Example #1
bool DIALOG_SHIM::Show( bool show )
    bool        ret;
    const char* hash_key;

    if( m_hash_key.size() )
        // a special case like EDA_LIST_DIALOG, which has multiple uses.
        hash_key = m_hash_key.c_str();
        hash_key = typeid(*this).name();

    // Show or hide the window.  If hiding, save current position and size.
    // If showing, use previous position and size.
    if( show )
        wxDialog::Raise();  // Needed on OS X and some other window managers (i.e. Unity)
        ret = wxDialog::Show( show );

        // classname is key, returns a zeroed out default EDA_RECT if none existed before.
        EDA_RECT r = class_map[ hash_key ];

        if( r.GetSize().x != 0 && r.GetSize().y != 0 )
            SetSize( r.GetPosition().x, r.GetPosition().y, r.GetSize().x, r.GetSize().y, 0 );
        // Save the dialog's position & size before hiding, using classname as key
        EDA_RECT  r( wxDialog::GetPosition(), wxDialog::GetSize() );
        class_map[ hash_key ] = r;

        ret = wxDialog::Show( show );
    return ret;