void the_end(display &disp, std::string text, unsigned int duration) { // // Some sane defaults. // if(text.empty()) text = _("The End"); if(!duration) duration = 3500; SDL_Rect area = screen_area(); CVideo &video = disp.video(); sdl_fill_rect(video.getSurface(),&area,0); update_whole_screen(); disp.flip(); const size_t font_size = font::SIZE_XLARGE; area = font::text_area(text,font_size); area.x = screen_area().w/2 - area.w/2; area.y = screen_area().h/2 - area.h/2; for(size_t n = 0; n < 255; n += 5) { if(n) sdl_fill_rect(video.getSurface(),&area,0); const SDL_Color col = create_color(n, n, n, n); font::draw_text(&video,area,font_size,col,text,area.x,area.y); update_rect(area); events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); disp.delay(10); } // // Delay after the end of fading. // Rounded to multiples of 10. // unsigned int count = duration/10; while(count) { events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); disp.delay(10); --count; } }
static void run_lobby_loop(display& disp, mp::ui& ui) { disp.video().modeChanged(); bool first = true; font::cache_mode(font::CACHE_LOBBY); while (ui.get_result() == mp::ui::CONTINUE) { if (disp.video().modeChanged() || first) { SDL_Rect lobby_pos = { 0, 0, disp.video().getx(), disp.video().gety() }; ui.set_location(lobby_pos); first = false; } // process network data first so user actions can override the result // or uptodate data can prevent invalid actions // i.e. press cancel while you receive [start_game] or press start game while someone leaves ui.process_network(); events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); disp.delay(20); } font::cache_mode(font::CACHE_GAME); }
/** * Open a help dialog using a toplevel other than the default. * * This allows for complete customization of the contents, although not in a * very easy way. */ void show_help(display &disp, const section &toplevel_sec, const std::string& show_topic, int xloc, int yloc) { const events::event_context dialog_events_context; const gui::dialog_manager manager; const resize_lock prevent_resizing; CVideo& screen = disp.video(); const surface& scr = screen.getSurface(); const int width = std::min<int>(font::relative_size(1000), scr->w - font::relative_size(20)); const int height = std::min<int>(font::relative_size(800), scr->h - font::relative_size(150)); const int left_padding = font::relative_size(10); const int right_padding = font::relative_size(10); const int top_padding = font::relative_size(10); const int bot_padding = font::relative_size(10); // If not both locations were supplied, put the dialog in the middle // of the screen. if (yloc <= -1 || xloc <= -1) { xloc = scr->w / 2 - width / 2; yloc = scr->h / 2 - height / 2; } std::vector<gui::button*> buttons_ptr; gui::button close_button_(disp.video(), _("Close")); buttons_ptr.push_back(&close_button_); gui::dialog_frame f(disp.video(), _("The Battle for Wesnoth Help"), gui::dialog_frame::default_style, true, &buttons_ptr); f.layout(xloc, yloc, width, height); f.draw(); // Find all unit_types that have not been constructed yet and fill in the information // needed to create the help topics unit_types.build_all(unit_type::HELP_INDEXED); if (preferences::encountered_units().size() != size_t(last_num_encountered_units) || preferences::encountered_terrains().size() != size_t(last_num_encountered_terrains) || last_debug_state != game_config::debug || last_num_encountered_units < 0) { // More units or terrains encountered, update the contents. last_num_encountered_units = preferences::encountered_units().size(); last_num_encountered_terrains = preferences::encountered_terrains().size(); last_debug_state = game_config::debug; generate_contents(); } try { help_browser hb(disp, toplevel_sec); hb.set_location(xloc + left_padding, yloc + top_padding); hb.set_width(width - left_padding - right_padding); hb.set_height(height - top_padding - bot_padding); if (show_topic != "") { hb.show_topic(show_topic); } else { hb.show_topic(default_show_topic); } hb.set_dirty(true); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); disp.invalidate_all(); CKey key; for (;;) { events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); if (key[SDLK_ESCAPE]) { // Escape quits from the dialog. return; } for (std::vector<gui::button*>::iterator button_it = buttons_ptr.begin(); button_it != buttons_ptr.end(); ++button_it) { if ((*button_it)->pressed()) { // There is only one button, close. return; } } disp.flip(); disp.delay(10); } } catch (parse_error& e) { std::stringstream msg; msg << _("Parse error when parsing help text: ") << "'" << e.message << "'"; gui2::show_transient_message(disp.video(), "", msg.str()); } }
/** * Show credits with list of contributors. * * Names of people are shown scrolling up like in movie-credits.\n * Uses map from wesnoth or campaign as background. */ void show_about(display &disp, std::string campaign) { cursor::set(cursor::WAIT); CVideo &video = disp.video(); // surface screen = video.getSurface(); // if (screen == NULL) return; std::vector<std::string> text = about::get_text(campaign); // SDL_Rect screen_rect = {0, 0, video.getx(), video.gety()}; // const surface_restorer restorer(&video, screen_rect); cursor::set(cursor::NORMAL); std::vector<shared_string> image_list; if(campaign.size() && !images[campaign].empty()){ image_list=utils::split_shared(images[campaign]); }else{ image_list=utils::split_shared(images_default,',',utils::STRIP_SPACES); } surface map_image(scale_surface(image::get_image(image_list[0]), video.getx(), video.gety())); if(! map_image){ image_list[0]=game_config::game_title; map_image=surface(scale_surface(image::get_image(image_list[0]), video.getx(), video.gety())); } gui::button close(video,_("Close")); close.set_location((video.getx()/2)-(close.width()/2), video.gety() - 30); close.set_volatile(true); const int def_size = font::SIZE_XLARGE; const SDL_Color def_color = font::NORMAL_COLOUR; //substitute in the correct control characters for '+' and '-' std::string before_header(2, ' '); before_header[0] = font::LARGE_TEXT; for(unsigned i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { std::string &s = text[i]; if (s.empty()) continue; char &first = s[0]; if (first == '-') first = font::SMALL_TEXT; else if (first == '+') { first = font::LARGE_TEXT; text.insert(text.begin() + i, before_header); ++i; } } text.insert(text.begin(), 10, before_header); int startline = 0; //TODO: use values proportionnal to screen ? // distance from top of map image to top of scrolling text const int top_margin = 60; // distance from bottom of scrolling text to bottom of map image const int bottom_margin = 40; // distance from left of scrolling text to the frame border const int text_left_padding = video.getx()/32; int offset = 0; bool is_new_line = true; int first_line_height = 0; SDL_Rect frame_area = { video.getx() * 3/32, top_margin, video.getx() * 13 / 16, video.gety() - top_margin - bottom_margin }; // we use a dialog to contains the text. Strange idea but at least the style // will be consistent with the titlescreen gui::dialog_frame f(video, "", gui::dialog_frame::titlescreen_style, false); // set the layout and get the interior rectangle SDL_Rect text_rect = f.layout(frame_area).interior; text_rect.x += text_left_padding; text_rect.w -= text_left_padding; // make a copy to prevent SDL_blit to change its w and h SDL_Rect text_rect_blit = text_rect; CKey key; bool last_escape; surface text_surf = create_neutral_surface(text_rect.w, text_rect.h); //create_compatible_surface(screen, text_rect.w, text_rect.h); SDL_SetAlpha(text_surf, SDL_RLEACCEL, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); int image_count = 0; int scroll_speed = 4; // scroll_speed*50 = speed of scroll in pixel per second // initialy redraw all bool redraw_mapimage = true; int max_text_width = text_rect.w; do { last_escape = key[SDLK_ESCAPE] != 0; // check to see if background image has changed if(text.size() && (image_count < ((startline * static_cast<int>(image_list.size())) / static_cast<int>(text.size())))){ image_count++; surface temp=surface(scale_surface(image::get_image(image_list[image_count]), video.getx(), video.gety())); map_image=temp?temp:map_image; redraw_mapimage = true; } // if (redraw_mapimage) { // draw map to screen, thus erasing all text //SDL_BlitSurface(map_image, NULL, screen, NULL); blit_surface(0, 0, map_image); // update_rect(screen_rect); // redraw the dialog f.draw_background(); f.draw_border(); // cache the dialog background (alpha blending + blurred map) //SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &text_rect, text_surf, NULL); redraw_mapimage = false; } /* else { // redraw the saved part of the dialog where text scrolled // thus erasing all text SDL_Rect modified = {0,0, max_text_width, text_rect.h}; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surf, &modified, screen, &text_rect_blit); //update_rect(text_rect); } */ const int line_spacing = 5; int y = text_rect.y - offset; int line = startline; int cur_line = 0; max_text_width = 0; { // clip to keep text into the frame (thus the new code block) clip_rect_setter set_clip_rect(/*screen,*/ text_rect); do { // draw the text (with ellipsis if needed) // update the max_text_width for future cleaning int w = font::draw_text(&video, text_rect, def_size, def_color, text[line], text_rect.x, y).w; max_text_width = std::max<int>(max_text_width, w); // since the real drawing on screen is clipped, // we do a dummy one to get the height of the not clipped line. // (each time because special format characters may change it) const int line_height = font::draw_text(NULL, text_rect, def_size, def_color, text[line], 0,0).h; if(is_new_line) { is_new_line = false; first_line_height = line_height + line_spacing; } line++; if(size_t(line) > text.size()-1) line = 0; y += line_height + line_spacing; cur_line++; } while(y < text_rect.y + text_rect.h); } // performs the actual scrolling offset += scroll_speed; if (offset>=first_line_height) { offset -= first_line_height; is_new_line = true; startline++; if(size_t(startline) == text.size()){ startline = 0; image_count = -1; } } // handle events if (key[SDLK_UP] && scroll_speed < 20) { ++scroll_speed; } if (key[SDLK_DOWN] && scroll_speed > 0) { --scroll_speed; } events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); // flip screen and wait, so the text does not scroll too fast disp.flip(); disp.delay(20); } while(!close.pressed() && (last_escape || !key[SDLK_ESCAPE])); }
void show_hotkeys_dialog (display & disp, config *save_config) { log_scope ("show_hotkeys_dialog"); const events::event_context dialog_events_context; const int centerx = disp.w()/2; const int centery = disp.h()/2; const int width = 700; const int height = disp.video().gety() < 600 ? 380 : 500; const int xpos = centerx - width/2; const int ypos = centery - height/2; gui::button close_button (disp.video(), _("Close")); std::vector<gui::button*> buttons; buttons.push_back(&close_button); gui::dialog_frame f(disp.video(),_("Hotkey Settings"),gui::dialog_frame::default_style,true,&buttons); f.layout(xpos,ypos,width,height); f.draw(); SDL_Rect clip_rect = create_rect(0, 0, disp.w (), disp.h ()); SDL_Rect text_size = font::draw_text(NULL, clip_rect, font::SIZE_LARGE, font::NORMAL_COLOR,_("Press desired hotkey (Esc cancels)"), 0, 0); std::vector<std::string> menu_items; std::vector<hotkey::hotkey_item>& hotkeys = hotkey::get_hotkeys(); for(std::vector<hotkey::hotkey_item>::iterator i = hotkeys.begin(); i != hotkeys.end(); ++i) { if(i->hidden() || !i->is_in_active_scope()) continue; std::stringstream str,name; name << i->get_description(); str << name.str(); str << COLUMN_SEPARATOR; // This trick allows to display chars identical to markup characters str << font::NULL_MARKUP << i->get_name(); menu_items.push_back(str.str()); } std::ostringstream heading; heading << HEADING_PREFIX << _("Action") << COLUMN_SEPARATOR << _("Binding"); menu_items.push_back(heading.str()); gui::menu::basic_sorter sorter; sorter.set_alpha_sort(0).set_alpha_sort(1); gui::menu menu_(disp.video(), menu_items, false, height - font::relative_size(10), -1, &sorter, &gui::menu::bluebg_style); menu_.sort_by(0); menu_.reset_selection(); menu_.set_width(font::relative_size(500)); menu_.set_location(xpos + font::relative_size(10), ypos + font::relative_size(10)); gui::button change_button (disp.video(), _("Change Hotkey")); change_button.set_location(xpos + width - change_button.width () - font::relative_size(30),ypos + font::relative_size(30)); gui::button clear_button (disp.video(), _("Clear Hotkey")); clear_button.set_location(xpos + width - clear_button.width () - font::relative_size(30),ypos + font::relative_size(80)); // gui::button save_button (disp.video(), _("Save Hotkeys")); // save_button.set_location(xpos + width - save_button.width () - font::relative_size(30),ypos + font::relative_size(130)); escape_handler esc_hand; for(;;) { if (close_button.pressed() || esc_hand.escape_pressed()) { if (save_config == NULL) { save_hotkeys(); } else { hotkey::save_hotkeys(*save_config); } break; } if (change_button.pressed () || menu_.double_clicked()) { // Lets change this hotkey...... SDL_Rect dlgr = create_rect(centerx - text_size.w / 2 - 30 , centery - text_size.h / 2 - 16 , text_size.w + 60 , text_size.h + 32); surface_restorer restorer(&disp.video(),dlgr); gui::dialog_frame mini_frame(disp.video()); mini_frame.layout(centerx-text_size.w/2 - 20, centery-text_size.h/2 - 6, text_size.w+40, text_size.h+12); mini_frame.draw_background(); mini_frame.draw_border(); font::draw_text (&disp.video(), clip_rect, font::SIZE_LARGE,font::NORMAL_COLOR, _("Press desired hotkey (Esc cancels)"),centerx-text_size.w/2, centery-text_size.h/2); disp.update_display(); SDL_Event event; event.type = 0; int character = 0, keycode = 0, mod = 0; // Just to avoid warning int joystick = 0, button = 0, hat = 0, value = 0; const int any_mod = KMOD_CTRL | KMOD_ALT | KMOD_LMETA; while (event.type!=SDL_KEYDOWN && event.type!=SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN && event.type!= SDL_JOYHATMOTION) SDL_PollEvent(&event); do { if (event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN) { keycode=event.key.keysym.sym; character=event.key.keysym.unicode; mod=event.key.keysym.mod; }; if (event.type==SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { joystick = event.jbutton.which; button = event.jbutton.button; } if (event.type==SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { joystick = event.jhat.which; hat = event.jhat.hat; value = event.jhat.value; } SDL_PollEvent(&event); disp.flip(); disp.delay(10); } while (event.type!=SDL_KEYUP && event.type!=SDL_JOYBUTTONUP && event.type!=SDL_JOYHATMOTION); restorer.restore(); disp.update_display(); if (keycode == SDLK_ESCAPE && (mod & any_mod) == 0) { //cancel -- no action } else { const hotkey::hotkey_item& oldhk = hotkey::get_hotkey(character, keycode, (mod & KMOD_SHIFT) != 0, (mod & KMOD_CTRL) != 0, (mod & KMOD_ALT) != 0, (mod & KMOD_LMETA) != 0); hotkey::hotkey_item& newhk = hotkey::get_visible_hotkey(menu_.selection()); if(oldhk.get_id() != newhk.get_id() && !oldhk.null()) { std::stringstream msg; msg << " " << oldhk.get_description() << " : " << oldhk.get_name(); gui2::show_transient_message(disp.video(),_("This hotkey is already in use."),msg.str()); } else { if (event.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { const hotkey::hotkey_item& oldhkhat = hotkey::get_hotkey(joystick, hat, value); if(oldhkhat.get_id() != newhk.get_id() && !oldhkhat.null()) { std::stringstream msg; msg << " " << oldhkhat.get_description() << " : " << oldhkhat.get_name(); gui2::show_transient_message(disp.video(),_("This hotkey is already in use."),msg.str()); } else { newhk.set_hat(joystick, hat, value); menu_.change_item(menu_.selection(), 1, font::NULL_MARKUP + newhk.get_name()); } } else if (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) { const hotkey::hotkey_item& oldhkbtn = hotkey::get_hotkey(button, joystick); if(oldhkbtn.get_id() != newhk.get_id() && !oldhkbtn.null()) { std::stringstream msg; msg << " " << oldhkbtn.get_description() << " : " << oldhkbtn.get_name(); gui2::show_transient_message(disp.video(),_("This hotkey is already in use."),msg.str()); } else { newhk.set_button(button, joystick); menu_.change_item(menu_.selection(), 1, font::NULL_MARKUP + newhk.get_name()); } } else { newhk.set_key(character, keycode, (mod & KMOD_SHIFT) != 0, (mod & KMOD_CTRL) != 0, (mod & KMOD_ALT) != 0, (mod & KMOD_LMETA) != 0); menu_.change_item(menu_.selection(), 1, font::NULL_MARKUP + newhk.get_name()); if ((newhk.get_id() == hotkey::HOTKEY_SCREENSHOT || newhk.get_id() == hotkey::HOTKEY_MAP_SCREENSHOT) && (mod & any_mod) == 0) { gui2::show_transient_message(disp.video(), _("Warning"), _("Screenshot hotkeys should be combined with the Control, Alt or Meta modifiers to avoid problems.")); } } } } } // if (save_button.pressed()) { // if (save_config == NULL) { // save_hotkeys(); // } else { // hotkey::save_hotkeys(*save_config); // } // } if (clear_button.pressed()) { // clear hotkey hotkey::hotkey_item& newhk = hotkey::get_visible_hotkey(menu_.selection()); newhk.clear_hotkey(); menu_.change_item(menu_.selection(), 1, font::NULL_MARKUP + newhk.get_name()); } menu_.process(); events::pump(); events::raise_process_event(); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.update_display(); disp.delay(10); } }
static network::connection network_data_dialog(display& disp, const std::string& msg, config& cfg, network::connection connection_num, network::statistics (*get_stats)(network::connection handle)) { const size_t width = 300; const size_t height = 80; const size_t border = 20; const int left = disp.w()/2 - width/2; const int top = disp.h()/2 - height/2; const events::event_context dialog_events_context; gui::button cancel_button(disp.video(),_("Cancel")); std::vector<gui::button*> buttons_ptr(1,&cancel_button); gui::dialog_frame frame(disp.video(), msg, gui::dialog_frame::default_style, true, &buttons_ptr); SDL_Rect centered_layout = frame.layout(left,top,width,height).interior; centered_layout.x = disp.w() / 2 - centered_layout.w / 2; centered_layout.y = disp.h() / 2 - centered_layout.h / 2; // HACK: otherwise we get an empty useless space in the dialog below the progressbar centered_layout.h = height; frame.layout(centered_layout); frame.draw(); const SDL_Rect progress_rect = create_rect(centered_layout.x + border , centered_layout.y + border , centered_layout.w - border * 2 , centered_layout.h - border * 2); gui::progress_bar progress(disp.video()); progress.set_location(progress_rect); events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); network::statistics old_stats = get_stats(connection_num); cfg.clear(); for(;;) { const network::connection res = network::receive_data(cfg,connection_num,100); const network::statistics stats = get_stats(connection_num); if(stats.current_max != 0 && stats != old_stats) { old_stats = stats; progress.set_progress_percent((stats.current*100)/stats.current_max); std::ostringstream stream; stream << stats.current/1024 << "/" << stats.current_max/1024 << _("KB"); progress.set_text(stream.str()); } events::raise_draw_event(); disp.flip(); events::pump(); if(res != 0) { return res; } if(cancel_button.pressed()) { return res; } } }