Example #1
bool DIALOG_SHIM::Show( bool show )
    bool        ret;
    const char* hash_key;

    if( m_hash_key.size() )
        // a special case like EDA_LIST_DIALOG, which has multiple uses.
        hash_key = m_hash_key.c_str();
        hash_key = typeid(*this).name();

    // Show or hide the window.  If hiding, save current position and size.
    // If showing, use previous position and size.
    if( show )
        wxDialog::Raise();  // Needed on OS X and some other window managers (i.e. Unity)
        ret = wxDialog::Show( show );

        // classname is key, returns a zeroed out default EDA_RECT if none existed before.
        EDA_RECT r = class_map[ hash_key ];

        if( r.GetSize().x != 0 && r.GetSize().y != 0 )
            SetSize( r.GetPosition().x, r.GetPosition().y, r.GetSize().x, r.GetSize().y, 0 );
        // Save the dialog's position & size before hiding, using classname as key
        EDA_RECT  r( wxDialog::GetPosition(), wxDialog::GetSize() );
        class_map[ hash_key ] = r;

        ret = wxDialog::Show( show );
    return ret;
const BOX2I D_PAD::ViewBBox() const
    // Bounding box includes soldermask too
    int solderMaskMargin       = GetSolderMaskMargin();
    VECTOR2I solderPasteMargin = VECTOR2D( GetSolderPasteMargin() );
    EDA_RECT bbox              = GetBoundingBox();

    // Look for the biggest possible bounding box
    int xMargin = std::max( solderMaskMargin, solderPasteMargin.x );
    int yMargin = std::max( solderMaskMargin, solderPasteMargin.y );

    return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( bbox.GetOrigin() ) - VECTOR2I( xMargin, yMargin ),
                  VECTOR2I( bbox.GetSize() ) + VECTOR2I( 2 * xMargin, 2 * yMargin ) );
Example #3
void SELECTION_TOOL::findCallback( BOARD_ITEM* aItem )

    if( aItem )
        select( aItem );
        EDA_RECT bbox = aItem->GetBoundingBox();
        BOX2D viewport( VECTOR2D( bbox.GetOrigin() ), VECTOR2D( bbox.GetSize() ) );
        getView()->SetViewport( viewport );

        // Inform other potentially interested tools
        m_toolMgr->ProcessEvent( SelectedEvent );

const BOX2I MODULE::ViewBBox() const
    EDA_RECT fpRect = GetFootprintRect();

    return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( fpRect.GetOrigin() ), VECTOR2I( fpRect.GetSize() ) );
 * Function idf_export_outline
 * retrieves line segment information from the edge layer and compiles
 * the data into a form which can be output as an IDFv3 compliant
 * BOARD_OUTLINE section.
static void idf_export_outline( BOARD* aPcb, IDF3_BOARD& aIDFBoard )
    double scale = aIDFBoard.GetUserScale();

    DRAWSEGMENT* graphic;               // KiCad graphical item
    IDF_POINT sp, ep;                   // start and end points from KiCad item

    std::list< IDF_SEGMENT* > lines;    // IDF intermediate form of KiCad graphical item
    IDF_OUTLINE* outline = NULL;        // graphical items forming an outline or cutout

    // If/when component cutouts are allowed, we must implement them separately. Cutouts
    // must be added to the board outline section and not to the Other Outline section.
    // The module cutouts should be handled via the idf_export_module() routine.

    double offX, offY;
    aIDFBoard.GetUserOffset( offX, offY );

    // Retrieve segments and arcs from the board
    for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
        if( item->Type() != PCB_LINE_T || item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )

        graphic = (DRAWSEGMENT*) item;

        switch( graphic->GetShape() )
        case S_SEGMENT:
                if( ( graphic->GetStart().x == graphic->GetEnd().x )
                    && ( graphic->GetStart().y == graphic->GetEnd().y ) )

                sp.x    = graphic->GetStart().x * scale + offX;
                sp.y    = -graphic->GetStart().y * scale + offY;
                ep.x    = graphic->GetEnd().x * scale + offX;
                ep.y    = -graphic->GetEnd().y * scale + offY;
                IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep );

                if( seg )
                    lines.push_back( seg );

        case S_ARC:
                if( ( graphic->GetCenter().x == graphic->GetArcStart().x )
                    && ( graphic->GetCenter().y == graphic->GetArcStart().y ) )

                sp.x = graphic->GetCenter().x * scale + offX;
                sp.y = -graphic->GetCenter().y * scale + offY;
                ep.x = graphic->GetArcStart().x * scale + offX;
                ep.y = -graphic->GetArcStart().y * scale + offY;
                IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep, -graphic->GetAngle() / 10.0, true );

                if( seg )
                    lines.push_back( seg );

        case S_CIRCLE:
                if( graphic->GetRadius() == 0 )

                sp.x = graphic->GetCenter().x * scale + offX;
                sp.y = -graphic->GetCenter().y * scale + offY;
                ep.x = sp.x - graphic->GetRadius() * scale;
                ep.y = sp.y;
                // Circles must always have an angle of +360 deg. to appease
                // quirky MCAD implementations of IDF.
                IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep, 360.0, true );

                if( seg )
                    lines.push_back( seg );


    // if there is no outline then use the bounding box
    if( lines.empty() )
        goto UseBoundingBox;

    // get the board outline and write it out
    // note: we do not use a try/catch block here since we intend
    // to simply ignore unclosed loops and continue processing
    // until we're out of segments to process
    outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;
    IDF3::GetOutline( lines, *outline );

    if( outline->empty() )
        goto UseBoundingBox;

    aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
    outline = NULL;

    // get all cutouts and write them out
    while( !lines.empty() )
        if( !outline )
            outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;

        IDF3::GetOutline( lines, *outline );

        if( outline->empty() )

        aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
        outline = NULL;



    // clean up if necessary
    while( !lines.empty() )
        delete lines.front();

    if( outline )
        outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;

    // fetch a rectangular bounding box for the board;
    // there is always some uncertainty in the board dimensions
    // computed via ComputeBoundingBox() since this depends on the
    // individual module entities.
    EDA_RECT bbbox = aPcb->ComputeBoundingBox( true );

    // convert to mm and compensate for an assumed LINE_WIDTH line thickness
    double  x   = ( bbbox.GetOrigin().x + LINE_WIDTH / 2 ) * scale + offX;
    double  y   = ( bbbox.GetOrigin().y + LINE_WIDTH / 2 ) * scale + offY;
    double  dx  = ( bbbox.GetSize().x - LINE_WIDTH ) * scale;
    double  dy  = ( bbbox.GetSize().y - LINE_WIDTH ) * scale;

    double px[4], py[4];
    px[0]   = x;
    py[0]   = y;

    px[1]   = x;
    py[1]   = y + dy;

    px[2]   = x + dx;
    py[2]   = y + dy;

    px[3]   = x + dx;
    py[3]   = y;

    IDF_POINT p1, p2;

    p1.x    = px[3];
    p1.y    = py[3];
    p2.x    = px[0];
    p2.y    = py[0];

    outline->push( new IDF_SEGMENT( p1, p2 ) );

    for( int i = 1; i < 4; ++i )
        p1.x    = px[i - 1];
        p1.y    = py[i - 1];
        p2.x    = px[i];
        p2.y    = py[i];

        outline->push( new IDF_SEGMENT( p1, p2 ) );

    aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
const BOX2I GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::ViewBBox() const
    EDA_RECT bbox = GetBoundingBox();
    return BOX2I( VECTOR2I( bbox.GetOrigin() ),
                  VECTOR2I( bbox.GetSize() ) );
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AppendBoardFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, int aCtl )
    IO_MGR::PCB_FILE_T  pluginType = plugin_type( aFullFileName, aCtl );
    PLUGIN::RELEASER pi( IO_MGR::PluginFind( pluginType ) );

    // keep trace of existing items, in order to know what are the new items
    // (for undo command for instance)

    // Tracks are inserted, not append, so mark existing tracks to know what are
    // the new tracks
    for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        track->SetFlags( FLAG0 );

    // Other items are append to the item list, so keep trace to the
    // last existing item is enough
    MODULE* module = GetBoard()->m_Modules.GetLast();
    BOARD_ITEM* drawing = GetBoard()->m_Drawings.GetLast();
    int zonescount = GetBoard()->GetAreaCount();

    // Keep also the count of copper layers, because we can happen boards
    // with different copper layers counts,
    // and the enabled layers
    int initialCopperLayerCount = GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount();
    LSET initialEnabledLayers = GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers();

        PROPERTIES  props;
        char        xbuf[30];
        char        ybuf[30];

        // EAGLE_PLUGIN can use this info to center the BOARD, but it does not yet.
        sprintf( xbuf, "%d", GetPageSizeIU().x );
        sprintf( ybuf, "%d", GetPageSizeIU().y );

        props["page_width"]  = xbuf;
        props["page_height"] = ybuf;

        pi->Load( aFullFileName, GetBoard(), &props );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
            track->ClearFlags( FLAG0 );

        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                "Error loading board.\n%s" ),
                GetChars( ioe.What() )
        DisplayError( this, msg );

        return false;

    // Now prepare a block move command to place the new items, and
    // prepare the undo command.
    BLOCK_SELECTOR& blockmove = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate;
    HandleBlockBegin( NULL, BLOCK_PRESELECT_MOVE, wxPoint( 0, 0) );
    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& blockitemsList = blockmove.GetItems();
    PICKED_ITEMS_LIST undoListPicker;
    ITEM_PICKER picker( NULL, UR_NEW );

    EDA_RECT bbox;          // the new items bounding box, for block move
    bool bboxInit = true;   // true until the bounding box is initialized

    for( TRACK* track = GetBoard()->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->GetFlags() & FLAG0  )
            track->ClearFlags( FLAG0 );

        track->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
        picker.SetItem( track );
        undoListPicker.PushItem( picker );
        blockitemsList.PushItem( picker );

        if( bboxInit )
            bbox = track->GetBoundingBox();
            bbox.Merge( track->GetBoundingBox() );

        bboxInit = false;

    if( module )
        module = module->Next();
        module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;

    for( ; module; module = module->Next() )
        module->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
        picker.SetItem( module );
        undoListPicker.PushItem( picker );
        blockitemsList.PushItem( picker );

        if( bboxInit )
            bbox = module->GetBoundingBox();
            bbox.Merge( module->GetBoundingBox() );

        bboxInit = false;

    if( drawing )
        drawing = drawing->Next();
        drawing = GetBoard()->m_Drawings;

    for( ; drawing; drawing = drawing->Next() )
        drawing->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
        picker.SetItem( drawing );
        undoListPicker.PushItem( picker );
        blockitemsList.PushItem( picker );

        if( bboxInit )
            bbox = drawing->GetBoundingBox();
            bbox.Merge( drawing->GetBoundingBox() );

        bboxInit = false;

    for( ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( zonescount ); zone;
         zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( zonescount ) )
        zone->SetFlags( IS_MOVED );
        picker.SetItem( zone );
        undoListPicker.PushItem( picker );
        blockitemsList.PushItem( picker );

        if( bboxInit )
            bbox = zone->GetBoundingBox();
            bbox.Merge( zone->GetBoundingBox() );

        bboxInit = false;

    SaveCopyInUndoList( undoListPicker, UR_NEW );

    // we should not ask PLUGINs to do these items:
    int copperLayerCount = GetBoard()->GetCopperLayerCount();

    if( copperLayerCount > initialCopperLayerCount )
        GetBoard()->SetCopperLayerCount( copperLayerCount );

    // Enable all used layers, and make them visible:
    LSET enabledLayers = GetBoard()->GetEnabledLayers();
    enabledLayers |= initialEnabledLayers;
    GetBoard()->SetEnabledLayers( enabledLayers );
    GetBoard()->SetVisibleLayers( enabledLayers );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )
        static_cast<PCB_DRAW_PANEL_GAL*>( GetGalCanvas() )->SyncLayersVisibility( GetBoard() );


    SetStatusText( wxEmptyString );

    // Finish block move command:
    wxPoint cpos = GetNearestGridPosition( bbox.Centre() );
    blockmove.SetOrigin( bbox.GetOrigin() );
    blockmove.SetSize( bbox.GetSize() );
    blockmove.SetLastCursorPosition( cpos );
    HandleBlockEnd( NULL );

    return true;
/** Set up most plot options for plotting a board (especially the viewport)
 * Important thing:
 *      page size is the 'drawing' page size,
 *      paper size is the physical page size
static void initializePlotter( PLOTTER *aPlotter, BOARD * aBoard,
                               PCB_PLOT_PARAMS *aPlotOpts )
    PAGE_INFO pageA4( wxT( "A4" ) );
    const PAGE_INFO& pageInfo = aBoard->GetPageSettings();
    const PAGE_INFO* sheet_info;
    double paperscale; // Page-to-paper ratio
    wxSize paperSizeIU;
    wxSize pageSizeIU( pageInfo.GetSizeIU() );
    bool autocenter = false;

    /* Special options: to fit the sheet to an A4 sheet replace
       the paper size. However there is a difference between
       the autoscale and the a4paper option:
       - Autoscale fits the board to the paper size
       - A4paper fits the original paper size to an A4 sheet
       - Both of them fit the board to an A4 sheet
    if( aPlotOpts->GetA4Output() )      // Fit paper to A4
        sheet_info  = &pageA4;
        paperSizeIU = pageA4.GetSizeIU();
        paperscale  = (double) paperSizeIU.x / pageSizeIU.x;
        autocenter  = true;
        sheet_info  = &pageInfo;
        paperSizeIU = pageSizeIU;
        paperscale  = 1;

        // Need autocentering only if scale is not 1:1
        autocenter  = (aPlotOpts->GetScale() != 1.0);

    EDA_RECT bbox = aBoard->ComputeBoundingBox();
    wxPoint boardCenter = bbox.Centre();
    wxSize boardSize = bbox.GetSize();

    double compound_scale;

    /* Fit to 80% of the page if asked; it could be that the board is empty,
     * in this case regress to 1:1 scale */
    if( aPlotOpts->GetAutoScale() && boardSize.x > 0 && boardSize.y > 0 )
        double xscale = (paperSizeIU.x * 0.8) / boardSize.x;
        double yscale = (paperSizeIU.y * 0.8) / boardSize.y;

        compound_scale = std::min( xscale, yscale ) * paperscale;
        compound_scale = aPlotOpts->GetScale() * paperscale;

    /* For the plot offset we have to keep in mind the auxiliary origin
       too: if autoscaling is off we check that plot option (i.e. autoscaling
       overrides auxiliary origin) */
    wxPoint offset( 0, 0);

    if( autocenter )
        offset.x = KiROUND( boardCenter.x - ( paperSizeIU.x / 2.0 ) / compound_scale );
        offset.y = KiROUND( boardCenter.y - ( paperSizeIU.y / 2.0 ) / compound_scale );
        if( aPlotOpts->GetUseAuxOrigin() )
            offset = aBoard->GetAuxOrigin();

    /* Configure the plotter object with all the stuff computed and
       most of that taken from the options */
    aPlotter->SetPageSettings( *sheet_info );

    aPlotter->SetViewport( offset, IU_PER_DECIMILS, compound_scale,
                           aPlotOpts->GetMirror() );
    aPlotter->SetDefaultLineWidth( aPlotOpts->GetLineWidth() );
    aPlotter->SetCreator( wxT( "PCBNEW" ) );
    aPlotter->SetColorMode( false );        // default is plot in Black and White.
    aPlotter->SetTextMode( aPlotOpts->GetTextMode() );
Example #9
void CINFO3D_VISU::InitSettings( REPORTER *aStatusTextReporter )
    wxLogTrace( m_logTrace, wxT( "CINFO3D_VISU::InitSettings" ) );

    // Calculates the board bounding box
    // First, use only the board outlines
    EDA_RECT bbbox = m_board->ComputeBoundingBox( true );

    // If no outlines, use the board with items
    if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() == 0 ) && ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
        bbbox = m_board->ComputeBoundingBox( false );

    // Gives a non null size to avoid issues in zoom / scale calculations
    if( ( bbbox.GetWidth() == 0 ) && ( bbbox.GetHeight() == 0 ) )
        bbbox.Inflate( Millimeter2iu( 10 ) );

    m_boardSize = bbbox.GetSize();
    m_boardPos  = bbbox.Centre();

    wxASSERT( (m_boardSize.x > 0) && (m_boardSize.y > 0) );

    m_boardPos.y = -m_boardPos.y; // The y coord is inverted in 3D viewer

    m_copperLayersCount = m_board->GetCopperLayerCount();

    // Ensure the board has 2 sides for 3D views, because it is hard to find
    // a *really* single side board in the true life...
    if( m_copperLayersCount < 2 )
        m_copperLayersCount = 2;

    // Calculate the convertion to apply to all positions.
    m_biuTo3Dunits = RANGE_SCALE_3D / std::max( m_boardSize.x, m_boardSize.y );

    // Calculate factors for cicle segment approximation
    m_calc_seg_min_factor3DU = (float)( SEG_MIN_FACTOR_BIU * m_biuTo3Dunits );
    m_calc_seg_max_factor3DU = (float)( SEG_MAX_FACTOR_BIU * m_biuTo3Dunits );

    m_epoxyThickness3DU = m_board->GetDesignSettings().GetBoardThickness() *

    // !TODO: use value defined by user (currently use default values by ctor
    m_copperThickness3DU         = COPPER_THICKNESS     * m_biuTo3Dunits;
    m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU = TECH_LAYER_THICKNESS * m_biuTo3Dunits;

    // Init  Z position of each layer
    // calculate z position for each copper layer
    // Zstart = -m_epoxyThickness / 2.0 is the z position of the back (bottom layer) (layer id = 31)
    // Zstart = +m_epoxyThickness / 2.0 is the z position of the front (top layer) (layer id = 0)
    // all unused copper layer z position are set to 0

    //  ____==__________==________==______ <- Bottom = +m_epoxyThickness / 2.0,
    // |                                  |   Top = Bottom + m_copperThickness
    // |__________________________________|
    //   ==         ==         ==     ==   <- Bottom = -m_epoxyThickness / 2.0,
    //                                        Top = Bottom - m_copperThickness

    unsigned int layer;

    for( layer = 0; layer < m_copperLayersCount; ++layer )
        m_layerZcoordBottom[layer] = m_epoxyThickness3DU / 2.0f -
                                     (m_epoxyThickness3DU * layer / (m_copperLayersCount - 1) );

        if( layer < (m_copperLayersCount / 2) )
            m_layerZcoordTop[layer] = m_layerZcoordBottom[layer] + m_copperThickness3DU;
            m_layerZcoordTop[layer] = m_layerZcoordBottom[layer] - m_copperThickness3DU;

    #define layerThicknessMargin 1.1
    const float zpos_offset = m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU * layerThicknessMargin;

    // Fill remaining unused copper layers and back layer zpos
    // with -m_epoxyThickness / 2.0
    for( ; layer < MAX_CU_LAYERS; layer++ )
        m_layerZcoordBottom[layer] = -(m_epoxyThickness3DU / 2.0f);
        m_layerZcoordTop[layer]    = -(m_epoxyThickness3DU / 2.0f) - m_copperThickness3DU;

    // This is the top of the copper layer thickness.
    const float zpos_copperTop_back  = m_layerZcoordTop[B_Cu];
    const float zpos_copperTop_front = m_layerZcoordTop[F_Cu];

    // calculate z position for each non copper layer
    // Solder mask and Solder paste have the same Z position
    for( int layer_id = MAX_CU_LAYERS; layer_id < LAYER_ID_COUNT; ++layer_id )
        float zposTop;
        float zposBottom;

        switch( layer_id )
        case B_Adhes:
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_back - 2.0f * zpos_offset;
            zposTop    = zposBottom - m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        case F_Adhes:
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_front + 2.0f * zpos_offset;
            zposTop    = zposBottom + m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        case B_Mask:
        case B_Paste:
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_back;
            zposTop    = zpos_copperTop_back - m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        case F_Mask:
        case F_Paste:
            zposTop    = zpos_copperTop_front + m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_front;

        case B_SilkS:
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_back - 1.0f * zpos_offset;
            zposTop    = zposBottom - m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        case F_SilkS:
            zposBottom = zpos_copperTop_front + 1.0f * zpos_offset;
            zposTop    = zposBottom + m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        // !TODO: review
            zposTop = zpos_copperTop_front + (layer_id - MAX_CU_LAYERS + 3.0f) * zpos_offset;
            zposBottom = zposTop - m_nonCopperLayerThickness3DU;

        m_layerZcoordTop[layer_id]    = zposTop;
        m_layerZcoordBottom[layer_id] = zposBottom;

    m_boardCenter = SFVEC3F( m_boardPos.x * m_biuTo3Dunits,
                             m_boardPos.y * m_biuTo3Dunits,
                             0.0f );

    SFVEC3F boardSize = SFVEC3F( m_boardSize.x * m_biuTo3Dunits,
                                 m_boardSize.y * m_biuTo3Dunits,
                                 0.0f );
            boardSize /= 2.0f;

    SFVEC3F boardMin = (m_boardCenter - boardSize);
    SFVEC3F boardMax = (m_boardCenter + boardSize);

    boardMin.z = m_layerZcoordTop[B_Adhes];
    boardMax.z = m_layerZcoordTop[F_Adhes];

    m_boardBoudingBox = CBBOX( boardMin, boardMax );

    unsigned stats_startCreateBoardPolyTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();

    if( aStatusTextReporter )
        aStatusTextReporter->Report( _( "Build board body" ) );


    unsigned stats_stopCreateBoardPolyTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();
    unsigned stats_startCreateLayersTime = stats_stopCreateBoardPolyTime;

    if( aStatusTextReporter )
        aStatusTextReporter->Report( _( "Create layers" ) );

    createLayers( aStatusTextReporter );

    unsigned stats_stopCreateLayersTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();

    printf( "CINFO3D_VISU::InitSettings times\n" );
    printf( "  CreateBoardPoly:          %.3f ms\n",
            (float)( stats_stopCreateBoardPolyTime  - stats_startCreateBoardPolyTime  ) / 1e3 );
    printf( "  CreateLayers and holes:   %.3f ms\n",
            (float)( stats_stopCreateLayersTime     - stats_startCreateLayersTime     ) / 1e3 );
    printf( "\n" );
Example #10
bool PCB_BASE_FRAME::ExportToHpglFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, int aLayer,
                                       EDA_DRAW_MODE_T aTraceMode )
    wxSize      boardSize;
    wxPoint     boardCenter;
    bool        center = false;
    double      scale;
    wxPoint     offset;
    LOCALE_IO   toggle;

    FILE*       output_file = wxFopen( aFullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) );

    if( output_file == NULL )
        return false;

    // Compute pen_dim (from g_m_HPGLPenDiam in mils) in pcb units,
    // with plot scale (if Scale is 2, pen diameter is always g_m_HPGLPenDiam
    // so apparent pen diam is real pen diam / Scale
    int pen_diam = wxRound( (g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenDiam * U_PCB) /
                            g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotScale );

    // compute pen_overlay (from g_m_HPGLPenOvr in mils) with plot scale
    if( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenOvr < 0 )
        g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenOvr = 0;

    if( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenOvr >= g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenDiam )
        g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenOvr = g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenDiam - 1;

    int   pen_overlay = wxRound( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenOvr * 10.0 /
                                 g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotScale );

    if( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotScale != 1.0 || g_PcbPlotOptions.m_AutoScale )
        // when scale != 1.0 we must calculate the position in page
        // because actual position has no meaning
        center = true;

    wxSize pageSizeIU = GetPageSizeIU();

    // Calculate the center of the PCB
    EDA_RECT bbbox = GetBoardBoundingBox();

    boardSize   = bbbox.GetSize();
    boardCenter = bbbox.Centre();

    if( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_AutoScale )       // Optimum scale
        // Fit to 80% of the page
        double Xscale = ( ( pageSizeIU.x * 0.8 ) / boardSize.x );
        double Yscale = ( ( pageSizeIU.y * 0.8 ) / boardSize.y );
        scale  = MIN( Xscale, Yscale );
        scale = g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotScale;

    // Calculate the page size offset.
    if( center )
        offset.x = wxRound( (double) boardCenter.x -
                            ( (double) pageSizeIU.x / 2.0 ) / scale );
        offset.y = wxRound( (double) boardCenter.y -
                            ( (double) pageSizeIU.y / 2.0 ) / scale );
        offset.x = 0;
        offset.y = 0;

    HPGL_PLOTTER* plotter = new HPGL_PLOTTER();

    plotter->SetPageSettings( GetPageSettings() );

    plotter->set_viewport( offset, scale, g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotMirror );
    plotter->set_default_line_width( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotLineWidth );
    plotter->set_creator( wxT( "PCBNEW-HPGL" ) );
    plotter->set_filename( aFullFileName );
    plotter->set_pen_speed( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenSpeed );
    plotter->set_pen_number( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_HPGLPenNum );
    plotter->set_pen_overlap( pen_overlay );
    plotter->set_pen_diameter( pen_diam );
    plotter->start_plot( output_file );

    // The worksheet is not significant with scale!=1... It is with paperscale!=1, anyway
    if( g_PcbPlotOptions.m_PlotFrameRef && !center )
        PlotWorkSheet( plotter, GetScreen() );

    Plot_Layer( plotter, aLayer, aTraceMode );
    delete plotter;

    return true;