Пример #1
void CppCheckPlugin::DoSettingsItem(ProjectPtr project/*= NULL*/)
    // Find the default path for the CppCheckSettingsDialog's wxFileDialog
    wxString defaultpath;
    IEditor* ed = m_mgr->GetActiveEditor();
    if (ed && ed->GetFileName().IsOk()) {
        defaultpath = ed->GetFileName().GetPath();

    // If there's an active project, first load any project-specific settings: definitions and undefines
    // (We couldn't do that with the rest of the settings as the workspace hadn't yet been loaded)
    m_settings.LoadProjectSpecificSettings(project); // NB we still do this if !project, as that will clear any stale settings

    CppCheckSettingsDialog dlg(m_mgr->GetTheApp()->GetTopWindow(), &m_settings, m_mgr->GetConfigTool(), defaultpath, project.Get() != NULL);
    if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) {
        m_mgr->GetConfigTool()->WriteObject(wxT("CppCheck"), &m_settings);
        if (project) {
            // Also save any project-specific settings: definitions and undefines
            wxString definitions = wxJoin(m_settings.GetDefinitions(), ',');
            wxString undefines   = wxJoin(m_settings.GetUndefines(), ',');
            if (!(definitions.empty() && undefines.empty())) {
                project->SetPluginData("CppCheck", definitions + ';' + undefines);
            } else {
                project->SetPluginData("CppCheck", "");
Пример #2
void QMakeTab::Save(IManager *manager, const wxString& projectName, const wxString& confgName)
	wxString errMsg;
	ProjectPtr p = manager->GetWorkspace()->FindProjectByName(projectName, errMsg);
	if ( p ) {
		wxString data = p->GetPluginData(wxT("qmake"));
		QmakePluginData pd( data );
		QmakePluginData::BuildConfPluginData bcpd;

		bcpd.m_buildConfName      = confgName;
		bcpd.m_enabled            = m_checkBoxUseQmake->IsChecked();
		bcpd.m_freeText           = m_textCtrlFreeText->GetValue();
		bcpd.m_qmakeConfig        = m_choiceQmakeSettings->GetStringSelection();
		bcpd.m_qmakeExecutionLine = m_textCtrlQmakeExeLine->GetValue();

		pd.SetDataForBuildConf(confgName, bcpd);

		p->SetPluginData(wxT("qmake"), pd.ToString());