コード例 #1
ファイル: petsc_matrix.C プロジェクト: dengchangtao/libmesh
void PetscMatrix<T>::add_block_matrix(const DenseMatrix<T>& dm,
				      const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& brows,
				      const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& bcols)
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());

  const numeric_index_type n_rows    = dm.m();
  const numeric_index_type n_cols    = dm.n();
  const numeric_index_type n_brows   = brows.size();
  const numeric_index_type n_bcols   = bcols.size();
  const numeric_index_type blocksize = n_rows / n_brows;

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (n_cols / n_bcols, blocksize);
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (blocksize*n_brows, n_rows);
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (blocksize*n_bcols, n_cols);

  PetscErrorCode ierr=0;

#ifndef NDEBUG
  PetscInt petsc_blocksize;
  ierr = MatGetBlockSize(_mat, &petsc_blocksize);
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (blocksize, static_cast<numeric_index_type>(petsc_blocksize));

  // These casts are required for PETSc <= 2.1.5
  ierr = MatSetValuesBlocked(_mat,
			     n_brows, (PetscInt*) &brows[0],
			     n_bcols, (PetscInt*) &bcols[0],
			     (PetscScalar*) &dm.get_values()[0],
コード例 #2
void EpetraMatrix<T>::add_matrix(const DenseMatrix<T>& dm,
				 const std::vector<unsigned int>& rows,
				 const std::vector<unsigned int>& cols)
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());

  const unsigned int m = dm.m();
  const unsigned int n = dm.n();

  libmesh_assert (rows.size() == m);
  libmesh_assert (cols.size() == n);

  _mat->SumIntoGlobalValues(m, (int *)&rows[0], n, (int *)&cols[0], &dm.get_values()[0]);
コード例 #3
void EpetraMatrix<T>::add_matrix(const DenseMatrix<T>& dm,
                                 const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& rows,
                                 const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& cols)
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());

  const numeric_index_type m = dm.m();
  const numeric_index_type n = dm.n();

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (rows.size(), m);
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (cols.size(), n);

  _mat->SumIntoGlobalValues(m, (int *)&rows[0], n, (int *)&cols[0], &dm.get_values()[0]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: petsc_matrix.C プロジェクト: dengchangtao/libmesh
void PetscMatrix<T>::add_matrix(const DenseMatrix<T>& dm,
				const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& rows,
				const std::vector<numeric_index_type>& cols)
  libmesh_assert (this->initialized());

  const numeric_index_type n_rows = dm.m();
  const numeric_index_type n_cols = dm.n();

  libmesh_assert_equal_to (rows.size(), n_rows);
  libmesh_assert_equal_to (cols.size(), n_cols);

  PetscErrorCode ierr=0;

  // These casts are required for PETSc <= 2.1.5
  ierr = MatSetValues(_mat,
		      n_rows, (PetscInt*) &rows[0],
		      n_cols, (PetscInt*) &cols[0],
		      (PetscScalar*) &dm.get_values()[0],
コード例 #5
void DenseMatrix<T>::_svd_lapack (DenseVector<Real> & sigma,
                                  DenseMatrix<Number> & U,
                                  DenseMatrix<Number> & VT)
  // The calling sequence for dgetrf is:

  //  JOBU    (input) CHARACTER*1
  //          Specifies options for computing all or part of the matrix U:
  //          = 'A':  all M columns of U are returned in array U:
  //          = 'S':  the first min(m,n) columns of U (the left singular
  //                  vectors) are returned in the array U;
  //          = 'O':  the first min(m,n) columns of U (the left singular
  //                  vectors) are overwritten on the array A;
  //          = 'N':  no columns of U (no left singular vectors) are
  //                  computed.
  char JOBU = 'S';

  //  JOBVT   (input) CHARACTER*1
  //          Specifies options for computing all or part of the matrix
  //          V**T:
  //          = 'A':  all N rows of V**T are returned in the array VT;
  //          = 'S':  the first min(m,n) rows of V**T (the right singular
  //                  vectors) are returned in the array VT;
  //          = 'O':  the first min(m,n) rows of V**T (the right singular
  //                  vectors) are overwritten on the array A;
  //          = 'N':  no rows of V**T (no right singular vectors) are
  //                  computed.
  char JOBVT = 'S';

  // Note: Lapack is going to compute the singular values of A^T.  If
  // A=U * S * V^T, then A^T = V * S * U^T, which means that the
  // values returned in the "U_val" array actually correspond to the
  // entries of the V matrix, and the values returned in the VT_val
  // array actually correspond to the entries of U^T.  Therefore, we
  // pass VT in the place of U and U in the place of VT below!
  std::vector<Real> sigma_val;
  int M = this->n();
  int N = this->m();
  int min_MN = (M < N) ? M : N;

  // Size user-provided storage appropriately. Inside svd_helper:
  // U_val is sized to (M x min_MN)
  // VT_val is sized to (min_MN x N)
  // So, we set up U to have the shape of "VT_val^T", and VT to
  // have the shape of "U_val^T".
  // Finally, since the results are stored in column-major order by
  // Lapack, but we actually want the transpose of what Lapack
  // returns, this means (conveniently) that we don't even have to
  // copy anything after the call to _svd_helper, it should already be
  // in the correct order!
  U.resize(N, min_MN);
  VT.resize(min_MN, M);

  _svd_helper(JOBU, JOBVT, sigma_val, VT.get_values(), U.get_values());

  // Copy the singular values into sigma.
  sigma.resize(cast_int<unsigned int>(sigma_val.size()));
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<sigma.size(); i++)
    sigma(i) = sigma_val[i];