int CLuaFunctionDefs::XMLCreateFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  xmlnode xmlCreateFile ( string filePath, string rootNodeName )
    SString filePath; SString rootNodeName;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( filePath );
    argStream.ReadString ( rootNodeName );

    // Safety check: Don't allow the rootNodeName "private" incase user forget to declare a node name
    if ( rootNodeName == EnumToString ( ACCESS_PRIVATE ) )
        argStream.SetCustomError( "Expected string at argument 2, got access-type" );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine(luaVM);
        if ( pLuaMain )
            CResource* pResource = pLuaMain->GetResource();
            SString strFile;
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput( filePath, pResource, strFile ) )
                // Make sure the directory exists
                MakeSureDirExists ( strFile.c_str () );

                // Create the XML
                CXMLFile * xmlFile = pLuaMain->CreateXML ( strFile.c_str () );
                if ( xmlFile )
                    // Create its root node
                    CXMLNode* pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( rootNodeName );
                    if ( pRootNode )
                        lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                        return 1;

                    // Delete the XML again
                    pLuaMain->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::XMLLoadFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  xmlnode xmlLoadFile ( string filePath )
    SString filePath;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( filePath );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CLuaMain * luaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
        if ( luaMain )
            CResource* pResource = luaMain->GetResource();
            SString strFilename;
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput( filePath, pResource, strFilename ) )
                // Create the XML
                CXMLFile * xmlFile = luaMain->CreateXML ( strFilename );
                if ( xmlFile )
                    // Parse it
                    if ( xmlFile->Parse() )
                        // Create the root node if it doesn't exist
                        CXMLNode* pRootNode = xmlFile->GetRootNode ();
                        if ( !pRootNode )
                            pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( "root" );

                        // Got a root node?
                        if ( pRootNode )
                            lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                            return 1;

                    // Destroy the XML
                    luaMain->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #3
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlCreateFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 3 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlCreateFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );
#endif // !MTA_CLIENT

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLuaMain )
        SString strInputPath, strRootNodeName;

        CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
        argStream.ReadString ( strInputPath );
        argStream.ReadString ( strRootNodeName );

        if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
            SString strPath;
            CResource* pThisResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
            CResource* pOtherResource = pThisResource; // clientside, this variable will always be pThisResource

            // Resolve other resource from name
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strInputPath, pOtherResource, &strPath, nullptr ) )
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
                // We have access to modify other resource?
                if ( pOtherResource == pThisResource ||
                    m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                        false ) )
#endif // !MTA_CLIENT
                    // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                    MakeSureDirExists ( strPath );

                    // Create the XML file
                    CXMLFile * xmlFile = pLuaMain->CreateXML ( strPath );
                    if ( xmlFile )
                        // Create its root node
                        CXMLNode* pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( strRootNodeName );
                        if ( pRootNode )
                            lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                            return 1;
                        // Destroy it if we failed
                        pLuaMain->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
                    argStream.SetCustomError ( SString ( "ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource '%s' to access '%s'", pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (), pOtherResource->GetName ().c_str () ), "Access denied" );
#endif // !MTA_CLIENT

        if ( argStream.HasErrors () )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #4
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlCopyFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 3 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlCopyFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );
#endif // !MTA_CLIENT

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLUA )
        SString strFile;
        CXMLNode* pSourceNode;

        CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
        argStream.ReadUserData ( pSourceNode );
        argStream.ReadString ( strFile );

        if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
            SString strPath;
            CResource* pThisResource = pLUA->GetResource ();
            CResource* pOtherResource = pThisResource;

            // Resolve other resource from name
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strFile, pOtherResource, &strPath, NULL ) )
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
                // We have access to modify other resource?
                if ( pOtherResource == pThisResource ||
                    m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                        false ) )
#endif // !MTA_CLIENT
                    if ( pSourceNode ) {

                        // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                        MakeSureDirExists ( strPath );

                        // Grab the roots tag name
                        std::string strRootTagName;
                        strRootTagName = pSourceNode->GetTagName ();

                        // Create the new XML file and its root node
                        CXMLFile* pNewXML = pLUA->CreateXML ( strPath.c_str () );
                        if ( pNewXML )
                            // Grab the root of the new XML
                            CXMLNode* pNewRoot = pNewXML->CreateRootNode ( strRootTagName );
                            if ( pNewRoot )
                                // Copy over the attributes from the root
                                int iAttributeCount = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Count ();
                                int i = 0;
                                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute;
                                for ( ; i < iAttributeCount; i++ )
                                    pAttribute = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Get ( i );
                                    if ( pAttribute )
                                        pNewRoot->GetAttributes ().Create ( *pAttribute );

                                // Copy the stuff from the given source node to the destination root
                                if ( pSourceNode->CopyChildrenInto ( pNewRoot, true ) )
                                    lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pNewRoot );
                                    return 1;

                            // Delete the XML again
                            pLUA->DestroyXML ( pNewXML );
                        argStream.SetCustomError ( SString ( "Unable to copy XML file %s", strFile.c_str () ), "Bad filepath" );
#ifndef MTA_CLIENT
                    argStream.SetCustomError ( SString ( "ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource '%s' to access '%s'", pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (), pOtherResource->GetName ().c_str () ), "Access denied" );

        if ( argStream.HasErrors () )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    // Error
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::XMLCopyFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  xmlnode xmlCopyFile ( xmlnode nodeToCopy, string newFilePath )
    CXMLNode* pSourceNode; SString newFilePath;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pSourceNode );
    argStream.ReadString ( newFilePath );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Grab the virtual machine for this luastate
        CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
        if ( pLUA )
            CResource* pResource = pLUA->GetResource();
            SString strFilename;
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput( newFilePath, pResource, strFilename ) )
                if ( pSourceNode )
                    // Grab the roots tag name
                    std::string strRootTagName;
                    strRootTagName = pSourceNode->GetTagName ();

                    // Grab our lua VM
                    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );

                    // Create the new XML file and its root node
                    CXMLFile* pNewXML = pLUA->CreateXML ( strFilename );
                    if ( pNewXML )
                        // Create root for new XML
                        CXMLNode* pNewRoot = pNewXML->CreateRootNode ( strRootTagName );
                        if ( pNewRoot )
                            // Copy over the attributes from the root
                            int iAttributeCount = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Count ();
                            int i = 0;
                            CXMLAttribute* pAttribute;
                            for ( ; i < iAttributeCount; i++ )
                                pAttribute = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Get ( i );
                                if ( pAttribute )
                                    pNewRoot->GetAttributes ().Create ( *pAttribute );

                            // Copy the stuff from the given source node to the destination root
                            if ( pSourceNode->CopyChildrenInto ( pNewRoot, true ) )
                                lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pNewRoot );
                                return 1;

                        // Delete the XML again
                        pLUA->DestroyXML ( pNewXML );
                CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Unable to copy xml file; bad filepath" );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    // Error
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #6
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlLoadFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
     if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlLoadFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLUA )
        SString strFile;
        CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
        argStream.ReadString ( strFile );

        if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
            SString strPath;
            CResource* pThisResource = pLUA->GetResource ();
            CResource* pOtherResource = pThisResource;
            // Resolve other resource from name
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strFile, pOtherResource, &strPath, NULL ) )
                // We have access to modify other resource?
                if ( pOtherResource == pThisResource ||
                    m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                                                    false ) )

                    // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                    MakeSureDirExists ( strPath );

                    // Create the XML
                    CXMLFile* xmlFile = pLUA->CreateXML ( strPath.c_str () );
                    if ( xmlFile )
                        // Try to parse it
                        if ( xmlFile->Parse () )
                            // Grab the root node. If it didn't exist, create one
                            CXMLNode * pRootNode = xmlFile->GetRootNode ();
                            if ( !pRootNode )
                                pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( "root" );

                            // Could we create one?
                            if ( pRootNode )
                                // Return the root node
                                lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                                return 1;

                        // Destroy it if we failed
                        pLUA->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );
                    argStream.SetCustomError( SString( "ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource '%s' to access '%s'", pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (), pOtherResource->GetName ().c_str () ), "Access denied" );

        if ( argStream.HasErrors () )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #7
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlCreateFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 3 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlCreateFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLUA )
        CResource* pThisResource = pLUA->GetResource ();
        CResource* pResource = pThisResource;

        // Filename
        if ( ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) != LUA_TSTRING ) ||
             ( lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) != LUA_TSTRING ) )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "xmlCreateFile" );

            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
            return 1;
            std::string strFile = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );
            std::string strPath;

            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strFile, pResource, &strPath, NULL ) )
                // We have access to modify this resource?
                if ( pResource == pThisResource ||
                    m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                                                    false ) )

                    // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                    MakeSureDirExists ( strPath.c_str () );

                    // Grab the root
                    const char* szRootName = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

                    // Create the XML file
                    CXMLFile * xmlFile = pLUA->CreateXML ( strPath.c_str () );
                    if ( xmlFile )
                        // Create its root node
                        CXMLNode* pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( szRootName );
                        if ( pRootNode )
                            lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                            return 1;

                        // Delete it again
                        pLUA->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #8
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlCopyFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 3 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlCopyFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLUA )
        CResource* pThisResource = pLUA->GetResource ();
        CResource* pResource = pThisResource;

        // Verify the argument types passed
        if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA  &&
            lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
            // Grab the filename passed
            std::string strFile = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );
            std::string strPath;
            if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strFile, pResource, &strPath, NULL ) )
                // We have access to modify this resource?
                if ( pResource == pThisResource ||
                    m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                                                    false ) )
                    // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                    MakeSureDirExists ( strPath.c_str () );

                    // Grab the source node
                    CXMLNode* pSourceNode = lua_toxmlnode ( luaVM, 1 );
                    if ( pSourceNode )
                        // Grab the roots tag name
                        std::string strRootTagName;
                        strRootTagName = pSourceNode->GetTagName ();

                        // Create the new XML file and its root node
                        CXMLFile* pNewXML = pLUA->CreateXML ( strPath.c_str () );
                        if ( pNewXML )
                            // Grab the root of the new XML
                            CXMLNode* pNewRoot = pNewXML->CreateRootNode ( strRootTagName );
                            if ( pNewRoot )
                                // Copy over the attributes from the root
                                int iAttributeCount = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Count ();
                                int i = 0;
                                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute;
                                for ( ; i < iAttributeCount; i++ )
                                    pAttribute = pSourceNode->GetAttributes ().Get ( i );
                                    if ( pAttribute )
                                        pNewRoot->GetAttributes ().Create ( *pAttribute );

                                // Copy the stuff from the given source node to the destination root
                                if ( pSourceNode->CopyChildrenInto ( pNewRoot, true ) )
                                    lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pNewRoot );
                                    return 1;

                            // Delete the XML again
                            pLUA->DestroyXML ( pNewXML );
                        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Unable to copy xml file; bad filepath" );
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM,"xmlCopyFile failed; ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource %s to access %s", pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (), pResource->GetName ().c_str () );
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "xmlCopyFile" );

    // Error
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Example #9
int CLuaXMLDefs::xmlLoadFile ( lua_State* luaVM )
     if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, "xmlLoadFile may be using an outdated syntax. Please check and update." );

    // Grab our resource
    CLuaMain* pLUA = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLUA )
        CResource* pThisResource = pLUA->GetResource ();
        CResource* pResource = pThisResource;
        // Filename
        if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) != LUA_TSTRING )
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "xmlLoadFile" );

            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
            return 1;
        // Grab the filename passed
        std::string strFile = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );
        std::string strPath;

        if ( CResourceManager::ParseResourcePathInput ( strFile, pResource, &strPath, NULL ) )
            if ( pResource == pThisResource ||
                m_pACLManager->CanObjectUseRight ( pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (),
                                                false ) )
                // Make sure the dir exists so we can successfully make the file
                MakeSureDirExists ( strPath.c_str () );

                // Create the XML
                CXMLFile* xmlFile = pLUA->CreateXML ( strPath.c_str () );
                if ( xmlFile )
                    // Try to parse it
                    if ( xmlFile->Parse () )
                        // Grab the root node. If it didn't exist, create one
                        CXMLNode * pRootNode = xmlFile->GetRootNode ();
                        if ( !pRootNode )
                            pRootNode = xmlFile->CreateRootNode ( "root" );

                        // Could we create one?
                        if ( pRootNode )
                            // Return the root node
                            lua_pushxmlnode ( luaVM, pRootNode );
                            return 1;

                    // Destroy it if we failed
                    pLUA->DestroyXML ( xmlFile );
                m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "xmlLoadFile failed; ModifyOtherObjects in ACL denied resource %s to access %s", pThisResource->GetName ().c_str (), pResource->GetName ().c_str () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;