コード例 #1
ファイル: dense_matrix_ops.hpp プロジェクト: beckgom/smallk
void OverwriteCols(DenseMatrix<T>& A, 
                   const DenseMatrix<T>& B, 
                   const std::vector<unsigned int>& col_indices,
                   const unsigned int num_cols)
    const unsigned int height = A.Height();

    // Overwrite columns of A with B.
    if (B.Height() != A.Height())
        throw std::logic_error("OverwriteCols: height mismatch");
    if (num_cols > static_cast<unsigned int>(A.Width()))
        throw std::logic_error("OverwriteCols: col indices out of bounds");

    T* buf_a = A.Buffer();
    const unsigned int ldim_a = A.LDim();

    const T* buf_b = B.LockedBuffer();
    const unsigned int ldim_b = B.LDim();

    for (unsigned int c=0; c<num_cols; ++c)
        unsigned int col_a = col_indices[c];
        unsigned int offset_a = col_a*ldim_a;
        unsigned int offset_b = c*ldim_b;
        memcpy(&buf_a[offset_a], &buf_b[offset_b], height * sizeof(T));
コード例 #2
ファイル: dense_matrix_ops.hpp プロジェクト: beckgom/smallk
void Overwrite(DenseMatrix<T>& A, 
               const DenseMatrix<T>& B, 
               const std::vector<unsigned int>& row_indices,
               const std::vector<unsigned int>& col_indices,
               const unsigned int num_rows,
               const unsigned int num_cols)
    // Overwrite entries in A with entries in B.  The row and column
    // index arrays contain the destination indices to be overwritten.
    // Matrix B has size num_rows x num_cols.

    if (num_rows > static_cast<unsigned int>(A.Height()))
        throw std::logic_error("Overwrite: row indices out of bounds");
    if (num_cols > static_cast<unsigned int>(A.Width()))
        throw std::logic_error("Overwrite: col indices out of bounds");

    const T* buf_b = B.LockedBuffer();
    const unsigned int ldim_b = B.LDim();
    T* buf_a = A.Buffer();
    const unsigned int ldim_a = A.LDim();

    for (unsigned int c=0; c<num_cols; ++c)
        unsigned int col_a = col_indices[c];
        unsigned int offset_a = ldim_a * col_a;
        unsigned int offset_b = ldim_b * c;

        for (unsigned int r=0; r<num_rows; ++r)
            unsigned int row_a = row_indices[r];
            //T val = B.Get(r, c);
            //A.Set(row_a, col_a, val);
            buf_a[offset_a + row_a] = buf_b[offset_b + r];
コード例 #3
ファイル: dense_matrix_ops.hpp プロジェクト: beckgom/smallk
void ZeroizeSmallValues(DenseMatrix<T>& A, const T tol)
    // set Aij to zero if |Aij| < tol

    T* buf = A.Buffer();
    const unsigned int ldim = A.LDim();

    const unsigned int height = A.Height();
    const unsigned int width  = A.Width();

    OPENMP_PRAGMA(omp parallel for)
    for (unsigned int c=0; c<width; ++c)
        unsigned int col_offset = c*ldim;
        for (unsigned int r=0; r<height; ++r)
            T val = buf[col_offset + r];
            if (std::abs(val) < tol)
                buf[col_offset + r] = T(0);