void ObservationGenerator::generateGroundTruthObservations(){

  for (int i = 0; i <= WO_OPPONENT_LAST; i++){
      &cmodel = opponent_mem_->locModels[i - WO_OPPONENT_FIRST],
      &pmodel = opponent_mem_->locModels[i - 1];
    if (team_ == TEAM_BLUE){
      obs_object_->objects_[i].loc = gt_object_->objects_[i].loc;
      obs_object_->objects_[i].orientation = gt_object_->objects_[i].orientation;
      obs_object_->objects_[i].absVel = gt_object_->objects_[i].absVel;
      if (i >= WO_OPPONENT_FIRST){
        // fill in opponent mem
        cmodel.alpha = 1;
        cmodel.X00 = gt_object_->objects_[i].loc.x / 10.0;
        cmodel.X10 = gt_object_->objects_[i].loc.y / 10.0;
        cmodel.P00 = cmodel.P11 = 10.0;
    } else {
      // have to swap players and opponent indices for red team
      if (i == 0){
        obs_object_->objects_[i].loc = -gt_object_->objects_[i].loc;
        obs_object_->objects_[i].orientation = normalizeAngle(gt_object_->objects_[i].orientation + M_PI);
        obs_object_->objects_[i].absVel = -gt_object_->objects_[i].absVel;
      } else if (i <= WO_TEAM_LAST){
        obs_object_->objects_[i+WO_TEAM_LAST].loc = -gt_object_->objects_[i].loc;
        obs_object_->objects_[i+WO_TEAM_LAST].orientation = normalizeAngle(gt_object_->objects_[i].orientation + M_PI);
        obs_object_->objects_[i+WO_TEAM_LAST].absVel = -gt_object_->objects_[i].absVel;
        // fill in opponent mem
        pmodel.alpha = 1.0;
        pmodel.X00 = -gt_object_->objects_[i].loc.x / 10.0;
        pmodel.X10 = -gt_object_->objects_[i].loc.y / 10.0;
        pmodel.P00 = pmodel.P11 = 10.0;
      } else {
        obs_object_->objects_[i-WO_TEAM_LAST].loc = -gt_object_->objects_[i].loc;
        obs_object_->objects_[i-WO_TEAM_LAST].orientation = normalizeAngle(gt_object_->objects_[i].orientation + M_PI);
        obs_object_->objects_[i-WO_TEAM_LAST].absVel = -gt_object_->objects_[i].absVel;
  } // copy all players and ball into our memory

  WorldObject* oball = &(obs_object_->objects_[WO_BALL]);
  WorldObject* orobot = &(obs_object_->objects_[player_]);
  auto gtball = gt_object_->objects_[WO_BALL];
  auto gtrobot = gt_object_->objects_[player_];
  if(team_ == TEAM_RED) {
    gtrobot.loc *= -1;
    gtrobot.orientation = normalizeAngle(gtrobot.orientation + M_PI);
    gtball.loc *= -1;
    gtball.orientation = normalizeAngle(gtball.orientation + M_PI);
    gtball.absVel *= -1;
  orobot->sdOrientation = 25.0*DEG_T_RAD;

  // update ball relative velocity from absolute
  // have to make a copy first because rotate rotates the actual point
  oball->relVel = gtball.absVel;

  oball->relPos = gtball.loc;
  oball->relPos = oball->relPos.globalToRelative(gtrobot.loc, gtrobot.orientation);

  oball->relOrientation = gtrobot.loc.getBearingTo(gtball.loc, gtrobot.orientation);
  oball->sd.x = oball->sd.y = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WORLD_OBJS; i++){
    if (i == WO_ROBOT_CLUSTER)
    WorldObject* wo = &(obs_object_->objects_[i]);
    WorldObject* gto = &gt_object_->objects_[i];
    // calculate distance and bearing to each object
    wo->distance = gtrobot.loc.getDistanceTo(obs_object_->objects_[i].loc);
    wo->bearing = gtrobot.loc.getBearingTo(obs_object_->objects_[i].loc,

    // decide if seen depending on pan
    if (fabs(joint_->values_[HeadPan] - wo->bearing) < FOVx/2.0){
      if(wo->isUnknown()) continue;
      gto->seen = wo->seen = true;
      gto->frameLastSeen = wo->frameLastSeen = frame_info_->frame_id;
      float diff = joint_->values_[HeadPan] - wo->bearing;
      wo->imageCenterX = iparams_.width/2.0 + (diff / (FOVx/2.0) * iparams_.width/2.0);
      wo->imageCenterY = iparams_.height/2.0;
      gto->visionDistance = wo->visionDistance = wo->distance;
      gto->visionBearing = wo->visionBearing = wo->bearing;
    } else gto->seen = wo->seen = false;