Example #1
void MemSpectrum::flatten(Spectrum * spec, const Rotation & rot)
	assert( spec );
	assert( spec->getDimCount() == rot.size() );
	assert( rot.size() > 2 );
	const int cx = spec->getScale( rot[ DimX ] ).getSampleCount();
	const int cy = spec->getScale( rot[ DimY ] ).getSampleCount();
	int x,y;
	Rotation cut( rot.size() - 2 );
	Dimension d;
	for( d = 0; d < cut.size(); d++ )
		cut[ d ] = rot[ d + 2 ];
	Root::Cube cube( rot.size() );
	int c;
	for( d = DimZ; d < rot.size(); d++ )
		c = spec->getScale( rot[ d ] ).getSampleCount();
		cube[ rot[ d ] ].first = 0;
		cube[ rot[ d ] ].second = c - 1;

	Buffer buf;
	for( x = 0; x < cx; x++ )
		cube[ rot[ DimX ] ].first = cube[ rot[ DimX ] ].second = x;
		for( y = 0; y < cy; y++ )
			cube[ rot[ DimY ] ].first = cube[ rot[ DimY ] ].second = y;
			spec->fillBuffer( buf, cut, cube );
			d_buf.setAt( x, y, buf.calcMean() );
Example #2
inline void peakToView2( const T& peak, T& view, const Rotation& r, int dim, const PeakPos& o )
	for( int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++ )
		if( r[ i ] < dim )
			view[ i ] = peak[ r[ i ] ];
			view[ i ] = o[ r[ i ] ];
Example #3
Rotation Spectrum::getTypeMapping(bool inverted) const
    if( inverted )
        Rotation rot;
        rot.assign( getType()->getDimCount(), DimUndefined );
        for( int d = 0; d < rot.size(); d++ )
            rot[mapToType( d )] = d;
        return rot;
        Rotation rot( getDimCount() );
        for( int d = 0; d < rot.size(); d++ )
            rot[d] = mapToType( d );
        return rot;
Example #4
bool RotateDlg::rotate(Rotation & map)
	Dimension dim = map.size();
    assert( dim == int(d_labels.size()) );
	d_buttons.resize( Extension( dim, dim ) );
	const int ncol = 2;
    const int nrow = (d_editAtomType)?3:2;
	d_cbs.assign( dim, 0 );

	QVBoxLayout* top = new QVBoxLayout(this);
	top->setMargin( 10 );
	QGridLayout* contents = new QGridLayout();
	QHBoxLayout* buttons = new QHBoxLayout();

    QLabel* l = new QLabel( d_colLabel.data(), this );
	l->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter );
	l->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel );
	l->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
	contents->addWidget( l, 0, 2, 1, dim + 1 - 2 + 1 );

    l = new QLabel( d_rowLabel.data(), this );
	l->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter );
	l->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel );
	l->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
	contents->addWidget( l, nrow, 0, dim, 1 );

	Dimension row;
	for( row = 0; row < dim; row++ )
		QString str;

        // Set row headers
        if( !d_labels[ row ].first.isEmpty() )
            str.sprintf( "Dim. %s: %s", (d_dimLetter)?getDimLetter(row):getDimSymbol(row), d_labels[ row ].first.data() );
            str.sprintf( "Dim. %s", (d_dimLetter)?getDimLetter(row):getDimSymbol(row) );
		l = new QLabel( str, this );
		l->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter );
		l->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel );
		l->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
		contents->addWidget( l, 1, row + ncol ); 

        // Set column headers
        if( !d_labels[ row ].second.isEmpty() )
            str.sprintf( "Dim. %s: %s", (d_dimLetter)?getDimLetter(row):getDimSymbol(row), d_labels[ row ].second.data() );
            str.sprintf( "Dim. %s", (d_dimLetter)?getDimLetter(row):getDimSymbol(row) );
        l = new QLabel( str, this );
		l->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter );
		l->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel );
		l->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
		contents->addWidget( l, row + nrow, 1 );

        if( d_editAtomType )
			d_cbs[ row ] = new QComboBox( this );
			for( int i = AtomType::None; i <= AtomType::Lr; i++ )
				d_cbs[ row ]->addItem( AtomType::s_labels[ i ] );
			d_cbs[ row ]->setCurrentIndex( d_clr[ row ].getIsoType() );
			contents->addWidget( d_cbs[ row ], nrow - 1, row + ncol );
		for( Dimension col = 0; col < dim; col++ )
			QRadioButton* b = new QRadioButton( this );
			b->setAutoExclusive( false );
			//b->setToggleButton( true );
			contents->addWidget( b, row + nrow, col + ncol, Qt::AlignHCenter ); 
			d_buttons.setAt( row, col, b );
			connect( b, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( toggled(bool) ) );
	// Toggle erst zuletzt, da vorher noch nicht alle Buttons existieren.
	for( row = 0; row < dim; row++ )
		for( Dimension col = 0; col < dim; col++ )
			if( map[ row ] == col )
				d_buttons.getAt( row, col )->setChecked( true );

	QPushButton* ok = new QPushButton( "&OK", this );
	connect( ok, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( accept() ) );
	buttons->addWidget( ok );
	ok->setDefault( true );

	QPushButton* cancel = new QPushButton( "&Cancel", this );
	connect( cancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( reject() ) );
	buttons->addWidget( cancel );

	top->addLayout( contents );
	top->addLayout( buttons );

	while( true )
		if( exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
			Rotation map2 = map;
			bool clrOk = true;
			for( int row = 0; row < dim; row++ )
				for( int col = 0; col < dim; col++ )
					if( d_buttons.getAt( row, col )->isChecked() )
						map2[ row ] = col;
                if( d_editAtomType )
					d_clr[ row ] = AtomType::Isotope( d_cbs[ row ]->currentIndex() );
					if( d_clr[ row ].isNone() )
						clrOk = false;
			if( !map2.isValid() )
				QMessageBox::critical( this, "Rotate dimensions", 
					"Dimension assignments have to be unique!" );
			}else if( !clrOk )
				QMessageBox::critical( this, "Rotate dimensions", 
					"Atom types must not be empty!" );
				map = map2;
				return true;
			return false;
Example #5
void MemSpectrum::fillBuffer(Buffer & buffer, const Rotation & dims, 
							 const Root::Cube & cube, const Root::Point& ns) const
	Dimension d;
	const Dimension dimCount = cube.size();
	const Dimension tdimCount = dims.size();

	if( tdimCount > dimCount )
		throw Root::Exception( "target dimension out of range" );

	//* Bringe den Buffer auf die nötige Grösse, um Cube darin zu speichern. Setze Skalenausschnitt.
		ScaleVector sv( tdimCount );
		for( d = 0; d < tdimCount; d++ )
			sv[ d ] = Scale( d_buf.getScale( dims[ d ] ).getFreq( cube[ dims[ d ] ].first ), 
				d_buf.getScale( dims[ d ] ).getFreq( cube[ dims[ d ] ].second ), // TODO: +1?
				d_buf.getScale( dims[ d ] ).getColor(),
				d_buf.getScale( dims[ d ] ).getFolding(),
				cube.getCellCount( dims[ d ] ) );
		buffer.resize( sv );

	//* Überführe Cube in normalisierte roi
	Cube roi( dimCount ); // Bereinigt mit first < second
	for( d = 0; d < dimCount; d++ )
		roi[ d ].first = Math::min( cube[ d ].first, cube[ d ].second );
		roi[ d ].second = Math::max( cube[ d ].first, cube[ d ].second );
		if( roi[ d ].first < 0 || roi[ d ].second >= d_buf.getScale( d ).getSampleCount() )
			throw Root::Exception( "region of interest out of spectrum" );

	/* const */ Point flip;		// Target-Achse verläuft parallel oder antiparallel
	/* const */ Point flipOff;	// Arithmetischer Trick um Achse zu drehen
	for( d = 0; d < tdimCount; d++ )
		if( cube[ dims[ d ] ].first > cube[ dims[ d ] ].second )
			flip.push_back( -1 );
			flipOff.push_back( buffer.getExtension()[ d ] - 1 );
			flip.push_back( 1 );
			flipOff.push_back( 0 );
	} // Ab hier flip und flipOff const

	const Point roiFirst = roi.getFirst();
	const Point roiSecond = roi.getSecond();

	Point currentSamp;
	Index pointIndex;
	Index targetIndex;
	Point off;
	off.assign( tdimCount, 0 );

	Point f1; // Faktor für Indexberechnung: 
			  // f1[ 0 ] * f1[ 1 ] * at( 2 ) + at( 1 ) * f1[ 0 ] + at( 0 )
	f1.assign( dimCount, 1 );
	for( d = 1; d < dimCount; d++ )
		f1[ d ] = d_buf.getExtension()[ d - 1 ] * f1[ d - 1 ];
	Point f2;
	f2.assign( tdimCount, 1 );
	for( d = 1; d < tdimCount; d++ )
		f2[ d ] = buffer.getExtension()[ d - 1 ] * f2[ d - 1 ];

	for( d = 0; d < tdimCount; d++ )
		off[ d ] = -roi[ dims[ d ] ].first;

	currentSamp = roiFirst;	
		//* Berechne den seriellen Index von currentSamp relativ zu currentTile.
		pointIndex = 0;
		// Optimierung für currentSamp.getIndex( d_tileSize ):
		for( d = 0; d < dimCount; d++ ) 
			pointIndex += currentSamp[ d ] * f1[ d ];

		targetIndex = 0;
		for( d = 0; d < tdimCount; d++ )  
			targetIndex += f2[ d ] *
				( flip[ d ] * ( off[ d ] + currentSamp[ dims[ d ] ] ) + flipOff[ d ] );
				// flip und flipOff drehen die Achse falls verlangt

		buffer.setAt( targetIndex, d_buf.getAt( pointIndex ) ); 
		// Increment Counter
	}while( increment( currentSamp, roiFirst, roiSecond ) );
Example #6
inline void viewToPeak( const T& view, T& peak, const Rotation& r )
	for( int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++ )
		peak[ r[ i ] ] = view[ i ];
Example #7
inline void peakToView( const T& peak, T& view, const Rotation& r )
	for( int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++ )
		view[ i ] = peak[ r[ i ] ];