Example #1
// Restore result
void OsiSolverResult::restoreResult(OsiSolverInterface &solver) const
  fixed_.applyBounds(solver, -1);
Example #2
  TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus LpBranchingSolver::
  solveFromHotStart(OsiTMINLPInterface* tminlp_interface)
    TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;

    // updated the bounds of the linear solver
    std::vector<int> diff_low_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_low_bnd_value;
    std::vector<int> diff_up_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_up_bnd_value;

    // Get the bounds.  We assume that the bounds in the linear solver
    // are always the original ones
    const int numCols = tminlp_interface->getNumCols();
    const double* colLow_orig = lin_->getColLower();
    const double* colUp_orig = lin_->getColUpper();
    const double* colLow = tminlp_interface->getColLower();
    const double* colUp = tminlp_interface->getColUpper();

    OsiSolverInterface * lin = lin_;
    // eventualy clone lin_
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Clone){
      lin = lin_->clone();
//      std::cout<<"Cloning it"<<std::endl;
    // Set the bounds on the LP solver according to the changes in
    // tminlp_interface
    for (int i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
      const double& lo = colLow[i];
      if (colLow_orig[i] < lo) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      const double& up = colUp[i];
      if (colUp_orig[i] > up) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){

    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){


    double obj = lin->getObjValue();
    bool go_on = true;
    if (lin->isProvenPrimalInfeasible() || 
        lin->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
      go_on = false;
    else if (lin->isIterationLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::iterationLimit;
      go_on = false;
    else {
      if (maxCuttingPlaneIterations_ > 0 && go_on) {
        double violation;
        obj = ecp_->doEcpRounds(*lin, true, &violation);
        if (obj == COIN_DBL_MAX) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
        else if (violation <= 1e-8) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;
    tminlp_interface->problem()->Set_x_sol(numCols, lin_->getColSolution());

    //restore the original bounds
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_low_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_up_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
    else {
      delete lin;
    return retstatus;
/** Create a set of candidate branching objects. */
BlisBranchStrategyPseudo::createCandBranchObjects(int numPassesLeft,
						  double ub)
    int bStatus = 0;
    int i, pass, colInd;

    int preferDir, saveLimit;
    int numFirsts  = 0;
    int numInfs = 0;
    int minCount = 0;
    int numLowerTightens = 0;
    int numUpperTightens = 0;
    double lpX, score, infeasibility, downDeg, upDeg, sumDeg = 0.0; 
    bool roundAgain, downKeep, downGood, upKeep, upGood;

    int *lbInd = NULL;
    int *ubInd = NULL;
    double *newLB = NULL;
    double *newUB = NULL;

    double *saveUpper = NULL;
    double *saveLower = NULL;
    double *saveSolution = NULL;

    BlisModel *model = dynamic_cast<BlisModel *>(model_);
    OsiSolverInterface *solver = model->solver();
    int numCols = model->getNumCols();
    int numObjects = model->numObjects();
    int aveIterations = model->getAveIterations();

    //std::cout <<  "aveIterations = " <<  aveIterations << std::endl;

    // Check if max time is reached or no pass is left.
    double timeLimit = model->AlpsPar()->entry(AlpsParams::timeLimit);
    AlpsKnowledgeBroker *broker = model->getKnowledgeBroker();
    bool maxTimeReached = (broker->timer().getTime() > timeLimit);
    bool selectNow = false;
    if (maxTimeReached || !numPassesLeft) {
        selectNow = true;
        printf("PSEUDO: CREATE: maxTimeReached %d, numPassesLeft %d\n", 
               maxTimeReached, numPassesLeft);
    // Store first time objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> firstObjects;

    // Store infeasible objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> infObjects;

    // TODO: check if sorting is expensive.
    std::multimap<double, BcpsBranchObject*, BlisPseuoGreater> candObjects;

    double objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();

    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
    saveSolution = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(), numCols*sizeof(double));

    // Find the infeasible objects.
    // NOTE: we might go round this loop twice if we are feed in
    //       a "feasible" solution.
    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
        numInfs = 0;

        BcpsObject * object = NULL;
        BlisObjectInt * intObject = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) {
            object = model->objects(i);
            infeasibility = object->infeasibility(model, preferDir);
            if (infeasibility) {
                intObject = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(object);
                if (intObject) {
                    if (!selectNow) {
                        minCount = 
                        if (minCount < 1) {

                    if (intObject->columnIndex() == 40) {
                        std::cout << "x[40] = " << saveSolution[40] 
                                  << std::endl;

                    intObject = NULL;
                else {
                    // TODO: currently all are integer objects.
#ifdef BLIS_DEBU
        if (numInfs) {
#if 0
            std::cout << "PSEUDO: numInfs = " << numInfs
                      << std::endl;
        else if (pass == 0) {
            // The first pass and is IP feasible.
#if 1
            std::cout << "ERROR: PSEUDO: given a integer feasible sol, no fraction variable" << std::endl;
            roundAgain = false;
            CoinWarmStartBasis * ws = 
            if (!ws) break;
            // Force solution values within bounds
            for (i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) {
                lpX = saveSolution[i];
                if (lpX < lower[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = lower[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
                else if (lpX > upper[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = upper[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atUpperBound);
            if (roundAgain) {
                // Need resolve and do the second round selection.
                delete ws;
                // Resolve.
                if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
                    // Become infeasible, can do nothing. 
                    bStatus = -2;
                    goto TERM_CREATE;
                else {
                    // Save new lp solution.
                    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(),
                           numCols * sizeof(double));
                    objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
            else {
                delete ws;
    } // EOF 2 pass

    // If we have a set of first time object, 
    // branch up and down to initialize pseudo-cost.
    numFirsts = static_cast<int> (firstObjects.size());
    //std::cout << "PSEUDO: numFirsts = " << numFirsts << std::endl;
    if (numFirsts > 0) {
        //std::cout << "PSEUDO: numFirsts = " << numFirsts << std::endl;
        // Backup solver status and mark hot start.
        saveLower = new double[numCols];
        saveUpper = new double[numCols];
        memcpy(saveLower, lower, numCols * sizeof(double));
        memcpy(saveUpper, upper, numCols * sizeof(double));

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
	aveIterations = ALPS_MIN(50, aveIterations);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, aveIterations);
        lbInd = new int [numFirsts];
        ubInd = new int [numFirsts];
        newLB = new double [numFirsts];
        newUB = new double [numFirsts];
        for (i = 0; i < numFirsts && bStatus != -2; ++i) {

            colInd = firstObjects[i]->columnIndex();
            lpX = saveSolution[colInd];
            BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                             saveLower, saveUpper,
                             downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                             upKeep, upGood, upDeg);
            if(!downKeep && !upKeep) {
                // Both branch can be fathomed
                bStatus = -2;
            else if (!downKeep) {
                // Down branch can be fathomed.
                lbInd[numLowerTightens] = colInd;
                newLB[numLowerTightens++] = ceil(lpX);
            else if (!upKeep) {
                // Up branch can be fathomed.
                ubInd[numUpperTightens] = colInd;
                newUB[numUpperTightens++] = floor(lpX);

        // Set new bounds in lp solver for resolving
        if (bStatus != -2) {
            if (numUpperTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numUpperTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColUpper(ubInd[i], newUB[i]);
            if (numLowerTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numLowerTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColLower(lbInd[i], newLB[i]);
        // Unmark hotstart and recover LP solver.
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;
    if (bStatus < 0) {
    else {
        // Create a set of candidate branching objects. 
        numBranchObjects_ = numInfs;
        branchObjects_ = new BcpsBranchObject* [numInfs];        
        // NOTE: it set model->savedLpSolution.
        sumDeg = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < numInfs; ++i) {

            if (infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getUpCost() < 
                infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getDownCost()) {
                preferDir = 1;
            else {
                preferDir = -1;
            branchObjects_[i] = infObjects[i]->createBranchObject(model,
            score = infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getScore();
            sumDeg += score;

            std::cout << "col[" << infObjects[i]->columnIndex() << "]: score="
                      << score << ", dir=" << branchObjects_[i]->getDirection()
                      << ", up=" << infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getUpCost()
                      << ", down=" << infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getDownCost()
                      << std::endl;
        model->setSolEstimate(objValue + sumDeg);

    // Cleanup.

    delete [] lbInd;
    delete [] ubInd;
    delete [] newLB;
    delete [] newUB;
    delete [] saveSolution;
    delete [] saveLower;
    delete [] saveUpper;

    return bStatus;
/** Create a set of candidate branching objects. */
BlisBranchStrategyRel::createCandBranchObjects(int numPassesLeft)
    int bStatus = 0;
    int i, pass, colInd;

    int preferDir, saveLimit;
    int numFirsts  = 0;
    int numInfs = 0;
    int minCount = 0;
    int numLowerTightens = 0;
    int numUpperTightens = 0;

    double lpX, score, infeasibility, downDeg, upDeg, sumDeg = 0.0;

    bool roundAgain, downKeep, downGood, upKeep, upGood;

    int *lbInd = NULL;
    int *ubInd = NULL;
    double *newLB = NULL;
    double *newUB = NULL;

    double * saveUpper = NULL;
    double * saveLower = NULL;
    double * saveSolution = NULL;

    BlisModel *model = dynamic_cast<BlisModel *>(model_);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model->solver();

    int numCols = model->getNumCols();
    int numObjects = model->numObjects();

    //int lookAhead = dynamic_cast<BlisParams*>
    //  (model->blisPar())->entry(BlisParams::lookAhead);

    // Check if max time is reached or no pass is left.

    double timeLimit = model->AlpsPar()->entry(AlpsParams::timeLimit);
    bool maxTimeReached = (CoinCpuTime() - model->startTime_  > timeLimit);
    bool selectNow = false;

    if (maxTimeReached || !numPassesLeft) {
        selectNow = true;
        printf("REL: CREATE: maxTimeReached %d, numPassesLeft %d\n",
               maxTimeReached, numPassesLeft);

    // Store first time objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> firstObjects;

    // Store infeasible objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> infObjects;

    // TODO: check if sorting is expensive.
    std::multimap<double, BlisObjectInt*, BlisPseuoGreater> sortedObjects;

    double objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();

    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();

    int lookAhead = dynamic_cast<BlisParams*>

    BlisObjectInt * intObject = NULL;

    // Backup solver status and mark hot start.

    saveSolution = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(), numCols*sizeof(double));
    saveLower = new double[numCols];
    saveUpper = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveLower, lower, numCols * sizeof(double));
    memcpy(saveUpper, upper, numCols * sizeof(double));

    // Find the infeasible objects.
    // NOTE: we might go round this loop twice if we are feed in
    //       a "feasible" solution.

    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {

        numInfs = 0;

        BcpsObject * object = NULL;


        for (i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) {

            object = model->objects(i);
            infeasibility = object->infeasibility(model, preferDir);

            if (infeasibility) {

                intObject = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(object);

                if (intObject) {

                    //score = object->pseudocost().getScore();
                    //tempBO = object->createBranchObject(model, preferDir);
                    //candObjects.insert(std::make_pair(score, tempBO));
                    //tempBO = NULL;


                    if (!selectNow) {
                        minCount =

                        if (minCount < 1) {

                    if (intObject->columnIndex() == 15) {
                        std::cout << "x[15] = " << saveSolution[15]
                                  << std::endl;

                    intObject = NULL;
                else {
                    // TODO: currently all are integer objects.
#ifdef BLIS_DEBU


        if (numInfs) {
            std::cout << "REL: numInfs = " << numInfs
                      << std::endl;
        else if (pass == 0) {
            // The first pass and is IP feasible.

            std::cout << "REL: given a feasible sol" << std::endl;

            roundAgain = false;
            CoinWarmStartBasis * ws =
            if (!ws) break;

            // Force solution values within bounds
            for (i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) {
                lpX = saveSolution[i];
                if (lpX < lower[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = lower[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
                else if (lpX > upper[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = upper[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atUpperBound);

            if (roundAgain) {
                // Need resolve and do the second round selection.
                delete ws;

                // Resolve.

                if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
                    // Become infeasible, can do nothing.
                    bStatus = -2;
                    goto TERM_CREATE;
                else {
                    // Save new lp solution.
                    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(),
                           numCols * sizeof(double));
                    objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
            else {
                delete ws;
    } // EOF 2 pass

    // If we have a set of first time object,
    // branch up and down to initialize pseudo-cost.

    numFirsts = static_cast<int> (firstObjects.size());
    if (numFirsts > 0) {

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        int maxIter = ALPS_MAX(model->getAveIterations(), 50);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, maxIter);


        lbInd = new int [numFirsts];
        ubInd = new int [numFirsts];

        newLB = new double [numFirsts];
        newUB = new double [numFirsts];

        for (i = 0; i < numFirsts && bStatus != -2; ++i) {

            colInd = firstObjects[i]->columnIndex();

            lpX = saveSolution[colInd];

            BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                             saveLower, saveUpper,
                             downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                             upKeep, upGood, upDeg);

            if(!downKeep && !upKeep) {
                // Both branch can be fathomed
                bStatus = -2;
            else if (!downKeep) {
                // Down branch can be fathomed.
                lbInd[numLowerTightens] = colInd;
                newLB[numLowerTightens++] = ceil(lpX);
            else if (!upKeep) {
                // Up branch can be fathomed.
                ubInd[numUpperTightens] = colInd;
                newUB[numUpperTightens++] = floor(lpX);
                // break;

            // Update pseudocost.
            if(downGood) {
                firstObjects[i]->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, lpX);
            if(downGood) {
                firstObjects[i]->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, lpX);

        // Set new bounds in lp solver for resolving

        if (bStatus != -2) {
            if (numUpperTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numUpperTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColUpper(ubInd[i], newUB[i]);
            if (numLowerTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numLowerTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColLower(lbInd[i], newLB[i]);

        // Unmark hotstart and recover LP solver.

        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;

    //std::cout << "REL: bStatus = " << bStatus << std::endl;

    if (bStatus < 0) {
        // Infeasible or monotone.
        goto TERM_CREATE;
    else {
        // All object's pseudocost have been initialized.
        // Sort them, and do strong branch for the unreliable one
        // NOTE: it set model->savedLpSolution.
        // model->feasibleSolution(numIntegerInfs, numObjectInfs);

        sumDeg = 0.0;

        for (i = 0; i < numInfs; ++i) {
            score = infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getScore();
            sumDeg += score;

            std::pair<const double, BlisObjectInt*> sa(score, infObjects[i]);

            std::cout << "col[" << infObjects[i]->columnIndex() << "]="
                      << score << ", "<< std::endl;

        int numNotChange = 0;

        std::multimap< double, BlisObjectInt*, BlisPseuoGreater >::iterator pos;

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        int maxIter = ALPS_MAX(model->getAveIterations(), 50);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, maxIter);

        BlisObjectInt *bestObject = NULL;
        double bestScore = -10.0;

        for (pos = sortedObjects.begin(); pos != sortedObjects.end(); ++pos) {

            intObject  = pos->second;

            colInd = intObject->columnIndex();

            std::cout << "col[" << colInd << "]: "
                      << "score=" << pos->first
                      << ", upCount=" << intObject->pseudocost().getUpCount()
                      <<", downCount="<< intObject->pseudocost().getDownCount()
                      << std::endl;

            // Check if reliable.
            int objRelibility=ALPS_MIN(intObject->pseudocost().getUpCount(),

            if (objRelibility < relibility_) {
                // Unrelible object. Do strong branching.

                lpX = saveSolution[colInd];

                BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                                 saveLower, saveUpper,
                                 downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                                 upKeep, upGood, upDeg);
                // Update pseudocost.
                if(downGood) {
                    intObject->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, lpX);
                if(downGood) {
                    intObject->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, lpX);

            // Compare with the best.
            if (intObject->pseudocost().getScore() > bestScore) {
                bestScore = intObject->pseudocost().getScore();
                bestObject = intObject;
                // Reset
                numNotChange = 0;
            else {
                // If best doesn't change for "lookAhead" comparisons, then
                // the best is reliable.
                if (++numNotChange > lookAhead) {
                    if (bestObject->pseudocost().getUpCost() >
                            bestObject->pseudocost().getDownCost()) {
                        preferDir = 1;
                    else {
                        preferDir = -1;

        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;

        model->setSolEstimate(objValue + sumDeg);

        assert(bestObject != NULL);
        bestBranchObject_ = bestObject->createBranchObject(model, preferDir);


    // Cleanup.

    delete [] lbInd;
    delete [] ubInd;
    delete [] newLB;
    delete [] newUB;
    delete [] saveSolution;
    delete [] saveLower;
    delete [] saveUpper;

    return bStatus;
Example #5
// Generate Lift-and-Project cuts
void CglLiftAndProject::generateCuts(const OsiSolverInterface& si, OsiCuts& cs,
				     const CglTreeInfo /*info*/)
  // Assumes the mixed 0-1 problem 
  //   min {cx: <Atilde,x> >= btilde} 
  // is in canonical form with all bounds,
  // including x_t>=0, -x_t>=-1 for x_t binary,
  // explicitly stated in the constraint matrix. 
  // See ~/COIN/Examples/Cgl2/cgl2.cpp 
  // for a general purpose "convert" function. 

  // Reference [BCC]: Balas, Ceria, and Corneujols,
  // "A lift-and-project cutting plane algorithm
  // for mixed 0-1 program", Math Prog 58, (1993) 
  // 295-324.

  // This implementation uses Normalization 1.

  // Given canonical problem and
  // the lp-relaxation solution, x,
  // the LAP cut generator attempts to construct
  // a cut for every x_j such that 0<x_j<1
  // [BCC:307]

  // x_j is the strictly fractional binary variable
  // the cut is generated from
  int j = 0; 

  // Get basic problem information
  // let Atilde be an m by n matrix
  const int m = si.getNumRows(); 
  const int n = si.getNumCols(); 
  const double * x = si.getColSolution();

  // Remember - Atildes may have gaps..
  const CoinPackedMatrix * Atilde = si.getMatrixByRow();
  const double * AtildeElements =  Atilde->getElements();
  const int * AtildeIndices =  Atilde->getIndices();
  const CoinBigIndex * AtildeStarts = Atilde->getVectorStarts();
  const int * AtildeLengths = Atilde->getVectorLengths();  
  const int AtildeFullSize = AtildeStarts[m];
  const double * btilde = si.getRowLower();

  // Set up memory for system (10) [BCC:307]
  // (the problem over the norm intersected 
  //  with the polar cone)
  // min <<x^T,Atilde^T>,u> + x_ju_0
  // s.t.
  //     <B,w> = (0,...,0,beta_,beta)^T
  //        w  is nonneg for all but the
  //           last two entries, which are free.
  // where 
  // w = (u,v,v_0,u_0)in BCC notation 
  //      u and v are m-vectors; u,v >=0
  //      v_0 and u_0 are free-scalars, and
  // B = Atilde^T  -Atilde^T  -e_j e_j
  //     btilde^T   e_0^T      0   0
  //     e_0^T      btilde^T   1   0

  // ^T indicates Transpose
  // e_0 is a (AtildeNCols x 1) vector of all zeros 
  // e_j is e_0 with a 1 in the jth position

  // Storing B in column order. B is a (n+2 x 2m+2) matrix 
  // But need to allow for possible gaps in Atilde.
  // At each iteration, only need to change 2 cols and objfunc
  // Sane design of OsiSolverInterface does not permit mucking
  // with matrix.
  // Because we must delete and add cols to alter matrix,
  // and we can only add columns on the end of the matrix
  // put the v_0 and u_0 columns on the end.
  // rather than as described in [BCC]
  // Initially allocating B with space for v_0 and u_O cols
  // but not populating, for efficiency.

  // B without u_0 and v_0 is a (n+2 x 2m) size matrix.

  int twoM = 2*m;
  int BNumRows = n+2;
  int BNumCols = twoM+2;
  int BFullSize = 2*AtildeFullSize+twoM+3;
  double * BElements = new double[BFullSize];
  int * BIndices = new int[BFullSize];
  CoinBigIndex * BStarts = new CoinBigIndex [BNumCols+1];
  int * BLengths = new int[BNumCols];

  int i, ij, k=0;
  int nPlus1=n+1;
  int offset = AtildeStarts[m]+m;
  for (i=0; i<m; i++){
    for (ij=AtildeStarts[i];ij<AtildeStarts[i]+AtildeLengths[i];ij++){
      BIndices[k]= AtildeIndices[ij];
      BIndices[k+offset]= AtildeIndices[ij];

    BStarts[i]= AtildeStarts[i]+i;
    BStarts[i+m]=offset+BStarts[i];// = AtildeStarts[m]+m+AtildeStarts[i]+i
    BLengths[i]= AtildeLengths[i]+1;
    BLengths[i+m]= AtildeLengths[i]+1;


  // Cols that will be deleted each iteration
  int BNumColsLessOne=BNumCols-1;
  int BNumColsLessTwo=BNumCols-2;
  const int delCols[2] = {BNumColsLessOne, BNumColsLessTwo};

  // Set lower bound on u and v
  // u_0, v_0 will be reset as free
  const double solverINFINITY = si.getInfinity();
  double * BColLowers = new double[BNumCols];
  double * BColUppers = new double[BNumCols];

  // Set row lowers and uppers.
  // The rhs is zero, for but the last two rows.
  // For these the rhs is beta_
  double * BRowLowers = new double[BNumRows];
  double * BRowUppers = new double[BNumRows];

  // Calculate base objective <<x^T,Atilde^T>,u>
  // Note: at each iteration coefficient u_0
  //       changes to <x^T,e_j>
  //       w=(u,v,beta,v_0,u_0) size 2m+3
  //       So, BOjective[2m+2]=x[j]
  double * BObjective= new double[BNumCols];
  double * Atildex = new double[m];
  Atilde->times(x,Atildex); // Atildex is size m, x is size n

  // Number of cols and size of Elements vector
  // in B without the v_0 and u_0 cols
  int BFullSizeLessThree = BFullSize-3;

  // Load B matrix into a column orders CoinPackedMatrix
  CoinPackedMatrix * BMatrix = new CoinPackedMatrix(true, BNumRows,
  // Assign problem into a solver interface 
  // Note: coneSi will cleanup the memory itself
  OsiSolverInterface * coneSi = si.clone(false);
  coneSi->assignProblem (BMatrix, BColLowers, BColUppers, 
		      BRowLowers, BRowUppers);

  // Problem sense should default to "min" by default, 
  // but just to be virtuous...

  // The plot outline from here on down:
  // coneSi has been assigned B without the u_0 and v_0 columns
  // Calculate base objective <<x^T,Atilde^T>,u>
  // bool haveWarmStart = false;
  // For (j=0; j<n, j++)
  //   if (!isBinary(x_j) || x_j<=0 || x_j>=1) continue;
  //   // IMPROVEME: if(haveWarmStart) check if j attractive
  //   add {-e_j,0,-1} matrix column for v_0
  //   add {e_j,0,0} matrix column for u_0
  //   objective coefficient for u_0 is  x_j 
  //   if (haveWarmStart) 
  //      set warmstart info
  //   solve min{objw:Bw=0; w>=0,except v_0, u_0 free}
  //   if (bounded)
  //      get warmstart info
  //      haveWarmStart=true;
  //      ustar = optimal u solution
  //      ustar_0 = optimal u_0 solution
  //      alpha^T= <ustar^T,Atilde> -ustar_0e_j^T
  //      (double check <alpha^T,x> >= beta_ should be violated)
  //      add <alpha^T,x> >= beta_ to cutset 
  //   endif
  //   delete column for u_0 // this deletes all column info.
  //   delete column for v_0
  // endFor
  // clean up memory
  // return 0;

  int * nVectorIndices = new int[n];
  CoinIotaN(nVectorIndices, n, 0);

  bool haveWarmStart = false;
  bool equalObj1, equalObj2;
  CoinRelFltEq eq;

  double v_0Elements[2] = {-1,1};
  double u_0Elements[1] = {1};

  CoinWarmStart * warmStart = 0;

  double * ustar = new double[m];
  CoinFillN(ustar, m, 0.0);

  double* alpha = new double[n];
  CoinFillN(alpha, n, 0.0);

  for (j=0;j<n;j++){
    if (!si.isBinary(j)) continue; // Better to ask coneSi? No! 
                                   // coneSi has no binInfo.
    if (equalObj1 || equalObj2) continue;
    // IMPROVEME: if (haveWarmStart) check if j attractive;

    // AskLL:wanted to declare u_0 and v_0 packedVec outside loop
    // and setIndices, but didn't see a method to do that(?)
    // (Could "insert". Seems inefficient)
    int v_0Indices[2]={j,nPlus1};
    int u_0Indices[1]={j};
    CoinPackedVector  v_0(2,v_0Indices,v_0Elements,false);
    CoinPackedVector  u_0(1,u_0Indices,u_0Elements,false);

    const CoinPackedMatrix *see1 = coneSi->getMatrixByRow();

    if(haveWarmStart) {
    else {

      const CoinPackedMatrix *see2 = coneSi->getMatrixByRow();

      warmStart = coneSi->getWarmStart();
      const double * wstar = coneSi->getColSolution();
      CoinDisjointCopyN(wstar, m, ustar);
#if debug
      int p;
      double sum;
      if (sum<=beta_){
	throw CoinError("Cut not violated",

      // add <alpha^T,x> >= beta_ to cutset
      OsiRowCut rc;
    // delete col for u_o and v_0

    // clean up memory
  // clean up
  delete [] alpha;
  delete [] ustar;
  delete [] nVectorIndices;
  // BMatrix, BColLowers,BColUppers, BObjective, BRowLowers, BRowUppers
  // are all freed by OsiSolverInterface destructor (?)
  delete [] BLengths;
  delete [] BStarts;
  delete [] BIndices;
  delete [] BElements;
Example #6
CbcHeuristicNaive::solution(double & solutionValue,
                            double * betterSolution)
    // See if to do
    bool atRoot = model_->getNodeCount() == 0;
    int passNumber = model_->getCurrentPassNumber();
    if (!when() || (when() == 1 && model_->phase() != 1) || !atRoot || passNumber != 1)
        return 0; // switched off
    // Don't do if it was this heuristic which found solution!
    if (this == model_->lastHeuristic())
        return 0;
    double cutoff;
    model_->solver()->getDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, cutoff);
    double direction = model_->solver()->getObjSense();
    cutoff *= direction;
    cutoff = CoinMin(cutoff, solutionValue);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->continuousSolver();
    if (!solver)
        solver = model_->solver();
    const double * colLower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * colUpper = solver->getColUpper();
    const double * objective = solver->getObjCoefficients();

    int numberColumns = model_->getNumCols();
    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();

    int i;
    bool solutionFound = false;
    CoinWarmStartBasis saveBasis;
    CoinWarmStartBasis * basis =
        dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis *>(solver->getWarmStart()) ;
    if (basis) {
        saveBasis = * basis;
        delete basis;
    // First just fix all integers as close to zero as possible
    OsiSolverInterface * newSolver = cloneBut(7); // wassolver->clone();
    for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double value;
        if (lower > 0.0)
            value = lower;
        else if (upper < 0.0)
            value = upper;
            value = 0.0;
        newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, value);
        newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, value);
    if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
        double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
        if (solValue < cutoff) {
            // we have a solution
            solutionFound = true;
            solutionValue = solValue;
            memcpy(betterSolution, newSolver->getColSolution(),
            COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive fixing close to zero gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
            cutoff = solValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
    // Now fix all integers as close to zero if zero or large cost
    int nFix = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double value;
        if (fabs(objective[i]) > 0.0 && fabs(objective[i]) < large_) {
            if (lower > 0.0)
                value = lower;
            else if (upper < 0.0)
                value = upper;
                value = 0.0;
            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, value);
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, value);
        } else {
            // set back to original
            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, lower);
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, upper);
    const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
    if (nFix) {
        if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
            double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
            if (solValue < cutoff) {
                // try branch and bound
                double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("%d fixed after fixing costs\n", nFix));
                int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver,
                                                     numberNodes_, newSolution,
                                                     solutionValue, "CbcHeuristicNaive1");
                if (returnCode < 0)
                    returnCode = 0; // returned on size
                if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
                    // could add cut
                    returnCode &= ~2;
                if (returnCode == 1) {
                    // solution
                    solutionFound = true;
                    memcpy(betterSolution, newSolution,
                    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive fixing zeros gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
                    cutoff = solutionValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
                delete [] newSolution;
#if 1
    newSolver->setObjSense(-direction); // maximize
    for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
        double value = solution[iColumn];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double newLower;
        double newUpper;
        if (newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
            newLower = CoinMax(lower, floor(value) - 2.0);
            newUpper = CoinMin(upper, ceil(value) + 2.0);
        } else {
            newLower = CoinMax(lower, value - 1.0e5);
            newUpper = CoinMin(upper, value + 1.0e-5);
        newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, newLower);
        newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, newUpper);
    if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
        double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
        if (solValue < cutoff) {
            nFix = 0;
            newSolver->setObjSense(direction); // correct direction
            //const double * thisSolution = newSolver->getColSolution();
            for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                double value = solution[iColumn];
                double lower = colLower[iColumn];
                double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
                double newLower = lower;
                double newUpper = upper;
                if (newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                    if (value < lower + 1.0e-6) {
                        newUpper = lower;
                    } else if (value > upper - 1.0e-6) {
                        newLower = upper;
                    } else {
                        newLower = CoinMax(lower, floor(value) - 2.0);
                        newUpper = CoinMin(upper, ceil(value) + 2.0);
                newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, newLower);
                newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, newUpper);
            // try branch and bound
            double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
            COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("%d fixed after maximizing\n", nFix));
            int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver,
                                                 numberNodes_, newSolution,
                                                 solutionValue, "CbcHeuristicNaive1");
            if (returnCode < 0)
                returnCode = 0; // returned on size
            if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
                // could add cut
                returnCode &= ~2;
            if (returnCode == 1) {
                // solution
                solutionFound = true;
                memcpy(betterSolution, newSolution,
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive maximizing gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
                cutoff = solutionValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
            delete [] newSolution;
    delete newSolver;
    return solutionFound ? 1 : 0;