Example #1
EDA_RECT SCH_FIELD::GetBoundingBox() const
    SCH_COMPONENT* parentComponent = (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_Parent;
    int linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    // Calculate the text bounding box:
    EDA_RECT rect;

    // a justification relative to the text itself
    // i.e. justification relative to an horizontal text
    // or to 1 to keep the initial behavior
    if( m_Orient == TEXT_ORIENT_VERT )
        // For vertical texts, exchange the horizontal and the vertical justification
        // The idea is to keep the justification always left or top for instance,
        // no matter the text orientation
        SCH_FIELD text( *this );    // Make a local copy to swap justifications
                                    // because GetBoundingBox() is const
        int tmp = (int)text.m_VJustify;
        NEGATE( tmp );
        text.m_VJustify  = (EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T)text.m_HJustify;
        text.m_HJustify = (EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T)tmp;
        rect = text.GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
        rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    // Calculate the bounding box position relative to the component:
    wxPoint origin = parentComponent->GetPosition();
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos - origin;
    wxPoint begin = rect.GetOrigin() - origin;
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd() - origin;
    RotatePoint( &begin, pos, m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, pos, m_Orient );

    // Due to the Y axis direction, we must mirror the bounding box,
    // relative to the text position:
    begin.y -= pos.y;
    end.y -= pos.y;
    NEGATE( begin.y );
    NEGATE( end.y );
    begin.y += pos.y;
    end.y += pos.y;

    // Now, apply the component transform (mirror/rot)
    begin = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( begin );
    end = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( end );
    rect.SetOrigin( begin);
    rect.SetEnd( end);
    rect.Move( origin );
    return rect;
/* Test if the module can be placed on the board.
 * Returns the value TstRectangle().
 * Module is known by its bounding box
int TstModuleOnBoard( BOARD* Pcb, MODULE* aModule, bool TstOtherSide )
    int side = TOP;
    int otherside = BOTTOM;

    if( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
        side = BOTTOM; otherside = TOP;

    EDA_RECT    fpBBox = aModule->GetFootprintRect();
    fpBBox.Move( -g_Offset_Module );

    int         diag = TstRectangle( Pcb, fpBBox, side );

    if( diag != FREE_CELL )
        return diag;

    if( TstOtherSide )
        diag = TstRectangle( Pcb, fpBBox, otherside );

        if( diag != FREE_CELL )
            return diag;

    int marge = ( RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * aModule->GetPadCount() ) / GAIN;

    fpBBox.Inflate( marge );
    return CalculateKeepOutArea( fpBBox, side );
const EDA_RECT SCH_BITMAP::GetBoundingBox() const
    EDA_RECT rect = m_image->GetBoundingBox();

    rect.Move( m_pos );

    return rect;
Example #4
void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                                EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                                const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint  pos1;
    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );
    wxPoint* buffer = NULL;

    if( aColor < 0 )                // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    buffer = new wxPoint[ m_PolyPoints.size() ];

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
        buffer[ii] = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_PolyPoints[ii] ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE  )
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );
        GRPoly( clipbox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 0, GetPenSize(),
                color, color );

    delete[] buffer;

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around polyline to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void LIB_FIELD::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                             EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                             const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint  text_pos;
    int      color;
    int      linewidth = GetPenSize();

    if( m_Bold )
        linewidth = GetPenSizeForBold( m_Size.x );
        linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    if( ( m_Attributs & TEXT_NO_VISIBLE ) && ( aColor < 0 ) )
        color = GetInvisibleItemColor();
    else if( IsSelected() && ( aColor < 0 ) )
        color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    if( color < 0 )
        color = GetDefaultColor();

    text_pos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;

    wxString text;

    if( aData )
        text = *(wxString*)aData;
        text = m_Text;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
    EDA_RECT* clipbox = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    DrawGraphicText( clipbox, aDC, text_pos, (EDA_COLOR_T) color, text, m_Orient, m_Size,
                     m_HJustify, m_VJustify, linewidth, m_Italic, m_Bold );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around field text to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    EDA_RECT grBox;
    grBox.SetOrigin( aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox.GetOrigin() ) );
    grBox.SetEnd( aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox.GetEnd() ) );
    grBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, grBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void LIB_RECTANGLE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                                 const wxPoint& aOffset, EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                                 void* aData, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint pos1, pos2;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor < 0 )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    pos2 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_End ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize( ),
                      (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                      GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( m_Fill == FILLED_SHAPE  && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y,
                      GetPenSize(), color, color );
        GRRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around rectangle to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
const EDA_RECT SCH_FIELD::GetBoundingBox() const
    SCH_COMPONENT* parentComponent = (SCH_COMPONENT*) m_Parent;
    int linewidth = ( m_Thickness == 0 ) ? GetDefaultLineThickness() : m_Thickness;

    // We must pass the effective text thickness to GetTextBox
    // when calculating the bounding box
    linewidth = Clamp_Text_PenSize( linewidth, m_Size, m_Bold );

    // Calculate the text bounding box:
    EDA_RECT rect;

    if( m_id == REFERENCE )     // multi units have one letter or more added to reference
        SCH_FIELD text( *this );    // Make a local copy to change text
                                    // because GetBoundingBox() is const
        text.SetText( GetFullyQualifiedText() );
        rect = text.GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );
        rect = GetTextBox( -1, linewidth );

    // Calculate the bounding box position relative to the component:
    wxPoint origin = parentComponent->GetPosition();
    wxPoint pos = m_Pos - origin;
    wxPoint begin = rect.GetOrigin() - origin;
    wxPoint end = rect.GetEnd() - origin;
    RotatePoint( &begin, pos, m_Orient );
    RotatePoint( &end, pos, m_Orient );

    // Due to the Y axis direction, we must mirror the bounding box,
    // relative to the text position:
    begin.y -= pos.y;
    end.y -= pos.y;
    NEGATE( begin.y );
    NEGATE( end.y );
    begin.y += pos.y;
    end.y += pos.y;

    // Now, apply the component transform (mirror/rot)
    begin = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( begin );
    end = parentComponent->GetTransform().TransformCoordinate( end );
    rect.SetOrigin( begin);
    rect.SetEnd( end);
    rect.Move( origin );
    return rect;
void LIB_CIRCLE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                              COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                              const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint pos1;

    COLOR4D color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;
    if( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRFilledCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, GetPenSize(),
                        (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                        GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE )
        GRFilledCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, 0, color, color );
        GRCircle( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, m_Radius, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around circle to validate bounding
     * box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
int getOptimalModulePlacement( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, MODULE* aModule, wxDC* aDC )
    int     error = 1;
    wxPoint LastPosOK;
    double  min_cost, curr_cost, Score;
    bool    TstOtherSide;
    DISPLAY_OPTIONS* displ_opts = (DISPLAY_OPTIONS*)aFrame->GetDisplayOptions();
    BOARD*  brd = aFrame->GetBoard();


    bool showRats = displ_opts->m_Show_Module_Ratsnest;
    displ_opts->m_Show_Module_Ratsnest = false;

    brd->m_Status_Pcb &= ~RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK;
    aFrame->SetMsgPanel( aModule );

    LastPosOK = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetOrigin();

    wxPoint     mod_pos = aModule->GetPosition();
    EDA_RECT    fpBBox  = aModule->GetFootprintRect();

    // Move fpBBox to have the footprint position at (0,0)
    fpBBox.Move( -mod_pos );
    wxPoint fpBBoxOrg = fpBBox.GetOrigin();

    // Calculate the limit of the footprint position, relative
    // to the routing matrix area
    wxPoint xylimit = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetEnd() - fpBBox.GetEnd();

    wxPoint initialPos = RoutingMatrix.m_BrdBox.GetOrigin() - fpBBoxOrg;

    // Stay on grid.
    initialPos.x    -= initialPos.x % RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting;
    initialPos.y    -= initialPos.y % RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting;

    CurrPosition = initialPos;

    // Undraw the current footprint
    aModule->DrawOutlinesWhenMoving( aFrame->GetCanvas(), aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );

    g_Offset_Module = mod_pos - CurrPosition;

    /* Examine pads, and set TstOtherSide to true if a footprint
     * has at least 1 pad through.
    TstOtherSide = false;

    if( RoutingMatrix.m_RoutingLayersCount > 1 )
        LSET    other( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu  ? F_Cu : B_Cu );

        for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            if( !( pad->GetLayerSet() & other ).any() )

            TstOtherSide = true;

    // Draw the initial bounding box position
    EDA_COLOR_T color = BROWN;
    fpBBox.SetOrigin( fpBBoxOrg + CurrPosition );
    draw_FootprintRect(aFrame->GetCanvas()->GetClipBox(), aDC, fpBBox, color);

    min_cost = -1.0;
    aFrame->SetStatusText( wxT( "Score ??, pos ??" ) );

    for( ; CurrPosition.x < xylimit.x; CurrPosition.x += RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting )

        if( aFrame->GetCanvas()->GetAbortRequest() )
            if( IsOK( aFrame, _( "OK to abort?" ) ) )
                displ_opts->m_Show_Module_Ratsnest = showRats;
                return ESC;
                aFrame->GetCanvas()->SetAbortRequest( false );

        CurrPosition.y = initialPos.y;

        for( ; CurrPosition.y < xylimit.y; CurrPosition.y += RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting )
            // Erase traces.
            draw_FootprintRect( aFrame->GetCanvas()->GetClipBox(), aDC, fpBBox, color );

            fpBBox.SetOrigin( fpBBoxOrg + CurrPosition );
            g_Offset_Module = mod_pos - CurrPosition;
            int keepOutCost = TstModuleOnBoard( brd, aModule, TstOtherSide );

            // Draw at new place
            color = keepOutCost >= 0 ? BROWN : RED;
            draw_FootprintRect( aFrame->GetCanvas()->GetClipBox(), aDC, fpBBox, color );

            if( keepOutCost >= 0 )    // i.e. if the module can be put here
                error = 0;
                aFrame->build_ratsnest_module( aModule );
                curr_cost   = compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule( brd );
                Score       = curr_cost + keepOutCost;

                if( (min_cost >= Score ) || (min_cost < 0 ) )
                    LastPosOK   = CurrPosition;
                    min_cost    = Score;
                    wxString msg;
                    msg.Printf( wxT( "Score %g, pos %s, %s" ),
                                GetChars( ::CoordinateToString( LastPosOK.x ) ),
                                GetChars( ::CoordinateToString( LastPosOK.y ) ) );
                    aFrame->SetStatusText( msg );

    // erasing the last traces
    GRRect( aFrame->GetCanvas()->GetClipBox(), aDC, fpBBox, 0, BROWN );

    displ_opts->m_Show_Module_Ratsnest = showRats;

    // Regeneration of the modified variable.
    CurrPosition = LastPosOK;

    brd->m_Status_Pcb &= ~( RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK | LISTE_PAD_OK );

    MinCout = min_cost;
    return error;
Example #10
EDA_RECT EDA_TEXT::GetTextBox( int aLine, int aThickness, bool aInvertY ) const
    EDA_RECT       rect;
    wxPoint        pos;
    wxArrayString  strings;
    wxString       text = GetShownText();
    int            thickness = ( aThickness < 0 ) ? m_Thickness : aThickness;
    int            linecount = 1;

    if( m_MultilineAllowed )
        wxStringSplit( text, strings, '\n' );

        if ( strings.GetCount() )     // GetCount() == 0 for void strings
            if( aLine >= 0 && (aLine < (int)strings.GetCount()) )
                text = strings.Item( aLine );
                text = strings.Item( 0 );

            linecount = strings.GetCount();

    // calculate the H and V size
    int    dx = LenSize( text );
    int    dy = GetInterline( aThickness );

    // Creates bounding box (rectangle) for an horizontal text
    wxSize textsize = wxSize( dx, dy );

    if( aInvertY )
        rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos.x, -m_Pos.y );
        rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos );

    // extra dy interval for letters like j and y and ]
    int extra_dy = dy - m_Size.y;
    rect.Move( wxPoint( 0, -extra_dy / 2 ) ); // move origin by the half extra interval

    // for multiline texts and aLine < 0, merge all rectangles
    if( m_MultilineAllowed && aLine < 0 )
        for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < strings.GetCount(); ii++ )
            text = strings.Item( ii );
            dx   = LenSize( text );
            textsize.x  = std::max( textsize.x, dx );
            textsize.y += dy;

    rect.SetSize( textsize );

    /* Now, calculate the rect origin, according to text justification
     * At this point the rectangle origin is the text origin (m_Pos).
     * This is true only for left and top text justified texts (using top to bottom Y axis
     * orientation). and must be recalculated for others justifications
     * also, note the V justification is relative to the first line
    switch( m_HJustify )
        if( m_Mirror )
            rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );

        rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - (rect.GetWidth() / 2) );

        if( !m_Mirror )
            rect.SetX( rect.GetX() - rect.GetWidth() );

    dy = m_Size.y + thickness;

    switch( m_VJustify )

        rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - ( dy / 2) );

        rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - dy );

    if( linecount > 1 )
        int yoffset;
        linecount -= 1;

        switch( m_VJustify )
        case GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP:

            yoffset = linecount * GetInterline() / 2;
            rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );

            yoffset = linecount * GetInterline( aThickness );
            rect.SetY( rect.GetY() - yoffset );

    rect.Inflate( thickness / 2 );
    rect.Normalize();       // Make h and v sizes always >= 0

    return rect;
Example #11
    wxPoint       offset;
    double        userscale;
    EDA_RECT      boardBoundingBox;
    EDA_RECT      drawRect;
    wxDC*         dc = GetDC();
    BASE_SCREEN*  screen = m_Parent->GetScreen();
    bool          printMirror = m_PrintParams.m_PrintMirror;
    wxSize        pageSizeIU = m_Parent->GetPageSizeIU();

    wxBusyCursor  dummy;

#if defined (PCBNEW)
    BOARD * brd = ((PCB_BASE_FRAME*) m_Parent)->GetBoard();
    boardBoundingBox = brd->ComputeBoundingBox();
    wxString titleblockFilename = brd->GetFileName();
#elif defined (GERBVIEW)
    boardBoundingBox = ((GERBVIEW_FRAME*) m_Parent)->GetGerberLayoutBoundingBox();
    wxString titleblockFilename;    // TODO see if we uses the gerber file name
    #error BOARD_PRINTOUT_CONTROLLER::DrawPage() works only for PCBNEW or GERBVIEW

    // Use the page size as the drawing area when the board is shown or the user scale
    // is less than 1.
    if( m_PrintParams.PrintBorderAndTitleBlock() )
        boardBoundingBox = EDA_RECT( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), pageSizeIU );

    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Drawing bounding box:                 x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d" ),
                boardBoundingBox.GetX(), boardBoundingBox.GetY(),
                boardBoundingBox.GetWidth(), boardBoundingBox.GetHeight() );

    // Compute the PCB size in internal units
    userscale = m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale;

    if( m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale == 0 )   //  fit in page option
        if(boardBoundingBox.GetWidth() && boardBoundingBox.GetHeight())
            int margin = Millimeter2iu( 10.0 ); // add a margin around the drawings
            double scaleX = (double)(pageSizeIU.x - (2 * margin)) /
            double scaleY = (double)(pageSizeIU.y - (2 * margin)) /
            userscale = (scaleX < scaleY) ? scaleX : scaleY;
            userscale = 1.0;

    wxSize scaledPageSize = pageSizeIU;
    drawRect.SetSize( scaledPageSize );
    scaledPageSize.x = wxRound( scaledPageSize.x / userscale );
    scaledPageSize.y = wxRound( scaledPageSize.y / userscale );

    if( m_PrintParams.m_PageSetupData )
        wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Fit size to page margins:         x=%d, y=%d" ),
                    scaledPageSize.x, scaledPageSize.y );

        // Always scale to the size of the paper.
        FitThisSizeToPageMargins( scaledPageSize, *m_PrintParams.m_PageSetupData );

    // Compute Accurate scale 1
    if( m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale == 1.0 )
        // We want a 1:1 scale, regardless the page setup
        // like page size, margin ...
        MapScreenSizeToPaper(); // set best scale and offset (scale is not used)
        int w, h;
        GetPPIPrinter( &w, &h );
        double accurate_Xscale = (double) w / (IU_PER_MILS*1000);
        double accurate_Yscale = (double) h / (IU_PER_MILS*1000);

        if( IsPreview() )  // Scale must take in account the DC size in Preview
            // Get the size of the DC in pixels
            wxSize       PlotAreaSize;
            dc->GetSize( &PlotAreaSize.x, &PlotAreaSize.y );
            GetPageSizePixels( &w, &h );
            accurate_Xscale *= (double)PlotAreaSize.x / w;
            accurate_Yscale *= (double)PlotAreaSize.y / h;
        // Fine scale adjust
        accurate_Xscale *= m_PrintParams.m_XScaleAdjust;
        accurate_Yscale *= m_PrintParams.m_YScaleAdjust;

        // Set print scale for 1:1 exact scale
        dc->SetUserScale( accurate_Xscale, accurate_Yscale );

    // Get the final size of the DC in pixels
    wxSize       PlotAreaSizeInPixels;
    dc->GetSize( &PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x, &PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y );
    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Plot area in pixels:              x=%d, y=%d" ),
                PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x, PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y );
    double scalex, scaley;
    dc->GetUserScale( &scalex, &scaley );
    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "DC user scale:                    x=%g, y=%g" ),
                scalex, scaley );

    wxSize PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits;
    PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.x = KiROUND( PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x / scalex );
    PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.y = KiROUND( PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y / scaley );
    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Scaled plot area in user units:   x=%d, y=%d" ),
                PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.x, PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.y );

    // In module editor, the module is located at 0,0 but for printing
    // it is moved to pageSizeIU.x/2, pageSizeIU.y/2.
    // So the equivalent board must be moved to the center of the page:
    if( m_Parent->IsType( MODULE_EDITOR_FRAME_TYPE ) )
        boardBoundingBox.Move( wxPoint( pageSizeIU.x/2, pageSizeIU.y/2 ) );

    // In some cases the plot origin is the centre of the board outline rather than the center
    // of the selected paper size.
    if( m_PrintParams.CenterOnBoardOutline() )
        // Here we are only drawing the board and it's contents.
        drawRect = boardBoundingBox;
        offset.x += wxRound( (double) -scaledPageSize.x / 2.0 );
        offset.y += wxRound( (double) -scaledPageSize.y / 2.0 );

        wxPoint center = boardBoundingBox.Centre();

        if( printMirror )
            // Calculate the mirrored center of the board.
            center.x = m_Parent->GetPageSizeIU().x - boardBoundingBox.Centre().x;

        offset += center;

    GRResetPenAndBrush( dc );

    EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel = m_Parent->GetCanvas();
    EDA_RECT        tmp   = *panel->GetClipBox();

    // Set clip box to the max size
    #define MAX_VALUE (INT_MAX/2)   // MAX_VALUE is the max we can use in an integer
                                    // and that allows calculations without overflow
    panel->SetClipBox( EDA_RECT( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE ) ) );

    screen->m_IsPrinting = true;
    EDA_COLOR_T bg_color = g_DrawBgColor;

    // Print frame reference, if reqquested, before
    if( m_PrintParams.m_Print_Black_and_White )
        GRForceBlackPen( true );

    if( m_PrintParams.PrintBorderAndTitleBlock() )
        m_Parent->DrawWorkSheet( dc, screen, m_PrintParams.m_PenDefaultSize,
                                  IU_PER_MILS, titleblockFilename );

    if( printMirror )
        // To plot mirror, we reverse the x axis, and modify the plot x origin
        dc->SetAxisOrientation( false, false);

        /* Plot offset x is moved by the x plot area size in order to have
         * the old draw area in the new draw area, because the draw origin has not moved
         * (this is the upper left corner) but the X axis is reversed, therefore the plotting area
         * is the x coordinate values from  - PlotAreaSize.x to 0 */
        int x_dc_offset = PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x;
        x_dc_offset = KiROUND( x_dc_offset  * userscale );
        dc->SetDeviceOrigin( x_dc_offset, 0 );

        wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Device origin:                    x=%d, y=%d" ),
                    x_dc_offset, 0 );

        panel->SetClipBox( EDA_RECT( wxPoint( -MAX_VALUE/2, -MAX_VALUE/2 ),
                                     panel->GetClipBox()->GetSize() ) );

    // screen->m_DrawOrg = offset;
    dc->SetLogicalOrigin( offset.x, offset.y );

    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Logical origin:                   x=%d, y=%d" ),
                offset.x, offset.y );

#if defined(wxUSE_LOG_TRACE) && defined( DEBUG )
    wxRect paperRect = GetPaperRectPixels();
    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Paper rectangle:                  left=%d, top=%d, "
                                    "right=%d, bottom=%d" ),
                paperRect.GetLeft(), paperRect.GetTop(), paperRect.GetRight(),
                paperRect.GetBottom() );

    int devLeft = dc->LogicalToDeviceX( drawRect.GetX() );
    int devTop = dc->LogicalToDeviceY( drawRect.GetY() );
    int devRight = dc->LogicalToDeviceX( drawRect.GetRight() );
    int devBottom = dc->LogicalToDeviceY( drawRect.GetBottom() );
    wxLogTrace( tracePrinting, wxT( "Final device rectangle:           left=%d, top=%d, "
                                    "right=%d, bottom=%d\n" ),
                devLeft, devTop, devRight, devBottom );

    g_DrawBgColor = WHITE;

    /* when printing in color mode, we use the graphic OR mode that gives the same look as
     * the screen but because the background is white when printing, we must use a trick:
     * In order to plot on a white background in OR mode we must:
     * 1 - Plot all items in black, this creates a local black background
     * 2 - Plot in OR mode on black "local" background
    if( !m_PrintParams.m_Print_Black_and_White )
        // Creates a "local" black background
        GRForceBlackPen( true );
        m_Parent->PrintPage( dc, m_PrintParams.m_PrintMaskLayer,
                             printMirror, &m_PrintParams );
        GRForceBlackPen( false );
        GRForceBlackPen( true );

#if defined (GERBVIEW)
    // In B&W mode, do not force black pen for Gerbview
    // because negative objects need a white pen, not a black pen
    // B&W mode is handled in print page
    GRForceBlackPen( false );
    m_Parent->PrintPage( dc, m_PrintParams.m_PrintMaskLayer, printMirror,
                         &m_PrintParams );

    g_DrawBgColor = bg_color;
    screen->m_IsPrinting = false;
    panel->SetClipBox( tmp );
    GRForceBlackPen( false );
Example #12
void LIB_TEXT::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                            COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                            const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    COLOR4D color = GetDefaultColor();

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    /* Calculate the text orientation, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror (needed when draw text in schematic)
    int orient = GetTextAngle();

    if( aTransform.y1 )  // Rotate component 90 degrees.
        if( orient == TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ )
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_VERT;
            orient = TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ;

    /* Calculate the text justification, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror this is a bit complicated due to cumulative
     * calculations:
     * - numerous cases (mirrored or not, rotation)
     * - the DrawGraphicText function recalculate also H and H justifications
     *      according to the text orientation.
     * - When a component is mirrored, the text is not mirrored and
     *   justifications are complicated to calculate
     * so the more easily way is to use no justifications ( Centered text )
     * and use GetBoundaryBox to know the text coordinate considered as centered
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();

    // convert coordinates from draw Y axis to libedit Y axis:
    wxPoint txtpos = bBox.Centre();

    // Calculate pos according to mirror/rotation.
    txtpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( txtpos ) + aOffset;

    EDA_RECT* clipbox = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    DrawGraphicText( clipbox, aDC, txtpos, color, GetShownText(), orient, GetTextSize(),
                     IsItalic(), IsBold() );

    /* Enable this to draw the bounding box around the text field to validate
     * the bounding box calculations.
#if 0
    // bBox already uses libedit Y axis.
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
Example #13
void LIB_TEXT::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                            int aColor, int aDrawMode, void* aData, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    int     color = GetDefaultColor();

    if( aColor < 0 )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = g_ItemSelectetColor;
        color = aColor;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    /* Calculate the text orientation, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror (needed when draw text in schematic)
    int orient = m_Orient;

    if( aTransform.y1 )  // Rotate component 90 degrees.
        if( orient == TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ )
            orient = TEXT_ORIENT_VERT;
            orient = TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ;

    /* Calculate the text justification, according to the component
     * orientation/mirror this is a bit complicated due to cumulative
     * calculations:
     * - numerous cases (mirrored or not, rotation)
     * - the DrawGraphicText function recalculate also H and H justifications
     *      according to the text orientation.
     * - When a component is mirrored, the text is not mirrored and
     *   justifications are complicated to calculate
     * so the more easily way is to use no justifications ( Centered text )
     * and use GetBoundaryBox to know the text coordinate considered as centered
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    wxPoint txtpos = bBox.Centre();

    // Calculate pos accordint to mirror/rotation.
    txtpos = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( txtpos ) + aOffset;

    DrawGraphicText( aPanel, aDC, txtpos, (EDA_Colors) color, m_Text, orient, m_Size,
                     m_Italic, m_Bold );

    /* Enable this to draw the bounding box around the text field to validate
     * the bounding box calculations.
#if 0
    EDA_RECT grBox;
    grBox.SetOrigin( aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox.GetOrigin() ) );
    grBox.SetEnd( aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox.GetEnd() ) );
    grBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( aPanel->GetClipBox(), aDC, grBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void LIB_ARC::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aOffset,
                           COLOR4D aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, void* aData,
                           const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    // Don't draw the arc until the end point is selected.  Only the edit indicators
    // get drawn at this time.
    if( IsNew() && m_lastEditState == 1 )

    wxPoint pos1, pos2, posc;
    COLOR4D color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor == COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_ArcEnd ) + aOffset;
    pos2 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_ArcStart ) + aOffset;
    posc = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    int  pt1  = m_t1;
    int  pt2  = m_t2;
    bool swap = aTransform.MapAngles( &pt1, &pt2 );

    if( swap )
        std::swap( pos1.x, pos2.x );
        std::swap( pos1.y, pos2.y );

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;

    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR )
        GRFilledArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2,
                     m_Radius, GetPenSize( ),
                     (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                     GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE && !aData )
        GRFilledArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2, m_Radius,
                     color, color );


        GRArc( clipbox, aDC, posc.x, posc.y, pt1, pt2, m_Radius,
               GetPenSize(), color );

        GRArc1( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y,
                posc.x, posc.y, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around arc to validate bounding box
     * calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
Example #15
 * This is the real print function: print the active screen
    int          tmpzoom;
    wxPoint      tmp_startvisu;
    wxPoint      old_org;
    wxPoint      DrawOffset;    // Offset de trace
    double       userscale;
    double       DrawZoom = 1;
    wxDC*        dc = GetDC();
    PCB_SCREEN*  screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) m_Parent->GetScreen();
    bool         printMirror = m_PrintParams.m_PrintMirror;

    wxBusyCursor dummy;

    // Save old draw scale and draw offset
    tmp_startvisu = screen->m_StartVisu;
    tmpzoom = screen->GetZoom();
    old_org = screen->m_DrawOrg;

    // Change draw scale and offset to draw the whole page
    screen->SetScalingFactor( DrawZoom );
    screen->m_DrawOrg.x   = screen->m_DrawOrg.y = 0;
    screen->m_StartVisu.x = screen->m_StartVisu.y = 0;

    PCB_BASE_FRAME* pcbframe = (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) m_Parent;

    wxSize  pageSizeIU = pcbframe->GetPageSizeIU();  // internal units
    EDA_RECT bbbox     = pcbframe->GetBoard()->ComputeBoundingBox();

    // In module editor, the module is located at 0,0 but for printing
    // it is moved to pageSizeIU.x/2, pageSizeIU.y/2.
    // So the equivalent board must be moved:
    if( m_Parent->IsType( MODULE_EDITOR_FRAME ) )
        bbbox.Move( wxPoint( pageSizeIU.x/2, pageSizeIU.y/2 ) );

    // Compute the PCB size in internal units
    userscale = m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale;

    if( userscale == 0 )                //  fit in page
        // Margin = 0.4 inch
#if defined(KICAD_NANOMETRE)
        int extra_margin = int( 0.4 * 25400 );      // nanometers
        int extra_margin = int( 0.4 * 1000 );       // deci-mils

        pageSizeIU.x = bbbox.GetWidth()  + extra_margin * 2;
        pageSizeIU.y = bbbox.GetHeight() + extra_margin * 2;

        userscale   = 0.99;

    if( (m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale > 1.0)          //  scale > 1 -> Recadrage
       || (m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale == 0) )       //  fit in page
        DrawOffset += bbbox.Centre();

    if( m_PrintParams.m_PageSetupData )
        wxSize pagesize;

        pagesize.x = int( pageSizeIU.x / userscale );
        pagesize.y = int( pageSizeIU.y / userscale );

        FitThisSizeToPageMargins( pagesize, *m_PrintParams.m_PageSetupData );

    // Compute Accurate scale 1
    if( userscale == 1.0 )
        // We want a 1:1 scale and margins for printing
        int w, h;
        GetPPIPrinter( &w, &h );
        double accurate_Xscale = ( (double) ( DrawZoom * w ) ) / (double) PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT;
        double accurate_Yscale = ( (double) ( DrawZoom * h ) ) / (double) PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT;

        if( IsPreview() )  // Scale must take in account the DC size in Preview
            // Get the size of the DC in pixels
            wxSize       PlotAreaSize;
            dc->GetSize( &PlotAreaSize.x, &PlotAreaSize.y );
            GetPageSizePixels( &w, &h );
            accurate_Xscale *= PlotAreaSize.x;
            accurate_Xscale /= (double) w;
            accurate_Yscale *= PlotAreaSize.y;
            accurate_Yscale /= (double) h;
        accurate_Xscale *= m_PrintParams.m_XScaleAdjust;
        accurate_Yscale *= m_PrintParams.m_YScaleAdjust;
        // Fine scale adjust
        dc->SetUserScale( accurate_Xscale, accurate_Yscale );

    // Get the final size of the DC in pixels
    wxSize       PlotAreaSizeInPixels;
    dc->GetSize( &PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x, &PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y );
    double scalex, scaley;
    dc->GetUserScale(&scalex, &scaley);
    wxSize PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits;
    PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.x = (int) (PlotAreaSizeInPixels.x/scalex);
    PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.y = (int) (PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y/scaley);

    /* In some cases the plot origin is the centre of the page
     *  when:
     *  - Asked
     *  - scale > 1
     *  - fit in page
    if( m_PrintParams.m_ForceCentered
       || (m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale > 1.0)        //  scale > 1
       || (m_PrintParams.m_PrintScale == 0) )       //  fit in page
        DrawOffset.x -= PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.x / 2;
        DrawOffset.y -= PlotAreaSizeInUserUnits.y / 2;

    screen->m_DrawOrg = DrawOffset;

    GRResetPenAndBrush( dc );

    if( m_PrintParams.m_Print_Black_and_White )
        GRForceBlackPen( true );

    EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel = m_Parent->GetCanvas();
    EDA_RECT        tmp   = *panel->GetClipBox();

    // Set clip box to the max size
    #define MAX_VALUE (INT_MAX/2)   // MAX_VALUE is the max we can use in an integer
                                    // and that allows calculations without overflow
    panel->SetClipBox( EDA_RECT( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), wxSize( MAX_VALUE, MAX_VALUE ) ) );

    m_Parent->GetScreen()->m_IsPrinting = true;
    int bg_color = g_DrawBgColor;

    if( m_PrintParams.m_Print_Sheet_Ref )
        m_Parent->TraceWorkSheet( dc, screen, m_PrintParams.m_PenDefaultSize );

    if( printMirror )
        // To plot mirror, we reverse the y axis, and modify the plot y origin
        dc->SetAxisOrientation( true, true );

        if( userscale < 1.0 )
            scaley /= userscale;

        /* Plot offset y is moved by the y plot area size in order to have
         * the old draw area in the new draw area, because the draw origin has not moved
         * (this is the upper left corner) but the Y axis is reversed, therefore the plotting area
         * is the y coordinate values from  - PlotAreaSize.y to 0 */
        int y_dc_offset = PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y;
        y_dc_offset = (int) ( ( double ) y_dc_offset * userscale );
        dc->SetDeviceOrigin( 0, y_dc_offset );
        int ysize = (int) ( PlotAreaSizeInPixels.y / scaley );
        DrawOffset.y += ysize;

        /* in order to keep the board position in the sheet
         * (when user scale <= 1) the y offset in moved by the distance between
         * the middle of the page and the middle of the board
         * This is equivalent to put the mirror axis to the board centre
         * for scales > 1, the DrawOffset was already computed to have the board centre
         * to the middle of the page.
        wxPoint pcb_centre = bbbox.Centre();

        if( userscale <= 1.0 )
            DrawOffset.y += pcb_centre.y - (ysize / 2);

        dc->SetLogicalOrigin( screen->m_DrawOrg.x, screen->m_DrawOrg.y );
        panel->SetClipBox( EDA_RECT( wxPoint( -MAX_VALUE/2, -MAX_VALUE/2 ),
                                     panel->GetClipBox()->GetSize() ) );

    g_DrawBgColor = WHITE;

    /* when printing in color mode, we use the graphic OR mode that gives the same look as the screen
     * But because the background is white when printing, we must use a trick:
     * In order to plot on a white background in OR mode we must:
     * 1 - Plot all items in black, this creates a local black backgroud
     * 2 - Plot in OR mode on black "local" background
    if( !m_PrintParams.m_Print_Black_and_White )
    {   // Creates a "local" black background
        GRForceBlackPen( true );
        m_Parent->PrintPage( dc, m_PrintParams.m_PrintMaskLayer, printMirror, &m_PrintParams );
        GRForceBlackPen( false );

    m_Parent->PrintPage( dc, m_PrintParams.m_PrintMaskLayer, printMirror, &m_PrintParams );

    g_DrawBgColor = bg_color;
    m_Parent->GetScreen()->m_IsPrinting = false;
    panel->SetClipBox( tmp );

    GRForceBlackPen( false );

    screen->m_StartVisu = tmp_startvisu;
    screen->m_DrawOrg   = old_org;
    screen->SetZoom( tmpzoom );