コード例 #1
ファイル: LuaShip.cpp プロジェクト: zugz/pioneer
 * Method: GetDockedWith
 * Get the station that the ship is currently docked with
 * > station = ship:GetDockedWith()
 * Return:
 *   station - a <SpaceStation> object for the station, or nil if the ship is
 *             not docked
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   stable
static int l_ship_get_docked_with(lua_State *l)
    Ship *s = LuaObject<Ship>::CheckFromLua(1);
    if (s->GetFlightState() != Ship::DOCKED) return 0;
    return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: LuaShip.cpp プロジェクト: zugz/pioneer
 * Method: Undock
 * Undock from the station currently docked with
 * > success = ship:Undock()
 * <Event.onShipUndocked> will be triggered once undocking is complete
 * Return:
 *   success - true if ship is undocking, false if the ship is unable to undock,
 *             probably because another ship is currently undocking
 * Availability:
 *  alpha 10
 * Status:
 *  stable
static int l_ship_undock(lua_State *l)
    Ship *s = LuaObject<Ship>::CheckFromLua(1);
    if (!s->GetDockedWith())
        luaL_error(l, "Can't undock if not already docked");
    bool undocking = s->Undock();
    lua_pushboolean(l, undocking);
    return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: SpaceStation.cpp プロジェクト: Nikoraito/pioneer
bool SpaceStation::OnCollision(Object *b, Uint32 flags, double relVel)
	if ((flags & 0x10) && (b->IsType(Object::SHIP))) {
		Ship *s = static_cast<Ship*>(b);
		matrix4x4d rot;

		bool canDock = true;
		int port = -1;
		for (int i=0; i<MAX_DOCKING_PORTS; i++) {
			if (m_shipDocking[i].ship == s) { port = i; break; }
		if (m_type->dockOneAtATimePlease) {
			for (int i=0; i<m_type->numDockingPorts; i++) {
				if (m_shipDocking[i].ship && m_shipDocking[i].stage != 1 &&
				    (m_shipDocking[i].stage != m_type->numDockingStages+1)) {
					canDock = false;
		} else {
			// for non-dockOneAtATimePlease, the ship is expected
			// to hit the right docking trigger surface for that port
			if (m_shipDocking[flags&0xf].ship != s) canDock = false;
		if (port == -1) canDock = false;

		// hitting docking area of a station
		if (canDock) {
			SpaceStationType::positionOrient_t dport;
			// why stage 2? Because stage 1 is permission to dock
			// granted, stage 2 is start of docking animation.
			PiVerify(m_type->GetDockAnimPositionOrient(port, 2, 0.0f, vector3d(0.0), dport, s));

			double speed = s->GetVelocity().Length();

			// must be oriented sensibly and have wheels down
			if (IsGroundStation()) {
				matrix4x4d shiprot;
				matrix4x4d invShipRot = shiprot.InverseOf();

				vector3d dockingNormal = rot*dport.yaxis;

				// check player is sortof sensibly oriented for landing
				const double dot = vector3d(invShipRot[1], invShipRot[5], invShipRot[9]).Dot(dockingNormal);
				if ((dot < 0.99) || (s->GetWheelState() < 1.0)) return false;

			if ((speed < MAX_LANDING_SPEED) &&
			    (!s->GetDockedWith()) &&
			    (m_shipDocking[port].stage == 1)) {
				// if there is more docking port anim to do,
				// don't set docked yet
				if (m_type->numDockingStages >= 2) {
					shipDocking_t &sd = m_shipDocking[port];
					sd.ship = s;
					sd.stage = 2;
					sd.stagePos = 0;
					sd.fromPos = rot.InverseOf() * (s->GetPosition() - GetPosition());
					matrix4x4d temp;
					sd.fromRot = Quaterniond::FromMatrix4x4(temp);
				} else {
					s->SetDockedWith(this, port);
					LuaEvent::Queue("onShipDocked", s, this);
		return false;
	} else {
		return true;