Пример #1
void GraphicsWindowQt::qglFormat2traits( const QGLFormat& format, osg::GraphicsContext::Traits* traits )
    traits->red = format.redBufferSize();
    traits->green = format.greenBufferSize();
    traits->blue = format.blueBufferSize();
    traits->alpha = format.alpha() ? format.alphaBufferSize() : 0;
    traits->depth = format.depth() ? format.depthBufferSize() : 0;
    traits->stencil = format.stencil() ? format.stencilBufferSize() : 0;

    traits->sampleBuffers = format.sampleBuffers() ? 1 : 0;
    traits->samples = format.samples();

    traits->quadBufferStereo = format.stereo();
    traits->doubleBuffer = format.doubleBuffer();

    traits->vsync = format.swapInterval() >= 1;
Пример #2
string glinfo::
        pretty_format(const QGLFormat& f)
    QGLFormat::OpenGLVersionFlags flag = f.openGLVersionFlags();

    stringstream s;
    s << "accum=" << f.accum() << endl
      << "accumBufferSize=" << f.accumBufferSize() << endl
      << "alpha=" << f.alpha() << endl
      << "alphaBufferSize=" << f.alphaBufferSize() << endl
      << "blueBufferSize=" << f.blueBufferSize() << endl
      << "depth=" << f.depth() << endl
      << "depthBufferSize=" << f.depthBufferSize() << endl
      << "directRendering=" << f.directRendering() << endl
      << "doubleBuffer=" << f.doubleBuffer() << endl
      << "greenBufferSize=" << f.greenBufferSize() << endl
      << "hasOverlay=" << f.hasOverlay() << endl
      << "redBufferSize=" << f.redBufferSize() << endl
      << "rgba=" << f.rgba() << endl
      << "sampleBuffers=" << f.sampleBuffers() << endl
      << "samples=" << f.samples() << endl
      << "stencil=" << f.stencil() << endl
      << "stencilBufferSize=" << f.stencilBufferSize() << endl
      << "stereo=" << f.stereo() << endl
      << "swapInterval=" << f.swapInterval() << endl
      << "" << endl
      << "hasOpenGL=" << f.hasOpenGL() << endl
      << "hasOpenGLOverlays=" << f.hasOpenGLOverlays() << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_None=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_None == flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_1_1=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_1 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_1_2=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_2 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_1_3=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_3 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_1_4=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_4 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_1_5=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_1_5 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_2_0=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_0 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_2_1=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_2_1 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_Version_3_0=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_Version_3_0 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_ES_CommonLite_Version_1_0=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_ES_CommonLite_Version_1_0 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_ES_Common_Version_1_0=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_ES_Common_Version_1_0 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_ES_CommonLite_Version_1_1=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_ES_CommonLite_Version_1_1 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_ES_Common_Version_1_1=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_ES_Common_Version_1_1 & flag) << endl
      << "OpenGL_ES_Version_2_0=" << (QGLFormat::OpenGL_ES_Version_2_0 & flag) << endl;

    return s.str();
Пример #3
// static
void SharedGLContext::setWidget(const QGLWidget* pWidget) {
    s_pSharedGLWidget = pWidget;
    qDebug() << "Set root GL Context widget valid:"
             << pWidget << (pWidget && pWidget->isValid());
    const QGLContext* pContext = pWidget->context();
    qDebug() << "Created root GL Context valid:" << pContext
             << (pContext && pContext->isValid());
    if (pWidget) {
        QGLFormat format = pWidget->format();
        qDebug() << "Root GL Context format:";
        qDebug() << "Double Buffering:" << format.doubleBuffer();
        qDebug() << "Swap interval:" << format.swapInterval();
        qDebug() << "Depth buffer:" << format.depth();
        qDebug() << "Direct rendering:" << format.directRendering();
        qDebug() << "Has overlay:" << format.hasOverlay();
        qDebug() << "RGBA:" << format.rgba();
        qDebug() << "Sample buffers:" << format.sampleBuffers();
        qDebug() << "Samples:" << format.samples();
        qDebug() << "Stencil buffers:" << format.stencil();
        qDebug() << "Stereo:" << format.stereo();
Пример #4
void qt_eglproperties_set_glformat(QEglProperties& eglProperties, const QGLFormat& glFormat)
    int redSize     = glFormat.redBufferSize();
    int greenSize   = glFormat.greenBufferSize();
    int blueSize    = glFormat.blueBufferSize();
    int alphaSize   = glFormat.alphaBufferSize();
    int depthSize   = glFormat.depthBufferSize();
    int stencilSize = glFormat.stencilBufferSize();
    int sampleCount = glFormat.samples();

    bool prefer32Bit = false;
    // on Symbian we prefer 32-bit configs, unless we're using the low memory GPU
    prefer32Bit = !QSymbianGraphicsSystemEx::hasBCM2727();

    if (prefer32Bit) {
        if (glFormat.alpha() && alphaSize <= 0)
            alphaSize = 8;
        if (glFormat.depth() && depthSize <= 0)
            depthSize = 24;
        if (glFormat.stencil() && stencilSize <= 0)
            stencilSize = 8;
        if (glFormat.sampleBuffers() && sampleCount <= 0)
            sampleCount = 1;

        redSize   = redSize   > 0 ? redSize   : 8;
        greenSize = greenSize > 0 ? greenSize : 8;
        blueSize  = blueSize  > 0 ? blueSize  : 8;
        alphaSize = alphaSize > 0 ? alphaSize : 8;
        depthSize = depthSize > 0 ? depthSize : 24;
        stencilSize = stencilSize > 0 ? stencilSize : 8;
        sampleCount = sampleCount >= 0 ? sampleCount : 4;
    } else {
        // QGLFormat uses a magic value of -1 to indicate "don't care", even when a buffer of that
        // type has been requested. So we must check QGLFormat's booleans too if size is -1:
        if (glFormat.alpha() && alphaSize <= 0)
            alphaSize = 1;
        if (glFormat.depth() && depthSize <= 0)
            depthSize = 1;
        if (glFormat.stencil() && stencilSize <= 0)
            stencilSize = 1;
        if (glFormat.sampleBuffers() && sampleCount <= 0)
            sampleCount = 1;

        // We want to make sure 16-bit configs are chosen over 32-bit configs as they will provide
        // the best performance. The EGL config selection algorithm is a bit stange in this regard:
        // The selection criteria for EGL_BUFFER_SIZE is "AtLeast", so we can't use it to discard
        // 32-bit configs completely from the selection. So it then comes to the sorting algorithm.
        // The red/green/blue sizes have a sort priority of 3, so they are sorted by first. The sort
        // order is special and described as "by larger _total_ number of color bits.". So EGL will
        // put 32-bit configs in the list before the 16-bit configs. However, the spec also goes on
        // to say "If the requested number of bits in attrib_list for a particular component is 0,
        // then the number of bits for that component is not considered". This part of the spec also
        // seems to imply that setting the red/green/blue bits to zero means none of the components
        // are considered and EGL disregards the entire sorting rule. It then looks to the next
        // highest priority rule, which is EGL_BUFFER_SIZE. Despite the selection criteria being
        // "AtLeast" for EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, it's sort order is "smaller" meaning 16-bit configs are
        // put in the list before 32-bit configs. So, to make sure 16-bit is preffered over 32-bit,
        // we must set the red/green/blue sizes to zero. This has an unfortunate consequence that
        // if the application sets the red/green/blue size to 5/6/5 on the QGLFormat, they will
        // probably get a 32-bit config, even when there's an RGB565 config available. Oh well.

        // Now normalize the values so -1 becomes 0
        redSize   = redSize   > 0 ? redSize   : 0;
        greenSize = greenSize > 0 ? greenSize : 0;
        blueSize  = blueSize  > 0 ? blueSize  : 0;
        alphaSize = alphaSize > 0 ? alphaSize : 0;
        depthSize = depthSize > 0 ? depthSize : 0;
        stencilSize = stencilSize > 0 ? stencilSize : 0;
        sampleCount = sampleCount > 0 ? sampleCount : 0;

    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_RED_SIZE,   redSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_GREEN_SIZE, greenSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_BLUE_SIZE,  blueSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, alphaSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, depthSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, stencilSize);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_SAMPLES, sampleCount);
    eglProperties.setValue(EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, sampleCount ? 1 : 0);
Пример #5
static void qt_format_to_attrib_list(bool has_render_texture, const QGLFormat &f, int attribs[])
    int i = 0;
    attribs[i++] = WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB;
    attribs[i++] = TRUE;
    attribs[i++] = WGL_DRAW_TO_PBUFFER_ARB;
    attribs[i++] = TRUE;

    if (has_render_texture) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RGBA_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = TRUE;

    attribs[i++] = WGL_COLOR_BITS_ARB;
    attribs[i++] = 32;
    attribs[i++] = WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB;
    attribs[i++] = FALSE;

    if (f.stereo()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_STEREO_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = TRUE;
    if (f.depth()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_DEPTH_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.depthBufferSize() == -1 ? 24 : f.depthBufferSize();
    if (f.redBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_RED_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.redBufferSize();
    if (f.greenBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_GREEN_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.greenBufferSize();
    if (f.blueBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_BLUE_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.blueBufferSize();
    if (f.alpha()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_ALPHA_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.alphaBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : f.alphaBufferSize();
    if (f.accum()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_ACCUM_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 16 : f.accumBufferSize();
    if (f.stencil()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_STENCIL_BITS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.stencilBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : f.stencilBufferSize();
    if ((f.redBufferSize() > 8 || f.greenBufferSize() > 8
         || f.blueBufferSize() > 8 || f.alphaBufferSize() > 8)
        && (QGLExtensions::glExtensions() & QGLExtensions::NVFloatBuffer))
        attribs[i++] = WGL_FLOAT_COMPONENTS_NV;
        attribs[i++] = TRUE;
    if (f.sampleBuffers()) {
        attribs[i++] = WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = 1;
        attribs[i++] = WGL_SAMPLES_ARB;
        attribs[i++] = f.samples() == -1 ? 16 : f.samples();
    attribs[i] = 0;
Пример #6
AGLPixelFormat QGLContextPrivate::tryFormat(const QGLFormat &format)
    GLint attribs[40], cnt = 0;
    bool device_is_pixmap = (paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap);

    attribs[cnt++] = AGL_RGBA;
    attribs[cnt++] = AGL_BUFFER_SIZE;
    attribs[cnt++] = device_is_pixmap ? static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->depth() : 32;
    attribs[cnt++] = AGL_LEVEL;
    attribs[cnt++] = format.plane();

    if (format.redBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_RED_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.redBufferSize();
    if (format.greenBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_GREEN_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.greenBufferSize();
    if (format.blueBufferSize() != -1) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_BLUE_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.blueBufferSize();
    if (device_is_pixmap) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_PIXEL_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->depth();
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_OFFSCREEN;
        if(!format.alpha()) {
            attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ALPHA_SIZE;
            attribs[cnt++] = 8;
    } else {
            attribs[cnt++] = AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER;

        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_STEREO;
    if(format.alpha()) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ALPHA_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.alphaBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : format.alphaBufferSize();
    if(format.stencil()) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_STENCIL_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.stencilBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : format.stencilBufferSize();
    if(format.depth()) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_DEPTH_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.depthBufferSize() == -1 ? 32 : format.depthBufferSize();
    if(format.accum()) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
    if(format.sampleBuffers()) {
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB;
        attribs[cnt++] = 1;
        attribs[cnt++] = AGL_SAMPLES_ARB;
        attribs[cnt++] = format.samples() == -1 ? 4 : format.samples();

    attribs[cnt] = AGL_NONE;
    Q_ASSERT(cnt < 40);
    return aglChoosePixelFormat(0, 0, attribs);