void DragAndDrop::dropItem( cUOSocket* socket, cUORxDropItem* packet )
	P_PLAYER pChar = socket->player();

	if ( !pChar )

	// Get the data
	//SERIAL contId = packet->cont();

	Coord_cl dropPos = pChar->pos(); // plane
	dropPos.x = packet->x();
	dropPos.y = packet->y();
	dropPos.z = packet->z();

	// Get possible containers
	P_ITEM pItem = FindItemBySerial( packet->serial() );

	if ( !pItem )

	P_ITEM iCont = FindItemBySerial( packet->cont() );
	P_CHAR cCont = FindCharBySerial( packet->cont() );

	// A completely invalid Drop packet
	if ( !iCont && !cCont && ( dropPos.x == 0xFFFF ) && ( dropPos.y == 0xFFFF ) )
		socket->bounceItem( pItem, BR_NO_REASON );

	float weight = pChar->weight();

	// Item dropped on Ground
	if ( !iCont && !cCont )
		dropOnGround( socket, pItem, dropPos );

	// Item dropped on another item
	else if ( iCont )
		dropOnItem( socket, pItem, iCont, dropPos );

	// Item dropped on char
	else if ( cCont )
		dropOnChar( socket, pItem, cCont );

	// Handle the sound-effect
	if ( pItem->id() == 0xEED )
		pChar->goldSound( pItem->amount() );

	// Update our weight.
	if ( weight != pChar->weight() )