Example #1
  TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus LpBranchingSolver::
  solveFromHotStart(OsiTMINLPInterface* tminlp_interface)
    TNLPSolver::ReturnStatus retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;

    // updated the bounds of the linear solver
    std::vector<int> diff_low_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_low_bnd_value;
    std::vector<int> diff_up_bnd_index;
    std::vector<double> diff_up_bnd_value;

    // Get the bounds.  We assume that the bounds in the linear solver
    // are always the original ones
    const int numCols = tminlp_interface->getNumCols();
    const double* colLow_orig = lin_->getColLower();
    const double* colUp_orig = lin_->getColUpper();
    const double* colLow = tminlp_interface->getColLower();
    const double* colUp = tminlp_interface->getColUpper();

    OsiSolverInterface * lin = lin_;
    // eventualy clone lin_
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Clone){
      lin = lin_->clone();
//      std::cout<<"Cloning it"<<std::endl;
    // Set the bounds on the LP solver according to the changes in
    // tminlp_interface
    for (int i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
      const double& lo = colLow[i];
      if (colLow_orig[i] < lo) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      const double& up = colUp[i];
      if (colUp_orig[i] > up) {
        if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){

    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){


    double obj = lin->getObjValue();
    bool go_on = true;
    if (lin->isProvenPrimalInfeasible() || 
        lin->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
      go_on = false;
    else if (lin->isIterationLimitReached()) {
      retstatus = TNLPSolver::iterationLimit;
      go_on = false;
    else {
      if (maxCuttingPlaneIterations_ > 0 && go_on) {
        double violation;
        obj = ecp_->doEcpRounds(*lin, true, &violation);
        if (obj == COIN_DBL_MAX) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::provenInfeasible;
        else if (violation <= 1e-8) {
          retstatus = TNLPSolver::solvedOptimal;
    tminlp_interface->problem()->Set_x_sol(numCols, lin_->getColSolution());

    //restore the original bounds
    if(warm_start_mode_ == Basis){
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_low_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < diff_up_bnd_index.size(); i++) {
    else {
      delete lin;
    return retstatus;
  Comments needed
  Returns 1 if solution, 0 if not */
CbcHeuristicPivotAndFix::solution(double & /*solutionValue*/,
                                  double * /*betterSolution*/)

    numCouldRun_++; // Todo: Ask JJHF what this for.
    std::cout << "Entering Pivot-and-Fix Heuristic" << std::endl;

    printf("Entering heuristic %s - nRuns %d numCould %d when %d\n",
#ifdef FORNOW
    std::cout << "Lucky you! You're in the Pivot-and-Fix Heuristic" << std::endl;
    // The struct should be moved to member data

    typedef struct {
        int numberSolutions;
        int maximumSolutions;
        int numberColumns;
        double ** solution;
        int * numberUnsatisfied;
    } clpSolution;

    double start = CoinCpuTime();

    OsiClpSolverInterface * clpSolverOriginal
    = dynamic_cast<OsiClpSolverInterface *> (model_->solver());
    assert (clpSolverOriginal);
    OsiClpSolverInterface *clpSolver(clpSolverOriginal);

    ClpSimplex * simplex = clpSolver->getModelPtr();

    // Initialize the structure holding the solutions
    clpSolution solutions;
    // Set typeStruct field of ClpTrustedData struct to one.
    // This tells Clp it's "Mahdi!"
    ClpTrustedData trustedSolutions;
    trustedSolutions.typeStruct = 1;
    trustedSolutions.data = &solutions;
    solutions.numberSolutions = 0;
    solutions.maximumSolutions = 0;
    solutions.numberColumns = simplex->numberColumns();
    solutions.solution = NULL;
    solutions.numberUnsatisfied = NULL;

    // Solve from all slack to get some points

    // -------------------------------------------------
    // Get the problem information
    // - get the number of cols and rows
    int numCols = clpSolver->getNumCols();
    int numRows = clpSolver->getNumRows();

    // - get the right hand side of the rows
    const double * rhs = clpSolver->getRightHandSide();

    // - find the integer variables
    bool * varClassInt = new bool[numCols];
    int numInt = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
        if (clpSolver->isContinuous(i))
            varClassInt[i] = 0;
        else {
            varClassInt[i] = 1;

    // -Get the rows sense
    const char * rowSense;
    rowSense = clpSolver->getRowSense();

    // -Get the objective coefficients
    const double *objCoefficients = clpSolver->getObjCoefficients();
    double *originalObjCoeff = new double [numCols];
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
        originalObjCoeff[i] = objCoefficients[i];

    // -Get the matrix of the problem
    double ** matrix = new double * [numRows];
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
        matrix[i] = new double[numCols];
        for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
            matrix[i][j] = 0;
    const CoinPackedMatrix* matrixByRow = clpSolver->getMatrixByRow();
    const double * matrixElements = matrixByRow->getElements();
    const int * matrixIndices = matrixByRow->getIndices();
    const int * matrixStarts = matrixByRow->getVectorStarts();
    for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
        for (int i = matrixStarts[j]; i < matrixStarts[j+1]; i++) {
            matrix[j][matrixIndices[i]] = matrixElements[i];

    // The newObj is the randomly perturbed constraint used to find new
    // corner points
    double * newObj = new double [numCols];

    // Set the random seed
    srand ( time(NULL) + 1);
    int randNum;

    // We're going to add a new row to the LP formulation
    // after finding each new solution.
    // Adding a new row requires the new elements and the new indices.
    // The elements are original objective function coefficients.
    // The indicies are the (dense) columns indices stored in addRowIndex.
    // The rhs is the value of the new solution stored in solutionValue.
    int * addRowIndex = new int[numCols];
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
        addRowIndex[i] = i;

    // The number of feasible solutions found by the PF heuristic.
    // This controls the return code of the solution() method.
    int numFeasibles = 0;

    // Shuffle the rows
    int * index = new int [numRows];
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
        index[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
        int temp = index[i];
        int randNumTemp = i + (rand() % (numRows - i));
        index[i] = index[randNumTemp];
        index[randNumTemp] = temp;

    // In the clpSolution struct, we store a lot of column solutions.
    // For each perturb objective, we store the solution from each
    // iteration of the LP solve.
    // For each perturb objective, we look at the collection of
    // solutions to do something extremly intelligent :-)
    // We could (and should..and will :-) wipe out the block of
    // solutions when we're done with them. But for now, we just move on
    // and store the next block of solutions for the next (perturbed)
    // objective.
    // The variable startIndex tells us where the new block begins.
    int startIndex = 0;

    // At most "fixThreshold" number of integer variables can be unsatisfied
    // for calling smallBranchAndBound().
    // The PF Heuristic only fixes fixThreshold number of variables to
    // their integer values. Not more. Not less. The reason is to give
    // the smallBB some opportunity to find better solutions. If we fix
    // everything it might be too many (leading the heuristic to come up
    // with infeasibility rather than a useful result).
    // (This is an important paramater. And it is dynamically set.)
    double fixThreshold;
        if(numInt > 400)
        fixThreshold = 17*sqrt(numInt);
        if(numInt<=400 && numInt>100)
        fixThreshold = 5*sqrt(numInt);
        fixThreshold = 4*sqrt(numInt);
    // Initialize fixThreshold based on the number of integer
    // variables
    if (numInt <= 100)
        fixThreshold = .35 * numInt;
    if (numInt > 100 && numInt < 1000)
        fixThreshold = .85 * numInt;
    if (numInt >= 1000)
        fixThreshold = .1 * numInt;

    // Whenever the dynamic system for changing fixThreshold
    // kicks in, it changes the parameter by the
    // fixThresholdChange amount.
    // (The 25% should be member data and tuned. Another paper!)
    double fixThresholdChange = 0.25 * fixThreshold;

    // maxNode is the maximum number of nodes we allow smallBB to
    // search. It's initialized to 400 and changed dynamically.
    // The 400 should be member data, if we become virtuous.
    int maxNode = 400;

    // We control the decision to change maxNode through the boolean
    // variable  changeMaxNode. The boolean variable is initialized to
    // true and gets set to false under a condition (and is never true
    // again.)
    // It's flipped off and stays off (in the current incarnation of PF)
    bool changeMaxNode = 1;

    // The sumReturnCode is used for the dynamic system that sets
    // fixThreshold and changeMaxNode.
    // We track what's happening in sumReturnCode. There are 8 switches.
    // The first 5 switches corresponds to a return code for smallBB.
    // We want to know how many times we consecutively get the same
    // return code.
    // If "good" return codes are happening often enough, we're happy.
    // If a "bad" returncodes happen consecutively, we want to
    // change something.
    // The switch 5 is the number of times PF didn't call smallBB
    // becuase the number of integer variables that took integer values
    // was less than fixThreshold.
    // The swicth 6 was added for a brilliant idea...to be announced
    // later (another paper!)
    // The switch 7 is the one that changes the max node. Read the
    // code. (Todo: Verbalize the brilliant idea for the masses.)
    int sumReturnCode[8];
      sumReturnCode[0] ~ -1 --> problem too big for smallBB
      sumReturnCode[1] ~ 0  --> smallBB not finshed and no soln
      sumReturnCode[2] ~ 1  --> smallBB not finshed and there is a soln
      sumReturnCode[3] ~ 2  --> smallBB finished and no soln
      sumReturnCode[4] ~ 3  --> smallBB finished and there is a soln
      sumReturnCode[5] ~ didn't call smallBranchAndBound too few to fix
      sumReturnCode[6] ~ didn't call smallBranchAndBound too many unsatisfied
      sumReturnCode[7] ~ the same as sumReturnCode[1] but becomes zero just if the returnCode is not 0

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        sumReturnCode[i] = 0;
    int * colIndex = new int[numCols];
    for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++)
        colIndex[i] = i;
    double cutoff = COIN_DBL_MAX;
    bool didMiniBB;

    // Main loop
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
        // track the number of mini-bb for the dynamic threshold setting
        didMiniBB = 0;

        for (int k = startIndex; k < solutions.numberSolutions; k++)
            //if the point has 0 unsatisfied variables; make sure it is
            //feasible. Check integer feasiblity and constraints.
            if (solutions.numberUnsatisfied[k] == 0) {
                double feasibility = 1;
                //check integer feasibility
                for (int icol = 0; icol < numCols; icol++) {
                    double closest = floor(solutions.solution[k][icol] + 0.5);
                    if (varClassInt[icol] && (fabs(solutions.solution[k][icol] - closest) > 1e-6)) {
                        feasibility = 0;
                //check if the solution satisfies the constraints
                for (int irow = 0; irow < numRows; irow++) {
                    double lhs = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                        lhs += matrix[irow][j] * solutions.solution[k][j];
                    if (rowSense[irow] == 'L' && lhs > rhs[irow] + 1e-6) {
                        feasibility = 0;
                    if (rowSense[irow] == 'G' && lhs < rhs[irow] - 1e-6) {
                        feasibility = 0;
                    if (rowSense[irow] == 'E' && (lhs - rhs[irow] > 1e-6 || lhs - rhs[irow] < -1e-6)) {
                        feasibility = 0;

                //if feasible, find the objective value and set the cutoff
                // for the smallBB and add a new constraint to the LP
                // (and update the best solution found so far for the
                // return arguments)
                if (feasibility) {
                    double objectiveValue = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                        objectiveValue += solutions.solution[k][j] * originalObjCoeff[j];
                    cutoff = objectiveValue;
                    clpSolver->addRow(numCols, addRowIndex, originalObjCoeff, -COIN_DBL_MAX, cutoff);

                    // Todo: pick up the best solution in the block (not
                    // the last).
                    solutionValue = objectiveValue;
                    for (int m = 0; m < numCols; m++)
                        betterSolution[m] = solutions.solution[k][m];

        // Go through the block of solution and decide if to call smallBB
        for (int k = startIndex; k < solutions.numberSolutions; k++) {
            if (solutions.numberUnsatisfied[k] <= fixThreshold) {
                // get new copy
                OsiSolverInterface * newSolver;
                newSolver = new OsiClpSolverInterface(*clpSolver);
                int numberColumns = newSolver->getNumCols();
                int numFixed = 0;

                // Fix the first fixThreshold number of integer vars
                // that are satisfied
                for (int iColumn = 0 ; iColumn < numberColumns ; iColumn++) {
                    if (newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                        double value = solutions.solution[k][iColumn];
                        double intValue = floor(value + 0.5);
                        if (fabs(value - intValue) < 1.0e-5) {
                            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, intValue);
                            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, intValue);
                            if (numFixed > numInt - fixThreshold)
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("numFixed: %d\n", numFixed));
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("fixThreshold: %f\n", fixThreshold));
		COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("numInt: %d\n", numInt));
                double *newSolution = new double[numCols];
                double newSolutionValue;

                // Call smallBB on the modified problem
                int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver, maxNode, newSolution,
                                                     newSolutionValue, cutoff, "mini");

                // If smallBB found a solution, update the better
                // solution and solutionValue (we gave smallBB our
                // cutoff, so it only finds improving solutions)
                if (returnCode == 1 || returnCode == 3) {
                    numFeasibles ++;
                    solutionValue = newSolutionValue;
                    for (int m = 0; m < numCols; m++)
                        betterSolution[m] = newSolution[m];
                    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("cutoff: %f\n", newSolutionValue));
                    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("time: %.2lf\n", CoinCpuTime() - start));
                didMiniBB = 1;
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("returnCode: %d\n", returnCode));

                //Update sumReturnCode array
                for (int iRC = 0; iRC < 6; iRC++) {
                    if (iRC == returnCode + 1)
                        sumReturnCode[iRC] = 0;
                if (returnCode != 0)
                    sumReturnCode[7] = 0;
                if (returnCode == 1 || returnCode == 3) {
                    cutoff = newSolutionValue;
                    clpSolver->addRow(numCols, addRowIndex, originalObjCoeff, -COIN_DBL_MAX, cutoff);

        if (!didMiniBB && solutions.numberSolutions - startIndex > 0) {
            for (int iRC = 0; iRC < 5; iRC++)
                sumReturnCode[iRC] = 0;

        //Change "fixThreshold" if needed
        // using the data we've recorded in sumReturnCode
        if (sumReturnCode[1] >= 3)
            fixThreshold -= fixThresholdChange;
        if (sumReturnCode[7] >= 3 && changeMaxNode) {
            maxNode *= 5;
            changeMaxNode = 0;
        if (sumReturnCode[3] >= 3 && fixThreshold < 0.95 * numInt)
            fixThreshold += fixThresholdChange;
        if (sumReturnCode[5] >= 4)
            fixThreshold += fixThresholdChange;
        if (sumReturnCode[0] > 3)
            fixThreshold -= fixThresholdChange;

        startIndex = solutions.numberSolutions;

        //Check if the maximum iterations limit is reached
        // rlh: Ask John how this is working with the change to trustedUserPtr.
        if (solutions.numberSolutions > 20000)

        // The first time in this loop PF solves orig LP.

        //Generate the random objective function
        randNum = rand() % 10 + 1;
        randNum = fmod(randNum, 2);
        for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
            if (randNum == 1)
                if (fabs(matrix[index[i]][j]) < 1e-6)
                    newObj[j] = 0.1;
                    newObj[j] = matrix[index[i]][j] * 1.1;
            else if (fabs(matrix[index[i]][j]) < 1e-6)
                newObj[j] = -0.1;
                newObj[j] = matrix[index[i]][j] * 0.9;
        if (rowSense[i] == 'L')
            // Todo #1: We don't need to solve the LPs to optimality.
            // We just need corner points.
            // There's a problem in stopping Clp that needs to be looked
            // into. So for now, we solve optimality.
        //	  simplex->setMaximumIterations(100);
        //	  simplex->setMaximumIterations(100000);
        printf("cutoff: %f\n", cutoff);
        printf("time: %.2f\n", CoinCpuTime() - start);
        for (int iRC = 0; iRC < 8; iRC++)
            printf("%d ", sumReturnCode[iRC]);
        printf("\nfixThreshold: %f\n", fixThreshold);
        printf("numInt: %d\n", numInt);
        printf("\n---------------------------------------------------------------- %d\n", i);

        if (i > 3) break;


    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Best Feasible Found: %f\n", cutoff));
    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Total time: %.2f\n", CoinCpuTime() - start));

    if (numFeasibles == 0) {
        return 0;

    // We found something better
    std::cout << "See you soon! You're leaving the Pivot-and-Fix Heuristic" << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 1;

    return 0;

/** Create a set of candidate branching objects. */
BlisBranchStrategyRel::createCandBranchObjects(int numPassesLeft)
    int bStatus = 0;
    int i, pass, colInd;

    int preferDir, saveLimit;
    int numFirsts  = 0;
    int numInfs = 0;
    int minCount = 0;
    int numLowerTightens = 0;
    int numUpperTightens = 0;

    double lpX, score, infeasibility, downDeg, upDeg, sumDeg = 0.0;

    bool roundAgain, downKeep, downGood, upKeep, upGood;

    int *lbInd = NULL;
    int *ubInd = NULL;
    double *newLB = NULL;
    double *newUB = NULL;

    double * saveUpper = NULL;
    double * saveLower = NULL;
    double * saveSolution = NULL;

    BlisModel *model = dynamic_cast<BlisModel *>(model_);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model->solver();

    int numCols = model->getNumCols();
    int numObjects = model->numObjects();

    //int lookAhead = dynamic_cast<BlisParams*>
    //  (model->blisPar())->entry(BlisParams::lookAhead);

    // Check if max time is reached or no pass is left.

    double timeLimit = model->AlpsPar()->entry(AlpsParams::timeLimit);
    bool maxTimeReached = (CoinCpuTime() - model->startTime_  > timeLimit);
    bool selectNow = false;

    if (maxTimeReached || !numPassesLeft) {
        selectNow = true;
        printf("REL: CREATE: maxTimeReached %d, numPassesLeft %d\n",
               maxTimeReached, numPassesLeft);

    // Store first time objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> firstObjects;

    // Store infeasible objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> infObjects;

    // TODO: check if sorting is expensive.
    std::multimap<double, BlisObjectInt*, BlisPseuoGreater> sortedObjects;

    double objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();

    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();

    int lookAhead = dynamic_cast<BlisParams*>

    BlisObjectInt * intObject = NULL;

    // Backup solver status and mark hot start.

    saveSolution = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(), numCols*sizeof(double));
    saveLower = new double[numCols];
    saveUpper = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveLower, lower, numCols * sizeof(double));
    memcpy(saveUpper, upper, numCols * sizeof(double));

    // Find the infeasible objects.
    // NOTE: we might go round this loop twice if we are feed in
    //       a "feasible" solution.

    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {

        numInfs = 0;

        BcpsObject * object = NULL;


        for (i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) {

            object = model->objects(i);
            infeasibility = object->infeasibility(model, preferDir);

            if (infeasibility) {

                intObject = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(object);

                if (intObject) {

                    //score = object->pseudocost().getScore();
                    //tempBO = object->createBranchObject(model, preferDir);
                    //candObjects.insert(std::make_pair(score, tempBO));
                    //tempBO = NULL;


                    if (!selectNow) {
                        minCount =

                        if (minCount < 1) {

                    if (intObject->columnIndex() == 15) {
                        std::cout << "x[15] = " << saveSolution[15]
                                  << std::endl;

                    intObject = NULL;
                else {
                    // TODO: currently all are integer objects.
#ifdef BLIS_DEBU


        if (numInfs) {
            std::cout << "REL: numInfs = " << numInfs
                      << std::endl;
        else if (pass == 0) {
            // The first pass and is IP feasible.

            std::cout << "REL: given a feasible sol" << std::endl;

            roundAgain = false;
            CoinWarmStartBasis * ws =
            if (!ws) break;

            // Force solution values within bounds
            for (i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) {
                lpX = saveSolution[i];
                if (lpX < lower[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = lower[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
                else if (lpX > upper[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = upper[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atUpperBound);

            if (roundAgain) {
                // Need resolve and do the second round selection.
                delete ws;

                // Resolve.

                if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
                    // Become infeasible, can do nothing.
                    bStatus = -2;
                    goto TERM_CREATE;
                else {
                    // Save new lp solution.
                    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(),
                           numCols * sizeof(double));
                    objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
            else {
                delete ws;
    } // EOF 2 pass

    // If we have a set of first time object,
    // branch up and down to initialize pseudo-cost.

    numFirsts = static_cast<int> (firstObjects.size());
    if (numFirsts > 0) {

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        int maxIter = ALPS_MAX(model->getAveIterations(), 50);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, maxIter);


        lbInd = new int [numFirsts];
        ubInd = new int [numFirsts];

        newLB = new double [numFirsts];
        newUB = new double [numFirsts];

        for (i = 0; i < numFirsts && bStatus != -2; ++i) {

            colInd = firstObjects[i]->columnIndex();

            lpX = saveSolution[colInd];

            BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                             saveLower, saveUpper,
                             downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                             upKeep, upGood, upDeg);

            if(!downKeep && !upKeep) {
                // Both branch can be fathomed
                bStatus = -2;
            else if (!downKeep) {
                // Down branch can be fathomed.
                lbInd[numLowerTightens] = colInd;
                newLB[numLowerTightens++] = ceil(lpX);
            else if (!upKeep) {
                // Up branch can be fathomed.
                ubInd[numUpperTightens] = colInd;
                newUB[numUpperTightens++] = floor(lpX);
                // break;

            // Update pseudocost.
            if(downGood) {
                firstObjects[i]->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, lpX);
            if(downGood) {
                firstObjects[i]->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, lpX);

        // Set new bounds in lp solver for resolving

        if (bStatus != -2) {
            if (numUpperTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numUpperTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColUpper(ubInd[i], newUB[i]);
            if (numLowerTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numLowerTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColLower(lbInd[i], newLB[i]);

        // Unmark hotstart and recover LP solver.

        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;

    //std::cout << "REL: bStatus = " << bStatus << std::endl;

    if (bStatus < 0) {
        // Infeasible or monotone.
        goto TERM_CREATE;
    else {
        // All object's pseudocost have been initialized.
        // Sort them, and do strong branch for the unreliable one
        // NOTE: it set model->savedLpSolution.
        // model->feasibleSolution(numIntegerInfs, numObjectInfs);

        sumDeg = 0.0;

        for (i = 0; i < numInfs; ++i) {
            score = infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getScore();
            sumDeg += score;

            std::pair<const double, BlisObjectInt*> sa(score, infObjects[i]);

            std::cout << "col[" << infObjects[i]->columnIndex() << "]="
                      << score << ", "<< std::endl;

        int numNotChange = 0;

        std::multimap< double, BlisObjectInt*, BlisPseuoGreater >::iterator pos;

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        int maxIter = ALPS_MAX(model->getAveIterations(), 50);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, maxIter);

        BlisObjectInt *bestObject = NULL;
        double bestScore = -10.0;

        for (pos = sortedObjects.begin(); pos != sortedObjects.end(); ++pos) {

            intObject  = pos->second;

            colInd = intObject->columnIndex();

            std::cout << "col[" << colInd << "]: "
                      << "score=" << pos->first
                      << ", upCount=" << intObject->pseudocost().getUpCount()
                      <<", downCount="<< intObject->pseudocost().getDownCount()
                      << std::endl;

            // Check if reliable.
            int objRelibility=ALPS_MIN(intObject->pseudocost().getUpCount(),

            if (objRelibility < relibility_) {
                // Unrelible object. Do strong branching.

                lpX = saveSolution[colInd];

                BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                                 saveLower, saveUpper,
                                 downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                                 upKeep, upGood, upDeg);
                // Update pseudocost.
                if(downGood) {
                    intObject->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, lpX);
                if(downGood) {
                    intObject->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, lpX);

            // Compare with the best.
            if (intObject->pseudocost().getScore() > bestScore) {
                bestScore = intObject->pseudocost().getScore();
                bestObject = intObject;
                // Reset
                numNotChange = 0;
            else {
                // If best doesn't change for "lookAhead" comparisons, then
                // the best is reliable.
                if (++numNotChange > lookAhead) {
                    if (bestObject->pseudocost().getUpCost() >
                            bestObject->pseudocost().getDownCost()) {
                        preferDir = 1;
                    else {
                        preferDir = -1;

        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;

        model->setSolEstimate(objValue + sumDeg);

        assert(bestObject != NULL);
        bestBranchObject_ = bestObject->createBranchObject(model, preferDir);


    // Cleanup.

    delete [] lbInd;
    delete [] ubInd;
    delete [] newLB;
    delete [] newUB;
    delete [] saveSolution;
    delete [] saveLower;
    delete [] saveUpper;

    return bStatus;
/** Create a set of candidate branching objects. */
BlisBranchStrategyPseudo::createCandBranchObjects(int numPassesLeft,
						  double ub)
    int bStatus = 0;
    int i, pass, colInd;

    int preferDir, saveLimit;
    int numFirsts  = 0;
    int numInfs = 0;
    int minCount = 0;
    int numLowerTightens = 0;
    int numUpperTightens = 0;
    double lpX, score, infeasibility, downDeg, upDeg, sumDeg = 0.0; 
    bool roundAgain, downKeep, downGood, upKeep, upGood;

    int *lbInd = NULL;
    int *ubInd = NULL;
    double *newLB = NULL;
    double *newUB = NULL;

    double *saveUpper = NULL;
    double *saveLower = NULL;
    double *saveSolution = NULL;

    BlisModel *model = dynamic_cast<BlisModel *>(model_);
    OsiSolverInterface *solver = model->solver();
    int numCols = model->getNumCols();
    int numObjects = model->numObjects();
    int aveIterations = model->getAveIterations();

    //std::cout <<  "aveIterations = " <<  aveIterations << std::endl;

    // Check if max time is reached or no pass is left.
    double timeLimit = model->AlpsPar()->entry(AlpsParams::timeLimit);
    AlpsKnowledgeBroker *broker = model->getKnowledgeBroker();
    bool maxTimeReached = (broker->timer().getTime() > timeLimit);
    bool selectNow = false;
    if (maxTimeReached || !numPassesLeft) {
        selectNow = true;
        printf("PSEUDO: CREATE: maxTimeReached %d, numPassesLeft %d\n", 
               maxTimeReached, numPassesLeft);
    // Store first time objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> firstObjects;

    // Store infeasible objects.
    std::vector<BlisObjectInt *> infObjects;

    // TODO: check if sorting is expensive.
    std::multimap<double, BcpsBranchObject*, BlisPseuoGreater> candObjects;

    double objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();

    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
    saveSolution = new double[numCols];
    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(), numCols*sizeof(double));

    // Find the infeasible objects.
    // NOTE: we might go round this loop twice if we are feed in
    //       a "feasible" solution.
    for (pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
        numInfs = 0;

        BcpsObject * object = NULL;
        BlisObjectInt * intObject = NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < numObjects; ++i) {
            object = model->objects(i);
            infeasibility = object->infeasibility(model, preferDir);
            if (infeasibility) {
                intObject = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(object);
                if (intObject) {
                    if (!selectNow) {
                        minCount = 
                        if (minCount < 1) {

                    if (intObject->columnIndex() == 40) {
                        std::cout << "x[40] = " << saveSolution[40] 
                                  << std::endl;

                    intObject = NULL;
                else {
                    // TODO: currently all are integer objects.
#ifdef BLIS_DEBU
        if (numInfs) {
#if 0
            std::cout << "PSEUDO: numInfs = " << numInfs
                      << std::endl;
        else if (pass == 0) {
            // The first pass and is IP feasible.
#if 1
            std::cout << "ERROR: PSEUDO: given a integer feasible sol, no fraction variable" << std::endl;
            roundAgain = false;
            CoinWarmStartBasis * ws = 
            if (!ws) break;
            // Force solution values within bounds
            for (i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) {
                lpX = saveSolution[i];
                if (lpX < lower[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = lower[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atLowerBound);
                else if (lpX > upper[i]) {
                    saveSolution[i] = upper[i];
                    roundAgain = true;
                    ws->setStructStatus(i, CoinWarmStartBasis::atUpperBound);
            if (roundAgain) {
                // Need resolve and do the second round selection.
                delete ws;
                // Resolve.
                if (!solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
                    // Become infeasible, can do nothing. 
                    bStatus = -2;
                    goto TERM_CREATE;
                else {
                    // Save new lp solution.
                    memcpy(saveSolution, solver->getColSolution(),
                           numCols * sizeof(double));
                    objValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
            else {
                delete ws;
    } // EOF 2 pass

    // If we have a set of first time object, 
    // branch up and down to initialize pseudo-cost.
    numFirsts = static_cast<int> (firstObjects.size());
    //std::cout << "PSEUDO: numFirsts = " << numFirsts << std::endl;
    if (numFirsts > 0) {
        //std::cout << "PSEUDO: numFirsts = " << numFirsts << std::endl;
        // Backup solver status and mark hot start.
        saveLower = new double[numCols];
        saveUpper = new double[numCols];
        memcpy(saveLower, lower, numCols * sizeof(double));
        memcpy(saveUpper, upper, numCols * sizeof(double));

        CoinWarmStart * ws = solver->getWarmStart();
        solver->getIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
	aveIterations = ALPS_MIN(50, aveIterations);
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, aveIterations);
        lbInd = new int [numFirsts];
        ubInd = new int [numFirsts];
        newLB = new double [numFirsts];
        newUB = new double [numFirsts];
        for (i = 0; i < numFirsts && bStatus != -2; ++i) {

            colInd = firstObjects[i]->columnIndex();
            lpX = saveSolution[colInd];
            BlisStrongBranch(model, objValue, colInd, lpX,
                             saveLower, saveUpper,
                             downKeep, downGood, downDeg,
                             upKeep, upGood, upDeg);
            if(!downKeep && !upKeep) {
                // Both branch can be fathomed
                bStatus = -2;
            else if (!downKeep) {
                // Down branch can be fathomed.
                lbInd[numLowerTightens] = colInd;
                newLB[numLowerTightens++] = ceil(lpX);
            else if (!upKeep) {
                // Up branch can be fathomed.
                ubInd[numUpperTightens] = colInd;
                newUB[numUpperTightens++] = floor(lpX);

        // Set new bounds in lp solver for resolving
        if (bStatus != -2) {
            if (numUpperTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numUpperTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColUpper(ubInd[i], newUB[i]);
            if (numLowerTightens > 0) {
                bStatus = -1;
                for (i = 0; i < numLowerTightens; ++i) {
                    solver->setColLower(lbInd[i], newLB[i]);
        // Unmark hotstart and recover LP solver.
        solver->setIntParam(OsiMaxNumIterationHotStart, saveLimit);
        delete ws;
    if (bStatus < 0) {
    else {
        // Create a set of candidate branching objects. 
        numBranchObjects_ = numInfs;
        branchObjects_ = new BcpsBranchObject* [numInfs];        
        // NOTE: it set model->savedLpSolution.
        sumDeg = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < numInfs; ++i) {

            if (infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getUpCost() < 
                infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getDownCost()) {
                preferDir = 1;
            else {
                preferDir = -1;
            branchObjects_[i] = infObjects[i]->createBranchObject(model,
            score = infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getScore();
            sumDeg += score;

            std::cout << "col[" << infObjects[i]->columnIndex() << "]: score="
                      << score << ", dir=" << branchObjects_[i]->getDirection()
                      << ", up=" << infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getUpCost()
                      << ", down=" << infObjects[i]->pseudocost().getDownCost()
                      << std::endl;
        model->setSolEstimate(objValue + sumDeg);

    // Cleanup.

    delete [] lbInd;
    delete [] ubInd;
    delete [] newLB;
    delete [] newUB;
    delete [] saveSolution;
    delete [] saveLower;
    delete [] saveUpper;

    return bStatus;
int * analyze(OsiClpSolverInterface * solverMod, int & numberChanged,
		     double & increment, bool changeInt,
		     CoinMessageHandler * generalMessageHandler, bool noPrinting)
    bool noPrinting_ = noPrinting;
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = solverMod->clone();
    char generalPrint[200];
    if (0) {
        // just get increment
        CbcModel model(*solver);
        double increment2 = model.getCutoffIncrement();
        printf("initial cutoff increment %g\n", increment2);
    const double *objective = solver->getObjCoefficients() ;
    const double *lower = solver->getColLower() ;
    const double *upper = solver->getColUpper() ;
    int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols() ;
    int numberRows = solver->getNumRows();
    double direction = solver->getObjSense();
    int iRow, iColumn;

    // Row copy
    CoinPackedMatrix matrixByRow(*solver->getMatrixByRow());
    const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow.getElements();
    const int * column = matrixByRow.getIndices();
    const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = matrixByRow.getVectorStarts();
    const int * rowLength = matrixByRow.getVectorLengths();

    // Column copy
    CoinPackedMatrix  matrixByCol(*solver->getMatrixByCol());
    const double * element = matrixByCol.getElements();
    const int * row = matrixByCol.getIndices();
    const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrixByCol.getVectorStarts();
    const int * columnLength = matrixByCol.getVectorLengths();

    const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower();
    const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper();

    char * ignore = new char [numberRows];
    int * changed = new int[numberColumns];
    int * which = new int[numberRows];
    double * changeRhs = new double[numberRows];
    memset(changeRhs, 0, numberRows*sizeof(double));
    memset(ignore, 0, numberRows);
    numberChanged = 0;
    int numberInteger = 0;
    for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
        if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn] + 1.0e-8 && solver->isInteger(iColumn))
    bool finished = false;
    while (!finished) {
        int saveNumberChanged = numberChanged;
        for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
            int numberContinuous = 0;
            double value1 = 0.0, value2 = 0.0;
            bool allIntegerCoeff = true;
            double sumFixed = 0.0;
            int jColumn1 = -1, jColumn2 = -1;
            for (CoinBigIndex j = rowStart[iRow]; j < rowStart[iRow] + rowLength[iRow]; j++) {
                int jColumn = column[j];
                double value = elementByRow[j];
                if (upper[jColumn] > lower[jColumn] + 1.0e-8) {
                    if (!solver->isInteger(jColumn)) {
                        if (numberContinuous == 0) {
                            jColumn1 = jColumn;
                            value1 = value;
                        } else {
                            jColumn2 = jColumn;
                            value2 = value;
                    } else {
                        if (fabs(value - floor(value + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                            allIntegerCoeff = false;
                } else {
                    sumFixed += lower[jColumn] * value;
            double low = rowLower[iRow];
            if (low > -1.0e20) {
                low -= sumFixed;
                if (fabs(low - floor(low + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                    allIntegerCoeff = false;
            double up = rowUpper[iRow];
            if (up < 1.0e20) {
                up -= sumFixed;
                if (fabs(up - floor(up + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                    allIntegerCoeff = false;
            if (!allIntegerCoeff)
                continue; // can't do
            if (numberContinuous == 1) {
                // see if really integer
                // This does not allow for complicated cases
                if (low == up) {
                    if (fabs(value1) > 1.0e-3) {
                        value1 = 1.0 / value1;
                        if (fabs(value1 - floor(value1 + 0.5)) < 1.0e-12) {
                            // integer
                            changed[numberChanged++] = jColumn1;
                            if (upper[jColumn1] > 1.0e20)
                                solver->setColUpper(jColumn1, 1.0e20);
                            if (lower[jColumn1] < -1.0e20)
                                solver->setColLower(jColumn1, -1.0e20);
                } else {
                    if (fabs(value1) > 1.0e-3) {
                        value1 = 1.0 / value1;
                        if (fabs(value1 - floor(value1 + 0.5)) < 1.0e-12) {
                            // This constraint will not stop it being integer
                            ignore[iRow] = 1;
            } else if (numberContinuous == 2) {
                if (low == up) {
                    /* need general theory - for now just look at 2 cases -
                       1 - +- 1 one in column and just costs i.e. matching objective
                       2 - +- 1 two in column but feeds into G/L row which will try and minimize
                    if (fabs(value1) == 1.0 && value1*value2 == -1.0 && !lower[jColumn1]
                            && !lower[jColumn2]) {
                        int n = 0;
                        int i;
                        double objChange = direction * (objective[jColumn1] + objective[jColumn2]);
                        double bound = CoinMin(upper[jColumn1], upper[jColumn2]);
                        bound = CoinMin(bound, 1.0e20);
                        for ( i = columnStart[jColumn1]; i < columnStart[jColumn1] + columnLength[jColumn1]; i++) {
                            int jRow = row[i];
                            double value = element[i];
                            if (jRow != iRow) {
                                which[n++] = jRow;
                                changeRhs[jRow] = value;
                        for ( i = columnStart[jColumn1]; i < columnStart[jColumn1] + columnLength[jColumn1]; i++) {
                            int jRow = row[i];
                            double value = element[i];
                            if (jRow != iRow) {
                                if (!changeRhs[jRow]) {
                                    which[n++] = jRow;
                                    changeRhs[jRow] = value;
                                } else {
                                    changeRhs[jRow] += value;
                        if (objChange >= 0.0) {
                            // see if all rows OK
                            bool good = true;
                            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                                int jRow = which[i];
                                double value = changeRhs[jRow];
                                if (value) {
                                    value *= bound;
                                    if (rowLength[jRow] == 1) {
                                        if (value > 0.0) {
                                            double rhs = rowLower[jRow];
                                            if (rhs > 0.0) {
                                                double ratio = rhs / value;
                                                if (fabs(ratio - floor(ratio + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                                                    good = false;
                                        } else {
                                            double rhs = rowUpper[jRow];
                                            if (rhs < 0.0) {
                                                double ratio = rhs / value;
                                                if (fabs(ratio - floor(ratio + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                                                    good = false;
                                    } else if (rowLength[jRow] == 2) {
                                        if (value > 0.0) {
                                            if (rowLower[jRow] > -1.0e20)
                                                good = false;
                                        } else {
                                            if (rowUpper[jRow] < 1.0e20)
                                                good = false;
                                    } else {
                                        good = false;
                            if (good) {
                                // both can be integer
                                changed[numberChanged++] = jColumn1;
                                if (upper[jColumn1] > 1.0e20)
                                    solver->setColUpper(jColumn1, 1.0e20);
                                if (lower[jColumn1] < -1.0e20)
                                    solver->setColLower(jColumn1, -1.0e20);
                                changed[numberChanged++] = jColumn2;
                                if (upper[jColumn2] > 1.0e20)
                                    solver->setColUpper(jColumn2, 1.0e20);
                                if (lower[jColumn2] < -1.0e20)
                                    solver->setColLower(jColumn2, -1.0e20);
                        // clear
                        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                            changeRhs[which[i]] = 0.0;
        for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
            if (upper[iColumn] > lower[iColumn] + 1.0e-8 && !solver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                double value;
                value = upper[iColumn];
                if (value < 1.0e20 && fabs(value - floor(value + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                value = lower[iColumn];
                if (value > -1.0e20 && fabs(value - floor(value + 0.5)) > 1.0e-12)
                bool integer = true;
                for (CoinBigIndex j = columnStart[iColumn]; j < columnStart[iColumn] + columnLength[iColumn]; j++) {
                    int iRow = row[j];
                    if (!ignore[iRow]) {
                        integer = false;
                if (integer) {
                    // integer
                    changed[numberChanged++] = iColumn;
                    if (upper[iColumn] > 1.0e20)
                        solver->setColUpper(iColumn, 1.0e20);
                    if (lower[iColumn] < -1.0e20)
                        solver->setColLower(iColumn, -1.0e20);
        finished = numberChanged == saveNumberChanged;
    delete [] which;
    delete [] changeRhs;
    delete [] ignore;
    //if (numberInteger&&!noPrinting_)
    //printf("%d integer variables",numberInteger);
    if (changeInt) {
        //if (!noPrinting_) {
        //if (numberChanged)
        //  printf(" and %d variables made integer\n",numberChanged);
        //  printf("\n");
        if (!numberChanged) {
            delete [] changed;
            delete solver;
            return NULL;
        } else {
            for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                if (solver->isInteger(iColumn))
            delete solver;
            return changed;
    } else {
        //if (!noPrinting_) {
        //if (numberChanged)
        //  printf(" and %d variables could be made integer\n",numberChanged);
        //  printf("\n");
        // just get increment
        int logLevel = generalMessageHandler->logLevel();
        CbcModel model(*solver);
	if (!model.defaultHandler())
        if (noPrinting_)
        double increment2 = model.getCutoffIncrement();
        if (increment2 > increment && increment2 > 0.0) {
            if (!noPrinting_) {
                sprintf(generalPrint, "Cutoff increment increased from %g to %g", increment, increment2);
                CoinMessages generalMessages = solverMod->getModelPtr()->messages();
                generalMessageHandler->message(CLP_GENERAL, generalMessages)
                << generalPrint
                << CoinMessageEol;
            increment = increment2;
        delete solver;
        numberChanged = 0;
        delete [] changed;
        return NULL;
BlisConGenerator::generateCons(OsiCuts & coinCuts , bool fullScan)
    bool status = false;

    if (strategy_ == -2) {
        // This con generator has been disabled.
        return false;

    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();

#if defined(BLIS_DEBUG_MORE)
    std::cout << "model_->getNodeCount() = " << model_->getNodeCount()
              << std::endl;

    if ( fullScan ||
         ((strategy_ > 0) && (model_->getNumNodes() % strategy_) == 0) ) {

        // Start to generate cons ...

	int j;
        double start = CoinCpuTime();
        int numConsBefore = coinCuts.sizeCuts();
        int numRowsBefore = coinCuts.sizeRowCuts();

        assert(generator_ != NULL);

        CglProbing* generator = dynamic_cast<CglProbing *>(generator_);

        if (!generator) {
            generator_->generateCuts(*solver, coinCuts);
        else {
            // It is probing - return tight column bound
 	    CglTreeInfo info;
            generator->generateCutsAndModify(*solver, coinCuts, &info);
            const double * tightLower = generator->tightLower();
            const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
            const double * tightUpper = generator->tightUpper();
            const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
            const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();

            int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
            double primalTolerance = 1.0e-8;
            for (j = 0; j < numberColumns; ++j) {
                if ( (tightUpper[j] == tightLower[j]) &&
                     (upper[j] > lower[j]) ) {
                    // fix column j
                    solver->setColLower(j, tightLower[j]);
                    solver->setColUpper(j, tightUpper[j]);
                    if ( (tightLower[j] > solution[j] + primalTolerance) ||
                         (tightUpper[j] < solution[j] - primalTolerance) ) {
                        status = true;
        } // EOF probing.

        // Remove zero length row cuts.

	int numRowCons = coinCuts.sizeRowCuts();
	for (j = numRowsBefore; j < numRowCons; ++j) {
	    OsiRowCut & rCut = coinCuts.rowCut(j);
	    int len = rCut.row().getNumElements();
	    std::cout << "Cut " << j<<": length = " << len << std::endl;
	    if (len == 0) {
		// Empty cuts
		std::cout << "WARNING: Empty cut from " << name_ << std::endl;
	    else if (len < 0) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Cut length = " << len << std::endl;
		// Error

        // Update statistics.

        numConsGenerated_ += (coinCuts.sizeCuts() - numConsBefore);
        time_ += (CoinCpuTime() - start);
        if (numConsGenerated_ == 0) {

    return status;
// Generate constraints for the model data contained in si.
// The generated constraints are inserted into and returned in the 
// constraint pool.
// Default implementation use Cgl cut generators.
BlisConGenerator::generateConstraints(BcpsConstraintPool &conPool)
    bool status = false;
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();
#if defined(BLIS_DEBUG_MORE)
    std::cout << "model_->getNodeCount() = " << model_->getNodeCount()
              << std::endl;
    // Start to generate constraints...

    assert(generator_ != NULL);
    int j;
    OsiCuts newOsiCuts;
    CglProbing* generator = dynamic_cast<CglProbing *>(generator_);
    if (generator) {
	// It is CglProbing - return tight column bounds
        CglTreeInfo info;
	generator->generateCutsAndModify(*solver, newOsiCuts, &info);
	const double * tightLower = generator->tightLower();
	const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
	const double * tightUpper = generator->tightUpper();
	const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
	const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
	int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
	double primalTolerance = 1.0e-8;
	for (j = 0; j < numberColumns; ++j) {
	    if ( (tightUpper[j] == tightLower[j]) &&
		 (upper[j] > lower[j]) ) {
		// Fix column j
		solver->setColLower(j, tightLower[j]);
		solver->setColUpper(j, tightUpper[j]);
		if ( (tightLower[j] > solution[j] + primalTolerance) ||
		     (tightUpper[j] < solution[j] - primalTolerance) ) {
		    status = true;
    else {
	// Other Cgl cut generators
	generator_->generateCuts(*solver, newOsiCuts);
    // Create blis constraints and remove zero length row cuts.
    int numNewConstraints = newOsiCuts.sizeRowCuts();
    for (j = 0; j < numNewConstraints; ++j) {
	OsiRowCut & rCut = newOsiCuts.rowCut(j);
	int len = rCut.row().getNumElements();

	std::cout << "Cut " << j<<": length = " << len << std::endl;
	if (len > 0) {
	    // Create BlisConstraints from OsiCuts.
	    BlisConstraint *blisCon = BlisOsiCutToConstraint(&rCut);
	else if (len == 0) {
	    // Empty cuts
	    std::cout << "WARNING: Empty cut from " << name_ << std::endl;
	else {
	    std::cout << "ERROR: Cut length = " << len << std::endl;
	    // Error

    // Adjust cut strategy.
    if ( (strategy_ == BlisCutStrategyAuto) &&
	 (noConsCalls_ > BLIS_CUT_DISABLE) ) {
	strategy_ = BlisCutStrategyNone;

    return status;
OsiSolverInterface *
expandKnapsack(CoinModel & model, int * whichColumn, int * knapsackStart,
               int * knapsackRow, int &numberKnapsack,
               CglStored & stored, int logLevel,
               int fixedPriority, int SOSPriority, CoinModel & tightenedModel)
    int maxTotal = numberKnapsack;
    // load from coin model
    OsiSolverLink *si = new OsiSolverLink();
    OsiSolverInterface * finalModel = NULL;
    // need some relative granularity
    si->load(model, true, logLevel);
    // get priorities
    const int * priorities = model.priorities();
    int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
    if (priorities) {
        OsiObject ** objects = si->objects();
        int numberObjects = si->numberObjects();
        for (int iObj = 0; iObj < numberObjects; iObj++) {
            int iColumn = objects[iObj]->columnNumber();
            if (iColumn >= 0 && iColumn < numberColumns) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
                OsiSimpleInteger * obj =
                    dynamic_cast <OsiSimpleInteger *>(objects[iObj]) ;
                assert (obj);
                int iPriority = priorities[iColumn];
                if (iPriority > 0)
        if (fixedPriority > 0) {
        if (SOSPriority < 0)
            SOSPriority = 100000;
    CoinModel coinModel = *si->coinModel();
    assert(coinModel.numberRows() > 0);
    tightenedModel = coinModel;
    int numberRows = coinModel.numberRows();
    // Mark variables
    int * whichKnapsack = new int [numberColumns];
    int iRow, iColumn;
    for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++)
        whichKnapsack[iColumn] = -1;
    int kRow;
    bool badModel = false;
    // analyze
    if (logLevel > 1) {
        for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
            /* Just obvious one at first
            positive non unit coefficients
            all integer
            positive rowUpper
            for now - linear (but further down in code may use nonlinear)
            column bounds should be tight
            //double lower = coinModel.getRowLower(iRow);
            double upper = coinModel.getRowUpper(iRow);
            if (upper < 1.0e10) {
                CoinModelLink triple = coinModel.firstInRow(iRow);
                bool possible = true;
                int n = 0;
                int n1 = 0;
                while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                    int iColumn = triple.column();
                    const char *  el = coinModel.getElementAsString(iRow, iColumn);
                    if (!strcmp("Numeric", el)) {
                        if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) == coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn)) {
                            triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                            continue; // fixed
                        double value = coinModel.getElement(iRow, iColumn);
                        if (value < 0.0) {
                            possible = false;
                        } else {
                            if (value == 1.0)
                            if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) < 0.0)
                                possible = false;
                            if (!coinModel.isInteger(iColumn))
                                possible = false;
                            if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] >= 0)
                                possible = false;
                    } else {
                        possible = false; // non linear
                    triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                if (n - n1 > 1 && possible) {
                    double lower = coinModel.getRowLower(iRow);
                    double upper = coinModel.getRowUpper(iRow);
                    CoinModelLink triple = coinModel.firstInRow(iRow);
                    while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                        int iColumn = triple.column();
                        lower -= coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) * triple.value();
                        upper -= coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) * triple.value();
                        triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                    printf("%d is possible %g <=", iRow, lower);
                    // print
                    triple = coinModel.firstInRow(iRow);
                    while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                        int iColumn = triple.column();
                        if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) != coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn))
                            printf(" (%d,el %g up %g)", iColumn, triple.value(),
                                   coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn) - coinModel.columnLower(iColumn));
                        triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                    printf(" <= %g\n", upper);
    numberKnapsack = 0;
    for (kRow = 0; kRow < numberRows; kRow++) {
        iRow = kRow;
        /* Just obvious one at first
           positive non unit coefficients
           all integer
           positive rowUpper
           for now - linear (but further down in code may use nonlinear)
           column bounds should be tight
        //double lower = coinModel.getRowLower(iRow);
        double upper = coinModel.getRowUpper(iRow);
        if (upper < 1.0e10) {
            CoinModelLink triple = coinModel.firstInRow(iRow);
            bool possible = true;
            int n = 0;
            int n1 = 0;
            while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                int iColumn = triple.column();
                const char *  el = coinModel.getElementAsString(iRow, iColumn);
                if (!strcmp("Numeric", el)) {
                    if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) == coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn)) {
                        triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                        continue; // fixed
                    double value = coinModel.getElement(iRow, iColumn);
                    if (value < 0.0) {
                        possible = false;
                    } else {
                        if (value == 1.0)
                        if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) < 0.0)
                            possible = false;
                        if (!coinModel.isInteger(iColumn))
                            possible = false;
                        if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] >= 0)
                            possible = false;
                } else {
                    possible = false; // non linear
                triple = coinModel.next(triple);
            if (n - n1 > 1 && possible) {
                // try
                CoinModelLink triple = coinModel.firstInRow(iRow);
                while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                    int iColumn = triple.column();
                    if (coinModel.columnLower(iColumn) != coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn))
                        whichKnapsack[iColumn] = numberKnapsack;
                    triple = coinModel.next(triple);
                knapsackRow[numberKnapsack++] = iRow;
    if (logLevel > 0)
        printf("%d out of %d candidate rows are possible\n", numberKnapsack, numberRows);
    // Check whether we can get rid of nonlinearities
    /* mark rows
       -2 in knapsack and other variables
       -1 not involved
       n only in knapsack n
    int * markRow = new int [numberRows];
    for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++)
        markRow[iRow] = -1;
    int canDo = 1; // OK and linear
    for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
        CoinModelLink triple = coinModel.firstInColumn(iColumn);
        int iKnapsack = whichKnapsack[iColumn];
        bool linear = true;
        // See if quadratic objective
        const char * expr = coinModel.getColumnObjectiveAsString(iColumn);
        if (strcmp(expr, "Numeric")) {
            linear = false;
        while (triple.row() >= 0) {
            int iRow = triple.row();
            if (iKnapsack >= 0) {
                if (markRow[iRow] == -1) {
                    markRow[iRow] = iKnapsack;
                } else if (markRow[iRow] != iKnapsack) {
                    markRow[iRow] = -2;
            const char * expr = coinModel.getElementAsString(iRow, iColumn);
            if (strcmp(expr, "Numeric")) {
                linear = false;
            triple = coinModel.next(triple);
        if (!linear) {
            if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] < 0) {
                canDo = 0;
            } else {
                canDo = 2;
    int * markKnapsack = NULL;
    double * coefficient = NULL;
    double * linear = NULL;
    int * whichRow = NULL;
    int * lookupRow = NULL;
    badModel = (canDo == 0);
    if (numberKnapsack && canDo) {
        /* double check - OK if
           no nonlinear
           nonlinear only on columns in knapsack
           nonlinear only on columns in knapsack * ONE other - same for all in knapsack
           AND that is only row connected to knapsack
           (theoretically could split knapsack if two other and small numbers)
           also ONE could be ONE expression - not just a variable
        int iKnapsack;
        markKnapsack = new int [numberKnapsack];
        coefficient = new double [numberKnapsack];
        linear = new double [numberColumns];
        for (iKnapsack = 0; iKnapsack < numberKnapsack; iKnapsack++)
            markKnapsack[iKnapsack] = -1;
        if (canDo == 2) {
            for (iRow = -1; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
                int numberOdd;
                CoinPackedMatrix * row = coinModel.quadraticRow(iRow, linear, numberOdd);
                if (row) {
                    // see if valid
                    const double * element = row->getElements();
                    const int * column = row->getIndices();
                    const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = row->getVectorStarts();
                    const int * columnLength = row->getVectorLengths();
                    int numberLook = row->getNumCols();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberLook; i++) {
                        int iKnapsack = whichKnapsack[i];
                        if (iKnapsack < 0) {
                            // might be able to swap - but for now can't have knapsack in
                            for (int j = columnStart[i]; j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) {
                                int iColumn = column[j];
                                if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] >= 0) {
                                    canDo = 0; // no good
                                    badModel = true;
                        } else {
                            // OK if in same knapsack - or maybe just one
                            int marked = markKnapsack[iKnapsack];
                            for (int j = columnStart[i]; j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) {
                                int iColumn = column[j];
                                if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] != iKnapsack && whichKnapsack[iColumn] >= 0) {
                                    canDo = 0; // no good
                                    badModel = true;
                                } else if (marked == -1) {
                                    markKnapsack[iKnapsack] = iColumn;
                                    marked = iColumn;
                                    coefficient[iKnapsack] = element[j];
                                    coinModel.associateElement(coinModel.columnName(iColumn), 1.0);
                                } else if (marked != iColumn) {
                                    badModel = true;
                                    canDo = 0; // no good
                                } else {
                                    // could manage with different coefficients - but for now ...
                                    assert(coefficient[iKnapsack] == element[j]);
                    delete row;
        if (canDo) {
            // for any rows which are cuts
            whichRow = new int [numberRows];
            lookupRow = new int [numberRows];
            bool someNonlinear = false;
            double maxCoefficient = 1.0;
            for (iKnapsack = 0; iKnapsack < numberKnapsack; iKnapsack++) {
                if (markKnapsack[iKnapsack] >= 0) {
                    someNonlinear = true;
                    int iColumn = markKnapsack[iKnapsack];
                    maxCoefficient = CoinMax(maxCoefficient, fabs(coefficient[iKnapsack] * coinModel.columnUpper(iColumn)));
            if (someNonlinear) {
                // associate all columns to stop possible error messages
                for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    coinModel.associateElement(coinModel.columnName(iColumn), 1.0);
            ClpSimplex tempModel;
            // Create final model - first without knapsacks
            int nCol = 0;
            int nRow = 0;
            for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
                if (markRow[iRow] < 0) {
                    lookupRow[iRow] = nRow;
                    whichRow[nRow++] = iRow;
                } else {
                    lookupRow[iRow] = -1;
            for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                if (whichKnapsack[iColumn] < 0)
                    whichColumn[nCol++] = iColumn;
            ClpSimplex finalModelX(&tempModel, nRow, whichRow, nCol, whichColumn, false, false, false);
            OsiClpSolverInterface finalModelY(&finalModelX, true);
            finalModel = finalModelY.clone();
            // Put back priorities
            const int * priorities = model.priorities();
            if (priorities) {
                OsiObject ** objects = finalModel->objects();
                int numberObjects = finalModel->numberObjects();
                for (int iObj = 0; iObj < numberObjects; iObj++) {
                    int iColumn = objects[iObj]->columnNumber();
                    if (iColumn >= 0 && iColumn < nCol) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
                        OsiSimpleInteger * obj =
                            dynamic_cast <OsiSimpleInteger *>(objects[iObj]) ;
                        assert (obj);
                        int iPriority = priorities[whichColumn[iColumn]];
                        if (iPriority > 0)
            for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
                whichRow[iRow] = iRow;
            int numberOther = finalModel->getNumCols();
            int nLargest = 0;
            int nelLargest = 0;
            int nTotal = 0;
            for (iKnapsack = 0; iKnapsack < numberKnapsack; iKnapsack++) {
                iRow = knapsackRow[iKnapsack];
                int nCreate = maxTotal;
                int nelCreate = coinModel.expandKnapsack(iRow, nCreate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
                if (nelCreate < 0)
                    badModel = true;
                nTotal += nCreate;
                nLargest = CoinMax(nLargest, nCreate);
                nelLargest = CoinMax(nelLargest, nelCreate);
            if (nTotal > maxTotal)
                badModel = true;
            if (!badModel) {
                // Now arrays for building
                nelLargest = CoinMax(nelLargest, nLargest) + 1;
                double * buildObj = new double [nLargest];
                double * buildElement = new double [nelLargest];
                int * buildStart = new int[nLargest+1];
                int * buildRow = new int[nelLargest];
                // alow for integers in knapsacks
                OsiObject ** object = new OsiObject * [numberKnapsack+nTotal];
                int nSOS = 0;
                int nObj = numberKnapsack;
                for (iKnapsack = 0; iKnapsack < numberKnapsack; iKnapsack++) {
                    knapsackStart[iKnapsack] = finalModel->getNumCols();
                    iRow = knapsackRow[iKnapsack];
                    int nCreate = 10000;
                    coinModel.expandKnapsack(iRow, nCreate, buildObj, buildStart, buildRow, buildElement);
                    // Redo row numbers
                    for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < nCreate; iColumn++) {
                        for (int j = buildStart[iColumn]; j < buildStart[iColumn+1]; j++) {
                            int jRow = buildRow[j];
                            jRow = lookupRow[jRow];
                            assert (jRow >= 0 && jRow < nRow);
                            buildRow[j] = jRow;
                    finalModel->addCols(nCreate, buildStart, buildRow, buildElement, NULL, NULL, buildObj);
                    int numberFinal = finalModel->getNumCols();
                    for (iColumn = numberOther; iColumn < numberFinal; iColumn++) {
                        if (markKnapsack[iKnapsack] < 0) {
                            finalModel->setColUpper(iColumn, maxCoefficient);
                        } else {
                            finalModel->setColUpper(iColumn, maxCoefficient + 1.0);
                        OsiSimpleInteger * sosObject = new OsiSimpleInteger(finalModel, iColumn);
                        object[nObj++] = sosObject;
                        buildRow[iColumn-numberOther] = iColumn;
                        buildElement[iColumn-numberOther] = 1.0;
                    if (markKnapsack[iKnapsack] < 0) {
                        // convexity row
                        finalModel->addRow(numberFinal - numberOther, buildRow, buildElement, 1.0, 1.0);
                    } else {
                        int iColumn = markKnapsack[iKnapsack];
                        int n = numberFinal - numberOther;
                        buildRow[n] = iColumn;
                        buildElement[n++] = -fabs(coefficient[iKnapsack]);
                        // convexity row (sort of)
                        finalModel->addRow(n, buildRow, buildElement, 0.0, 0.0);
                        OsiSOS * sosObject = new OsiSOS(finalModel, n - 1, buildRow, NULL, 1);
                        sosObject->setPriority(iKnapsack + SOSPriority);
                        // Say not integral even if is (switch off heuristics)
                        object[nSOS++] = sosObject;
                    numberOther = numberFinal;
                finalModel->addObjects(nObj, object);
                for (iKnapsack = 0; iKnapsack < nObj; iKnapsack++)
                    delete object[iKnapsack];
                delete [] object;
                // Can we move any rows to cuts
                const int * cutMarker = coinModel.cutMarker();
                if (cutMarker && 0) {
                    printf("AMPL CUTS OFF until global cuts fixed\n");
                    cutMarker = NULL;
                if (cutMarker) {
                    // Row copy
                    const CoinPackedMatrix * matrixByRow = finalModel->getMatrixByRow();
                    const double * elementByRow = matrixByRow->getElements();
                    const int * column = matrixByRow->getIndices();
                    const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = matrixByRow->getVectorStarts();
                    const int * rowLength = matrixByRow->getVectorLengths();

                    const double * rowLower = finalModel->getRowLower();
                    const double * rowUpper = finalModel->getRowUpper();
                    int nDelete = 0;
                    for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
                        if (cutMarker[iRow] && lookupRow[iRow] >= 0) {
                            int jRow = lookupRow[iRow];
                            whichRow[nDelete++] = jRow;
                            int start = rowStart[jRow];
                            stored.addCut(rowLower[jRow], rowUpper[jRow],
                                          rowLength[jRow], column + start, elementByRow + start);
                    finalModel->deleteRows(nDelete, whichRow);
                knapsackStart[numberKnapsack] = finalModel->getNumCols();
                delete [] buildObj;
                delete [] buildElement;
                delete [] buildStart;
                delete [] buildRow;
    delete [] whichKnapsack;
    delete [] markRow;
    delete [] markKnapsack;
    delete [] coefficient;
    delete [] linear;
    delete [] whichRow;
    delete [] lookupRow;
    delete si;
    si = NULL;
    if (!badModel && finalModel) {
        finalModel->setDblParam(OsiObjOffset, coinModel.objectiveOffset());
        return finalModel;
    } else {
        delete finalModel;
        printf("can't make knapsacks - did you set fixedPriority (extra1)\n");
        return NULL;
Example #9
// This looks at solution and sets bounds to contain solution
  int j;
  int firstNonZero=-1;
  int lastNonZero = -1;
  OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();
  const double * solution = model_->testSolution();
  const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
  double integerTolerance = 
  double weight = 0.0;
  double sum =0.0;

  int base=0;
  for (j=0;j<numberMembers_;j++) {
    for (int k=0;k<numberLinks_;k++) {
      int iColumn = which_[base+k];
      double value = CoinMax(0.0,solution[iColumn]);
      sum += value;
      if (value>integerTolerance&&upper[iColumn]) {
        weight += weights_[j]*value;
        if (firstNonZero<0)
    base += numberLinks_;
  if (lastNonZero-firstNonZero>sosType_-1) {
    /* may still be satisfied.
       For LOS type 2 we might wish to move coding around
       and keep initial info in model_ for speed
    int iWhere;
    bool possible=false;
    for (iWhere=firstNonZero;iWhere<=lastNonZero;iWhere++) {
      if (fabs(weight-weights_[iWhere])<1.0e-8) {
    if (possible) {
      // One could move some of this (+ arrays) into model_
      const CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = solver->getMatrixByCol();
      const double * element = matrix->getMutableElements();
      const int * row = matrix->getIndices();
      const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix->getVectorStarts();
      const int * columnLength = matrix->getVectorLengths();
      const double * rowSolution = solver->getRowActivity();
      const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower();
      const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper();
      int numberRows = matrix->getNumRows();
      double * array = new double [numberRows];
      int * which = new int [numberRows];
      int n=0;
      int base=numberLinks_*firstNonZero;
      for (j=firstNonZero;j<=lastNonZero;j++) {
	for (int k=0;k<numberLinks_;k++) {
	  int iColumn = which_[base+k];
	  double value = CoinMax(0.0,solution[iColumn]);
	  if (value>integerTolerance&&upper[iColumn]) {
	    value = CoinMin(value,upper[iColumn]);
	    for (int j=columnStart[iColumn];j<columnStart[iColumn]+columnLength[iColumn];j++) {
	      int iRow = row[j];
	      double a = array[iRow];
	      if (a) {
		a += value*element[j];
		if (!a)
		  a = 1.0e-100;
	      } else {
		assert (a);
	base += numberLinks_;
      for (int k=0;k<numberLinks_;k++) {
	int iColumn = which_[base+k];
	const double value = 1.0;
	for (int j=columnStart[iColumn];j<columnStart[iColumn]+columnLength[iColumn];j++) {
	  int iRow = row[j];
	  double a = array[iRow];
	  if (a) {
	    a -= value*element[j];
	    if (!a)
	      a = 1.0e-100;
	  } else {
	    assert (a);
      for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
	int iRow = which[j];
	// moving to point will increase row solution by this
	double distance = array[iRow];
	if (distance>1.0e-8) {
	  if (distance+rowSolution[iRow]>rowUpper[iRow]+1.0e-8) {
	} else if (distance<-1.0e-8) {
	  if (distance+rowSolution[iRow]<rowLower[iRow]-1.0e-8) {
      for (j=0;j<n;j++)
      delete [] array;
      delete [] which;
      if (possible) {
	printf("possible feas region %d %d %d\n",firstNonZero,lastNonZero,iWhere);
  assert (lastNonZero-firstNonZero<sosType_) ;
  for (j=0;j<firstNonZero;j++) {
    for (int k=0;k<numberLinks_;k++) {
      int iColumn = which_[base+k];
    base += numberLinks_;
  // skip
  base += numberLinks_;
  for (j=lastNonZero+1;j<numberMembers_;j++) {
    for (int k=0;k<numberLinks_;k++) {
      int iColumn = which_[base+k];
    base += numberLinks_;
Example #10
BlisStrongBranch(BlisModel *model, double objValue, int colInd, double x,
		 const double *saveLower, const double *saveUpper,
		 bool &downKeep, bool &downFinished, double &downDeg,
		 bool &upKeep, bool &upFinished, double &upDeg)
    BlisReturnStatus status = BlisReturnStatusOk;
    int lpStatus = 0;

    int j, numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown;

    double newObjValue;
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model->solver();
    int numCols = solver->getNumCols();
    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();

    // Restore bounds
    int numDiff = 0;

    BlisSolution* ksol = NULL;

    int ind = model->getIntObjIndices()[colInd];
    BlisObjectInt *intObj = dynamic_cast<BlisObjectInt *>(model->objects(ind));
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	    //solver->setColLower(j, saveLower[j]);
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {
	    //solver->setColUpper(j, saveUpper[j]);
    std::cout << "BEFORE: numDiff = " << numDiff << std::endl;
    // Branching down.

    solver->setColUpper(colInd, floor(x));
    newObjValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
    downDeg = newObjValue - objValue;
    if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	lpStatus = 0; // optimal
        printf("STRONG: COL[%d]: downDeg=%g, x=%g\n", colInd, downDeg, x);
        // Update pseudocost
        intObj->pseudocost().update(-1, downDeg, x);

        // Check if ip feasible
        ksol = model->feasibleSolution(numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown);
        if (ksol) {
            printf("STRONG:Down:found a feasible solution\n");
            model->storeSolution(BlisSolutionTypeStrong, ksol);
	    downKeep = false;
	else {
	    downKeep = true;
	downFinished = true;
    else if (solver->isIterationLimitReached() && 
	     !solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
	lpStatus = 2;      // unknown 
	downKeep = true;
	downFinished = false;
    else {
        downDeg = 1.0e20;
	lpStatus = 1; // infeasible
	downKeep = false;
	downFinished = false;
    std::cout << "Down: lpStatus = " << lpStatus << std::endl;
    // restore bounds
    numDiff = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	    solver->setColLower(j, saveLower[j]);
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {
	    solver->setColUpper(j, saveUpper[j]);
    assert(numDiff > 0);
    //std::cout << "numDiff = " << numDiff << std::endl;
    // Branching up.
    solver->setColLower(colInd, ceil(x));

    newObjValue = solver->getObjSense() * solver->getObjValue();
    upDeg = newObjValue - objValue;
    if (solver->isProvenOptimal()) {
	lpStatus = 0; // optimal

        printf("STRONG: COL[%d]: upDeg=%g, x=%g\n", colInd, upDeg, x);

        // Update pseudocost
        intObj->pseudocost().update(1, upDeg, x);

        // Check if IP feasible
        ksol = model->feasibleSolution(numIntInfDown, numObjInfDown);
        if (ksol) {
            printf("STRONG:Up:found a feasible solution\n");
            model->storeSolution(BlisSolutionTypeStrong, ksol);
            upKeep = false;
	else {
	    upKeep = true;
	upFinished = true;
    else if (solver->isIterationLimitReached()
	     &&!solver->isDualObjectiveLimitReached()) {
	lpStatus = 2; // unknown 
	upKeep = true;
	upFinished = false;
    else {
	lpStatus = 1; // infeasible
	upKeep = false;
	upFinished = false;
        upDeg = 1.0e20;
    std::cout << "STRONG: Up: lpStatus = " << lpStatus << std::endl;
    // restore bounds
    for (j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
	if (saveLower[j] != lower[j]) {
	if (saveUpper[j] != upper[j]) {

    return status;
Example #11
CbcHeuristicNaive::solution(double & solutionValue,
                            double * betterSolution)
    // See if to do
    bool atRoot = model_->getNodeCount() == 0;
    int passNumber = model_->getCurrentPassNumber();
    if (!when() || (when() == 1 && model_->phase() != 1) || !atRoot || passNumber != 1)
        return 0; // switched off
    // Don't do if it was this heuristic which found solution!
    if (this == model_->lastHeuristic())
        return 0;
    double cutoff;
    model_->solver()->getDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, cutoff);
    double direction = model_->solver()->getObjSense();
    cutoff *= direction;
    cutoff = CoinMin(cutoff, solutionValue);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->continuousSolver();
    if (!solver)
        solver = model_->solver();
    const double * colLower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * colUpper = solver->getColUpper();
    const double * objective = solver->getObjCoefficients();

    int numberColumns = model_->getNumCols();
    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();

    int i;
    bool solutionFound = false;
    CoinWarmStartBasis saveBasis;
    CoinWarmStartBasis * basis =
        dynamic_cast<CoinWarmStartBasis *>(solver->getWarmStart()) ;
    if (basis) {
        saveBasis = * basis;
        delete basis;
    // First just fix all integers as close to zero as possible
    OsiSolverInterface * newSolver = cloneBut(7); // wassolver->clone();
    for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double value;
        if (lower > 0.0)
            value = lower;
        else if (upper < 0.0)
            value = upper;
            value = 0.0;
        newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, value);
        newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, value);
    if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
        double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
        if (solValue < cutoff) {
            // we have a solution
            solutionFound = true;
            solutionValue = solValue;
            memcpy(betterSolution, newSolver->getColSolution(),
            COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive fixing close to zero gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
            cutoff = solValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
    // Now fix all integers as close to zero if zero or large cost
    int nFix = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double value;
        if (fabs(objective[i]) > 0.0 && fabs(objective[i]) < large_) {
            if (lower > 0.0)
                value = lower;
            else if (upper < 0.0)
                value = upper;
                value = 0.0;
            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, value);
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, value);
        } else {
            // set back to original
            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, lower);
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, upper);
    const double * solution = solver->getColSolution();
    if (nFix) {
        if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
            double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
            if (solValue < cutoff) {
                // try branch and bound
                double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("%d fixed after fixing costs\n", nFix));
                int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver,
                                                     numberNodes_, newSolution,
                                                     solutionValue, "CbcHeuristicNaive1");
                if (returnCode < 0)
                    returnCode = 0; // returned on size
                if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
                    // could add cut
                    returnCode &= ~2;
                if (returnCode == 1) {
                    // solution
                    solutionFound = true;
                    memcpy(betterSolution, newSolution,
                    COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive fixing zeros gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
                    cutoff = solutionValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
                delete [] newSolution;
#if 1
    newSolver->setObjSense(-direction); // maximize
    for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
        double value = solution[iColumn];
        double lower = colLower[iColumn];
        double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
        double newLower;
        double newUpper;
        if (newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
            newLower = CoinMax(lower, floor(value) - 2.0);
            newUpper = CoinMin(upper, ceil(value) + 2.0);
        } else {
            newLower = CoinMax(lower, value - 1.0e5);
            newUpper = CoinMin(upper, value + 1.0e-5);
        newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, newLower);
        newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, newUpper);
    if (newSolver->isProvenOptimal()) {
        double solValue = newSolver->getObjValue() * direction ;
        if (solValue < cutoff) {
            nFix = 0;
            newSolver->setObjSense(direction); // correct direction
            //const double * thisSolution = newSolver->getColSolution();
            for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                double value = solution[iColumn];
                double lower = colLower[iColumn];
                double upper = colUpper[iColumn];
                double newLower = lower;
                double newUpper = upper;
                if (newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                    if (value < lower + 1.0e-6) {
                        newUpper = lower;
                    } else if (value > upper - 1.0e-6) {
                        newLower = upper;
                    } else {
                        newLower = CoinMax(lower, floor(value) - 2.0);
                        newUpper = CoinMin(upper, ceil(value) + 2.0);
                newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, newLower);
                newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, newUpper);
            // try branch and bound
            double * newSolution = new double [numberColumns];
            COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("%d fixed after maximizing\n", nFix));
            int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver,
                                                 numberNodes_, newSolution,
                                                 solutionValue, "CbcHeuristicNaive1");
            if (returnCode < 0)
                returnCode = 0; // returned on size
            if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
                // could add cut
                returnCode &= ~2;
            if (returnCode == 1) {
                // solution
                solutionFound = true;
                memcpy(betterSolution, newSolution,
                COIN_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("Naive maximizing gave solution of %g\n", solutionValue));
                cutoff = solutionValue - model_->getCutoffIncrement();
            delete [] newSolution;
    delete newSolver;
    return solutionFound ? 1 : 0;
Example #12
// This version fixes stuff and does IP
CbcHeuristicLocal::solutionFix(double & objectiveValue,
                               double * newSolution,
                               const int * /*keep*/)
  If when is set to off (0), or set to root (1) and we're not at the root,
  return. If this heuristic discovered the current solution, don't continue.

    // See if to do
    if (!when() || (when() == 1 && model_->phase() != 1))
        return 0; // switched off
    // Don't do if it was this heuristic which found solution!
    if (this == model_->lastHeuristic())
        return 0;
  Load up a new solver with the solution.

  Why continuousSolver(), as opposed to solver()?
    OsiSolverInterface * newSolver = model_->continuousSolver()->clone();
    const double * colLower = newSolver->getColLower();
    //const double * colUpper = newSolver->getColUpper();

    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();
  The net effect here is that anything that hasn't moved from its lower bound
  will be fixed at lower bound.

  See comments in solution() w.r.t. asymmetric treatment of upper and lower

    int i;
    int nFix = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
        int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
        const OsiObject * object = model_->object(i);
        // get original bounds
        double originalLower;
        double originalUpper;
        getIntegerInformation( object, originalLower, originalUpper);
        newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, CoinMax(colLower[iColumn], originalLower));
        if (!used_[iColumn]) {
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, colLower[iColumn]);
  Try a `small' branch-and-bound search. The notion here is that we've fixed a
  lot of variables and reduced the amount of `free' problem to a point where a
  small BaB search will suffice to fully explore the remaining problem. This
  routine will execute integer presolve, then call branchAndBound to do the
  actual search.
    int returnCode = 0;
    printf("Fixing %d out of %d (%d continuous)\n",
           nFix, numberIntegers, newSolver->getNumCols() - numberIntegers);
    if (nFix*10 <= numberIntegers) {
        // see if we can fix more
        int * which = new int [2*(numberIntegers-nFix)];
        int * sort = which + (numberIntegers - nFix);
        int n = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
            int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
            if (used_[iColumn]) {
                which[n] = iColumn;
                sort[n++] = used_[iColumn];
        CoinSort_2(sort, sort + n, which);
        // only half fixed in total
        n = CoinMin(n, numberIntegers / 2 - nFix);
        int allow = CoinMax(numberSolutions_ - 2, sort[0]);
        int nFix2 = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
            if (used_[iColumn] <= allow) {
                newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, colLower[iColumn]);
            } else {
        delete [] which;
        nFix += nFix2;
        printf("Number fixed increased from %d to %d\n",
               nFix - nFix2, nFix);
    if (nFix*10 > numberIntegers) {
        returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver, numberNodes_, newSolution, objectiveValue,
                                         objectiveValue, "CbcHeuristicLocal");
  -2 is return due to user event, and -1 is overloaded with what look to be
  two contradictory meanings.
       if (returnCode < 0) {
            returnCode = 0; // returned on size
            int numberColumns = newSolver->getNumCols();
            int numberContinuous = numberColumns - numberIntegers;
            if (numberContinuous > 2*numberIntegers &&
                    nFix*10 < numberColumns) {
                //const double * colUpper = newSolver->getColUpper();
                const double * colLower = newSolver->getColLower();
                int nAtLb = 0;
                //double sumDj=0.0;
                const double * dj = newSolver->getReducedCost();
                double direction = newSolver->getObjSense();
                for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    if (!newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                        if (!used_[iColumn]) {
                            //double djValue = dj[iColumn]*direction;
                            //sumDj += djValue;
                if (nAtLb) {
                    // fix some continuous
                    double * sort = new double[nAtLb];
                    int * which = new int [nAtLb];
                    //double threshold = CoinMax((0.01*sumDj)/static_cast<double>(nAtLb),1.0e-6);
                    int nFix2 = 0;
                    for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                        if (!newSolver->isInteger(iColumn)) {
                            if (!used_[iColumn]) {
                                double djValue = dj[iColumn] * direction;
                                if (djValue > 1.0e-6) {
                                    sort[nFix2] = -djValue;
                                    which[nFix2++] = iColumn;
                    CoinSort_2(sort, sort + nFix2, which);
                    int divisor = 2;
                    nFix2 = CoinMin(nFix2, (numberColumns - nFix) / divisor);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nFix2; i++) {
                        int iColumn = which[i];
                        newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, colLower[iColumn]);
                    delete [] sort;
                    delete [] which;
                    printf("%d integers have zero value, and %d continuous fixed at lb\n",
                           nFix, nFix2);
                    returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver,
                                                     numberNodes_, newSolution,
                                                     objectiveValue, "CbcHeuristicLocal");
                    if (returnCode < 0)
                        returnCode = 0; // returned on size
  If the result is complete exploration with a solution (3) or proven
  infeasibility (2), we could generate a cut (the AI folks would call it a
  nogood) to prevent us from going down this route in the future.
    if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
        // could add cut
        returnCode &= ~2;

    delete newSolver;
    return returnCode;
Example #13
CbcHeuristicCrossover::solution(double & solutionValue,
                                double * betterSolution)
    if (when_ == 0)
        return 0;
    bool useBest = (numberSolutions_ != model_->getSolutionCount());
    if (!useBest && (when_ % 10) == 1)
        return 0;
    numberSolutions_ = model_->getSolutionCount();
    OsiSolverInterface * continuousSolver = model_->continuousSolver();
    int useNumber = CoinMin(model_->numberSavedSolutions(), useNumber_);
    if (useNumber < 2 || !continuousSolver)
        return 0;
    // Fix later
    if (!useBest)
    double cutoff;
    model_->solver()->getDblParam(OsiDualObjectiveLimit, cutoff);
    double direction = model_->solver()->getObjSense();
    cutoff *= direction;
    cutoff = CoinMin(cutoff, solutionValue);
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = cloneBut(2);
    // But reset bounds
    int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
    // Fixed
    double * fixed = new double [numberColumns];
    for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++)
        fixed[i] = -COIN_DBL_MAX;
    int whichSolution[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < useNumber; i++)
        whichSolution[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < useNumber; i++) {
        int k = whichSolution[i];
        const double * solution = model_->savedSolution(k);
        for (int j = 0; j < numberColumns; j++) {
            if (solver->isInteger(j)) {
                if (fixed[j] == -COIN_DBL_MAX)
                    fixed[j] = floor(solution[j] + 0.5);
                else if (fabs(fixed[j] - solution[j]) > 1.0e-7)
                    fixed[j] = COIN_DBL_MAX;
    const double * colLower = solver->getColLower();
    for (int i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
        if (solver->isInteger(i)) {
            double value = fixed[i];
            if (value != COIN_DBL_MAX) {
                if (when_ < 10) {
                    solver->setColLower(i, value);
                    solver->setColUpper(i, value);
                } else if (value == colLower[i]) {
                    solver->setColUpper(i, value);
    int returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(solver, numberNodes_, betterSolution,
                                         solutionValue, "CbcHeuristicCrossover");
    if (returnCode < 0)
        returnCode = 0; // returned on size
    if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
        // could add cut
        returnCode &= ~2;

    delete solver;
    return returnCode;
Example #14
MibSHeuristic::getBilevelSolution1(const double * sol)

     Find a bilevel feasible solution by solving the LL problem
     for a fixed UL solution, given by the UL portion of sol

  MibSModel * model = MibSModel_;
  OsiSolverInterface * oSolver = model->getSolver();
  OsiSolverInterface * lSolver = new OsiCbcSolverInterface(oSolver);
  //double uObjSense(model->getSolver()->getObjSense());
  double lObjSense(model->getLowerObjSense());  
  int lCols(model->getLowerDim());
  int uCols(model->getUpperDim());
  int * lColIndices = model->getLowerColInd();
  int uRowNum = model->getUpperRowNum();
  int lRowNum = model->getLowerRowNum();
  int * uRowIndices = model->getUpperRowInd();
  int * lRowIndices = model->getLowerRowInd();
  int * uColIndices = model->getUpperColInd();
  double * lObjCoeffs = model->getLowerObjCoeffs();

  int tCols(uCols + lCols); 
  int i(0), index(0);

  /* delete the UL rows */
  lSolver->deleteRows(uRowNum, uRowIndices);

  /* Fix the UL variables to their current value in sol */

  for(i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
    index = uColIndices[i];
    lSolver->setColLower(index, sol[index]);
    lSolver->setColUpper(index, sol[index]);

  /* Set the objective to the LL objective coefficients */

  double * nObjCoeffs = new double[tCols];
  CoinZeroN(nObjCoeffs, tCols);
  for(i = 0; i < lCols; i++){
    index = lColIndices[i];
    nObjCoeffs[index] = lObjCoeffs[i] * lObjSense;

    dynamic_cast<OsiCbcSolverInterface *> 
     dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	(lSolver)->setSymParam("prep_level", -1);
     dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	(lSolver)->setSymParam("verbosity", -2);
     dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	(lSolver)->setSymParam("max_active_nodes", 1);



    double objVal(0.0);

    for(i = 0; i < tCols; i++)
      objVal += lSolver->getColSolution()[i] * oSolver->getObjCoefficients()[i];
    double * colsol = new double[tCols];
    CoinCopyN(lSolver->getColSolution(), tCols, colsol);
    bfSol * bfsol = 
      new bfSol(objVal, colsol);
    delete lSolver;
    return bfsol;
    delete lSolver;
    return NULL;

Example #15
OsiSolverInterface *
MibSBilevel::setUpModel(OsiSolverInterface * oSolver, bool newOsi,
			const double *lpSol)

  /** Create lower-level model with fixed upper-level vars **/

  int probType =

  bool warmStartLL =

  bool doDualFixing =

  std::string feasCheckSolver =

  OsiSolverInterface * nSolver;

  double etol(model_->etol_);
  int i(0), j(0), index1(0), index2(0);
  int uCols(model_->getUpperDim());
  int lRows(model_->getLowerRowNum());
  int lCols(model_->getLowerDim());
  int * uColIndices = model_->getUpperColInd();
  int * lColIndices = model_->getLowerColInd();
  int * lRowIndices = model_->getLowerRowInd();

  double objSense(model_->getLowerObjSense());  
  double * lObjCoeffs = model_->getLowerObjCoeffs();
  const CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = oSolver->getMatrixByRow();
  double coeff(0.0);
  if (!lpSol){
     lpSol = oSolver->getColSolution();   
  const double * origRowLb = model_->getOrigRowLb();
  const double * origRowUb = model_->getOrigRowUb();
  const double * origColLb = model_->getOrigColLb();
  const double * origColUb = model_->getOrigColUb();
  double * rowUb = new double[lRows];
  double * rowLb = new double[lRows];
  double * colUb = new double[lCols];
  double * colLb = new double[lCols];
  //CoinZeroN(rowUb, lRows);
  //CoinZeroN(rowLb, lRows);
  //CoinZeroN(colUb, lCols);
  //CoinZeroN(colLb, lCols);

  /** Set the row bounds **/
  for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
     rowLb[i] = origRowLb[lRowIndices[i]];
     rowUb[i] = origRowUb[lRowIndices[i]];
  for(i = 0; i < lCols; i++){
     colLb[i] = origColLb[lColIndices[i]];
     colUb[i] = origColUb[lColIndices[i]];
  if (newOsi){
     if (feasCheckSolver == "Cbc"){
	nSolver = new OsiCbcSolverInterface();
     }else if (feasCheckSolver == "SYMPHONY"){
	nSolver = new OsiSymSolverInterface();
     }else if (feasCheckSolver == "CPLEX"){
#ifdef USE_CPLEX
	nSolver = new OsiCpxSolverInterface();
	throw CoinError("CPLEX chosen as solver, but it has not been enabled",
			"setUpModel", "MibsBilevel");
	throw CoinError("Unknown solver chosen",
			"setUpModel", "MibsBilevel");
     int * integerVars = new int[lCols];
     double * objCoeffs = new double[lCols];
     CoinFillN(integerVars, lCols, 0);
     //CoinZeroN(objCoeffs, lCols);
     int intCnt(0);
     /** Fill in array of lower-level integer variables **/
     for(i = 0; i < lCols; i++){
	index1 = lColIndices[i];
	   integerVars[intCnt] = i;
     CoinDisjointCopyN(lObjCoeffs, lCols, objCoeffs);
     CoinPackedMatrix * newMat = new CoinPackedMatrix(false, 0, 0);
     newMat->setDimensions(0, lCols);
     double tmp(0.0);
       for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
       CoinPackedVector row;
       index1 = lRowIndices[i];
       start = matStarts[index1];
       end = start + matrix->getVectorSize(index1);
       for(j = start; j < end; j++){
       index2 = matIndices[j];
       //tmp = findIndex(index, lCols, lColIndices);
       tmp = binarySearch(0, lCols - 1, index2, lColIndices);
       if(tmp > -1)
       row.insert(tmp, matElements[j]);
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	CoinPackedVector row;
	index1 = lRowIndices[i];
	for(j = 0; j < lCols; j++){
	   index2 = lColIndices[j];
	   tmp = matrix->getCoefficient(index1, index2);
	   row.insert(j, tmp);

       nSolver->assignProblem(newMat, colLb, colUb,
       objCoeffs, rowLb, rowUb);
     nSolver->loadProblem(*newMat, colLb, colUb,
			  objCoeffs, rowLb, rowUb);
     for(i = 0; i < intCnt; i++){
     //nSolver->setInteger(integerVars, intCnt);
     nSolver->setObjSense(objSense); //1 min; -1 max
     nSolver->setHintParam(OsiDoReducePrint, true, OsiHintDo);

#if 0
	dynamic_cast<OsiCbcSolverInterface *> 
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("prep_level", -1);
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("verbosity", -2);
	dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *> 
	   (nSolver)->setSymParam("max_active_nodes", 1);
     delete [] integerVars;

     nSolver = solver_;


  if (feasCheckSolver == "SYMPHONY" && probType == 1 && warmStartLL &&
      !newOsi && doDualFixing){ //Interdiction

     /** Get upper bound from best known (feasible) lower level solution and try 
	 to fix additional variables by sensitivity analysis **/

     std::vector<std::pair<AlpsKnowledge*, double> > solutionPool;
	getAllKnowledges(AlpsKnowledgeTypeSolution, solutionPool);

     const double * sol; 
     double objval, Ub(objSense*nSolver->getInfinity());
     BlisSolution* blisSol;
     std::vector<std::pair<AlpsKnowledge*, double> >::const_iterator si;
     for (si = solutionPool.begin(); si != solutionPool.end(); ++si){
	blisSol = dynamic_cast<BlisSolution*>(si->first);
	sol = blisSol->getValues();
	for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	   if (lpSol[uColIndices[i]] > 1 - etol &&
	       sol[lColIndices[i]] > 1-etol){
	if (i == uCols && -objSense*blisSol->getQuality() < Ub){
	   Ub = -objSense*blisSol->getQuality();

     /** Figure out which variables get fixed by the upper level solution **/

     int *newUbInd = new int[uCols];
     int *newLbInd = new int[uCols];
     double *newUbVal = new double[uCols];
     double *newLbVal = new double[uCols];
     double newLb;
     for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	newUbInd[i] = uColIndices[i];
	newLbInd[i] = uColIndices[i];
	newLbVal[i] = 0;
	if (lpSol[uColIndices[i]] > 1 - etol){
	   newUbVal[i] = 0;
	   newUbVal[i] = 1;
     /** If we found an upper bound, then do the dual fixing **/

     if (Ub < objSense*nSolver->getInfinity()){
	sym_environment *env = 
	   dynamic_cast<OsiSymSolverInterface *>(nSolver)->getSymphonyEnvironment();

	for (i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	   if (newUbVal[i] == 1){
	      // Try fixing it to zero
	      newUbVal[i] = 0; 
	      sym_get_lb_for_new_rhs(env, 0, NULL, NULL, uCols, newLbInd,
				     newLbVal, uCols, newUbInd, newUbVal,
	      if (objSense*newLb > Ub + etol){
		 //Victory! This variable can be fixed to 1 permanently
		 newLbVal[i] = 1;
	      //Set upper bound back to 1
	      newUbVal[i] = 1;
	      if (newLbVal[i] == 0){
		 // Try fixing it to one
		 newLbVal[i] = 1;
		 sym_get_lb_for_new_rhs(env, 0, NULL, NULL, uCols, newLbInd,
					newLbVal, uCols, newUbInd, newUbVal,
		 if (objSense*newLb > Ub + etol){
		    //Victory! This variable can be fixed to 0 permanently
		    newUbVal[i] = 0;
		 newLbVal[i] = 0;
     /** Now set the row bounds to account for fixings **/
     /** This is probably very frgaile. Assuming interdiction 
	 rows come last. It would be better to set variable 
	 bounds directly, but this doesn't seem to work right now. **/
     int iRowStart = lRows-uCols; 

#if 1
     for(i = iRowStart; i < lRows; i++){
	nSolver->setRowLower(i, newLbVal[i-iRowStart]);
	nSolver->setRowUpper(i, newUbVal[i-iRowStart]);
     for(i = 0; i < uCols; i++){
	nSolver->setColLower(i, newLbVal[i]);
	nSolver->setColUpper(i, newUbVal[i]);
     delete[] newUbInd;
     delete[] newLbInd;
     delete[] newUbVal;
     delete[] newLbVal;
     /** Get contribution of upper-level columns **/
     double * upComp = new double[lRows];
     CoinFillN(upComp, lRows, 0.0);
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	index1 = lRowIndices[i];
	for(j = 0; j < uCols; j++){
	   index2 = uColIndices[j];
	   coeff = matrix->getCoefficient(index1, index2);
	   if (coeff != 0){
	      upComp[i] += coeff * lpSol[index2];
     /** Correct the row bounds to account for fixed upper-level vars **/
     for(i = 0; i < lRows; i++){
	nSolver->setRowLower(i, rowLb[i] - upComp[i]);
	nSolver->setRowUpper(i, rowUb[i] - upComp[i]);
     delete [] upComp;


  //I don't think this is needed
  //  setWarmStart(nSolver->getWarmStart());

  return nSolver;

  First tries setting a variable to better value.  If feasible then
  tries setting others.  If not feasible then tries swaps
  Returns 1 if solution, 0 if not */
CbcHeuristicVND::solution(double & solutionValue,
                          double * betterSolution)
    int returnCode = 0;
    const double * bestSolution = model_->bestSolution();
    if (!bestSolution)
        return 0; // No solution found yet
    printf("Entering heuristic %s - nRuns %d numCould %d when %d\n",
    if (numberSolutions_ < model_->getSolutionCount()) {
        // new solution - add info
        numberSolutions_ = model_->getSolutionCount();

        int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
        const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
            int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
            const OsiObject * object = model_->object(i);
            // get original bounds
            double originalLower;
            double originalUpper;
            getIntegerInformation( object, originalLower, originalUpper);
            double value = bestSolution[iColumn];
            if (value < originalLower) {
                value = originalLower;
            } else if (value > originalUpper) {
                value = originalUpper;
    int numberNodes = model_->getNodeCount();
    if (howOften_ == 100) {
        if (numberNodes < lastNode_ + 12)
            return 0;
        // Do at 50 and 100
        if ((numberNodes > 40 && numberNodes <= 50) || (numberNodes > 90 && numberNodes < 100))
            numberNodes = howOften_;
    if ((numberNodes % howOften_) == 0 && (model_->getCurrentPassNumber() <= 1 ||
                                           model_->getCurrentPassNumber() == 999999)) {
        lastNode_ = model_->getNodeCount();
        OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();

        int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
        const int * integerVariable = model_->integerVariable();

        const double * currentSolution = solver->getColSolution();
        OsiSolverInterface * newSolver = cloneBut(3); // was model_->continuousSolver()->clone();
        //const double * colLower = newSolver->getColLower();
        //const double * colUpper = newSolver->getColUpper();

        double primalTolerance;
        solver->getDblParam(OsiPrimalTolerance, primalTolerance);

        // Sort on distance
        double * distance = new double [numberIntegers];
        int * which = new int [numberIntegers];

        int i;
        int nFix = 0;
        double tolerance = 10.0 * primalTolerance;
        for (i = 0; i < numberIntegers; i++) {
            int iColumn = integerVariable[i];
            const OsiObject * object = model_->object(i);
            // get original bounds
            double originalLower;
            double originalUpper;
            getIntegerInformation( object, originalLower, originalUpper);
            double valueInt = bestSolution[iColumn];
            if (valueInt < originalLower) {
                valueInt = originalLower;
            } else if (valueInt > originalUpper) {
                valueInt = originalUpper;
            baseSolution_[iColumn] = currentSolution[iColumn];
            distance[i] = fabs(currentSolution[iColumn] - valueInt);
            which[i] = i;
            if (fabs(currentSolution[iColumn] - valueInt) < tolerance)
        CoinSort_2(distance, distance + numberIntegers, which);
        nDifferent_ = numberIntegers - nFix;
        stepSize_ = nDifferent_ / 10;
        k_ = stepSize_;
        //nFix = numberIntegers-stepSize_;
        for (i = 0; i < nFix; i++) {
            int j = which[i];
            int iColumn = integerVariable[j];
            const OsiObject * object = model_->object(i);
            // get original bounds
            double originalLower;
            double originalUpper;
            getIntegerInformation( object, originalLower, originalUpper);
            double valueInt = bestSolution[iColumn];
            if (valueInt < originalLower) {
                valueInt = originalLower;
            } else if (valueInt > originalUpper) {
                valueInt = originalUpper;
            double nearest = floor(valueInt + 0.5);
            newSolver->setColLower(iColumn, nearest);
            newSolver->setColUpper(iColumn, nearest);
        delete [] distance;
        delete [] which;
        if (nFix > numberIntegers / 5) {
            //printf("%d integers have samish value\n",nFix);
            returnCode = smallBranchAndBound(newSolver, numberNodes_, betterSolution, solutionValue,
                                             model_->getCutoff(), "CbcHeuristicVND");
            if (returnCode < 0)
                returnCode = 0; // returned on size
            if ((returnCode&1) != 0)
            //printf("return code %d",returnCode);
            if ((returnCode&2) != 0) {
                // could add cut
                returnCode &= ~2;
                //printf("could add cut with %d elements (if all 0-1)\n",nFix);
            } else {
            if ((numberTries_ % 10) == 0 && numberSuccesses_*3 < numberTries_)
                howOften_ += static_cast<int> (howOften_ * decayFactor_);

        delete newSolver;
    return returnCode;
// Returns type
CbcFathomDynamicProgramming::checkPossible(int allowableSize)
    algorithm_ = -1;
    OsiSolverInterface * solver = model_->solver();
    const CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = solver->getMatrixByCol();

    int numberIntegers = model_->numberIntegers();
    int numberColumns = solver->getNumCols();
    size_ = 0;
    if (numberIntegers != numberColumns)
        return -1; // can't do dynamic programming

    const double * lower = solver->getColLower();
    const double * upper = solver->getColUpper();
    const double * rowUpper = solver->getRowUpper();

    int numberRows = model_->getNumRows();
    int i;

    // First check columns to see if possible
    double * rhs = new double [numberRows];
    CoinCopyN(rowUpper, numberRows, rhs);

    // Column copy
    const double * element = matrix->getElements();
    const int * row = matrix->getIndices();
    const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix->getVectorStarts();
    const int * columnLength = matrix->getVectorLengths();
    bool bad = false;
    /* It is just possible that we could say okay as
       variables may get fixed but seems unlikely */
    for (i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
        int j;
        double lowerValue = lower[i];
        assert (lowerValue == floor(lowerValue));
        for (j = columnStart[i];
                j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) {
            int iRow = row[j];
            double value = element[j];
            if (upper[i] > lowerValue && (value <= 0.0 || value != floor(value)))
                bad = true;
            if (lowerValue)
                rhs[iRow] -= lowerValue * value;
    // check possible (at present do not allow covering)
    int numberActive = 0;
    bool infeasible = false;
    bool saveBad = bad;
    for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
        if (rhs[i] < 0)
            infeasible = true;
        else if (rhs[i] > 1.0e5 || fabs(rhs[i] - floor(rhs[i] + 0.5)) > 1.0e-7)
            bad = true;
        else if (rhs[i] > 0.0)
    if (bad || infeasible) {
        delete [] rhs;
        if (!saveBad && infeasible)
            return -2;
            return -1;
    // check size of array needed
    double size = 1.0;
    double check = COIN_INT_MAX;
    for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
        int n = static_cast<int> (floor(rhs[i] + 0.5));
        if (n) {
            n++; // allow for 0,1... n
            if (numberActive != 1) {
                // power of 2
                int iBit = 0;
                int k = n;
                k &= ~1;
                while (k) {
                    k &= ~(1 << iBit);
                // See if exact power
                if (n != (1 << iBit)) {
                    // round up to next power of 2
                    n = 1 << (iBit + 1);
                size *= n;
                if (size >= check)
            } else {
                size = n; // just one constraint
    // set size needed
    if (size >= check)
        size_ = COIN_INT_MAX;
        size_ = static_cast<int> (size);

    int n01 = 0;
    int nbadcoeff = 0;
    // See if we can tighten bounds
    for (i = 0; i < numberColumns; i++) {
        int j;
        double lowerValue = lower[i];
        double gap = upper[i] - lowerValue;
        for (j = columnStart[i];
                j < columnStart[i] + columnLength[i]; j++) {
            int iRow = row[j];
            double value = element[j];
            if (value != 1.0)
            if (gap*value > rhs[iRow] + 1.0e-8)
                gap = rhs[iRow] / value;
        gap = lowerValue + floor(gap + 1.0e-7);
        if (gap < upper[i])
            solver->setColUpper(i, gap);
        if (gap <= 1.0)
    if (allowableSize && size_ <= allowableSize) {
        if (n01 == numberColumns && !nbadcoeff)
            algorithm_ = 0; // easiest
            algorithm_ = 1;
    if (allowableSize && size_ <= allowableSize) {
        numberActive_ = numberActive;
        indices_ = new int [numberActive_];
        cost_ = new double [size_];
        CoinFillN(cost_, size_, COIN_DBL_MAX);
        // but do nothing is okay
        cost_[0] = 0.0;
        back_ = new int[size_];
        CoinFillN(back_, size_, -1);
        startBit_ = new int[numberActive_];
        numberBits_ = new int[numberActive_];
        lookup_ = new int [numberRows];
        rhs_ = new int [numberActive_];
        numberActive = 0;
        int kBit = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
            int n = static_cast<int> (floor(rhs[i] + 0.5));
            if (n) {
                lookup_[i] = numberActive;
                rhs_[numberActive] = n;
                startBit_[numberActive] = kBit;
                n++; // allow for 0,1... n
                int iBit = 0;
                // power of 2
                int k = n;
                k &= ~1;
                while (k) {
                    k &= ~(1 << iBit);
                // See if exact power
                if (n != (1 << iBit)) {
                    // round up to next power of 2
                if (numberActive != 1) {
                    n = 1 << iBit;
                    size *= n;
                    if (size >= check)
                } else {
                    size = n; // just one constraint
                numberBits_[numberActive++] = iBit;
                kBit += iBit;
            } else {
                lookup_[i] = -1;
        const double * rowLower = solver->getRowLower();
        if (algorithm_ == 0) {
            // rhs 1 and coefficients 1
            // Get first possible solution for printing
            target_ = -1;
            int needed = 0;
            int numberActive = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                int newRow = lookup_[i];
                if (newRow >= 0) {
                    if (rowLower[i] == rowUpper[i]) {
                        needed += 1 << numberActive;
            for (i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
                if ((i&needed) == needed) {
            target_ = i;
        } else {
            coefficients_ = new int[numberActive_];
            // If not too many general rhs then we can be more efficient
            numberNonOne_ = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < numberActive_; i++) {
                if (rhs_[i] != 1)
            if (numberNonOne_*2 < numberActive_) {
                // put rhs >1 every second
                int * permute = new int[numberActive_];
                int * temp = new int[numberActive_];
                // try different ways
                int k = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                    int newRow = lookup_[i];
                    if (newRow >= 0 && rhs_[newRow] > 1) {
                        permute[newRow] = k;
                        k += 2;
                // adjust so k points to last
                k -= 2;
                // and now rest
                int k1 = 1;
                for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                    int newRow = lookup_[i];
                    if (newRow >= 0 && rhs_[newRow] == 1) {
                        permute[newRow] = k1;
                        if (k1 <= k)
                for (i = 0; i < numberActive_; i++) {
                    int put = permute[i];
                    temp[put] = rhs_[i];
                memcpy(rhs_, temp, numberActive_*sizeof(int));
                for (i = 0; i < numberActive_; i++) {
                    int put = permute[i];
                    temp[put] = numberBits_[i];
                memcpy(numberBits_, temp, numberActive_*sizeof(int));
                k = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < numberActive_; i++) {
                    startBit_[i] = k;
                    k += numberBits_[i];
                for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                    int newRow = lookup_[i];
                    if (newRow >= 0)
                        lookup_[i] = permute[newRow];
                delete [] permute;
                delete [] temp;
                // mark new method
                algorithm_ = 2;
            // Get first possible solution for printing
            target_ = -1;
            int needed = 0;
            int * lower2 = new int[numberActive_];
            for (i = 0; i < numberRows; i++) {
                int newRow = lookup_[i];
                if (newRow >= 0) {
                    int gap = static_cast<int> (rowUpper[i] - CoinMax(0.0, rowLower[i]));
                    lower2[newRow] = rhs_[newRow] - gap;
                    int numberBits = numberBits_[newRow];
                    int startBit = startBit_[newRow];
                    if (numberBits == 1 && !gap) {
                        needed |= 1 << startBit;
            for (i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
                if ((i&needed) == needed) {
                    // this one may do
                    bool good = true;
                    for (int kk = 0; kk < numberActive_; kk++) {
                        int numberBits = numberBits_[kk];
                        int startBit = startBit_[kk];
                        int size = 1 << numberBits;
                        int start = 1 << startBit;
                        int mask = start * (size - 1);
                        int level = (i & mask) >> startBit;
                        if (level < lower2[kk]) {
                            good = false;
                    if (good) {
            delete [] lower2;
            target_ = i;