コード例 #1
	void ParticleSystemData::Load(const std::string& aFilePath)

		XMLReader xmlDoc;

		XMLElement emitterElement = xmlDoc.FindFirstChild();

		emitterElement = emitterElement->FirstChildElement("Emitter");

		while (emitterElement != nullptr)
			XMLElement dataElement = emitterElement->FirstChildElement("Name");

			std::string emitterName = dataElement->GetText();

			dataElement = emitterElement->FirstChildElement("Time");

			float time;

			dataElement = emitterElement->FirstChildElement("Position");

			Vector3<float> position;

			position.x = dataElement->FloatAttribute("x");
			position.y = dataElement->FloatAttribute("y");
			position.z = dataElement->FloatAttribute("z");

			dataElement = emitterElement->FirstChildElement("Rotation");

			Vector3<float> rotation;

			rotation.x = dataElement->FloatAttribute("x");
			rotation.y = dataElement->FloatAttribute("y");
			rotation.z = dataElement->FloatAttribute("z");

			Matrix44<float> orientation;

			orientation *= Matrix44<float>::CreateRotateAroundX(rotation.x);
			orientation *= Matrix44<float>::CreateRotateAroundY(rotation.y);
			orientation *= Matrix44<float>::CreateRotateAroundZ(rotation.z);



			emitterElement = emitterElement->NextSiblingElement("Emitter");
コード例 #2
ファイル: VisualComponent.cpp プロジェクト: proywm/Gravitate
void VisualComponent::init(XMLElement *componentElement)
	XMLElement* textureElement;
	const char* textureFileLocation;
	const char* fontFileLocation;
	std::ostringstream LabelString; 

	ComponentID = componentElement->IntAttribute("ComponentType");
	viewType = (ViewType)componentElement->IntAttribute("GameViewId");
	XMLElement* colorElement = componentElement->FirstChildElement("Color");
	//actorColor = new sf::Color(colorElement->IntAttribute("r"),colorElement->IntAttribute("g"),colorElement->IntAttribute("b"),colorElement->IntAttribute("a"));
	XMLElement* shapeElement = colorElement->NextSiblingElement("Structure");
	shapeID = shapeElement->IntAttribute("ShapeID");
		case 1://"Rectangle":
			actorShape = new ActorShape::Rectangle();
			((ActorShape::Rectangle*)actorShape)->setSize(shapeElement->FloatAttribute("Height"), shapeElement->FloatAttribute("Width"));
			((ActorShape::Rectangle*)actorShape)->actorShape.setFillColor((const sf::Color &)actorColor);//(const sf::Color &)actorColor
		case 2://"Circle":
			actorShape = new ActorShape::Circle();
			((ActorShape::Circle*)actorShape)->actorShape.setFillColor((const sf::Color &)actorColor);
		case 3://"GRID MAP":
			actorShape = new ActorShape::GridMap();
		case 5://TextArea
			textureElement = shapeElement->NextSiblingElement("Texture");
			textureFileLocation = textureElement->Attribute("TextureFileName");
			actorShape = new ActorShape::GridMap();
			fontFileLocation = textureElement->Attribute("FontFileName");
			//LabelString << textureElement->Attribute("Text");// put float into string buffer
			//((ActorShape::GridMap*)actorShape)->SetTextInBox(LabelString, 0, 0);
			actorShape = new ActorShape::Circle();
			((ActorShape::Circle*)actorShape)->actorShape.setFillColor((const sf::Color &)actorColor);
	isVisible = true;
コード例 #3
GameObject::LoadProperties( XMLElement & e )
  XMLElement * prop = e.FirstChildElement("Property");

  while ( prop ){
    g_Log << "Property id is: " << prop->Attribute("id") << "\n";
    if ( !prop->Attribute("id") ) throw AttributeMissingException("Property - No id attribute");
    if ( !prop->Attribute("type") ) throw AttributeMissingException("Property - No type attribute");
    if ( !prop->Attribute("value") ) throw AttributeMissingException("Property - No value attribute");
    string type = prop->Attribute("type");
    if ( type == "bool" )		AddProperty( prop->Attribute("id"), prop->BoolAttribute("value"));
    else if ( type == "int" )	AddProperty( prop->Attribute("id"), prop->IntAttribute("value"));
    else if ( type == "float" )	AddProperty( prop->Attribute("id"), prop->FloatAttribute("value"));
    else if ( type == "string" )	AddProperty( prop->Attribute("id"), prop->Attribute("value"));
    else throw InvalidAttributeException("Invalid attribute type defined!");
    prop = prop->NextSiblingElement("Property");
コード例 #4
ファイル: TransformComponent.cpp プロジェクト: ljkd/SAGE
bool TransformComponent::VInit(XMLElement* pCompData)

	Vector3 position = Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	Vector3 rotation = Vector3(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
	Vector3 scale = Vector3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

	XMLElement* pPositionElement = pCompData->FirstChildElement("Position");
	if (pPositionElement)
		position.x = pPositionElement->FloatAttribute("x");
		position.y = pPositionElement->FloatAttribute("y");
		position.z = pPositionElement->FloatAttribute("z");

	XMLElement* pRotationElement = pCompData->FirstChildElement("Rotation");
	if (pRotationElement)
		rotation.x = Deg2Rad(pRotationElement->FloatAttribute("x"));
		rotation.y = Deg2Rad(pRotationElement->FloatAttribute("y"));
		rotation.z = Deg2Rad(pRotationElement->FloatAttribute("z"));

	XMLElement* pScaleElement = pCompData->FirstChildElement("Scale");
	if (pScaleElement)
		scale.x = pScaleElement->FloatAttribute("x");
		scale.y = pScaleElement->FloatAttribute("y");
		scale.z = pScaleElement->FloatAttribute("z");

	Matrix trans;
	trans= glm::translate(trans, position);

	Matrix rot;
	rot = glm::yawPitchRoll(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z);

	Matrix scaleM;
	scaleM = glm::scale(scaleM, scale);

	m_transform = scaleM * rot * trans;
	return true;
コード例 #5
void Level::loadMap(std::string mapName, Graphics &graphics) {
	//Parse the .tmx file
	XMLDocument doc;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "maps/" << mapName << ".tmx"; //Pass in Map 1, we get maps/Map 1.tmx

	XMLElement* mapNode = doc.FirstChildElement("map");

	//Get the width and the height of the whole map and store it in _size
	int width, height;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("width", &width);
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("height", &height);
	this->_size = Vector2(width, height);

	//Get the width and the height of the tiles and store it in _tileSize
	int tileWidth, tileHeight;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("tilewidth", &tileWidth);
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("tileheight", &tileHeight);
	this->_tileSize = Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight);

	//Loading the tilesets
	XMLElement* pTileset = mapNode->FirstChildElement("tileset");
	if (pTileset != NULL) {
		while (pTileset) {
			int firstgid;
			const char* source = pTileset->FirstChildElement("image")->Attribute("source");
			char* path;
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << source;
			pTileset->QueryIntAttribute("firstgid", &firstgid);
			SDL_Texture* tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(graphics.getRenderer(), graphics.loadImage(ss.str()));
			this->_tilesets.push_back(Tileset(tex, firstgid));

			pTileset = pTileset->NextSiblingElement("tileset");

	//Loading the layers
	XMLElement* pLayer = mapNode->FirstChildElement("layer");
	if (pLayer != NULL) {
		while (pLayer) {
			//Loading the data element
			XMLElement* pData = pLayer->FirstChildElement("data");
			if (pData != NULL) {
				while (pData) {
					//Loading the tile element
					XMLElement* pTile = pData->FirstChildElement("tile");
					if (pTile != NULL) {
						int tileCounter = 0;
						while (pTile) {
							//Build each individual tile here
							//If gid is 0, no tile should be drawn. Continue loop
							if (pTile->IntAttribute("gid") == 0) {
								if (pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile")) {
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
								else {

							//Get the tileset for this specific gid
							int gid = pTile->IntAttribute("gid");
							Tileset tls;
							for (int i = 0; i < this->_tilesets.size(); i++) {
								if (this->_tilesets[i].FirstGid <= gid) {
									//This is the tileset we want
									tls = this->_tilesets.at(i);

							if (tls.FirstGid == -1) {
								//No tileset was found for this gid
								if (pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile")) {
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
								else {

							//Get the position of the tile in the level
							int xx = 0;
							int yy = 0;
							xx = tileCounter % width;
							xx *= tileWidth;
							yy += tileHeight * (tileCounter / width);
							Vector2 finalTilePosition = Vector2(xx, yy);

							//Calculate the position of the tile in the tileset
							int tilesetWidth, tilesetHeight;
							SDL_QueryTexture(tls.Texture, NULL, NULL, &tilesetWidth, &tilesetHeight);
							int tsxx = gid % (tilesetWidth / tileWidth) - 1;
							tsxx *= tileWidth;
							int tsyy = 0;
							int amt = (gid / (tilesetWidth / tileWidth));
							tsyy = tileHeight * amt;
							Vector2 finalTilesetPosition = Vector2(tsxx, tsyy);

							//Build the actual tile and add it to the level's tile list
							Tile tile(tls.Texture, Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight),
									finalTilesetPosition, finalTilePosition);

							pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");

					pData = pData->NextSiblingElement("data");

			pLayer = pLayer->NextSiblingElement("layer");

	//Parse out the collisions
	XMLElement* pObjectGroup = mapNode->FirstChildElement("objectgroup");
	if (pObjectGroup != NULL) {
		while (pObjectGroup) {
			const char* name = pObjectGroup->Attribute("name");
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << name;
			if (ss.str() == "collisions") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						float x, y, width, height;
						x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						width = pObject->FloatAttribute("width");
						height = pObject->FloatAttribute("height");
								std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(width) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(height) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");
			//Other objectgroups go here with an else if (ss.str() == "whatever")
			else if (ss.str() == "slopes") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						std::vector<Vector2> points;
						Vector2 p1;
						p1 = Vector2(std::ceil(pObject->FloatAttribute("x")), std::ceil(pObject->FloatAttribute("y")));

						XMLElement* pPolyline = pObject->FirstChildElement("polyline");
						if (pPolyline != NULL) {
							std::vector<std::string> pairs;
							const char* pointString = pPolyline->Attribute("points");

							std::stringstream ss;
							ss << pointString;
							Utils::split(ss.str(), pairs, ' ');
							//Now we have each of the pairs. Loop through the list of pairs
							//and split them into Vector2s and then store them in our points vector
							for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
								std::vector<std::string> ps;
								Utils::split(pairs.at(i), ps, ',');
								points.push_back(Vector2(std::stoi(ps.at(0)), std::stoi(ps.at(1))));

						for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i += 2) {
									Vector2((p1.x + points.at(i < 2 ? i : i - 1).x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
											(p1.y + points.at(i < 2 ? i : i - 1).y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE),
									Vector2((p1.x + points.at(i < 2 ? i + 1 : i).x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
											(p1.y + points.at(i < 2 ? i + 1 : i).y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE)

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");
			else if (ss.str() == "spawn points") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						float x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						float y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						const char* name = pObject->Attribute("name");
						std::stringstream ss;
						ss << name;
						if (ss.str() == "player") {
							this->_spawnPoint = Vector2(std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
									std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE);

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");

			pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->NextSiblingElement("objectgroup");
コード例 #6
void Level::loadMap(std::string mapName, Graphics &graphics) {
	//Parse the .tmx file
	XMLDocument doc;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "content/maps/" << mapName << ".tmx"; //"Map 1" = content/maps/Map 1.tmx

	XMLElement* mapNode = doc.FirstChildElement("map");

	//Get the width and the height of the whole map and store it in _size
	int height,width;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("width", &width);
	this->_size = Vector2(width,height);

	//Get the width and the height of the tiles and store it in _tileSize
	int tileWidth, tileHeight;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("tilewidth", &tileWidth);
	this->_tileSize = Vector2(tileWidth,tileHeight);

	//load tilesets
	XMLElement* pTileset = mapNode->FirstChildElement("tileset");
	if(pTileset != NULL) {
		while(pTileset) {
			int firstgid;
			const char* source = pTileset->FirstChildElement("image")->Attribute("source");
			std::string path(source);
			path = path.substr(3,path.length());
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << "content/" << path;
			pTileset->QueryIntAttribute("firstgid", &firstgid);
			SDL_Texture* tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(graphics.getRenderer(), graphics.loadImage(ss.str()));
			this->_tilesets.push_back(Tileset(tex, firstgid));
			pTileset = pTileset->NextSiblingElement("tileset");

	//Loading the layers
	XMLElement* pLayer = mapNode->FirstChildElement("layer");
	if(pLayer != NULL) {
		while(pLayer) {
			//Loading the data element
			XMLElement* pData = pLayer->FirstChildElement("data");
			if(pData != NULL) {
					//Loading the tile element
					XMLElement* pTile = pData->FirstChildElement("tile");
					if(pTile != NULL) {
						int tileCounter = 0;
							//Build each individual tile here
							//if gid is 0, no tile should be drawn. Continue loop
							if(pTile->IntAttribute("gid") == 0){
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
								} else {

							//Get the tileset for this specific gid
							int gid = pTile->IntAttribute("gid");
							Tileset tls;
							for(int i = 0; i < this->_tilesets.size(); i++) {
								if(this->_tilesets[i].FirstGid <= gid) {
									//This is the tileset we want
									tls = this->_tilesets.at(i);
							if(tls.FirstGid == -1) {
								//No tileset was found for this gid
								if(pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile")) {
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");

							//Get the position of the tile in the level
							int xx = 0;
							int yy = 0;
							xx = tileCounter % width;
							xx = xx * tileWidth;
							yy = yy + (tileHeight * (tileCounter/width));
							Vector2 finalTilePosition = Vector2(xx,yy);

							//Calculate the position of the tile in the tileset
							int tilesetWidth, tilesetHeight;
							SDL_QueryTexture(tls.Texture, NULL, NULL, &tilesetWidth, &tilesetHeight);
							int tsxx = gid % (tilesetWidth / tileWidth) - 1;
							tsxx = tsxx * tileWidth;
							int tsyy = 0;
							int amt = (gid / (tilesetWidth / tileWidth));
							tsyy = tileHeight * amt;
							Vector2 finalTilesetPosition = Vector2(tsxx, tsyy);

							//Build the actual tile and add it to the level's tile list
							Tile tile(tls.Texture, Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight),
									finalTilesetPosition, finalTilePosition);

							pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");

					pData = pData->NextSiblingElement("data");
			pLayer = pLayer->NextSiblingElement("layer");

	//Parse out the collisions
	XMLElement* pObjectGroup = mapNode->FirstChildElement("objectgroup");
	if(pObjectGroup != NULL){
		while(pObjectGroup) {
			const char* name = pObjectGroup->Attribute("name");
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << name;
			if(ss.str() == "collisions") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if(pObject != NULL){
					while(pObject) {
						float x, y, width, height;
						x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						width = pObject->FloatAttribute("width");
						height = pObject->FloatAttribute("height");
								std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(width) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(height) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");
			}else if(ss.str() == "spawn points") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if(pObject != NULL) {
					while(pObject) {
						float x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						float y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						const char* name = pObject->Attribute("name");
						std::stringstream ss;
						ss << name;
						if(ss.str() == "player") {
							this->_spawnPoint = Vector2(std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE, std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE);

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");
			//Other objectgroups go here with an else if (ss.str() == "whatevs son") {

			pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->NextSiblingElement("objectgroup");
コード例 #7
	bool Material::ReadShaderChildren(tinyxml2::XMLElement* shaderElement, Material::VariableMap& variableMap)
		using namespace tinyxml2;

		XMLElement* shaderChild = shaderElement->FirstChildElement();
		while (shaderChild)
			//read all child data for pixel shader
			std::string _name = shaderChild->Name();
			if (_name == "float") {
				//read float
				std::string key = shaderChild->Attribute("name");
				float val = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("val");

				variableMap[key] = new FloatVariable(val);

			if (_name == "vec4") {
				//read vec4

				std::string key = shaderChild->Attribute("name");
				float x = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("x");
				float y = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("y");
				float z = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("z");
				float w = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("w");

				variableMap[key] = new Float4Variable(x, y, z, w);

			if (_name == "int") {
				//read vec4

				std::string key = shaderChild->Attribute("name");
				float val = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("val");

				variableMap[key] = new IntVariable(val);

			if (_name == "mat4") {
				//read vec4

				std::string key = shaderChild->Attribute("name");
				float a1 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("a1");
				float a2 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("a2");
				float a3 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("a3");
				float a4 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("a4");
				float b1 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("b1");
				float b2 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("b2");
				float b3 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("b3");
				float b4 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("b4");
				float c1 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("c1");
				float c2 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("c2");
				float c3 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("c3");
				float c4 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("c4");
				float d1 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("d1");
				float d2 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("d2");
				float d3 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("d3");
				float d4 = shaderChild->FloatAttribute("d4");
				float val[16] = { a1, a1, a3, a4,
									b1, b2, b3, b4,
									c1, c2, c3, c4,
									d1, d2, d3, d4 };

				variableMap[key] = new Matrix4FloatVariable(val);

			if (_name == "texture") {
				//read texture

				std::string key = shaderChild->Attribute("name");
				std::string fileName = shaderChild->Attribute("file");

				Texture* texture = ResourceManager::OpenTexture(UStringFromCharArray(fileName.c_str()));
				if (!texture) {
					return false;

				variableMap[key] = new TextureVariable(texture);

			shaderChild = shaderChild->NextSiblingElement();

		return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: level.cpp プロジェクト: jwl/mycavestory
void Level::loadMap(std::string mapName, Graphics &graphics) {
	//Parse the .tmx file
	XMLDocument doc;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "content/maps/" << mapName << ".tmx"; //Pass in Map1; content/maps/Map1.tmx

	XMLElement* mapNode = doc.FirstChildElement("map");

	//Get the width and the height of the whole map and store it in _size
	int width, height;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("width", &width);
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("height", &height);
	this->_size = Vector2(width, height);

	//Get the width and the height of an individual tile and store it in _tileSize
	int tileWidth, tileHeight;
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("tilewidth", &tileWidth);
	mapNode->QueryIntAttribute("tileheight", &tileHeight);
	this->_tileSize = Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight);

	//Load the tilesets
	XMLElement* pTileset = mapNode->FirstChildElement("tileset");
	if (pTileset != NULL) {
		while (pTileset) {
			int firstgid;
			const char* source = pTileset->FirstChildElement("image")->Attribute("source");
			std::string path = source;
			path.replace(0, 2, "content");
			pTileset->QueryIntAttribute("firstgid", &firstgid);
			SDL_Texture* tex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(graphics.getRenderer(),
			this->_tilesets.push_back(Tileset(tex, firstgid));

			// Get all the animations for that tileset
			XMLElement* pTileA = pTileset->FirstChildElement("tile");
			if (pTileA != NULL) {
				while (pTileA) {
					AnimatedTileInfo ati;
					ati.StartTileId = pTileA->IntAttribute("id") + firstgid;
					ati.TilesetsFirstGid = firstgid;
					XMLElement* pAnimation = pTileA->FirstChildElement("animation");
					if (pAnimation != NULL) {
						while (pAnimation) {
							XMLElement* pFrame = pAnimation->FirstChildElement("frame");
							if (pFrame != NULL) {
								while (pFrame) {
									ati.TileIds.push_back(pFrame->IntAttribute("tileid") + firstgid);
									ati.Duration = pFrame->IntAttribute("duration");
									pFrame = pFrame->NextSiblingElement("frame");
							pAnimation = pAnimation->NextSiblingElement("animation");
					pTileA = pTileA->NextSiblingElement("tile");

			pTileset = pTileset->NextSiblingElement("tileset");

	//Loading the layers
	XMLElement* pLayer = mapNode->FirstChildElement("layer");
	if (pLayer != NULL) {
		while (pLayer) {
			//Loading the data element
			XMLElement* pData = pLayer->FirstChildElement("data");
			if (pData != NULL) {
				while (pData) {
					//Loading the tile element
					XMLElement* pTile = pData->FirstChildElement("tile");
					if (pTile != NULL) {
						int tileCounter = 0;
						while (pTile) {
							//Build each individual tile here
							//If gid is 0, no tile should be drawn. Continue loop.
							if (pTile->IntAttribute("gid") == 0) {
								if (pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile")) {
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
								else {

							//Get the tileset for this specific gid
							int gid = pTile->IntAttribute("gid");
							Tileset tls;
							int closest = 0;
							for (int i = 0; i < this->_tilesets.size(); i++) {
								if (this->_tilesets[i].FirstGid <= gid) {
									if (this->_tilesets[i].FirstGid > closest) {
										closest = this->_tilesets[i].FirstGid;
										tls = this->_tilesets.at(i);

							if (tls.FirstGid == -1) {
								//No tileset was found for this gid
								if (pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile")) {
									pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
								else {

							//Get the position of the tile in the level
							int xx = 0;
							int yy = 0;
							xx = tileCounter % width;
							xx *= tileWidth;
							yy += tileHeight * (tileCounter / width);
							Vector2 finalTilePosition = Vector2(xx, yy);

							//Calculate the position of the tile in the tileset
							Vector2 finalTilesetPosition =
								this->getTilesetPosition(tls, gid, tileWidth, tileHeight);

							//Build the actual tile and add it to the level's tile list
							bool isAnimatedTile = false;
							AnimatedTileInfo ati;
							for (int i = 0; i < this->_animatedTileInfos.size(); i++) {
								if (this->_animatedTileInfos.at(i).StartTileId == gid) {
									ati = this->_animatedTileInfos.at(i);
									isAnimatedTile = true;
							if (isAnimatedTile == true) {
								std::vector<Vector2> tilesetPositions;
								for (int i = 0; i < ati.TileIds.size(); i++) {
												tls, ati.TileIds.at(i), tileWidth, tileHeight));
									AnimatedTile tile(tilesetPositions, ati.Duration,
											tls.Texture, Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight),
							else {
								Tile tile(tls.Texture,
										Vector2(tileWidth, tileHeight),
										finalTilesetPosition, finalTilePosition);
							pTile = pTile->NextSiblingElement("tile");
					pData = pData->NextSiblingElement("data");
			pLayer = pLayer->NextSiblingElement("layer");

	// Parse out the collisions
	XMLElement* pObjectGroup = mapNode->FirstChildElement("objectgroup");
	if (pObjectGroup != NULL) {
		while (pObjectGroup) {
			const char* name = pObjectGroup->Attribute("name");
			std::stringstream ss;
			ss << name;
			if (ss.str() == "collisions") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						float x, y, width, height;
						x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						width = pObject->FloatAttribute("width");
						height = pObject->FloatAttribute("height");
								std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(width) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
								std::ceil(height) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");

			// Other object groups go here with an else if (ss.str() == "whatever")

			else if (ss.str() == "slopes") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						std::vector<Vector2> points;
						Vector2 p1;
						p1 = Vector2(std::ceil(pObject->FloatAttribute("x")),
						XMLElement* pPolyline = pObject->FirstChildElement("polyline");
						if (pPolyline != NULL) {
							std::vector<std::string> pairs;
							const char* pointString = pPolyline->Attribute("points");

							std::stringstream ss;
							ss << pointString;
							Utils::split(ss.str(), pairs, ' ');
							// Now we have each of the pairs. Loop through the list of pairs and
							// split them into Vector2s. Then store them in points vector.
							for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
								std::vector<std::string> ps;
								Utils::split(pairs.at(i), ps, ',');
											std::stoi(ps.at(0)), std::stoi(ps.at(1))));

						for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i += 2) {
											(p1.x + points.at(i < 2 ? i : i - 1).x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
											(p1.y + points.at(i < 2 ? i : i - 1).y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE),
											(p1.x + points.at(i < 2 ? i + 1 : i).x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
											(p1.y + points.at(i < 2 ? i + 1 : i).y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE)

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");

			else if (ss.str() == "spawn points") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						float x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						float y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						const char* name = pObject->Attribute("name");
						std::stringstream ss;
						ss << name;
						if (ss.str() == "player") {
							this->_spawnPoint = Vector2(std::ceil(x) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE,
									std::ceil(y) * globals::SPRITE_SCALE);

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");

			// Parse doors if they exist
			else if (ss.str() == "doors") {
				XMLElement* pObject = pObjectGroup->FirstChildElement("object");
				if (pObject != NULL) {
					while (pObject) {
						float x = pObject->FloatAttribute("x");
						float y = pObject->FloatAttribute("y");
						float w = pObject->FloatAttribute("width");
						float h = pObject->FloatAttribute("height");
						Rectangle rect = Rectangle(x, y, w, h);

						XMLElement* pProperties = pObject->FirstChildElement("properties");
						if (pProperties != NULL) {
							while (pProperties) {
								XMLElement* pProperty = pProperties->FirstChildElement("property");
								if (pProperty != NULL) {
									while (pProperty) {
										const char* name = pProperty->Attribute("name");
										std::stringstream ss;
										ss << name;
										if (ss.str() == "destination") {
											const char* value = pProperty->Attribute("value");
											std::stringstream ss2;
											ss2 << value;
											Door door = Door(rect, ss2.str());
										pProperty = pProperty->NextSiblingElement("property");
								pProperties = pProperties->NextSiblingElement("properties");

						pObject = pObject->NextSiblingElement("object");

			pObjectGroup = pObjectGroup->NextSiblingElement("objectgroup");
コード例 #9
ファイル: tmxloader.cpp プロジェクト: nickenchev/boiler
std::unique_ptr<ensoft::tmx::Map> ensoft::tmx::TmxLoader::loadMap(std::string filename)
	Logger logger("TMX Loader");
	logger.log("Loading " + filename);
    XMLDocument doc;
    XMLError error = doc.LoadFile(filename.c_str());
    std::unique_ptr<ensoft::tmx::Map> map;

    if (error != XMLError::XML_NO_ERROR)
		logger.error("Error code: " + std::to_string(error));
        // start parsing the TMX map
        XMLElement *xmap = doc.FirstChildElement("map");
        map = std::make_unique<ensoft::tmx::Map>(loadProperties(xmap));
        map->version = xmap->Attribute("version");
        map->orientation = xmap->Attribute("orientation");
        map->width = xmap->IntAttribute("width");
        map->height = xmap->IntAttribute("height");
        map->tilewidth = xmap->IntAttribute("tilewidth");
        map->tileheight = xmap->IntAttribute("tileheight");
        map->renderorder = xmap->Attribute("renderorder");
        map->properties = loadProperties(xmap);

        // load all the tilesets
        XMLElement *xtileset = xmap->FirstChildElement("tileset");
        while (xtileset)
            auto tileSet = std::make_unique<ensoft::tmx::TileSet>(loadProperties(xtileset));
            tileSet->firstgid = xtileset->IntAttribute("firstgid");
            tileSet->source = getAttributeString(xtileset, "source");
            tileSet->name = getAttributeString(xtileset, "name");
            tileSet->tilewidth = xtileset->IntAttribute("tilewidth");
            tileSet->tileheight = xtileset->IntAttribute("tileheight");
            tileSet->spacing = xtileset->IntAttribute("spacing");
            tileSet->margin = xtileset->IntAttribute("margin");

            // get the tiles for this tileset
            XMLElement *xtile = xtileset->FirstChildElement("tile");
            while (xtile)
                auto tile = make_unique<ensoft::tmx::Tile>(loadProperties(xtile));
                tile->id = xtile->IntAttribute("id");
                tile->terrain = getAttributeString(xtile, "terrain");
                tile->probability = xtile->FloatAttribute("probability");
                tile->image = loadImage(xtile);

                // keep track of all tiles and their global IDs
                int tileGid = tileSet->firstgid + tile->id;
                map->allTiles[tileGid] = tile.get();
                std::cout << "[TMX Loader] Added: " << tile->image.source << " GID: " << tileGid << " Tileset: " << tileSet->name << std::endl;

                xtile = xtile->NextSiblingElement("tile");

            // try to find another tileset
            xtileset = xtileset->NextSiblingElement("tileset");

        XMLElement *xlayer = xmap->FirstChildElement("layer");
        while (xlayer)
            auto layer = std::make_shared<ensoft::tmx::Layer>(loadProperties(xlayer));
            layer->name = xlayer->Attribute("name");
            layer->x = xlayer->IntAttribute("x");
            layer->y = xlayer->IntAttribute("y");
            layer->width = xlayer->IntAttribute("width");
            layer->height = xlayer->IntAttribute("height");
            layer->opacity = xlayer->FloatAttribute("opacity");
            layer->visible = xlayer->BoolAttribute("visible");

            // load the data element
            XMLElement *xdata = xlayer->FirstChildElement("data");
            if (xdata)
                string data = trim_copy(xdata->GetText());
                loadData(*layer, map.get(), data);
            xlayer = xlayer->NextSiblingElement("layer");

        XMLElement *ximagelayer = xmap->FirstChildElement("imagelayer");
        while (ximagelayer)
            auto imageLayer = std::make_unique<ensoft::tmx::ImageLayer>(loadProperties(ximagelayer));
            imageLayer->name = ximagelayer->Attribute("name");
            imageLayer->x = ximagelayer->IntAttribute("x");
            imageLayer->y = ximagelayer->IntAttribute("y");
            imageLayer->width = ximagelayer->IntAttribute("width");
            imageLayer->height = ximagelayer->IntAttribute("height");
            imageLayer->opacity = ximagelayer->FloatAttribute("opacity");
            imageLayer->visible = ximagelayer->BoolAttribute("visible");

            imageLayer->image = loadImage(ximagelayer);

            ximagelayer = ximagelayer->NextSiblingElement("imagelayer");

        XMLElement *xobjectgroup = xmap->FirstChildElement("objectgroup");
        while (xobjectgroup)
            auto objectGroup = std::make_unique<ensoft::tmx::ObjectGroup>(loadProperties(xobjectgroup));
            objectGroup->name = xobjectgroup->Attribute("name");
            objectGroup->x = xobjectgroup->IntAttribute("x");
            objectGroup->y = xobjectgroup->IntAttribute("y");
            objectGroup->width = xobjectgroup->IntAttribute("width");
            objectGroup->height = xobjectgroup->IntAttribute("height");
            objectGroup->opacity = xobjectgroup->FloatAttribute("opacity");
            objectGroup->visible = xobjectgroup->BoolAttribute("visible");

            //grab the objects
            XMLElement *xobject = xobjectgroup->FirstChildElement("object");
            while (xobject)
                auto object = std::make_unique<ensoft::tmx::Object>(loadProperties(xobject));
                object->id = xobject->Attribute("id");
                object->name = getAttributeString(xobject, "name");
                object->type = getAttributeString(xobject, "type");
                object->x = xobject->IntAttribute("x");
                object->y = xobject->IntAttribute("y");
                object->width = xobject->IntAttribute("witdth");
                object->height = xobject->IntAttribute("height");
                object->gid = xobject->IntAttribute("gid");
                object->visible = xobject->BoolAttribute("visible");

                xobject = xobject->NextSiblingElement("object");
            xobjectgroup = xobjectgroup->NextSiblingElement("objectgroup");

    return std::move(map); 
コード例 #10
void LevelFileHelper::loadLevel()
    XMLDocument doc;
//    doc.LoadFile(CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename("test.xml").c_str());
//    const char* content= doc.FirstChildElement( "Hello" )->GetText();
//    printf( "Hello,%s\n", content );
    _pineapples = CCArray::create();
    _ropes = CCArray::create();
    unsigned char* pBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned long bufferSize = 0;
    //for android
    pBuffer = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getFileData(_levelFile, "r", &bufferSize);
    if (pBuffer)
        doc.Parse((const char*)pBuffer);
//    doc.LoadFile(_levelFile);
    XMLElement *level = doc.RootElement();
    XMLElement *pineaplle = level->FirstChildElement("pineapple");
    while (pineaplle) {
        int id = (int)pineaplle->IntAttribute("id");
        float x = pineaplle->FloatAttribute("x");
        float y = pineaplle->FloatAttribute("y");
        float damping = pineaplle->FloatAttribute("damping");
        PineappleModel *pm = new PineappleModel();
        pm->id = id;
        pm->position = ccp(x,y);
        pm->damping = damping > 0 ? damping : kDefaultDamping;
        //CCLOG("id = %d",id);
        pineaplle = pineaplle->NextSiblingElement("pineapple");
    XMLElement *rope = level->FirstChildElement("rope");
    int ropeID = 1;
    while (rope) {
        RopeModel *rm = new RopeModel;
        rm->id = ropeID;
        const XMLElement* ropeChild = rope->FirstChildElement();
        int bodyAId = ropeChild->IntAttribute("body");
        rm->bodyAId = bodyAId;
        float ax;
        float ay;
        if (rm->bodyAId == -1) {
            ax = ropeChild->FloatAttribute("x");
            ay = ropeChild->FloatAttribute("y");
            PineappleModel *pm = this->getPineappleWithID(rm->bodyAId);
            ax = pm->position.x;
            ay = pm->position.y;
        rm->achorA = ccp(ax,ay);
        ropeChild = ropeChild->NextSiblingElement();
        int bodyBId = ropeChild->IntAttribute("body");
        rm->bodyBId = bodyBId;

        if (rm->bodyBId == -1) {
            ax = ropeChild->FloatAttribute("x");
            ay = ropeChild->FloatAttribute("y");
            PineappleModel *pm = this->getPineappleWithID(rm->bodyBId);
            ax = pm->position.x;
            ay = pm->position.y;
        rm->achorB = ccp(ax,ay);
        float sagity = rope->FloatAttribute("sagity");
        if (sagity > 0) {
            rm->sagity = sagity;
        //next rope
        rope = rope->NextSiblingElement("rope");
コード例 #11
Scene* XMLLoader::parseSceneXML(std::string fpath) {
    tinyxml2::XMLDocument document;
    XMLError error = document.LoadFile(fpath.c_str());
    if (error != XML_SUCCESS) {
	    return NULL;
    XMLElement* root = document.RootElement();

    XMLElement* sceneElement = root->FirstChildElement();
    Scene* scene = new Scene();
    while(sceneElement != NULL) {
        std::string elementType = sceneElement->Name();
        if(elementType == "camera") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();
            float xFoV = 60.f;
            float yFoV = 60.f;
            float nearClip = 0.1f;
            float farClip = 1000.f;
            float width = 800.f;
            float height = 600.f;
            XMFLOAT3 up(0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT3 lookAt(0.f, 0.f, -10.f);
            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT3 rotateAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            float rotateDegrees = 0.f;

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "perspective") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("xfov", &xFoV);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("yfov", &yFoV);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("near", &nearClip);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("far", &farClip);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("width", &width);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("height", &height);
                } else if(info == "lookat") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &lookAt.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &lookAt.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &lookAt.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("upX", &up.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("upY", &up.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("upZ", &up.z);
                } else if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "rotate") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisX", &rotateAxis.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisY", &rotateAxis.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisZ", &rotateAxis.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("degrees", &rotateDegrees);                    
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create camera
            Camera* camera = new Camera(width, height, xFoV, yFoV, nearClip, farClip);
            camera->setTarget(lookAt, up);

            //set camera in scene

        } else if(elementType == "pointLight") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();
            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT4 color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "color") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("r", &color.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("g", &color.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("b", &color.z);                    
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create pointlight
            PointLight* pointLight = new PointLight();
            pointLight->power = color;
            //add pointlight to scene

        } else if(elementType == "areaLight") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();

            float width = sceneElement->FloatAttribute("width");
            float height = sceneElement->FloatAttribute("height");

            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT4 color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 target = translate;
            XMFLOAT3 rotateAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 scale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            float rotateDegrees = 0.f;

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "color") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("r", &color.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("g", &color.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("b", &color.z);                    
                } else if(info == "target") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &target.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &target.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &target.z);                   
                } else if(info == "rotate") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisX", &rotateAxis.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisY", &rotateAxis.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisZ", &rotateAxis.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("degrees", &rotateDegrees);                     
                } else if(info == "scale") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &scale.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &scale.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &scale.z);                 
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create arealight
            AreaLight* areaLight = new AreaLight();
            areaLight->width = width;
            areaLight->height = height;
            areaLight->setRotation(rotateAxis, rotateDegrees);
            areaLight->power = color;

            XMVECTOR pos = XMLoadFloat3(&translate);
            XMVECTOR tar = XMLoadFloat3(&target);
            XMStoreFloat3(&areaLight->direction, XMVector3Normalize(tar - pos));

            //add arealight to scene

        } else if(elementType == "sphere") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();

            // get sphere information
            float radius = sceneElement->FloatAttribute("radius");

            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT3 color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 scale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 target = translate;
            XMFLOAT3 rotateAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            float rotateDegrees = 0.f;

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "color") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("r", &color.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("g", &color.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("b", &color.z);                  
                } else if(info == "rotate") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisX", &rotateAxis.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisY", &rotateAxis.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisZ", &rotateAxis.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("degrees", &rotateDegrees);                     
                } else if(info == "scale") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &scale.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &scale.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &scale.z);                 
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create sphere
            Sphere* sphere = new Sphere();
            sphere->setRotation(rotateAxis, rotateDegrees);
            sphere->color = color;

            //add sphere to scene

        } else if(elementType == "cube") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();

            float edgelen = sceneElement->FloatAttribute("edgelen");

            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT3 color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 scale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 target = translate;
            XMFLOAT3 rotateAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            float rotateDegrees = 0.f;

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "color") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("r", &color.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("g", &color.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("b", &color.z);                   
                } else if(info == "rotate") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisX", &rotateAxis.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisY", &rotateAxis.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisZ", &rotateAxis.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("degrees", &rotateDegrees);                     
                } else if(info == "scale") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &scale.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &scale.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &scale.z);                  
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create cube
            Cube* cube = new Cube();
            cube->setRotation(rotateAxis, rotateDegrees);

            cube->color = color;

            //add cube to scene

        } else if(elementType == "square") {
            XMLElement* elementInfo = sceneElement->FirstChildElement();

            float edgelen = sceneElement->FloatAttribute("edgelen");

            XMFLOAT3 translate(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
            XMFLOAT3 color(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 scale(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
            XMFLOAT3 target = translate;
            XMFLOAT3 rotateAxis(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
            float rotateDegrees = 0.f;

            while(elementInfo != NULL) {
                std::string info = elementInfo->Name();
                if(info == "translate") { 
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &translate.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &translate.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &translate.z);
                } else if(info == "color") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("r", &color.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("g", &color.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("b", &color.z);                 
                } else if(info == "rotate") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisX", &rotateAxis.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisY", &rotateAxis.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("axisZ", &rotateAxis.z);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("degrees", &rotateDegrees);                      
                } else if(info == "scale") {
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("x", &scale.x);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("y", &scale.y);
                    elementInfo->QueryFloatAttribute("z", &scale.z);                     
                } else {
                    std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";

                elementInfo = elementInfo->NextSiblingElement();

            //create square
            Square* square = new Square();
            square->setRotation(rotateAxis, rotateDegrees);

            square->color = color;

            //add square to scene

        } else {
            std::cout << __LINE__ << " -- boom\n";
        sceneElement = sceneElement->NextSiblingElement();

    return scene;
