Пример #1
bool clCxxWorkspace::RemoveProject(const wxString& name, wxString& errMsg)
    ProjectPtr proj = FindProjectByName(name, errMsg);
    if(!proj) {
        return false;

    // remove the associated build configuration with this
    // project

    // remove the project from the internal map
    std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.find(proj->GetName());
    if(iter != m_projects.end()) {

    // update the xml file
    wxXmlNode* root = m_doc.GetRoot();
    wxXmlNode* child = root->GetChildren();
    while(child) {
        if(child->GetName() == wxT("Project") && child->GetPropVal(wxT("Name"), wxEmptyString) == name) {
            if(child->GetPropVal(wxT("Active"), wxEmptyString).CmpNoCase(wxT("Yes")) == 0) {
                // the removed project was active,
                // select new project to be active
                if(!m_projects.empty()) {
                    std::map<wxString, ProjectPtr>::iterator iter = m_projects.begin();
                    SetActiveProject(iter->first, true);
            delete child;
        child = child->GetNext();

    // go over the dependencies list of each project and remove the project
    iter = m_projects.begin();
    for(; iter != m_projects.end(); iter++) {
        ProjectPtr p = iter->second;
        if(p) {
            wxArrayString configs;
            // populate the choice control with the list of available configurations for this project
            ProjectSettingsPtr settings = p->GetSettings();
            if(settings) {
                ProjectSettingsCookie cookie;
                BuildConfigPtr bldConf = settings->GetFirstBuildConfiguration(cookie);
                while(bldConf) {
                    bldConf = settings->GetNextBuildConfiguration(cookie);

            // update each configuration of this project
            for(size_t i = 0; i < configs.GetCount(); i++) {

                wxArrayString deps = p->GetDependencies(configs.Item(i));
                int where = deps.Index(name);
                if(where != wxNOT_FOUND) {

                // update the configuration
                p->SetDependencies(deps, configs.Item(i));
    return SaveXmlFile();