Example #1
void cSpeech::talking( P_PLAYER pChar, const QString &lang, const QString &speech, QValueVector< UINT16 > &keywords, UINT16 color, UINT16 font, UINT8 type ) // PC speech
	// handle things like renaming or describing an item
	if( !pChar->socket() )

	cUOSocket *socket = pChar->socket();

	if( InputSpeech( socket, pChar, speech ) )	

	// not allowed to talk
	if( pChar->isMuted() )
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You re squelched and cannot talk" ) );

	// Check for Bogus Color
	if( !isNormalColor( color ) )
		color = 0x2;

	if( type == 0 || type == 2)
		pChar->setSaycolor( color );

	if( SrvParams->speechLog() )
		QFile lFile( "speech.log" );
		if( lFile.open( IO_Append ) )
			QString logMessage( "[%1] %2: %3 [%4, 0x%5]" );
			logMessage = logMessage.arg( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() ).arg( pChar->name() ).arg( speech ).arg( pChar->account()->login() ).arg( pChar->serial(), 8, 16 );
			lFile.writeBlock( logMessage.latin1(), logMessage.length() );

	if( pChar->onTalk( type, color, font, speech, lang ) )

	if( ( type == 0x09 ) && ( pChar->mayBroadcast() ) )
		pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	pChar->talk( speech, color, type );
	QString speechUpr = speech.upper();
	if( response( socket, pChar, speech, keywords ) )
		return;  // Vendor responded already
	// 0x0007 -> Speech-id for "Guards"
	for( QValueVector< UINT16 >::const_iterator iter = keywords.begin(); iter != keywords.end(); ++iter )
		UINT16 keyword = *iter;

		if( keyword == 0x07 )
	// well,i had a strange problem with duplicate speech input
	// its quite easy to understand....
	// the former loop searched for the tiller man and when it
	// was found, the speechInput method of that boat was called.
	// in this method the tiller had been removed from the mapregion
	// and appended to the end of the cell vector... hence, the
	// tiller was found twice...
	// therefore we produce a QPtrList of cBoat* pointers and 
	// then go through it for applying speech --- sereg
	RegionIterator4Items rj( pChar->pos() );
	QPtrList< cBoat >	pboats;
	for( rj.Begin(); !rj.atEnd(); rj++ )
		P_ITEM pi = rj.GetData();

		if( !pi )

		if( pi->type() == 117 && pi->tags().get( "tiller" ).toInt() == 1 )
			cBoat* pBoat = dynamic_cast< cBoat* >(FindItemBySerial( pi->tags().get("boatserial").toInt() ));
			if( pBoat )
				pboats.append( pBoat );
	QPtrListIterator< cBoat >	pit( pboats );
	while( pit.current() )
		pit.current()->speechInput( socket, speechUpr );

	// this makes it so npcs do not respond to isDead people - HEALERS ??
	if( pChar->isDead() )
/*	P_CHAR pc = NULL; ???
	P_CHAR pNpc = NULL;
	RegionIterator4Chars ri( pChar->pos() );
	for( ri.Begin(); !ri.atEnd(); ri++ )
		pc = ri.GetData();
		if (!pc->isSameAs( pChar ) 
			&& pc->isNpc()
			&& pc->dist( pChar ) <= 2)
			pNpc = pc;
Example #2
void Speech::talking( P_PLAYER pChar, const QString& lang, const QString& speech, QValueVector<Q_UINT16>& keywords, Q_UINT16 color, Q_UINT16 font, Q_UINT8 type ) // PC speech
	// handle things like renaming or describing an item
	if ( !pChar->socket() )

	cUOSocket* socket = pChar->socket();

	if ( InputSpeech( socket, pChar, speech ) )


	// Check for Bogus Color
	if ( !isNormalColor( color ) )
		color = 0x2;

	if ( type == 0 )
		pChar->setSaycolor( color );
	else if ( type == 2 )
		pChar->setEmoteColor( color );

	if ( pChar->onTalk( type, color, font, speech, lang ) )

	if ( ( type == 0x09 ) && ( pChar->mayBroadcast() ) )
		pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	pChar->talk( speech, color, type );

	QString speechUpr = speech.upper();
	if ( response( socket, pChar, speech, keywords ) )
		return;  // Vendor responded already

	// this makes it so npcs do not respond to isDead people - HEALERS ??
	if ( pChar->isDead() )

	// 0x0007 -> Speech-id for "Guards"
	for ( QValueVector<Q_UINT16>::const_iterator iter = keywords.begin(); iter != keywords.end(); ++iter )
		Q_UINT16 keyword = *iter;

		if ( keyword == 0x07 )

	/*	P_CHAR pc = NULL; ???
		P_CHAR pNpc = NULL;
		RegionIterator4Chars ri( pChar->pos() );
		for( ri.Begin(); !ri.atEnd(); ri++ )
			pc = ri.GetData();
			if (!pc->isSameAs( pChar )
				&& pc->isNpc()
				&& pc->dist( pChar ) <= 2)
				pNpc = pc;