  Calculates the amount of Stamina needed for a move of the
  passed character.
bool cMovement::consumeStamina( P_PLAYER pChar, bool running )
	// Dead people and gms don't care about weight
	if ( pChar->isDead() || pChar->isGMorCounselor() )
		return true;

	// Calculate the stones we weight too much
	int overWeight = ( int ) ( pChar->weight() - pChar->maxWeight() );
	bool mounted = pChar->atLayer( cBaseChar::Mount ) != 0;
	bool update = false;

	// We carry too much
	if ( overWeight > 0 )
		// How much stamina we loose
		int amount = 5 + ( overWeight / 25 );

		// Only one third loss if mounted
		if ( mounted )
			amount = amount / 3;

		// Double loss if running
		if ( running )
			amount = amount * 2;

		// Set the new stamina
		pChar->setStamina( wpMax<Q_INT16>( 0, pChar->stamina() - amount ), false );
		update = true;

		// We are overloaded
		if ( pChar->stamina() == 0 )
			pChar->socket()->clilocMessage( 500109 );
			return false;

	// If we have less than 10% stamina left, we loose
	// stamina more quickly
	if ( ( pChar->stamina() * 100 ) / wpMax<ushort>( 1, pChar->maxStamina() ) < 10 )
		pChar->setStamina( wpMax<Q_INT16>( 0, pChar->stamina() - 1 ), false );
		update = true;

	// We can't move anymore because we are exhausted
	if ( pChar->stamina() == 0 )
		pChar->socket()->clilocMessage( 500110 );
		return false;

	// Normally reduce stamina every few steps
	if ( pChar->stepsTaken() % ( mounted ? 48 : 16 ) == 0 )
		pChar->setStamina( wpMax<Q_INT16>( 0, pChar->stamina() - 1 ) );
		update = true;

	if ( update )

	return true;