// Updates "format" with the parameters of the selected configuration. void qt_glformat_from_eglconfig(QGLFormat& format, const EGLConfig config) { EGLint redSize = 0; EGLint greenSize = 0; EGLint blueSize = 0; EGLint alphaSize = 0; EGLint depthSize = 0; EGLint stencilSize = 0; EGLint sampleCount = 0; EGLint level = 0; EGLDisplay display = QEgl::display(); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_RED_SIZE, &redSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, &greenSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, &blueSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &alphaSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &depthSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &stencilSize); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_SAMPLES, &sampleCount); eglGetConfigAttrib(display, config, EGL_LEVEL, &level); format.setRedBufferSize(redSize); format.setGreenBufferSize(greenSize); format.setBlueBufferSize(blueSize); format.setAlphaBufferSize(alphaSize); format.setDepthBufferSize(depthSize); format.setStencilBufferSize(stencilSize); format.setSamples(sampleCount); format.setPlane(level); format.setDirectRendering(true); // All EGL contexts are direct-rendered format.setRgba(true); // EGL doesn't support colour index rendering format.setStereo(false); // EGL doesn't support stereo buffers format.setAccumBufferSize(0); // EGL doesn't support accululation buffers format.setDoubleBuffer(true); // We don't support single buffered EGL contexts // Clear the EGL error state because some of the above may // have errored out because the attribute is not applicable // to the surface type. Such errors don't matter. eglGetError(); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \since 4.8 Returns an OpenGL format for the platform window format specified by \a format. */ QGLFormat QGLFormat::fromPlatformWindowFormat(const QPlatformWindowFormat &format) { QGLFormat retFormat; retFormat.setAccum(format.accum()); if (format.accumBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setAccumBufferSize(format.accumBufferSize()); retFormat.setAlpha(format.alpha()); if (format.alphaBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(format.alphaBufferSize()); if (format.blueBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setBlueBufferSize(format.blueBufferSize()); retFormat.setDepth(format.depth()); if (format.depthBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setDepthBufferSize(format.depthBufferSize()); retFormat.setDirectRendering(format.directRendering()); retFormat.setDoubleBuffer(format.doubleBuffer()); if (format.greenBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setGreenBufferSize(format.greenBufferSize()); if (format.redBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setRedBufferSize(format.redBufferSize()); retFormat.setRgba(format.rgba()); retFormat.setSampleBuffers(format.sampleBuffers()); retFormat.setSamples(format.sampleBuffers()); retFormat.setStencil(format.stencil()); if (format.stencilBufferSize() >= 0) retFormat.setStencilBufferSize(format.stencilBufferSize()); retFormat.setStereo(format.stereo()); retFormat.setSwapInterval(format.swapInterval()); return retFormat; }
GLView * GLView::create( NifSkope * window ) { QGLFormat fmt; static QList<QPointer<GLView> > views; QGLWidget * share = nullptr; for ( const QPointer<GLView>& v : views ) { if ( v ) share = v; } // All new windows after the first window will share a format if ( share ) { fmt = share->format(); } else { fmt.setSampleBuffers( Options::antialias() ); } // OpenGL version fmt.setVersion( 2, 1 ); // Ignored if version < 3.2 //fmt.setProfile(QGLFormat::CoreProfile); // V-Sync fmt.setSwapInterval( 1 ); fmt.setDoubleBuffer( true ); fmt.setSamples( Options::antialias() ? 16 : 0 ); fmt.setDirectRendering( true ); fmt.setRgba( true ); views.append( QPointer<GLView>( new GLView( fmt, window, share ) ) ); return views.last(); }
void GridsPlugin::initDockWidget() { // create and add doc widget _dock_widget = new QDockWidget(QObject::tr("Grid Viewer")); _dock_widget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea); _dock_widget->setObjectName("gridViewerDock"); QGLFormat format; format.setVersion(2, 1); format.setDoubleBuffer(true); format.setDepth(true); format.setRgba(true); format.setAlpha(false); format.setAccum(false); format.setStencil(false); format.setStereo(false); format.setDirectRendering(true); format.setOverlay(false); _viewer = new GridViewer(format); _viewer->setMinimumSize(250, 0); _viewer->setObjectName("gridViewer"); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget(_viewer); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); widget->setLayout(layout); _dock_widget->setWidget(widget); NeuroGui::MainWindow::instance()->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, _dock_widget); // add to view menu NeuroGui::MainWindow::instance()->toolBarsMenu()->addAction(_dock_widget->toggleViewAction()); }
WaveformWidgetFactory::WaveformWidgetFactory() : m_type(WaveformWidgetType::Count_WaveformwidgetType), m_config(0), m_skipRender(false), m_frameRate(30), m_defaultZoom(3), m_zoomSync(false), m_overviewNormalized(false), m_openGLAvailable(false), m_openGLShaderAvailable(false), m_vsyncThread(NULL), m_frameCnt(0), m_actualFrameRate(0) { m_visualGain[All] = 1.5; m_visualGain[Low] = 1.0; m_visualGain[Mid] = 1.0; m_visualGain[High] = 1.0; if (QGLFormat::hasOpenGL()) { QGLFormat glFormat; glFormat.setDirectRendering(true); glFormat.setDoubleBuffer(true); glFormat.setDepth(false); // Disable waiting for vertical Sync // This can be enabled when using a single Threads for each QGLContext // Setting 1 causes QGLContext::swapBuffer to sleep until the next VSync #if defined(__APPLE__) // On OS X, syncing to vsync has good performance FPS-wise and // eliminates tearing. glFormat.setSwapInterval(1); #else // Otherwise, turn VSync off because it could cause horrible FPS on // Linux. // TODO(XXX): Make this configurable. // TOOD(XXX): What should we do on Windows? glFormat.setSwapInterval(0); #endif glFormat.setRgba(true); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat(glFormat); QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags version = QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags(); int majorVersion = 0; int minorVersion = 0; if (version == QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_None) { m_openGLVersion = "None"; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_3_0) { majorVersion = 3; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_1) { majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 1; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_0) { majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 0; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_5) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 5; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_4) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 4; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_3) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 3; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_2) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 2; } else if (version & QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_1) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 1; } if (majorVersion != 0) { m_openGLVersion = QString::number(majorVersion) + "." + QString::number(minorVersion); } m_openGLAvailable = true; QGLWidget* glWidget = new QGLWidget(); // create paint device // QGLShaderProgram::hasOpenGLShaderPrograms(); valgind error m_openGLShaderAvailable = QGLShaderProgram::hasOpenGLShaderPrograms(glWidget->context()); delete glWidget; } evaluateWidgets(); m_time.start(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; const char *resPath = 0; char override_base_file[MAX_STR_LEN] = ""; int override_local_port = 0; char override_remote_host[MAX_STR_LEN] = ""; int override_remote_port = 0; char configfile[MAX_STR_LEN] = "mume.ini"; int default_local_port = 3000; int default_remote_port = 4242; int mud_emulation = 0; #ifdef Q_OS_MACX CFURLRef pluginRef = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); CFStringRef macPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pluginRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); const char *appPath = CFStringGetCStringPtr(macPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); resPath = (char *)malloc(strlen(appPath)+25); strcpy(resPath, appPath); strcat(resPath, "/Contents/Resources/"); char default_base_file[MAX_STR_LEN] = "mume.pmf"; char default_remote_host[MAX_STR_LEN] = ""; strcpy(configfile, "configs/default.conf"); CFRelease(pluginRef); CFRelease(macPath); #else resPath = ""; char default_base_file[MAX_STR_LEN] = "mume.pmf"; char default_remote_host[MAX_STR_LEN] = ""; #endif QApplication::setColorSpec( QApplication::CustomColor ); QApplication app( argc, argv ); QPixmap pixmap("images/logo.png"); QSplashScreen *splash = new QSplashScreen(pixmap); splash->show(); splash->showMessage("Loading configuration and database..."); for (i=1; i < argc; i++) { if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--config") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0)) { if (i == argc) { printf("Too few arguments. Missing config file name.\r\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } i++; strcpy(configfile, argv[i]); resPath = ""; // obviously the user has an own config file - including the path } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--emulate") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0)) { printf("Pandora: Starting in MUD emulation mode.\r\n"); mud_emulation = 1; } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--base") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0)) { if (i == argc) { printf("Too few arguments. Missing database.\r\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } i++; strcpy(override_base_file, argv[i]); // overriding the database file is possible even with default config file } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--hostname") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-hn") == 0)) { if (i == argc) { printf("Too few arguments. Wrong hostname given.\r\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } i++; strcpy(override_remote_host, argv[i]); } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--localport") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-lp") == 0)) { if (i == argc) { printf("Too few arguments. Missing localport.\r\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } i++; override_local_port = atoi(argv[i]); } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--remoteport") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-rp") == 0)) { if (i == argc) { printf("Too few arguments. Missing targetport.\r\n"); print_usage(); exit(1); } i++; override_remote_port = atoi(argv[i]); } if ((strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) || ( strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)) { print_usage(); exit(1); } } /* set analyzer engine defaults */ //engine_init(); splash->showMessage(QString("Loading the configuration ") + configfile); conf = new Cconfigurator(); conf->loadConfig(resPath, configfile); print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "starting up..."); if (override_base_file[0] != 0) { conf->setBaseFile(override_base_file); } else if ( conf->getBaseFile() == "") { conf->setBaseFile(default_base_file); } print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Using database file : %s.", (const char*) conf->getBaseFile() ); if (override_remote_host[0] != 0) { conf->setRemoteHost(override_remote_host); } else if ( conf->getRemoteHost().isEmpty() ) { conf->setRemoteHost(default_remote_host); } print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Using target hostname : %s.", (const char*) conf->getRemoteHost() ); if (override_local_port != 0) { conf->setLocalPort(override_local_port); } else if ( conf->getLocalPort() == 0) { conf->setLocalPort(default_local_port); } print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Using local port : %i.", conf->getLocalPort()); if (override_remote_port != 0) { conf->setRemotePort(override_remote_port); } else if (conf->getRemotePort() == 0) { conf->setRemotePort(default_remote_port); } print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Using target port : %i.", conf->getRemotePort()); conf->setConfigModified( false ); splash->showMessage("Starting Analyzer and Proxy..."); engine = new CEngine(new CRoomManager()); proxy = new Proxy(); /* special init for the mud emulation */ if (mud_emulation) { print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Starting in MUD emulation mode..."); engine->initEmulationMode(); } proxy->setMudEmulation( mud_emulation ); print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM, "Starting renderer ...\n"); if ( !QGLFormat::hasOpenGL() ) { qWarning( "This system has no OpenGL support. Quiting." ); return -1; } QRect rect = app.desktop()->availableGeometry(-1); if (conf->getWindowRect().x() == 0 || conf->getWindowRect().x() >= rect.width() || conf->getWindowRect().y() >= rect.height() ) { print_debug(DEBUG_SYSTEM && DEBUG_INTERFACE, "Autosettings for window size and position"); int x, y, height, width; x = rect.width() / 3 * 2; y = 0; height = rect.height() / 3; width = rect.width() - x; conf->setWindowRect( x, y, width, height); } QGLFormat f = QGLFormat::defaultFormat(); f.setDoubleBuffer( true ); f.setDirectRendering( true ); f.setRgba( true ); f.setDepth( true ); f.setAlpha( true ); if (conf->getMultisampling()) f.setSampleBuffers( true ); //f.setSamples(4); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat( f ); renderer_window = new CMainWindow; renderer_window->show(); splash->finish(renderer_window); delete splash; proxy->start(); QObject::connect(proxy, SIGNAL(startEngine()), engine, SLOT(slotRunEngine()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); QObject::connect(proxy, SIGNAL(startRenderer()), renderer_window->renderer, SLOT(display()), Qt::QueuedConnection); // this will be done via mainwindow itself //userland_parser->parse_user_input_line("mload"); return app.exec(); }
void System::initializeGL() { // We will destroy and rebuild it with the chosen OpenGL format in the end, but we need to have a valid current OpenGL // context for calling some of the methods below. //sharedWidget = new QGLWidget; //sharedWidget->makeCurrent(); struct _GLVersion { unsigned int majorVer; unsigned int minorVer; }; // Array of all the OpenGL versions that gtatools-gui might work with. We will try to build a context with the first entry // in this array, and if that fails, we go on trying the next one and so on. _GLVersion glVersionsToTry[] = { { 4, 3 }, { 4, 2 }, { 4, 1 }, { 4, 0 }, { 3, 3 }, { 3, 2 }, { 3, 1 }, { 3, 0 } }; QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags vflags = QGLFormat::openGLVersionFlags(); QGLFormat defaultGlFormat; defaultGlFormat.setDoubleBuffer(true); defaultGlFormat.setDirectRendering(true); defaultGlFormat.setDepth(true); defaultGlFormat.setAlpha(true); // NOTE: This line is VERY important. GLEW (tested with version 1.11) does not work with OpenGL 3.2+ Core Contexts, // apparently because it calls glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), which is deprecated and therefore returns an error on the // Core profile, which makes GLEW fail at basically everything. // This issue is described in http://www.opengl.org/wiki/OpenGL_Loading_Library. Quote: // // "GLEW has a problem with core contexts. It calls glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), which causes GL_INVALID_ENUM on GL // 3.2+ core context as soon as glewInit() is called. It also doesn't fetch the function pointers. The solution // is for GLEW to use glGetStringi instead. The current version of GLEW is 1.10.0 but they still haven't corrected // it. The only fix is to use glewExperimental for now" // // Instead of using glewExperimental, we simply use the compatibility profile (which is probably a good idea in general, // god knows how many "deprecated" (-> compatibility!) features I use in libgta that might fail with a core context... defaultGlFormat.setProfile(QGLFormat::CompatibilityProfile); int majorVer = 0; int minorVer = 0; bool foundMatching = false; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof(glVersionsToTry)/sizeof(_GLVersion) ; i++) { _GLVersion ver = glVersionsToTry[i]; defaultGlFormat.setVersion(ver.majorVer, ver.minorVer); sharedWidget = new QGLWidget(defaultGlFormat); sharedWidget->makeCurrent(); majorVer = sharedWidget->format().majorVersion(); minorVer = sharedWidget->format().minorVersion(); if (majorVer > ver.majorVer || (majorVer == ver.majorVer && minorVer >= ver.minorVer)) { foundMatching = true; break; } else { delete sharedWidget; } } if (!foundMatching) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OpenGL >= 3.0 seems to be unsupported on the system. gtatools-gui will need at least OpenGL " "3.0 to work correctly!\n"); } printf("Using OpenGL version %d.%d\n", majorVer, minorVer); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat(defaultGlFormat); }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { qRegisterMetaType<medDataIndex>("medDataIndex"); // this needs to be done before creating the QApplication object, as per the // Qt doc, otherwise there are some edge cases where the style is not fully applied QApplication::setStyle("plastique"); medApplication application(argc,argv); medSplashScreen splash(QPixmap(":/pixmaps/medInria-splash.png")); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); if (dtkApplicationArgumentsContain(&application, "-h") || dtkApplicationArgumentsContain(&application, "--help")) { qDebug() << "Usage: medInria [--fullscreen|--no-fullscreen] [--stereo] " #ifdef ACTIVATE_WALL_OPTION "[--wall] [--tracker=URL] " #endif "[--view] [files]]"; return 1; } // Do not show the splash screen in debug builds because it hogs the // foreground, hiding all other windows. This makes debugging the startup // operations difficult. #if !defined(_DEBUG) bool show_splash = true; #else bool show_splash = false; #endif medSettingsManager* mnger = medSettingsManager::instance(); QStringList posargs; for (int i=1;i<application.argc();++i) { const QString arg = application.argv()[i]; if (arg.startsWith("--")) { bool valid_option = false; const QStringList options = (QStringList() << "--fullscreen" << "--no-fullscreen" << "--wall" << "--tracker" << "--stereo" << "--view"); for (QStringList::const_iterator opt=options.constBegin();opt!=options.constEnd();++opt) if (arg.startsWith(*opt)) valid_option = true; if (!valid_option) { qDebug() << "Ignoring unknown option " << arg; } continue; } posargs.append(arg); } const bool DirectView = dtkApplicationArgumentsContain(&application,"--view") || posargs.size()!=0; int runningMedInria = 0; if (DirectView) { show_splash = false; for (QStringList::const_iterator i=posargs.constBegin();i!=posargs.constEnd();++i) { const QString& message = QString("/open ")+*i; runningMedInria = application.sendMessage(message); } } else { runningMedInria = application.sendMessage(""); } if (runningMedInria) return 0; if (show_splash) { QObject::connect(medDatabaseController::instance().data(), SIGNAL(copyMessage(QString,int,QColor)), &splash,SLOT(showMessage(QString,int, QColor))); application.setMsgColor(Qt::white); application.setMsgAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); QObject::connect(medPluginManager::instance(),SIGNAL(loadError(const QString&)), &application,SLOT(redirectMessageToSplash(const QString&)) ); QObject::connect(medPluginManager::instance(),SIGNAL(loaded(QString)), &application,SLOT(redirectMessageToSplash(QString)) ); QObject::connect(&application,SIGNAL(showMessage(const QString&, int, const QColor&)), &splash,SLOT(showMessage(const QString&, int, const QColor&)) ); splash.show(); splash.showMessage("Loading plugins...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom,Qt::white); } // DATABASE INITIALISATION. // First compare the current with the new data location QString currentLocation = medStorage::dataLocation(); // If the user configured a new location for the database in the settings editor, we'll need to move it QString newLocation = mnger->value("medDatabaseSettingsWidget", "new_database_location").toString(); if (!newLocation.isEmpty()) { // If the locations are different we need to move the db to the new location if (currentLocation.compare(newLocation)!=0) { if (!medDatabaseController::instance()->moveDatabase(newLocation)) { qDebug() << "Failed to move the database from " << currentLocation << " to " << newLocation; // The new location is invalid so set it to zero newLocation = ""; } mnger->setValue("medDatabaseSettingsWidget", "actual_database_location",newLocation); // We need to reset the new Location to prevent doing it all the time mnger->setValue("medDatabaseSettingsWidget", "new_database_location",""); } } // END OF DATABASE INITIALISATION medPluginManager::instance()->initialize(); medMainWindow mainwindow; if (DirectView) mainwindow.setStartup(medMainWindow::WorkSpace,posargs); forceShow(mainwindow); bool fullScreen = medSettingsManager::instance()->value("startup", "fullscreen", false).toBool(); const bool hasFullScreenArg = application.arguments().contains("--fullscreen"); const bool hasNoFullScreenArg = application.arguments().contains("--no-fullscreen"); const bool hasWallArg = application.arguments().contains("--wall"); const int conflict = static_cast<int>(hasFullScreenArg)+static_cast<int>(hasNoFullScreenArg)+ static_cast<int>(hasWallArg); if (conflict>1) dtkWarn() << "Conflicting command line parameters between --fullscreen, --no-fullscreen and -wall. Ignoring."; else { if (hasWallArg) { mainwindow.setWallScreen(true); fullScreen = false; } if (hasFullScreenArg) fullScreen = true; if (hasNoFullScreenArg) fullScreen = false; } mainwindow.setFullScreen(fullScreen); if(application.arguments().contains("--stereo")) { QGLFormat format; format.setAlpha(true); format.setDoubleBuffer(true); format.setStereo(true); format.setDirectRendering(true); QGLFormat::setDefaultFormat(format); } if (show_splash) splash.finish(&mainwindow); if (medPluginManager::instance()->plugins().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(&mainwindow, QObject::tr("No plugin loaded"), QObject::tr("Warning : no plugin loaded successfully.")); } // Handle signals for multiple medInria instances. QObject::connect(&application,SIGNAL(messageReceived(const QString&)), &mainwindow,SLOT(onNewInstance(const QString&))); application.setActivationWindow(&mainwindow); application.setMainWindow(&mainwindow); // Start main loop. const int status = application.exec(); medPluginManager::instance()->uninitialize(); return status; }