// setMorphFromMesh()
BOOL LLPolyMorphData::setMorphFromMesh(LLPolyMesh *morph)
	if (!morph)
		return FALSE;

	LLVector4a *morph_coords     = morph->getWritableCoords();
	LLVector4a *morph_normals    = morph->getWritableNormals();
	LLVector4a *morph_binormals  = morph->getWritableBinormals();
	LLVector2 *morph_tex_coords = morph->getWritableTexCoords();

	// We now have the morph loaded as a mesh.  We have to subtract the
	// base mesh to get the delta morph.

	LLPolyMesh delta(mMesh, NULL);
	U32 nverts = delta.getNumVertices();

	LLVector4a *delta_coords     = delta.getWritableCoords();
	LLVector4a *delta_normals    = delta.getWritableNormals();
	LLVector4a *delta_binormals  = delta.getWritableBinormals();
	LLVector2 *delta_tex_coords = delta.getWritableTexCoords();

	U32 num_significant = 0;
	U32 vert_index;
	for( vert_index = 0; vert_index < nverts; vert_index++)
		delta_coords[vert_index].setSub(	morph_coords[vert_index], delta_coords[vert_index]);
		delta_normals[vert_index].setSub(	morph_normals[vert_index], delta_normals[vert_index]);
		delta_binormals[vert_index].setSub(	morph_binormals[vert_index], delta_binormals[vert_index]);
		delta_tex_coords[vert_index] =		morph_tex_coords[vert_index] - delta_tex_coords[vert_index];

		// For the normals and binormals, we really want the deltas
		// to be perpendicular to the mesh (bi)normals in the plane
		// that contains both the mesh and morph (bi)normals, such
		// that the morph (bi)normals form the hypotenuses of right
		// triangles. Right now, we just compute the difference vector.

		if (delta_coords[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()		> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_normals[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()		> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_binormals[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()	> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_tex_coords[vert_index].length()				> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA)

	// compute new morph

	// If the morph matches the base mesh, we store one vertex to prevent
	// zero length vectors.

	U32 nindices = num_significant;
	if (num_significant == 0)
		nindices = 1;

	LLVector4a* new_coords     = new LLVector4a[nindices];
	LLVector4a* new_normals    = new LLVector4a[nindices];
	LLVector4a* new_binormals  = new LLVector4a[nindices];
	LLVector2* new_tex_coords = new LLVector2[nindices];
	U32* new_vertex_indices   = new U32[nindices];

    // We'll set the distortion directly
	mTotalDistortion = 0.f;
	mMaxDistortion   = 0.f;

	U32 morph_index = 0;
	for( vert_index = 0; vert_index < nverts; vert_index++)
		if (delta_coords[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()		> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_normals[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()		> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_binormals[vert_index].getLength3().getF32()	> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  delta_tex_coords[vert_index].length()				> SIGNIFICANT_DELTA
		||  num_significant == 0)
			new_vertex_indices[morph_index] = vert_index;

			new_coords[morph_index]     = delta_coords[vert_index];
			new_normals[morph_index]    = delta_normals[vert_index];
			new_binormals[morph_index]  = delta_binormals[vert_index];
			new_tex_coords[morph_index] = delta_tex_coords[vert_index];

			F32 magnitude = new_coords[morph_index].getLength3().getF32();

			mTotalDistortion += magnitude;
			LLVector4a t;

			if (magnitude > mMaxDistortion)
				mMaxDistortion = magnitude;

			num_significant = 1;


	// compute the change in the morph

	// Because meshes are set by continually updating morph weights
	// there is no easy way to reapply the morphs, so we just compute
	// the change in this morph and apply that appropriately weighted.

	for( morph_index = 0; morph_index < mNumIndices; morph_index++)
		vert_index = mVertexIndices[morph_index];

		delta_coords[vert_index].sub(	mCoords[morph_index]);
		delta_normals[vert_index].sub(	mNormals[morph_index]);
		delta_tex_coords[vert_index] -= mTexCoords[morph_index];

	// Update all avatars

	std::vector< LLCharacter* >::iterator avatar_it;
	for(avatar_it = LLCharacter::sInstances.begin(); avatar_it != LLCharacter::sInstances.end(); ++avatar_it)
		LLVOAvatar* avatarp = (LLVOAvatar*)*avatar_it;

		LLPolyMorphTarget* param = (LLPolyMorphTarget*) avatarp->getVisualParam(mName.c_str());
		if (!param)

		F32 weight = param->getLastWeight();
		if (weight == 0.0f)

		LLPolyMesh* mesh = avatarp->getMesh(mMesh);
		if (!mesh)

		// If we have a vertex mask, just remove it.  It will be recreated.
		/*if (param->undoMask(TRUE))

		LLVector4a *mesh_coords           = mesh->getWritableCoords();
		LLVector4a *mesh_normals          = mesh->getWritableNormals();
		LLVector4a *mesh_binormals        = mesh->getWritableBinormals();
		LLVector2 *mesh_tex_coords        = mesh->getWritableTexCoords();
		LLVector4a *mesh_scaled_normals   = mesh->getScaledNormals();
		LLVector4a *mesh_scaled_binormals = mesh->getScaledBinormals();

		for( vert_index = 0; vert_index < nverts; vert_index++)

			mesh_tex_coords[vert_index]       += delta_tex_coords[vert_index] * weight;

			delta_normals[vert_index].mul(weight * NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);
			LLVector4a normalized_normal       = mesh_scaled_normals[vert_index];
			mesh_normals[vert_index]           = normalized_normal;

			delta_binormals[vert_index].mul(weight * NORMAL_SOFTEN_FACTOR);

			LLVector4a tangent;
			tangent.setCross3(mesh_scaled_binormals[vert_index], normalized_normal);
			LLVector4a normalized_binormal;
			normalized_binormal.setCross3(normalized_normal, tangent);
			mesh_binormals[vert_index]         = normalized_binormal;


	// reallocate vertices
	delete [] mVertexIndices;
	delete [] mCoords;
	delete [] mNormals;
	delete [] mBinormals;
	delete [] mTexCoords;

	mVertexIndices = new_vertex_indices;
	mCoords        = new_coords;
	mNormals       = new_normals;
	mBinormals     = new_binormals;
	mTexCoords     = new_tex_coords;
	mNumIndices    = nindices;

	return TRUE;