bool ChatHandler::HandleAddInvItemCommand(const char *args, WorldSession *m_session) { uint32 itemid, count=1; int32 randomprop=0; if(strlen(args) < 1) { return false; } if(sscanf(args, "%u %u %d", &itemid, &count, &randomprop) < 1) return false; Player * chr = getSelectedChar( m_session, false ); if ( chr == NULL ) chr = m_session->GetPlayer(); ItemPrototype* it = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(itemid); if(it) { sGMLog.writefromsession(m_session, "used add item command, item id %u [%s] to %s", it->ItemId, it->Name1, chr->GetName()); Item *item; item = objmgr.CreateItem( itemid, chr); item->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT, ((count > it->MaxCount) ? it->MaxCount : count)); if(it->Bonding==ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP) item->SoulBind(); if(randomprop!=0) { if(randomprop<0) item->SetRandomSuffix(abs(int(randomprop))); else item->SetRandomProperty(randomprop); item->ApplyRandomProperties(false); } if(!chr->GetItemInterface()->AddItemToFreeSlot(item)) { m_session->SendNotification("No free slots were found in your inventory!"); item->DeleteMe(); return true; } char messagetext[512]; snprintf(messagetext, 512, "Adding item %s (id: %d) to %s's inventory.", GetItemLinkByProto(it, m_session->language).c_str(), (unsigned int)it->ItemId, chr->GetName()); SystemMessage(m_session, messagetext); snprintf(messagetext, 128, "%s added item %d (%s) to your inventory.", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetName(), (unsigned int)itemid, it->Name1); snprintf(messagetext, 512, "%s added item %s to your inventory.", m_session->GetPlayer()->GetName(), GetItemLinkByProto(it, chr->GetSession()->language).c_str()); SystemMessageToPlr(chr, messagetext); SlotResult *lr = chr->GetItemInterface()->LastSearchResult(); chr->GetSession()->SendItemPushResult(item,false,true,false,true,lr->ContainerSlot,lr->Slot,count); return true; } else { RedSystemMessage(m_session, "Item %d is not a valid item!", itemid); return true; } }
void LootRoll::Finalize() { sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(this); // this we will have to finalize with groups types.. for now // we'll just assume need before greed. person with highest roll // in need gets the item. uint32 highest = 0; int8 hightype = -1; uint64 player = 0; WorldPacket data(34); /* Player * gplr = NULL; for(std::map<uint64, uint32>::iterator itr = NeedRolls.begin(); itr != NeedRolls.end(); ++itr) { gplr = _mgr->GetPlayer((uint32)itr->first); if(gplr) break; } if(!gplr) { for(std::map<uint64, uint32>::iterator itr = GreedRolls.begin(); itr != GreedRolls.end(); ++itr) { gplr = _mgr->GetPlayer((uint32)itr->first); if(gplr) break; } } */ for (std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator itr = m_NeedRolls.begin(); itr != m_NeedRolls.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second > highest) { highest = itr->second; player = itr->first; hightype = NEED; } /* data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ROLL); data << _guid << _slotid << itr->first; data << _itemid << _itemunk1 << _itemunk2; data << uint8(itr->second) << uint8(NEED); if(gplr && gplr->GetGroup()) gplr->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); */ } if (!highest) { for (std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator itr = m_GreedRolls.begin(); itr != m_GreedRolls.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second > highest) { highest = itr->second; player = itr->first; hightype = GREED; } /* data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ROLL); data << _guid << _slotid << itr->first; data << _itemid << _itemunk1 << _itemunk2; data << uint8(itr->second) << uint8(GREED); if(gplr && gplr->GetGroup()) gplr->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); */ } } Loot * pLoot = 0; uint32 guidtype = GET_TYPE_FROM_GUID(_guid); if (guidtype == HIGHGUID_TYPE_UNIT) { Creature * pc = _mgr->GetCreature(GET_LOWGUID_PART(_guid)); if (pc) pLoot = &pc->loot; } else if (guidtype == HIGHGUID_TYPE_GAMEOBJECT) { GameObject * go = _mgr->GetGameObject(GET_LOWGUID_PART(_guid)); if (go) pLoot = &go->loot; } if (!pLoot) { delete this; return; } if (_slotid >= pLoot->items.size()) { delete this; return; } pLoot-> = NULL; uint32 itemid = pLoot->>ItemId; uint32 amt = pLoot->; if (!amt) { delete this; return; } Player * _player = (player) ? _mgr->GetPlayer((uint32)player) : 0; if (!player || !_player) { /* all passed */ data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ALL_PASSED); data << _guid << _groupcount << _itemid << _itemunk1 << _itemunk2; std::set<uint32>::iterator pitr = m_passRolls.begin(); while (_player == NULL && pitr != m_passRolls.end()) _player = _mgr->GetPlayer((*(pitr++))); if (_player != NULL) { if (_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); else _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } /* item can now be looted by anyone :) */ pLoot-> = true; delete this; return; } pLoot-> = 0; data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ROLL_WON); data << _guid << _slotid << _itemid << _itemunk1 << _itemunk2; data << _player->GetGUID() << uint8(highest) << uint8(hightype); if (_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); else _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); ItemPrototype* it = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(itemid); int8 error; if ((error = _player->GetItemInterface()->CanReceiveItem(it, 1)) != 0) { _player->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL, error); return; } Item * add = _player->GetItemInterface()->FindItemLessMax(itemid, amt, false); if (!add) { SlotResult slotresult = _player->GetItemInterface()->FindFreeInventorySlot(it); if (!slotresult.Result) { _player->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL, INV_ERR_INVENTORY_FULL); return; } sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem MISC"); Item *item = objmgr.CreateItem(itemid, _player); item->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT, amt); if (pLoot-> != NULL) { item->SetRandomProperty(pLoot->>ID); item->ApplyRandomProperties(false); } else if (pLoot-> != NULL) { item->SetRandomSuffix(pLoot->>id); item->ApplyRandomProperties(false); } if (_player->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(item, slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot)) { _player->GetSession()->SendItemPushResult(item, false, true, true, true, slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot, 1); sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(_player, item); } else item->DeleteMe(); } else { add->SetCount(add->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT) + amt); add->m_isDirty = true; sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(_player, add); _player->GetSession()->SendItemPushResult(add, false, true, true, false, _player->GetItemInterface()->GetBagSlotByGuid(add->GetGUID()), 0xFFFFFFFF, 1); } pLoot-> = 0; // this gets sent to all looters data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_REMOVED); data << uint8(_slotid); Player * plr; for (LooterSet::iterator itr = pLoot->looters.begin(); itr != pLoot->looters.end(); ++itr) { if ((plr = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetPlayer(*itr)) != 0) plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } /*WorldPacket idata(45); _player->GetSession()->BuildItemPushResult(&idata, _player->GetGUID(), ITEM_PUSH_TYPE_LOOT, amt, itemid, pLoot-> ? pLoot->>ID : 0); if(_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&idata); else _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&idata);*/ delete this; }
void WorldSession::HandleAutostoreLootItemOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { if(!_player->IsInWorld()) return; // uint8 slot = 0; uint32 itemid = 0; uint32 amt = 1; uint8 lootSlot = 0; uint8 error = 0; SlotResult slotresult; Item *add; Loot *pLoot = NULL; if(_player->isCasting()) _player->InterruptSpell(); GameObject * pGO = NULL; Creature * pCreature = NULL; if(UINT32_LOPART(GUID_HIPART(GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID())) == HIGHGUID_UNIT) { pCreature = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetCreature((uint32)GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); if (!pCreature)return; pLoot=&pCreature->loot; } else if(UINT32_LOPART(GUID_HIPART(_player->GetLootGUID())) == HIGHGUID_GAMEOBJECT) { pGO = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetGameObject((uint32)GetPlayer()->GetLootGUID()); if(!pGO)return; pLoot=&pGO->loot; }else if( (UINT32_LOPART(GUID_HIPART(_player->GetLootGUID())) == HIGHGUID_ITEM) ) { Item *pItem = _player->GetItemInterface()->GetItemByGUID(_player->GetLootGUID()); if(!pItem) return; pLoot = pItem->loot; } if(!pLoot) return; recv_data >> lootSlot; if (lootSlot >= pLoot->items.size()) { sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem: Player %s might be using a hack! (slot %d, size %d)", GetPlayer()->GetName(), lootSlot, pLoot->items.size()); return; } amt = pLoot->; if (!amt)//Test for party loot { GetPlayer()->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL,INV_ERR_ALREADY_LOOTED); return; } itemid = pLoot->; ItemPrototype* it = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(itemid); if((error = _player->GetItemInterface()->CanReceiveItem(it, 1))) { _player->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL, error); return; } if(pGO) CALL_GO_SCRIPT_EVENT(pGO, OnLootTaken)(_player, it); else if(pCreature) CALL_SCRIPT_EVENT(pCreature, OnLootTaken)(_player, it); add = GetPlayer()->GetItemInterface()->FindItemLessMax(itemid, amt, false); sHookInterface.OnLoot(_player, pCreature, 0, itemid); if (!add) { slotresult = GetPlayer()->GetItemInterface()->FindFreeInventorySlot(it); if(!slotresult.Result) { GetPlayer()->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULL, NULL, INV_ERR_INVENTORY_FULL); return; } sLog.outDebug("AutoLootItem MISC"); Item *item = objmgr.CreateItem( itemid, GetPlayer()); item->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT,amt); uint32 rndprop=pLoot->; if(rndprop) item->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_RANDOM_PROPERTIES_ID,rndprop); item->ApplyRandomProperties(); GetPlayer()->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(item,slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot); if (it->Class == 12) // Quest item sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(GetPlayer(),item); } else { add->SetCount(add->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT) + amt); add->m_isDirty = true; if (it->Class == 12) // Quest item sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(GetPlayer(),add); } pLoot->; // this gets sent to all looters WorldPacket data(1); data.SetOpcode(SMSG_LOOT_REMOVED); data << lootSlot; Player * plr; for(LooterSet::iterator itr = pLoot->looters.begin(); itr != pLoot->looters.end(); ++itr) { if((plr = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetPlayer(*itr))) plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } WorldPacket idata; if(it->Class == ITEM_CLASS_QUEST) { uint32 pcount = _player->GetItemInterface()->GetItemCount(it->ItemId, true); BuildItemPushResult(&idata, _player->GetGUID(), ITEM_PUSH_TYPE_LOOT, amt, itemid, pLoot->,0xFF,0,0xFFFFFFFF,pcount); } else BuildItemPushResult(&idata, _player->GetGUID(), ITEM_PUSH_TYPE_LOOT, amt, itemid, pLoot->; if(_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&idata); else SendPacket(&idata); }
void LootRoll::Finalize() { if( !mLootLock.AttemptAcquire() ) // only one finalization, please. players on different maps can roll, too, so this is needed. { sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(this); return; } sEventMgr.RemoveEvents(this); // this we will have to finalize with groups types.. for now // we'll just assume need before greed. person with highest roll // in need gets the item. uint32 highest = 0; int8 hightype = -1; uint64 player = 0; WorldPacket data(34); for(std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator itr = m_NeedRolls.begin(); itr != m_NeedRolls.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second > highest) { highest = itr->second; player = itr->first; hightype = NEED; } } if(!highest) { for(std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator itr = m_GreedRolls.begin(); itr != m_GreedRolls.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second > highest) { highest = itr->second; player = itr->first; hightype = GREED; } } for(std::map<uint32, uint32>::iterator itr = m_DisenchantRolls.begin(); itr != m_DisenchantRolls.end(); itr++) { if(itr->second > highest) { highest = itr->second; player = itr->first; hightype = DISENCHANT; } } } Loot * pLoot = 0; uint32 guidtype = GET_TYPE_FROM_GUID(_guid); if( guidtype == HIGHGUID_TYPE_CREATURE ) { Creature* pc = _mgr->GetCreature(GET_LOWGUID_PART(_guid)); if(pc) pLoot = &pc->m_loot; } else if( guidtype == HIGHGUID_TYPE_GAMEOBJECT ) { GameObject* go = _mgr->GetGameObject(GET_LOWGUID_PART(_guid)); if(go) pLoot = &go->m_loot; } if(!pLoot) { delete this; return; } if(_slotid >= pLoot->items.size()) { delete this; return; } pLoot-> = NULLROLL; uint32 itemid = pLoot->>ItemId; uint32 amt = pLoot->; if(!amt) { delete this; return; } Player* _player = (player) ? _mgr->GetPlayer((uint32)player) : NULLPLR; if(!player || !_player) { /* all passed */ data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ALL_PASSED); data << _guid << _groupcount << _itemid << _randomsuffixid << _randompropertyid; set<uint32>::iterator pitr = m_passRolls.begin(); while(_player == NULL && pitr != m_passRolls.end()) { _player = _mgr->GetPlayer( (*(pitr)) ); ++pitr; } if( _player != NULL ) { if(_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); else _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } /* item can now be looted by anyone :) */ pLoot-> = true; delete this; return; } pLoot-> = 0; data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_ROLL_WON); data << _guid << _slotid << _itemid << _randomsuffixid << _randompropertyid; data << _player->GetGUID() << uint8(highest) << uint8(hightype); if(_player->InGroup()) _player->GetGroup()->SendPacketToAll(&data); else _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); if(hightype == DISENCHANT) { //generate Disenchantingloot Item * pItem = objmgr.CreateItem( itemid, _player); lootmgr.FillItemLoot(&pItem->m_loot, pItem->GetEntry(), _player->GetTeam()); //add loot for(std::vector<__LootItem>::iterator iter=pItem->m_loot.items.begin();iter != pItem->m_loot.items.end();iter++) { itemid =iter->item.itemproto->ItemId; Item * Titem = objmgr.CreateItem( itemid, _player); if( Titem == NULLITEM ) continue; if( !_player->GetItemInterface()->AddItemToFreeSlot(Titem) ) { _player->GetSession()->SendNotification("No free slots were found in your inventory, item has been mailed."); sMailSystem.DeliverMessage(MAILTYPE_NORMAL, _player->GetGUID(), _player->GetGUID(), "Loot Roll", "Here is your reward.", 0, 0, itemid, 1, true); } Titem->DeleteMe(); Titem = NULLITEM; } pItem->DeleteMe(); pItem = NULLITEM; // Set a looter, doesn't matter who. pLoot->>GetLowGUID()); //Send "finish" packet data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_REMOVED); data << uint8(_slotid); Player* plr; for(LooterSet::iterator itr = pLoot->looters.begin(); itr != pLoot->looters.end(); itr++) { if((plr = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetPlayer(*itr))) plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } delete this; //end here and skip the rest return; } ItemPrototype* it = ItemPrototypeStorage.LookupEntry(itemid); int8 error; if((error = _player->GetItemInterface()->CanReceiveItem(it, 1, NULL))) { _player->GetItemInterface()->BuildInventoryChangeError(NULLITEM, NULLITEM, error); return; } Item* add = _player->GetItemInterface()->FindItemLessMax(itemid, amt, false); if (!add) { SlotResult slotresult = _player->GetItemInterface()->FindFreeInventorySlot(it); if(!slotresult.Result) { _player->GetSession()->SendNotification("No free slots were found in your inventory, item has been mailed."); sMailSystem.DeliverMessage(MAILTYPE_NORMAL, _player->GetGUID(), _player->GetGUID(), "Loot Roll", "Here is your reward.", 0, 0, it->ItemId, 1, true); data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_REMOVED); data << uint8(_slotid); Player* plr; for(LooterSet::iterator itr = pLoot->looters.begin(); itr != pLoot->looters.end(); itr++) { if((plr = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetPlayer(*itr))) plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } delete this; return; } DEBUG_LOG("HandleAutostoreItem","AutoLootItem %u",itemid); Item* item = objmgr.CreateItem( itemid, _player); item->SetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT,amt); if(pLoot->!=NULL) { item->SetRandomProperty(pLoot->>ID); item->ApplyRandomProperties(false); } else if(pLoot-> != NULL) { item->SetRandomSuffix(pLoot->>id); item->ApplyRandomProperties(false); } if( _player->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(item,slotresult.ContainerSlot, slotresult.Slot) ) { _player->GetSession()->SendItemPushResult(item,false,true,true,true,slotresult.ContainerSlot,slotresult.Slot,1); sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(_player,item); } else { item->DeleteMe(); item = NULLITEM; } } else { add->SetCount(add->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT) + amt); add->m_isDirty = true; sQuestMgr.OnPlayerItemPickup(_player,add); _player->GetSession()->SendItemPushResult(add, false, true, true, false, _player->GetItemInterface()->GetBagSlotByGuid(add->GetGUID()), 0xFFFFFFFF, 1); } // Set a looter, doesn't matter who. pLoot->>GetLowGUID()); // this gets sent to all looters data.Initialize(SMSG_LOOT_REMOVED); data << uint8(_slotid); Player* plr; for(LooterSet::iterator itr = pLoot->looters.begin(); itr != pLoot->looters.end(); itr++) { if((plr = _player->GetMapMgr()->GetPlayer(*itr))) plr->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } delete this; }