Example #1
NlpSolveHeuristic::solution (double & objectiveValue, double * newSolution) {

  int noSolution = 1, maxTime = 2;

  // do heuristic the usual way, but if for any reason (time is up, no
  // better solution found) there is no improvement, get the best
  // solution from the GlobalCutOff object in the pointer to the
  // CouenneProblem and return it instead.
  // Although this should be handled by Cbc, very often this doesn't
  // happen.

  //  int nodeDepth = -1;

  const int depth = (model_ -> currentNode ()) ? model_ -> currentNode () -> depth () : 0;

  if (depth <= 0)
    couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "NLP Heuristic: "); fflush (stdout);

  try {

  if (CoinCpuTime () > couenne_ -> getMaxCpuTime ())
    throw maxTime;

  OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_ -> solver();

  OsiAuxInfo * auxInfo = solver->getAuxiliaryInfo();
  Bonmin::BabInfo * babInfo = dynamic_cast <Bonmin::BabInfo *> (auxInfo);

      throw noSolution;

  // if too deep in the BB tree, only run NLP heuristic if
  // feasibility is low
  bool too_deep = false;

  // check depth
  if (numberSolvePerLevel_ > -1) {

    if (numberSolvePerLevel_ == 0) 
      throw maxTime;

    //if (CoinDrand48 () > pow (2., numberSolvePerLevel_ - depth))
    if (CoinDrand48 () > 1. / CoinMax 
	(1., (double) ((depth - numberSolvePerLevel_) * 
		       (depth - numberSolvePerLevel_))))
      too_deep = true;

  if (too_deep)
    throw maxTime;

  double *lower = new double [couenne_ -> nVars ()];
  double *upper = new double [couenne_ -> nVars ()];

  CoinFillN (lower, couenne_ -> nVars (), -COUENNE_INFINITY);
  CoinFillN (upper, couenne_ -> nVars (),  COUENNE_INFINITY);

  CoinCopyN (solver->getColLower(), nlp_ -> getNumCols (), lower);
  CoinCopyN (solver->getColUpper(), nlp_ -> getNumCols (), upper);

  /*printf ("-- int candidate, before: ");
    for (int i=0; i<couenne_ -> nOrig (); i++) 
    printf ("[%g %g] ", lower [i], upper [i]);
    printf ("\n");*/

  const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
  OsiBranchingInformation info (solver, true);
  const int & numberObjects = model_->numberObjects();
  OsiObject ** objects = model_->objects();
  double maxInfeasibility = 0;

  bool haveRoundedIntVars = false;

  for (int i = 0 ; i < numberObjects ; i++) {

    CouenneObject * couObj = dynamic_cast <CouenneObject *> (objects [i]);

    if (couObj) {
      if (too_deep) { // only test infeasibility if BB level is high
	int dummy;
	double infeas;
	maxInfeasibility = CoinMax ( maxInfeasibility, infeas = couObj->infeasibility(&info, dummy));

	if (maxInfeasibility > maxNlpInf_){
	  delete [] lower;
	  delete [] upper;
	  throw noSolution;
    } else {

      OsiSimpleInteger * intObj = dynamic_cast<OsiSimpleInteger *>(objects[i]);

      if (intObj) {
	const int & i = intObj -> columnNumber ();
	// Round the variable in the solver
	double value = solution [i];
	if (value < lower[i])
	  value = lower[i];
	else if (value > upper[i])
	  value = upper[i];

	double rounded = floor (value + 0.5);

	if (fabs (value - rounded) > COUENNE_EPS) {
	  haveRoundedIntVars = true;
	  //value = rounded;

	// fix bounds anyway, if a better candidate is not found
	// below at least we have an integer point
	//lower[i] = upper[i] = value;

	// Probably a SOS object -- do not stop here
	//throw CoinError("Bonmin::NlpSolveHeuristic","solution",
	//"Unknown object.");

  // if here, it means the infeasibility is not too high. Generate a
  // better integer point as there are rounded integer variables

  bool skipOnInfeasibility = false;

  double *Y = new double [couenne_ -> nVars ()];
  CoinFillN (Y, couenne_ -> nVars (), 0.);
  CoinCopyN (solution, nlp_ -> getNumCols (), Y);

  /*printf ("-- int candidate, upon call: ");
    for (int i=0; i<couenne_ -> nOrig (); i++) 
    if (couenne_ -> Var (i) -> isInteger ())
    printf ("[%g <%g> %g] ", lower [i], Y [i], upper [i]);
    else printf ("%g ", Y [i]);
    printf ("\n");*/

  if (haveRoundedIntVars) // create "good" integer candidate for Ipopt
    skipOnInfeasibility = (couenne_ -> getIntegerCandidate (solution, Y, lower, upper) < 0);

  /*printf ("-- int candidate, after: ");
    for (int i=0; i<couenne_ -> nOrig (); i++) 
    if (couenne_ -> Var (i) -> isInteger ())
    printf ("[%g <%g> %g] ", lower [i], Y [i], upper [i]);
    else printf ("%g ", Y [i]);
    printf ("\n");*/

  bool foundSolution = false;

  if (haveRoundedIntVars && skipOnInfeasibility) 
    // no integer initial point could be found, make up some random rounding

    for (int i = couenne_ -> nOrigVars (); i--;) 

      if (couenne_ -> Var (i) -> isDefinedInteger ())
	lower [i] = upper [i] = Y [i] = 
	  (CoinDrand48 () < 0.5) ? 
	  floor (Y [i] + COUENNE_EPS) : 
	  ceil  (Y [i] - COUENNE_EPS);

      else if (lower [i] > upper [i]) { 

	// sanity check (should avoid problems in ex1263 with
	// couenne.opt.obbt)

	double swap = lower [i];
	lower [i] = upper [i];
	upper [i] = swap;

    //	printf ("[%g <%g> %g] ", lower [i], Y [i], upper [i]);

    /*printf ("int candidate: ");
      for (int i=0; i<couenne_ -> nOrig (); i++) 
      if (couenne_ -> Var (i) -> isInteger ())
      printf ("[%g <%g> %g] ", lower [i], Y [i], upper [i]);
      else printf ("%g ", Y [i]);
      printf ("\n");*/

    // Now set column bounds and solve the NLP with starting point
    double * saveColLower = CoinCopyOfArray (nlp_ -> getColLower (), nlp_ -> getNumCols ());
    double * saveColUpper = CoinCopyOfArray (nlp_ -> getColUpper (), nlp_ -> getNumCols ());

    for (int i = nlp_ -> getNumCols (); i--;) {

      if (lower [i] > upper [i]) {
	double swap = lower [i];
	lower [i] = upper [i];
	upper [i] = swap;

      if      (Y [i] < lower [i]) Y [i] = lower [i];
      else if (Y [i] > upper [i]) Y [i] = upper [i];

    nlp_ -> setColLower    (lower);
    nlp_ -> setColUpper    (upper);
    nlp_ -> setColSolution (Y);

    // apply NLP solver /////////////////////////////////
    try {
      nlp_ -> options () -> SetNumericValue ("max_cpu_time", CoinMax (0.1, couenne_ -> getMaxCpuTime () - CoinCpuTime ()));
      nlp_ -> initialSolve ();
    catch (Bonmin::TNLPSolver::UnsolvedError *E) {}

    double obj = (nlp_ -> isProvenOptimal()) ? nlp_ -> getObjValue (): COIN_DBL_MAX;

    if (nlp_ -> isProvenOptimal () &&
	couenne_ -> checkNLP (nlp_ -> getColSolution (), obj, true) && // true for recomputing obj
	(obj < couenne_ -> getCutOff ())) {

      // store solution in Aux info

      const int nVars = solver->getNumCols();
      double* tmpSolution = new double [nVars];
      CoinCopyN (nlp_ -> getColSolution(), nlp_ -> getNumCols(), tmpSolution);

      //Get correct values for all auxiliary variables
      CouenneInterface * couenne = dynamic_cast <CouenneInterface *> (nlp_);

      if (couenne)
	couenne_ -> getAuxs (tmpSolution);

			      0, false, // do not care about obj
			      true, // stopAtFirstViol 
			      false, // checkAll
			      couenne_->getFeasTol())) {
	printf("NlpSolveHeuristic::solution(): ### ERROR: checkNLP(): returns true,  checkNLP2() returns false\n");
      obj = couenne_->getRecordBestSol()->getModSolVal(); 
      couenne_->getRecordBestSol()->update(tmpSolution, nVars,
					   obj, couenne_->getFeasTol());

      if (babInfo){
	babInfo->setNlpSolution (tmpSolution, nVars, obj);
	babInfo->setHasNlpSolution (true);

      if (obj < objectiveValue) { // found better solution?

	const CouNumber 
	  *lb = solver -> getColLower (),
	  *ub = solver -> getColUpper ();

	// check bounds once more after getAux. This avoids false
	// asserts in CbcModel.cpp:8305 on integerTolerance violated
	for (int i=0; i < nVars; i++, lb++, ub++) {

	  CouNumber &t = tmpSolution [i];
	  if      (t < *lb) t = *lb;
	  else if (t > *ub) t = *ub;
	//printf ("new cutoff %g from BonNlpHeuristic\n", obj);
	couenne_ -> setCutOff (obj);
	foundSolution = true;
	objectiveValue = obj;
	CoinCopyN (tmpSolution, nVars, newSolution);
      delete [] tmpSolution;

    nlp_ -> setColLower (saveColLower);
    nlp_ -> setColUpper (saveColUpper);

    delete [] saveColLower;
    delete [] saveColUpper;

  delete [] Y;

  delete [] lower;
  delete [] upper;

  if (depth <= 0) {

    if (foundSolution) couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "solution found, obj. %g\n", objectiveValue);
    else               couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "no solution.\n");

  return foundSolution;

  catch (int &e) {

    // forget about using the global cutoff. That has to trickle up to
    // Cbc some other way

    if      (e==noSolution) {if (depth <= 0) couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "no solution.\n");                            return 0;}
    else if (e==maxTime)    {if (depth <= 0) couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "time limit reached.\n");                     return 0;}
    else                    {if (depth <= 0) couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "solution found, obj. %g\n", objectiveValue); return 1;}

    // // no solution available? Use the one from the global cutoff
    // if ((couenne_ -> getCutOff () < objectiveValue) &&
    // 	couenne_ -> getCutOffSol ()) {
    //   objectiveValue = couenne_ -> getCutOff    ();
    //   CoinCopyN       (couenne_ -> getCutOffSol (), couenne_ -> nVars (), newSolution);
    //   if (depth <= 0)
    // 	couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "solution found, obj. %g\n", objectiveValue);
    //   return 1;
    // } else {
    //   if (depth <= 0 && e==noSolution)
    // 	couenne_ -> Jnlst () -> Printf (J_ERROR, J_COUENNE, "no solution.\n", objectiveValue);
    //   return 0;
    // }
Example #2
/** Standard cut generation methods. */
OaDecompositionBase::generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface &si,  OsiCuts & cs,
    const CglTreeInfo info) {
  if (nlp_ == NULL) {
    throw CoinError("Error in cut generator for outer approximation no NLP ipopt assigned", "generateCuts", "OaDecompositionBase");

  // babInfo is used to communicate with the b-and-b solver (Cbc or Bcp).
  BabInfo * babInfo = dynamic_cast<BabInfo *> (si.getAuxiliaryInfo());
  numSols_ = babInfo->babPtr()->model().getSolutionCount ();
  CglTreeInfo info_copy = info;
  const CbcNode * node = babInfo->babPtr()->model().currentNode();
  info_copy.level = (node == NULL) ? 0 : babInfo->babPtr()->model().currentNode()->depth();
  if(babInfo->hasSolution()) numSols_ ++;
  if (babInfo)
    if (!babInfo->mipFeasible())

  //Get the continuous solution
  const double *colsol = si.getColSolution();

  vector<double> savedColLower(nlp_->getNumCols());
  CoinCopyN(nlp_->getColLower(), nlp_->getNumCols(), savedColLower());
  vector<double> savedColUpper(nlp_->getNumCols());
  CoinCopyN(nlp_->getColUpper(), nlp_->getNumCols(), savedColUpper());

  OsiBranchingInformation brInfo(nlp_, false);
  brInfo.solution_ = colsol;
  //Check integer infeasibility
  bool isInteger = integerFeasible(*nlp_, brInfo, parameters_.cbcIntegerTolerance_,
                              objects_, nObjects_);

  //Check nodeNumber if it did not change scan savedCuts_ if one is violated force it and exit
  int nodeNumber = babInfo->babPtr()->model().getNodeCount();
  if(nodeNumber == currentNodeNumber_){
#ifdef OA_DEBUG
    printf("OA decomposition recalled from the same node!\n");
    int numCuts = savedCuts_.sizeRowCuts();
    for(int i = 0 ; i < numCuts ; i++){
       //Check if cuts off solution
       if(savedCuts_.rowCut(i).violated(colsol) > 0.){
#ifdef OA_DEBUG
         printf("A violated saved cut has been found\n");
         i--; numCuts--;
  else {
    currentNodeNumber_ = nodeNumber;
  if (!isInteger) {
    if (!doLocalSearch(babInfo))//create sub mip solver.

  //get the current cutoff
  double cutoff;
  si.getDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, cutoff);

  // Save solvers state if needed

  solverManip * lpManip = NULL;
  if (lp_ != NULL) {
      assert(lp_ == &si);
      lpManip = new solverManip(lp_, true, leaveSiUnchanged_, true, true);
  else {
    lpManip = new solverManip(si);
  lpManip->setObjects(objects_, nObjects_);

  double milpBound = performOa(cs, *lpManip, babInfo, cutoff, info_copy);

     babInfo->babPtr()->model().setSolutionCount (numSols_ - 1);

  //Transmit the bound found by the milp
    if (milpBound>-1e100)
      // Also store into solver
      if (babInfo)
  }  //Clean everything :

  //  Reset the two solvers
  if (leaveSiUnchanged_)
  delete lpManip;


Example #3
void CouenneCutGenerator::generateCuts (const OsiSolverInterface &si,
					OsiCuts &cs, 
					const CglTreeInfo info)

  // check if out of time or if an infeasibility cut (iis of type 0)
  // was added as a result of, e.g., pruning on BT. If so, no need to
  // run this.

  if (isWiped (cs) || 
     (CoinCpuTime () > problem_ -> getMaxCpuTime ()))

  double currCutOff = problem_->getCutOff();
  double bestVal = 1e50;
  CouenneRecordBestSol *rs = problem_->getRecordBestSol();
  if(rs->getHasSol()) {
    bestVal = rs->getVal(); 
  if(currCutOff > bestVal) {
    //problem_ -> setCutOff (bestVal - 1e-6); // FIXME: don't add numerical constants
    problem_ -> setCutOff (bestVal);

    int indObj = problem_->Obj(0)->Body()->Index();

    if (indObj >= 0) {
      OsiColCut *objCut = new OsiColCut;
      objCut->setUbs(1, &indObj, &bestVal);
      delete objCut;

  if((BabPtr_ != NULL) && (info.level >= 0) && (info.pass == 0) && 
     (BabPtr_->model().getNodeCount() > lastPrintLine)) {
    lastPrintLine += 1;

  const int infeasible = 1;

  int nInitCuts = cs.sizeRowCuts ();

    *&realOpt = problem_ -> bestSol (),
    *saveOptimum = realOpt;

  if (!firstcall_ && realOpt) { 

    // have a debug optimal solution. Check if current bounds
    // contain it, otherwise pretend it does not exist

    CouNumber *opt = realOpt;

    const CouNumber 
      *sol = si.getColSolution (),
      *lb  = si.getColLower (),
      *ub  = si.getColUpper ();

    int objind = problem_ -> Obj (0) -> Body () -> Index ();

    for (int j=0, i=problem_ -> nVars (); i--; j++, opt++, lb++, ub++)
      if ((j != objind) && 
	  ((*opt < *lb - COUENNE_EPS * (1 + CoinMin (fabs (*opt), fabs (*lb)))) || 
	   (*opt > *ub + COUENNE_EPS * (1 + CoinMin (fabs (*opt), fabs (*ub)))))) {
	jnlst_ -> Printf (J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING, 
			  "out of bounds, ignore x%d = %g [%g,%g] opt = %g\n", 
			  problem_ -> nVars () - i - 1, *sol, *lb, *ub, *opt);

	// optimal point is not in current bounding box,
	// pretend realOpt is NULL until we return from this procedure
	realOpt = NULL;

  /*static int count = 0;
  char fname [20];
  sprintf (fname, "relax_%d", count++);
  si.writeLp (fname);
  printf ("writing %s\n", fname);*/

  jnlst_ -> Printf (J_DETAILED, J_CONVEXIFYING,
		    "generateCuts: level = %d, pass = %d, intree = %d\n",
		    info.level, info.pass, info.inTree);

  Bonmin::BabInfo * babInfo = dynamic_cast <Bonmin::BabInfo *> (si.getAuxiliaryInfo ());

  if (babInfo)
    babInfo -> setFeasibleNode ();

  double now   = CoinCpuTime ();
  int    ncols = problem_ -> nVars ();

  // This vector contains variables whose bounds have changed due to
  // branching, reduced cost fixing, or bound tightening below. To be
  // used with malloc/realloc/free

  t_chg_bounds *chg_bds = new t_chg_bounds [ncols];

  /*for (int i=0; i < ncols; i++) 
    if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () <= 0) {
      chg_bds [i].setLower (t_chg_bounds::UNCHANGED);
      chg_bds [i].setUpper (t_chg_bounds::UNCHANGED);

  problem_ -> installCutOff (); // install upper bound

  if (firstcall_) {

    // First convexification //////////////////////////////////////

    // OsiSolverInterface is empty yet, no information can be obtained
    // on variables or bounds -- and none is needed since our
    // constructor populated *problem_ with variables and bounds. We
    // only need to update the auxiliary variables and bounds with
    // their current value.

    for (int i=0; i < ncols; i++) 
      if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () > 0) {
	chg_bds [i].setLower (t_chg_bounds::CHANGED);
	chg_bds [i].setUpper (t_chg_bounds::CHANGED);

    // start with FBBT, should take advantage of cutoff found by NLP
    // run AFTER initial FBBT...
    if (problem_ -> doFBBT () &&
	(! (problem_ -> boundTightening (chg_bds, babInfo))))
          jnlst_ -> Printf (J_STRONGWARNING, J_CONVEXIFYING,
            "Couenne: WARNING, first convexification is infeasible\n");

    // For each auxiliary variable replacing the original (nonlinear)
    // constraints, check if corresponding bounds are violated, and
    // add cut to cs

    int nnlc = problem_ -> nCons ();

    for (int i=0; i<nnlc; i++) {

      if (CoinCpuTime () > problem_ -> getMaxCpuTime ())

      // for each constraint
      CouenneConstraint *con = problem_ -> Con (i);

      // (which has an aux as its body)
      int objindex = con -> Body () -> Index ();

      if ((objindex >= 0) && 
	  ((con -> Body () -> Type () == AUX) ||
	   (con -> Body () -> Type () == VAR))) {

	// get the auxiliary that is at the lhs
	exprVar *conaux = problem_ -> Var (objindex);

	if (conaux &&
	    (conaux -> Type () == AUX) &&
	    (conaux -> Image ()) && 
	    (conaux -> Image () -> Linearity () <= LINEAR)) {

	  // reduce density of problem by adding w >= l rather than
	  // ax + b >= l for any linear auxiliary defined as w := ax+b

	    lb = (*(con -> Lb ())) (), 
	    ub = (*(con -> Ub ())) ();

	  OsiColCut newBound;
	  if (lb > -COUENNE_INFINITY) newBound.setLbs (1, &objindex, &lb);
	  if (ub <  COUENNE_INFINITY) newBound.setUbs (1, &objindex, &ub);

	  cs.insert (newBound);

	  // the auxiliary w of constraint w <= b is associated with a
	  // linear expression w = ax: add constraint ax <= b
	  /*conaux -> Image () -> generateCuts (conaux, si, cs, this, chg_bds, 
					      conaux -> Index (), 
					      (*(con -> Lb ())) (), 
					      (*(con -> Ub ())) ());*/

	  // take it from the list of the variables to be linearized
	  // DO NOT decrease multiplicity. Even if it is a linear
	  // term, its bounds can still be used in implied bounds
	  // Are we sure? That will happen only if its multiplicity is
	  // nonzero, for otherwise this aux is only used here, and is
	  // useless elsewhere
	  //conaux -> decreaseMult (); // !!!

	// also, add constraint w <= b

	// not now, do it later

// 	// if there exists violation, add constraint
// 	CouNumber l = con -> Lb () -> Value (),	
// 	          u = con -> Ub () -> Value ();

// 	// tighten bounds in Couenne's problem representation
// 	problem_ -> Lb (index) = CoinMax (l, problem_ -> Lb (index));
// 	problem_ -> Ub (index) = CoinMin (u, problem_ -> Ub (index));

      } else { // body is more than just a variable, but it should be
	       // linear. If so, generate equivalent linear cut

	assert (false);	// TODO

    if (jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING)) {
      if (cs.sizeRowCuts ()) {
	jnlst_ -> Printf (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING,"Couenne: %d constraint row cuts\n",
			  cs.sizeRowCuts ());
	for (int i=0; i<cs.sizeRowCuts (); i++) 
	  cs.rowCutPtr (i) -> print ();
      if (cs.sizeColCuts ()) {
	jnlst_ -> Printf (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING,"Couenne: %d constraint col cuts\n",
			  cs.sizeColCuts ());
	for (int i=0; i<cs.sizeColCuts (); i++) 
	  cs.colCutPtr (i) -> print ();
  } else {

    // use new optimum as lower bound for variable associated w/objective
    int indobj = problem_ -> Obj (0) -> Body () -> Index ();

    // transmit solution from OsiSolverInterface to problem
    problem_ -> domain () -> push (&si, &cs);

    if (indobj >= 0) {

      // Use current value of objvalue's x as a lower bound for bound
      // tightening
      double lp_bound = problem_ -> domain () -> x (indobj);

      //if (problem_ -> Obj (0) -> Sense () == MINIMIZE) 
      {if (lp_bound > problem_ -> Lb (indobj)) problem_ -> Lb (indobj) = lp_bound;}
	   //else {if (lp_bound < problem_ -> Ub (indobj)) problem_ -> Ub (indobj) = lp_bound;}

    updateBranchInfo (si, problem_, chg_bds, info); // info.depth >= 0 || info.pass >= 0

  // restore constraint bounds before tightening and cut generation
  for (int i = problem_ -> nCons (); i--;) {

    // for each constraint
    CouenneConstraint *con = problem_ -> Con (i);

    // (which has an aux as its body)
    int objindex = con -> Body () -> Index ();

    if ((objindex >= 0) && 
	((con -> Body () -> Type () == AUX) ||
	 (con -> Body () -> Type () == VAR))) {

      // if there exists violation, add constraint
	l = con -> Lb () -> Value (),	
	u = con -> Ub () -> Value ();

      // tighten bounds in Couenne's problem representation
      problem_ -> Lb (objindex) = CoinMax (l, problem_ -> Lb (objindex));
      problem_ -> Ub (objindex) = CoinMin (u, problem_ -> Ub (objindex));

  problem_ -> installCutOff (); // install upper bound

  fictitiousBound (cs, problem_, false); // install finite lower bound, if currently -inf

  int *changed = NULL, nchanged;

  // Bound tightening ///////////////////////////////////////////

  // do bound tightening only at first pass of cutting plane in a node
  // of BB tree (info.pass == 0) or if first call (creation of RLT,
  // info.pass == -1)

  try {

    // Before bound tightening, compute symmetry group. After bound
    // tightening is done, we can apply further tightening using orbit
    // information.

    //    ChangeBounds (psi -> getColLower (),  
    //		  psi -> getColUpper (), 
    //		  psi -> getNumCols ());
    if (problem_ -> orbitalBranching ())
      problem_ -> Compute_Symmetry ();

    // Bound tightening ////////////////////////////////////

    /*printf ("== BT ================\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < problem_ -> nVars (); i++)
      if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () > 0)
      printf ("%4d %+20.8g [%+20.8g,%+20.8g]\n", i,
      problem_ -> X  (i), problem_ -> Lb (i), problem_ -> Ub (i));

    // Reduced Cost BT -- to be done first to use rcost correctly
    if (!firstcall_  &&                         // have a linearization already
	problem_ -> doRCBT () &&                // authorized to do reduced cost tightening
	problem_ -> redCostBT (&si, chg_bds) && // some variables were tightened with reduced cost
	!(problem_ -> btCore (chg_bds)))        // in this case, do another round of FBBT
      throw infeasible;

    // FBBT
    if (problem_ -> doFBBT () && 
	//(info.pass <= 0) && // do it in subsequent rounds too
	(! (problem_ -> boundTightening (chg_bds, babInfo))))
      throw infeasible;

    // OBBT
    if (!firstcall_ && // no obbt if first call (there is no LP to work with)
	problem_ -> obbt (this, si, cs, info, babInfo, chg_bds) < 0)
      throw infeasible;

    // Bound tightening done /////////////////////////////

    if ((problem_ -> doFBBT () ||
	 problem_ -> doOBBT () ||
	 problem_ -> doABT  ()) &&
	(jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING))) {

      jnlst_ -> Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"== after bt =============\n");
      for (int i = 0; i < problem_ -> nVars (); i++)
	if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () > 0)
	  jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"%4d %+20.8g [%+20.8g,%+20.8g]\n", i,
			 problem_ -> X  (i), problem_ -> Lb (i), problem_ -> Ub (i));
      jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"=============================\n");

    // Use orbit info to tighten bounds


    // TODO: when independent bound tightener, can get original bounds
    // through si.getCol{Low,Upp}er()

    if (problem_ -> orbitalBranching () && !firstcall_) {

	*lb = problem_ -> Lb (),
	*ub = problem_ -> Ub ();

      std::vector<std::vector<int> > *new_orbits = problem_ -> getNtyInfo () -> getOrbits();

      for (int i=0, ii = problem_ -> getNtyInfo () -> getNumOrbits (); ii--; i++){

	std::vector <int> orbit = (*new_orbits)[i];

	if (orbit.size () <= 1)
	  continue; // not much to do when only one variable in this orbit

	if (jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_VECTOR, J_BOUNDTIGHTENING)) {
	  printf ("orbit bounds: "); fflush (stdout);
	  for(int j = 0; j < orbit.size (); j++) {
	    printf ("x_%d [%g,%g] ", orbit[j], lb [orbit [j]], ub [orbit [j]]);
	    fflush (stdout);
	  printf ("\n");

	for (int j = 0; j < orbit.size (); j++) {
	  int indOrb = orbit [j];

	  if (indOrb < problem_ -> nVars ()) {

	    if (lb [indOrb] > ll) ll = lb [indOrb];
	    if (ub [indOrb] < uu) uu = ub [indOrb];

	jnlst_ -> Printf (J_VECTOR, J_BOUNDTIGHTENING, 
			  " --> new common lower bounds: [%g,--]\n", ll);

	for(int j = 0; j < orbit.size (); j++) {

	  int indOrb = orbit [j];

	  if (indOrb < problem_ -> nVars ()){

	    lb [indOrb] = ll;
	    ub [indOrb] = uu;

      delete new_orbits;


    // Generate convexification cuts //////////////////////////////

    sparse2dense (ncols, chg_bds, changed, nchanged);

    double *nlpSol = NULL;


    if (true) {

      if (babInfo) 
	nlpSol = const_cast <double *> (babInfo -> nlpSolution ());

      // Aggressive Bound Tightening ////////////////////////////////

      int logAbtLev = problem_ -> logAbtLev ();

      if (problem_ -> doABT () &&             // flag is checked, AND
	  ((logAbtLev != 0) ||                // (parameter is nonzero OR
	   (info.level == 0)) &&              //  we are at root node), AND
	  (info.pass == 0) &&                 // at first round of cuts, AND 
	  ((logAbtLev < 0) ||                 // (logAbtLev = -1, OR
	   (info.level <= logAbtLev) ||       //  depth is lower than COU_OBBT_CUTOFF_LEVEL, OR
	   (CoinDrand48 () <                  //  probability inversely proportional to the level)
	    pow (2., (double) logAbtLev - (info.level + 1))))) {

	jnlst_ -> Printf(J_VECTOR, J_BOUNDTIGHTENING,"  performing ABT\n");
	if (! (problem_ -> aggressiveBT (nlp_, chg_bds, info, babInfo)))
	  throw infeasible;

	sparse2dense (ncols, chg_bds, changed, nchanged);

      // obtain solution just found by nlp solver

      // Auxiliaries should be correct. solution should be the one found
      // at the node even if not as good as the best known.

      // save violation flag and disregard it while adding cut at NLP
      // point (which are not violated by the current, NLP, solution)
      bool save_av = addviolated_;
      addviolated_ = false;

      // save values
      problem_ -> domain () -> push 
	(problem_ -> nVars (), 
	 problem_ -> domain () -> x  (), 
	 problem_ -> domain () -> lb (), 
	 problem_ -> domain () -> ub (), false);

      // fill originals with nlp values
      if (nlpSol) {
	CoinCopyN (nlpSol, problem_ -> nOrigVars (), problem_ -> domain () -> x ());
      //problem_ -> initAuxs ();

      problem_ -> getAuxs (problem_ -> domain () -> x ());

      if (jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING)) {
	jnlst_ -> Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"== genrowcuts on NLP =============\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < problem_ -> nVars (); i++)
	  if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () > 0)
	    jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"%4d %+20.8g [%+20.8g,%+20.8g]\n", i,
			   problem_ -> X  (i),
			   problem_ -> Lb (i),
			   problem_ -> Ub (i));
	jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"=============================\n");

      problem_ -> domain () -> current () -> isNlp () = true;
      genRowCuts (si, cs, nchanged, changed, chg_bds);  // add cuts

      problem_ -> domain () -> pop (); // restore point

      addviolated_ = save_av;     // restore previous value

      //    if (!firstcall_) // keep solution if called from extractLinearRelaxation()
      if (babInfo) 
	babInfo -> setHasNlpSolution (false); // reset it after use //AW HERE

    } else {

      if (jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING)) {
	jnlst_ -> Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"== genrowcuts on LP =============\n");
	for (int i = 0; i < problem_ -> nVars (); i++)
	  if (problem_ -> Var (i) -> Multiplicity () > 0)
	    jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"%4d %+20.8g [%+20.8g,%+20.8g]\n", i,
			   problem_ -> X  (i),
			   problem_ -> Lb (i),
			   problem_ -> Ub (i));
	jnlst_->Printf(J_VECTOR, J_CONVEXIFYING,"=============================\n");

      genRowCuts (si, cs, nchanged, changed, chg_bds);

    // change tightened bounds through OsiCuts
    if (nchanged)
      genColCuts (si, cs, nchanged, changed);

    if (firstcall_ && (cs.sizeRowCuts () >= 1))
		     "Couenne: %d initial row cuts\n", cs.sizeRowCuts ());

    if (realOpt && // this is a good time to check if we have cut the optimal solution
	isOptimumCut (realOpt, cs, problem_))
		     "Warning: Optimal solution was cut\n");

  catch (int exception) {

    if ((exception == infeasible) && (!firstcall_)) {

      jnlst_ -> Printf (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING,
			"Couenne: Infeasible node\n");

      WipeMakeInfeas (cs);

    if (babInfo) // set infeasibility to true in order to skip NLP heuristic
      babInfo -> setInfeasibleNode ();

  delete [] chg_bds;

  if (changed) 
    free (changed);

  if (firstcall_) {

    jnlst_ -> Printf (J_SUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING, 
		      "Couenne: %d cuts (%d row, %d col) for linearization\n", 
		      cs.sizeRowCuts () + cs.sizeColCuts (),
		      cs.sizeRowCuts (),  cs.sizeColCuts ());

    fictitiousBound (cs, problem_, true);
    firstcall_  = false;
    ntotalcuts_ = nrootcuts_ = cs.sizeRowCuts ();

  } else { 

    problem_ -> domain () -> pop ();

    ntotalcuts_ += (cs.sizeRowCuts () - nInitCuts);

    if (saveOptimum)
      realOpt = saveOptimum; // restore debug optimum

  septime_ += CoinCpuTime () - now;

  if (jnlst_ -> ProduceOutput (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING)) {

    if (cs.sizeColCuts ()) {
      jnlst_ -> Printf (J_ITERSUMMARY, J_CONVEXIFYING,"Couenne col cuts:\n");
      for (int i=0; i<cs.sizeColCuts (); i++) 
	cs.colCutPtr (i) -> print ();

  if (!(info.inTree)) 
    rootTime_ = CoinCpuTime ();