // control_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/ndt_frame"; control_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; control_pose_msg.header.stamp = scan_time; control_pose_msg.pose.position.x = current_pos_control.x; control_pose_msg.pose.position.y = current_pos_control.y; control_pose_msg.pose.position.z = current_pos_control.z; control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = q_control.x(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = q_control.y(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = q_control.z(); control_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = q_control.w(); /* std::cout << "ros::Time::now(): " << ros::Time::now() << std::endl; std::cout << "ros::Time::now().sec: " << ros::Time::now().sec << std::endl; std::cout << "ros::Time::now().nsec: " << ros::Time::now().nsec << std::endl; */ ndt_pose_pub.publish(ndt_pose_msg); control_pose_pub.publish(control_pose_msg); t5_end = ros::Time::now(); d5 = t5_end - t5_start; #ifdef OUTPUT // Writing position to position_log.txt std::ofstream ofs("position_log.txt", std::ios::app); if (ofs == NULL) { std::cerr << "Could not open 'position_log.txt'." << std::endl; exit(1); } ofs << current_pos.x << " " << current_pos.y << " " << current_pos.z << " " << current_pos.roll << " " << current_pos.pitch << " " << current_pos.yaw << std::endl; #endif // Calculate the offset (curren_pos - previous_pos) offset_x = current_pos.x - previous_pos.x; offset_y = current_pos.y - previous_pos.y; offset_z = current_pos.z - previous_pos.z; offset_yaw = current_pos.yaw - previous_pos.yaw; // Update position and posture. current_pos -> previous_pos previous_pos.x = current_pos.x; previous_pos.y = current_pos.y; previous_pos.z = current_pos.z; previous_pos.roll = current_pos.roll; previous_pos.pitch = current_pos.pitch; previous_pos.yaw = current_pos.yaw; callback_end = ros::Time::now(); d_callback = callback_end - callback_start; std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "Sequence number: " << input->header.seq << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of scan points: " << additional_map_ptr->size() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of filtered scan points: " << filtered_additional_map_ptr->size() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "NDT has converged: " << ndt.hasConverged() << std::endl; std::cout << "Fitness score: " << ndt.getFitnessScore() << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of iteration: " << ndt.getFinalNumIteration() << std::endl; std::cout << "(x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw):" << std::endl; std::cout << "(" << current_pos.x << ", " << current_pos.y << ", " << current_pos.z << ", " << current_pos.roll << ", " << current_pos.pitch << ", " << current_pos.yaw << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Transformation Matrix:" << std::endl; std::cout << t << std::endl; #ifdef VIEW_TIME std::cout << "Duration of velodyne_callback: " << d_callback.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; std::cout << "Adding scan points: " << d1.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; std::cout << "VoxelGrid Filter: " << d2.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; std::cout << "Guessing the initial gross estimation: " << d3.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; std::cout << "NDT: " << d4.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; std::cout << "tf: " << d5.toSec() << " secs." << std::endl; #endif std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } }
calibration_msgs::Interval IntervalCalc::computeLatestInterval(const SortedDeque<DeflatedConstPtr>& signal, const std::vector<double>& tolerances, ros::Duration max_spacing) { if (max_spacing < ros::Duration(0,0)) { ROS_WARN("max_spacing is negative (%.3f). Should be positive", max_spacing.toSec()); max_spacing = -max_spacing; } if (signal.size() == 0) { ROS_WARN("Can't compute range of an empty signal"); return calibration_msgs::Interval(); } std::deque<DeflatedConstPtr>::const_reverse_iterator rev_it = signal.rbegin(); assert(*rev_it); // Make sure it's not a NULL pointer const unsigned int N = (*rev_it)->channels_.size(); assert(tolerances.size() == N); vector<double> channel_max( (*rev_it)->channels_ ); vector<double> channel_min( (*rev_it)->channels_ ); vector<double> channel_range(N); calibration_msgs::Interval result; result.end = (*signal.rbegin())->header.stamp; result.start = result.end; INTERVAL_DEBUG("Starting to walk along interval:"); while( rev_it != signal.rend() ) { if ( (*rev_it)->channels_.size() != N) { ROS_WARN("Num channels has changed. Cutting off interval prematurely "); return result; } ros::Duration cur_step = result.start - (*rev_it)->header.stamp; if ( cur_step > max_spacing) { INTERVAL_DEBUG("Difference between interval.start and it.stamp is [%.3fs]" "Exceeds [%.3fs]", cur_step.toSec(), max_spacing.toSec()); return result; } ostringstream max_debug; ostringstream min_debug; ostringstream range_debug; max_debug << " max: "; min_debug << " min: "; range_debug << " range:"; for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) { channel_max[i] = fmax( channel_max[i], (*rev_it)->channels_[i] ); channel_min[i] = fmin( channel_min[i], (*rev_it)->channels_[i] ); channel_range[i] = channel_max[i] - channel_min[i]; max_debug << " " << channel_max[i]; min_debug << " " << channel_min[i]; range_debug << " " << channel_range[i]; } INTERVAL_DEBUG("Current stats:\n%s\n%s\n%s", max_debug.str().c_str(), min_debug.str().c_str(), range_debug.str().c_str()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) { if (channel_range[i] > tolerances[i]) { INTERVAL_DEBUG("Channel %u range is %.3f. Exceeds tolerance of %.3f", i, channel_range[i], tolerances[i]); return result; } } result.start = (*rev_it)->header.stamp; rev_it++; } return result; }
bool IIWA_HW::read(ros::Duration period) { ros::Duration delta = ros::Time::now() - timer_; static bool was_connected = false; if (iiwa_ros_conn_.getRobotIsConnected()) { iiwa_ros_conn_.getJointPosition(joint_position_); iiwa_ros_conn_.getJointTorque(joint_torque_); device_->joint_position_prev = device_->joint_position; iiwaMsgsJointToVector(joint_position_.position, device_->joint_position); iiwaMsgsJointToVector(joint_torque_.torque, device_->joint_effort); // if there is no controller active the robot goes to zero position if (!was_connected) { for (int j = 0; j < IIWA_JOINTS; j++) device_->joint_position_command[j] = device_->joint_position[j]; was_connected = true; } for (int j = 0; j < IIWA_JOINTS; j++) device_->joint_velocity[j] = filters::exponentialSmoothing((device_->joint_position[j]-device_->joint_position_prev[j])/period.toSec(), device_->joint_velocity[j], 0.2); return 1; } else if (delta.toSec() >= 10) { ROS_INFO("No LBR IIWA is connected. Waiting for the robot to connect before reading ..."); timer_ = ros::Time::now(); } return 0; }
void BacksteppingController::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get joint positions for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition(); joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) = joint_handles_[i].getVelocity(); //joint_des_states_.q(i) = joint_msr_states_.q(i); //joint_des_states_.qdot(i) = joint_msr_states_.qdot(i); } /* TASK 0 (Main)*/ double freq_ = 3.0; double amp_ = 0.1; //Desired posture 8 figure (circle figure) x_des_.p(0) = /*0.3*/0.25 + /*amp_*(1 - cos(freq_*period.toSec()*step_));*/amp_/2*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_.p(1) = /*0.3*/0 + /*amp_*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_);*/amp_/2*sin(2*freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_.p(2) = /*1.1*/1.75; x_des_.M = KDL::Rotation(KDL::Rotation::RPY(0,0,0));//RPY(0,3.1415,0)); //velocity x_des_dot_(0) = /*amp_*freq_*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_);*/amp_/2*freq_*cos(freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_dot_(1) = /*amp_*freq_*cos(freq_*period.toSec()*step_);*/amp_/2*2*freq_*cos(2*freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_dot_(2) = 0; x_des_dot_(3) = 0; x_des_dot_(4) = 0; x_des_dot_(5) = 0; //acc x_des_dotdot_(0) = /*amp_*freq_*freq_*cos(freq_*period.toSec()*step_);*/-amp_/2*freq_*freq_*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_dotdot_(1) = /*-amp_*freq_*freq_*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_);*/-amp_/2*2*2*freq_*freq_*sin(freq_*period.toSec()*step_); x_des_dotdot_(2) = 0; x_des_dotdot_(3) = 0; x_des_dotdot_(4) = 0; x_des_dotdot_(5) = 0; step_++; // clearing msgs before publishing;;; if (cmd_flag_) { // computing Inertia, Coriolis and Gravity matrices id_solver_->JntToMass(joint_msr_states_.q, M_); id_solver_->JntToCoriolis(joint_msr_states_.q, joint_msr_states_.qdot, C_); id_solver_->JntToGravity(joint_msr_states_.q, G_); // computing Jacobian J(q) jnt_to_jac_solver_->JntToJac(joint_msr_states_.q,J_); // computing Jacobian pseudo-inversion pseudo_inverse(,J_pinv_); // using the first step to compute jacobian of the tasks if (first_step_) { J_last_ = J_; first_step_ = 0; return; } // computing the derivative of Jacobian J_dot(q) through numerical differentiation = ( -; // computing forward kinematics fk_pos_solver_->JntToCart(joint_msr_states_.q,x_); // pushing x to the pose msg for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {;; } // setting marker parameters set_marker(x_,msg_id_); // computing end-effector position/orientation error w.r.t. desired frame x_err_ = diff(x_,x_des_); // computing task space velocity (of end-effector) x_dot_ =*; // computing reference variables in task space for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { x_ref_dot_(i) = x_des_dot_(i) + Kp_(i)*x_err_(i); x_ref_dotdot_(i) = x_des_dotdot_(i) + Kd_(i)*(x_des_dot_(i) - x_dot_(i)) + Kp_(i)*x_err_(i); } // computing reference variable in joint space = J_pinv_*x_ref_dot_; = J_pinv_*(x_ref_dotdot_ -*; = J_pinv_*x_des_dot_; += period.toSec()*; // finally, computing the torque tau =* + + + /*K_d*/( - + ( -; // saving J_ of the last iteration J_last_ = J_; } // set controls for joints for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { if(cmd_flag_) joint_handles_[i].setCommand(tau_(i)); else joint_handles_[i].setCommand(PIDs_[i].computeCommand(joint_des_states_.q(i) - joint_msr_states_.q(i),period)); } // publishing markers for visualization in rviz pub_marker_.publish(msg_marker_); msg_id_++; // publishing error for all tasks as an array of ntasks*6 pub_error_.publish(msg_err_); // publishing actual and desired trajectory for each task (links) as an array of ntasks*3 pub_pose_.publish(msg_pose_); pub_traj_.publish(msg_traj_); ros::spinOnce(); }
void AmclNode::laserReceived(const sensor_msgs::LaserScanConstPtr& laser_scan) { last_laser_received_ts_ = ros::Time::now(); if( map_ == NULL ) { return; } boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lr(configuration_mutex_); int laser_index = -1; // Do we have the base->base_laser Tx yet? if(frame_to_laser_.find(laser_scan->header.frame_id) == frame_to_laser_.end()) { ROS_DEBUG("Setting up laser %d (frame_id=%s)\n", (int)frame_to_laser_.size(), laser_scan->header.frame_id.c_str()); lasers_.push_back(new AMCLLaser(*laser_)); lasers_update_.push_back(true); laser_index = frame_to_laser_.size(); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> ident (tf::Transform(tf::createIdentityQuaternion(), tf::Vector3(0,0,0)), ros::Time(), laser_scan->header.frame_id); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> laser_pose; try { this->tf_->transformPose(base_frame_id_, ident, laser_pose); } catch(tf::TransformException& e) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't transform from %s to %s, " "even though the message notifier is in use", laser_scan->header.frame_id.c_str(), base_frame_id_.c_str()); return; } pf_vector_t laser_pose_v; laser_pose_v.v[0] = laser_pose.getOrigin().x(); laser_pose_v.v[1] = laser_pose.getOrigin().y(); // laser mounting angle gets computed later -> set to 0 here! laser_pose_v.v[2] = 0; lasers_[laser_index]->SetLaserPose(laser_pose_v); ROS_DEBUG("Received laser's pose wrt robot: %.3f %.3f %.3f", laser_pose_v.v[0], laser_pose_v.v[1], laser_pose_v.v[2]); frame_to_laser_[laser_scan->header.frame_id] = laser_index; } else { // we have the laser pose, retrieve laser index laser_index = frame_to_laser_[laser_scan->header.frame_id]; } // Where was the robot when this scan was taken? tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> odom_pose; pf_vector_t pose; if(!getOdomPose(odom_pose, pose.v[0], pose.v[1], pose.v[2], laser_scan->header.stamp, base_frame_id_)) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't determine robot's pose associated with laser scan"); return; } pf_vector_t delta = pf_vector_zero(); if(pf_init_) { // Compute change in pose //delta = pf_vector_coord_sub(pose, pf_odom_pose_); delta.v[0] = pose.v[0] - pf_odom_pose_.v[0]; delta.v[1] = pose.v[1] - pf_odom_pose_.v[1]; delta.v[2] = angle_diff(pose.v[2], pf_odom_pose_.v[2]); // See if we should update the filter bool update = fabs(delta.v[0]) > d_thresh_ || fabs(delta.v[1]) > d_thresh_ || fabs(delta.v[2]) > a_thresh_; update = update || m_force_update; m_force_update=false; // Set the laser update flags if(update) for(unsigned int i=0; i < lasers_update_.size(); i++) lasers_update_[i] = true; } bool force_publication = false; if(!pf_init_) { // Pose at last filter update pf_odom_pose_ = pose; // Filter is now initialized pf_init_ = true; // Should update sensor data for(unsigned int i=0; i < lasers_update_.size(); i++) lasers_update_[i] = true; force_publication = true; resample_count_ = 0; } // If the robot has moved, update the filter else if(pf_init_ && lasers_update_[laser_index]) { //printf("pose\n"); //pf_vector_fprintf(pose, stdout, "%.3f"); AMCLOdomData odata; odata.pose = pose; // HACK // Modify the delta in the action data so the filter gets // updated correctly = delta; // Use the action data to update the filter odom_->UpdateAction(pf_, (AMCLSensorData*)&odata); // Pose at last filter update //this->pf_odom_pose = pose; } bool resampled = false; // If the robot has moved, update the filter if(lasers_update_[laser_index]) { AMCLLaserData ldata; ldata.sensor = lasers_[laser_index]; ldata.range_count = laser_scan->ranges.size(); // To account for lasers that are mounted upside-down, we determine the // min, max, and increment angles of the laser in the base frame. // // Construct min and max angles of laser, in the base_link frame. tf::Quaternion q; q.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, laser_scan->angle_min); tf::Stamped<tf::Quaternion> min_q(q, laser_scan->header.stamp, laser_scan->header.frame_id); q.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, laser_scan->angle_min + laser_scan->angle_increment); tf::Stamped<tf::Quaternion> inc_q(q, laser_scan->header.stamp, laser_scan->header.frame_id); try { tf_->transformQuaternion(base_frame_id_, min_q, min_q); tf_->transformQuaternion(base_frame_id_, inc_q, inc_q); } catch(tf::TransformException& e) { ROS_WARN("Unable to transform min/max laser angles into base frame: %s", e.what()); return; } double angle_min = tf::getYaw(min_q); double angle_increment = tf::getYaw(inc_q) - angle_min; // wrapping angle to [-pi .. pi] angle_increment = fmod(angle_increment + 5*M_PI, 2*M_PI) - M_PI; ROS_DEBUG("Laser %d angles in base frame: min: %.3f inc: %.3f", laser_index, angle_min, angle_increment); // Apply range min/max thresholds, if the user supplied them if(laser_max_range_ > 0.0) ldata.range_max = std::min(laser_scan->range_max, (float)laser_max_range_); else ldata.range_max = laser_scan->range_max; double range_min; if(laser_min_range_ > 0.0) range_min = std::max(laser_scan->range_min, (float)laser_min_range_); else range_min = laser_scan->range_min; // The AMCLLaserData destructor will free this memory ldata.ranges = new double[ldata.range_count][2]; ROS_ASSERT(ldata.ranges); for(int i=0; i<ldata.range_count; i++) { // amcl doesn't (yet) have a concept of min range. So we'll map short // readings to max range. if(laser_scan->ranges[i] <= range_min) ldata.ranges[i][0] = ldata.range_max; else ldata.ranges[i][0] = laser_scan->ranges[i]; // Compute bearing ldata.ranges[i][1] = angle_min + (i * angle_increment); } lasers_[laser_index]->UpdateSensor(pf_, (AMCLSensorData*)&ldata); lasers_update_[laser_index] = false; pf_odom_pose_ = pose; // Resample the particles if(!(++resample_count_ % resample_interval_)) { pf_update_resample(pf_); resampled = true; } pf_sample_set_t* set = pf_->sets + pf_->current_set; ROS_DEBUG("Num samples: %d\n", set->sample_count); // Publish the resulting cloud // TODO: set maximum rate for publishing if (!m_force_update) { geometry_msgs::PoseArray cloud_msg; cloud_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); cloud_msg.header.frame_id = global_frame_id_; cloud_msg.poses.resize(set->sample_count); for(int i=0; i<set->sample_count; i++) { tf::poseTFToMsg(tf::Pose(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(set->samples[i].pose.v[2]), tf::Vector3(set->samples[i].pose.v[0], set->samples[i].pose.v[1], 0)), cloud_msg.poses[i]); } particlecloud_pub_.publish(cloud_msg); } } if(resampled || force_publication) { // Read out the current hypotheses double max_weight = 0.0; int max_weight_hyp = -1; std::vector<amcl_hyp_t> hyps; hyps.resize(pf_->sets[pf_->current_set].cluster_count); for(int hyp_count = 0; hyp_count < pf_->sets[pf_->current_set].cluster_count; hyp_count++) { double weight; pf_vector_t pose_mean; pf_matrix_t pose_cov; if (!pf_get_cluster_stats(pf_, hyp_count, &weight, &pose_mean, &pose_cov)) { ROS_ERROR("Couldn't get stats on cluster %d", hyp_count); break; } hyps[hyp_count].weight = weight; hyps[hyp_count].pf_pose_mean = pose_mean; hyps[hyp_count].pf_pose_cov = pose_cov; if(hyps[hyp_count].weight > max_weight) { max_weight = hyps[hyp_count].weight; max_weight_hyp = hyp_count; } } if(max_weight > 0.0) { ROS_DEBUG("Max weight pose: %.3f %.3f %.3f", hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]); /* puts(""); pf_matrix_fprintf(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov, stdout, "%6.3f"); puts(""); */ geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped p; // Fill in the header p.header.frame_id = global_frame_id_; p.header.stamp = laser_scan->header.stamp; // Copy in the pose p.pose.pose.position.x = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0]; p.pose.pose.position.y = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1]; tf::quaternionTFToMsg(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]), p.pose.pose.orientation); // Copy in the covariance, converting from 3-D to 6-D pf_sample_set_t* set = pf_->sets + pf_->current_set; for(int i=0; i<2; i++) { for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { // Report the overall filter covariance, rather than the // covariance for the highest-weight cluster //p.covariance[6*i+j] = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov.m[i][j]; p.pose.covariance[6*i+j] = set->cov.m[i][j]; } } // Report the overall filter covariance, rather than the // covariance for the highest-weight cluster //p.covariance[6*5+5] = hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_cov.m[2][2]; p.pose.covariance[6*5+5] = set->cov.m[2][2]; /* printf("cov:\n"); for(int i=0; i<6; i++) { for(int j=0; j<6; j++) printf("%6.3f ", p.covariance[6*i+j]); puts(""); } */ pose_pub_.publish(p); last_published_pose = p; ROS_DEBUG("New pose: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f", hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]); // subtracting base to odom from map to base and send map to odom instead tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> odom_to_map; try { tf::Transform tmp_tf(tf::createQuaternionFromYaw(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[2]), tf::Vector3(hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[0], hyps[max_weight_hyp].pf_pose_mean.v[1], 0.0)); tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> tmp_tf_stamped (tmp_tf.inverse(), laser_scan->header.stamp, base_frame_id_); this->tf_->transformPose(odom_frame_id_, tmp_tf_stamped, odom_to_map); } catch(tf::TransformException) { ROS_DEBUG("Failed to subtract base to odom transform"); return; } latest_tf_ = tf::Transform(tf::Quaternion(odom_to_map.getRotation()), tf::Point(odom_to_map.getOrigin())); latest_tf_valid_ = true; if (tf_broadcast_ == true) { // We want to send a transform that is good up until a // tolerance time so that odom can be used ros::Time transform_expiration = (laser_scan->header.stamp + transform_tolerance_); tf::StampedTransform tmp_tf_stamped(latest_tf_.inverse(), transform_expiration, global_frame_id_, odom_frame_id_); this->tfb_->sendTransform(tmp_tf_stamped); sent_first_transform_ = true; } } else { ROS_ERROR("No pose!"); } } else if(latest_tf_valid_) { if (tf_broadcast_ == true) { // Nothing changed, so we'll just republish the last transform, to keep // everybody happy. ros::Time transform_expiration = (laser_scan->header.stamp + transform_tolerance_); tf::StampedTransform tmp_tf_stamped(latest_tf_.inverse(), transform_expiration, global_frame_id_, odom_frame_id_); this->tfb_->sendTransform(tmp_tf_stamped); } // Is it time to save our last pose to the param server ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); if((save_pose_period.toSec() > 0.0) && (now - save_pose_last_time) >= save_pose_period) { // We need to apply the last transform to the latest odom pose to get // the latest map pose to store. We'll take the covariance from // last_published_pose. tf::Pose map_pose = latest_tf_.inverse() * odom_pose; double yaw,pitch,roll; map_pose.getBasis().getEulerYPR(yaw, pitch, roll); private_nh_.setParam("initial_pose_x", map_pose.getOrigin().x()); private_nh_.setParam("initial_pose_y", map_pose.getOrigin().y()); private_nh_.setParam("initial_pose_a", yaw); private_nh_.setParam("initial_cov_xx", last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*0+0]); private_nh_.setParam("initial_cov_yy", last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*1+1]); private_nh_.setParam("initial_cov_aa", last_published_pose.pose.covariance[6*5+5]); save_pose_last_time = now; } } }
bool wait_ack_for(CommandTransaction *tr) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(tr->cond_mutex); return tr->ack.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::nanoseconds(ACK_TIMEOUT_DT.toNSec())) == std::cv_status::no_timeout; }
void OneTaskInverseKinematics::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get joint positions for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition(); } if (cmd_flag_) { // computing Jacobian jnt_to_jac_solver_->JntToJac(joint_msr_states_.q, J_); // computing J_pinv_ pseudo_inverse(, J_pinv_); // computing forward kinematics fk_pos_solver_->JntToCart(joint_msr_states_.q, x_); // end-effector position error x_err_.vel = x_des_.p - x_.p; // getting quaternion from rotation matrix x_.M.GetQuaternion(quat_curr_.v(0),quat_curr_.v(1),quat_curr_.v(2),quat_curr_.a); x_des_.M.GetQuaternion(quat_des_.v(0),quat_des_.v(1),quat_des_.v(2),quat_des_.a); skew_symmetric(quat_des_.v, skew_); for (int i = 0; i < skew_.rows(); i++) { v_temp_(i) = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < skew_.cols(); k++) v_temp_(i) += skew_(i,k)*(quat_curr_.v(k)); } // end-effector orientation error x_err_.rot = quat_curr_.a*quat_des_.v - quat_des_.a*quat_curr_.v - v_temp_; // computing q_dot for (int i = 0; i < J_pinv_.rows(); i++) { joint_des_states_.qdot(i) = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < J_pinv_.cols(); k++) joint_des_states_.qdot(i) += J_pinv_(i,k)*x_err_(k); //removed scaling factor of .7 } // integrating q_dot -> getting q (Euler method) for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++){ joint_des_states_.q(i) += period.toSec()*joint_des_states_.qdot(i); } // joint limits saturation for (int i =0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { if (joint_des_states_.q(i) < joint_limits_.min(i)) joint_des_states_.q(i) = joint_limits_.min(i); if (joint_des_states_.q(i) > joint_limits_.max(i)) joint_des_states_.q(i) = joint_limits_.max(i); } if (Equal(x_, x_des_, 0.005)) { ROS_INFO("On target"); cmd_flag_ = 0; } } // set controls for joints for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_handles_[i].setCommand(joint_des_states_.q(i)); } }
void MultiTaskPriorityInverseKinematics::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get joint positions for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition(); joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) = joint_handles_[i].getVelocity(); } // clearing error msg before publishing; if (cmd_flag_) { // resetting P and qdot(t=0) for the highest priority task P_ = I_; SetToZero(joint_des_states_.qdot); for (int index = 0; index < ntasks_; index++) { // computing Jacobian jnt_to_jac_solver_->JntToJac(joint_msr_states_.q,J_,links_index_[index]); // computing forward kinematics fk_pos_solver_->JntToCart(joint_msr_states_.q,x_,links_index_[index]); // setting marker parameters set_marker(x_,index,msg_id_); // computing end-effector position/orientation error w.r.t. desired frame x_err_ = diff(x_,x_des_[index]); for(int i = 0; i < e_dot_.size(); i++) { e_dot_(i) = x_err_(i);; } // computing (J[i]*P[i-1])^pinv =*P_; pseudo_inverse(,J_pinv_); // computing q_dot (qdot(i) = qdot[i-1] + (J[i]*P[i-1])^pinv*(x_err[i] - J[i]*qdot[i-1])) = + J_pinv_*(e_dot_ -*; // stop condition if (!on_target_flag_[index]) { if (Equal(x_,x_des_[index],0.01)) { ROS_INFO("Task %d on target",index); on_target_flag_[index] = true; if (index == (ntasks_ - 1)) cmd_flag_ = 0; } } // updating P_ (it mustn't make use of the damped pseudo inverse) pseudo_inverse(,J_pinv_,false); P_ = P_ - J_pinv_*; } // integrating q_dot -> getting q (Euler method) for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) joint_des_states_.q(i) += period.toSec()*joint_des_states_.qdot(i); } // set controls for joints for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { tau_cmd_(i) = PIDs_[i].computeCommand(joint_des_states_.q(i) - joint_msr_states_.q(i),joint_des_states_.qdot(i) - joint_msr_states_.qdot(i),period); joint_handles_[i].setCommand(tau_cmd_(i)); } // publishing markers for visualization in rviz pub_marker_.publish(msg_marker_); msg_id_++; // publishing error for all tasks as an array of ntasks*6 pub_error_.publish(msg_err_); ros::spinOnce(); }
void LWRHWreal::write(ros::Time time, ros::Duration period) { static int warning = 0; for (int j = 0; j < LBR_MNJ; j++) { // fake velocity command computed as: // (desired position - current position) / period, to avoid speed limit error joint_velocity_command_[j] = (joint_position_command_[j]-joint_position_[j])/period.toSec(); } // enforce limits ej_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period); ej_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period); vj_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period); vj_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period); pj_sat_interface_.enforceLimits(period); pj_limits_interface_.enforceLimits(period); // write to real robot float newJntPosition[LBR_MNJ]; float newJntStiff[LBR_MNJ]; float newJntDamp[LBR_MNJ]; float newJntAddTorque[LBR_MNJ]; if ( device_->isPowerOn() ) { // check control mode //if ( device_->getState() == FRI_STATE_CMD ) //{ // check control scheme if( device_->getCurrentControlScheme() == FRI_CTRL_JNT_IMP ) { for (int i = 0; i < LBR_MNJ; i++) { newJntPosition[i] = joint_position_command_[i]; // zero for now newJntAddTorque[i] = joint_effort_command_[i]; // comes from the controllers newJntStiff[i] = joint_stiffness_command_[i]; // default values for now newJntDamp[i] = joint_damping_command_[i]; // default values for now } // only joint impedance control is performed, since it is the only one that provide access to the joint torque directly // note that stiffness and damping are 0, as well as the position, since only effort is allowed to be sent // the KRC adds the dynamic terms, such that if zero torque is sent, the robot apply torques necessary to mantain the robot in the current position // the only interface is effort, thus any other action you want to do, you have to compute the added torque and send it through a controller device_->doJntImpedanceControl(newJntPosition, newJntStiff, newJntDamp, newJntAddTorque, true); } else if( device_->getCurrentControlScheme() == FRI_CTRL_POSITION ) { for (int i = 0; i < LBR_MNJ; i++) { newJntPosition[i] = joint_position_command_[i]; } // only joint impedance control is performed, since it is the only one that provide access to the joint torque directly // note that stiffness and damping are 0, as well as the position, since only effort is allowed to be sent // the KRC adds the dynamic terms, such that if zero torque is sent, the robot apply torques necessary to mantain the robot in the current position // the only interface is effort, thus any other action you want to do, you have to compute the added torque and send it through a controller device_->doPositionControl(newJntPosition, true); } else if( this->device_->getCurrentControlScheme() == FRI_CTRL_OTHER ) // Gravity compensation: just read status, but we have to keep FRI alive { device_->doDataExchange(); } //} } // Stop request is issued from the other side /* if ( this->device_->interface->getFrmKRLInt(0) == -1) { ROS_INFO(" Stop request issued from the other side"); this->stop(); }*/ // Quality change leads to output of statistics // for informational reasons // /*if ( this->device_->interface->getQuality() != this->device_->lastQuality ) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Quality change detected "<< this->device_->interface->getQuality()<< " \n"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("" << this->device_->interface->getMsrBuf().intf); this->device_->lastQuality = this->device_->interface->getQuality(); }*/ // this is already done in the doJntImpedance Control setting to true the last flag // this->device_->interface->doDataExchange(); return; }
sensor_msgs::PointCloud LaserJointProjector::project(const vector<sensor_msgs::JointState>& joint_state_vec, const ros::Duration& time_shift) { sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud; cloud.points.clear(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<joint_state_vec.size(); i++) { map<string, double> joint_map; for (unsigned int j=0; j<joint_state_vec[i].name.size(); j++) { joint_map.insert(make_pair(joint_state_vec[i].name[j], joint_state_vec[i].position[j] + joint_state_vec[i].velocity[j]*time_shift.toSec())); } geometry_msgs::Point32 pt = project(joint_map); cloud.points.push_back(pt); } return cloud; }
void timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent &) { mil_msgs::MoveToResult actionresult; // Handle disabled, killed, or no odom before attempting to produce trajectory std::string err = ""; if (disabled) err = "c3 disabled"; else if (kill_listener.isRaised()) err = "killed"; else if (!c3trajectory) err = "no odom"; if (!err.empty()) { if (c3trajectory) c3trajectory.reset(); // On revive/enable, wait for odom before station keeping // Cancel all goals while killed/disabled/no odom if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable()) actionserver.acceptNewGoal(); if (actionserver.isActive()) { actionresult.error = err; actionresult.success = false; actionserver.setAborted(actionresult); } return; } ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); auto old_waypoint = current_waypoint; if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable()) { boost::shared_ptr<const mil_msgs::MoveToGoal> goal = actionserver.acceptNewGoal(); current_waypoint = subjugator::C3Trajectory::Waypoint(Point_from_PoseTwist(goal->posetwist.pose, goal->posetwist.twist), goal->speed, !goal->uncoordinated, !goal->blind); current_waypoint_t = now; this->linear_tolerance = goal->linear_tolerance; this->angular_tolerance = goal->angular_tolerance; waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), (int)OGRID_COLOR::GREEN); // Check if waypoint is valid std::pair<bool, WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE> checkWPResult = waypoint_validity_.is_waypoint_valid( Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation); actionresult.error =; actionresult.success = checkWPResult.first; if (checkWPResult.first == false) // got a point that we should not move to { waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint), (int)OGRID_COLOR::RED); if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::UNKNOWN) // if unknown, check if there's a huge displacement with the new waypoint { auto a_point = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint); auto b_point = Pose_from_Waypoint(old_waypoint); // If moved more than .5m, then don't allow if (abs(a_point.position.x - b_point.position.x) > .5 || abs(a_point.position.y - b_point.position.y) > .5) { ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - need to rotate"); current_waypoint = old_waypoint; } } // if point is occupied, reject move if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::OCCUPIED) { ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - waypoint is occupied"); current_waypoint = old_waypoint; } // if point is above water, reject move if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::ABOVE_WATER) { ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - waypoint is above water"); current_waypoint = old_waypoint; } if (checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::NO_OGRID) { ROS_ERROR("WaypointValidity - Did not recieve any ogrid"); } } } if (actionserver.isPreemptRequested()) { current_waypoint = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint(); current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation = false; current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero(); // zero velocities current_waypoint_t = now; // don't try to make output c3 continuous when cancelled - instead stop as quickly as possible c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits)); c3trajectory_t = now; } // Remember the previous trajectory auto old_trajectory = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint(); while (c3trajectory_t + traj_dt < now) { c3trajectory->update(traj_dt.toSec(), current_waypoint, (c3trajectory_t - current_waypoint_t).toSec()); c3trajectory_t += traj_dt; } // Check if we will hit something while in trajectory the new trajectory geometry_msgs::Pose traj_point; // Convert messages to correct type auto p = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint(); traj_point.position = vec2xyz<Point>(p.q.head(3)); quaternionTFToMsg(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(p.q[3], p.q[4], p.q[5]), traj_point.orientation); std::pair<bool, WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE> checkWPResult = waypoint_validity_.is_waypoint_valid(Pose_from_Waypoint(p), c3trajectory->do_waypoint_validation); if (checkWPResult.first == false && checkWPResult.second == WAYPOINT_ERROR_TYPE::OCCUPIED) { // New trajectory will hit an occupied goal, so reject ROS_ERROR("can't move there! - bad trajectory"); current_waypoint = old_trajectory; current_waypoint.do_waypoint_validation = false; current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero(); // zero velocities current_waypoint_t = now; c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits)); c3trajectory_t = now; actionresult.success = false; actionresult.error =; } PoseTwistStamped msg; msg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t; msg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame; msg.posetwist = PoseTwist_from_PointWithAcceleration(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint()); trajectory_pub.publish(msg); waypoint_validity_.pub_size_ogrid(Pose_from_Waypoint(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint()), 200); PoseStamped msgVis; msgVis.header = msg.header; msgVis.pose = msg.posetwist.pose; trajectory_vis_pub.publish(msgVis); PoseStamped posemsg; posemsg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t; posemsg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame; posemsg.pose = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint); waypoint_pose_pub.publish(posemsg); if (actionserver.isActive() && c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint().is_approximately(current_waypoint.r, max(1e-3, linear_tolerance), max(1e-3, angular_tolerance)) && current_waypoint.r.qdot == subjugator::Vector6d::Zero()) { actionresult.error = ""; actionresult.success = true; actionserver.setSucceeded(actionresult); } }
void DynamicSlidingModeControllerTaskSpace::update(const ros::Time& time, const ros::Duration& period) { // get joint positions for(int i=0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { joint_msr_states_.q(i) = joint_handles_[i].getPosition(); joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) = joint_handles_[i].getVelocity(); } if (cmd_flag_) { // computing forward kinematics fk_pos_solver_->JntToCart(joint_msr_states_.q,x_); // computing Jacobian J(q) jnt_to_jac_solver_->JntToJac(joint_msr_states_.q,J_); // computing Jacobian pseudo-inversion pseudo_inverse(,J_pinv_); // computing end-effector position/orientation error w.r.t. desired frame x_err_ = diff(x_,x_des_); /* Trying quaternions, it seems to work better // end-effector position/orientation error x_err_.vel = (x_des_.p - x_.p); // getting quaternion from rotation matrix x_.M.GetQuaternion(quat_curr_.v(0),quat_curr_.v(1),quat_curr_.v(2),quat_curr_.a); x_des_.M.GetQuaternion(quat_des_.v(0),quat_des_.v(1),quat_des_.v(2),quat_des_.a); skew_symmetric(quat_des_.v,skew_); for (int i = 0; i < skew_.rows(); i++) { v_temp_(i) = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < skew_.cols(); k++) v_temp_(i) += skew_(i,k)*(quat_curr_.v(k)); } x_err_.rot = (quat_curr_.a*quat_des_.v - quat_des_.a*quat_curr_.v) - v_temp_; */ // clearing error msg before publishing; for(int i = 0; i < e_ref_.size(); i++) { e_ref_(i) = x_err_(i);; } = J_pinv_*e_ref_; = + period.toSec()*; // computing S = ( - + -; //for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) //S_(i) = (joint_msr_states_.qdot(i) - joint_des_states_.qdot(i)) + alpha_(i)*tanh(lambda_(i)*(joint_msr_states_.q(i) - joint_des_states_.q(i))); // saving S0 on the first step if (step_ == 0) S0_ = S_; // computing Sd for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) Sd_(i) = S0_(i)*exp(-k_(i)*(step_*period.toSec())); = +;//-; // computing sigma_dot as sgn(Sq) for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) sigma_dot_(i) = -(Sq_(i) < 0) + (Sq_(i) > 0); // integrating sigma_dot += period.toSec()*; //for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) //sigma_(i) += period.toSec()*pow(Sq_(i),0.5); // computing Sr = +; // computing tau =; step_++; if (Equal(x_,x_des_,0.05)) { ROS_INFO("On target"); cmd_flag_ = 0; return; } } // set controls for joints for (int i = 0; i < joint_handles_.size(); i++) { if (!cmd_flag_) tau_(i) = PIDs_[i].computeCommand(joint_des_states_.q(i) - joint_msr_states_.q(i),period);//Kd_(i)*(alpha_(i)*(joint_des_states_.q(i) - joint_msr_states_.q(i)) + (joint_des_states_.qdot(i) - joint_msr_states_.qdot(i))) ; joint_handles_[i].setCommand(tau_(i)); } // publishing markers for visualization in rviz pub_marker_.publish(msg_marker_); msg_id_++; // publishing error for all tasks as an array of ntasks*6 pub_error_.publish(msg_err_); // publishing actual and desired trajectory for each task (links) as an array of ntasks*3 pub_pose_.publish(msg_pose_); pub_traj_.publish(msg_traj_); ros::spinOnce(); }
/** * \brief Publishes the joint angles for the visualization * * \param device0 the robot and its state * * \ingroup ROS * */ void publish_joints(struct robot_device* device0){ static int count=0; static ros::Time t1; static ros::Time t2; static ros::Duration d; if (count == 0){ t1 =; } count ++; t2 =; d = t2-t1; if (d.toSec()<0.030) return; t1=t2; publish_marker(device0); sensor_msgs::JointState joint_state; //update joint_state joint_state.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();; joint_state.position.resize(28); //; // joint_state.position.resize(14); int left, right; if (device0->mech[0].type == GOLD_ARM) { left = 0; right = 1; } else { left = 1; right = 0; } //======================LEFT ARM===========================[0] ="shoulder_L"; joint_state.position[0] = device0->mech[left].joint[0].jpos + offsets_l.shoulder_off;[1] ="elbow_L"; joint_state.position[1] = device0->mech[left].joint[1].jpos + offsets_l.elbow_off;[2] ="insertion_L"; joint_state.position[2] = device0->mech[left].joint[2].jpos + d4 + offsets_l.insertion_off;[3] ="tool_roll_L"; joint_state.position[3] = device0->mech[left].joint[4].jpos - 45 * d2r + offsets_l.roll_off;[4] ="wrist_joint_L"; joint_state.position[4] = device0->mech[left].joint[5].jpos + offsets_l.wrist_off;[5] ="grasper_joint_1_L"; joint_state.position[5] = device0->mech[left].joint[6].jpos + offsets_l.grasp1_off;[6] ="grasper_joint_2_L"; joint_state.position[6] = device0->mech[left].joint[7].jpos * -1 + offsets_l.grasp2_off; //======================RIGHT ARM===========================[7] ="shoulder_R"; joint_state.position[7] = device0->mech[right].joint[0].jpos + offsets_r.shoulder_off;[8] ="elbow_R"; joint_state.position[8] = device0->mech[right].joint[1].jpos + offsets_r.elbow_off;[9] ="insertion_R"; joint_state.position[9] = device0->mech[right].joint[2].jpos + d4 + offsets_r.insertion_off;[10] ="tool_roll_R"; joint_state.position[10] = device0->mech[right].joint[4].jpos + 45 * d2r + offsets_r.roll_off;[11] ="wrist_joint_R"; joint_state.position[11] = device0->mech[right].joint[5].jpos * -1 + offsets_r.wrist_off;[12] ="grasper_joint_1_R"; joint_state.position[12] = device0->mech[right].joint[6].jpos + offsets_r.grasp1_off;[13] ="grasper_joint_2_R"; joint_state.position[13] = device0->mech[right].joint[7].jpos * -1 + offsets_r.grasp2_off; //======================LEFT ARM===========================[14] ="shoulder_L2"; joint_state.position[14] = device0->mech[left].joint[0].jpos_d + offsets_l.shoulder_off;[15] ="elbow_L2"; joint_state.position[15] = device0->mech[left].joint[1].jpos_d + offsets_l.elbow_off;[16] ="insertion_L2"; joint_state.position[16] = device0->mech[left].joint[2].jpos_d + d4 + offsets_l.insertion_off;[17] ="tool_roll_L2"; joint_state.position[17] = device0->mech[left].joint[4].jpos_d - 45 * d2r + offsets_l.roll_off;[18] ="wrist_joint_L2"; joint_state.position[18] = device0->mech[left].joint[5].jpos_d + offsets_l.wrist_off;[19] ="grasper_joint_1_L2"; joint_state.position[19] = device0->mech[left].joint[6].jpos_d + offsets_l.grasp1_off;[20] ="grasper_joint_2_L2"; joint_state.position[20] = device0->mech[left].joint[7].jpos_d * -1 + offsets_l.grasp2_off; //======================RIGHT ARM===========================[21] ="shoulder_R2"; joint_state.position[21] = device0->mech[right].joint[0].jpos_d + offsets_r.shoulder_off;[22] ="elbow_R2"; joint_state.position[22] = device0->mech[right].joint[1].jpos_d + offsets_r.elbow_off;[23] ="insertion_R2"; joint_state.position[23] = device0->mech[right].joint[2].jpos_d + d4 + offsets_r.insertion_off;[24] ="tool_roll_R2"; joint_state.position[24] = device0->mech[right].joint[4].jpos_d + 45 * d2r + offsets_r.roll_off;[25] ="wrist_joint_R2"; joint_state.position[25] = device0->mech[right].joint[5].jpos_d * -1 + offsets_r.wrist_off;[26] ="grasper_joint_1_R2"; joint_state.position[26] = device0->mech[right].joint[6].jpos_d + offsets_r.grasp1_off;[27] ="grasper_joint_2_R2"; joint_state.position[27] = device0->mech[right].joint[7].jpos_d * -1 + offsets_r.grasp2_off; //Publish the joint states joint_publisher.publish(joint_state); }
static void points_callback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& input) { if (map_loaded == 1 && init_pos_set == 1) { matching_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; tf::Quaternion predict_q, icp_q, current_q, localizer_q; pcl::PointXYZ p; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> filtered_scan; current_scan_time = input->header.stamp; pcl::fromROSMsg(*input, filtered_scan); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr filtered_scan_ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(filtered_scan)); int scan_points_num = filtered_scan_ptr->size(); Eigen::Matrix4f t(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); // base_link Eigen::Matrix4f t2(Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity()); // localizer std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> align_start, align_end, getFitnessScore_start, getFitnessScore_end; static double align_time, getFitnessScore_time = 0.0; // Setting point cloud to be aligned. // ndt.setInputSource(filtered_scan_ptr); icp.setInputSource(filtered_scan_ptr); // Guess the initial gross estimation of the transformation predict_pose.x = previous_pose.x + offset_x; predict_pose.y = previous_pose.y + offset_y; predict_pose.z = previous_pose.z + offset_z; predict_pose.roll = previous_pose.roll; predict_pose.pitch = previous_pose.pitch; predict_pose.yaw = previous_pose.yaw + offset_yaw; Eigen::Translation3f init_translation(predict_pose.x, predict_pose.y, predict_pose.z); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_x(predict_pose.roll, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_y(predict_pose.pitch, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY()); Eigen::AngleAxisf init_rotation_z(predict_pose.yaw, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()); Eigen::Matrix4f init_guess = (init_translation * init_rotation_z * init_rotation_y * init_rotation_x) * tf_btol; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr output_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); // ndt.align(*output_cloud, init_guess); icp.setMaximumIterations(maximum_iterations); icp.setTransformationEpsilon(transformation_epsilon); icp.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance(max_correspondence_distance); icp.setEuclideanFitnessEpsilon(euclidean_fitness_epsilon); icp.setRANSACOutlierRejectionThreshold(ransac_outlier_rejection_threshold); align_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); icp.align(*output_cloud, init_guess); align_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); align_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(align_end - align_start).count() / 1000.0; // t = ndt.getFinalTransformation(); // localizer t = icp.getFinalTransformation(); // localizer t2 = t * tf_ltob; // base_link // iteration = ndt.getFinalNumIteration(); // score = ndt.getFitnessScore(); getFitnessScore_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); fitness_score = icp.getFitnessScore(); getFitnessScore_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); getFitnessScore_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(getFitnessScore_end - getFitnessScore_start).count() / 1000.0; // trans_probability = ndt.getTransformationProbability(); tf::Matrix3x3 mat_l; // localizer mat_l.setValue(static_cast<double>(t(0, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(0, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(1, 2)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 0)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 1)), static_cast<double>(t(2, 2))); // Update localizer_pose localizer_pose.x = t(0, 3); localizer_pose.y = t(1, 3); localizer_pose.z = t(2, 3); mat_l.getRPY(localizer_pose.roll, localizer_pose.pitch, localizer_pose.yaw, 1); tf::Matrix3x3 mat_b; // base_link mat_b.setValue(static_cast<double>(t2(0, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(0, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(0, 2)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(1, 2)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 0)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 1)), static_cast<double>(t2(2, 2))); // Update ndt_pose icp_pose.x = t2(0, 3); icp_pose.y = t2(1, 3); icp_pose.z = t2(2, 3); mat_b.getRPY(icp_pose.roll, icp_pose.pitch, icp_pose.yaw, 1); // Calculate the difference between ndt_pose and predict_pose predict_pose_error = sqrt((icp_pose.x - predict_pose.x) * (icp_pose.x - predict_pose.x) + (icp_pose.y - predict_pose.y) * (icp_pose.y - predict_pose.y) + (icp_pose.z - predict_pose.z) * (icp_pose.z - predict_pose.z)); if (predict_pose_error <= PREDICT_POSE_THRESHOLD) { use_predict_pose = 0; } else { use_predict_pose = 1; } use_predict_pose = 0; if (use_predict_pose == 0) { current_pose.x = icp_pose.x; current_pose.y = icp_pose.y; current_pose.z = icp_pose.z; current_pose.roll = icp_pose.roll; current_pose.pitch = icp_pose.pitch; current_pose.yaw = icp_pose.yaw; } else { current_pose.x = predict_pose.x; current_pose.y = predict_pose.y; current_pose.z = predict_pose.z; current_pose.roll = predict_pose.roll; current_pose.pitch = predict_pose.pitch; current_pose.yaw = predict_pose.yaw; } // Compute the velocity and acceleration scan_duration = current_scan_time - previous_scan_time; double secs = scan_duration.toSec(); diff_x = current_pose.x - previous_pose.x; diff_y = current_pose.y - previous_pose.y; diff_z = current_pose.z - previous_pose.z; diff_yaw = current_pose.yaw - previous_pose.yaw; diff = sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y + diff_z * diff_z); current_velocity = diff / secs; current_velocity_x = diff_x / secs; current_velocity_y = diff_y / secs; current_velocity_z = diff_z / secs; angular_velocity = diff_yaw / secs; current_velocity_smooth = (current_velocity + previous_velocity + previous_previous_velocity) / 3.0; if (current_velocity_smooth < 0.2) { current_velocity_smooth = 0.0; } current_accel = (current_velocity - previous_velocity) / secs; current_accel_x = (current_velocity_x - previous_velocity_x) / secs; current_accel_y = (current_velocity_y - previous_velocity_y) / secs; current_accel_z = (current_velocity_z - previous_velocity_z) / secs; = current_velocity; = current_velocity * 3.6; estimated_vel_mps_pub.publish(estimated_vel_mps); estimated_vel_kmph_pub.publish(estimated_vel_kmph); // Set values for publishing pose predict_q.setRPY(predict_pose.roll, predict_pose.pitch, predict_pose.yaw); predict_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; predict_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.x = predict_pose.x; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.y = predict_pose.y; predict_pose_msg.pose.position.z = predict_pose.z; predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = predict_q.x(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = predict_q.y(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = predict_q.z(); predict_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = predict_q.w(); icp_q.setRPY(icp_pose.roll, icp_pose.pitch, icp_pose.yaw); icp_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; icp_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; icp_pose_msg.pose.position.x = icp_pose.x; icp_pose_msg.pose.position.y = icp_pose.y; icp_pose_msg.pose.position.z = icp_pose.z; icp_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = icp_q.x(); icp_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = icp_q.y(); icp_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = icp_q.z(); icp_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = icp_q.w(); current_q.setRPY(current_pose.roll, current_pose.pitch, current_pose.yaw); current_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; current_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; current_pose_msg.pose.position.x = current_pose.x; current_pose_msg.pose.position.y = current_pose.y; current_pose_msg.pose.position.z = current_pose.z; current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = current_q.x(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = current_q.y(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = current_q.z(); current_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = current_q.w(); localizer_q.setRPY(localizer_pose.roll, localizer_pose.pitch, localizer_pose.yaw); localizer_pose_msg.header.frame_id = "/map"; localizer_pose_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.x = localizer_pose.x; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.y = localizer_pose.y; localizer_pose_msg.pose.position.z = localizer_pose.z; localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = localizer_q.x(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = localizer_q.y(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = localizer_q.z(); localizer_pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = localizer_q.w(); predict_pose_pub.publish(predict_pose_msg); icp_pose_pub.publish(icp_pose_msg); current_pose_pub.publish(current_pose_msg); localizer_pose_pub.publish(localizer_pose_msg); // Send TF "/base_link" to "/map" transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(current_pose.x, current_pose.y, current_pose.z)); transform.setRotation(current_q); br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, current_scan_time, "/map", "/base_link")); matching_end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); exe_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(matching_end - matching_start).count() / 1000.0; = exe_time; time_icp_matching_pub.publish(time_icp_matching); // Set values for /estimate_twist estimate_twist_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.x = current_velocity; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.y = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.linear.z = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.x = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.y = 0.0; estimate_twist_msg.twist.angular.z = angular_velocity; estimate_twist_pub.publish(estimate_twist_msg); geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped estimate_vel_msg; estimate_vel_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; estimate_vel_msg.vector.x = current_velocity; estimated_vel_pub.publish(estimate_vel_msg); // Set values for /icp_stat icp_stat_msg.header.stamp = current_scan_time; icp_stat_msg.exe_time =; // icp_stat_msg.iteration = iteration; icp_stat_msg.score = fitness_score; icp_stat_msg.velocity = current_velocity; icp_stat_msg.acceleration = current_accel; icp_stat_msg.use_predict_pose = 0; icp_stat_pub.publish(icp_stat_msg); // Write log if (!ofs) { std::cerr << "Could not open " << filename << "." << std::endl; exit(1); } ofs << input->header.seq << "," << scan_points_num << "," << current_pose.x << "," << current_pose.y << "," << current_pose.z << "," << current_pose.roll << "," << current_pose.pitch << "," << current_pose.yaw << "," << predict_pose.x << "," << predict_pose.y << "," << predict_pose.z << "," << predict_pose.roll << "," << predict_pose.pitch << "," << predict_pose.yaw << "," << current_pose.x - predict_pose.x << "," << current_pose.y - predict_pose.y << "," << current_pose.z - predict_pose.z << "," << current_pose.roll - predict_pose.roll << "," << current_pose.pitch - predict_pose.pitch << "," << current_pose.yaw - predict_pose.yaw << "," << predict_pose_error << "," << "," << fitness_score << "," << "," << current_velocity << "," << current_velocity_smooth << "," << current_accel << "," << angular_velocity << "," << exe_time << "," << align_time << "," << getFitnessScore_time << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "Sequence: " << input->header.seq << std::endl; std::cout << "Timestamp: " << input->header.stamp << std::endl; std::cout << "Frame ID: " << input->header.frame_id << std::endl; // std::cout << "Number of Scan Points: " << scan_ptr->size() << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "Number of Filtered Scan Points: " << scan_points_num << " points." << std::endl; std::cout << "ICP has converged: " << icp.hasConverged() << std::endl; std::cout << "Fitness Score: " << fitness_score << std::endl; // std::cout << "Transformation Probability: " << ndt.getTransformationProbability() << std::endl; std::cout << "Execution Time: " << exe_time << " ms." << std::endl; // std::cout << "Number of Iterations: " << ndt.getFinalNumIteration() << std::endl; // std::cout << "NDT Reliability: " << << std::endl; std::cout << "(x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw): " << std::endl; std::cout << "(" << current_pose.x << ", " << current_pose.y << ", " << current_pose.z << ", " << current_pose.roll << ", " << current_pose.pitch << ", " << current_pose.yaw << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << "Transformation Matrix: " << std::endl; std::cout << t << std::endl; std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; // Update offset if (_offset == "linear") { offset_x = diff_x; offset_y = diff_y; offset_z = diff_z; offset_yaw = diff_yaw; } else if (_offset == "quadratic") { offset_x = (current_velocity_x + current_accel_x * secs) * secs; offset_y = (current_velocity_y + current_accel_y * secs) * secs; offset_z = diff_z; offset_yaw = diff_yaw; } else if (_offset == "zero") { offset_x = 0.0; offset_y = 0.0; offset_z = 0.0; offset_yaw = 0.0; } // Update previous_*** previous_pose.x = current_pose.x; previous_pose.y = current_pose.y; previous_pose.z = current_pose.z; previous_pose.roll = current_pose.roll; previous_pose.pitch = current_pose.pitch; previous_pose.yaw = current_pose.yaw; previous_scan_time.sec = current_scan_time.sec; previous_scan_time.nsec = current_scan_time.nsec; previous_previous_velocity = previous_velocity; previous_velocity = current_velocity; previous_velocity_x = current_velocity_x; previous_velocity_y = current_velocity_y; previous_velocity_z = current_velocity_z; previous_accel = current_accel; =; } }