Ogre::SceneNode* node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); node->setPosition(Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); node->setOrientation(Ogre::Quaternion(0.707, 0.0, 0.0, 0.707));
Ogre::SceneNode* node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(); node->setPosition(Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); node->setOrientation(Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Degree(90), Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y));This code creates a new scene node and sets its position to the origin. Then it sets the orientation of the node to a quaternion representing a 90-degree rotation around the y-axis. cpp ogre is a package library for creating real-time, high-performance graphics applications. It is an open-source project built on top of the Ogre3D graphics engine.