Пример #1
static void position_system_lights(Frame *camFrame, Frame *frame, std::vector<Camera::LightSource> &lights)
	if (lights.size() > 3) return;

	SystemBody *body = frame->GetSystemBody();
	// IsRotFrame check prevents double counting
	if (body && !frame->IsRotFrame() && (body->GetSuperType() == SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_STAR)) {
		vector3d lpos = frame->GetPositionRelTo(camFrame);
		const double dist = lpos.Length() / AU;
		lpos *= 1.0/dist; // normalize

		const float *col = StarSystem::starRealColors[body->type];

		const Color lightCol(col[0], col[1], col[2], 0.f);
		vector3f lightpos(lpos.x, lpos.y, lpos.z);
		lights.push_back(Camera::LightSource(frame->GetBody(), Graphics::Light(Graphics::Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, lightpos, lightCol, lightCol)));

	for (Frame::ChildIterator it = frame->BeginChildren(); it != frame->EndChildren(); ++it) {
		position_system_lights(camFrame, *it, lights);
Пример #2
static int l_set_hyperspace_target(lua_State *l)
	if (Pi::game->IsNormalSpace()) {
		const SystemPath path = *LuaObject<SystemPath>::CheckFromLua(2);
		if (!path.IsSystemPath()) {
			if (!path.IsBodyPath()) {
				return luaL_error(l, "Player:SetHyperspaceTarget() -- second parameter is not a system path or the path of a star");
			RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> sys = Pi::game->GetGalaxy()->GetStarSystem(path);
			// Lua should never be able to get an invalid SystemPath
			// (note: this may change if it becomes possible to remove systems during the game)
			assert(path.bodyIndex < sys->GetNumBodies());
			SystemBody *sbody = sys->GetBodyByPath(path);
			if (!sbody->GetSuperType() == SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_STAR)
				return luaL_error(l, "Player:SetHyperspaceTarget() -- second parameter is not a system path or the path of a star");
		return 0;
	} else
		return luaL_error(l, "Player:SetHyperspaceTarget() cannot be used while in hyperspace");
Пример #3
 * Attribute: superType
 * The supertype of the body, as a <Constants.BodySuperType> constant
 * Availability:
 *  alpha 10
 * Status:
 *  stable
static int l_sbody_attr_super_type(lua_State *l)
	SystemBody *sbody = LuaSystemBody::CheckFromLua(1);
	lua_pushstring(l, LuaConstants::GetConstantString(l, "BodySuperType", sbody->GetSuperType()));
	return 1;
Пример #4
 * Function: SpawnShipLandedNear
 * Create a ship and place it on the surface near the given <Body>.
 * > ship = Space.SpawnShipLandedNear(type, body, min, max)
 * Parameters:
 *   type - the name of the ship
 *   body - the <Body> near which the ship should be spawned. It must be on the ground or close to it,
 *          i.e. it must be in the rotating frame of the planetary body.
 *   min - minimum distance from the surface point below the body to place the ship, in Km
 *   max - maximum distance to place the ship
 * Return:
 *   ship - a <Ship> object for the new ship
 * Example:
 * > -- spawn a ship 10km from the player
 * > local ship = Ship.SpawnShipLandedNear("viper_police", Game.player, 10, 10)
 * Availability:
 *   July 2013
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_space_spawn_ship_landed_near(lua_State *l)
    if (!Pi::game)
        luaL_error(l, "Game is not started");


    const char *type = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
    if (! ShipType::Get(type))
        luaL_error(l, "Unknown ship type '%s'", type);

    Body *nearbody = LuaObject<Body>::CheckFromLua(2);
    const float min_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 3);
    const float max_dist = luaL_checknumber(l, 4);
    if (min_dist > max_dist)
        luaL_error(l, "min_dist must not be larger than max_dist");

    Ship *ship = new Ship(type);

    // XXX protect against spawning inside the body
    Frame * newframe = nearbody->GetFrame()->GetRotFrame();
    if (!newframe->IsRotFrame())
        luaL_error(l, "Body must be in rotating frame");
    SystemBody *sbody = newframe->GetSystemBody();
    if (sbody->GetSuperType() != SystemBody::SUPERTYPE_ROCKY_PLANET)
        luaL_error(l, "Body is not on a rocky planet");
    if (max_dist > sbody->GetRadius())
        luaL_error(l, "max_dist too large for planet radius");
    // We assume that max_dist is much smaller than the planet radius, i.e. that our area is reasonably flat
    // So, we
    const vector3d up = nearbody->GetPosition().Normalized();
    vector3d x;
    vector3d y;
    // Calculate a orthonormal basis for a horizontal plane. For numerical reasons we do that determining the smallest
    // coordinate and take the cross product with (1,0,0), (0,1,0) or (0,0,1) respectively to calculate the first vector.
    // The second vector is just the cross product of the up-vector and out first vector.
    if (up.x <= up.y && up.x <= up.z) {
        x = vector3d(0.0, up.z, -up.y).Normalized();
        y = vector3d(-up.y*up.y - up.z*up.z, up.x*up.y, up.x*up.z).Normalized();
    } else if (up.y <= up.x && up.y <= up.z) {
        x = vector3d(-up.z, 0.0, up.x).Normalized();
        y = vector3d(up.x*up.y, -up.x*up.x - up.z*up.z, up.y*up.z).Normalized();
    } else {
        x = vector3d(up.y, -up.x, 0.0).Normalized();
        y = vector3d(up.x*up.z, up.y*up.z, -up.x*up.x - up.y*up.y).Normalized();
    Planet *planet = static_cast<Planet*>(newframe->GetBody());
    const double radius = planet->GetSystemBody()->GetRadius();
    const vector3d planar = MathUtil::RandomPointInCircle(min_dist * 1000.0, max_dist * 1000.0);
    vector3d pos = (radius * up + x * planar.x + y * planar.y).Normalized();
    float latitude = atan2(pos.y, sqrt(pos.x*pos.x + pos.z * pos.z));
    float longitude = atan2(pos.x, pos.z);

    ship->SetLandedOn(planet, latitude, longitude);


    LUA_DEBUG_END(l, 1);

    return 1;
Пример #5
 * Attribute: superType
 * The supertype of the body, as a <Constants.BodySuperType> constant
 * Availability:
 *  alpha 10
 * Status:
 *  stable
static int l_sbody_attr_super_type(lua_State *l)
	SystemBody *sbody = LuaObject<SystemBody>::CheckFromLua(1);
	lua_pushstring(l, EnumStrings::GetString("BodySuperType", sbody->GetSuperType()));
	return 1;