Exemplo n.º 1
int contactConstraints(RigidBodyManipulator *r, int nc, std::vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>>& supp, void *map_ptr, MatrixXd &n, MatrixXd &D, MatrixXd &Jp, MatrixXd &Jpdot,double terrain_height)
  int j, k=0, nq = r->num_positions;

  Vector3d contact_pos,pos,normal;
  MatrixXd J(3,nq);
  Matrix<double,3,m_surface_tangents> d;
  for (std::vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>>::iterator iter = supp.begin(); iter!=supp.end(); iter++) {
    if (nc>0) {
      for (std::vector<Vector4d,aligned_allocator<Vector4d>>::iterator pt_iter=iter->contact_pts.begin(); pt_iter!=iter->contact_pts.end(); pt_iter++) {


        n.row(k) = normal.transpose()*J;
        for (j=0; j<m_surface_tangents; j++) {
          D.col(2*k*m_surface_tangents+j) = J.transpose()*d.col(j);
          D.col((2*k+1)*m_surface_tangents+j) = -D.col(2*k*m_surface_tangents+j);

        // store away kin sols into Jp and Jpdot
        // NOTE: I'm cheating and using a slightly different ordering of J and Jdot here
        Jp.block(3*k,0,3,nq) = J;
        Jpdot.block(3*k,0,3,nq) = J;
  return k;
Exemplo n.º 2
Matrix TaskSpace::Task::dynamicallyConsistentJacobianInverse(const State& s)
    // J^T \Lambda
    // -----------
    Matrix jacobianTransposeTimesLambda =
        jacobian(s).transpose() * taskSpaceMassMatrix(s);

    // A^{-1} J^T \Lambda
    // ------------------
    Matrix dynConsistentJacobianInverse(s.getNU(), getNumScalarTasks());

    for (unsigned int iST = 0; iST < getNumScalarTasks(); ++iST)

    return dynConsistentJacobianInverse;
Exemplo n.º 3
void surfaceTangents(const Vector3d & normal, Matrix<double,3,m_surface_tangents> & d)
  Vector3d t1,t2;
  double theta;
  if (1 - normal(2) < EPSILON) { // handle the unit-normal case (since it's unit length, just check z)
    t1 << 1,0,0;
  } else if(1 + normal(2) < EPSILON) {
    t1 << -1,0,0;  //same for the reflected case
  } else {// now the general case
  t1 << normal(1), -normal(0) , 0;
    t1 /= sqrt(normal(1)*normal(1) + normal(0)*normal(0));
  t2 = t1.cross(normal);
  for (int k=0; k<m_surface_tangents; k++) {
    theta = k*M_PI/m_surface_tangents;
    d.col(k)=cos(theta)*t1 + sin(theta)*t2;
Exemplo n.º 4
Data::Data(ifstream &inputFile, ofstream &stream, char* inFile, std::ofstream &timesLog, int method){
  //Instancia la clase que sabe hacer todo con las imagenes

  setearParamsSimples(inputFile, inFile);

  kCommonTime = get_time();

  calcularAutovectores(stream, method); //este metodo caculas los tiempos de forma independiente

  //guardo los autovectores originales
  Matrix todosLosAutovectores = autovectores;
  for (kActual = 1; kActual <= k; kActual++){
    Matrix autovectoresK(todosLosAutovectores.n,kActual);
    for(int j = 0; j < kActual; j++){
      Matrix unAutovector = todosLosAutovectores.col(j);
    //defino autovectores, con los primeros i de la matriz orignal
    autovectores = autovectoresK;

	  tTodos = get_time(); //solo necesito cambiar de coordenadas para comparar contra todos
	  tCentro = get_time(); //para comparar con los centors tambien los debo calcular

    identificarSujetos();//este metodo guarda los tiempos de manera independiente en tTods y tCentro

    timesLog << kActual << "\t" << samples << "\t" << subjects << "\t";
    timesLog << (kCommonTime + tK[kActual-1] + kOnlyTransposedTime*kActual/k); //kOnlytransposedTime es cero en caso de utilizar el metodo de la matriz transpuesta, por lo que no afecta los calculos
    timesLog << "\t" << tTodos << "\t" << tCentro;
    timesLog << "\t"  <<  hitsTodos << "\t" << hitsCentro << "\t" << endl;

void DefaultLocalAssemblerForOperatorsOnSurfacesUtilities<BasisFunctionType>::
        const RawGridGeometry<CoordinateType> &rawGeometry,
        std::vector<CoordinateType> &elementSizesSquared,
        Matrix<CoordinateType> &elementCenters,
        CoordinateType &averageElementSize) {
  const size_t elementCount = rawGeometry.elementCount();
  const int worldDim = rawGeometry.worldDimension();

  averageElementSize = 0.; // We will store here temporarily
                           // the sum of element sizes
  for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e) {
    elementSizesSquared[e] = elementSizeSquared(e, rawGeometry);
    averageElementSize += sqrt(elementSizesSquared[e]);
  averageElementSize /= elementCount;

  elementCenters.resize(worldDim, elementCount);
  for (int e = 0; e < elementCount; ++e)
    elementCenters.col(e) = elementCenter(e, rawGeometry);
T ErrorMinimizersImpl<T>::PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer::getOverlap() const
	const int nbPoints = this->lastErrorElements.reading.features.cols();
	const int dim = this->lastErrorElements.reading.features.rows();
	if(nbPoints == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Error, last error element empty. Error minimizer needs to be called at least once before using this method.");
	if (!this->lastErrorElements.reading.descriptorExists("simpleSensorNoise") ||
		LOG_INFO_STREAM("PointToPlaneErrorMinimizer - warning, no sensor noise or normals found. Using best estimate given outlier rejection instead.");
		return this->weightedPointUsedRatio;

	const BOOST_AUTO(noises, this->lastErrorElements.reading.getDescriptorViewByName("simpleSensorNoise"));
	const BOOST_AUTO(normals, this->lastErrorElements.reading.getDescriptorViewByName("normals"));

	const Matrix delta = (this->lastErrorElements.reading.features.topRows(dim-1) - this->lastErrorElements.reference.features.topRows(dim-1));
	const T mean = delta.colwise().norm().sum()/nbPoints;
	cerr << "mean:" << mean << endl;

	int count = 0;
	for(int i=0; i < nbPoints; i++)
		const Vector n = normals.col(i);
		const T projectionDist = delta.col(i).dot(n.normalized());
		if(anyabs(projectionDist) < (mean + noises(0,i)))

	return (T)count/(T)nbPoints;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Rot-trans-rot odometry based motion model
Vector3d motion_model(Vector3d x, Matrix<double, 3, 2> u) {
    Matrix<double, 4, 1> noise;
    noise << 0.05, 0.26, 0.01, 0.0057; // rad/rad, rad/m, m/m, m/rad
    // noise << 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1;
    auto u_old = u.col(0);
    auto u_new = u.col(1);
    // Start by defining del
    Vector3d del;
    auto drot1 = atan2(u_new[1] - u_old[1], u_new[0] - u_old[0]) - u_old[2];
    del << 
        sqrt(pow(u_new[0] - u_old[0], 2) + pow(u_new[1] - u_old[1], 2)),
        u_new[2] - u_old[2] - drot1;
    // Introduce noise
    Vector3d del_hat;
    auto d0 = sample_normal(noise[2] * del[0] + noise[3] * (abs(del[1]) + abs(del[2])));
    auto d1 = sample_normal(noise[0] * abs(del[1]) + noise[1] * del[0]);
    auto d2 = sample_normal(noise[0] * abs(del[2]) + noise[1] * del[0]);
    del_hat << 
        del[0] - d0,
        del[1] - d1,
        del[2] - d2;
    // Evaluate output
    Vector3d x_new;
    x_new << 
        x[0] + del_hat[0] * cos(x[2] + del_hat[1]),
        x[1] + del_hat[0] * sin(x[2] + del_hat[1]),
        x[2] + del_hat[1] + del_hat[2];
    return x_new;
Exemplo n.º 8
  const_Matrix<IT, Block1>	   indices,  // n x m
  Tensor<T, Block2>                window,   // n x m x I
  const_Matrix<complex<T>, Block3> in,       // n x m
  Matrix<complex<T>, Block4>       out,      // nx x m
  length_type                      depth)
  length_type n = indices.size(0);
  length_type m = indices.size(1);
  length_type nx = out.size(0);
  length_type I = depth; // window.size(2) may include padding
  assert(n == in.size(0));
  assert(m == in.size(1));
  assert(m == out.size(1));
  assert(window.size(0) == n);
  assert(window.size(1) == m);

  out = complex<T>(0);

  for (index_type j = 0; j < m; ++j)
    for (index_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      index_type ikxrows = indices.get(i, j);
      index_type i_shift = (i + n/2) % n;
      for (index_type h = 0; h < I; ++h)

        out.put(ikxrows + h, j, out.get(ikxrows + h, j) + 
          (in.get(i_shift, j) * window.get(i, j, h)));
    out.col(j)(Domain<1>(j%2, 2, nx/2)) *= T(-1);
Exemplo n.º 9
  SimpleCamera simpleCamera(const Matrix& P) {

    // P = [A|a] = s K cRw [I|-T], with s the unknown scale
    Matrix A = P.topLeftCorner(3, 3);
    Vector a = P.col(3);

    // do RQ decomposition to get s*K and cRw angles
    Matrix sK;
    Vector xyz;
    boost::tie(sK, xyz) = RQ(A);

    // Recover scale factor s and K
    double s = sK(2, 2);
    Matrix K = sK / s;

    // Recover cRw itself, and its inverse
    Rot3 cRw = Rot3::RzRyRx(xyz);
    Rot3 wRc = cRw.inverse();

    // Now, recover T from a = - s K cRw T = - A T
    Vector T = -(A.inverse() * a);
    return SimpleCamera(Pose3(wRc, T),
        Cal3_S2(K(0, 0), K(1, 1), K(0, 1), K(0, 2), K(1, 2)));
Exemplo n.º 10
Matrix gramschmidt( const Matrix & A ) {
    Matrix Q = A;
    // First vector just gets normalized
    for(unsigned int j = 1; j < A.cols(); ++j) {
        // Replace inner loop over each previous vector in Q with fast matrix-vector multiplication
        Q.col(j) -= Q.leftCols(j) * (Q.leftCols(j).transpose() * A.col(j));
        // Normalize vector if possible (othw. means colums of A almsost lin. dep.
        if( Q.col(j).norm() <= 10e-14 * A.col(j).norm() ) {
            std::cerr << "Gram-Schmidt failed because A has lin. dep columns. Bye." << std::endl;
        } else {
    return Q;
Exemplo n.º 11
void eigen33(const Matrix& mat, Matrix& evecs, Vector& evals)
  typedef typename Matrix::Scalar Scalar;
  // Scale the matrix so its entries are in [-1,1].  The scaling is applied
  // only when at least one matrix entry has magnitude larger than 1.

  Scalar scale = mat.cwiseAbs()/*.template triangularView<Lower>()*/.maxCoeff();
  scale = std::max(scale,Scalar(1));
  Matrix scaledMat = mat / scale;

  // Compute the eigenvalues
//   scaledMat.setZero();

  // compute the eigen vectors
  // **here we assume 3 differents eigenvalues**

  // "optimized version" which appears to be slower with gcc!
//     Vector base;
//     Scalar alpha, beta;
//     base <<   scaledMat(1,0) * scaledMat(2,1),
//               scaledMat(1,0) * scaledMat(2,0),
//              -scaledMat(1,0) * scaledMat(1,0);
//     for(int k=0; k<2; ++k)
//     {
//       alpha = scaledMat(0,0) - evals(k);
//       beta  = scaledMat(1,1) - evals(k);
//       evecs.col(k) = (base + Vector(-beta*scaledMat(2,0), -alpha*scaledMat(2,1), alpha*beta)).normalized();
//     }
//     evecs.col(2) = evecs.col(0).cross(evecs.col(1)).normalized();

//   // naive version
//   Matrix tmp;
//   tmp = scaledMat;
//   tmp.diagonal().array() -= evals(0);
//   evecs.col(0) = tmp.row(0).cross(tmp.row(1)).normalized();
//   tmp = scaledMat;
//   tmp.diagonal().array() -= evals(1);
//   evecs.col(1) = tmp.row(0).cross(tmp.row(1)).normalized();
//   tmp = scaledMat;
//   tmp.diagonal().array() -= evals(2);
//   evecs.col(2) = tmp.row(0).cross(tmp.row(1)).normalized();
  // a more stable version:
    Matrix tmp;
    tmp = scaledMat;
    tmp.diagonal ().array () -= evals (2);
    evecs.col (2) = tmp.row (0).cross (tmp.row (1)).normalized ();
    tmp = scaledMat;
    tmp.diagonal ().array () -= evals (1);
    evecs.col(1) = tmp.row (0).cross(tmp.row (1));
    Scalar n1 = evecs.col(1).norm();
      evecs.col(1) = evecs.col(2).unitOrthogonal();
      evecs.col(1) /= n1;
    // make sure that evecs[1] is orthogonal to evecs[2]
    evecs.col(1) = evecs.col(2).cross(evecs.col(1).cross(evecs.col(2))).normalized();
    evecs.col(0) = evecs.col(2).cross(evecs.col(1));
  // Rescale back to the original size.
  evals *= scale;
Exemplo n.º 12
double ppm(
		const Matrix<T,N,1> & Delta,
		const Matrix<T,N,1> & Vmax,
		const Matrix<T,N,1> & Amax,
		Matrix<T,N,1> & Vnew,
		Matrix<T,N,1> & Anew,
		Matrix<T,N,1> & Dnew,
		T requestedMotionTime = 0
	Matrix<T,N,3> Times;

	// Iterate over axes
	for(unsigned int l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
		const T delta = Delta(l,0),	// motor position delta
			vmax = Vmax(l,0),				// maximal velocity
			amax = Amax(l,0),				// maximal acceleration
			dmax = -Amax(l,0);				// maximal deceleration

		// Velocity value, when the velocity profile is triangular (eq. 3.32)
		const T VTriangle = amax*std::sqrt(2*delta*dmax/(amax*(dmax-amax)));
		//const T VTriangle = std::sqrt(2*delta*amax*dmax/(dmax-amax));

#if 0
		std::cout << "VTriangle(" << l << ") = " << VTriangle << std::endl;

		const bool TriangularProfile = (VTriangle <= vmax);

		if(TriangularProfile) {
			// tt: total motion time (eq. 3.33)
			Times(l,2) = std::sqrt(2*delta*(dmax-amax)/(amax*dmax));
			// acceleration and deceleration phase treated as a half of the total motion time
			Times(l,0) = Times(l,1) = Times(l,2)/2;
		} else {
			// ta: time to stop accelerate (eq. 3.35)
			Times(l,0) = vmax/amax;

			// td: time to start deceleration (eq. 3.42)
			Times(l,1) = delta/vmax + vmax/(2*amax) + vmax/(2*dmax);

			// Numerically stable version:
			//Time(l,1) = (2*delta*amax*dmax+vmax*vmax*amax+vmax*vmax*dmax)/(2*vmax*amax*dmax);

			// tt: total motion time (eq. 3.40)
			Times(l,2) = delta/vmax + vmax/(2*amax) - vmax/(2*dmax);

			// Numerically stable version:
			//Time(l,2) = (2*delta*amax*dmax+vmax*vmax*dmax-vmax*vmax*amax)/(2*vmax*amax*dmax);

//		std::cerr << "VLimit[" << l << "]: " << VTriangle <<
//				" => " << (TriangularProfile ? "triangular" : "trapezoidal") << std::endl <<
//				"Time[" << l << "]: " << Times(l,0) << " " << Times(l,1) << " " << Times(l,2) <<
//				std::endl;

	Matrix<T,1,3> maxTimes = Times.colwise().maxCoeff();

//	std::cerr << "maxTimes: " << maxTimes << std::endl;

	// max of acceleration intervals
	const T ta = maxTimes(0);

	// max of constant velocity intervals
	const T tV = (Times.col(1)-Times.col(0)).maxCoeff();

	// max of deceleration intervals
	const T tD = (Times.col(2)-Times.col(1)).maxCoeff();

	// deceleration interval
	const T td = ta + tV;

	T tt = ta + tV + tD;

	if (ta > td) {
		tt += (ta - td);

	// Make the motion longer
	if(requestedMotionTime > 0) {
		if(tt > requestedMotionTime) {
			throw std::runtime_error("requested motion time too short");
		tt = requestedMotionTime;

//	std::cout
//		<< "ta: " << ta << "\t"
//		<< "td: " << td << "\t"
//		<< "tt: " << tt
//		<< std::endl;

	// If the total time is zero there will be no motion
	if(tt > 0) {

		// I guess this can be implemented as a single matrix calculation
		for(unsigned int l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
			const T delta = Delta(l,0);

			// Calculate new parameters if there is motion along an axis
			if(delta) {
				Anew(l,0) = 2*delta/(ta*(tt+td-ta));
				Dnew(l,0) = - (-2*delta/((tt+td-ta)*(tt-td))); // deceleration value (without sign)
				//Dnew(l,0) = (2*delta)/(tt*tt-tt*ta+td*ta-td*td); // Numerically stable (?) version
				Vnew(l,0) = Anew(l,0)*ta;
				//Vnew(l,0) = (2*delta)/(tt+td-ta); // Numerically stable (?) version
			} else {
				Anew(l,0) = Amax(l,0);
				Dnew(l,0) = Amax(l,0);
				Vnew(l,0) = Vmax(l,0);
	} else {
		Vnew = Vmax;
		Anew = Dnew = Amax;

	// These assertions fail because of floating point inequalities

//	std::cerr <<
//		"Vnew:\n" << Vnew << std::endl <<
//		"Anew:\n" << Anew << std::endl <<
//		"Dnew:\n" << Dnew << std::endl <<
//		std::endl;

//	std::cerr << "tt: " << tt << std::endl;

	return tt;
Exemplo n.º 13
  int PoseEstimator3d::estimate(const Frame& f0, const Frame& f1, 
                                const std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches)
    // convert keypoints in match to 3d points
    std::vector<Vector4d, aligned_allocator<Vector4d> > p0; // homogeneous coordinates
    std::vector<Vector4d, aligned_allocator<Vector4d> > p1;

    int nmatch = matches.size();

    // set up data structures for fast processing
    // indices to good matches
    vector<int> m0, m1;
    for (int i=0; i<nmatch; i++)
        if (f0.disps[matches[i].queryIdx] > minMatchDisp && 
            f1.disps[matches[i].trainIdx] > minMatchDisp)

    nmatch = m0.size();
    if (nmatch < 3) return 0;   // can't do it...

    int bestinl = 0;

    // RANSAC loop
    #pragma omp parallel for shared( bestinl )
    for (int i=0; i<numRansac; i++) 
        // find a candidate
        int a=rand()%nmatch;
        int b = a;
        while (a==b)
        int c = a;
        while (a==c || b==c)

        int i0a = m0[a];
        int i0b = m0[b];
        int i0c = m0[c];
        int i1a = m1[a];
        int i1b = m1[b];
        int i1c = m1[c];

        if (i0a == i0b || i0a == i0c || i0b == i0c ||
            i1a == i1b || i1a == i1c || i1b == i1c)

        // get centroids
        Vector3d p0a = f0.pts[i0a].head<3>();
        Vector3d p0b = f0.pts[i0b].head<3>();
        Vector3d p0c = f0.pts[i0c].head<3>();
        Vector3d p1a = f1.pts[i1a].head<3>();
        Vector3d p1b = f1.pts[i1b].head<3>();
        Vector3d p1c = f1.pts[i1c].head<3>();

        Vector3d c0 = (p0a+p0b+p0c)*(1.0/3.0);
        Vector3d c1 = (p1a+p1b+p1c)*(1.0/3.0);

        // subtract out
        p0a -= c0;
        p0b -= c0;
        p0c -= c0;
        p1a -= c1;
        p1b -= c1;
        p1c -= c1;

        Matrix3d H = p1a*p0a.transpose() + p1b*p0b.transpose() +

#if 0
        cout << p0a.transpose() << endl;
        cout << p0b.transpose() << endl;
        cout << p0c.transpose() << endl;

        // do the SVD thang
        JacobiSVD<Matrix3d> svd(H, ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);
        Matrix3d V = svd.matrixV();
        Matrix3d R = V * svd.matrixU().transpose();          
        double det = R.determinant();
        if (det < 0.0)
            V.col(2) = V.col(2)*-1.0;
            R = V * svd.matrixU().transpose();
        Vector3d tr = c0-R*c1;    // translation 

        //        cout << "[PE test] R: " << endl << R << endl;
        //        cout << "[PE test] t: " << tr.transpose() << endl;

#if 0
        R << 0.9997, 0.002515, 0.02418,
          -0.002474, .9999, -0.001698,
          -0.02418, 0.001638, 0.9997;
        tr << -0.005697, -0.01753, 0.05666;
        R = R.transpose();
        tr = -R*tr;

        // transformation matrix, 3x4
        Matrix<double,3,4> tfm;
        //        tfm.block<3,3>(0,0) = R.transpose();
        //        tfm.col(3) = -R.transpose()*tr;
        tfm.block<3,3>(0,0) = R;
        tfm.col(3) = tr;
        //        cout << "[PE test] T: " << endl << tfm << endl;

        // find inliers, based on image reprojection
        int inl = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<nmatch; i++)
            Vector3d pt = tfm*f1.pts[m1[i]];
            Vector3d ipt = f0.cam2pix(pt);
            const cv::KeyPoint &kp = f0.kpts[m0[i]];
            double dx = kp.pt.x - ipt.x();
            double dy = kp.pt.y - ipt.y();
            double dd = f0.disps[m0[i]] - ipt.z();
            if (dx*dx < maxInlierXDist2 && dy*dy < maxInlierXDist2 && 
                dd*dd < maxInlierDDist2)
              inl+=(int)sqrt(ipt.z()); // clever way to weight closer points
              //              inl++;
        #pragma omp critical
        if (inl > bestinl) 
            bestinl = inl;
            rot = R;
            trans = tr;

    //    printf("Best inliers: %d\n", bestinl);
    //    printf("Total ransac: %d  Neg det: %d\n", ntot, nneg);

    // reduce matches to inliers
    vector<cv::DMatch> inls;    // temporary for current inliers
    Matrix<double,3,4> tfm;
    tfm.block<3,3>(0,0) = rot;
    tfm.col(3) = trans;

    nmatch = matches.size();
    for (int i=0; i<nmatch; i++)
        if (!f0.goodPts[matches[i].queryIdx] || !f1.goodPts[matches[i].trainIdx])
        Vector3d pt = tfm*f1.pts[matches[i].trainIdx];
        Vector3d ipt = f0.cam2pix(pt);
        const cv::KeyPoint &kp = f0.kpts[matches[i].queryIdx];
        double dx = kp.pt.x - ipt.x();
        double dy = kp.pt.y - ipt.y();
        double dd = f0.disps[matches[i].queryIdx] - ipt.z();
        if (dx*dx < maxInlierXDist2 && dy*dy < maxInlierXDist2 && 
            dd*dd < maxInlierDDist2)

#if 0
    cout << endl << trans.transpose().head(3) << endl << endl;
    cout << rot << endl;

    // polish with stereo sba
    if (polish)
        // system
        SysSBA sba;
        sba.verbose = 0;

        // set up nodes
        // should have a frame => node function        
        Vector4d v0 = Vector4d(0,0,0,1);
        Quaterniond q0 = Quaternion<double>(Vector4d(0,0,0,1));
        sba.addNode(v0, q0, f0.cam, true);
        Quaterniond qr1(rot);   // from rotation matrix
        Vector4d temptrans = Vector4d(trans(0), trans(1), trans(2), 1.0);

        //        sba.addNode(temptrans, qr1.normalized(), f1.cam, false);
        sba.addNode(temptrans, qr1, f1.cam, false);

        int in = 3;
        if (in > (int)inls.size())
          in = inls.size();

        // set up projections
        for (int i=0; i<(int)inls.size(); i++)
            // add point
            int i0 = inls[i].queryIdx;
            int i1 = inls[i].trainIdx;
            Vector4d pt = f0.pts[i0];
            // projected point, ul,vl,ur
            Vector3d ipt;
            ipt(0) = f0.kpts[i0].pt.x;
            ipt(1) = f0.kpts[i0].pt.y;
            ipt(2) = ipt(0)-f0.disps[i0];
            sba.addStereoProj(0, i, ipt);

            // projected point, ul,vl,ur
            ipt(0) = f1.kpts[i1].pt.x;
            ipt(1) = f1.kpts[i1].pt.y;
            ipt(2) = ipt(0)-f1.disps[i1];
            sba.addStereoProj(1, i, ipt);

        sba.huber = 2.0;
        int nbad = sba.removeBad(2.0);
//        cout << endl << "Removed " << nbad << " projections > 2 pixels error" << endl;

//        cout << endl << sba.nodes[1].trans.transpose().head(3) << endl;

        // get the updated transform
	      trans = sba.nodes[1].trans.head(3);
	      Quaterniond q1;
	      q1 = sba.nodes[1].qrot;
	      rot = q1.toRotationMatrix();

        // set up inliers
        for (int i=0; i<(int)inls.size(); i++)
            ProjMap &prjs = sba.tracks[i].projections;
            if (prjs[0].isValid && prjs[1].isValid) // valid track
#if 0
        printf("Inliers: %d   After polish: %d\n", (int)inls.size(), (int)inliers.size());

    return (int)inliers.size();
Exemplo n.º 14
IGL_INLINE void igl::cotangent(
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedV>& V,
  const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedF>& F,
  Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedC>& C)
  using namespace igl;
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Eigen;
  // simplex size (3: triangles, 4: tetrahedra)
  int simplex_size = F.cols();
  // Number of elements
  int m = F.rows();

  // Law of cosines + law of sines
    case 3:
      // Triangles
      //Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,3> l;
      // edge lengths numbered same as opposite vertices
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,3> l;
      // double area
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,1> dblA;
      // cotangents and diagonal entries for element matrices
      // correctly divided by 4 (alec 2010)
      for(int i = 0;i<m;i++)
        C(i,0) = (l(i,1)*l(i,1) + l(i,2)*l(i,2) - l(i,0)*l(i,0))/dblA(i)/4.0;
        C(i,1) = (l(i,2)*l(i,2) + l(i,0)*l(i,0) - l(i,1)*l(i,1))/dblA(i)/4.0;
        C(i,2) = (l(i,0)*l(i,0) + l(i,1)*l(i,1) - l(i,2)*l(i,2))/dblA(i)/4.0;
    case 4:

      // edge lengths numbered same as opposite vertices
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,6> l;
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,4> s;
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,6> cos_theta,theta;

      // volume
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,1> vol;

      // Law of sines
      // http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Tetrahedron.html
      Matrix<typename DerivedC::Scalar,Dynamic,6> sin_theta(m,6);
      sin_theta.col(0) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(0).array())).array() * s.col(1).array() * s.col(2).array());
      sin_theta.col(1) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(1).array())).array() * s.col(2).array() * s.col(0).array());
      sin_theta.col(2) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(2).array())).array() * s.col(0).array() * s.col(1).array());
      sin_theta.col(3) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(3).array())).array() * s.col(3).array() * s.col(0).array());
      sin_theta.col(4) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(4).array())).array() * s.col(3).array() * s.col(1).array());
      sin_theta.col(5) = vol.array() / ((2./(3.*l.col(5).array())).array() * s.col(3).array() * s.col(2).array());

      // http://arxiv.org/pdf/1208.0354.pdf Page 18
      C = (1./6.) * l.array() * cos_theta.array() / sin_theta.array();

          "cotangent.h: Error: Simplex size (%d) not supported\n", simplex_size);
Exemplo n.º 15
IGL_INLINE void igl::massmatrix(
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V, 
  const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F, 
  const MassMatrixType type,
  Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar>& M)
  using namespace Eigen;
  using namespace std;

  const int n = V.rows();
  const int m = F.rows();
  const int simplex_size = F.cols();

  MassMatrixType eff_type = type;
  // Use voronoi of for triangles by default, otherwise barycentric

  // Not yet supported

  Matrix<int,Dynamic,1> MI;
  Matrix<int,Dynamic,1> MJ;
  Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> MV;
  if(simplex_size == 3)
    // Triangles
    // edge lengths numbered same as opposite vertices
    Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,3> l(m,3);
    // loop over faces
    for(int i = 0;i<m;i++)
      l(i,0) = (V.row(F(i,1))-V.row(F(i,2))).norm();
      l(i,1) = (V.row(F(i,2))-V.row(F(i,0))).norm();
      l(i,2) = (V.row(F(i,0))-V.row(F(i,1))).norm();
    Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> dblA;

        // diagonal entries for each face corner
        MI.resize(m*3,1); MJ.resize(m*3,1); MV.resize(m*3,1);
        MI.block(0*m,0,m,1) = F.col(0);
        MI.block(1*m,0,m,1) = F.col(1);
        MI.block(2*m,0,m,1) = F.col(2);
        MJ = MI;
        MV.array() /= 6.0;
          // diagonal entries for each face corner
          // http://www.alecjacobson.com/weblog/?p=874
          MI.resize(m*3,1); MJ.resize(m*3,1); MV.resize(m*3,1);
          MI.block(0*m,0,m,1) = F.col(0);
          MI.block(1*m,0,m,1) = F.col(1);
          MI.block(2*m,0,m,1) = F.col(2);
          MJ = MI;

          // Holy shit this needs to be cleaned up and optimized
          Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,3> cosines(m,3);
          cosines.col(0) = 
          cosines.col(1) = 
          cosines.col(2) = 
          Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,3> barycentric = cosines.array() * l.array();
          Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,3> partial = barycentric;
          partial.col(0).array() *= dblA.array() * 0.5;
          partial.col(1).array() *= dblA.array() * 0.5;
          partial.col(2).array() *= dblA.array() * 0.5;
          Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,3> quads(partial.rows(),partial.cols());
          quads.col(0) = (partial.col(1)+partial.col(2))*0.5;
          quads.col(1) = (partial.col(2)+partial.col(0))*0.5;
          quads.col(2) = (partial.col(0)+partial.col(1))*0.5;

          quads.col(0) = (cosines.col(0).array()<0).select( 0.25*dblA,quads.col(0));
          quads.col(1) = (cosines.col(0).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(1));
          quads.col(2) = (cosines.col(0).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(2));

          quads.col(0) = (cosines.col(1).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(0));
          quads.col(1) = (cosines.col(1).array()<0).select(0.25*dblA,quads.col(1));
          quads.col(2) = (cosines.col(1).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(2));

          quads.col(0) = (cosines.col(2).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(0));
          quads.col(1) = (cosines.col(2).array()<0).select(0.125*dblA,quads.col(1));
          quads.col(2) = (cosines.col(2).array()<0).select( 0.25*dblA,quads.col(2));

          MV.block(0*m,0,m,1) = quads.col(0);
          MV.block(1*m,0,m,1) = quads.col(1);
          MV.block(2*m,0,m,1) = quads.col(2);
        assert(false && "Implementation incomplete");
        assert(false && "Unknown Mass matrix eff_type");

  }else if(simplex_size == 4)
    assert(V.cols() == 3);
    assert(eff_type == MASSMATRIX_TYPE_BARYCENTRIC);
    MI.resize(m*4,1); MJ.resize(m*4,1); MV.resize(m*4,1);
    MI.block(0*m,0,m,1) = F.col(0);
    MI.block(1*m,0,m,1) = F.col(1);
    MI.block(2*m,0,m,1) = F.col(2);
    MI.block(3*m,0,m,1) = F.col(3);
    MJ = MI;
    // loop over tets
    for(int i = 0;i<m;i++)
      // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahedron#Volume
      Matrix<Scalar,3,1> v0m3 = V.row(F(i,0)) - V.row(F(i,3));
      Matrix<Scalar,3,1> v1m3 = V.row(F(i,1)) - V.row(F(i,3));
      Matrix<Scalar,3,1> v2m3 = V.row(F(i,2)) - V.row(F(i,3));
      Scalar v = fabs(v0m3.dot(v1m3.cross(v2m3)))/6.0;
      MV(i+0*m) = v/4.0;
      MV(i+1*m) = v/4.0;
      MV(i+2*m) = v/4.0;
      MV(i+3*m) = v/4.0;
    // Unsupported simplex size
    assert(false && "Unsupported simplex size");
Exemplo n.º 16
 T logLikelihood(const Matrix<T,Dynamic,Dynamic>& x, uint32_t i) const
   {return logLikelihood(x.col(i));};
Exemplo n.º 17
typename PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::getMatchedPoints(
		const DataPoints& requestedPts,
		const DataPoints& sourcePts,
		const Matches& matches, 
		const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights)
	typedef typename Matches::Ids Ids;
	typedef typename Matches::Dists Dists;
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() == requestedPts.features.cols()); //nbpts
	assert(outlierWeights.rows() == matches.ids.rows());  // knn
	const int knn = outlierWeights.rows();
	const int dimFeat = requestedPts.features.rows();
	const int dimReqDesc = requestedPts.descriptors.rows();

	// Count points with no weights
	const int pointsCount = (outlierWeights.array() != 0.0).count();
	if (pointsCount == 0)
		throw ConvergenceError("ErrorMnimizer: no point to minimize");

	Matrix keptFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix keptDesc;
	if(dimReqDesc > 0)
		keptDesc = Matrix(dimReqDesc, pointsCount);

	Matches keptMatches (Dists(1,pointsCount), Ids(1, pointsCount));
	OutlierWeights keptWeights(1, pointsCount);

	int j = 0;
	int rejectedMatchCount = 0;
	int rejectedPointCount = 0;
	bool matchExist = false;
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < requestedPts.features.cols(); ++i) //nb pts
		matchExist = false;
		for(int k = 0; k < knn; k++) // knn
			if (outlierWeights(k,i) != 0.0)
				if(dimReqDesc > 0)
					keptDesc.col(j) = requestedPts.descriptors.col(i);
				keptFeat.col(j) = requestedPts.features.col(i);
				keptMatches.ids(0, j) = matches.ids(k, i);
				keptMatches.dists(0, j) = matches.dists(k, i);
				keptWeights(0,j) = outlierWeights(k,i);
				this->weightedPointUsedRatio += outlierWeights(k,i);
				matchExist = true;

		if(matchExist == false)

	assert(j == pointsCount);

	this->pointUsedRatio = double(j)/double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio /= double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	assert(dimFeat == sourcePts.features.rows());
	const int dimSourDesc = sourcePts.descriptors.rows();
	Matrix associatedFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix associatedDesc;
	if(dimSourDesc > 0)
		associatedDesc = Matrix(dimSourDesc, pointsCount);

	// Fetch matched points
	for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
		const int refIndex(keptMatches.ids(i));
		associatedFeat.col(i) = sourcePts.features.block(0, refIndex, dimFeat, 1);
		if(dimSourDesc > 0)
			associatedDesc.col(i) = sourcePts.descriptors.block(0, refIndex, dimSourDesc, 1);

	this->lastErrorElements.reading = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.reference = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.weights = keptWeights;
	this->lastErrorElements.matches = keptMatches;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedMatches = rejectedMatchCount;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedPoints = rejectedPointCount;

	return this->lastErrorElements;
Exemplo n.º 18
void Logit::compress()
  // Push everything into a list.
  list<double> ylist;
  list<Matrix> xlist;
  list<double> nlist;

  // Our data should not have n_data(i)=0.
  for(uint i=0; i < N; ++i){

  // Merge data.
  list<double>::iterator y_i;
  list<Matrix>::iterator x_i;
  list<double>::iterator n_i;

  list<double>::iterator y_j;
  list<Matrix>::iterator x_j;
  list<double>::iterator n_j;

  x_i = xlist.begin();
  y_i = ylist.begin();
  n_i = nlist.begin();

  while(x_i != xlist.end()){
    x_j = x_i; y_j = y_i; n_j = n_i;
    ++x_j; ++y_j; ++n_j;
    while(x_j != xlist.end()){
      if (*x_i == *x_j) {
  	double sum = *n_i + *n_j;
   	*y_i = (*n_i/sum) * *y_i + (*n_j/sum) * *y_j;
  	*n_i = sum;
  	// Increment THEN erase!
	// Actually, send pointer to erase, then increment, then erase.
      else {
  	++x_j; ++y_j; ++n_j;

    ++x_i; ++y_i; ++n_i;

  uint old_N = N; // Record to see if we have changed data.

  // Set up y, tX, n.
  N = xlist.size();

  // cout << "Old N: " << old_N << " N: " << N << "\n";
  // Warning...
  if (old_N != N) {
    printf("Warning: data was combined!\n");
    printf("N: %i, P: %i \n", N, P);

  // Matrix y(N);
  tX.resize(P, N);

  x_i = xlist.begin();
  y_i = ylist.begin();
  n_i = nlist.begin();
  for(uint i = 0; i < N; ++i){
    y(i)      = *y_i++;
    tX.col(i) = *x_i++;
    n(i)      = *n_i++;

  // cout << "y:\n" << y;
  // cout << "tX:\n" << tX;
  // cout << "n:\n" << n;
Exemplo n.º 19
void main(void) {
	int n, k, r;

	//ofstream data_file;
	n = 4;
	for(k = 2; k <= n-2; k++) {

	// We first loop through all partitions of n
	list<Partition> pars;
	pars = Par(n);

	// for latter use
	list<RankSet> ranks;
	ranks = ComputeRanks(n, k);
	for(list<Partition>::iterator lambda = pars.begin(); lambda != pars.end(); ++lambda) {
		Partition theta;
		for(int junk = 1; junk <= (*lambda).Size(); junk++) {
		tableau t = standard(*lambda, theta);
		list<Perm> colgroup = C(t);
		list<Perm> rowgroup = R(t);
		vector<Perm> YS;
		vector<int> signs;
		int YSl = 0;
		// we scroll through col * sign and the row
		for(list<Perm>::iterator sigma = colgroup.begin(); sigma != colgroup.end(); ++sigma) {
			for (list<Perm>::iterator tau = rowgroup.begin(); tau != rowgroup.end(); ++tau) {
				YS.push_back((*sigma) * (*tau));

		vector<Matrix> MatList(n-1);
		vector<bool> exists(n-1);
		for(int o = 0; o < n-1; o++) {
			exists[o] = false;
		// Now we loop through all possible ranks-sets
		// Answers store our multiplicity calculations
		vector<int> Answers(n-1);
		// Before we begin we need to get all possible SSYT to create an ordered basis
		vector<RankSet> images;
		for(list<RankSet>::const_iterator tempiter = ranks.begin(); tempiter != ranks.end(); ++tempiter) {
		// get a list  of SSYT
		// where each element of the list is a SSYT 
		// of each possible image
		vector<chain> posschains;
		for(vector<RankSet>::iterator image = images.begin(); image != images.end(); ++image) {
			list<tableau> temptablist = SSYT(*lambda, *image);
			if(temptablist.size() != 0) {
				// convert each tableau to a chain
				list<chain> tempchainlist;
				for(list<tableau>::const_iterator tabby = temptablist.begin(); tabby != temptablist.end(); ++tabby) {
					Partition gamma2;
					for (RankSet::const_iterator iter = (*image).begin(); iter != (*image).end(); ++iter) {
					tabloid tempoid;
					tempoid = TableauToTabloid(*tabby, gamma2);
					chain c = ConvertFromTabloid(tempoid);
		// So now posschains contains all possible image chains
			// this stores the dimension of the range
		int rangedim = posschains.size();
		// for each possible image chain, apply the 
		// Young symmetrizer. We will get a result of type basis.
		vector<basis> vecofimages;
		for(vector<chain>::const_iterator c = posschains.begin(); c != posschains.end(); ++c) {
			vecofimages.push_back(e(YS, signs, YSl,  *c));
		//vecofimages now contains all the symmetrized images.
		for(list<RankSet>::iterator u = ranks.begin(); u != ranks.end(); ++u) {
			// We need to get possible ranges of u

			list<tableau> tableaulist = SSYT(*lambda, *u);
			// convert to chains
			list<chain> domain;
			Partition gamma;
			for (RankSet::const_iterator iter = (*u).begin(); iter != (*u).end(); ++iter) {

			for(list<tableau>::const_iterator tabby = tableaulist.begin(); tabby != tableaulist.end(); ++tabby) {				
				domain.push_back(ConvertFromTabloid(TableauToTabloid(*tabby, gamma)));
			// So now domain contains all chains which we need to compute the image of
			// Now get all images of *u
			//Test code:


			// for each chain in the domain apply delta
			vector<basis> domainchains;
			list<chain>::iterator c1;
			for(c1 = domain.begin(); c1 != domain.end(); ++c1) {
				domainchains.push_back(Delta(k, *c1));

			// then apply the Young symmetrizer of shape lambda
			// and standard to the images of delta
			vector<basis> Answer;
			vector<basis>::const_iterator X;
			for(X = domainchains.begin(); X != domainchains.end(); ++X) {
				Answer.push_back(e(YS, signs, YSl,  *X));
			// then get the projection of our result onto each 
			// possible image
			if(rangedim == 0) {
				Answers[(*u).size()-2] = Answers[(*u).size()-2] + domainchains.size();
	//			cout << "\nWith lambda = " << *lambda;
	//			cout << "\nAnd u = " << *u;
	//			cout << "We add nullity " << domainchains.size();
	//			cout << "\nPress any key to continue";
	//			char ch = getchar(); 
			else {
				Matrix Mat = MatList[(*u).size()-2];
				int newrow = Mat.col() + 1;
				for(int count = newrow; count < newrow + Answer.size(); count++) {
					// store this as a column in our matrix.
					vector<double> tempvec = project(Answer[count-newrow], vecofimages);
					Mat.ColumnSet(count, tempvec);
				MatList[(*u).size() - 2] = Mat;
				exists[(*u).size()-2] = true;
		for(r = 0; r <= n-2; r++) {
//			cout << "\nWith lambda = " << *lambda;
//			cout << "\nand r = " << r;
//			cout << "\nWe get the matrix" << MatList[r];
//			cout << "With nullity = " << MatList[r].Nullity();
//			cout << " and rank = " << MatList[r].Rank();
//			cout << "\nOther contributions give " << Answers[r];
			// we adjust the multiplicity vector
			if (exists[r]) {
				Answers[r] += MatList[r].Nullity();
				Answers[r-1] -= MatList[r].Rank();
		for(r = 0; r <= n-2; r++) {
			cout << "\nThe multiplicity of ";
			cout << (*lambda);
			cout << " in H" << r << " is: " << Answers[r];
			cout << endl;
		cout << "\nPress any key to continue";
		char ch = getchar();


//	data_file.close();	
int main()
  cout << "Testing the matrix classes ..." << endl;

  cout << "- the default matrix M (empty):" << endl;
  Matrix<double> M;
  cout << M;

  cout << "- memory consumption of M: " << M.memory_consumption() << endl;

  cout << "- a 2x3 matrix N:" << endl;
  Matrix<double> N(2,3);
  cout << N;
  cout << "- memory consumption of N: " << N.memory_consumption() << endl;

  cout << "- writing single entries:" << endl;
  N(0,0) = 23; N(0,1) = 42; N(0,2) = 3; N(1,1) = -1.5;
  cout << N;

  cout << "- testing copy constructor:" << endl;
  Matrix<double> Ncopy(N);
  cout << Ncopy;

  cout << "- are the two matrices equal?" << endl;
  if (N == Ncopy)
    cout << "  ... yes!" << endl;
    cout << "  ... no!" << endl;

  Matrix<double> O(2,3);
  O(0,0) = 3.14; O(1,1) = -7.0;
  cout << "- another matrix O:" << endl << O;
  cout << "- after swapping, N=" << endl << N
       << "  ... and O=" << endl << O;
  N = O;
  cout << "- N=O:" << endl << N;

  cout << "- O scaled by -2.0:" << endl << O;

  Matrix<double> Q;
  cout << "- O reflected:" << endl << Q;

  Q.diagonal(4, -12.34);
  cout << "- Q is now a diagonal matrix:" << endl << Q;

  Vector<double> x(3), y(2);
  x(0) = 1; x(1) = -1; x(2) = -2;
  cout << "- testing apply(), using the vector x="
       << x << ";" << endl;
  cout << "  Nx=";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- choose another matrix A (constructed from a string):" << endl;
  Matrix<double> A(3,3,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9");
  cout << A;
  cout << "  Ax=";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "  A^Tx=";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- testing matrix norms for A:" << endl;
  cout << "  max. row sum ||A||_infty: " << row_sum_norm(A) << endl;
  cout << "  max. column sum ||A||_1: " << column_sum_norm(A) << endl;
  cout << "  Frobenius norm ||A||_F: " << frobenius_norm(A) << endl;

  cout << "- A*A:" << endl
       << A*A << endl;

  cout << "- A^T:" << endl
       << transpose(A) << endl;

// //   cout << "- testing row iterators:" << endl;
// //   for (RawMatrix<double>::row_const_iterator it(N.rowbegin());
// //        it != N.rowend(); ++it)
// //     {
// //       cout << "  row " << it.index() << ": ";
// //       for (RawMatrix<double>::row_const_iterator::entry_const_iterator ite(it.begin());
// // 	   ite != it.end(); ++ite)
// // 	cout << ite.entry() << " ";
// //       cout << endl;
// //     }
// //   cout << "- testing column iterators:" << endl;
// //   for (RawMatrix<double>::col_const_iterator it(N.colbegin());
// //        it != N.colend(); ++it)
// //     {
// //       cout << "  column " << it.index() << ": ";
// //       for (RawMatrix<double>::col_const_iterator::entry_const_iterator ite(it.begin());
// // 	   ite != it.end(); ++ite)
// // 	cout << ite.entry() << " ";
// //       cout << endl;
// //     }

  cout << "- a lower triangular default matrix:" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Ldefault;
  cout << Ldefault;
  cout << "- a lower triangular 3x3 matrix L:" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> L(3);
  cout << L;

  cout << "- constructing a lower triangular matrix from a string:" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Lbyrow(4,4,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
  cout << Lbyrow;

  cout << "- constructing a lower triangular matrix from a string (columnwise):" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Lbycol(4,4,"1 2 4 7 3 5 8 6 9 10", false);
  cout << Lbycol;

  cout << "- testing apply(), using the vector ";
  L = Lbyrow;
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- testing apply_transposed(), result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- a lower triangular matrix, again:" << endl;
  cout << Lbyrow;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Linv;
  cout << "- the inverse of that matrix:" << endl;
  cout << Linv;

  cout << "- an upper triangular default matrix:" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rdefault;
  cout << Rdefault;
  cout << "- an upper triangular 3x3 matrix R:" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> R(3);
  cout << R;
  cout << "- constructing an upper triangular matrix from a string:" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rbyrow(4,4,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
  cout << Rbyrow;

  cout << "- constructing an upper triangular matrix from a string (columnwise):" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rbycol(4,4,"1 2 5 3 6 8 4 7 9 10", false);
  cout << Rbycol;

  cout << "- an upper triangular matrix, again:" << endl;
  cout << Rbyrow;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rinv;
  cout << "- the inverse of that matrix:" << endl;
  cout << Rinv;
  cout << "- testing apply(), using the vector ";
  R = Rbyrow;
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- testing apply_transposed(), result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- testing non-quadratic lower triangular matrices:" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Lnonq1(3,4,"1 2 3 4 5 6");
  cout << Lnonq1;
  cout << "  (this has " << Lnonq1.size() << " nonzero entries)" << endl;
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> Lnonq2(4,3,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9");
  cout << Lnonq2;
  cout << "  (this has " << Lnonq2.size() << " nonzero entries)" << endl;

  cout << "- first matrix, testing apply() for x=" << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- first matrix, testing apply_transposed() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- second matrix, testing apply() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- second matrix, testing apply_transposed() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- testing non-quadratic upper triangular matrices:" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rnonq1(3,4,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9");
  cout << Rnonq1;
  cout << "  (this has " << Rnonq1.size() << " nonzero entries)" << endl;
  UpperTriangularMatrix<double> Rnonq2(4,3,"1 2 3 4 5 6");
  cout << Rnonq2;
  cout << "  (this has " << Rnonq2.size() << " nonzero entries)" << endl;

  cout << "- first matrix, testing apply() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- first matrix, testing apply_transposed() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- second matrix, testing apply() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;
  cout << "- second matrix, testing apply_transposed() for x=";
  for (unsigned int i(0); i < x.size(); i++) x(i)=i+1;
  cout << x << ", result: ";
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- a symmetric default matrix:" << endl;
  SymmetricMatrix<double> S;
  cout << S;
  cout << "- a symmetric 3x3 matrix T:" << endl;
  SymmetricMatrix<double> T(3);
  cout << T;

  cout << "- constructing a symmetric matrix from a string:" << endl;
  SymmetricMatrix<double> Sbyrow(4,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
  cout << Sbyrow;

  cout << "- constructing a symmetric matrix from a string (columnwise):" << endl;
    Sbycol(3,"1 2 4 3 5 6",false); // note the permutation!
  cout << Sbycol;

  cout << "- a sparse default matrix:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> W;
  cout << W;
  cout << "- an empty 2x2 matrix X:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> X(2);
  cout << X;

  cout << "- set some entries to nontrivial values:" << endl;
  X.set_entry(0, 0, -23.0);
  X.set_entry(1, 0, 42.0);
  cout << X;

  cout <<"- test copy constructor:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> Ycopy(X);
  cout << Ycopy;

  cout << "- after X.resize(3,2):" << endl;
  X.resize(3, 2);
  cout << X;

  cout << "- refill X again with some values:" << endl;
  X.set_entry(0, 0, -3);
  X.set_entry(0, 1, 2);
  X.set_entry(1, 0, 1);
  X.set_entry(1, 1, -1.5);
  X.set_entry(2, 1, 3);
  cout << X;

  x[0] = 2; x[1] = 3;
  cout << "- applying X to x=" << x << " yields" << endl;
  X.apply(x, y);
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- applying X^T to y=" << y << " yields" << endl;
  X.apply_transposed(y, x);
  cout << x << endl;

  cout << "- a 2x2 sparse diagonal matrix:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> Y;
  Y.diagonal(2, 42.0);
  cout << Y;

  cout << "- putting different subblocks into this matrix:" << endl;
  Matrix<double> sub1(1, 1, "23");
  SymmetricMatrix<double> sub2(1, "7");
  LowerTriangularMatrix<double> sub3(1, 1, "-1");
  Y.set_block(0, 1, sub1);
  Y.set_block(1, 0, sub2);
  Y.set_block(1, 1, sub3);
  cout << Y;

  cout << "- putting a block into this matrix in reflect mode:" << endl;
  Matrix<double> sub4(2, 2, "1 2 3 4");
  Y.set_block(0, 0, sub4, true);
  cout << Y;

  cout << "- a 3x2 sparse matrix F1:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> F1(3, 2);
  F1.set_entry(0, 0, 1.0);
  F1.set_entry(1, 0, 2.0);
  F1.set_entry(1, 1, 3.0);
  F1.set_entry(2, 1, 4.0);
  cout << F1;

  cout << "- a 2x2 sparse matrix F2:" << endl;
  SparseMatrix<double> F2(2);
  F2.set_entry(0, 0, 1.5);
  F2.set_entry(1, 0, 1.0);
  F2.set_entry(1, 1, -2.5);
  cout << F2;

  SparseMatrix<double> F3;
  F3 = F1 * F2;
  cout << "- matrix product F1*F2:" << endl
       << F3;

  SparseMatrix<double> small(2, 2);
  small.set_entry(0, 0, 1e-5);
  small.set_entry(0, 1, 2e-5);
  small.set_entry(1, 0, 3e-5);
  small.set_entry(1, 1, -1e-5);
  cout << "- a sparse matrix with small entries:" << endl
       << small;

  InfiniteVector<double, Vector<double>::size_type> v;
  small.get_row(0, v);
  cout << "- extracted a row from small as a sparse vector:" << endl
       << v;

  small.get_row(1, v, 10);
  cout << "- another row, now with offset 10:" << endl << v;

  std::list<size_t> indices;
  std::list<double> entries;
  small.set_row(0, indices, entries);
  cout << "- the matrix small after setting the first row:" << endl
       << small;

  cout << "- small after compressing with 1.5e-5:" << endl
       << small;

  small.get_row(1, v);
  cout << "- extract last row again:" << endl << v;

  Matrix<double> extract;
  small.get_block(0, 1, 2, 1, extract);
  cout << "- extracted a sub-block from small:" << endl
       << extract;

  cout << "- the matrix F2 again:" << endl
       << F2
       << "  and its transpose:" << endl
       << transpose(F2);
  cout << "- a tridiagonal default matrix:" << endl;
  TridiagonalMatrix<double> T1;
  cout << T1;

  cout << "- an empty 4x4 tridiagonal matrix T2:" << endl;
  TridiagonalMatrix<double> T2(4);
  cout << T2;

  cout << "- set some entries to nontrivial values:" << endl;
  T2.set_entry(0, 0, 1.0);
  T2.set_entry(1, 1, 2.0);
  T2.set_entry(2, 2, 3.0);
  T2.set_entry(3, 3, 4.0);
  T2.set_entry(0, 1, -1.0);
  T2.set_entry(1, 2, -2.0);
  T2.set_entry(2, 3, -3.0);
  T2.set_entry(1, 0, -3.5);
  T2.set_entry(2, 1, -2.5);
  T2.set_entry(3, 2, -1.5);
  cout << T2;

  cout <<"- test copy constructor:" << endl;
  TridiagonalMatrix<double> T2copy(T2);
  cout << T2copy;

  x.resize(4); y.resize(4);
  x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = x[3] = 1;
  cout << "- applying T2 to x=" << x << " yields" << endl;
  T2.apply(x, y);
  cout << y << endl;

  cout << "- applying T2^T to x=" << x << " yields" << endl;
  T2.apply_transposed(x, y);
  cout << y << endl;

  typedef Matrix<double> MATRIX;
  MATRIX M1(2, 3, "1 2 3 4 5 6"), M2(2, 2, "1 2 0 3");
  cout << "- a matrix M1=" << endl << M1;
  cout << "- a matrix M2=" << endl << M2;
  KroneckerMatrix<double,MATRIX,MATRIX> K(M1,M2,2.0);
  cout << "- Kronecker product K of M1 and M2 with factor 2.0:" << endl << K;

  x.resize(6); x[3] = 1;
  K.apply(x, y);
  cout << "- K applied to x=" << x << " yields Kx=" << y << endl;
  x.resize(6); x[4] = 1;
  K.apply(x, y);
  cout << "- K applied to x=" << x << " yields Kx=" << y << endl;

  x.resize(4); x[0] = 1;
  K.apply_transposed(x, y);
  cout << "- K^T applied to x=" << x << " yields (K^T)x=" << y << endl;
  x.resize(4); x[1] = 1;
  K.apply_transposed(x, y);
  cout << "- K^T applied to x=" << x << " yields (K^T)x=" << y << endl;
  Matrix<double> KM(K);
  cout << "- Kronecker product of M1 and M2 as a Matrix<double> again:"
       << endl << KM;

  Vector<double> w(3, "1 2 3");
  Matrix<double> wMatrix(w);
  cout << "- construct a matrix from a vector:" << endl
       << wMatrix;
  cout << "- reshape this matrix:" << endl
       << wMatrix;

  M = Matrix<double>(2, 2, "1 3 2 4");
  cout << "- another matrix M=" << endl << M;
  Vector<double> colM; M.col(colM);
  cout << "- col(M)=" << colM << endl;
  M.decol(colM, 2);
  cout << "- decol(col(M))=" << endl << M;

#if 1
  cout << "- write M to a file..." << endl;
  M.matlab_output("Mfile", "M", 0);

#if 0

  cout << "- a sparse matrix F1 again:" << endl << F1;
  cout << "- write F1 to a file..." << endl;
  F1.matlab_output("F1", "F1", 1);
  cout << "  ... done" << endl;
  cout << "- resized F1:" << endl << F1;
  cout << "- read F1 from the file again..." << endl;
  cout << "  ...done, F1=" << endl << F1;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 21
void test_fov(bool view=false) {
	PR2 brett(view);
	rave::EnvironmentBasePtr env = brett.get_env();

	// choose any camera
	Camera* cam = brett.rcam;

	// setup particles
	rave::KinBodyPtr table = env->GetKinBody("table");
	rave::KinBody::LinkPtr base = table->GetLink("base");
	rave::Vector extents = base->GetGeometry(0)->GetBoxExtents();

	rave::Vector table_pos = table->GetTransform().trans;
	double x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max;
	x_min = table_pos.x - extents.x;
	x_max = table_pos.x + extents.x;
	y_min = table_pos.y - extents.y;
	y_max = table_pos.y + extents.y;
	z_min = table_pos.z + extents.z - .1;
	z_max = table_pos.z + extents.z + .1;

	Matrix<double, 3, M> P;
	for(int m=0; m < M; ++m) {
		P(0,m) = mm_utils::uniform(x_min, x_max);
		P(1,m) = mm_utils::uniform(y_min, y_max);
		P(2,m) = mm_utils::uniform(z_min, z_max);
//		rave_utils::plot_point(env, P.col(m), {0,1,0});

	std::vector<std::vector<Beam3d> > beams = cam->get_beams();

	std::vector<Triangle3d> border = cam->get_border(beams);

//	for(int i=0; i < beams.size(); ++i) {
//		for(int j=0; j < beams[i].size(); ++j) {
//			beams[i][j].plot(env);
//		}
//	}

	for(int i=0; i < border.size(); ++i) {

	Matrix<double,M,1> sd;
	for(int m=0; m < M; ++m) {
		sd(m) = cam->signed_distance(P.col(m), beams, border);
//		std::cout << "sd: " << sd(m) << "\n";
//		rave_utils::plot_point(env, P.col(m), {0,1,0});
//		std::cin.ignore();
//		rave_utils::clear_plots(3);


Exemplo n.º 22
void update(int value)
// Read the experiment from file, if the file is finished exit suddenly
    if ( inputStream.eof() )
    {   exit(0);

    if ( isReading )
    {   // This reads a line (frame) in inputStream
        readline(inputStream, trialNumber,  headCalibration,  trialMode, pointMatrix );
        Affine3d active = headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation();
        eulerAngles.init( headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation().rotation() );

        eyeLeft = headEyeCoords.getLeftEye();
        eyeRight= headEyeCoords.getRightEye();
        //cerr << eyeRight.transpose() << endl;
        cyclopeanEye = (eyeLeft+eyeRight)/2.0;

        if ( trialMode == STIMULUSMODE )
        if ( trialMode == FIXATIONMODE )

        // Projection of view normal on the focal plane
        Vector3d directionOfSight = (active.rotation()*Vector3d(0,0,-1)).normalized();
        Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3> lineOfSightRight = Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3>::Through( eyeRight , eyeRight+directionOfSight );

        double lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane = lineOfSightRight.intersection(focalPlane);

        //double lenghtOnZ = (active*(center-eyeCalibration )+eyeRight).z();
        projPointEyeRight = lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane *(directionOfSight)+ (eyeRight);
        // second projection the fixation point computed with z non constant but perfectly parallel to projPointEyeRight
        lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane= (( active.rotation()*(center)) - eyeRight).norm();
        Vector3d secondProjection = lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane *(directionOfSight)+ (eyeRight);
        projPointEyeRight=secondProjection ;

        // Compute the translation to move the eye in order to avoid share components
        Vector3d posAlongLineOfSight = (headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation().rotation())*(eyeRight -eyeCalibration);
        if ( passiveMode )
        {   initProjectionScreen(0, headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation()*Translation3d(center));
            initProjectionScreen(focalDistance, Affine3d::Identity());

        if ( trialMode == STIMULUSMODE )
            // IMPORTANT Reset the previous status of transformations
            // PLANE 0 Transformation QUELLO CHE STA SOTTO
            alpha = atan( eyeRight.x()/abs(projPointEyeRight.z()) );
            if ( overallTilt )
                instantPlaneSlant = alphaMultiplier*alpha+toRadians(-factors.at("DeltaSlant")-factors.at("StillPlaneSlant"));
                AngleAxis<double> aa0( instantPlaneSlant,Vector3d::UnitY());
                double planesYOffset = factors.at("PlanesCentersYDistance")*(whichPlaneDrawUp ? 1 : -1);
                objectActiveTransformation[0].translation() = Vector3d(0,planesYOffset,focalDistance);

                // PLANE 1 Transformation QUELLO CHE STA SOPRA
                AngleAxis<double> aa1(-toRadians(factors.at("StillPlaneSlant")),Vector3d::UnitY());
                objectActiveTransformation[1].translation() = Vector3d(0,-planesYOffset,focalDistance);
                instantPlaneSlant = alphaMultiplier*alpha+toRadians(factors.at("DeltaSlant")+factors.at("StillPlaneSlant"));
                AngleAxis<double> aa0( instantPlaneSlant,Vector3d::UnitY());
                double planesYOffset = factors.at("PlanesCentersYDistance")*(whichPlaneDrawUp ? 1 : -1);
                objectActiveTransformation[0].translation() = Vector3d(0,planesYOffset,focalDistance);

                // PLANE 1 Transformation QUELLO CHE STA SOPRA
                AngleAxis<double> aa1(toRadians(factors.at("StillPlaneSlant")),Vector3d::UnitY());
                objectActiveTransformation[1].translation() = Vector3d(0,-planesYOffset,focalDistance);

            objectPassiveTransformation[0] = ( cam.getModelViewMatrix()*objectActiveTransformation[0] );
            objectPassiveTransformation[1] = ( cam.getModelViewMatrix()*objectActiveTransformation[1] );

            //cout << toDegrees(instantPlaneSlant) << endl;

            // **************** COMPUTE THE OPTIC FLOWS **************************
            // 1) Project the points to screen by computing their coordinates on focalPlane in passive (quite complicate, see the specific method)
            // *********** FOR THE MOVING PLANE *************
            vector<Vector3d> projPointsMovingPlane = stimDrawer[0].projectStimulusPoints(objectActiveTransformation[0],headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation(),cam,focalDistance, screen, eyeCalibration,passiveMode,false);

            // 2) Get the angles formed by stimulus and observer
            // updating with the latest values
            Vector3d oldAlphaMoving = flowsAnglesAlphaMoving,oldBetaMoving=flowsAnglesBetaMoving;
            // alpha is the "pitch" angle, beta is the "yaw" angle
            // Here me must use the points 4,5,8 of the stimulus
            flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(0)  =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[4].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(1)  =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[5].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(2)  =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[8].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );

            flowsAnglesBetaMoving(0)      =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[4].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesBetaMoving(1)      =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[5].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesBetaMoving(2)      =  ( atan2(projPointsMovingPlane[8].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );

            // 3) Fill the matrix of derivatives
            MatrixXd angVelocitiesMoving(6,1);
            angVelocitiesMoving(0) = flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(0)-oldAlphaMoving(0);
            angVelocitiesMoving(1) = flowsAnglesBetaMoving(0)-oldBetaMoving(0);
            angVelocitiesMoving(2) = flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(1)-oldAlphaMoving(1);
            angVelocitiesMoving(3) = flowsAnglesBetaMoving(1)-oldBetaMoving(1);
            angVelocitiesMoving(4) = flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(2)-oldAlphaMoving(2);
            angVelocitiesMoving(5) = flowsAnglesBetaMoving(2)-oldBetaMoving(2);
            angVelocitiesMoving /= ((double)TIMER_MS/(double)1000);

            // 4) Fill the coefficient matrix, to solve the linear system
            MatrixXd coeffMatrixMoving(6,6);
            coeffMatrixMoving <<
                              1, flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(0),   flowsAnglesBetaMoving(0), 0, 0, 0,
                                 0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(0),flowsAnglesBetaMoving(0),
                                 1, flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(1),   flowsAnglesBetaMoving(1), 0, 0, 0,
                                 0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(1),flowsAnglesBetaMoving(1),
                                 1, flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(2),   flowsAnglesBetaMoving(2), 0, 0, 0,
                                 0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaMoving(2),flowsAnglesBetaMoving(2)
            // 5) Solve the linear system by robust fullPivHouseholderQR decomposition (see Eigen for details http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TutorialLinearAlgebra.html )
            MatrixXd velocitiesMoving = coeffMatrixMoving.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(angVelocitiesMoving);
            // 6) Write the output to file flowsFileMoving
            flowsFileMoving << fixed << trialNumber << "\t" <<  //1
                            stimulusFrames << " " <<
                            factors.at("DeltaSlant")<< " " <<
                            factors.at("StillPlaneSlant") << " " <<
                            overallTilt << " " <<
                            projPointsMovingPlane[4].transpose() << " " <<
                            projPointsMovingPlane[5].transpose() << " " <<
                            projPointsMovingPlane[8].transpose() << " " <<
                            angVelocitiesMoving.transpose() << " " <<
                            velocitiesMoving.transpose() << endl;

            // ********************* FLOWS FOR THE STILL PLANE **************
            // Here we must repeat the same things for the still plane
            vector<Vector3d> projPointsStillPlane = stimDrawer[1].projectStimulusPoints(objectActiveTransformation[1],headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation(),cam,focalDistance, screen, eyeCalibration,passiveMode,false);

            // 2) Get the angles formed by stimulus and observer
            // updating with the latest values
            Vector3d oldAlphaStill = flowsAnglesAlphaStill,oldBetaStill=flowsAnglesBetaStill;
            // alpha is the "pitch" angle, beta is the "yaw" angle
            // Here me must use the points 4,5,8 of the stimulus
            flowsAnglesAlphaStill(0)  =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[4].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesAlphaStill(1)  =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[5].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesAlphaStill(2)  =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[8].x(), abs(focalDistance) ) );

            flowsAnglesBetaStill(0)      =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[4].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesBetaStill(1)      =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[5].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );
            flowsAnglesBetaStill(2)      =  ( atan2(projPointsStillPlane[8].y(), abs(focalDistance) ) );

            // 3) Fill the matrix of derivatives
            MatrixXd angVelocitiesStill(6,1);
            angVelocitiesStill(0) = flowsAnglesAlphaStill(0)-oldAlphaStill(0);
            angVelocitiesStill(1) = flowsAnglesBetaStill(0)-oldBetaStill(0);
            angVelocitiesStill(2) = flowsAnglesAlphaStill(1)-oldAlphaStill(1);
            angVelocitiesStill(3) = flowsAnglesBetaStill(1)-oldBetaStill(1);
            angVelocitiesStill(4) = flowsAnglesAlphaStill(2)-oldAlphaStill(2);
            angVelocitiesStill(5) = flowsAnglesBetaStill(2)-oldBetaStill(2);
            angVelocitiesStill /= ((double)TIMER_MS/(double)1000);

            // 4) Fill the coefficient matrix, to solve the linear system
            MatrixXd coeffMatrixStill(6,6);
            coeffMatrixStill <<
                             1, flowsAnglesAlphaStill(0),   flowsAnglesBetaStill(0), 0, 0, 0,
                                0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaStill(0),flowsAnglesBetaStill(0),
                                1, flowsAnglesAlphaStill(1),   flowsAnglesBetaStill(1), 0, 0, 0,
                                0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaStill(1),flowsAnglesBetaStill(1),
                                1, flowsAnglesAlphaStill(2),   flowsAnglesBetaStill(2), 0, 0, 0,
                                0, 0,    0,    1,flowsAnglesAlphaStill(2),flowsAnglesBetaStill(2)
            // 5) Solve the linear system by robust fullPivHouseholderQR decomposition (see Eigen for details http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TutorialLinearAlgebra.html )
            MatrixXd velocitiesStill = coeffMatrixStill.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(angVelocitiesStill);
            // 6) Write the output to file flowsFileStill
            flowsFileStill << fixed << trialNumber << "\t" <<  // 1
                           stimulusFrames << " " <<	// 2
                           factors.at("DeltaSlant")<< " " << // 3
                           factors.at("StillPlaneSlant") << " " << // 4
                           overallTilt << " " <<
                           projPointsStillPlane[4].transpose() << " " << // 5,6,7
                           projPointsStillPlane[5].transpose() << " " << // 8,9,10
                           projPointsStillPlane[8].transpose() << " " << // 11,12,13
                           angVelocitiesStill.transpose() << " " << // 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
                           velocitiesStill.transpose() << endl;	// 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
            // **************** END OF OPTIC FLOWS COMPUTATION
        ofstream outputfile;
        outputfile << "Subject Name: " << parameters.find("SubjectName") << endl;
        outputfile << "Passive matrix:" << endl << objectPassiveTransformation.matrix() << endl;
        outputfile << "Yaw: " << toDegrees(eulerAngles.getYaw()) << endl <<"Pitch: " << toDegrees(eulerAngles.getPitch()) << endl;
        outputfile << "EyeLeft: " <<  headEyeCoords.getLeftEye().transpose() << endl;
        outputfile << "EyeRight: " << headEyeCoords.getRightEye().transpose() << endl << endl;
        outputfile << "Factors:" << endl;
        for (map<string,double>::iterator iter=factors.begin(); iter!=factors.end(); ++iter)
        {   outputfile << "\t\t" << iter->first << "= " << iter->second << endl;


    if ( trialMode == PROBEMODE )

    glutTimerFunc(TIMER_MS, update, 0);
void update(int value)
{   // Read the experiment from file, if the file is finished exit suddenly
    if ( inputStream.eof() )
    {   cleanup();

    if ( isReading )
    {   // This reads a line (frame) in inputStream
        readline(inputStream, trialNumber,  headCalibration,  trialMode, pointMatrix );

        Affine3d active = headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation();
        eulerAngles.init( headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation().rotation() );

        eyeLeft = headEyeCoords.getLeftEye();
        eyeRight= headEyeCoords.getRightEye();

        cyclopeanEye = (eyeLeft+eyeRight)/2.0;

		if ( trialMode == STIMULUSMODE )
		if ( trialMode == FIXATIONMODE )

        // Projection of view normal on the focal plane
	Vector3d directionOfSight = (active.rotation()*Vector3d(0,0,-1)).normalized();
	Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3> lineOfSightRight = Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3>::Through( eyeRight , eyeRight+directionOfSight );
	Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3> lineOfSightLeft  = Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double,3>::Through( eyeLeft, eyeLeft+directionOfSight );
	double lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane = lineOfSightRight.intersection(focalPlane);
	double lineOfSightLeftDistanceToFocalPlane = lineOfSightLeft.intersection(focalPlane);
	//double lenghtOnZ = (active*(center-eyeCalibration )+eyeRight).z();
	projPointEyeRight = lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane *(directionOfSight)+ (eyeRight);
	projPointEyeLeft= lineOfSightLeftDistanceToFocalPlane * (directionOfSight) + (eyeLeft);
	// second projection the fixation point computed with z non constant but perfectly parallel to projPointEyeRight
	lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane= (( active.rotation()*(center)) - eyeRight).norm();
	Vector3d secondProjection = lineOfSightRightDistanceToFocalPlane *(directionOfSight)+ (eyeRight);
	if ( !zOnFocalPlane )
	projPointEyeRight=secondProjection ;

	// Compute the translation to move the eye in order to avoid share components
	Vector3d posAlongLineOfSight = (headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation().rotation())*(eyeRight -eyeCalibration);
        if ( passiveMode )
            initProjectionScreen(0, headEyeCoords.getRigidStart().getFullTransformation()*Translation3d(center));
            initProjectionScreen(focalDistance, Affine3d::Identity());
	objectPassiveTransformation = ( cam.getModelViewMatrix()*objectActiveTransformation );
	ofstream outputfile;
	outputfile << "Subject Name: " << parameters.find("SubjectName") << endl;
	outputfile << "Passive matrix:" << endl << objectPassiveTransformation.matrix() << endl;
	outputfile << "Yaw: " << toDegrees(eulerAngles.getYaw()) << endl <<"Pitch: " << toDegrees(eulerAngles.getPitch()) << endl;
	outputfile << "EyeLeft: " <<  headEyeCoords.getLeftEye().transpose() << endl;
	outputfile << "EyeRight: " << headEyeCoords.getRightEye().transpose() << endl << endl;
	outputfile << "Slant: " << instantPlaneSlant << endl;
	outputfile << "Factors:" << endl;
	for (map<string,double>::iterator iter=factors.begin(); iter!=factors.end(); ++iter)
		outputfile << "\t\t" << iter->first << "= " << iter->second << endl;

    if ( trialMode == PROBEMODE )

    glutTimerFunc(TIMER_MS, update, 0);
Exemplo n.º 24
void odom_callback(const nav_msgs::Odometry msg) {
    odom.col(0) = odom.col(1);
    odom.col(1) << msg.pose.pose.position.x, -msg.pose.pose.position.y, -tf::getYaw(msg.pose.pose.orientation);
Exemplo n.º 25
Matrix<double, k, m> aug_mcl(Matrix<double, k, m> belief, Matrix<double, k, 2> u, double (*meas_model)(Matrix<double, k, 1>), Matrix<double, k, 1> (*g)(Matrix<double, k, 1>, Matrix<double, k, 2>)) {
    // Moving averages
    static double w_slow = 0.0000001;
    static double w_fast = 0;
    // Decay parameters
    const double a_slow = 0.01;
    const double a_fast = 0.5;
    // Initialize particle set matrices for prediction and final current belief
    auto x_p = Matrix<double, k, m>();
    auto x = Matrix<double, k, m>();
    auto w = std::vector<double>(m);
    double w_avg = 0;

    // Iterate over previous belief particles
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        // Use motion model to calculate new prediction        
        Matrix<double, k, 1> x_p_i = g(belief.col(i), u);
        x_p.col(i) = x_p_i;
        // Work out weights using measurement model
        w[i] = meas_model(x_p_i);
        // Is overall likelihood of our measurements given our current beliefs really bad?
        w_avg += w[i] / m;
    // Accumulate weights so it's easy to pick a weighted sample
    std::partial_sum(w.begin(), w.end(), w.begin());
    double total_w = w.back();
    // Slow moving average conforms to overall measurement likelihood slowly, fast moving etc.
    w_slow += a_slow * (w_avg - w_slow);
    w_fast += a_fast * (w_avg - w_fast);
    // Don't resample if no changes greater than a predefined value
    // bool shouldResample = ((u.col(1) - u.col(0)).array().abs() > 1e-4).any();
    // if (!shouldResample) {
    //     ROS_INFO("Not resampling!");
    //     return x_p;
    // }
    // If overall likelihood of measurement being correct has been low for some time, start relocalizing
    double likelihood = std::max(0.0, 1.0 - w_fast / w_slow);
    // ROS_INFO("%f, %f, %f, %f", w_avg, w_fast, w_slow, likelihood);
    // Update particle set
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        // Re-localize
        if (drand() < likelihood) {
            x.col(i) << introduce_particle(x_p.rowwise().mean());
        // Otherwise, resample from existing particle set
        }  else {
            double rnd = drand() * total_w;
            int j = std::lower_bound(w.begin(), w.end(), rnd) - w.begin(); // Find first element with weight greater than rnd
            x.col(i) = x_p.col(j);   
    return x;
Exemplo n.º 26
GMMDesc initutil::gonzalezForGMM(commonutil::DataSet const& input, idx_type k, std::mt19937& gen, bool use2GMM, fp_type sampleFactor)
// 	std::cout << "sampleFactor = " << sampleFactor << std::endl;	
// 	std::cout << "use2GMM = " << use2GMM << std::endl;	
	idx_type sampleSize = sampleFactor * input.points.cols();
	idx_type d = input.points.rows();
	idx_type n = input.points.cols();
	initutil::check(k, d, n);

	GMMDesc desc;
	Vector sample;
	fp_type trace;
		GMMDesc gmmdesc = gmmutil::optimalGaussian(input);
		Matrix covar = gmmdesc.covariances.at(0);
		trace = covar.trace()/(10.*d*k);

	std::uniform_real_distribution<> urd(0,1);
	std::uniform_int_distribution<> uid(0,input.points.cols()-1);
	Matrix randMatrix(d,d);
	Matrix randOrthonormalMatrix(d,d);
	Vector eigenvalues(d);
	for (idx_type i=0; i<k; ++i)
		if (i==0)
			// draw first point uniformly
			sample = input.points.col(commonutil::randomIndex(input.weights, gen)); 
			// draw next point w.r.t. current mixture
			if(sampleFactor < 1)
				commonutil::DataSet samples;
				idx_type index;
				for(idx_type j=0; j<sampleSize; ++j){
					index = uid(gen);
// std::cout << "index = " << index << std::endl;
					samples.points.col(j) = input.points.col(index);
					samples.weights(j) = input.weights(index);
				Vector densities = gmmutil::adaptiveDensities(samples, desc, 1.);	
// std::cout << "densities.size() = " << densities.size() << std::endl;

				sample = samples.points.col(index); 

				idx_type index;
				Vector densities = gmmutil::adaptiveDensities(input, desc, 1.);	

// std::cout << "densities.size() = " << densities.size() << std::endl;

				sample = input.points.col(index); 
			Matrix tmpMeans = Matrix::Zero(d,i+1);
				tmpMeans.block(0,0,d,i) = desc.means;
			tmpMeans.col(i) = sample;
			desc = kmeansutil::meansToGMM(input, tmpMeans);
			desc.means.col(i) = sample;
			// random covariance
			for (idx_type i=0; i<d; ++i)
				for (idx_type j=0; j<d; ++j)
			Eigen::HouseholderQR<Matrix> qr(randMatrix);
			randOrthonormalMatrix = qr.householderQ();
			commonutil::fill(eigenvalues,gen, 1.,10.);
			fp_type tmp = trace/eigenvalues.sum();
			eigenvalues = tmp * eigenvalues;
			randMatrix = randOrthonormalMatrix.transpose()*eigenvalues.asDiagonal()*randOrthonormalMatrix;
		// estimate weights
		desc.weights = Vector::Zero(k);
		std::vector<idx_type> partition = gmmutil::gaussPartition(input.points, desc);
		for(idx_type n=0; n<input.points.cols(); ++n)
		desc.weights /= input.points.cols();

	return desc;
Exemplo n.º 27
 /* ************************************************************************* */
 pair<Matrix, Vector> GaussianFactorGraph::jacobian(
     boost::optional<const Ordering&> optionalOrdering) const {
   Matrix augmented = augmentedJacobian(optionalOrdering);
   return make_pair(augmented.leftCols(augmented.cols() - 1),
       augmented.col(augmented.cols() - 1));
 * Compute basic calibration parameters for a three axis gyroscope.
 * The measurement equation is
 * gyro_k = accelSensitivity * \tilde{accel}_k + bias + omega
 *      where, omega is the true angular rate (assumed to be zero)
 *              bias is the sensor bias
 *              accelSensitivity is the 3x3 matrix of sensitivity scale factors
 *              \tilde{accel}_k is the calibrated measurement of the accelerometer
 *                      at time k
 * After calibration, the optimized gyro measurement is given by
 * \tilde{gyro}_k = gyro_k - bias - accelSensitivity * \tilde{accel}_k
void gyroscope_calibration(Vector3f & bias,
                           Matrix3f & accelSensitivity,
                           Vector3f gyroSamples[],
                           Vector3f accelSamples[],
                           size_t n_samples)
    // Assume the following measurement model:
    // y = H*x
    // where x is the vector of unknowns, and y is the measurement vector.
    // the vector of unknowns is
    // [a_x a_y a_z b_x]
    // The measurement vector is
    // [gyro_x]
    // and the measurement matrix H is
    // [accelSample_x accelSample_y accelSample_z 1]

    // Note that the individual solutions for x are given by
    // (H^T \times H)^-1 \times H^T y
    // Everything is identical except for y and x.  So, transform it
    // into block form X = (H^T \times H)^-1 \times H^T Y
    // where each column of X contains the partial solution for each
    // column of y.

    // Construct the matrix of accelerometer samples.  Intermediate results
    // are computed in "twice the precision that the source provides and the
    // result deserves" by Kahan's thumbrule to prevent numerical problems.
    Matrix<double, Dynamic, 4> H(n_samples, 4);
    // And the matrix of gyro samples.
    Matrix<double, Dynamic, 3> Y(n_samples, 3);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_samples; ++i) {
        H.row(i) << accelSamples[i].transpose().cast<double>(), 1.0;
        Y.row(i) << gyroSamples[i].transpose().cast<double>();

#if 1
    Matrix<double, 4, 3> result;
    // Use the cholesky-based Penrose pseudoinverse method.
    (H.transpose() * H).ldlt().solve(H.transpose() * Y, &result);

    // Transpose the result and return it to the caller.  Cast back to float
    // since there really isn't that much accuracy in the result.
    bias = result.row(3).transpose().cast<float>();
    accelSensitivity = result.block<3, 3>(0, 0).transpose().cast<float>();
    // TODO: Compare this result with a total-least-squares model.
    size_t n = 4;
    Matrix<double, Dynamic, 7> C;
    C << H, Y;
    SVD<Matrix<double, Dynamic, 7> > usv(C);
    Matrix<double, 4, 3> V_ab = usv.matrixV().block<4, 3>(0, n);
    Matrix<double, Dynamic, 3> V_bb = usv.matrixV().corner(BottomRight, n_samples - 4, 3);
    // X = -V_ab/V_bb;
    // X^T = (A * B^-1)^T
    // X^T = (B^-1^T * A^T)
    // X^T = (B^T^-1 * A^T)
    // V_bb is orthgonal but not orthonormal.  QR decomposition
    // should be very fast in this case.
    Matrix<double, 3, 4> result;
    V_bb.transpose().qr().solve(-V_ab.transpose(), &result);

    // Results only deserve single precision.
    bias = result.col(3).cast<float>();
    accelSensitivity = result.block<3, 3>(0, 0).cast<float>();

#endif // if 1
Exemplo n.º 29
int contactConstraintsBV(
    const RigidBodyTree &r, const KinematicsCache<double> &cache, int nc,
    std::vector<double> support_mus,
                Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>> &supp,
    MatrixXd &B, MatrixXd &JB, MatrixXd &Jp, VectorXd &Jpdotv,
    MatrixXd &normals) {
  int j, k = 0, nq = r.number_of_positions();

  B.resize(3, nc * 2 * m_surface_tangents);
  JB.resize(nq, nc * 2 * m_surface_tangents);
  Jp.resize(3 * nc, nq);
  Jpdotv.resize(3 * nc);
  normals.resize(3, nc);

  Vector3d contact_pos, pos, normal;
  MatrixXd J(3, nq);
  Matrix<double, 3, m_surface_tangents> d;

  for (std::vector<SupportStateElement,
           iter = supp.begin();
       iter != supp.end(); iter++) {
    double mu = support_mus[iter - supp.begin()];
    double norm = sqrt(1 + mu * mu);  // because normals and ds are orthogonal,
                                      // the norm has a simple form
    if (nc > 0) {
      for (auto pt_iter = iter->contact_pts.begin();
           pt_iter != iter->contact_pts.end(); pt_iter++) {
        contact_pos = r.transformPoints(cache, *pt_iter, iter->body_idx, 0);
        J = r.transformPointsJacobian(cache, *pt_iter, iter->body_idx, 0, true);

        normal = iter->support_surface.head(3);
        surfaceTangents(normal, d);
        for (j = 0; j < m_surface_tangents; j++) {
          B.col(2 * k * m_surface_tangents + j) =
              (normal + mu * d.col(j)) / norm;
          B.col((2 * k + 1) * m_surface_tangents + j) =
              (normal - mu * d.col(j)) / norm;

          JB.col(2 * k * m_surface_tangents + j) =
              J.transpose() * B.col(2 * k * m_surface_tangents + j);
          JB.col((2 * k + 1) * m_surface_tangents + j) =
              J.transpose() * B.col((2 * k + 1) * m_surface_tangents + j);

        // store away kin sols into Jp and Jpdotv
        // NOTE: I'm cheating and using a slightly different ordering of J and
        // Jdot here
        Jp.block(3 * k, 0, 3, nq) = J;
        Vector3d pt = (*pt_iter).head(3);
        Jpdotv.block(3 * k, 0, 3, 1) =
            r.transformPointsJacobianDotTimesV(cache, pt, iter->body_idx, 0);
        normals.col(k) = normal;


  return k;

#include "common/OtherUtil.hpp"
#include <limits>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "NormalAOPoseAdapter.hpp"
#include "AbsoluteOrientation.hpp"

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

template<typename POSE_T, typename POINT_T>
Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 1> find_opt_cc(NormalAOPoseAdapter<POSE_T, POINT_T>& adapter)
	//the R has been fixed, we need to find optimal cc, camera center, given n pairs of 2-3 correspondences
	//Slabaugh, G., Schafer, R., & Livingston, M. (2001). Optimal Ray Intersection For Computing 3D Points From N -View Correspondences.
	typedef Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 1> V3;
	typedef Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> M3;

	M3 Rwc = adapter.getRcw().inverse().matrix();
	M3 AA; AA.setZero();
	V3 bb; bb.setZero();
	for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getNumberCorrespondences(); i++)
		if (adapter.isInlier23(i)){
			V3 vr_w = Rwc * adapter.getBearingVector(i).template cast<POSE_T>();
			M3 A;
			A(0,0) = 1 - vr_w(0)*vr_w(0);
			A(1,0) = A(0,1) = - vr_w(0)*vr_w(1);
			A(2,0) = A(0,2) = - vr_w(0)*vr_w(2);
			A(1,1) = 1 - vr_w(1)*vr_w(1);
			A(2,1) = A(1,2) = - vr_w(1)*vr_w(2);
			A(2,2) = 1 - vr_w(2)*vr_w(2);
			V3 b = A * adapter.getPointGlob(i).template cast<POSE_T>();
			AA += A;
			bb += b;
	V3 c_w;
	if (fabs(AA.determinant()) < POSE_T(0.0001))
		c_w = V3(numeric_limits<POSE_T>::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits<POSE_T>::quiet_NaN(), numeric_limits<POSE_T>::quiet_NaN());
		c_w = AA.jacobiSvd(ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV).solve(bb);
	return c_w;

template< typename POSE_T, typename POINT_T >
bool assign_sample(const NormalAOPoseAdapter<POSE_T, POINT_T>& adapter, 
	const vector<int>& selected_cols_, 
	Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>* p_X_w_, Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>* p_N_w_, 
	Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>* p_X_c_, Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>* p_N_c_, Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>* p_bv_){
	int K = (int)selected_cols_.size() - 1;
	bool use_shinji = false;
	int nValid = 0;
	for (int nSample = 0; nSample < K; nSample++) {
		p_X_w_->col(nSample) = adapter.getPointGlob(selected_cols_[nSample]);
		p_N_w_->col(nSample) = adapter.getNormalGlob(selected_cols_[nSample]);
		p_bv_->col(nSample) = adapter.getBearingVector(selected_cols_[nSample]);
		if (adapter.isValid(selected_cols_[nSample])){
			p_X_c_->col(nSample) = adapter.getPointCurr(selected_cols_[nSample]);
			p_N_c_->col(nSample) = adapter.getNormalCurr(selected_cols_[nSample]);
	if (nValid == K)
		use_shinji = true;
	//assign the fourth elements for 
	p_X_w_->col(3) = adapter.getPointGlob(selected_cols_[3]);
	p_N_w_->col(3) = adapter.getNormalGlob(selected_cols_[3]);
	p_bv_->col(3) = adapter.getBearingVector(selected_cols_[3]);

	return use_shinji;

template<typename POSE_T, typename POINT_T>
void nl_2p( const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& pt1_c, const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& nl1_c, const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& pt2_c, 
			const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& pt1_w, const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& nl1_w, const Matrix<POINT_T,3,1>& pt2_w, 
			SE3Group<POSE_T>* p_solution){
	//Drost, B., Ulrich, M., Navab, N., & Ilic, S. (2010). Model globally, match locally: Efficient and robust 3D object recognition. In CVPR (pp. 998?005). Ieee. http://doi.org/10.1109/CVPR.2010.5540108
	typedef Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic> MatrixX;
	typedef Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 1> V3;
	typedef SO3Group<POSE_T> ROTATION;
	typedef SE3Group<POSE_T> RT;

	V3 c_w = pt1_w.template cast<POSE_T>(); // c_w is the origin of coordinate g w.r.t. world

	POSE_T alpha = acos(nl1_w(0)); // rotation nl1_c to x axis (1,0,0)
	V3 axis( 0, nl1_w(2), -nl1_w(1)); //rotation axis between nl1_c to x axis (1,0,0) i.e. cross( nl1_w, x );

	//verify quaternion and rotation matrix
	Quaternion<POSE_T> q_g_f_w(AngleAxis<POSE_T>(alpha, axis));
	//cout << q_g_f_w << endl;
	ROTATION R_g_f_w(q_g_f_w);
	//cout << R_g_f_w << endl;

	V3 nl_x = R_g_f_w * nl1_w.template cast<POSE_T>();

	V3 c_c = pt1_c.template cast<POSE_T>();
	POSE_T beta = acos(nl1_c(0)); //rotation nl1_w to x axis (1,0,0)
	V3 axis2( 0, nl1_c(2), -nl1_c(1) ); //rotation axis between nl1_m to x axis (1,0,0) i.e. cross( nl1_w, x );

	Quaternion<POSE_T> q_gp_f_c(AngleAxis<POSE_T>(beta, axis2));
	//cout << q_gp_f_c << endl;
	ROTATION R_gp_f_c(q_gp_f_c);
	//cout << R_gp_f_c << endl;
	//	Vector3 nl_x = R_gp_f_c * nl1_c;
	//	print<T, Vector3>(nl_x);

	V3 pt2_g = R_g_f_w * (pt2_w.template cast<POSE_T>() - c_w); pt2_g(0) = POINT_T(0);  pt2_g.normalized();
	V3 pt2_gp = R_gp_f_c * (pt2_c.template cast<POSE_T>() - c_c); pt2_gp(0) = POINT_T(0);  pt2_gp.normalized();

	POSE_T gamma = acos(pt2_g.dot(pt2_gp)); //rotate pt2_g to pt2_gp;
	V3 axis3(1,0,0); 

	Quaternion< POSE_T > q_gp_f_g(AngleAxis<POSE_T>(gamma, axis3));
	//cout << q_gp_f_g << endl;
	ROTATION R_gp_f_g ( q_gp_f_g );
	//cout << R_gp_f_g << endl;

	ROTATION R_c_f_gp = R_gp_f_c.inverse();
	p_solution->so3() = R_c_f_gp * R_gp_f_g * R_g_f_w;
	//	T3 pt = *R_cfw * (pt2_w - c_w) + c_c;
	//	cout << norm<T, T3>( pt - pt2_c ) << endl;
	//	cout << norm<T, T3>(nl1_w) << endl;
	//	cout << norm<T, T3>(nl1_c) << endl;
	//	cout << norm<T, T3>(*R_cfw * nl1_w) << endl;
	//	cout << norm<T, T3>(nl1_c - *R_cfw * nl1_w) << endl;
	p_solution->translation() = c_c - p_solution->so3() * c_w;


template< typename POSE_T, typename POINT_T > /*Matrix<float,-1,-1,0,-1,-1> = MatrixXf*/
SE3Group<POSE_T>  nl_shinji_ls(const Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic> & Xw_, const Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>&  Xc_,
	const Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic> & Nw_, const Matrix<POINT_T, Dynamic, Dynamic>&  Nc_, const int K) {
	typedef SE3Group<POSE_T> RT;

	assert(Xw_.rows() == 3);

	//Compute the centroid of each point set
	Matrix<POINT_T, 3, 1> Cw(0, 0, 0), Cc(0, 0, 0); //Matrix<float,3,1,0,3,1> = Vector3f
	for (int nCount = 0; nCount < K; nCount++){
		Cw += Xw_.col(nCount);
		Cc += Xc_.col(nCount);
	Cw /= (POINT_T)K;
	Cc /= (POINT_T)K;

	// transform coordinate
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 1> Aw, Ac;
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> M; M.setZero();
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> N;
	POSE_T sigma_w_sqr = 0;
	for (int nC = 0; nC < K; nC++){
		Aw = Xw_.col(nC) - Cw; sigma_w_sqr += Aw.squaredNorm();
		Ac = Xc_.col(nC) - Cc; 
		N = Ac * Aw.transpose();
		M += N;

	M /= (POSE_T)K;
	sigma_w_sqr /= (POSE_T)K;

	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> M_n; M_n.setZero();
	for (int nC = 0; nC < K; nC++){
		//pure imaginary Shortcuts
		Aw = Nw_.col(nC);
		Ac = Nc_.col(nC);
		N = Ac * Aw.transpose();
		M_n += (sigma_w_sqr*N);

	M_n /= (POSE_T)K;
	M += M_n;

	JacobiSVD<Matrix<POSE_T, 3,3> > svd(M, ComputeFullU | ComputeFullV);
	//[U S V]=svd(M);
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> U = svd.matrixU();
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> V = svd.matrixV();
	Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 1> D = svd.singularValues();
	SO3Group<POSE_T> R_tmp;
	if (M.determinant() < 0){
		Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3> I = Matrix<POSE_T, 3, 3>::Identity(); I(2, 2) = -1; D(2) *= -1;
		R_tmp = SO3Group<POSE_T>(U*I*V.transpose());
		R_tmp = SO3Group<POSE_T>(U*V.transpose());
	Matrix< POSE_T, 3, 1> T_tmp = Cc - R_tmp * Cw;

	RT solution = RT( R_tmp, T_tmp) ;

	//T tr = D.sum();
	//T dE_sqr = sigma_c_sqr - tr*tr / sigma_w_sqr;
	return solution; // dE_sqr;