Example #1
// Apply bounds
void OsiSolverBranch::applyBounds(OsiSolverInterface &solver, int way) const
  int base = way + 1;
  assert(way == -1 || way == 1);
  int numberColumns = solver.getNumCols();
  const double *columnLower = solver.getColLower();
  int i;
  for (i = start_[base]; i < start_[base + 1]; i++) {
    int iColumn = indices_[i];
    if (iColumn < numberColumns) {
      double value = CoinMax(bound_[i], columnLower[iColumn]);
      solver.setColLower(iColumn, value);
    } else {
      int iRow = iColumn - numberColumns;
      const double *rowLower = solver.getRowLower();
      double value = CoinMax(bound_[i], rowLower[iRow]);
      solver.setRowLower(iRow, value);
  const double *columnUpper = solver.getColUpper();
  for (i = start_[base + 1]; i < start_[base + 2]; i++) {
    int iColumn = indices_[i];
    if (iColumn < numberColumns) {
      double value = CoinMin(bound_[i], columnUpper[iColumn]);
      solver.setColUpper(iColumn, value);
    } else {
      int iRow = iColumn - numberColumns;
      const double *rowUpper = solver.getRowUpper();
      double value = CoinMin(bound_[i], rowUpper[iRow]);
      solver.setRowUpper(iRow, value);
Example #2
OsiSolverInterface *
MibSBilevel::setUpModel(OsiSolverInterface * oSolver, bool newOsi,
			const double *lpSol)

  /** Create lower-level model with fixed upper-level vars **/

  int probType =

  bool warmStartLL =

  bool doDualFixing =

  std::string feasCheckSolver =

  OsiSolverInterface * nSolver;

  double etol(model_->etol_);
  int i(0), j(0), index1(0), index2(0);
  int uCols(model_->getUpperDim());
  int lRows(model_->getLowerRowNum());
  int lCols(model_->getLowerDim());
  int * uColIndices = model_->getUpperColInd();
  int * lColIndices = model_->getLowerColInd();
  int * lRowIndices = model_->getLowerRowInd();

  double objSense(model_->getLowerObjSense());  
  double * lObjCoeffs = model_->getLowerObjCoeffs();
  const CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = oSolver->getMatrixByRow();
  double coeff(0.0);
  if (!lpSol){
     lpSol = oSolver->getColSolution();   
  const double * origRowLb = model_->getOrigRowLb();
  const double * origRowUb = model_->getOrigRowUb();
  const double * origColLb = model_->getOrigColLb();
  const double * origColUb = model_->getOrigColUb();
  double * rowUb = new double[lRows];
  double * rowLb = new double[lRows];
  double * colUb = new double[lCols];
  double * colLb = new double[lCols];
  //CoinZeroN(rowUb, lRows);
  //CoinZeroN(rowLb, lRows);
  //CoinZeroN(colUb, lCols);
  //CoinZeroN(colLb, lCols);

  /** Set the row bounds **/
  for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
     rowLb[i] = origRowLb[lRowIndices[i]];
     rowUb[i] = origRowUb[lRowIndices[i]];
  for(i = 0; i < lCols; i++){
     colLb[i] = origColLb[lColIndices[i]];
     colUb[i] = origColUb[lColIndices[i]];
  if (newOsi){
     if (feasCheckSolver == "Cbc"){
	nSolver = new OsiCbcSolverInterface();
     }else if (feasCheckSolver == "SYMPHONY"){
	nSolver = new OsiSymSolverInterface();
     }else if (feasCheckSolver == "CPLEX"){
#ifdef USE_CPLEX
	nSolver = new OsiCpxSolverInterface();
	throw CoinError("CPLEX chosen as solver, but it has not been enabled",
			"setUpModel", "MibsBilevel");
	throw CoinError("Unknown solver chosen",
			"setUpModel", "MibsBilevel");
     int * integerVars = new int[lCols];
     double * objCoeffs = new double[lCols];
     CoinFillN(integerVars, lCols, 0);
     //CoinZeroN(objCoeffs, lCols);
     int intCnt(0);
     /** Fill in array of lower-level integer variables **/
     for(i = 0; i < lCols; i++){
	index1 = lColIndices[i];
	   integerVars[intCnt] = i;
     CoinDisjointCopyN(lObjCoeffs, lCols, objCoeffs);
     CoinPackedMatrix * newMat = new CoinPackedMatrix(false, 0, 0);
     newMat->setDimensions(0, lCols);
     double tmp(0.0);
       for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
       CoinPackedVector row;
       index1 = lRowIndices[i];
       start = matStarts[index1];
       end = start + matrix->getVectorSize(index1);
       for(j = start; j < end; j++){
       index2 = matIndices[j];
       //tmp = findIndex(index, lCols, lColIndices);
       tmp = binarySearch(0, lCols - 1, index2, lColIndices);
       if(tmp > -1)
       row.insert(tmp, matElements[j]);
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	CoinPackedVector row;
	index1 = lRowIndices[i];
	for(j = 0; j < lCols; j++){
	   index2 = lColIndices[j];
	   tmp = matrix->getCoefficient(index1, index2);
	   row.insert(j, tmp);

       nSolver->assignProblem(newMat, colLb, colUb,
       objCoeffs, rowLb, rowUb);
     nSolver->loadProblem(*newMat, colLb, colUb,
			  objCoeffs, rowLb, rowUb);
     for(i = 0; i < intCnt; i++){
     //nSolver->setInteger(integerVars, intCnt);
     nSolver->setObjSense(objSense); //1 min; -1 max
     nSolver->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintDo);

#if 0
	dynamic_cast<OsiCbcSolverInterface *> 
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("prep_level", -1);
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("verbosity", -2);
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("max_active_nodes", 1);
     delete [] integerVars;

     nSolver = solver_;


  if (feasCheckSolver == "SYMPHONY" && probType == 1 && warmStartLL &&
      !newOsi && doDualFixing){ //Interdiction

     /** Get upper bound from best known (feasible) lower level solution and try 
	 to fix additional variables by sensitivity analysis **/

     std::vector<std::pair<AlpsKnowledge*, double> > solutionPool;
	getAllKnowledges(AlpsKnowledgeTypeSolution, solutionPool);

     const double * sol; 
     double objval, Ub(objSense*nSolver->getInfinity());
     BlisSolution* blisSol;
     std::vector<std::pair<AlpsKnowledge*, double> >::const_iterator si;
     for (si = solutionPool.begin(); si != solutionPool.end(); ++si){
	blisSol = dynamic_cast<BlisSolution*>(si->first);
	sol = blisSol->getValues();
	for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	   if (lpSol[uColIndices[i]] > 1 - etol &&
	       sol[lColIndices[i]] > 1-etol){
	if (i == uCols && -objSense*blisSol->getQuality() < Ub){
	   Ub = -objSense*blisSol->getQuality();

     /** Figure out which variables get fixed by the upper level solution **/

     int *newUbInd = new int[uCols];
     int *newLbInd = new int[uCols];
     double *newUbVal = new double[uCols];
     double *newLbVal = new double[uCols];
     double newLb;
     for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	newUbInd[i] = uColIndices[i];
	newLbInd[i] = uColIndices[i];
	newLbVal[i] = 0;
	if (lpSol[uColIndices[i]] > 1 - etol){
	   newUbVal[i] = 0;
	   newUbVal[i] = 1;
     /** If we found an upper bound, then do the dual fixing **/

     if (Ub < objSense*nSolver->getInfinity()){
	sym_environment *env = 
	   dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *>(nSolver)->getSymphonyEnvironment();

	for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	   if (newUbVal[i] == 1){
	      // Try fixing it to zero
	      newUbVal[i] = 0; 
	      sym_get_lb_for_new_rhs(env, 0, NULL, NULL, uCols, newLbInd,
				     newLbVal, uCols, newUbInd, newUbVal,
	      if (objSense*newLb > Ub + etol){
		 //Victory! This variable can be fixed to 1 permanently
		 newLbVal[i] = 1;
	      //Set upper bound back to 1
	      newUbVal[i] = 1;
	      if (newLbVal[i] == 0){
		 // Try fixing it to one
		 newLbVal[i] = 1;
		 sym_get_lb_for_new_rhs(env, 0, NULL, NULL, uCols, newLbInd,
					newLbVal, uCols, newUbInd, newUbVal,
		 if (objSense*newLb > Ub + etol){
		    //Victory! This variable can be fixed to 0 permanently
		    newUbVal[i] = 0;
		 newLbVal[i] = 0;
     /** Now set the row bounds to account for fixings **/
     /** This is probably very frgaile. Assuming interdiction 
	 rows come last. It would be better to set variable 
	 bounds directly, but this doesn't seem to work right now. **/
     int iRowStart = lRows-uCols; 

#if 1
     for(i = iRowStart; i < lRows; i++){
	nSolver->setRowLower(i, newLbVal[i-iRowStart]);
	nSolver->setRowUpper(i, newUbVal[i-iRowStart]);
     for(i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	nSolver->setColLower(i, newLbVal[i]);
	nSolver->setColUpper(i, newUbVal[i]);
     delete[] newUbInd;
     delete[] newLbInd;
     delete[] newUbVal;
     delete[] newLbVal;
     /** Get contribution of upper-level columns **/
     double * upComp = new double[lRows];
     CoinFillN(upComp, lRows, 0.0);
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	index1 = lRowIndices[i];
	for(j = 0; j < uCols; j++){
	   index2 = uColIndices[j];
	   coeff = matrix->getCoefficient(index1, index2);
	   if (coeff != 0){
	      upComp[i] += coeff * lpSol[index2];
     /** Correct the row bounds to account for fixed upper-level vars **/
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	nSolver->setRowLower(i, rowLb[i] - upComp[i]);
	nSolver->setRowUpper(i, rowUb[i] - upComp[i]);
     delete [] upComp;


  //I don't think this is needed
  //  setWarmStart(nSolver->getWarmStart());

  return nSolver;
