コード例 #1
// Add a ship, and all its outfits, to the depreciation record.
void Depreciation::Buy(const Ship &ship, int day, Depreciation *source)
	// First, add records for all outfits the ship is carrying.
	for(const auto &it : ship.Outfits())
		for(int i = 0; i < it.second; ++i)
			Buy(it.first, day, source);
	// Then, check the base day for the ship chassis itself.
	const Ship *base = GameData::Ships().Get(ship.ModelName());
		// Check if the source has any instances of this ship.
		auto it = source->ships.find(base);
		if(it != source->ships.end() && !it->second.empty())
			day = source->Sell(it->second);
		else if(isStock)
			// If we're a planet buying from the player, and the player has no
			// record of how old this ship is, it's fully depreciated.
			day -= MAX_AGE;
	// Increment our count for this ship on this day.
コード例 #2
ファイル: ShopPanel.cpp プロジェクト: AMDmi3/endless-sky
void ShopPanel::DrawShip(const Ship &ship, const Point &center, bool isSelected) const
	const Sprite *sprite = ship.GetSprite().GetSprite();
	const Sprite *back = SpriteSet::Get(
		isSelected ? "ui/shipyard selected" : "ui/shipyard unselected");
	SpriteShader::Draw(back, center);
	// Make sure the ship sprite leaves 10 pixels padding all around.
	float zoomSize = SHIP_SIZE - 60.f;
	// Draw the ship name.
	const string &name = ship.Name().empty() ? ship.ModelName() : ship.Name();
	const Font &font = FontSet::Get(14);
	Point offset(-.5f * font.Width(name), -.5f * SHIP_SIZE + 10.f);
	font.Draw(name, center + offset, *GameData::Colors().Get("bright"));
	float zoom = min(1.f, zoomSize / max(sprite->Width(), sprite->Height()));
	int swizzle = GameData::PlayerGovernment()->GetSwizzle();
	SpriteShader::Draw(sprite, center, zoom, swizzle);